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Artwork still falling free and easy from the tappy tap tap of my two thumbs, a true two finger tap. No longer do I fear the darkness of even the coldest of nights because when I needed to find comfort the most I looked down deep inside and remembered I'm my own best friend, capable of stringing together countless entries of work be it art or poetry each more creative then the last. As each new piece is crafted I find myself elevated to a higher level then I've ever been able to reach. True true my mental health is diabolical at most given times and is best kept hidden tucked away on the highest of shelfs, fore we are at our best when we stay a good distance from one another, I've dealt with the most horrid of times in battle with my mental well being but for a while now I have managed to tuck it under the rug and progress in my obsession to find recognition for my stylings of work. So from one to all from me to you William J.J
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Cooking on gas this session Though my heart is strained I will find comfort in my creations. Never will my passion fade no matter how dark the days to come may prove to be I will commit to working harder then ever before, locked in tight to creation mode keeps me soaring way up high in the sky. Much love to all who take the time to check out my stylings and freely styled shots of artistic flair #artistsoninstagram #freestyleart #creativedesign #artsandcrafts #spotonartwork #blessingsfromabove
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Epic artistic editorial Fore within us all deep down lays a ferocious animal its how and when we choose to release this side which is important Don't be pused down never allow yourself to be silenced, stand up high on the tallest cliff and let out a deafening roar that will send shocks right through the seismic system
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Another creation straigjt from a broken mind me to you one to all #artanddesign #artistic_nation #artistsoninstagram #freestyleart #creativedesign #spotonartists
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Once I stood proud and strong now I hang my head in shame Never were my intentions to cause you misery or pain My soul has spilt and I'm not sure I deserve the chance to restore it You were my hard to the core concrete Angel, the definition of perfection As the days to follow blur into one intoxicated mass the pain will not subdue I deserve all the discomfort and aching in my heart for what I did to you so I beg to the Lord above to repent my sins in his name amen William J.J Daniels
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Artistic creation at this 5 oh 5 in the am still locked into creation mode #artistsoninstagram #artistic_nation #freshcreations #spotonartists #freestyleartwork #brokenness #messycreation #craftsmanship
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Art shot straight from the heart from me to you from one to all The gifts bestowed upon me from above are what keep me strong in this the darkest period of my life. Never have I felt a magnitude of devastating pain like I do at this moment, I will forever be unwanted my even myself fore I was the destroyer of everything that was once so great. I hang my head in shame and look up to the sky and mumble a prayer for guidance please Lord lead me towards the path that will lead me away from this dispair moments in time I am unable to escape from the deepest wound to my heart I have ever experienced William Daniels J.J #writersofinstagram #emotion&devotion #artistic_nation
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Artistic creation at this 5 oh 5 in the am still locked into creation mode #artistsoninstagram #artistic_nation #freshcreations #spotonartists #freestyleartwork #brokenness #messycreation #craftsmanship
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Messy artistic creation I think my mind has melted #artistsoninstagram #freestyleart #createcultivate #spotonartists #creativemeddlings
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Mentalist editing Locked in deep and hard to work tonight #poetryinmotion #poetsoninstagram #artistsoninstagram #freestyleart #freshcreations #spotonartwork #creativedesign #craftsmanships
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All though my heart lays in ruins I am inspired to share the depths of my breaking pain. Our union was a blessing on what had been a darkened period of my life how I can still see in my mind the image of you the first day we met, I was so nervous I had to blaze a bag of cro. As the hours flew by we sat engaged in delightful conversation you had me hooked from that first night. I knew there and then that I had to make you mine even if it was for only one night I had to take you in my arms and delight in the euphoric passion I knew you contained. The way we so quickly interwound our beings as one knocked me of my feet together as one I felt we were truly unbreakable, how was I to know it would be my actions that would tear down our foundation's, how could I have been so foolish how could I be so destructive I turned love in to hate and now this date in time I'm alone and cold a little scared at the prosperlct of a new dawn breaking and not sharing it with you. Just know given the chance I would strive each and every day to flll your life with the love and joy you truly deserve, so if this is goodbye let it be said I loved you with every beating ounce of m heart. Sincerely J.J W Daniels
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Even if sat here for a decade and composed a million & one verses not a single one would contain the true exact feeling of hurt and heartache I am suffering at this moment in time to say I am broken would be an understatement. Tears are streaming from my face as lay down this ode to you. For the rest of my life I will feel a utterly devastating sensation of loss and loneliness you were by best friend and soul mate, though we have to say goodbye in this space and time I prey to the Lord above that one day soon we will be reunited, you stole my heart and restored a smile on my saddened face I will never forget the kindness you bestowed upon my life. The days that are to follow will be dark and I'm not sure if I will ever locate the light at the end of the tunnel so for one last time hears to us though life has kicked our arsses we will always have the glorious moments of jubilant joy we shared. Signed with an eternal kiss bye bye my boo x
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#artistsoninstagram #freestyleartwork #craftanddesigncollective #mashups #craftsmanships #visionandfocus #onamission
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Another edited piece of work from this epic session i find myself locked into all feed back welcome we find ourselves ingaged in a long ime simplistic love affair yes its you and me wifey ting locked into our own beautiful creation yes as we both no just past the door in the outside world the nation is crumbling rapidly in our home us two battle weary warriors we will never have to endure the trouble instigated on the entire nation so please take my hand lets embark on a magical journey because the love i feel for yoi will never dwindle nor will it fade so now that this statement has been laid bare its time kick our feet back and relax such simplistic bliss #visualart #artanddesign #freestyleart #artistsoninstagram #poetsoninstagram #slampoetry #dedicatedtoyou #blessed #frommetoyou #longlostlovestory
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Took a two year old piece of work transmorphed the graphics on an elaborate scale and chopped and changed the lyrics this is how the re wrtie sounds Damn girl youve got me intoxicated these barz just keep falling from me freely on to each page im at battle with my trusted allie my sword in my hand so as the ink drys im constantly kept on my toes as i enter this vocabularry battle of which will determine my exsistance i expect to on one two three drop down low yeah boy dark deep barz with no shortage of potential im able to reach full power so on this page i will officialy check in so let me welcome one and all to my freely styled show #freestyleart #poetryinmotion #poetsofinstagram #versesandlyrics #creativemeddlings #spotonartwork #ontopoftheworld #craftsmanship #artistsoninstagram
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first draft and final edited creation poetry in motion blended with artistic flairings the first verse goes a little like this Frozen in time the very core and set in the space contours i outline the fabrications of my very presence and exsistance so wont you waltz under this glorious moonlight with me this ever a pleasent of evening we can sip on some strawberry wine we will be elevated oh so high and feel damn fine #bilingualandlovingit #poetsofinstagram #dedications #poetryinmotion #elevations #blessingsfromabove❤️
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In spance wait what no scrap an instant i will lose to space my entiremind so as these verses continue to pour fromme with such utter ease i will sit and contemplate exactly what i choose to demonstrate in a sense of dumb struck silence i find my self taking the route towards evolution its in truth what keeps my brain ticking over so many damn revolutions persecond lost never in hesitation locked inside of a deeply hate filled nation so im offering a ticket to ride this mystical journey with me show you all dread not this man coz for the knowledgable among you should know manfredman was stuck on loop in my inner ear throughout this publication #freestyle #poetrymasterclass #welcometotheshow #frommetoyou #visionandfocus #lyricaldedication #craftsmanstyle #poetsofinstagram #lyricalcreation #freshandheavy #hardandfastrule #neverendingwordsupply #tillidrop #blessings🙏 #awaywithwords
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