eir-louis · 8 years
Content Curation: Website
Topic: Social Media Marketing Strategies
Site: www.marketingsherpa.com
The website is designed for marketers where marketers can find case study, do research and even to train marketing skill. The site has many articles/sources on marketing, mainly social media marketing. For example, Website Optimization, Promotional Marketing, Direct Marketing & Email Marketing. Hence, it’s very useful for my research/learning topic.
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The website is also well updated. Its latest post is on July 22, 2016. Sherpa copyright is 2000-2017 making the site legally current. This would makes my research updated and relevant.
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Above is an example of editor’s info.
The posts are also trustworthy because it provides very detailed editors’ background and contact information. MarketingSherpa is also a famous organization which has been organizing marketing summits every year for the past few years in USA. The last summit featured many credible speakers. Eg. winner of NewYork Times bestseller, author of many science books, VicePresident of Marketing for Optum and many Directors of Organizations/Institute.
It is stated that MarketingSherpa is not looking for business with then making it reliable since the site is not being controlled base anyone’s interest - non-biased. 
In conclusion, the site is recommended for not only its trustworthiness but also its well-written posts/articles.
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eir-louis · 8 years
Content Curation: Video
Topic: Social media marketing strategies
Video: How Brian Gavin Diamonds overcame ‘mobilegeddon’ -https://youtu.be/FdeenVI7bZ8
A very current video which was published on July 22nd, 2016 this would make my research updated. 
The video is an interview of Danny Gavin, Director of Marketing for Brian Gavin Diamonds - a luxury accessory brand. In the video, Danny Gavin talked about how important the design of the webpage is, especially the content page such as articles and blog posts. He also explained that it’s because google, ever since introducing new algorithm, Google shows websites that are mobile friendly before websites that are not mobile friendly. This is also because of consumer’s mobile habit.
This video is relevant to my research on social media marketing strategy as the points being shared in the interview can make a huge impact on whether a social media marketing strategy might work or not.
The video is by Media Center of MarketingSherpa, MarketingSherpa is an institute which publishes case study and also conducts interviews with hundreds brand marketers and directors in order to share experiences and strategies. Seeking no business, Sherpa makes a credible site since the information base on no one’s benefit, solely on research and interviews. Furthermore, Marketing Sherpa has been around since 2000 which was sponsored by many organization to hold summit in Feb 2016 where 300+ attendees from well-known brands like Microsoft, Google and Disney.
I highly recommend the video for anyone who is starting a social media marketing for its neutralism and relevance.
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eir-louis · 8 years
Content Curation:Article
Database: LexisnexisAcademy
Keyword: social AND online marketing strategies
Using the Advanced options, I set a range of date 01/01/2016 to 15/07/2016 in order to find latest articles on social media marketing strategies. Below is the article that I have chosen, a very current article ( 24/06/2016 ).
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The article mainly talks about how to build a social media fan base as part of marketing strategy. Firstly, the article explains how building a fan base is similar to a childhood game where one is a leader and everyone else follows wherever the leader go and it was fun.
By applying this as part of the marketing plan (reward followers with entertaining content) according to the article, we can become the leader of the particular industry. Therefore, the article is relevant to my research as it provides and explain how the strategy can be used. 
The source of the article is credible as it is a local newspaper named Sherwood Park. Sherwood Park is also a member of Postmedia Network Canada Corp. which is a large and highly trustworthy company. Being founded in 2010, Postmedia expanded greatly who had a revenue of 750 Million Cad in 2015
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Aside from the connection, the web news has many good reviews by the locals. This contribute to why this article is greatly recommended.
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eir-louis · 8 years
Compare Google & Lib database
Topic: Marketing strategies using social media
Library database: Emerald Insight
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Using quick search, Google gave relevant websites to find out the information about Marketing strategies using social media. This is  effective for very quick understanding of the topics. On the other hand Emerald Insight is able to provide full text articles about the ‘ Marketing strategies using social media’. Even though Emerald Insight(EI) requires more reading, it is more effective compare to Google for doing research on detailed plans(marketing strategies).
Using advanced option, both search engine able to narrow or widen results using AND,OR, NOT. However, EI has very limited option for its advanced search which (beside AND OR NOT) consists of content type and publication date. Whereas Google has advanced options for every sections(videos, images, news and books)
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Still, EI not only classifies the items (chapter item or research paper) but also provides author’s names, publisher, name of series, abstract and reference. However, many of items require payment on EI. For Google, most information is free.
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Nonetheless, Google can also quickly provide user with images, news, books apps and videos for illustrations and demonstration which Emerald Insight unable to provide.
Hence it’s important for user to know what they are looking for before choosing a suitable search engine.
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eir-louis · 8 years
Research Using Library Database
Topic:Marketing strategies using social media
Database: EBSCOHost
Keywords: marketing-advertising,retailing,selling
                  social media- social network
To maximize the effectiveness of the search engine, we use advanced option. However, to use this option, we need to understand the meanings of “AND” “OR” “NOT”. “AND” is used to connect the words together, “OR” is used to group the synonyms and “NOT” is for excluding the certain words.
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The more the number of synonyms the more relevant the results found. full text, scholarly journals and image quick overview, dating. The more specific the requirements of results the lesser the number of items found. Hence I narrowed the results to full text from all sources. Also I wanted the most relevant and up to date strategies hence, the time range is from Jan 2011 to Jun 2016. References option was also checked for credible results and the language is only English. However, i chose not to leave out any source because everything can be opportunities for business.
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Surprisingly, EBSCOHost able to provide 184,069 items which is a huge number. Even when the results were narrowed down to full text from all sources, EBSCOHost was still able to provide such a huge result within a 5 year range.
It is time consuming to read all of the text found . Therefore, the quick images and the abstracts provided by EBSCOHost come in handy that allow researchers to quickly skim through information and decide whether the item is good enough to continue to read.
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eir-louis · 8 years
Google Search
Topic: Types of marketing strategies
Query: Marketing strategy using social media
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The result of the search is shown above.
The option was effective.
Thumbnails and the titles of the news gave me a quick overview of what the news contain and what can be expected out of them. More ever , url-s were replaced with the name of the publishers this helps to quickly pinpoint which publisher to get the information from.
Even though it’s news option, the engine provided simplified strategies on how to create and manage online business using social media. The results were unexpected, however it was effective because it provided proper webpages with authors, dates, citations. These save me the time to look for sources.
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Using the search tools, I wanted results to be from all over the world, therefore didn’t narrow it down to Singapore as suggested. Also, setting the time range from 1-jan-2011 to 31-may-2016, this helps to filter out the past events that is likely to not be relevant anymore. Furthermore, Sorting the results by date, so that i get the most updated news. Having selected “sorted by date”, Google automatically Hide duplicates of similar news which saves users a lot of time when reading since we wouldn’t encounter same content over and over again.
Therefore, each google search’s features have their own benefits to the user.
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eir-louis · 8 years
Online Gift shop
Area of research: Types of marketing strategies A strategy combines all of its marketing goals into one comprehensive plan. A good marketing strategy should be drawn from market research and focus on the product mix in order to achieve the maximum profit and sustain the business. The marketing strategy is the foundation of a marketing plan. A good marketing strategy is not how many gadgets are crammed into it but how effectively it achieves worthy goals. Therefore, how we define the intent will have a profound impact on whether we will succeed or fail. Keywords: Online marketing strategies Online discount Web design strategies Search Engine Optimization Best marketing strategies How to do online marketing Worst online marketing
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