elivaqar-blog · 5 years
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   one would think after all the trouble i went thru to find          feli stuff to icon that i’d be on here more...
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
*゚:*:✼✿. → random short starters |  @elivaqar​ !!  
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          She sniffled, trying her best to wipe down the spilled coffee from the table. ❝ I-I’m so sorry! ❞ It had been a complete accident, a mortifying accident. Oh why couldn’t she have only spilled the coffee on herself? She could have accepted that, but to spill some of it on Felicia as well? ❝ I-I just! I haven’t been getting much rest lately… ❞
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    ❝ It’s really alright, Princess Sakura! ❞ She can’t help it as BUBBLING LAUGHTER spills from her lips, the smile on her face wide enough to make her cheeks hurt. While having hot coffee spilled on her wasn’t particularly pleasant, it feels a bit better to know that she isn’t the only person in the army that makes such silly mistakes! Reaching down with a rag to aid in the cleaning, she gives the princess a reassuring smile. ❝ I spill things on others all the time --- so I guess it’s only fair if someone does so to me once in a while, right? Besides, you didn’t do it on purpose! ❞
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
      HIS CONCENTRATION IS   strong with the way he has the tray set up. Perfectly aligned with a tea cup on one side with the small kettle, sugar cubes in their own separate bowl, alongside a small piece of cake he’s put the effort into decorating with little berries and a small dab of cream. With his sleeves rolled up, he’s definitely in his mind with how everything sits. An afternoon treats tray for his liege has to be perfect, though its not something Xander pays much attention to ( or admits to pay attention to ). 
        Still, Xander is far too busy to fetch something for himself, and Laslow is more than happy to prepare something nice for him. Carefully placing the last strawberry on top of the icing, he gives a prideful sigh as he drags his bare forearm across his head. 
       He lifts it carefully with both hands, turning on a heel to leave the kitchen with a small hum dancing on his lips as he walks. Glancing down to make sure nothing shifts almost causes disaster – gasping when he looks up to see Felicia inches away from him and he steps backwards in his slight fear and surprise.
             He doesn’t mean to make her scream, too. 
        Thankfully, the tray is unharmed, but Felicia seems flustered all the same that a catastrophe COULD HAVE occurred. Admittedly, it wouldn’t have even been her fault – he should have announced he was leaving the kitchen like any of the cooks or servers would do. Her flustered blubbering, though, is endearing, if not a little bit precious to hear her apologize over something that is certainly no big deal to him. He doesn’t seem to mind her ‘ accidents ’ like everyone else does.
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           ❝ Felicia, hello. There’s no need to apologize to me, nothing was harmed.  ❞ But when that doesn’t calm her distress, he does become worried. Dropping his usual smile to lean down to her downcast look and offer a new one,  ❝ Is everything alright this afternoon  ? You look like you’ve had a rough day, why don’t I give you a cup of tea to relax, hm ? ❞
@elivaqar |  ✰
   HER HEART IS STILL RACING after near impact, soft coral tresses whipping about as she continues to bow repeatedly, frantic apologies tumbling from trembling lips. Even if nothing had happened, that didn’t change the fact that something could have --- and it would’ve been all her fault. ( yet again!! ) However, the other retainer’s ease at the situation...it does make her feel a tiny bit better. A single icy hue slowly cracks open to peek at his face, and the smile that’s present eases her even further, a sheepish grin of her own slowly forming.
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    ❝ E-Everything’s fine, Laslow...thank you. ❞ His concern is endearing, but unnecessary. She’s used to having bad days, after all --- she gets yelled at and berated for her mistakes frequently enough, that much is for certain. ❝ A cup of tea would be nice, but...um... ❞ Delicate fingers fidget with the frilled edges of her dress. ❝ I couldn’t possible impose --- and besides, I still have so many chores to finish. ❞
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
He’d made her cry. Which, if he were being honest, probably wasn’t that hard to do any way. He didn’t think his comment would sting that much. And had the woman not gone into hysterics and took off, Leo might have apologized for his words. Or at least make them sound…not as harsh. If he could. What was a polite way of saying you aren’t a good maid?
Pah, better to leave it as it was. And he planned to. Up until Kamui found out. Oh, had that been a conversation and a half. The elder sibling actually looking ANGRY for once. Demanding Leo apologize for his actions. Ugh, fine. The younger honestly thought it was better to just let it go and move on, but it didn’t seem as if Kamui thought the same.
Thus, Leo had gone off to find the (probably still) weeping maid later on that night. Catching Felicia before the other was able to scamper off and away from him.
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“I want to apologize. For earlier. Had you not run off I would have said so than.”
   SHE KNOWS SHE ISN’T a good maid. She knows that she does nothing but screw things up and make things worse for herself and those around her. She knows this, but she’s still always trying her hardest, and yet...those words still ring throughout the back of her head the rest of the day and into the evening, haunting her. She spends the rest of the day going about the rest of her chores --- dropping things, tripping over others --- oh, she’d never get this right! Luckily by the evening she’s tasked by a very frustrated Jakob to merely dusting down a few things, something that even she has a hard time messing up.
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   ❝ O-Oh, Lord Leo... ❞  The apology is a surprise, though certainly not unwelcome. Bowing her head, the maid sighs, fumbling awkwardly with the feather duster in her hands. ❝ It’s alright, really. I know you were just upset, a-and I know that having me as a maid can be...challenging. I still have a lot to work on, but...I’m trying. ❞
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
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1 hour drawing
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
SEMI-HIATUS NOTICE! 5/22 - 6/10!
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   AHHHHH I swear I’m gonna try and be around soon! I’m so sorry guys! I’ve just been so caught up in preparing for my big move and I’ve been stressing out and spending more time on WoW when I’m not here to destress myself. So I guess I’m just gonna make it official and put this blog as well as my Camilla blog on a semi-hiatus until after I move to my new home with my boyfriend in Maryland. I’ll be moving on the weekend of 6/7, so I’m just gonna put the end of my hiatus around 6/10 maybe? That gives me a couple of days to cool down and hopefully be ready to at least work my laptop again to be around.
   Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding. I’ve currently drafted all replies that I owe, as well as a few starters that I know I still owe some people. If you of you feel like hitting up my inbox or anything like that while I’m away, please feel free to! Until I return though, ciao!
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
SEMI-HIATUS NOTICE! 5/22 - 6/10!
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   AHHHHH I swear I’m gonna try and be around soon! I’m so sorry guys! I’ve just been so caught up in preparing for my big move and I’ve been stressing out and spending more time on WoW when I’m not here to destress myself. So I guess I’m just gonna make it official and put this blog as well as my Camilla blog on a semi-hiatus until after I move to my new home with my boyfriend in Maryland. I’ll be moving on the weekend of 6/7, so I’m just gonna put the end of my hiatus around 6/10 maybe? That gives me a couple of days to cool down and hopefully be ready to at least work my laptop again to be around.
   Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding. I’ve currently drafted all replies that I owe, as well as a few starters that I know I still owe some people. If you of you feel like hitting up my inbox or anything like that while I’m away, please feel free to! Until I return though, ciao!
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
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to hell with heaven ★
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
❝ if they do it again, you tell me. ❞
   SHE WASN’T UNACCUSTOMED to being bullied or made fun of. Hurtful words were something she heard every day, time after time after time again. She did have a tendency to be a walking disaster, after all. Even still, that didn’t mean that those words didn’t hurt. They did. Yet in this moment, there’s an odd sensation of serendipity as those words reach the maid’s ears. Other than her sister or her liege, no one had ever put themselves out there to champion her in times of turmoil.
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   FROZEN HUES blink once, then twice again to restore her blurred vision.❝ W-What? ❞ Had she misheard him? Surely the outlaw of all people, retainer to one of the people she always seems to annoy the most — surely he wasn’t the one offering such comfort? Yet…he is. She wasn’t sure what sort of action he’d take against her tormentors, but the idea that he was willing to do something like that for her…it was relieving.
              ❝ Are you…are you sure? It’s not like I can’t take care of myself... ❞
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
1 + 8!
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1. OTP(s) for your muse?
   Sooo…I’m just gonna say it: My OTPs for Felicia are Niles, Leo, and Benny!
8. Does your muse get jealous easily?
   Honestly, Felicia isn’t really the jealous type. That seems to be more Flora’s thing tbh? Felicia is the trusting type and would put the level of faith in her partner that she wouldn’t feel threatened by others being around her s/o or interacting with them in a potential way that could be seen as flirty or anything like that. On the rare occasion that she does get jealous, she may not even be fully aware of it.
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
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   b R EAthes....
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
Mun Related Shipping Questions!
1. OTP(s) for your muse?
2. NOTP(s) for your muse?
3. Which canon muse(s) do you currently ship with?
4. Are you oc shipping friendly?
5. Do you currently have any oc ships?
6. Do you have an OT3 for your muse? Are you open to polyshipping?
7. Is your muse difficult to ship with?
8. Does your muse get jealous easily?
9. Are you multiship?
10. A ship in your fandom you love (that does not include your muse)?
11. A ship in your fandom that you dislike (that does not include your muse)?
12.Do you believe rp’ing a ship adds to character development?
13. Do you get jealous of your partners other ships?
14. How many ships is too many?
15. Is there a ship or type of ship that you will never write, no matter what the circumstances are?
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
petitmorts replied to your post: water me felicia i'll die
i cant believe u compared me to that weirdo just let me die
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
6rynhildr replied to your post: water me felicia i'll die
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    ❝ O-Ohhhhh --- what should I do?!  ❞
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
sorrcerii replied to your post:     ❝ Lord Leo sure picked some weirdos to serve...
“Just water him.”
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    ❝ B-But I don’t have a pitcher of water right now! I only have this tea kettle!  ❞
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elivaqar-blog · 5 years
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    ❝ Lord Leo sure picked some weirdos to serve him... ❞
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