hello, everyone. just as an update, maggie and i remade our rp blogs as @onzoushii and @goreijou respectively. i’m both excited and nervous to be back in the rp community, and i’d really appreciate it if you followed us! 
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this is a complete reset, though, so all relationships will be starting over from the beginning. it may sound intimidating, but it’s a good way to give everyone a fresh start!
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                     Sometimes miracles come in pairs.
                                 indie selective dangan ronpa rp blogs
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                                                 rules || about
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hello! i wanted to update everyone on what’s been going on with my two blogs, since i haven’t really posted in about a week or so.
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basically, i’ve been wanting to rp and post really badly, but i simply haven’t had any activity; as such, my motivation has been rather low. i have one reply to do on each blog and i’ve been having difficulty with both of them, and not having any others to choose from has really hindered my mood. i’ve thought about doing ask memes and drabbles to make up for it, but i honestly am not sure if anyone would be interested.
i would really like to get some more activity going with people, so if you’d be interested in threading please let me know! however, it seems like a lot of the community is taking a hiatus right now, and everything’s kind of, well…dead. i’m not sure if it’s because dr3 finished, i’m not sure if it’s because school is back in full swing, but it’s a bit dismaying. i love rping, and i don’t want to stop.
however, there’s only so much i can do; as such, consider both of my blogs on semi-hiatus until i’m able to get enough activity to break out of this funk. i do plan to finish those two replies soon, and i think later i’ll try to scope some new blogs out on my following blog–and if anyone has any recommendations please let me know! thank you so much for being patient with me.
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@togamiconglomerate || Continued from here. [x]
Not exactly fond of thunderstorms, Ren had gone to bed a bit early in the hopes of sleeping through the worst of it all; however, her dreams were plagued with strange visions and nightmares straight out of fiction. Like her brother, she too had been indulging in classic horror stories--but whereas they usually read them together today they had been forced apart by their lessons, and not having him around made her much more susceptible to the true horrors of each tale. She had tried to ignore them, paying no mind to the intrusive thoughts in the back of her head--but upon seeing a shadow out of the corner of her eye or whispers in her ear she knew that the storm would only serve to amplify her anxiety, and as such climbed under the covers with Mopsy in her arms and several pillows around her, a flashlight under one just in case she needed to scare a stray shadow away.
On the edge of consciousness, a rude awakening awaited her; jostled around, the bed shook and quivered as something--or rather, someone--clambered onto the other side. That someone reached out and shook her shoulder, hard; if she hadn’t been awake then, she certainly was now. Grogginess still weighed her down and she struggled to sit up, a soft groan slipping from her lips as she did so; however, the panic in that someone’s voice was enough to call her to attention, and before long she was reaching over to the nightstand and fumbling around for her glasses. Even with them resting upon her nose she could only see clearly when the room was illuminated with flashes of lightning--however, she didn’t need to in order to know that the someone was her brother, and he was terrified. Words spilled from his lips, and at first she couldn’t comprehend--a ghost in the library? Wasn’t that impossible? Surely it was an illusion created by the lightning casting a shadow across the room...or was it? As skeptical as she could be, her curiosity always got the better of her; no second thoughts crossed her mind as she decided that it would be best to investigate--it wasn’t as though she was going to sleep, anyway.
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“A ghost...?” she echoed, just to make sure as her brain was still struggling to catch up; “I don’t think this house is haunted, but...should we go investigate, just to make sure? It might just be the storm...”
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In that moment, it was as though the world stopped.
A surreal situation to be sure, and yet, it took the heiress a moment to process what was going on. There she was, standing in front of Junko Enoshima, the gyaru tangling and twirling pinkened locks around her finger without any mind to the nonsense that was spilling from her mouth. There she was, listening to some air-headed idiot admit not only to skipping class, but to meeting a so-called ‘prince’ online, trusting same so-called ‘prince,’ and lending him at least a million yen--maybe more. And then, to have the gall to ask her of all people for help with her own moronic mistakes? 
Needless to say, Byakuren was furious--and the temptation to simply close the door in Junko’s face was overwhelming. She was lucky she hadn’t actually asked for a loan, or else she really would have lost her temper--and when that happened, few lived to tell the tale.
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“Do you really believe that I would help you with something so ridiculous?” she snapped, struggling to maintain any sense of composure; this was indeed the most absurd thing she had heard of in quite some time even at an absurd school like Hope’s Peak, and it was difficult to act as though she didn’t care when it was pulling her away from much more important business. Crossing her arms, a sharp breath was taken through her nose; gazing down at the gyaru, she forced herself to calm down--after all, despite Junko presenting her with this ridiculous request, she was still the one in power. “I don’t have the time to help you even if I wanted to; if you had been in class today you would have seen that Byakuya is sick, and I’m finishing up some paperwork for him. Besides, what makes you think that I of all people would help you?”
Junko stood outside the door, ready to move on were her attention not satisfied soon. Her arms lay crossed on her chest and her eyes wandered inattentively until her wish was granted and a familiar face appeared, notably perturbed but not unusually so, as the door held open.
“Togami-san! You sound like you aren’t happy to see me!” Her surprise was as genuine as her glee was long-lasting. “Obviously, that was a joke. But okay, no games. I knew you weren’t the type, anyway.”
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”So I should cut right to the chase… you probably want to know the super serious and real reason why I’m taking time out of your day like this.” Her finger twirled some of her hair absently as her eyes turned to the floor. “It all started earlier this morning… I decided to spend some time surfing the internet, since I have more important things to attend to than class…”
They weren’t required to attend class daily anyway, and if Byakuren did care about Junko’s absence for some reason, it wasn’t going to stay a secret to someone with so much awareness; so she had no qualm bringing it up and continuing. “You know… business and stuff. Modeling, photo shoots.. getting to the point. I was checking my emails, and this guy… he said he was a prince from some foreign country… he wanted some money to pay for his bail!”
She went silent as if waiting on something to happen. Nothing did, but most of the sorrow melted off her face, replacing itself with a bored half-stare. “I mean… I’m not stupid enough to ask for a loan or anything. I guess what I’m asking for is more like a negotiator, or just someone who could help. 
Just to be clear, I’m down about… a million yen, I think?”
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33, 34, 40!
33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
An upturned nose, a scoff, a disparaging look in those icy eyes; surely you don’t know what you’re talking about if you say that she’s doing it wrong. You see, the untrained eye can’t recognize greatness, perfection; a mere amataur like yourself is the one who’s in the wrong. Really, you should be more careful of what you say and who you say it to--next time she won’t be nearly as gracious.
A Togami doesn’t understand the meaning of the word ‘failure.’ A Togami can’t be anything less than perfect, perfect, perfect-------!
34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
Stubbornness is a double edged sword.
In the office, she’s quick to adapt; if those morons aren’t listening to her, she’ll find another approach. As much as she loathes working with others, she knows how to get the job done (and done well, at that); ethos, logos, and pathos are her weapons of choice, and despite her abrasive personality she knows how to appeal to them, how to be the most persuasive speaker. If she wants something done right, she has to do it herself--and she won’t stop until it’s finished.
On the other hand.
Her methods are precise, perfect--and to see them fail is unbearable. No. They don’t fail, they simply...have to be refined, that’s all. Change a few variables, consider the constants--that sort of thing. Yes, she knows when to concede defeat, even if she is hesitant to do so...but she won’t give in so easily. Her obstinacy is both a blessing and a curse, after all.
40. How does your character treat people in service jobs?
Walking down the street, a cup of coffee in one hand and her briefcase in the other, her sights lie straight ahead; there’s really no need for her to be distracted by the sounds of construction and catcalls, though her eyes might roll once or twice. Even if they’re vulgar, they are working--no, she can’t bring herself to say it. 
They’re all disgusting.
Not worth her time, she only acknowledges them when they are in her service, and even then contact is limited; more often than not they are crude and obnoxious, dullards who lack the intelligence to fully contribute to society. She wouldn’t want to lose brain cells just by looking at them, now, would she? Listening to that grime would surely cause her to end up in the hospital with an aneurysm.
And yet--as she walks into the police station and sees the petite girl in uniform waiting for her, the hint of a smile plays across her lips.
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1,17, 30, 44 :3c
1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
See answer here; moved due to length.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
I think Mopsy wants some more tea. Oh! But make sure there isn’t milk in it–I read in a book the other day that cats don’t like it. Isn’t that weird? They show it in all the cartoons and books and everything! 
30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
Men. Idiocy. Dishonesty. Filth. People that assume we haven’t worked a day in our lives. People who waste their own lives away, devoid of ambition. People who don’t respect personal boundaries. People who don’t understand that no means no. People who let their perverted fantasies get the better of them. People who don’t take showers and keep pet stinkbugs. People who are serial killers and yet somehow haven’t been arrested yet–
———-Oh. You wanted to know what I find disgusting, correct?
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
She knows how to say those three little words in countless languages, and yet–when she tries, they all fail her. After all, there’s only been a handful of people she’s truly loved in her life, and there’s no need to tell them; Maman knows, Mamoru knows, Mitsuki-neechan knows, Byakuya knows. Well–she’s able to say it to him, but it’s always rushed; with him it’s easier to show silent affection, holding hands or a hug or a quick peck on the cheek.
Oh, but…she’s different.
She needs to know, needs that reassurance–the words flow so freely from her pinkened lips, always curved up in a smile. How is she able to be so open with her emotions? It’s amazing, and admittedly she’s a little bit jealous–and so she forces herself to be more open with her affections, even if the first few times are mumbled and muted. It takes courage to be so vulnerable, and yet with time she’ll be able to say it just as well–
I love you, Shiori. Always.
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(29+37 for Character Development ask meme)
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
The first time they’re taken to their father’s office, she is breathless. Perhaps it’s from being shepherded into a limo with men in black suits all around them, protecting them from any wandering eyes that might catch a glimpse for in this moment, they don’t exist--at least, not yet. However, all thoughts of their illegitimacy are forgotten as she sees it from the tinted window, mouth hanging agape as eyes widen: the skyscraper truly seems to scrape the heavens, paneled with windows upon windows of glass.
There is a reason their family comes from gods.
Inside, there is a distinctly busy hustle and bustle; no one wanders aimlessly and everything is neat and organized. She can feel the work ethic, almost palpable; so swept up in it all she somehow loses hold of her brother’s hand and stumbles into a woman, glasses falling to the tip of her nose as she rubs her head and looks up, apologizing. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to--
She’s beautiful.
Tall (everyone is tall to her now; she’ll meet this woman years later and tower over her), she wears a fitted blazer and a blouse, a pencil skirt that hugs her curves and high heels; her hair is perfectly smooth and her teeth are perfectly white and straight, and her smile, her very being radiates confidence. A briefcase in one hand and paperwork in the other, she’s more than able to hold her own against their father; she can hear him scolding her in one ear and making up excuses to the woman in the other, but none of that matters now.
That’s what she wants to be--and she’ll do whatever it takes to become it.
37. Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
I swear it on the Togami name.
It’s an oath that isn’t taken lightly, no matter how often the two of them say it. To them, wealth means nothing; while money makes life a bit easier, it isn’t what’s truly important. 
They fought for the right to say that, and they’ll do whatever it takes to protect that name from any grime that threatens to besmirch it--even if that filth is their own father. Cleaning out the company, cutting out the competition, they will usher in a new age.
Even then--they could lose their fortune, their family, their business, all thanks to one unhinged woman’s whims--and yet, as long as that name remains, they will still have it all.
Brutal honesty, practiced grace, knowledge that knows no bounds. Call it honor, if you will.
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4, 5, 8, 18 ;)
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
The first day, the first test. For the two of them it passes by like a breeze; the basics of business, nothing surprising. However, that’s the reason it’s the first test, after all--to weed out the weak.
They aren’t there when it happens. But even so, they know.
A screaming through the house, echoing off the plastered walls. Mother, please, save me! Father, no, no, how could you do this to me, please, please, let me try again------!
A chill runs down her spine, and yet they are silent still. No one says a word about it, and yet the sound is burnt into her memory, the screams of someone she never knew.
It was as though they had never existed in the first place.
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Women’s clothing is so impractical. Skirts don’t have pockets, dresses don’t have pockets, blazers have fake pockets...sweaters do, but they’re much too small for anything of worth.
As much as she loathes pants (women’s pants don’t have worthwhile pockets, anyway) and men’s fashion, she’s a bit jealous. So often her gaze is drawn to the chain hanging off of his button, leading to a pocket on the side of his blazer. A family heirloom, one that she lacks due to her utter lack of pockets.
Byakuya, do you happen to have the time?
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
Ah--this is a little embarrassing.
She can feel their eyes on her back, veteran officers with years of experience under their belts. And yet--the pinkened smile next to her is so encouraging, so sweet, so pure that she can’t help but smile as well...even if the pistol quivers ever so slightly in her hands.
The first shot isn’t anywhere near perfect, and neither is the second. Quite frankly, she’s lucky that she even hit the target in the first place--he hadn’t been able to, the sound of a bullet ricocheting off of metal making everyone in the range flinch and pale cheeks bloom bright red. It’s embarrassing, so embarrassing, especially for someone who glides through life without flaws--the elegant swan whose legs flail beneath the water’s surface.
A deep breath, and the trigger is pulled again. Practice made perfect, after all.
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
It’s something she sees all too often: in the workplace, in school, even on the street. For every person who wanders through life without direction, there is one who knows what they want and is willing to take the steps to get it.. 
As much as she loathes those without ambition, she despises idiots with it even more.
The men that reek of suffocating cologne and yesterday’s liquor lounge around in the boardroom, sleeping their way to the top. They have ambition, yes, but that doesn’t prove their worth--especially when lewd remarks flow from their dry lips, reddened eyes gazing at the way her pencil skirt clings to her curves.
With a single one of her whims, their ‘ambition’ can be their downfall. She decides their worth, and without hesitation can tell them that yes, I’m well aware that I look “hot” today, and yes, I’m sure you’ll look even “hotter” standing out in the summer heat, searching for a new job.
Ambition is everything, yes--and yet, without the wisdom to guide it, it is useless.
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20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
In the beginning, it was self-preservation. To look at the fourteen others and think, I’m not like them. I’m better. I have to be.
Once the world opened up to her, however, pride took root within her heart. The slovenly businessmen, the mindless workers, the average person--she wasn’t like them. She was, indeed, better. She had clawed her way to the top in order to prove herself, and to look at the world from above and see how most human beings went through their everyday lives without ambition, without any drive to work, to live--it was disgusting.
And then--they had the nerve, the gall to think that she hadn’t lifted a finger.
The baseball player, who never practiced and yet was scouted for professional leagues. 
The gambler who cheated others out of their wealth, all on the basis of luck. 
The writer who wasted away in her delusions, not even stopping to take a shower. 
And then--the dull, average boy, who somehow managed to have fortune fall in his favor. 
How could she possibly think to relate to that?
I’m not like them. I’m better. I have to be.
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Character Development Questions: Hard Mode
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
Does your character remember names or faces easier?
Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
What does your character like in other people?
What does your character dislike in other people?
How quick is your character to trust someone else?
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
How does your character behave around children?
How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
How does your character behave around people they like?
How does your character behave around people they dislike?
Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
How does your character treat people in service jobs?
Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
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Step by step, they slowly made their way towards the door; an eternity seemed to pass, measured only by the flashing red light watching over them--five seconds between each flicker, not as though she was counting. No, her eyes were directed ahead, fixed upon the exit; every so often they would cast down and look at their feet, but seeing how mismatched they looked made her feel ill. Every time she thought she had pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind, there they were again; utterly intrusive, her fixation on their body had only begun. 
Once they reached the door, she noticed him shiver as he took the knob in his hand and pulled it the rest of the way open; while she hadn’t experienced the same chill he had, she felt the quivering of his side against hers. Was he cold, or was he frightened? Was he both? Before she could ask, her vision was blinded once more by the bright sterile hallway, one both foreign and familiar; reaching the same conclusion he had memories flooded her mind, and for a moment it was as though she could see the two of them walking down the hall once more, separate entities. It was probably just the anesthetic wearing off, but--if she called out, if she warned them, would they be able to escape? No--there was no way she could change the past, no matter how much she wanted to. His voice helped her direct her attention back to the here and now, and onwards towards the future; there was nowhere left to go but out, and he had made his decision. Now the question was--could she?
“As ready as I can be,” she quietly admitted, her voice lacking its usual vigor; dull and monotonous, she still found herself in a stupor. Would she ever be able to become the strong young woman she had been before, or was this new existence one that would drain the life out of her? As tempting as it sounded to give up, she couldn’t allow herself to fall into despair--no, she would continue to fight just as she always had, and she would continue to fight with her brother at her side...albeit in a slightly different way than she had ever expected. If he wasn’t going to give up, then neither could she...
In an attempt to reassure herself that would surely backfire, she reached over and took his hand in hers, squeezing it gently. As her left side was still completely numb, she couldn’t feel any part of him--but perhaps that was a blessing in disguise, as it truly felt as though she was holding his own hand once more, instead of just an appendage on their shared body. Eyes closed for a moment as she savored this sensation, a comforting one that she had relied on ever since they were children; as if his touch, his presence had been all she needed in the first place, color began to fill the world once they opened. 
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“Yes...I’m ready.”
The yelp that left her lips caught him off guard and for some absurd reason he almost had the urge to laugh. It was just so jarring to be here in a bright and inhuman lab where the sterile smell made him feel more like a science experiment than a man, and yet even now his sister was his sister, and her pale skin still flushed from her high cheekbones to the tips of her ears when she was flustered. Some things would never change, even in the most dire of circumstances, and he couldn’t help but feel a massive wave of relief.
With that weight off of his shoulders–or at least lightened–he was able to turn his full attention to the matter at hand: forward movement. Neither of them was in control or could even feel the other’s leg despite the effect it clearly had on their balance, so they would have to be cautious going forward and pay close attention to what the other (were they even other at this point?) was doing at all times. As a tingling began in his toes and worked its way with pins and needles up his leg, he realized that she must have been experiencing the same lack of blood flow and subsequent static that he was, hence the noise. The only way to shake it off, however, was to keep moving, and that was exactly what he intended to do. 
Inch by painful inch they moved across the room with stiff, small steps, until finally they reached the door. The knob was like ice in his hand, and it sent a chill up his arm and down his spine. Could she feel that too? Was leaving the room really safe? What danger might rest on the other side? There was no way to know until he opened it, and he fought back his fears with the unsavory thought that the scientist wouldn’t want to destroy what was likely his greatest accomplishment until he had time to observe and document them for scientific journals. 
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It only took that one thought to make him nauseous again, but it was quickly becoming a normal sensation to him, just another part of their new, unbalanced lives. Finally, he was able to steel both his nerves and their stomach enough to pull open the door completely. The hallway on the other side was, as a whole, distinctly underwhelming. The same bright white paint faced them as had inside the lab, and identical steel doors lined the halls at even intervals. They had been moved, then, from the place where he knocked them out, unless…no, this was the same hallway–but the bastard had turned on the rest of the lights now. Togami gritted his teeth and looked over at his sister. “Are you ready to find the connard who did this?”
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♡ | 三田村提督@さくらちゃん病
※Permission was granted by the artist to upload their works.
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Silence lingered between them, and then--slowly, slowly the heiress reached up and touched the top of her head, the crisp crackle of a fallen leaf meeting her fingertips. Eyes narrowed as she brushed it away, and a scowl twisted her otherwise graceful features--and yet the hint of a blush rose to her pale cheeks, belying her embarrassment. How long had she been sitting here with a leaf on her head of all things? Had anyone else noticed, or was this girl standing before her the only one? She dearly hoped it was the latter and refused to even think about the implications of the former; either way excuses and insults rose to the tip of her tongue, as she would not allow herself to sit here and be made a fool of. Admittedly she was thankful for the girl’s intervention, but...did she really have to be so blunt?
(This coming from the resident ice queen of Hope’s Peak, insensitivity lacing her every word.)
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“Didn’t you know that it’s rude to stare?” she retorted, a rather weak comeback; it was surprisingly difficult for her to come up with an insult when this girl had been right all along, but instead she told herself that it was best to save her venom for an actual student instead of some Reserve Course imbecile. Quite frankly, she didn’t have the time for this in the first place; as she truly had been so enthralled by her novel that she hadn’t noticed the leaf on her head, she was quite eager to return to its pages. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, she looked up at the brunette and added, “If that’s all you have to say, then leave.”
This girl may have all of the more important questions, but Hinata has the one to win them all…. How into a book does one have to be to not notice a leaf of that size on their head? Make the girl a brunette with shorter hair and you might as well start looking for Totoro. Or at least, that’s the impression Hinata gets from all of this.
She immediately gave off an air of someone standoff-ish when she spoke, something that almost made Hinata rather want to to turn away and leave without a word. Honestly, it’s a struggle sometimes to work with people like that. She gets where they come from, as much as someone can who hasn’t personally been in a situation like that, but still…. It’s hard to remain polite when the other party just loves to equate you to a pile of dirt and dust.
Still, Hinata is a polite person at heart and attempting to do something even when it seems pretty impossible is practically what she’s known for. So despite her better judgments, she gestures to to the top of her own head.
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“…You really don’t feel that leaf on your head?” It came off a lot more blunt than initially intended, but at least she knew now, right? Better to tell her now before she becomes some Hopes Peak meme… The Light Club member has been having too much fun with that lately, or so Hinata’s only heard of. With an appearance like that, she’d probably end up being the next target if Mioda noticed…
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While his gentle touch and sharp words were a wake-up call she couldn’t help but feel numb, almost as though the anesthesia hadn’t quite worn off yet; as she fell silent tears continued to stream down her cheeks, and she bit down on her lip to make sure she wouldn’t make any more inhuman noises. Eventually her breathing began to slow, and before she knew it they were sitting up; he must have used all of his strength to do so, and she hadn’t even noticed. All she could do was stare ahead into the abyss of darkness, pierced only by the flashing light of the security camera; the sensation of his movements on the other side of their body made her feel sick to her--their?--stomach, as she could tell they were there yet couldn’t experience them all the same. This would definitely take some getting used to--if she could even stand to do so in the first place...
Blinking a couple times, she finally gathered her courage with a deep breath and glanced over at him, noticing how he was stretching his leg out to the ground; with no other options available to them she forced herself into doing the same, the slender appendage dangling off the side of the table. She tried not to think about it too much, but her mind had already gotten the better of her--how did their biology work, even, and what could they be considered now? Chants of two-headed freak, two-headed freak still echoed in her head, but she tried to shake them off; regardless of whatever they were, they were still together. That was better than nothing, she supposed--after all, most people considered them to be one person, anyway.
Before her brain could connect to the rest of their synapses--before she could really think about what parts they had and which ones they didn’t--she found herself lurching forward, her foot now upon the ground. Vibrations shook her leg along with a sudden chill, and it was all she could do to keep their balance; it wasn’t as though she could hold onto her twin for support, so instead she shakily grabbed onto the table without thinking. After a few moments more they were steady, and she slowly let go--they were standing, now, and she tried her best not to look down. In another attempt to push any and all intrusive thoughts aside, she realized that there was only one thing left to do and she had no idea how they were going to do it: walking, something they would have to relearn completely.
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Looking over at him once more--it was unsettling, how close he was now--they exchanged a nod; no words needed to be said, as though their brains had been connected as well. Slowly, carefully, she put her best foot forward; her arm shot out in an attempt to keep their balance, and they wobbled for a moment until he moved his own foot. Flinching slightly, she realized too late that the shrill sound that echoed through the room had been her own yelp--and she pressed a hand to her mouth as her face finally bloomed with color once more. This was surely the strangest thing she had ever experienced, and judging by the sinking sensation in their stomach it wasn’t going to get much better than this...
Instinctively he reached out to wipe away her tears with a gentle hand, and the feeling of their warmth against his skin brought a hot prickling to the corners of his own eyes; he had never been able to stand seeing his sister cry, and he swore to himself that he would find the monster responsible for this and make him regret it. It took a surprising amount of resolve to seal the hot anger in his heart so that he could respond to her with a calm but firm voice. “Ren,” he began, “We can do this the same way we’ve always done things, together. I know that this situation is more than slightly bizarre, but it doesn’t change who we are. We are Togamis, and we will not allow ourselves to be trampled.” 
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Strong words from a man who had been sawed in half and stitched to his twin, strong words overlaying a shaking and brittle emotional shield that he had re-erected around himself. He couldn’t face the terror and disgust roiling in their chest right now; he had to face the task at hand with logic and determination, not weak knees and trembling words. The door was open, which meant that theoretically they could easily walk right out of their captivity–assuming they could walk. The stitches on their chest were tight and solid despite the truly nauseating color of the bruises around them, so he had no fear of them somehow losing each other–no, the main obstacle would simply be keeping their balance enough to move forward. It would probably require them to move painstakingly slow for their first few steps, but he trusted that they would be able to cooperate well enough that they would be running soon enough.  After all, walking was simply putting one foot in front of the other, and if he had to he would call the steps like the captain of a rowing team in order to keep them in sync. They couldn’t afford to fail now, not like this.  
With what strength he had, he pulled both of them up so that they were sitting, albeit still slouched, on the table. Not bothering to ask permission–somehow he knew that while she was this deep in emotional shock, asking unnecessary questions would only make things worse–he hooked his leg off the side of the table and felt for the floor. He could reach it just barely with his toes if he pointed them like a distorted ballerina, and a sickening image passed through his mind of them trying to stand and failing, collapsing into a heap on the ground…No! He wouldn’t let himself be caught in despair, likely that was exactly what the culprit wanted. He was going to keep fighting, and they were going to get out.
Thankfully, she turned as well and let her leg fall over the side with him; though he could tell that his motivational speech had not been enough to completely wipe her fears away, all he needed was a small hint of cooperation that he could then turn into something larger. Carefully he slid them farther and farther off the bed until both feet met the cold tiles–though he only felt the left, which set their stomach flip-flopping again–ignoring it he slid their weight onto their feet, and carefully pushed them off, completely free of the bed. One second, another, and another, and they didn’t topple over. They were completely stable, despite each only having one leg they controlled on their own. Now for movement across the room…
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Despite not being completely comfortable with Maizono’s comparison--while they were similar in many ways, the worlds of business and music were entirely separate entities--Byakuren supposed she had a point; in both realms there were those who hoped to succeed with little effort, and there were those who actually used hard work to get ahead. She definitely appreciated the sentiment, however; not many of their classmates actually believed that the twins had to work a day in their life and it was difficult not to correct them time and time again, especially since they couldn’t just tell the entire school about the competition. Now that she thought about, perhaps she had been able to find a kindred spirit of sorts; yes, the heiress and the idol were worlds apart, but perhaps a bridge could be built between them. After all, it was ordinary people that she loathed wasting her time on--at least Maizono might be able to teach her a thing or two. 
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“I would hope that you would put your best effort into performing--if not, then you surely wouldn’t have been accepted into this school.” Coming to a sharp stop, she realized a bit too late that what she had said was rather insensitive--and while she wouldn’t have cared with most people, she was actually attempting to put forth her own best effort into making a good impression. How odd, that she cared so much--and the light blush that rose to her cheeks was rather out of place as well. “However, I’m glad you’re able to recognize the fruits of our labor; most of our classmates tend to think we sit around and eat bonbons all day. It’s disgusting, really--though I’m sure you can empathize. I don’t know how you haven’t gone insane from how much Kuwata harasses you.”
Somehow she wasn’t even a little bit surprised to hear that playing the violin came naturally to her like that, and she said so. “You’re absolutely right. Some people are naturally amazing, like you and your twin, and you make it even better by not being lazy even when you have the natural intelligence and money. It’s nice! A lot of idols don’t really do that, you know? They just wear tiny outfits and lip-sync, but I try to be like you, and give one-hundred-fifty percent all the time.”
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Hopefully she wasn’t coming on too strong, because she really did believe that the twins worked hard, and she hoped she was right or this might get a little bit awkward. They always made things look effortless, but she could feel the time and effort put into the things they did each day, even if no one else could. So, Byakuren was certainly right–she wasn’t like most people–she was beautiful, talented, and intelligent, all proof that God could give with both hands, even if He didn’t always. The idol had always been more than a little impressed, and if she didn’t know better she’d think that she had a crush on her classmate, but maybe that was taking things a bit too far. She just admired the perfect way that Byakuren and her twin did everything, from classwork to the way they walked in the halls. It was like music in action, to see the two of them so in harmony. “I mean, you never look like you’re struggling, I just have this feeling about you that you’re a hard worker. I’m psychic, actually!” She paused a beat and giggled, “Kidding, of course, that’s silly; but I really do feel that way about you! I just have good intuition when it comes to people, that’s all.”
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