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she/her- I'm in love with Ellie.
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ellieswhoreeee · 8 months ago
lately our conversations end like it’s the last goodbye then one of us gets too drunk and calls about a hundred times, so who you been calling baby????? nobody could take my place!!!!! when you’re looking at those strangers hope.to.god.you.see.my.face!!!!
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ellieswhoreeee · 3 years ago
What happened to us? pt.2
Author’s Note: Welcome back! This chapter is much longer but at the expense that i waited too long to post it, my bad. Im really bad at being consistent. Sorry guys! Anyways enjoy!
Pairings: Ellie Williams x Reader
Warnings: swearing, violets, ect
You should’ve known there was something wrong that cold morning.
Ellie didn’t stop by like she always did before going off to patrol. Every morning you two were stay in for hours before she had to start her shift. All you two ever did was play video games, re-watch old movies and shows and cuddle in the warmth of your bed.
But she didn’t knock, nor did she bring you a coffee from Joel’s like she usually did. You didn’t see her all day, nor for the next three days. Maria made an excuse, saying that her and Joel went further towards the outskirts of Jackson- Ellie would’ve told you.
But deep down, you knew that wasn’t the truth. The way her voice was hesitant- the limited eye contact was all you needed to know. She was lying to you.
Something was wrong.
Jesse had the courtesy to tell you some truth. He told you how Ellie asked him to sneak her out because she needed to check something for herself. Jesse even volunteered to go with her but she declined, saying that she was the one that needed to go. Not long after, Joel went after her. He realized before anyone that she was missing.
After the first day went by, you were actually pretty scared. Ellie would’ve told you, wouldn’t she? She was your girlfriend- someone who told you everything but something about this was different. Ellie was acting different, slightly distant. You weren’t going to bring it up, because she probably wouldn’t want to talk about it.
Ellie was the type of person who would talk when she was ready. So, all you could do was wait for her to confide in you.
The day Ellie came back was the happiest day you’ve had in weeks. She knocked on your door, and you jumped to the door to see her. Ellie looked different though. Her eyes were cold, and it looked like she hasn’t gotten any sleep in forever.
Your first instinct was to grab her face with your hands to pull her down to your level. “Ellie, what the hell happened? Where did you go? Did you not eat enough? Or sleep?” She didn’t say anything at first, and you moved your hands down to her neck gently. You didn’t want her to turn away from you.
She placed her hands over yours, and for a second you think she’s gonna pull you in for a kiss but she doesn’t. She gently removes your hands from her neck and drop your hands down. “We need to talk,” She croaked softly.
You nodded slowly, moving to the side to let her into your house. She moved quietly into your house. You followed behind towards your living room. You sat yourself on your couch, and waited for Ellie.
Ellie moved towards you, stopping a few inches away from you. She wouldn’t even look at you. What was so interesting about the ground? You slowly reached for her hand, and held onto it as she continued to look down.
“Ellie…” She snapped out of her daze, letting her eyes fall on your intertwined hands. Something flashed in her eyes, and she suddenly she dropped your hands slowly.
“…I think we should break up.”
Your eyes shot open, and for a second you were blinded by the sunlight shining through your curtains. You turned over, grabbing a pillow and placing it over your head. You told yourself that you would replace the curtains but something always got in the way do that. You silently peaked over at your side table, looking at the clock. 6:34.
You groaned dramatically- knowing that no one would hear you. You slowly stood up and walked into your bathroom to take a hot shower before heading out into the cold.
After your shower, you quickly dressed for the cold weather. This consisted of 3 long sleeve shirts, layered cargo pants and big socks. You looked around for your boots- which might’ve been lost somewhere in the piles of clothes. You’ll admit that your room is a little… Messy.
You rummaged around your room until you found your left boot in the bathroom and your right boot in your closet. 10 minutes down the drain. You hurriedly finished up, grabbing anything you needed and stuffing it into your bag. You practically ran out the door when you realized that you were a little late.
Jesse won’t be too mad since you were actually going instead of skipping on today’s patrol. If anything he would probably be happy just to see you there. You started your walk towards the stables, and something about it made you happy. It was like you were back to your old self.
You were going to see her. She was going to be there, like she’s always been. Even when you two broke up she still went. Did she even care at all? What was she doing this whole time? Was she sad? Crying? Hiding her emotions? She could just be a little sad- did she even love you? Was the time you spent together a waste of time?
You could never understand her when she didn’t give you anything.
“Y/n! You’re here!” You stopped walking, looking over towards the voice. Dina quickly ran over to you and jumped to hug you. You two fell on the ground and you couldn’t help but smile at the younger girl.
“Jeez, Dina. Are you trying to kill me?” You teased, and stared at the girl who was hugging you right. You could feel the snow seeping into your clothes already- which honestly annoyed you. How many layers until you would be safe from the cold?
She laughed, and let you go. She stood up first and helped you up. She helped you wipe off the snow from your clothes. “I’m just so glad you’re coming with us! Jesse owes me,”
You raised your eyebrows at her with a smile. “He’s the one who wanted me to come yet he made a bet against me? What a dick,”
She rolled her eyes with a smile. She grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the stables. “Let’s just get going!”
“Y/n! You’re back!”
“Welcome back, y/n!”
“Woah! Look who’s alive!”
You greeted everyone with small smiles as you walked by. You were a little nervous about being here in-front of everyone. It was like you were on a stage and all they could do was watch you. It was like you were being judged. But you followed behind Dina the best you could as you walked straight into the stables.
“Dina! Y/n! Here for Japan and Gin? I’ll saddle up Gin real quick.” You smiled as Dave spoke with a smile on his face. He seemed relieved to see you again. He walked towards Gin’s paddock which left you, Dina and Japan waiting for him. You brushed your fingers through Japan’s mane.
“Y’know,” Dina started slowly, looking at you with softer eyes. “Ellie isn’t herself.”
You swallowed. “She hasn’t been for a while…” You whispered tirelessly.
“You should talk to her- maybe you can help. She needs you…”
You scoffed quietly. “She stopped needing me the moment she broke up with me.”
You could hear Dave making clicking noises as he led Gin towards you. You walked towards him and took her reins from him softly and thanked him quietly. You walked through the back of the stables with Dina and Japan following behind.
You walked towards the gates- where Jesse was, as he always has been. Jesse has always been a great leader. Even when you two were younger. You two once got lost on a trail youtube never been on and you were freaking out but he was calm and tried to figure out everything to get you two home. And he did.
You watched him as he held a map onto a table and started mentioning his route plan to the group. There was about 10-15 people around him. Ellie was right next to him.
You tried your hardest not to look at her but it was tough. After not seeing her for a couple of days- which felt like years to you was a different feeling. Her short hair was tied back into a small pony tail and you couldn’t help but look at her concentrated side profile. Something about her always breaks your guard.
“Remember your routes, today is gonna be a long day. We’re gonna be out till nightfall. There were some reports about a hoard of infected. They’re travelling aimlessly, so everyone needs to stay in their group. Anything you can’t handle you come straight back and report. Another larger team with clear it.” Jesse spoke with a grim expression. This was a serious problem, and just like you predicted- Jesse seems to be trying to handle it himself.
Just a small fault in your friend.
Jesse stepped away from the circle and looked around, and when he made eye contact with you, he visibly calmed down and softened his expression. He walked over to you quickly before pulling you into a tight hug. It was like he was trying to kill you. You accidentally dropped Gin’s reins. You patted his back, trying to get his attention since he wasn’t listening to you. “Chill out, Jes!”
Jesse laughed before he picked you up from the ground and swung you side to side. “You’re here! Good! I have your handgun and assault rifle on Marley. I’ll be right back.”
Jesse put you down and walked over to the fence where Marley, his horse was tied up along with the other horses. He grabbed what he needed and walked back. He handed you your handgun, an m19 which a standard issue in Jackson. You grabbed it and placed it in your hostler that was attached to your thigh. He held out your assault rifle, HK416. It was equipped with a scope- which made it super relabel during close and long distance combat.
You slowly grabbed your gun slowly before holding it in your arms. Something about holding it after a long time felt odd. But maybe that was just you. You checked the the safety was off before checking the clip, you were surprised that it was a full clip. Your looked up at Jesse and he just smiled.
“You can thank me later by buying me a drink?”
Your rolled your eyes before you nodded. “Guess so, since you went out of your way to have me save you during our routes.”
“Save me? We’ll see if your shot is still better than mine after all that time you were locked in your house.”
You smirked before answering him, “Just wait till i’m shooting circles around you.”
He just smiled before running back to his horse and ordering everyone to the East gate. “Let’s get going everyone! Remember, stay in your groups, don’t travel alone and definitely don’t try to handle something you know you can’t alone.”
Everyone around you was muttering in agreement. Dina finally caught up to you and climbed onto Japan while you did the same with Gin. You waited for his orders. You shivered and looked over at Dina. While you were talking with Jesse you noticed she had strolled over to talk to Ellie. You wanted to ask her what they were talking about but that wasn’t your place anymore.
“-Ellie, Dina, Y/n and me will handle anything from the main trail to the power plant. Drake, Mia, Don, Quinn and Jea will handle-“ You zoned out again after hearing your name. And Ellie’s. You’re in the same group? Jesse put you in the same group? What the hell was he thinking? You weren’t ready to be close to her. It was too soon. What the hell was he thinking?
You sighed and hung your head low as you stared at him with a slight glare. He obviously wasn’t paying attention to you since he was still explaining the rest of the groups. You really wanted to pop him in the-
You blinked before looking to your right- where Ellie was. She was on Shimmer. She looked as beautiful as ever- but something about her eyes were different. They weren’t as bright as they used to be. After staring at her like an idiot for what felt like forever, you swallowed the lump in your dry throat.
“Hello,” You wanted to smack yourself so hard, why didn’t you say ‘hey’ or ‘hi’? Why’d you go with ‘hello’ you probably sounded so dumb. “I mean, hey…” You smacked yourself internally. Why are you doing this to yourself? You’re so embarrassed, especially in front of her. You looked over at her, and surprisingly she had a small smile on her face.
That damned smile.
Edit 8/23: Put On Hold ! ! !
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ellieswhoreeee · 3 years ago
What happened to us? pt.1
Author’s Note: Hey guys, sorry for the very very late update but i was stuck about ideas for Ellie. If you guys have any requests then i’d be happy to write it! Anyways luckily i found this in my drafts! and i have multiple parts for this one so i hope you guys enjoy :) Also sorry this part was short but i promise it’ll be worth it in the end.
Parings: Ellie x Reader!
Warnings: swearing, fighting, ect
You used to love it here. You loved everything about it, you loved the people, the way it was filled with the safest technology and what it represented, but like most things, it changed. And there was only one reason why you grew to dislike this place...Or one person was the reason.
Ellie Williams.
The girl that had peaked your interest once she arrived here. You were older than her by a year, even so, Maria took the time to introduce her to you when you were working in the barn. You two immediately got along, going from strangers to best friends. She loved to tell you about her adventure with Joel, how she touched and feed a giraffe and saw monkeys and even handled a bloated with Joel. And between those years you started to notice something about yourself.
You liked Ellie, in more than in a friend way. You two grew closer and closer, and finally when you were 16, you confessed your feelings for her. It turned out great for you, because she had also confessed her feelings for you. She felt the same way about you and you couldn’t have been more happier.
After dating for two years, she had broken up with you suddenly. She didn’t tell you why but she did. That was a couple days ago. And you were stuck in your room, contemplating everything about you two. You thought you understood her the most, but after this it was clear that you didn’t.
The only thing you weren’t confused about was that your heart was indeed broken. You didn’t know when you would ever recover. This was Ellie. She was the type of person that everyone would fall for. Her personality was what had dragged you in, and now you’re not sure how to stay away. She was girl who you were in love with for years. She was the first girl who made you feel loved, and now she’s… the girl who broke your heart.
Even so, you still loved her.
“Y/n,” The familiar soft voice of Dina pulled you out of your head. She continued to knock every couple of seconds, saying your name just to get your attention, but you had been too caught up in staying in bed and feeling sad. Dina had come every morning and night- but you would just ignore her pleas to let her in. She just wanted to make sure you were okay.
Your mind had been running all night. You didn’t get much sleep. You’ve been locked up in your small house for god knows how long. You just felt like shit. Your head and body hurt, and your eyes were puffy from sleeping too much. You’ve ignored your friends, staying in your bed for four days without doing much else and feeling sorry for yourself.
“Come on. Please, open the door. This isn’t like you...” Dina expressed, her voice loud enough for you to hear, even from behind the wooden door. She had been knocking for 10 minutes. You’re started to wonder when she would give up.
It was cold outside.
Suddenly the knocking became louder which made you jump, making you sit up from your bed to look at the door. “Y/n! Would you quit moping? This is pathetic.” Jesse’s hissed, visibly angry at you. He continued his loud knocking, which prompted you to walk over to your door and opening it.
“Will you just shut up? I’m trying to sleep,” You mumbled angrily, walking back to your bed, hiding under the covers again. Jesse and Dina walked in, closing the door behind them so the cold air wouldn’t come in. You looked at the wall blankly. “What do you guys want?”
“What do we want? We’re worried about you, you fucking idiot.” Jesse pulled the blankets from you, making you glare at him as you turned away from him.
You sighed tiredly. “I’m fine. I just want to stay home.”
“Y/n..” Dina looked at you sympathetically which made you want to die. She looked so sad. Why was she so worried? You were fine. You would be. “We know you and Ellie broke up... but you’re not dealing with this in a healthy way.”
Your stomach did a flip, just hearing her name made you insane. You’ve known her for so long... and this is how you two end. Well, how she ended things.
“I just need time.” You replied, your eyes blankly stared at the wall. The same wall that had a small hole in it from when you and Ellie were play fighting. You managed to push her pretty hard, making her elbow fly break through the wall, which caused the hole. That memory was so fucking clear to you. You closed your eyes.
Your home was a constant reminder of her. She was everywhere in this room. Her presence wouldn’t go away that easily. The same goes for this town. Everyone knows Ellie, and she’s interacted with everything here. There’s a piece of her everywhere in this place. That drove you insane. There was no way you could get over her like this…
Jesse sighed, walking over to the side of the bed where you tried to hide. You were on your left side, closer to the wall. “Look. I know how tough breakups are, but you won’t move on like this. You’re only hurting yourself. We need you right now, Y/n. We’re short staffed when it comes to patrol duty, and we need another leader.”
You scoffed. “Jesse, does it look like i’m in the right position to lead?”
Jesse paused for a second. “I thought you were fine.”
You stayed quiet, opening your eyes so you could look down at your side table where you put your sketchbook, a couple of photos and your journal. You used to write and draw so much, but now you have no idea what to do.
Your muse was gone.
Jesse leaned down, placing his hand on your shoulder as he looked down at you with pleading eyes. “Just a warning, she’s gonna be there if you decide to come tomorrow. I won’t force you but just think about it. This isn’t you.”
He pulled away, walking towards the door while waiting for Dina. Dina said her goodbyes, making her way out and once again it was quiet in what felt like a big room. You were alone again.
You turned on your back, looking up at the ceiling once again as the tears started clouding your eyes. You sniffled, smiling as the memories with Ellie popped into your mind.
God, you missed her. But was it better this way? Maybe. you didn’t know. Ellie was the one who wanted to break up, for whatever reason. You couldn’t hate her for that. It wasn’t her fault.
Things change, people change and so do their feelings. It’s sad, but true. You’re just glad she was honest but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. It hurt so bad. Some people might call you dramatic but you didn’t care.
You rolled to your side, also shutting your eyes after feeling your eyelids getting heavy. Jesse was right. You couldn’t stay here and mope like a child when they lose their toy. You need to keep moving forward, doing everything in your power to be happy. You could be happy. You just need to… Move on.
It’s decided. Tomorrow things would be different. You swear by it.
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ellieswhoreeee · 3 years ago
I think i like you more than a friend
Author's Note: I'm sorry that i totally disappeared for a while because of school- but I come bearing this short gift. I hope you enjoy ! I also have this angst story that I will be posting soon I promise!
Pairings: Ellie Williams x Fem! reader
Summary: Ellie finally tells you how she feels about you.
warnings: none,,,,,
Ps: your hair = y/h, your eye color = y/e, ect.
Jackson had been quiet all morning, not even any signs of disturbances. Some might say it had been peaceful. But three teenagers decided it wouldn't stay like that. Ellie, Dina and Jesse walked down the dirt road towards the stables; laughing loudly as Jesse and Dina continue to tease Ellie.
“When are you gonna tell her how you feel, huh?” Dina asked Ellie with a playful nudge to her shoulder. This wasn’t the first time that Dina has asked Ellie about her feelings for a particular (y/h) girl who she had feelings for since they were younger.
Dina was Ellie’s best friend, and as a best friend, she is currently torturing her green eyed friend about y/n l/n. Aka you.
Jesse had watched the interaction with a smile on his face. He couldn’t help. Dina is always pestering Ellie about you. He couldn’t stop her nor did he want to, it was funny seeing Ellie so… Shy. So he decided to just watch from the sidelines, but wouldn’t mind jumping in whenever he felt the need to. “Actually, I’d like to know that too.”
Ellie gave herself some space from her two friends who were crowding her personal space with questions. Ellie hated how involved they became when it came to your “situation-ship” with Ellie, as they like to call it. It was like their personal mission to try and set you two up. But Ellie always found a way to stop their ways of trying to set you two up last minute. “Guys, stop. I’m not gonna tell her because a) she doesn’t feel the same way. b) the rejection would fuck me up.”
The three teenagers continued to walk down the road towards the stables, waving to anyone who would say ‘good morning’ or any form of getting that morning. Jackson was a nice community, so respect was automatically given instead of earned.
Dina smirked. Rejection? Please, y/n feels the same way. She’s just waiting for you to make a move first. “Okay, worst case is things are a little awkward and you two would just move on.”
Ellie scoffed and looked around instead of her friends. "There’s no way we could just move on from that. What if she’s grossed out and doesn’t want to be around me anymore? I can’t deal with that type of rejection.” Ellie spoke flatly, looking a bit deflated after saying that. It was one of her many fears. And if it were to come true then it would kill her.
“Ellie-“ Dina was about to contradict Ellie’s response but was then interrupted by Jesse.
“Speaking of he devil.” He pointed towards you. You were carrying a crate of vegetables into the stables. You weren’t aware that your friends were a couple a feet away, only because you had your headphones on. Your walkman had become your best friend during farming rotations. Who knew that taking care of plants was such a hassle. Jesse smirked. “I bet she’s listening to that mixtape that you made just for her.”
Ellie blushed at his words. For Christmas last year, she made you a mixtape of songs that she thought you would like. Luckily you loved it and wouldn’t leave anywhere without it. It was sweet and you just couldn’t stop listening to everything on the cassette. It was especially special because Ellie was the one who made it for you.
“Y/n, i see you brought the veggies for the horses. How sweet of you.” Kori walked up to you, which made you take off one of your earbuds. Kori was a little older than you and she was nice. You two had a playful type of friendship.
You shrugged with a smile. Kori grabbed one of the carrots from your crate with a smile. “Why don’t you help me out then? We can be sweet together.” You suggested with an innocent smile.
Kori’s lip quirked up into a little smirk. Gently she took the crate from you. "Well, I can’t say it doesn't sound tempting. I'll help you out," You hadn't noticed the way she winked at you, but Ellie did.
Ellie watched the interaction very carefully, almost lost in the fact that she indeed had to watch you fall for someone else. This was one of her worst nightmares and it was happening only a few feet away from her. Jesse and Dina thought the same thing in that moment while watching Ellie. Hopeless.
The only thing they could do was help her out in this obvious bind.
“Hey, y/n! Come here, you won’t believe what Ellie just told us about her patrol with Tommy and Joel yesterday!” Jesse called you over from the barn before you could walk into the stables with Kori. You turned to them and gave them a big wave. You told Kori to wait for you, and she listened. She placed the crate on the floor and leaned against the barn doors as she waited for you. You ran towards them, giving them all hugs. Ellie’s lasted the longest.
“Geez, it feels like i haven’t seen you guys in forever! You probably think you’re hot shots since you’re on patrol assignments, huh?” You playfully stated, nudging Ellie with a grin. Ellie didn't noticed but you leaned a little closer into her.
“Not really…” Ellie replied shyly.
Jesse rolled his eyes dramatically. “It’s not our fault that you wanted to pick plants.”
“Hey! I’m growing a watermelon and i won’t share if you’re gonna be an asshole.” And with that little threat he stayed quiet which made the rest of you laugh. “So, what’d you run into?” You asked Ellie curiously.
“She says she and joel dealt with a bloater!” Jesse spoke instead of Ellie, remembering the conversation from earlier. Ellie had told Jesse and Dina what happened on her routes with Joel and Tommy.
“Nope, it’s true. Joel can vouch.” Ellie said with a smile.
You raised your eyebrows at her with a smirk. “What if you two are conspiring together? Both of you get glory and trust of everyone in town?”
Ellie stared at you for a while before she laughed lightly. Her eyes started wandering your face- obviously trying too hard to avoid your lips. “Nah, if we wanted glory then we would’ve made up something like… a stalker with the abilities of a bloater. That’d gain some respect and glory.”
Your eyes trailed down to her lips, before laughing and looking away. “Now that’d be a sight to see.” Dina and Jesse gave each other a look, smirking in the process. Was it finally working? After 2 years of trying?
“Y/n! Get over here! The horses aren’t gonna feed themselves!” Kori had yelled over to you, which made you turn to her. You nodded, and started to walk backwards to stare at your three friends.
“Crap, i gotta go. Bye guys! I’ll see you later Ellie!”
They all waved goodbye while Dina and Jesse couldn’t help but smirk cheekily. Once they knew you were really gone they turned to Ellie. “Oh, y/n please don’t go!” Dina tried to intimidate ellie but it sounded way higher pitched. It was dramatic- which was just like her.
“Come back, i love you!” Jesse followed behind as they leaned into each other to make it more dramatic. “Please don’t run into Kori’s arms! My tattoo is way sexier!”
“Guys!” Ellie whined with bright red face. All they ever did was embarrass her, even when you were around. Luckily you weren't this time.
“You have to make a move on her before Kori throws her claws into y/n’s basket! I mean, who wouldn’t go after y/n? I would do the same-“
Once again Dina’s rambling was interrupted by Jesse. “Dina, we’re trying to set up y/n and Ellie not you and y/n.”
“Right.” Dina caught herself after being called out, trying to forget what she had just said. “Tonight is your perfect opportunity to tell her! Movie night. What was on today’s menu?”
Ellie thought about the title of the movie she picked out today. She borrowed some movies from Joel’s stash and narrowed it down to three movies but she did like one more than the other two. “Uhh… I’m thinking Inferno of Honor. I’m pretty sure she’ll like it.”
“Don’t you have any romance movies? Something to get her in the zone with.” Dina winked with a suggestive smile.
“And this is where i stop listening to you.” Ellie walked ahead of them once again, moving straight into the stables. She looked at the assignment board and sighed. Jesse and Dina followed behind her and laughed when they looked at the board.
“Back to group patrols.” Jesse patted Ellie on the shoulder and moved towards his horses stall.
“You can’t run away from us.” Dina said jokingly, following after Jesse. “Let’s get this over with so you can spend quality time with y/n.”
It was around 7 in the afternoon when Ellie finished up her routes for the evening. She opted to running back home and started to clean around her place before you showed up. That included throwing her dirty laundry basket under bed and sweeping the floor. She spent another 30-45 minutes cleaning and organizing everything perfectly just for you. She set up her Playstation with the movie menu already ready to be played. She had popcorn being made in Joel's kitchen along with some more snacks she knew you would like. Everything was already ready, all that was left was you.
You looked yourself over in your dresser mirror multiple times before you finally decided to leave. Even though you were dressed casually, you couldn't help but try to look a little more pretty just for Ellie. You looked down at your navy canvas sneakers, dark grey jeans and normal shirt. You stepped out of your room and walked into the living room of your shared house. Your roommates- who were sitting on the couch and watching some old dvd-cartoons, stared at you suspiciously.
"And where are you going at this hour?" Jack questioned lightly. He wasn't being a jerk about it which meant he was genuinely interested in where you were going unlike how he usually is.
You smiled. "Movie night at Ellie’s."
Jojo smirked at you which made you turn away from them entirely. "Oooh, movie night at Ellie’s. Will you be spending the night?" They asked cheerily, which made your face red.
Jen laughed at our interaction and slapped Jojo on the arm lightly. "Leave her alone, Jojo. Young love is so cute."
"Shut up! You're the same age as me!" You turned on your heel and left through the door in a slip second. You could hear all your roommates laughing on the way out. After walking in the direction to Ellies place you managed to calm your heart down. In a couple of minutes you were infront of Joel's place. You took a bleep breath and took a second.
You were going to be alone with Ellie. That's all you've been thinking about since yesterday. Even though you two do movie night every week, this time was different. You were going to tell Ellie how you felt. You promised yourself to do it when the time felt right. It felt right today, so nothing was going to stop you from admitting it tonight.
You're sure Ellie feels the same way too. Her body language tells you everything you need to know. You were going to tell her. Tonight. It was going to happen, you promised yourself you would. You took another short breath. Don't pussy out, y/n. You can't.
"Y/n? What're doing there kid'?" A familiar southern accent made you jump at the suddenness. You looked up and noticed Joel on his porch, a cup of coffee and his guitar in hands.
You smiled happily at the older man. "Hey, Joel. Movie night," You explained simply, and scratched the back your neck as you walked closer to him.
Joel nodded slowly, then suddenly chuckled. "She's been, uh... cleaning up quite a bit. Maybe that's the reason why. Movie night, it had slipped my mind that you two also did that."
You laughed lightly. "I'll make sure to tease her about it."
"Y/n?" You looked to your left and found Ellie there looking disheveled. You can tell that it was just from cleaning. You smiled and walked towards her.
"Sorry I'm a little late. Did you have fun cleaning your place for me?"
Ellie looked towards Joel and gave him a look, the then chuckled as he leaned into railing as he watched you two interact. "Shut up and get inside, asshole." She mumbled playfully.
"Yessir," You gave her a curt salute with a laugh, listening to her without any complaint. The door was already opened so you just walked in. While looking around you noticed It was pretty clean compared to how it was last week. You wondered why, but didn't get too far since Ellie walked in and interrupted your thinking with her presence.
You looked at her tv, reading the title of the old sci-fi movie. "Inferior of honor? Did you steal this from Joel's stash?" You asked as you moved towards her bed. You noticed the popcorn sitting perfectly in the middle of her bed.
You decided to take off your shoes, and jumped on the bed. Ellie rolled her eyes with a smile as she watched you. "Yeah please. Ake yourself at home."
You groaned and leaned back into the pillows. "Don't act like you don't know me. Get in here, williams."
"Fine, scooch." With her hands she made a movement for you to move over-which you did. The lights were already off except the lamp on her bedside table. Ellie grabbed the remote and started the movie.
You couldn't focus on the movie, mostly because each time you reached into the popcorn bowl, you and Ellie’s hand touched. The both of you would pull back and didn't say anything. It was an unspoken rule between you and Ellie. If something happened like your hand touched on accident then you two wouldn't say anything and go on your way, and it would continue this way. Even now.
Doubt was starting to fill your brain.
You felt your palms become sweaty but you couldn't focus on that right now. All that you could focus on was how tired you were. Something about being with Ellie made you feel secure. Safe enough to sleep. You felt your eyes close, and let out a small sigh. You relaxed, and your head fell onto Ellie’s shoulder.
Ellie’s breath hitched, and she stayed still. Trying so hard not to make any sudden moves just so she wouldn't wake you. After a couple of minutes she relaxed. She wanted to look at your face but couldn't in this position. "Y/n..?" She whispered but you decided not to answer her. You couldn't, you were so relaxed and tired that you didn't even want to make the effort.
Suddenly you felt Ellie’s hand in yours. She intertwined your fingers gently and leaned closer into you. You could feel your face starting to warm up and your heart was beating like crazy. Your stomach did that weird flip and you couldn't help but grin. Luckily Ellie couldn't see it.
You can hear Ellie swallow and clear her throat lowly. ".... I think I like you more than a friend." She whispered loudly enough for you to hear, she pulled your intertwined hands towards her lips and kissed the back of your hand softly. "Actually, I know I like you more than a friend... I just wish you felt the same."
Something about that sentence made your heart drop. You leaned closer into Ellie’s neck. Her breath hitched once again, so you decided to squeeze her hand. "Ellie, I like you too." You whispered back shyly.
"You were awake this whole time..?"
You pulled back from her neck, feeling yourself become more and more embarrassed about the way you confessed to her. This isn't how you expected things to go. You were looking down at your intertwined hands and couldn't help but stare at ellies slender hands. So pretty.
"I just told you I liked you and that's what you get from this..?"
With her other hand she pulled you closer. "Y/n, look at me." Slowly you moved your eyes up to stare into her green eyes. You loved her freckles. She leaned in, and pecked your cheek- which was pretty close to your lips.
When did she get so bold? You questioned with hot ears.
"Go on a date with me,"
You smiled. "Can't we consider this our date?"
"Nope, I want to do something special for you. Now that you're my girlfriend..."
"Girlfriend? Since when..?" You teased when you noticed how close she leaned in. Her eyes were closed, so you leaned in too. The moment your lips met with hers- it felt like nothing else mattered. It was just you and Ellie. And now you two were legit. As her lips moved against yours you note that Ellie is indeed a good kisser.
Ellies hand moved to your thigh as you two continue to kiss, whi h made you finally realized that this wasn't a dream. You were kissing Ellie. Ellie Williams. Your best friend.
Now your girlfriend.
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ellieswhoreeee · 4 years ago
It’s you. [2/2]
Author’s note: Kinda sad that this is the last part since the whole y/n being a teacher who loves being inside Jackson while Ellie loves leaving Jackson for patrol is a good idea. But i probably wouldn’t commit to writing so much parts because like, i really suck at commitment so i shouldn’t do too much. Sorry i took so long! I had to rewrite this a couple of times until i got it right. Anyways, enjoy!
Pairings: ellie williams x fem! reader
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, ect.
Somewhere in the afternoon:
“Goodbye miss y/n!”
One after another each kid had walked up to you and gave you a hug after daycare was over. Their parents waved and gave you smiles after leaving your little classroom. Everyone was starting to warm up to you, and it was a nice a feeling. In a town that was close to each other like this, you didn’t expect it to be so… Nice.
Pinedale was way different from Jackson. There wasn’t much kids there. It wasn’t really a family friendly settlement, but it was home for a while. Pinedale was mostly a trading settlement, which is how you knew Maria.
You needed a change, and when she asked what you wanted to volunteer in, you lied and said you were good with kids. You had no experience with kids but it wasn’t that hard. On the first day you did a pretty good job. The kids couldn’t stay away from you. So Maria decided to keep you where you were now.
You were even okay with perimeter watch on the weekends, everything except patrol. Not that you were scared or anything. Which you weren’t but honestly? You were tired of killing those things. Runners were like drooling dogs that couldn’t let you be, clickers and stalkers were just as annoying and you wouldn’t even get started on bloaters.
“Alright, Ronnie let’s get you back home. Your dad must be home now.” When he didn’t answer, you called out for him once again, and looked around the classroom. Your eyes started to trail the walls were filled with bright colours and cute little animals. It could get pretty distracting in this room. You looked at the reading area- where you assumed he would be but you didn’t see him there.
You noticed the door for the playground was open, and decided to check it out. You walked outside and noticed Ronnie playing in the sand box again. Though he wasn’t alone. You recognized the red hair, the clothes from that morning and the way her hair was done from behind.
“Well if it isn’t- crap, i forgot your name. What was it again?” You walked up with a smile on your face, and she turned around to face you. She looked you up and down subtly and smiled slyly.
You were messing with her and she could tell by the smile on your face. She decided to play along. “Might as well introduce myself again.” She held out her hand for you which you took almost immediately. She pulled herself up from the sand box and stood a few inches away from you. “Rachel Abel, you?”
“Regina chatterbox.”
“Regina chatterbox? Really?” She asked with a grin. You nodded and you two started laugh at the silliness you two invoked between each other. After a moment you turned to Ronnie who was smiling and playing in the sand. You kneeled down beside him after a moment.
“Watcha doin’ there goofball?”
“Ellie was helping me with a sand castle! Look! It even has a little flag on the top!” Ronnie pointed excitedly while jumping in your arms. You looked at the sand castle and everything he said about it was true. The sand castle was made with the help of old plastic cups and the flag was a little cartoon drawing of himself with a huge smile on his face. He must’ve made it during class. It was cute. “Do you like it?! Do you!?”
“I don’t…” You frowned, and Ronnie’s face fell in disappointment. But then you smiled widely, “I love it!” He hugged you tightly, and you smiled and hugged him back.
Ellie watched from a few feet away and all she could do was smile at the scene. You were great with kids, and honestly? That was attractive. She was so attracted to you it was insane. Suddenly you threw Ronnie over your shoulder and he giggled loudly.
“Alright! Time to go,” You patted Ronnie and continued to hold him over your shoulder. You looked towards Ellie, and gave her a small smirk. “So, are you coming with me stalker?”
Ellie raised her eyebrows. “Stalker? I don’t know what you mean, it was a total coincidence that i found myself here again…”
You hummed. “Sure,” You dragged out, and walked back to your classroom and locked the door behind you. You looked at Ellie and nodded your head towards her so that she could follow you.
Ellie moved to your right side hurriedly. Damn she walks fast.
“Can i ask you a question?” Ellie asked as she started to awkwardly walk besides you. She usually gets this way around people she likes. Both of you started walking down the road, straight towards the housing.
“You just did.” Ellie gave you that look which made you chuckle. “Alright, just ask away.”
She looked at Ronnie who was playing with the fabric of your jacket. She moved behind you and messed with Ronnie’s hair. “I was just wondering what’s your story with Ronnie? I mean, daycare ended hours ago and you’re even walking him home.”
“I’m close with his dad. Terry and i go way back. He knew my dad… Both of them were ex soldiers and best friends. Before this goofball was born they used to do runs for Pinedale. So, sometimes i watch babysit whenever Terry needs me to.” You explained without any hesitation. You wouldn’t mind answering more of her questions.
“Hey! I’m not a baby!” Ronnie whined and continued to flail around in your arms. You finally decided to put him on the ground. He started running around. You two filled behind the running child and continued to talk.
“You mentioned your dad earlier… Where is he?” She asked curiously. You noticed that she was messing with the straps of her backpack almost anxiously. Was that a good or bad thing?
“Dead.” You deadpanned. It didn’t take Ellie long to freak out and immediately apologize. You laughed at her expression. “Ellie, calm down it’s fine! Look, i rather have people ask about him then tell me they’re sorry for something they had no control over. Plus, if i was sad over his death then he would haunt me for the rest of my life.”
Ellie nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed but decided to listen to you. “What was he like?”
You smiled widely. Recalling things about your father brought you so much joy. “Well, he was kind of a dick, but it was in the best way possible. There was a time where we travelled state to state because of his work, and we would see this old attractions from the old world. I have so much memories of him, so i rather not feel sad about it because it was the best time in my life…” You paused, and finally looked over at Ellie. “What about you? Where’s your dad or mom?”
Ellie bit the inside of her cheek. Joel and Ellie weren’t on the best terms right now. But it wouldn’t hurt to tell you some things from before. “ Never met my mom… And Joel isn’t my dad but uh… he kinda is. He took care of me. We travelled too, and we saw the best stuff. There was this time we passed through a college and saw some giraffes and monkeys. And on my birthday he took me to a dinosaur museum… He still alive, and lives here.”
“Joel? The old guy who loves coffee right?”
She nodded, and you thought about the moments you had brief conversations with him. “Yeah, pretty sure he traded Micky a bunch of stuff just for a bag of coffee beans.” You recalled a moment from months ago. You and Micky were trading with Jackson and Joel was there. That was the day Maria offered you to stay in Jackson after finding out your dad had died. Pinedale wasn’t really a place for a teenager girl who was alone so she offered you a place in Jackson. It was hard to refuse.
Ellie laughed. “That does sound like something he would do.”
“I kinda want to know more about you.” You said after a moment of silence. “I’ve noticed you around but i’ve never had the balls to talk to you. Not until this morning.”
Ellie could feel herself blushing subconsciously. “Me too- about you though. Not me, i already know so much about myself so i rather get to know you-“
You busted out laughing at her rambling. “I get it, Ellie. God, you’re so cute.” You admitted with another laugh. You were still walking while she was left behind. She needed a little moment.
Ellie could jump around in happinesses, maybe later on in secret. Ellie bit her lip to stop herself from smiling too hard. “She called me cute,” She whispered happily to herself.
“Come on, Casanova! Let’s finish this job so you could take me to that party!” You yelled from up ahead. You had noticed that she was walking beside you anymore so you looked around and found her talking to herself behind you.
“Right behind you!”
-Could of hours later; At jesses party-
“Look who finally decided to show up. And together.” Jesse smirks at you two the moment you walk into his backyard. You noticed different groups everywhere.
“You almost sound jealous.” You joked with a smile and all he could do was shake his head.
“Now now, no need to make me jealous, y/n. You got Ellie right beside you.”
“You’re right, we did come together, huh?” You hummed, and nodded. You grabbed Ellie’s hand, noticing she seemed left out. You gave her a grin and you could see how surprised she was. “Where are the drinks, jesse? I’d like to show Ellie my skills with mixing strong drinks.”
Ellie chuckled. “Are you trying to kill me?”
“Are you openly saying you’re a lightweight?” You pondered with a Mischievous grin.
“No but-“
“No buts! If Pinedale taught me anything, it’s how to mix drinks… and maybe how to tie someone up.” You winked, which made both Jesse and Ellie look each other with wide eyes. “Where are the drinks?”
“Inside, just walk through the back door and it’ll be in the kitchen. We have a wide variety.”
“Thank you! To the drinks!” You dragged Ellie along with you while still holding onto her hand. This felt… Right. Before the party even started you two were talking and getting to know each other more. You two just couldn’t stop talking to each other, the more you learned the more you wanted to stay together to learn even more.
The moment you walked into the kitchen you noticed how homey it looked. It was decorated like it was a house in the old world. You pulled Ellie towards the drinks. You pulled away from her and looked her up and down.
Ellie raised her eyebrows with a smirk. “Like what you see?”
“Obviously or i wouldn’t have come here with you… But i’m doing this for another reason.” You continued to observe Ellie for another moment and decided to think about her interests and everything you’ve talked about.
“And what’s the reason?” She asked as she leaned into the counter. She continued to look into your eyes.
“I’m trying to figure out what your perfect drink is.” You responded truthfully. Somehow you moved a little closer to her. It was like she was pulling you closer. That gravitational pull of hers was dangerous. “I don’t think you’re a cocktail girl, sweet drinks aren’t your thing. But you don’t like anything bitter because it’ll remind you of coffee… You prefer straight bourbon but hate straight vodka… this’ll be tough.”
Ellie chuckled and continues to watch you. She doesn’t know what you’re mixing into the red solo cup but it’s not like she really cares. All she can do is look at you. Something about you made her extremely happy just by being close to you.
“Here, drink this.” You held out the cup towards her.
Ellie eyed the cup suspiciously before grabbing the rim and sniffing it. It was strong. “It’s not poisoned right?”
You rolled your eyes playfully at her. “Guess you’ll have to find out.”
Ellie looks down into the cup before she takes a small sip. It tasted… Perfect. It wasn’t too sweet nor too sour… It was tender and somehow it was just right for her. Tender. Very flavourful. She could taste the whiskey, but she’s not sure what else was in it. Everything was blending together like a blur.
“So? How is it?” You questioned excitedly. “Not poisoned i hope.”
“It’s not poisoned… And I hate to say it but… It’s perfect.” She answered truthfully, which made you even happier. Out of no where you gave her a quick hug before she could say or hug you back. You retreated back to the counter and made yourself a drink and pulled her by the hand. You walked towards the patio couch and pulled Ellie beside you. Mostly everyone sat in a huge circle around the fire, talking and laughing.
Somewhere around the night Ellie had pulled the most cliché thing ever and wrapped her arm around you by pretending to yawn. You let her have her fun but moving even closer into her body. She was warm and smelled nice. You wanted to stay by her side forever.
Again Ellie found herself looking down at you. She was going crazy over this- you. She just wanted to kiss you already.
Luckily the gods were on her side this evening.
“Y/n! Want to play ‘choices’?” You looked up, noticing Jesse looking at you with a wide smile. Dina was next to him and somehow she reflected the same smirk.
You raised your eyebrow at the both of them. Somehow the people around you started cheering for you to play. Rolling your eyes you nodded and placed you left hand on Ellie’s thigh. You didn’t think much of it but Ellie couldn’t stop herself from blushing. “It doesn’t seem like i have much of a choice.”
“You don’t! Everyone else has played.”
“Yeah! You have to play since you’re drinking!”
“Think of a good one jesse!”
“Wait! I don’t even know how it’s played. What if i get bamboozled?” Everyone around the fire laughed at your uneasiness.
“We give you two choices. All you gotta do is choose to do one or the other. But you can’t do both. So the choices might clash with each other.” You nodded at his explanation but it also didn’t make sense to you. You didn’t know if it was his shit explanation or the fact that the game didn’t make sense. It didn’t matter, you still had to play.
“Alright, give me my choices then.”
Dina whispered something in his ear and all he could do was smirk. “You either drink for the rest of the night and not kiss Ellie or you kiss Ellie and not drink for the rest of the night. What’ll it be?”
For a second you’re caught off guard and couldn’t help but blush. So, you really thought about it. Was it too soon to kiss her? You only really got to know her today. But in the future you’ll get even closer to her. Would kissing her now be like an investment on the future?
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to… But if this changes anything, i wouldn’t mind kissing you.” Ellie whispered in your ear. Something about the way she said it sent a shiver down your spine. Yes Ellie, this changes everything. Now i have no excuse to not kiss you.
You looked up at her, your eyes trailing towards her lips. You hand moved from her thigh to her neck to pull her closer to you softly. “I better not regret this…” You challenged in a whisper.
Your first kiss with Ellie Williams was slow and soft. Her lips met yours with urgency, like she needed to kiss you in order to live. But she did it with care and precision. You loved the way her lips moved against yours with ease- almost like she knew how you liked it.
God, it feels so good.
“Oi, fuckers! Get a room!”
“Let them be! It’s hot!”
“Should’ve seen this coming! Just don’t fuck on the couch please!”
You pulled away after some time, and gave Ellie a sheepish smile. “Well… I don’t regret it.” You whispered truthfully.
“Me neither.” Ellie replied out of breath. She was really into the kiss. If only there weren’t people around. You really are amazing. “Hey, want to get out of here? Since you know, you can’t really drink anymore.” She asked, to which you nodded.
“Yes please.” You stood up and held out your hand out towards Ellie. She took you hand with a smile. Everyone around you two started chanting like a bunch of animals. All you two did was roll your eyes and leave them to drinking. Once you steeped out of Jesses backyard you could finally smell the fresh air. Something about his backyard was stuffy.
Ellie played with your hand as you continued to walk down the street. Ellie decided to take you to her place. Earlier you had mentioned loving video games and she had plenty of them. Playing video games all night does sound amazing.
“Tell me something interesting- like something i’ve never heard of before.” You we’re wondering what she would tell you, anything to keep the conversation going.
Ellie hummed, trying to find something that she hasn’t told you. Finally she thought of it. “Have you ever heard of an ice cream truck?” You shook your head as a ‘no’. “It was a van that drove around neighbourhoods and played creep loud music. Kids would run up to it and buy ice cream.”
“You’re fucking with me.”
“Nope! It’s true. I said the same thing when Joel told me about it. Oh! Remember when i told you about when Joel took me to the dinosaur museum for my birthday?” You nodded. “I climbed one. He also taught me how to swim and how to shoot most guns.”
“You seem to admire him a lot.” You smiled as squeezed her hand. The alcohol was starting to make you fuzzy, so you needed to make sure it was real.
“Yeah- well, i did. Not anymore… We’re not on good terms right now…”
“Why’s that?”
“Well… He just… stopped something that i wanted to do. It would’ve helped a lot of people.” She answered with a small frown on her face. She seemed so sad all of a sudden, which also made you feel sad.
“i’m sorry…” You felt like you needed to comfort her, so once again you squeezed her hand. “Well, i don’t mean to pry or anything because honestly? that really sucks and i don’t know the full story… but since he did that he must’ve had your best interest at heart right?”
Ellie didn’t say anything after that. You two walking in a comfortable silence. Ellie lead you past Joel’s house and straight for her garage. She opened the door for you and held it open.
“Why thank you, quite the gentleman, aren’t you?”
She winked. “You’re quite welcome.”
You looked around, noticing all the old posters on her wall. You continued to look around until your eyes noticed her beautiful guitar. “You play?” You asked, to which she nodded. “Play me something.”
She looked away, almost embarrassed at the thought. The only person who has actually play something was Joel. And it was only for practice.
“If you play the guitar for me, i’ll play the piano for you. There’s on in the tipsy bison, right? Ill play you something if you do the same.” It was a simple trade off. An eye for an eye. Music for music.
“You can play the piano? What can’t you do?” She asked rhetorically which made you laugh.
“Apparently i can’t get the girl i like to play me the guitar…”
Ellie smiled bashfully, and with a sigh she moved towards her guitar. You sat on her bed and that’s where she joined you. After strumming her guitar she started to tune it. After a moment she started strumming lowly.
“In the morning when I wake,
and the sun is coming through,
Oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness,
And you fill my head with you.
Shall I write it in a letter?
Shall I try to get it down?
Oh, you fill my head with pieces of a song I can't get out,
Shall I write it in a letter?
Shall I try to get it down?
Oh, you fill my head with pieces of a song I can't get out
Can I be close to you?
Oh-oh-oh-ooh, ooh
Can I be close to you? Ooh, ooh”
You were breathless. Ellie’s voice was beautiful. It was smooth and rich- almost like she was meant to be a singer. This song sent shivers down you spine and it felt like she chose it specifically just for you.
“Sorry, i forgot the rest of the lyrics.” She apologizes as she puts the guitar down. “When i thought of you, this song just played in my head so i had to sing it.”
“Ellie, that was beautiful.” You responded breathlessly. Ellie keeps on making you more and more interested in you. She was perfect.
“I’m glad you liked it.” Somewhere along the line, you leaned in closer to her. You needed to kiss her. Or maybe something more. It’s not there was anyone to stop you guys this time.
You wasted no time and kissed her, and luckily Ellie didn’t stop you. She wanted this just as much as you- maybe even more. Things got a little more heated, so you started to slowly make your way onto her lap. Her hands landed on your hips and slowly moved down to your thighs. You two continued to make out for some time before Ellie pulled away with swollen lips.
“We can stop— i don’t want you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.” She panted, already of breath. You were intoxicating. But she only wanted to keep going if you wanted to.
“Ellie, i’m okay. I want this.” You pecked her nose sweetly, and slowly moved down her neck with wet open mouth kisses thatshe seemed to love. “I expect a date after this.” You whispered sensually into her ear, giving her a small bite just so you knew she was paying attention.
“I’ll literally give you whatever you want.” You held back a moan after you found her spot on her neck.
“Whatever i want?” You asked, and again she nodded quickly. Her hands moved under your shirt.
“Whatever you want. Anytime, anywhere.” She rasped, which made you melt. This was all you ever needed. The future was bright for you two. Something about today told you that. You’re just glad it’s with her.
end <3
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ellieswhoreeee · 4 years ago
It’s you. [1/2]
authors note: Hellooooo lovely’s! this is new short story that has been in my notes for a while so i thought i’d post it. The first part is short but the second part will be way longer. Give me two days max to actually post it tho, anyways enjoy! :)
Summery: In which Ellie crushes on the daycare worker, aka you. She and Jesse invite you to a party and things get pretty intense at said party.
Pairings: ellie williams x fem! reader
warnings: swearing, alcohol, marijuana, ect.
“So, are you going to tell me where we’re going?” Jesse questions curiously as he follows Ellie along the road. He wasn’t sure where she was dragging him, but she seemed to know the way like it was in her nature. She picked him up from the tipsy bison and gave him a quick, ‘follow me’ and that’s where they are now. Jesse could never say no to Ellie. Being her best friend was rough sometimes.
“Will you just follow me? I’ll tell you when we get there.” Ellie insisted, continuing to lead Jesse towards the schools. After a couple of minutes of walking, they finally arrived at Ellie’s preferred destination. Ellie and Jesse stopped a couple of feet away from the school; waiting. Ellie leaned into the fence and kept her attention on the door.
Suddenly the door was forced opened. The force behind it was caused by a bunch a little kids. They ran out the door like a pack of runners, and made their way towards the playground. A woman, who was carrying a child on her hip and had another child was clinging onto her cargo pants walked out of the door calmly.
“Guys, you guys shouldn’t run like that. You guys could get seriously hurt.” She scolded lightly at the kids who were already playing. The children looked in her direction and nodded.
“Yes, miss y/n!” They chorused in sync. It’s almost like these 7-11 year olds practiced together just to get it right. You placed your hand on the Ronnie, the boys head and messed with his hair gently. He continued to hide behind her and clung onto her pants.
You then squatted down to his level. Ronnie’s sweet innocent eyes looked at you. “Why don’t you go play with everyone else?” You asked the little boy in concern. Lately the little boy had only been with you, following you around. You were worried about him.
He shrugged his shoulders, his eyes then fall onto the ground. “You look lonely…” He responded innocently. “I know how that feels, so i don’t want you to feel that way.”
You smiled, and patted his head once again softly. “Ronnie, i’m okay. I promise. I want you to have fun with kids your age. Me and Chelsea will be watching, okay?” He hesitantly nodded, and ran towards the sandbox where Lily and Esteban were playing. You looked at Chelsea and kissed her on the forehead. She coo’ed happily like the child she was and started to play with your necklace. You stood up and continued to watch over the kids in your care.
“Isn’t she pretty?” Ellie asked, almost starstruck by your appearance. She was watching your whole interaction with those kids. Though it might not seem impressive to other people, it was impressive to her.
Jesse chuckled lightly, and nodded. “So, you’re crushing on y/n?”
“Crushing is a strong word-“
“Oh, come on! You just dragged me over here just so you could stare at her.” Jesse interrupted with a smirk on his face. This would be useful in the future. “Well, i can’t say i’m surprised. She’s really amazing.”
Ellie’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “You know her? I thought she was new here?” Ellie didn’t know much about you, only bits and pieces from people around town. It seemed like everyone had something to say about you- all nice things of course. She hasn’t even heard one negative thing about you.
Jesse once again nodded. “She came from the neighbouring settlement a few weeks ago,” He then noticed her eyes trailing towards the baby. He pointed at the baby on your hip and then crossed his arms over his chest. “Not her kid, or even remotely related. Currently 19, volunteers for everything except patrol and… is single.”
“Let me rephrase my question… How do you know her? When did you guys ever talk!?”
“Cool it, soldier. We got to know each other when Maria asked me to give her a tour around Jackson. We’re just friends.” Jesse explained to his best friend in the calmest and most sincere way possible. Ellie hummed, and only nodded.
“Look it’s Ellie!” A kid squealed happily and started running towards her. Ellie smiled widely and hopped over the fence so she could hug the kids that were running towards her. 5 kids crashed into her and started a dog pile.
“Ugh, you boogers are heavy.” Ellie joked in a rough voice, just so the kids would believe her. The kids screamed as Ellie gently ticked them. It took a could of seconds for you to actually notice.
“Alright guys, leave the poor girl alone.” You walked up to them slowly, and started to shoo them away.  You noticed the commotion so you decided to help. You’ve seen her around, but haven’t spoken to her before. She was always around someone which intimidated you. You couldn’t help but be interested in the girl. Everyone you spoke to liked to bring her up. They always mentioned something amazing she did. You thought she wouldn’t have noticed you.
But here she was, and this was the perfect moment to talk to her. The universe was definitely on your side. Ellie was sitting on the ground and looked up at you. You noticed her freckles first, and then her soft green eyes. She was even prettier up close. You held out your left hand towards her, and hoped she’d take it.
“So you’re the famous Ellie that my kids love talking about.” You inquired, a small smile on your face as you looked down at the girl. Ellie took your hand, and you helped her get on her feet.
“That’s me… Guilty.” You laughed lightly at her reply. The both of you stared at each other with shy smiles on your faces.
Chelsea’s cooing broke you from your trance, so you looked down. “Sorry for not introducing myself sooner, i’m-“
“Y/n… Yeah, i know about you.” You raised your eyebrows, which she took for as something negative. So she wanted to save it. “I mean, me and Jesse were just talking about you.”
You looked at Jesse who just shrugged his shoulders. You chuckled. “Nice to see you too, Jes.”
“Howdy, y/n. I didn’t want to ruin your eye fucking fest.” Jesse smirked, and nodded towards you and Ellie.
You rolled your eyes. If he saw anything different then he would probably use it against you. So you opted to not show your true reaction. “So what was it that you two were talking about? Right, me. Spill.”
Ellie looked nervous, which Jesse noticed so he decided to help her out. What kind of best friend wouldn’t? “There’s this bonfire that i’m having tonight and I was telling Ellie that we should invite you… Which explains why we’re here.”
You hummed, and nodded to what he was saying. It was all making sense to them. “And where is this bonfire?” You asked.
“My place. My parents aren’t going to be home tonight, so i decided to throw a little party. You interested?” Jesse explained confidently. Everything that was happening was such a coincidence. Luckily it was going in their favour.
“So, will we be seeing you tonight?” Ellie questions with a cute smile.
You thought about it for a moment, and only looked into her eyes. She didn’t look away which told you a lot. You subconsciously bit your lip, which Ellie payed attention to. “Yes, Ellie. You will be seeing me tonight… Crap, i gotta go. Bye guys!” You turned on your heel and walked over to a kid who just got hurt. “Micheal, what happened buddy?”
Ellie could still distinctly hear your voice as you continued to talk to a small boy. She turned to Jesse. “Nice going, Jesse. You really saved my ass.”
“Thank me by actually hooking up with her tonight.”
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ellieswhoreeee · 4 years ago
The Two of Us. pt 4
Author’s note; Sorry guys for being so inconsistent about posting guys! i promise i’ll do better but i was kinda distracted with a dina fic i’m writing🧍🏽‍♀️anyways this is the end, i hope you guys enjoy it! also i know this feels slightly rushed so i’m sorry for that :/
endgame pairings: ellie williams x fem! reader
warnings: swearing, marijuana, violence, ect.
ps: i’m still learning how to use tumblr when it comes to replying and doing other stuff so please give me time 😭
“I knew i’d find ya’ here,” Joel’s voice was oddly gruff but soft at the same time. He was loud enough for you to hear, even from the different distances. It was nice hearing his voice. You heard the rocks under his feet crunch together, making noise as he got closer and closer to your hiding spot. You were hiding in the tree house that was built into a large tree. The tree house was small but big enough for you, even though you built it when you were younger. It was surprisingly stable.
You didn’t say anything, and just stayed where you were. Hopefully he would think that you weren’t in here if you weren’t responding to him. “Kiddo, get down from there and talk to me. I ain’t gonna leave, so you can’t hide from me.”
You sighed quietly, and crawled towards the door- which in reality was just an old blanket that covered the entrance. You hated how noble Joel was. Your head peaked through the fabric. “Did Maria send you? Tell her i’m okay, i’m just sick.”
“Actually, i came here on my own. I’ve just… Noticed the changes between you and Ellie these past few days… I think if you could just talk to her-“
“Joel, this won’t get fixed by just talking. I fucked up this time.”
“What did you do…?” Joel questioned curiously. You looked away and decided to stay quiet as you clenched your jaw. Joel looked down at the ground awkwardly, noticing the look on your face. “I know y’all kids think i don’t know anything… But i’m not dumb. People talk… I’m just waiting for her to tell me so… whatever it is, i can guarantee that i won’t judge.” 
You bit your lip, and decided it would be better to talk to him. It was a little awkward when you first met but after continuously talking to him and hanging with him really changed that. He was one of the many people you were grateful for. You gave him a small smile. “I would invite you up but you’re kinda…”
“What? Too old? I’ll have ya’ know that i’m in the prime of my life.”
You bite the inside of your cheek to hide your laugh. “Fat. I meant fat, you would break the tree house.” You were joking, it wasn’t anything serious and he knew that.
“Oh yeah?”
He hummed, giving you a mischievous smile. He then moved towards the tree, and started to slowly climb up the ladder without any hesitation. You retreated back to the spot you were in, and watched as Joel struggled to get in quietly. He then sat across from you. He was curious about the inside- it didn’t look as abandoned as he thought he would be. “Cozy,”
You laughed. “Thanks, i guess you never been up here, huh? You should’ve seen it when me and Ellie put fairy lights up…” Joel stayed quiet for a moment. You brought your knees up to your chest and let out a quiet sigh. “You know, she’d say something dumb like, ‘it’s Ellie and I’ or something.”
Joel felt like patting you on the back and saying ‘it would be okay’ but that wasn’t what you needed right now. You needed someone to talk to. He needed to be that person for you because of how much he cared about you and Ellie. “What happened?”
“You won’t judge me?” Your voice cracked at the question, and he could tell you were scared. He shook his head in response which made you feel slightly better. You covered your eyes with your hands in frustration. “Ellie found out that i… Have feelings for her.” Your voice was quiet, and he almost didn’t hear you.
He was quiet for what seemed like forever but in reality it was only a couple of seconds. “…And does she like you back?” He questioned in the softest way possible. You removed your hands from your eyes and decided to look at him.
“If she did we wouldn’t be up here…” You replied awkwardly.
“So… You two talked about it? And you’re certain that she doesn’t like you?”
You shook your head slowly at his questions. “No, i kinda just walked away before she could say anything… But i know she doesn’t like me because she’s-“
“Dating Cat.” Joel finished for you. He already knew about Ellie and Cat. Not much, but enough to know how they dote on each other. People talk, so mostly everyone knew about them. Joel was just waiting for Ellie to tell him, and she hasn’t.
You nodded. “Yeah. Dating fucking Cat.” You spat bitterly.
Joel sighed, and continued to watch you. He noticed a lot by just watching you. You were playing with your hands, almost as if you were trying to calm your down from the hurricane that is your brain. You looked pretty sad. “Alright, i’m tired of it. You needa’ stop moping. So, we’re going.”
“Where are we going?” You asked quickly and followed him down the tree house. He waited for you, and once you reached the pebbles on the floor he started moving ahead once again. All you could really do was follow him.
“Just follow me, kid.”
“No way! I can’t do this right now, at least let me get a drink or something! I need whiskey in my system before i can talk to her!”
You don’t know how it happened. You let Joel drag you around town- just so he could get you to let your guard down. His real plan was getting you to Ellie’s garage. He asked you to close your eyes and lead you somewhere- and that’s where you are now. Right behind his house, aka in front of Ellie’s door.
“What if Cat’s here? This’ll be really awkward and pretty messed up.!” He was dragging you by your collar now, just so you couldn’t run away. You hated how strong he was. He then knocked on her door, and your skin shivered anxiously. You didn’t want to be here. You weren’t ready.
“Sorry, kid. In life, you gotta face your problems one way or another. I’m just giving you a gentle push.”
“More like a forceful shove!”
“Quit your whinin’. You need this. Closure or whatever you kids are saying these days.”
The door lock clicking caught your attention, then the door opened slowly. It revealed a very tired looking Ellie. She looked up at Joel and then down at you in surprise. “Sup..?”
Joel nodded in acknowledgment. “Heya, kiddo. Just thought i’d drop this off.” He let go of your collar, and suddenly you were on the floor. He turned on his heel and returned into his house through the back door. Fucking Joel, acting like i’m some sort of package. You couldn’t help think as you sat there.
“Fuck me,” You muttered lowly to yourself. You couldn’t even look up at Ellie. You were ashamed. You weren’t planning on telling Ellie about how you felt. Especially when you didn’t know if your feelings would last long. “This was a bad idea, i’m gonna go.” You stood up and brushed the dirt off your clothes.
You were about to walk- maybe even run away if it weren’t for Ellie talking first. “I never pegged you as a coward.”
You sighed, turning back to face her. To finally look at her. You noticed the bags under her eyes, that she looked paler than usual and her voice sounded hoarse. Seeing her this way made you sad. “Ellie…”
“No. You won’t talk right now.” She stopped you from speaking further. Maybe you deserved that. “Avoiding me, ignoring me and running away from me whenever i’m near? That’s all the things a coward would do. And that coward is you, y/n. I never thought that you were that type of person… You always faced your problems head on.”
Her arms were crossed over her chest, and she was leaning against her door. It was the support she needed at the moment. Her words were hitting you hard. It was like a wake up call, just what you needed to get out from the hole you found yourself in.
But you also felt like denying her words.
You scoffed, and took a few steps back from her. You felt even more far away from her then ever. “Look, Ellie what do you want from me? You know why. Why can’t we leave it at that and move on. Never talk about it again.”
“Right, cause’ this is something we can move on from… Y/n, I need to hear you say it.” She pushed herself off her door and slowly moved closer to you.
“I’m not gonna do that.”
“Why? Are you afraid? I never knew you were such a pussy.” The way those words left her lips made it seem like she wanted to piss you off, to push you over the edge. Just so she could get your reaction.
“Fuck you, ellie… God, why do you need to hear me say it? You and your girlfriend are fucked up for wanting me to say it despite knowing already.”
She hummed, and continued to take steps towards you. “Are you scared? Is that it? Why is it that this conversation scares you but not a pack of infected…?” You scoffed, and didn’t say anything. You didn’t want to. She ended up being a few inches away from you. You couldn’t look up at her. You’re scared of doing something that you’ll regret. God, you wished you had gotten a drink or something. Maybe then you could at least blame it on the alcohol.
“What are you so afraid of?” She questioned in a whisper. Ellie wanted you to say it, she wanted to confirm that you actually liked her. She needed to hear you say it. Not insinuate it, but to actually hear it from your lips. That’s what she wanted.
Your eyes travelled from the ground and slowly trailed up her body. Your eyes lingered on Ellie’s neck, and then stopped at her chapped lips. Instinctively, she licked her lips as she continued to stare at you. You swallowed lowly, finally finding yourself looking into her green eyes. “I’m scared that you won’t like it.” Again, your eyes flickered to her lips.
“I will.”
For a split second you’re happy. But then you remember Cat. You frown, and decided to take a step back. “You’re with Cat- in love with her. That’s what you said, isn’t it? I may be in love with you but i’m not gonna let you cheat on her.”
Ellie pressed her lips together, a nod and small smile on her lips. “You’re a good person, y/n. That’s one of the many things that i love about you..” Your stomach did a flip, but you tried to listen to her next words carefully. You couldn’t be distracted by her sweet words. “I broke up with Cat. As fucked up as it is… I was only with her to try and get over you.”
“So, what i’m getting from this conversation is… You’re single?”
She laughed, and walked closer to you. “Not for long i hope.” She winked- well, tried to to. It was a pretty bad wink. But it was cute that she tried.
“I feel bad for the next person who dates you… you’re infuriating.” You whispered, watching and you and Ellie inched closer to each other.
She grinned, and watched and you closed you eyes. “You love it.” She paused for a moment, just to tease you before she finally brings your lips together in a sweet kiss. Her hands trail down to your hips so you could be flushed against her body. Your arms wrap around her shoulders loosely. She groans when you nip at her lower lip, then slides her hand under your shirt. God… you’re so enticing, y/n. Ellie was only thinking of you in this moment.
“Oi! Y/n! Ellie! PDA!!” Joel’s head popped out from the kitchen window as he glared at you two playfully.
“Right,” You pushed away from Ellie’s lips. “Joel knows.”
Ellie nodded, a smile on her lips as she continued to look at you. She was awestruck. She finally got to kiss you, to hold you and in the future there would be more memories with you. More memorable memories. “I guess he does.” She peck you on the lips and grab your hands. “You’re with me, right?”
You nodded, squeezing her hands to comfort her. God, you loved her so much. There is nothing better than being with her. You wished you had told her your feelings sooner, way before Cat. Maybe things could’ve been different.
But things are back on track for you and Ellie, and will be for a long time. Your gut is telling you everything will be fine. “Always.”
As long as you were with Ellie, nothing could go wrong.
end <3
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ellieswhoreeee · 4 years ago
My Happy Ending ~ ellie x fem reader
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summary: ellie is currently dating y/n but is secretly cheating with dina. what happens when y/n finds out?
warnings : angst,swearing,mention of sex
The rain has started pouring from the dark sky. the rustling of the trees can be heard outside ellie's window.
y/n was currently reading her book, enjoying her own world on ellie's bed. when a sudden loud slam from the door was heard.
"hey babe!" y/n happily walked towards nervous ellie.
"hey, uh what are you doing here?"
y/n hugs ellie and hang her jacket on the couch.
"I thought we were gonna watch a movie? where have you been?" y/n asked nonchalantly while sitting on the couch, looking at the pile of comic books.
"oh yeah i forgot, i found this horror movie awhile ago" ellie answered, ignoring the other question y/n asked.
ellie dries herself with the towel y/n handed and assemble the dvd tape with the dvd player while y/n playfully finds a snack on ellie's simple pantry.
as y/n found a bag of chips, she poured it on the bowl and went to see ellie who is peacefully sitting, back leaning on the wooden headboard, fiddling with her fingers.
y/n sat beside her and notice something on ellie's neck. "what's that?"
"huh? oh the movie's starting." ellie retorted while awkwardly wrapping her arms around your shoulder as you lay on her chest.
you hummed otherwise, forgetting the thing on her neck as you watched the movie.
now and then, ellie would awkwardly move around to avoid your head on her chest "are you okay?" you asked as you lean back on the headboard to see her playing with her fingers and avoiding your gaze.
"uh its getting late. i have patrol tomorrow" fiddles with her finger. "babe, you should have told me" you smiled as you held her hand.
she looked up and smiled, "yeah" she mutters and stands from the bed, preparing herself to sleep while you got up and remove the disc, turn the tv off and prepared yourself to sleep too.
"goodnight babe, sleep well" you cheerfully wrap your arms around her waist. "um goodnight" she said. as you were about to kiss her, she swiftly turn to face the other side opposite from you.
you were curious, what is up with her? why does she act like this? are you being clingy? maybe. you dont know.
deciding to give her space, you bring back your hands to your side and slowly drift away, sleep taking over you.
the next morning, ellie was gone on the bed, she must have went out for patrol. you sat up and reach for the comb beside you but the comb fell to the floor.
groaning, you got up and went to pick up the comb when something tells you to look underneath the bed.
as you look underneath the bed with a flashlight, you saw an object that made you feel worried. a bra, which is not yours.
maybe this was ellie's, finally telling yourself to not worry. you go to put it on ellie's basket laundry and change your clothes to go outside.
once outside, you felt the cold wind passing through your body. you walked down the street seeing the adults talking and some kids playing together.
you went inside the diner, and went to the counter when you see a certain red head sitting across from a black haired girl. its ellie and dina.
why is ellie still here? you ask to yourself. the man from the counter gave you a sandwich and you went to go to see ellie and dina.
"we should just keep this low-"
ellie stops at what she's saying, "hey baby, why are you here?" she asked nervously. "i thought you have patrol, why are you here?" you asked curiously, in the corner of your eye you could see dina looking nervously down at her water bottle.
"uhm just having breakfast before we head out, goodmorning by the way" dina grinned. "oh right, goodmorning" you replied eating your sandwich. "uh so yeah, were gonna head out now. see ya later babe." ellie winks and kisses you.
you were left there, standing alone, thinking why the hell ellie so acting weird.
as you finish having breakfast, you went outside to see jesse standing across the street leaning his back at the wall. deciding to talk to him, you wave at him.
"hey jesse, how are you big bro?" you asked playfully, nudging his shoulder. "dina broke up with me but otherwise im okay i guess"
"stop being a wimp, im sure you'll get back together." you tried to cheer him up but he frowns. "how's ellie?" he asked, "she's fine, why?"
for a second he pause, not knowing what to do, he keeps avoiding your gaze. "just asking" he then pat your shoulder and walk away.
what is going on? you asked. deciding to go to joel's, you walked towards his house. blocks away from the diner. you knock at the door and it opens, seeing joel standing and tommy behind him. they seem talking about routes because there are maps. "hey kiddo, what's up?" joel asked. "oh sorry to bother, i'll talk to you later,goodmorning." you said as you wave at tommy and joel,"what's up?" asked tommy "we can talk for awhile, come in" joel smiled. you grinned and step inside the house.
joel lets you sit on the chair across him and tommy at the table. "so uhm did ellie say something to you guys?" you asked as you play with your fingers. "about what?" tommy asked. "uh about me?" feeling a little embarrased you look away at the brothers. "oh no kid. but she keeps asking if you went for patrol." tommy said while writing something on the paper. "yeah,she also ask me sometimes if you were in her house. where did you go kiddo? she always ask where you are." joel chuckles.
you giggled,"eh just reading books at my house, she seems busy on patrol so yeah." you awkwardly laugh. joel and tommy nodded. "well thanks guys. i'll see you both around." you sighed and went to the door.
opening it, you were meet by a cheerful maria, "hey y/n! just in time, i want you to go to arc trail with ellie this afternoon. you good with it?" she asked while crossing her arms.
"uh i should go alone, let ellie rest up she went out this morning"
"shimmer is in the stables, she's not scheduled today. that's why i put you two together." shock to what she said, "she said she's gonna head out with dina?"
"dina was not scheduled today either,perhaps i can put you three together." you look around, realization dawn on you. why is ellie lying?
"oh yeah uhm okay thanks. i'll see you guys around" you wave at the three as you hop off from the stairs of joel's porch. you cant help but cant stop thinking why ellie is lying or where is she or what the hell is she doing. deciding to calm down, you walked to ellie's home which is at the back of joel's house.
walking closer to her home, you hear muffled swears and moans. what is happening? fear rising in you as you heard the sounds getting louder as you walk closer to her home. this doesn't look so good.
opening the door, you froze at what you see, there she is making out with dina. fucking naked, almost having sex. dina stop kissing ellie and froze to see you in the door, standing.
ellie look towards your way and swears, getting off dina and immediately putting her clothes on. dina does the same. "y/n i can explain-" ellie said, guilt on her eyes. you immediately slam the door close and ran away from her home while trying so hard not to cry but you failed.
back at your home, you slam the door shut and sat on the floor leaning on the door while letting your anger out, crying.
"why?why?why!!" you scream and punch your hand on the wall. crying and whining like a child who lost a toy.
you think she is better than this, you think ellie is the one, you think ellie loves you. loved you.
still sobbing, you walked towards your bedroom and lay down. thinking of what happened,clearly ashame. then memories flood your mind of you and ellie. having so much fun, watching movies together, making out, taking goofy pictures, just loving each other. you cried more, thinking this was the end of your relationship.
you truly love ellie and not wanting to let her go. but it really hurts, realizing that she doesn't feel the same way.
all you could do is stay away from them and let go of ellie.
and realization dawn on you again, patrol this afternoon.
cliffhanger? idk. gonna make pt 2 and 3
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ellieswhoreeee · 4 years ago
The Two of Us. pt 3
Author’s Note; Hello everyone! Welcome back :) Thank you once again for reading The Two of Us, i’m so excited for he directing this will be heading. The ideas are flowing! Anyways, i think this story will be less then 10 chapters. There will be conflict- with some angst so be prepared! Enjoy!!
Endgame Pairing: Ellie Williams x fem! Reader
Warnings: Violence, marijuana, swearing, ect.
“Wanna hear a joke?” Ellie asked after a couple of minutes of silence. You smiled, somehow feeling nostalgic. Ellie used to have this pun book that she would carry around when you two were younger and randomly tell you jokes.
It was refreshing.
“Alright, hit me.” You nodded, looking over at Ellie who was next to you. Ellie was on Shimmer, riding gracefully. She was looking straight ahead, almost as if she was avoiding eye contact with you.
But she wasn’t. If anything she was nervous.
Suddenly, she leaned over towards you- and smacked you over the head. She retreated back to where she originally was and smirked at you. The look on your face told her everything. “What? You said hit me, so i did. You’re welcome.”
Funny girl. Of course, you couldn’t even be mad or negative. You let out a small laugh. “Ellie, i’m pretty sure that wasn’t the joke.”
“How’d you figure?” With another look that you threw at her, she understood what it had meant. She thought about something for a moment, and then remembered what the joke was. “What did the grape say when it got crushed?”
“I don’t know, something with raisins?”
“What? No- you really suck at this,”
“Shut up and finish the joke.”
“Nothing, it just let out a little wine.”
“Ellie, god that was horrible.” You chuckled out, and continued to grip onto Gemini’s reins. At the moment you were passing a small town. You had no idea what the name was since the vegetation was covering all the signs, growing onto the buildings and overgrown as shit. Everything was so green and lush, but the way it was abandoned made it look scary.
Which made you even more cautious for infected.
“Oh yeah? Well, i’d like to hear one of your fabulous jokes.” Ellie’s voice rang through your ears. You looked over at her, somehow she was now ahead of you. You stared at the back of her head, looking at her long neck, her hair that was tied back and her slender shoulders. Ellie made you forget about the apocalypse.
“Sorry to break it to you but my speciality is pick up lines.” You answered with a smile. You finally looked away from her and your attention fell onto the graffiti on the buildings. But the moment you felt Ellie’s eyes on you, you looked back.
Ellie’s eyes were sparkling. You didn’t know what that look on her face meant, it was the first time you’ve seen her like this. “Really? Alright, i’d like to hear what your ex’s fell for.”
“Ellie, they don’t count since they’re not really ex’s.” You frowned, remember the people who you used to… Well, “hang out with”. There was a time in your life where you denied the feelings for Ellie. Where you thought it was a phase and that you were mistaking your feelings as something else. You thought the interest was you just wanting to be her close friend because god, Ellie was amazing. It took you some time and talking to some friends to realize what you felt was more than wanting to be a close friend.
“Doesn’t matter. I want a good pick up line!”
She seems fine with it, why wouldn’t she? It’s not like it’s something serious. You got this. Playful attitude and it’ll all be okay.
You nodded, and cleared your throat. You stopped Gemini from continuing to walk. You waited for Ellie to stop Shimmer, so she could actually look at you. And she did, she turned shimmer around so she could stare at you. You two were in the middle of the road, out in the open. “Can i borrow a kiss? I promise i’ll give it back.”
Ellie’s face flushed- it couldn’t be helped. That was a good pick up line, she couldn’t deny that. The way you said it, the way you were looking at her and… God, she was helpless. Wait- what was she thinking? She had a girlfriend back home! She swore to get over after realizing you couldn’t have liked her back!
“What? Was that not good enough? Well, i do have seasonal pick up lines. Like, If a kiss was a snowflake, I would send you a snowstorm.” And with that you sent her a small wink, and leaned closer to Gemini’s neck. The look on her face was… Different. You couldn’t really understand her.
“Y/n-“ There was a scream- multiple screams and clicks that brought you back from your little world with Ellie. You felt your stomach drop at the noise. Infected really are a pain in the ass.
“Infected,” You warned, looking around in the town where the sounds seem to be coming from. You noticed a broken window from a grocery store. It was dark, and there was small noises coming from in there. “I thought this area would be clear.”
“They like to wander, remember?” Ellie reminded you with a hard look on her face. You jumped off Gemini, and decided to tie him to an old bike post. “What are you doing?” She asked with a frown.
You pulled out your handgun from your holster, checking to see how much bullets you had in the clip before looking at her. “We have to clear this place, we are on patrol.”
“This isn’t the checkpoint, what are Danny and Axel gonna think when we don’t show up on time?”
“Then we should deal with this quickly. Come on,” You urged, walking towards the broken window and jumped in without hesitation. Ellie quickly followed behind you, trying to catch up.
You get pretty impatient when it comes to clearing areas. She’s not sure where it came from. You were more hostile around infected- with good reason too but it was to the point you would jump in even if it killed you. That’s how bad it was.
From where she was she could see you silently bringing down one of the runners. There was three clickers strolling around the registers while there was some more runners strolling the isles. 7 infected in total- well now six.
She followed your lead, and decided to take down some of the runners quietly. It was much easier than showering them with bullets that you needed. But just in case, you kept your gun close.
After a couple of minutes, you two finished and decided to look around in hopes of finding something good. Which was rare, but it was still worth a shot. You body lead you to the back of the store where a door caught your attention. With your left hand you attempted to open the door but of course it was locked.
“Come on, let’s get going now.” Ellie walked up to you, watching you as you kept your attention on the door. You looked up, finding the entrance of the vent open. Bingo.
“Ellie, give me a boost.” Ellie raised her eyebrows at you, and it seemed like all she wanted to do was leave. First, Ellie promised Joel she wouldn’t take the longer routes and that she would start off with groups patrols but here she is, doing the longer routes and doing paired patrols instead. She just hopes that Joel doesn’t find out. “I’ll just check in there and then we can leave. I promise.” You reasoned, giving her a convincing smile.
She sighed, and nodded. She couldn’t say no to you. She leaned against the wall, and got in position to give you a boost. With one foot you stepped into her hand and she hoisted you up. You climed straight into the vent and crawled into the locked room. The room was bigger than you expected. You thought it was a janitors room but it was actually an office. It was nicely put together for a room that has been locked for what you assumed was years. You were about to walk closer towards the large desk when you heard something, but the banging on the door distracted you.
“Y/n! Open the door already!”
You sighed, and moved towards the door. Just as you were about to unlock it, an ear piercing scream sent you into panic but you weren’t fast enough to react to the stalker who had grabbed you from behind. You were so close to its mouth that you could hear it’s teeth chattering in anticipation.
You struggled against its hold, trying everything in your power to get it the fuck off you because god, this thing was disgusting. “Get the fuck off of me!” You grunted, continuing to fight off against the thing but you don’t remember where you put your knife. You were barely holding the stalker back, but you grip on its neck was the only thing keeping you alive at the moment.
Two gunshot rang out, and the stalker dropped behind you. You fell to the ground, feeling the sick to your stomach. “Y/n! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Are you bitten!?” Ellie jumped down from the same vent that you came through, and kneeled down to you. She grabbed your face and continued to check for bites- or any signs of injuries.
You couldn’t look her in the eyes. “Shit.” You closed your eyes. “I’m loosing my shit.”
“Come on, let’s get the fuck out of here.” She grabbed your hand and pulled you up from the ground. She unlocked the door and lead you outside where the horses were waiting for you. Almost as sensing something was wrong, Gemini leaned into you once you were close enough.
“Hey, buddy. I’m okay.”
Ellie decided to let go of your hand. Your skin was warm and somehow she was comforted by that. But then she remembers that it probably meant more to her than it did to you. It always did.
She could never read you.
“What took you two so long?” Axel asked once you two made it to the dam. You two walked into the building, and straight to the watchtower. Ellie went straight to the couch while you walked towards the notebook and decided to report what had happened.
“Infected, we were clearing the an area and lost track of time.” You explained briskly. Axel nodded, noticing something was off but decided to say anything. Danny and Axel left after packing up.
You looked over at Ellie who was lounging around on the couch that was in another section of the room. She was writing something in her journal. You were curious as to what she was writing. “Watcha writing there, El?”
She didn’t look up and just continued to write. But she was smirking. “Only writing that i had to save your ass… Again.”
You groaned, hearing her laughing from her spot. “Watch it, William. I swear i’ll haunt you from beyond the grave.”
“You’ll never get the chance because i’ll always be there to save your ass.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Oh, yay. My own personal prince charming. What’s next, saving me from an evil queen who placed a curse on me?”
“We’ll, it’s on my list.” She joked, finally finishing up whatever she was writing in her journal. She closed her journal and hides it back into her backpack. You decided to look into the other room, you were looking for something specific. After some scavenging you finally found it. A bong.
“Hey, El! Guess what i found!” You yelled from the other room. You looked at the beautiful glass piece in-front of you.
“Please tell me you won the lottery, i would kill for a cruise ticket!”
“Funny,” You walked into the room Ellie was in, and presented the bong to her. Ellie’s eyes widen.
“How’s you know that was here?”
“There’s always at least one at each checkpoint.” You replied swiftly, giving her a grin. “ Eugene is a very chartable man.” 
“We shouldn’t. Plus, we don’t have- wait, do you have some on you?”
You reached into your bag and pulled out a small bag of bud. You smirked and tossed her the bag. “As i said, Eugene is very charitable.”
Ellie was awestruck. “Jesus, y/n. Since when did you become a pothead?”
You hummed. “That’s a really good question- i’m not going to answer though.”
“Aw come on! I literally tell you everything.” Ellie slightly pouting at the fact that you were withholding information from her.
“Come talk to me when you’re 18.” You responded with a smirk on you’re face.
She rolled her eyes and smiled. “Quit being a dick. You turned 18 a couple of months ago and don’t know how to act.”
“Shut up,” You walked over to her and sat on the opposite side of the same couch as her. You pulled out your bottle of water. “So, inside or outside?”
“Outside, obviously. Only one bowl, deal?”
After many hours of waiting, you and Ellie were finally replaced at the dam checkpoint, so you two finished running your routes while riding back to Jackson. It started out rough but at the end of your shift you were feeling better. You had made it through the gates in one piece thanks to Ellie- and she made sure you didn’t forget it.
As soon as you made it to the stables you let out a relieved sigh. You started to stretch out your limbs. “It feels so good being back.” You let out a yawn, after you jumped off of Gemini. Ellie followed after you and stepped off of Shimmer. She grabbed Shimmer’s reins and held out her other hand towards you. You were confused on why she was doing that. “Uh… Is this one of your weird ways of telling me i’m awesome?”
“Psh, you wish. Give me his reins. I’ll bring him in.”
“You sure?” She nodded without any hesitation, so you handed her Gemini’s reins. “I’ll wait for you outside, maybe today’s the day we finish the flood arc.”
Ellie looked just as excited as you- maybe even more. “I’ll hold you to that.” She grinned, which made your heart beat faster. You turned on your heels and waited right outside the stables for her. You shouldn’t get too excited. She’s you’re best friend, your best friend who has a girlfriend. She doesn’t like me back. She doesn’t.
You felt like you were being watched so you looked around, finally finding as Cat walking over to you. She was taller than you and way more intimidating. “Uh, hey?”
She looked unimpressed. “Hey? That’s all you have to say after everything you’ve been doing?”
“Woah! What the hell are you talking about?” You had no idea what she was talking about. You didn’t do anything wrong, at least you don’t think you did. You wouldn’t do anything intentionally.
“Don’t pull that crap. I know you have feelings for Ellie.” She had said it a little too loud, and that’s what made you uncomfortable. You hated how open she was about everything- not everyone can be like that. It was one of the things you envied and hated about her.
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, Cat. Remember… before anything that Ellie is my best friend. So whatever the hell you think happened- didn’t!”
She scoffed, laughing bitterly. “Right. You expect me to believe that when you’re making Googly eyes at her all the time?”
“Cat! This isn’t the time or place to be talking about this. I’m serious.”
“Fine. Just admit that you have feelings for her and i’ll leave you alone.”
You scoffed, crossing your arms in an attempt to protect yourself from her glaring eyes. “Yeah, right. So you can kick my ass when you hear something you don’t want to hear? Why can’t you understand that what i’m feeling is one sided and that Ellie literally loves you! God, Cat. Couldn’t you have realized that instead of cornering me like this? I cant lie to you.”
You immediately recognized the voice, and you felt sick once again. You slowly turned around to face the girl who had been the cause for this altercation. She knows.
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ellieswhoreeee · 4 years ago
The Two of Us. pt 2
authors note; thank you guys for the support, it really means a lot to me! Im glad you guys liking the story so far! Anyways, here’s part two! Also, i’d like to apologize in advance for any errors or if something doesn’t make sense. English isn’t my first language so i’m sorry if there’s something wrong :)
Endgame pairings: Ellie Williams x fem! reader.
Warnings: Violence, marijuana, swearing, ect.
It really hurt seeing them together.
You felt the disappointment, the hurt and the jealousy as they simply talked. Though you know there was a deeper meaning behind their seemingly innocent conversation. You know more than anyone about them. Being one Ellie’s best friends is both a blessing and a curse.
She smiled, looking slightly flustered after Cat whispered something in her ear, and you couldn’t help but clench your jaw at that.
It was a troubling sight, really it was. Everything seemed so off. Like it wasn’t real. But it was. Ellie was laughing with the cool girl who can do tattoos, one of your friends. God, it really felt like you were getting jabbed in the heart over and over again.
But you had no right to jealous at all. She wasn’t yours to be jealous about.
Cat looked around, making sure nobody was looking- but held eye contact with you for a moment before she leaned in and kissed Ellie on the lips. That’s when you finally looked away, continuing to fix Gemini’s saddle.
Gemini was tied to the fence by the barn and was close to the fence. Other horses lined up beside his right side. Today’s group was getting to leave for the morning. Earlier than usual.
Mondays are rough.
“How long have they been together now?” Jesse asked when he walked over to you as you were packing up for patrol. You turned to look at him so you could have an actual conversation. He looked directly into your eyes, almost as if he was trying to figure you out. Jesse was someone who could see everything with one look. You kinda hated him for knowing so much about how you felt about Ellie without telling him much about it.
“…I wanna say 2 months, but we both know it’s been longer than that.” You replied with a frown, continuing to distract yourself by finishing to prep Gemini for patrol.
“Y/n, could you stop looking so miserable? It’s starting to bum me out.”
You chuckled lightly, finally stepping away from Gemini and decided to lean against the wooden fence beside your horse. Jesse decided to the same, and he leaned against it with you. You looked down at your hands, deciding to pick at your cuticles just so you wouldn’t look at the couple. “Why don’t you look just as miserable as me? Didn’t Dina break up with you? Again.”
“Ouch, you really know how to turn on certain emotions.”
“I’m serious. Like, i haven’t been broke up with, yet here i am…” You paused, you stopped picking at your cuticles just to look across the street, where the couple was. Happily minding their business. Ellie and Cat were talking and laughing sweetly. Again, with that pain in your chest. “Utterly heartbroken.”
Jesse patted you on the back, it was his way of comforting you since he had no idea how else to help. “It won’t get easier. One moment you think you’re stronger than whatever you’re feeling but then… you realize it doesn’t matter how good you hide it. If you keep on hiding it, the pain will get to you before you can express those feelings properly.”
“I’m gonna be honest Jesse… I have no idea what you mean by that.”
“Of course you don’t…” He mumbled with a laugh. Again he patted you on the back and pushed himself off the fence. “Think about it clearly.” He then walked off, somewhere towards Maria and some other adults.
Again, you and Gemini were left alone together.
You couldn’t help but think about what Jesse brought up earlier. What did he mean by that? You’re not sure how to process what he meant. Either you were completely clueless- or Jesse tried to be all wise but failed.
“Y/n! Come over here.” You heard Maria’s voice, which broke you from your trance. You left Gemini tied to the post as you walked over to Maria and some other people. Mila and Benji smirk at you as you walk closer. Mila and Benji are your close friends and have been for a while. Though you haven’t seen them lately because of work. Everyone is extra busy lately. Mostly.
“Look who finally decided to join us.” Benji remarked as he wrapped his arm around you once you were close. He pulled you closer and walked towards Maria’s table that was used for placing maps for patrol.
You pushed him off of you gently and made a grossed out face at him. “You really stink, Benji. When was the last time you took a shower?”
Benji only smiled and raised his left arm up to smell his armpit and his clothes too. “It’s my natural musk, all the ladies love it.”
You and Mila looked at each other simultaneously. It was as if you were on the same wavelength. Both of your rolled your eyes at him. “As a lady, i will be speaking for everyone when i say you smell nasty.” Mila exposed truthfully while crossing her arms on her chest.
“Hold up, you’re not a lady, you’re a brute.”
“Oh, i’m the brute? You haven’t taken a proper shower in weeks. Jumping into lakes and rivers don’t count.”
“Says who? It’s more natural,”
“More like nasty.”
You ignored the two bickering idiots and moved closer to the table where Maria was. “What were you thinking Maria?” You asked, looking down at the map of the area. It stretched out for miles.
She looked up at you. “Have you ever done the urban trails? It leads up to the dam checkpoint.”
You shook your in response. “I haven’t. Do you want me to take that route? You should pair me up with someone who’s done that trail then.”
There’s a lot of trails, so there are at least 10 or 15 trails you’ve never done before. These type of trails are the longer routes. The reason you haven’t done those routes is because Tommy isn’t that confident in you to take on the longer routes.
But now it was different, not only are you older but more capable of handling yourself more than anyone.
“You’re right…” Maria paused, she was thinking, trying to slowly put some pieces together. “But there isn’t anyone on duty right now who knows the trails that i can think of.”
Jesse’s head perked up at what she said, smirking at you from across the table. He was right next to Maria like always. She trusts him a lot because he was also a natural leader. “Actually, Ellie knows that trail.”
You instinctively felt your heartbeat start to speed up, and your face started to warm up at his insinuation. You knew what he was doing. “Ellie and Dina are already planning on running their routes on chestnut drive. I can take a group and we’ll figure it out together.” You intervened, giving Jesse a look that said, ‘shut up’.
“No, Jesse is right. You and Ellie can take the urban trails. It’ll be much faster with you two clearing that area. We can’t send a group to one trail- especially not now when we’ve been getting reports of infected in the southern territories- the opposite direction of urban trails.”
You sighed, knowing that her words were always final. You scratched the back of your neck- feeling an inch. “I’ll go let Ellie know. Jesse talk to Dina.” You give him another glare and just he smiled, sending a wink your way.
You turned around, looking over at where Cat and Ellie were still talking. Lately, things have been awkward between you two. It may have something to do with the fact that you maybe- just maybe that you were avoiding her.
It didn’t really matter, Ellie hasn’t noticed anything differently anyways. Or so you assumed.
“Ellie!” At the sound of your voice she quickly turned away from her girlfriend. She dropped Cats hands and fully turned to face you. Her full attention was now on you. But of course, you didn’t notice that either. “Assignments! Let’s go, kiss your girlfriend goodbye and get your ass on shimmer!”
It was getting easier to hide your feelings, even your distain for the couple and how you felt about Ellie.
“Fuck… Alright, just give me a minute!”
You gave her a thumbs up, and turned away. You walked towards your horse, seeing Jesse waiting there for you. He must have finished talking with Dina. He held out a hunting rifle and a shotgun towards you. He looked between both guns. “Which one do you prefer?” He questioned.
You smiled, looking at both guns. “Quite the tough question, Jes.”
Ellie walked up behind you, looking right over your shoulder. She was so close to you. Your breathe hitched lightly as she observed both guns. “I think you’re more of a rifle girl. It suits you more than a shotgun.”
Jesse grinned, and his eyes sparkled for a moment when you looked at him. He then nodded, agreeing with what Ellie had said. “That settles that then.” He held the rifle for you to take, which you did. Jesse then passed the shotgun to Ellie.
With the help of the sling, you tossed the rifle over your shoulder. Ellie was staring at you, trying desperately to get your attention without having to say anything but you were occupied with Gemini once again. She sighed, and decided to just start the conversation.
“So… Where have you been lately? I haven’t seen you around, not even in the mess hall.” Ellie hesitated but walked over to Gemini’s mane. You were by his saddle, and when you stared into her eyes it felt like it was only you and her. Instinctively, your eyes trailed from her eyes to her lips. You couldn’t help it. She was so close. Ellie shyly looked down at her hands as she continued to mess with Gemini’s mane. “I’ve uh… Missed hanging out with you. We still haven’t finished our halo campaign.”
You bit the inside of you cheek, and decided that laughing nervously would help ease your nerves. “Yeah, i’m sorry about that. I asked Maria for more assignments since… You know, i have nothing better to do.”
Ellie wanted to say something but held her tongue. She wanted to say something to continue your conversation but you interrupted her instead. “Listen, Maria wants you and me to handle the urban trails. Pretty sure we have to replace Danny and Axel at the dam checkpoint …”
“You and i,” Ellie corrected suddenly, making you stare at her in disbelief and confusion. She gave you a smirk. “You said ‘you and me’ but that isn’t proper grammar.”
You rolled your eyes playfully at her. “Fuck off, Williams. Did you even listen to a word i said?”
“So, we’re back to last names? Since when?”
“Since you decided to be a grammar queen, you dick.”
“Woah! Language, there are children around, L/n!”
“The only child i see is you.” You replied with a happy smile on your face. You and Ellie climbed on your horses and waited by the gates. Ellie continue to talk to you like nothing was wrong- well, not like she knew if there was something wrong anyways. You kept stuff to yourself.
You missed this. You missed hanging out with Ellie. You just… Missing having her by your side, kicking the worlds ass together but now… Ellie was with Cat. Her relationship put a wedge on your friendship. You felt farther away to Ellie then ever.
Everything has changed. Which sucked because you weren’t sure how to deal with the changes. It was all going by so fast. You just wished everything was different. It was selfish of you but… You didn’t care.
“Y/n, you with me?” Ellie snapped you out of your thoughts. She looked back at you as the gates opened.
You nodded. “Always.”
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ellieswhoreeee · 4 years ago
The Two of Us. pt 1
Author’s Note: This is my first time writing and Ellie fic and actually posting it, so i hope anyone who reads it likes it.! I can’t stop writing about her omg. Anyways, enjoy!
Endgame Pairings: Ellie x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Violence, marijuana, swearing, ect.
You were in love with Ellie fucking Williams.
It started off as a small crush. Smaller than a grain of sand- it represented the growing interest of the green eyed girl. But like a seed, and with time, it started to grow into something more.
The interest started when she came back to Jackson. It happened when you just turned 15, she arrived on the day of your birthday- it was the second time she arrived in Jackson— but this time it was to stay.
Your birthday was nothing special, especially when you had no one to spend it with. You were an orphan and staying in one of the dorm houses with some other orphans. That day you had chores to finish, one involved the horses in the stables.
Despite being so young, you were even fully capable of handling infected. But the adults(aka Maria) wouldn’t let you out of the gates without proper training. So you were stuck with barn chores. That morning was filled with cleaning and handling most of the horses.
Tommy had walked into the stables when you were feeding your favourite horse, Gemini. You loved the spots on his body, he even had a heart shaped spot close to his eye. The rest of the spots loosely filled his simple brown and white colour palette. He was a beautiful horse.
And you were pretty sure he was pretty fond of you too. It almost seemed that he liked your company, and when you left he would get pretty upset. Making noises, and the stomping his feet in his paddock was a clear indication of that.
You noticed that he was one of three horses that weren’t being used for patrol- in other words they weren’t cleared to being used. Not until they were trained properly. He would mostly be in his pen, all alone. So, you and him bonded on being alone.
You had a connection with the horse.
Tommy had noticed this- because of of course he notices everything when it comes to you. He was the one who found you and brought you back to Jackson. He was your father figure. He and Maria take care of you whenever they could, but lately they had been busy.
So, you had assumed that he just forgot your birthday and was just checking up on you. But you were very wrong. Actually, his sentence had caught you off guard. “Saddle up, we’re going on patrol. I want to introduce you to my brother and his kid.” He had placed his hand on your shoulder with a small smile on his face.
You raised your eyebrows at the older man, staring at him like he was going insane. “But i’m not cleared for patrol. Too young, remember?”
He removed his hand from your shoulder, and it went straight to his beard- almost as if to show you what he was thinking blatantly. “Too young? I could’ve sworn today was your birthday. Which means- you’re old enough to go on a group patrol, ain’t that right?” You hugged him tightly, thanking him a million times before quickly moving to get one of the cleared horses but again he stopped you. “Take gemini. We’ll be waiting for you by the gate.”
You grinned at Gemini, and he looked back at you- almost as if he was grinning too.
You ran like hell to get back to your house(which was close to the stables), grabbing your bag and bow(and arrows), and clipped your holster with your knife to your side and ran back quickly. One of the adults, Eric, helped with Gemini while you were away. After Gemini was saddled up, you grabbed his reins and walked towards the gate. Tommy, Maria and two new people were by the gate. Jack and Derek were close by holding onto 2 horses.
Tommy looked up, watching as you walk closer and closer to them. “That was fast, must be pretty eager, huh?”
You nodded happily, staying close by to Gemini as Tommy whispered something to the new man. He looked down at the red headed girl beside him who was keeping her eyes on the floor. He nudged the girl, making her move closer to you. You noticed, finally decided to look at the girl fully.
She was so pretty.
“Crap,” You whispered under your breath at the sight of her- feeling slightly intimidated by her. Luckily she didn’t hear that or she wouldn’t get the wrong idea. You didn’t mean it in a bad way. You meant it in more of a ‘holy crap she’s beautiful’.
You snapped out of it, removing your left hand from Gemini’s reins. You held out your hand for her to take. “Names Y/n, nice to meet you new girl.” You sounded more confident than you were. It your voice had cracked once you would’ve given up on talking again.
She finally looked up, nodding awkwardly. She takes your hand and shakes. “Ellie. It’s cool to meet you too.”
You both pulled away after some time, and looking over at Joel and Tommy. Joel introduced himself. They continued to talk while you and Ellie kept to yourself.
You laughed when Gemini started to chew on your clothes. You noticed Ellie watching you- but as seen as you made eye contact she looked away. “New girl,” You called out, grabbing her attention once again. “You wanna pet him? I promise he won’t eat your clothes.”
She cracked a small smile, moving towards you. “He could have it. I need a new wardrobe anyways,” She joked, slowly petting him. Gemini seemed to love the attention, seeing that he let Ellie close to him.
“So… How do you know Tommy?” You asked curiously. You wanted to get to know her more.
“Joel is his brother. We were here a couple months ago on a mission basically… But, uh, things didn’t go as plan and now we’re back.” She let out a breath after replying to you, her face changed slightly, almost as if she was disappointed. Her face changed once again into something indifferent. She turns to you. “How do you know him?”
“Oh,” You were caught off guard by her question, but decided to answer. You swallowed the lump in your throat. “He kinda saved me. If i’m being honest, i don’t remember much… amnesia or something..? but yeah, he saved me and brought me back here.”
She nodded. You two talked a little more- about the smallest and random things. It was nice talking to someone new. It was like she actually seemed interested in you. And deep down, you knew the feeling was mutual. Tommy, Maria and Joel finally finished their conversation and looked over at you two.
“Okay, girls. You ready?” Tommy asked and you two nodded. “We need some ground rules though.”
Joel was the one to speak next, his voice was gruff but held meaning. “Stay close, which means no running off.” He continued naming off rules that you two had to follow. After naming the last two rules he was done. Jack and Derek passed the reins of the horses to tommy and Joel. “Come on, baby girl. You’re with me.”
Ellie nodded, and moved towards Joel. She looked back at you, almost as if she was telling you something. She looked at you and then Gemini- which you understood. So, before it was too late you decided to speak up. “She can ride with me!” Joel and Tommy look at you- tommy seemed more surprised. “Gemini and I wouldn’t mind.”
Joel and Tommy look at each other before Joel slowly nodded. “Alright. You two watch each other’s backs. No splitting up.” You and Ellie nodded before smiling at each other.
You climbed onto Gemini, settling yourself on his saddle. You looked down at at Ellie and held out your hand for her. “Ready?” Her green eyes trailed from your eyes to your hand.
And from that day, you two had grown close.
Your feelings grew into something more- something special. But now things are different. You had feelings for Ellie but she didn’t feel the same. It was clear to you because she had a girlfriend. At the age of 17, Ellie started to go out with Cat.
Since that day, you’ve been crushed. But never showed it. You were great at hiding your feelings, but you’re not sure for how long you could take it for.
It was starting to eat you alive
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