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electrhea · 1 day ago
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One Of Us: IV
☆ Vamp!Rhea x afab!Reader
★ Word Count: 547
Author's Note: Some fluff, for the time being.
“I assume you already made the reservation?”
“Of course I did. Now c’mon; I’d like to get there before the rain comes down too hard.” Rhea holds the door open for us to leave the bar.
“Looks a little too late for that.” I watch the rain coming drizzling down, and god it looks beautiful.
“Looks like we’ll both be drenched like dogs when we get to the hotel, yeah?”
“I’ve always wondered what it’d be like getting sopping wet from the rain.”
She gives a light laugh. “Yeah? I bet I can get you wetter.”
“You could get any woman wetter, Rhea.” The fifty minutes it takes to walk to the hotel we teased each other like flirty best friends. As soon as we made it into the hotel room, I collapsed on the bed from fatigue.
“Already? Cute.” She sets her stuff down by the bed. “I’m gonna take a quick shower to get all this rain off me so don’t misbehave while I’m in ‘ere, got it?”
“Yeah yeah, don’t use up all the hot water.”
“You should rest up in the meantime, and that’s an order.”
“And if I don’t?”
“I wouldn’t go down that path if I were you.“
“Aww, how come?”
“Just…don’t… Rest up, sweetheart.” She smiles gently and walks into the bathroom. I make myself comfortable yet fail to fall asleep; so instead I back myself against the headboard, attempting to escape the sudden heat in the room.
By dusk, I’ve gone almost completely topless just to escape the heatwave. Not only is there a heatwave, my face is as flushed as ever—which Rhea takes notice of as she comes out.
“You alright?” she asks. Seeing her having come out, the heat disappears and leaves me with nothing but shivers. I try to put my top back on, but before I can Rhea grabs my wrist and hovers over my body on the bed.
I look up into her eyes, a nearby lamp illuminating us both. The blue of her eyes that tends to resemble glaciers in the Arctic now resemble deep waters.
Her gaze on me brings a warm sense of comfort, a sense I haven’t felt in a while. I wrap my arms around her, and she returns the favor.
The moment I close my eyes, Rhea presses a soft kiss to the tip of my nose—making my eyes open again, and I move my arms from around her to cup her face. Her eyes widen at my touch but are soon replaced by a content smile.
The night is peaceful. There’s not a care in the world to go through my head. The lighting is perfect; the hotel room is perfect; the temperature is perfect; the view through the window is perfect; everything is perfect. By now I realize Rhea’s perfect. The bliss seems to last for an eternity.
Rhea moves to lay by my side. She cups my face, and her thumb glides over my lips along with her gaze. In time I find myself engulfed in a kiss born from passion waiting to find the right moment. It lasts for a few heavenly moments before she backs away and buries her head by my neck, wrapping an arm around my waist and nuzzling into me.
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electrhea · 1 day ago
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One Of Us: III
☆ Vamp!Rhea x afab!Reader
★ Word Count: 955
Author's Note: Bar meeting, and Reader's ex is there. :3
TW: Decapitation of said ex.
A text pops up on my phone, and before long I’m calling the love of my life (platonically).
“You called?”
“Took you long enough. Where are you?” The sound of clinking glasses and faint 2000s rave music halfway drowns out her voice.
“Home, right now. When do you want me to be there?”
“I suggest you be on your way.”
“Way to be passive, Rhea.” I roll my eyes. “Let me put an outfit together first and I’ll be on my way.”
“Or…” she drifts off, accent thick and voice dripping with an oxytocin-flooding pitch, “you could come in nothing.”
All I let her hear is an exhale, especially since the last thing I need her to hear is a verbal—or rather, audible—sign of lustful desperation emanating from my vocal cords.
“You wish.” Is she drunk, or is this normal from her?
“Well either way, I need something from you.”
“That being?”
“I need you a tad bit tipsy, then I’ll tell you.”
“You’re lucky I’ve been a fan of yours for years.”
“That’s precisely why I trust you can handle this.”
“Pish-posh, let me get an outfit on; unless you want to hear fabric moving in the background.”
“I’d rather hear with my eyes.”
“Keep that up and I’ll blindfold you.”
She chuckles, then hangs up the call. Guys My Age by Hey Violet plays from a Bose speaker bluetoothed to my phone.
I put together an outfit consisting of: a black tank top, a black Hawk&Bull ‘Tomb Raider Lara Croft’ leather jacket, VICI burgundy faux leather shorts, black fishnets under the shorts and tank top, and black KysBloes knee-high boots.
I check myself out in the door-sized mirror in front of my bed before deciding to put my tongue piercing in and add DragonWeave red Empyrean Tear earrings and silver rings into the mix.
When I finally make my way inside I hear Rhea compliment my outfit from directly behind me, already sat on a barstool and awaiting my arrival like her dogs would be waiting for her at home.
I sit beside her and she orders an expensive champagne for the both of us—side eyeing the bartender while he walks away; and fuck, I know him.
He brings our champagne to us, and invites himself to sit directly across from me at the bar counter Rhea and I are sat at.
Why him?
Why me?
It’s the worst moments possible that exes get caught up in your business like you’re frenemies at worst.
“What brings you here of all places?” he asks me, and I want to punch his perverted face.
My lack of interest seems to trigger him, as it fucking should. This is why Guys My Age was playing earlier. He’s why.
“Not gonna talk, huh?” Rhea ends up triggered as well, and she stands from her barstool to retort.
“Just how oblivious is that moronic little brain of yours?”
“Excuse me?”
Rhea takes a few long sips of her champagne and slams the glass down onto the counter.
“Can’t you read her body language telling you to back off? Go find a stripper to piss off; and while you’re at it—you piss off!” She looks into his eyes with the kind of death stare a mother gives you when you make her mad.
“Someone’s feisty~” he won’t fucking quit.
“Caillette, before I kill you.”
“Can’t kill the staff, buff-goth-lady.
“Ya think so? Try me.”
He scoffs and tries to walk away, but Rhea catches up and thrusts a kick to his lower back. I watch him collapse to his knees on the floor in pain.
I bend over the counter to drag his stool over to whack him in the head and use the rusted metal legs to pry his head off—which I pick up and grind into the counter and throw at the bar’s little target for knife throwing.
Someone’ll flush the rest of him down into the sewage system.
Rhea and I reseat ourselves and drink in achievement; we clink our glasses before chugging the rest like shots of vodka.
“How did you—?” I start asking, but Rhea cuts me off.
I nod.
“Let’s say I have a…‘sixth sense’...” I nod slower this time, relying on taking her word for it. I spot a red flash of light in my peripheral and immediately perk up in the direction I see it go.
“She’s back.”
“Who’s back?” I gesture with a hard side-eye in the direction and she gets the memo. “Goddamnit.” Rhea stands up and walks over to the Voice but ends up pinned to a wall.
“Miss me, darling?” the Voice teases.
“What do you want?”
“I see you’re still keeping your victim around, and not in the form it’s supposed to be in by now.”
“And why should I care?”
“Because our kind doesn’t drag prey around for emotional connection; we fucking eat them.”
“Wrong. You eat them; and if you even think about touching my friend, I will become a cannibal from consuming your flesh.”
“Hmph,” the Voice chuckles. “So confident, aren’t you? Quit waiting around and do your fucking job, or—”
“Not if I’m here,” I intervene in protest. I’m so done with this shit.
“Oh, you’re ssso clever,” the Voice hisses in an altered tone, but I come up from behind and choke her hard enough to de- capitate her.
“Oh, don’t worry; I know.” I grin, watching its head fall to the floor. Meanwhile, Rhea claps celebratorily—all with a smile on her adorable face.
“We should probably get going,” she suggests.
“Yeah? Where to?”
“How ‘bout a hotel room?”
“I’ve got nowhere better to be.”
“Is that a yes?”
“You bet your pretty face it is,” I chuckle.
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electrhea · 1 day ago
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One Of Us: II
☆ Vamp!Rhea x afab!Reader
★ Word Count: 336
Author's Note: New character; her and Rhea are technically enemies. The character's name will be revealed in a later part.
+ (All Spanish phrases in this fanfiction were translated with the DeepL translator app.)
I felt her energy from the ring to her dressing room. It didn’t feel good. With closed eyes, I watch the scene like it’s right in front of me.
A red flash of light. Smoke clings to her body. “Que carajo,” Rhea knew something was wrong. “Pendejo…” she mutters at the sight of a Voice’s sudden appearance.
“I understand you’ve caught a victim,” the Voice says passively to Rhea, but she remains silent. “Do I have to show you how to be our own kind?”
“Tócala y estás muerta,” Rhea finally threatens, but the Voice only cackles for a half-assed response.
“Don’t you know you can’t kill the undead?” the Voice asks with snark and protracts its fangs as a threat right back.
“Mocosa.” Rhea balls her hands into fists out of frustration. Do these two know each other? “Vete al diablo.”
“Been there, done that.”
“Muy bien!” She sarcastically claps.
“Aww, celosa?”
“In your dreams, pipsqueak.” Rhea steps a heel to the Voice’s throat until it suffocates enough to pass out and splurge blood ‘til its True Death™, then kicks the corpse out of the ring to dissolve from flesh into thin air.
She comes back into the room but locks the door shut. She kneels down to my level and cups my jaw, scanning my face for any harm that might’ve been done to me while she was gone. “I’m okay, Rhea,” I assure her.
“Good. As I expected. I want you to meet me someplace tomorrow, can you do that for me?”
Me? Meeting her? Fuck yeah. “Yes ma���am.”
She chuckles. “Good. There’s a bar ‘round here I want to take you to; B4B is its name. I’ll call you to remind you in-case you forget.”
“You have my number?”
“Not yet,” she smiles innocently.
“You’re lucky I came prepared,” I say, handing her a card with my number on it.
“Good girl,” she praises. Little does she know how those words make me want to fold like paper and melt like ice.
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electrhea · 1 day ago
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One Of Us: I
☆ Vamp!Rhea x afab!Reader
★ Word Count: 503
Author's Note: This rewritten version contains more parts and is set in the Reader's first person perspective. There will be vampires, shifters, special abilities, rituals, etc.
After years of waiting, I finally found an opportunity to see a match in-person; and I get to be up front. Rhea’s in this one. Her entrance? Spectacular as always.
I have my phone out to record, as is practically everyone else; but I’ve been noticing Rhea shifting a glance over to my camera every so often.
And all the while, she wins the match and retains her championship. She slides out under the ropes and approaches me. My heart-rate fucking begs to jump out of my chest.
She leans with crossed arms onto the barricade directly in front of me. I nervously lean back, physically stuck staring into her gorgeous platinum blue eyes that make me want to fold just being under their supervision.
Her gaze on me is playful, wanting to taunt and tease me. A light smirk tugs on her matte black lips and she starts to walk away.
Mostly involuntarily, I grab ahold of one of her wrists to halt her departure, but I freeze up under her gaze. It pins me, and I’m pressured to speak. But I don’t. She does.
“You want me to stay?” Her brows furrow like a begging dog, and I scream internally. I can only nod under the physical pressure to collapse and grovel like she’s a goddess. “Cute.” Her accent comes out and slaps my face even redder.
In mere moments, we’re both leaning into the barricade. I look over at the wrestlers’ entrance, thinking; and she catches on pretty damn quickly. She leans closer so that the tip of her nose slightly grazes mine.
It catches me off guard to the point of barely falling backward, and I find her supporting my lower back with both arms before I fully fall. Enveloped in her tatted arms, my breaths are so slow they’re barely there.
“Careful next time,” she says to me, accent overwhelming my ears with bliss. A few comfortable moments later and her arms are back on the barricade.
I take another look at the entrance, and next thing I know she lets out a sigh and throws me over her shoulder to carry me right to where I was picturing; but I’m taken to her dressing room. She leaves me there for a good hour or so before she returns.
I sit against a wall of the room, legs bent, head buried in my arms atop my knees. More than an hour passes and I notice once the door violently opens. Is she pissed?
She walks in, dark makeup slightly smudged, and some blood from what I assume to be a nosebleed. I look up to find myself pinned to the wall I’m sat against. And she’s knelt. I feel a hitch in my throat; fuck.
Demon In Your Dreams begins to play at the worst time.
“Shit,” Rhea mutters to herself. The commentator speaks and I hear the crowd faintly ‘boo!!’ when she doesn’t appear. “Keep your ass right where it is.” She groans and walks out there.
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electrhea · 1 year ago
One Of Us [Masterlist]
Part 1 ------------------------------ [3/15/24]
Part 2 ------------------------------ [3/16/24]
Part 3 ------------------------------ [3/16/24]
Part 4 ------------------------------ [3/20/24]
Part 5 ------------------------------ [3/23/24]
Part 6 ------------------------------ [3/28/24]
Part 7 ------------------------------ [4/14/24]
Part 8 ------------------------------ [8/14/24]
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
◇ Last updated March 2, 2025.
◇ May post headcanons in the near future.
NOTE: This series is also available on Archive Of Our Own under the pseud electrhea.
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electrhea · 1 year ago
Working on a Rhea Ripley x Reader fanfic, as to slowly build my way into the community of such (which I've recently been delving into out of pure obsession). :>
I'm open to receiving requests, particularly plot requests (of the same thematic as I'm working on).
(Note: the fanfic will [most likely] be uploaded here once finished, whether requested or not, and may either consist of multiple parts or may be uploaded as a lengthy one-shot.)
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