There is an app I use to help educate me on peaceful parenting and it is easy for my ADHD brain to digest. Little snippets, packed with excellent info, that can be saved or watched again. For those of you interested in an extra tool for your parenting toolbox, I highly recommend In Love While Parenting. Just watched this video and it really struck a cord for me.
My daughter recently broke a glass object and immediately screamed, hid and cried. I've never hit her. We always say that accidents happen and we won't get mad at accidents. However, I've struggled with yelling overall lately and she clearly anticipated I'd be angry at her. It took over 5 minutes to help her calm down and believe me that I wasn't angry. She just kept saying "I hid because I thought you'd be mad at me for breaking it." I was so confused, but this video just helped me understand her response. I have never yelled about broken glass. But yelling at other things has created an environment of anxiety because she's anticipating it. I'll be sitting on this for a while.
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