elroymarsdale · 3 years
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This cat is comfortable.
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
Elroy hugged the girl tightly. “I’m so excitedly. I know tons of road trip games, and we can have some road trip bonding, that’s always nice. Did you go to prom?”
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“Oh that’s good. I can pack for this kind of weather.” Riley smiled softly. “I can drive. It will be a nice road trip.”
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
“It’s a long story. Longer than three full length movies.” He replied, smiling a little brighter at his last words. “Oh my goodness. Are you asking me to be your date to prom?”
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“What happened when you were fourteen?” he asked “Ye, come to prom with us.”
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
“Hi Noah. I have something for you.” He went up to the senior and put a pin to the fabric of the top layer of his clothes. It was cat face shaped pin he made with an ‘N’ in the center. “I made this for you. It’s special.” 
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
“Oh. I thought you meant something else. Like it’s calm and peaceful. That’s what I think today is. The sun is out and it’s just a day to relax. But maybe it’s boring because everyone got drunk last night and they’re not out today.” He mentioned with a chuckle. 
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“Yeah, maybe that’s the reason no one’s really excited on Sundays.” She laughed, looking to the boy on her side. “I meant like full of boredom. But I guess you already gave me the answer.”
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
“Oh. My. Goodness. I love that idea.” He cheered. “It would look so cool. Except for my favorite fashion designer doesn’t like capes. So, I don’t know.” He pondered it. “Oh, I see. My parents are psychologist.” He mentioned with a nod. “Yeah. I really wanna get away because this school year has kind of sucked. Me and Riley talked about going to San Diego, but she can only go for a week.” 
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“You are a very good guesser then. Thanks! I’m sure you will look very dashing in your tux! They don’t usually have many accessories for guys unless you wanted to go all dramatic and get a cape or something,” she joked a bit with a smile. “Yeah, well my mom doesn’t use her married name for her career, so it can be hard to tell sometimes. And I don’t like to brag or whatever. That’s weird. Have any big summer plans?”
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
"Right? It’s one of the best nights of our high school lives. I hope no one complains about the music or talk about how it sucks because there’s no alcohol. That’s what most people did at the winterball.” He thought back, smiling. “All of the above, actually. Except for the tux. Well, now that you mentioned it, I am thinking about the tux, a little. It’s amazing. Mostly I was thinking about the decorations. The theme is Hollywood. So they’re gonna have a lot of stars. I like stars.” 
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“I think so. It’s prom after all.” He smiled at the boy and sit in front of him. “Thinking about what exactly? The tux? A girl? A boy? What?”
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
“I didn’t, but gold is an awesome color, and gold stars are my favorite.” He explained. That’s what he thought of when he saw the theme. “I don’t know what that means, but I bet you’re going to look amazing. That’s really cool. I didn’t know one of your parents was in the fashion industry. That must be super cool. Yeah, I can’t wait. I got a suit, but no accessories. Other than cufflinks. After prom, school is almost over. I’m excited about that too.” 
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“How’d you know?!” Noelle asked, giggling as he guessed correctly the color of her dress. “It’s not like an obnoxious gold, more of an antique gold and black. I found these accessories and sort of designed the dress around them. I’m just so excited! What about you?”
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
"In the bad capacity.” He sighed out, nodding. “I don’t even know anymore. Maybe when I was fourteen.” He looked up in thought. Maybe that had been the start of everything wrong. “Yeah, I’m excited about it. Kinda. Are you going?” 
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“Selfish in what capacity?” he asked “you got a lot going on mate. Where did this all start?” he asked “and don’t worry mate. Prom is this weekend. School year is pretty much over after that”
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
“Thanks. Are you going to prom?” He asked with a small smile. “I know. Maybe I should go see the counselor again.” 
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“Alright… lets have a drink. I think you should talk to someone about what’s going on, though”
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
“It’s a commercial for hamburgers that only sexy people eat.” He nodded. “And you should be in it because you’re sexy.” 
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“ Huh?” Shay looked at him confused as she took the napkin from him and wiped away most of the mess.” What is a Carl’s Jr commercial and why should I be in it?”
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
“I do!” Elroy reached into his backpack for a pouch of tissues. “You should be in a Carl’s Jr commercial.” He said as he handed the girl the tissues. 
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Shay was sitting in the grass in front of school as the bell rang and people started heading out, rushing home, or anywhere other then there. She had a big burger in her hands but as she took a bite of it, some vegetables and sauce  fell from the bottom and down on her cleavage” Fuck” She looked up at someone walking by” Do you happen to have a napkin or  something?”
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
Elroy looked up with a smile when he heard a voice. “No, I don’t mind. I’m just thinking about prom. Are you going?” 
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The boy walked around looking for a free place to sit and have his meal when he spotted a person alone at a table, approaching. “Do you mind if I sit with you?”
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
“Because tomorrow is Monday and most people don’t like Mondays. I think. Like how do you mean?” He asked, looking over to the girl. 
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Candice sat on the park lawn, closing her eyes for a moment as she took a deep breath, relaxing after the long day of boredom. She opened her eyes and stared at the person next to her. “Okay, why are Sundays always like this?”
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
"Is it gold? Because gold is the best color for Hollywood.” He asked, rather excited himself. He loved school dances and getting to dress up even if most people would rather complain about the music and lack of alcohol. He was super excited, and it even managed to lift his spirit more than anything in the last couple of weeks. 
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“I got my prom dress completely ready! I was worried it wouldn’t be done in time, but thankfully, it just got here and fits perfectly! Sometimes it really does pay off to have a parent in the fashion industry,” Noelle said, gushing on and on in her excitement.
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
“I think it’s the same as here. So both should be good. I’m really excited. How do we get there?” He asked, wondering if the girl had a preference. Elroy didn’t drive, so he thought they could take the bus or train. Or if the girl wanted to drive.
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“I’m not sure. What is the weather like in San Diego?” she questioned. “Well it’s summer in southern Cali which is already hot as balls so we should pack both just incase
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elroymarsdale · 5 years
“We can go south. Wait, a minute, we’re already in Southern California… We can go to San Diego.” He settled on the big city which wasn’t too far but far enough to get away from it all. “Okay. Should I pack swim trunks or a jacket?”
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“Run away? to where and for how long?” Riley asked. “It sounds like a good idea but I am thinking a weekend vacay where we can forget everything and de-stress.”
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