ellementalevil · 4 years
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My Yennefer of Vengerberg alternate outfit cosplay is here. She’s not finished, but she’s together enough to wear at MAGfest 2020. I look forward to adding more details for future conventions.
photos by @annazonianart
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ellementalevil · 7 years
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“Please do not fear for me. I have no fear myself. The old monsters are fine. The old curses have echoed to silence. And if my immortal soul is lost to me, something yet remains. I remain.”
Only went to one day of New York Comic Con, and of course, cosplayer my ever-favorite, Vanessa Ives from Penny Dreadful.
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ellementalevil · 7 years
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"Please do not fear for me. I have no fear myself. The old monsters are fine. The old curses have echoed to silence. And if my immortal soul is lost to me, something yet remains. I remain." Only went to one day of New York Comic Con, and of course, cosplayer my ever-favorite, Vanessa Ives from Penny Dreadful.
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ellementalevil · 7 years
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Recently I was a live model for a cosplay Drink and Draw event at a local Brooklyn nerd-themed bar as classic Black Widow. It's been forever since I wore Natasha, and it was fun to rep my favorite comic book character. I may be around again at the same event as Vanessa Ives some time in the future.
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ellementalevil · 7 years
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YOU DIDN'T DRINK YOUR TEA. tbt to New York Comic Con 2016, the last time I wore Lucille.
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ellementalevil · 8 years
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"I believe in curses. I believe in demons. I believe in monsters." --Vanessa Ives, Penny Dreadful I finished a dream cosplay for New York Comic Con 2016.
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ellementalevil · 8 years
I ADORE your Lucille cosplay! I hope to be Lucille at my next possible opportunity bc I JUST missed being able to be her for Halloween last year and haven't been to any cons since. Yours is one of the best I've seen 💕
Thank you so much, that's very sweet of you!💀🌹I put a lot of heart into that costume and I want to re-vamp it soon.Absolutely cosplay Lucille as soon as you have the chance. Soon it'll be a year since the movie, and Halloween costume time again, or you can make the costume for the next time you have an opportunity to cosplay and do a photoshoot.
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ellementalevil · 8 years
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And finally, my favorite picture I have of Lucille from AnimeNext. Thank you so much, Anna.
Photo by @annazoniancosplay
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ellementalevil · 8 years
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I was Lady Lucille Sharpe on Friday and Sunday of AnimeNext 2016.
Someone who recognized the character called this costume “The Nightgown Knife Party” and I think that’s really apt.
Photos by @annazoniancosplay 
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ellementalevil · 8 years
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At AnimeNext 2016, Atlantic City, NJ
@annazoniancosplay as Jasper
@scarletswancosplay as Lapis Lazuli
Facebook: Annazonian Cosplay and Scarlet Swan Cosplay
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ellementalevil · 8 years
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Lapis Lazuli at AnimeNext 2016, photos by @kuchi-zuke .
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ellementalevil · 8 years
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Lucille Sharpe at AnimeNext. Photos by Otis Casey Photography. More pictures by @annazonianart coming soon.
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ellementalevil · 8 years
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Lucille Sharpe looks at AnimeNext. I will have full cosplay pics on Sunday.
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ellementalevil · 9 years
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Natasha, to the Avengers group chat: hey look what I found for the next time we roast clint.
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ellementalevil · 9 years
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Sasha Kaidanovsky at NYCC today. Come say hi!
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ellementalevil · 9 years
cosplay bucket list
Lapis Lazuli, Steven Universe
Vanessa Ives, Penny Dreadful.
Lady Lucille Sharp, Crimson Peak
Hannah from Rat Queens
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
Dottie Underwood, Agent Carter
Yuuko from AKB0048
one of the little buddies that follow around Totoro, who looks like a smaller, bluer Totoro. Because @thetyrelloftarth is a gr8 Totoro.
Capable, Mad Max Fury Road
Purple Wedding Sansa Stark
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ellementalevil · 9 years
As far as purchasing power goes, that's something that a lot of young people (and people in general) are limited in. Many people, myself included, have to really pick and choose which titles to actually buy. I try to spend my money where it will matter the most, like supporting the more diverse books in the Marvel universe.
But there are many free ways in which to give support, like the #wewantwidow hashtag, and other internet-based hype to make sure your voice is heard.
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A really cool thing happened at New York Comic Con this weekend. I attended the Women of Marvel panel on Sunday. I love hearing from Marvel’s lady creators and what they have to say about what’s to come of the lady-led titles in the future. The Women of Marvel panel at NYCC in 2013 really helped me get into comics, as before that, I didn’t quite know where to start, and felt like I didn’t really have a place in that fandom.
Well, fast-forward two years, and I’m at the panel again (missed it last year D:) in cosplay as Natalia Romanova, the Black Widow, ready with my questions. In the past, I felt I wasn’t “well-versed” enough to ask questions, as if you had to earn the right to be curious about something. I got that vibe off of how women who read comics are treated by male readers…the “fake geek girl” myth. Anyway, so I’m very excited because Black Widow Forever Red is coming out, and Red Widow was just introduced as a character in Mockingbird, and I want to ask things about them. When the floor is open for questions, I get in line, and I’m getting a little nervous as I get closer and closer to the mic. Confession: I’ve never asked anything at a panel. I have always felt like I didn’t know enough to present one.
It’s my turn to ask, so I start off sort of with a joke. I ask the audience where the heck our Black Widow movie is (it’s funny because I’m dressed as Natasha). And while I’m preoccupied with laughing at my own joke, @margaretstohl who is dressed as Red Widow, runs up to give me a hug and a copy of the book. At this point, I’m STUNNED…nothing like this has happened to me at a convention before. I’m surprised I even managed to ask my questions but I did, and afterward we got a pic of us as the two widows.
Anyway, I’m so excited to read this book. I’m always looking for more Black Widow content, especially stories that can give us a deep look into her character. And I feel a novel is the best way to do that. Lol if you look at the movie versions of books, they are never quite as good, because things inevitably are cut out of simplified. Literature has been a lifelong love, and the basis of my nerd-ing before comics were even in the picture.
Thanks so much to all the women involved with Marvel comics, to everyone at the panel, and to Margaret for surprising the hell out of me. Tbh I’m still in shock.
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