ell-inspiration · 7 years
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Vahel piisab ühest lihtsast sõnumist ja uksekellast, et tuppa tuleks inimene, kes toob kamaluga rõõmu ja omaenese teadmata (mis väljend see veel on?!) korrastab seda igapäevast segadust siin igikestvas hallollluses (või sügavpimeduses). Aitäh, @enelinovikov , et mõistad õmblemiskeelt, mida iga Mats või Mari ei oska! Ma olen kui uus inime! 💥 #lihtsateasjadevõlu
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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“Kell kuus, on tuuline ÕHTU...” ehk kuidas töömõtteid maandada #knithappens
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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That’s my Dad with his favorite view - mountains, sea and sailing boats. I feel truly blessed to have you in my life because in today’s society it’s something extremely unique to have a loving father with values that matter 🙌🏼 #loveyoudad #daddysgirl #fathersday
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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Laupäev perega ☕️🍰
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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Korda läinud hall hommik - raamat läbi!
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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Elamused Narva raekojast, kolledžist, maha jäetud Kreenholmi tehasest, kindlusest #visitnarva (at Narva, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia)
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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That moment when you realize that you literally work in Unesco heritage #tallinnoldtown #visittallinn #goldenfall
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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Every time I leave this place I’m more and more thankful that my Granny has still energy to make the best baked potatoes with meat and Grandpa still recognizes who I am.. Until next time... #lifemoments
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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Uued pereliikmed: vaip ja lamp. Check out the blog! #ellinspiration #homedecor #crochetcarpet
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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Sorry, et ma varem valmis ei jõudnud, aga ma pidin vahepeal õhku ahmima, kui õnnestunud see vaibake ikka välja kukkus 🙈 #soonontheblog #ellinspiration #andkemulleuuskäsi #randmelihas 💪🏼
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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Ei mingit täiuslikkust, lihtsalt hommik, milles on päike ja lugemine ☕️🌤📚#laupäev
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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Kui sügisvihmad kimbutavad, siis tuleb toad korda sättida ☁️☁️☁️
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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Täpselt 2 kuud tagasi oli see imeline suvepäev, mil rõõm ei mahtunud kuskile ära. Palju õnne, mu armsad Kreegid! 👏🏼
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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Check out my new blogpost! Link in bio 👆🏼#macrame #ellinspiration
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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Let's get this party started #firstdayofschool #ellinspiration
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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Kastielu ehk pilt sellest, kuidas ma kahe nädala sees üritan kolida ühest kodust teise ja ühest tööruumist kahte erinevasse majja ja kolme erinevasse ruumi 🙈 #kolimiskuu2017 #sipelgapesataasavatud
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ell-inspiration · 7 years
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These past 7 months have brought me so much joy because living together with this 17-year-old brother can’t be anything else but full of laughter and fun! You taught me how to be kind of a mother to you but at the same time I feel you were more like an equal friend who supported me and cheered me up when I needed it most. So, we made a really good team! And, girls, you need to watch out, because I’m not gonna let you mess around! This guy is a gem and deserves only the best! And, I must say, this second time I’m leaving our childhood home it’s even harder, but I know I could travel 8000 km with you to the other side of the globe any time, even if we nearly miss the plane! Cheers to our epic Canada-trip and many more memories to come! 😭🙌🏼🏡🚙🥁 #kohupiim #skyr #kanafilee #kolimiskuu2017 (at Peak 2 Peak Gondola)
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