els-wonderland · 2 months
Ranking Bridgerton Outfits: Season 1 Penelope
Photo credits to Tv Costumes on Pinterest!
Penelope's Debut Dress, Episode 1
I love this dress! It's one of the only Penelope dresses this season with the Season 3 fit that doesn't cut the bust in half. The undertones of greenish-yellow on the cream fabric look lovely with her red hair, and the jewelery is understated and elegant for her presentation to the Queen. No notes.
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2. Pink Floral Dress, Episode 2
She looks so fru-fru in the best possible way. The floral embellishments pop here and there without looking garish, and the accessories of her frilled sheer gloves and the flower-and-ribbon headpiece tie everything together so sweetly. Her hair is great too, with the one long ringlet.
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3. Lacy Green Dress, Episode 3
Give Penelope more greens like this! Her hair almost reminds me of 1960s updo, and the diadem and necklace tie in well with the lace overskirt. I love the scallopy pattern of the flowers on the lace, it makes her look a bit mermaid-y!
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4. Pink Feather(ington) Dress, Episode 6
This one is just so delicate and ethereal, the feathered appliques against the pink satin bodice make her look like an angel. Do you see her walking down the hallway, with that pleated skirt flowing behind her? The only thing that doesn't work with this look is the necklace, it's just too harsh for the softness of the other accessories.
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5. Pink Fern Dress, Episode 3
1989 Little Mermaid, take notes. This is how you do red hair with a vibrant shade of pink.
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6. Garden Ballgown, Episode 1
So pretty, almost fairy-like with the sprinkling of little flowers in her hair. Something about the overskirt with the flowers climbing up over the already flowery fabric reminds me of a rambling meadow. I don't even mind the polyester gloves, because at least they match decently well.
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7. Butterfly Ballgown, Episode 1
Is it in your face? Obviously. Is it giving more Art Nouveau than 1813? Yes. But a little campy? Her prettiest yellow dress? Inexplicable how she could blend into a crowd in something like this? Yeh
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8. 'Sunflower' Dress, Episode 3
Probably one of the most historically accurate costumes all season. In certain lights it gets into the nauseating yellow green that I hate on Pen, and the pink gloves are heinous, but I give love the froofy like gathered sleeves, the lower cut of the bust, and the details of the train.
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9. Regency Barbie, Episode 7
Nicola Coughlan and the costume designers really predicted Diplomat Babrie all the way back in 2020. The little band of posies around the bust really makes this look for me, thought I could do without the big chunky necklace. Portia definitely picked that out for her.
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10. Yellow Walking Dress, Episode 4
Cute! So cute! The shimmery polka dots remind me of a Barbie doll yet again, and the light pink trimming and rosettes under the sleeves make this one memorable for me. Surprisingly simple for a Penelope look.
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11. Flowered Promo Dress, Episode 3
I do prefer the promo version with the tiara to the flower, but I'm not mad at it. I think I'd find this dress very over-the-top if it had flowered appliques all the way down, but the way they peter out into tendrils across the skirt puts me in the mind of a country garden. It's nice to see some pops of red on Pen.
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12. Orange Leaf Dress, Episodes 1 and 3
I wish they gave Penelope more over-the forehead curls as opposed to the little clusters on either side of her face. Little curls on the forehead feel more 1810s than the latter. The yellow adds a lot more dimension to this fabric, and I do prefer the yellow/ruched trim to the yellow and orange ribbon/plain neckline.
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13. Engagement Dress, Episode 6
I don't even mind the black waistband. In fact I'm kind of a fan-it's giving Parisian-themed bedroom-but the white lace descending from it rubs me the wrong way. Love her big, fluffy ringlets.
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14. Floral Spencer, Episodes 3 and 5
It's giving a bit of Hawaiian shirt, but I kind of love the combination of the froggy green, saffron yellow, and flamingo pink. I like how the appliques overlap the edges of her spencer, the slightly overgrown vibe of some of her flowered looks really scratches my brain.
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15. Yellow Flowered Dress, Episode 8
Abhor the way they did her hair here. The fabric is so dainty, but the dress is a little boring, and I hate the chunky necklaces on her.
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16. Grandma's Couch Dress, Episode 7
Grandma's couch/pos. A very soft, cushy, slightly musty-smelling couch. Don't like the centered corsage, it doesn't match anything else on the outfit, and they need to stop putting that necklace with so many otherwise nice looks.
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17. Pilled Dress, Episode 8
This dress looks like it's wool covered with pills, and the dark green and hot pink of her necklace and hair ornaments respectively pull my eye from the dress, which I honestly don't mind, because the fabric looks itchy as all hell.
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18. Yellow Floral Promenade Outfit, Episode 2
If they'd just take away that waistband, give her a gauzier shawl, and stop piling her hair so high, this one wouldn't be half bad.
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19. Yellow Dinner Dress, Episode 4
I truly do believe that pinks and greens suit Pen better than these bright yellows, or even just a more pastel yellow.
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20. Dandelion Dress, Episodes 3 and 6
I understand why Pen is holding her arms like that, because having those little yellow balls rubbing against my bare skin would drive me absolutely crazy.
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21. Meeting Marina Dress, Episode 1
The hair and that big ol' bow really ruin this one. The fabric looks so peachy and light with her red hair, and I just think some soft curls falling around her shoulders would make her look like such a doll.
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22. Yellow Upholstery Dress, Episode 5
This looks like a Target throw pillow. Burn than necklace.
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23. 'Mine Is Yellow' Evening Gown, Episode 8
I CANNOT STAND the greenish-gray look of the embroidery on the bodice, which is sad because her hair looks perfect. The cut of the bodice is cutting her bust in half.
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24. Chartreuse and Pink Dress, Episode 8
Frankly pukey-looking. The pink trim makes it infinitely worse.
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25. Tadpole Dress, Episode 1
Something about this fabric just reminds me of those Tiktoks of people putting frog eggs in jars. That pink shawl is not necessary.
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26. Black and Chartreuse Dress, Episode 1
See above- the green, the pink, the black-no.
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els-wonderland · 2 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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els-wonderland · 2 years
#boost #donations #tw sexual assault #tw transphobia
hiiii it’s jenna here. i havent been on tumblr in forever. i rlly need help tho. my abusive parter is se*ua**y assaulting me and says he’s going to kil* me in a transphobic hate crime. at this point i don’t have a target but need to keep food in my stomach. pls 😫
p*yp*l: click here
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els-wonderland · 2 years
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consider putting money in the pockets of a transjew saving up for recovery from a medically indicated cancer preventing hysterectomy this holiday season and purchasing cute handmade gifts from my etsy :^)
or even buying my art at one of these many other places
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els-wonderland · 2 years
I'm a queer and autistic mother of two toddlers and my boyfriend has stage 3 stomach cancer. I have been the only one able to work for months because my boyfriend's stomach cancer has been getting worse, and after one of his episodes sent him to the er a nurse permanently damaged his dominate hand so badly he had to have surgery to remove nerves from his hand.
We desperately need help. Our electric and water bills are due soon and we're behind on our rent. We have no method of transportation anymore either because someone hit and ran us and totaled our car.
Please, please help save my family
V*nmo: jayep7
C*$happ: jayep7
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els-wonderland · 2 years
screams forever also thinking about how the cop slowly followed my partner from the laundromat parking lot into the grocery store parking lot last week… just fuckin drove right by him when he parked though, just staring at him… they are letting us know we aren’t safe here and it’s getting hotter every day and we live in a smelly hot barn with no running water and our car is falling apart so we can’t even get out!! it’s not safe and we CAN’T GET OUT
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els-wonderland · 2 years
!! Please Read - Please Help !!
I desperately need help more than ever and am at genuine risk of homelessness.
My partner @sleepy-eyes-system works a full time job and I’m disabled and use a wheelchair and can hardly walk or sit up for long without pain.  We used to live on our own but due to covid landlord issues and nearly being evicted so she could rent at a much higher price to another tenant (because she couldnt raise it on us without warning), and the SEVERE decline of my health-  We currently live with my extremely abusive parents who are threatening to kick us out and I legit don’t know how much time we have. They are transphobic and queerphobic and “don’t agree with our lifestyle” 
We have found a lead on an apartment, but we don’t have any saved as we live paycheck to paycheck due to my medical expenses. We will need around 1k to move in. Please please please help, please share. I am genuinely so scared and literally barricade myself inside my room just to keep myself safe. 
 I can’t live like this and really want to get better. I never make posts pleading this desperately but we have to be out ASAP. My therapist and care manager are urging me to leave as soon as possible because they see the severe effect it is having on me.
Please help your local disabled black queer person and their partner make it to safety. Please. 
my cashapp is: $chubbypixel
my paypal is: https://www.paypal.me/chubbypixel
Please, if you can’t donate please share. I will be forever thankful for your support.
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