back in dragon age hell
66K posts
She/her. Level 45. Bi /pan.Currently hyperfixated on Dragon Age and Baldur’s Gate 3. Fandom old lady, has no time for bullshit. Neurospicy and perpetually tired.I post explicit fanfic. You probably shouldn't interact if you're under 18, but I’m not your mom. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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eiluned · 4 hours ago
Sorry for tagging your art with just # oogh or # oh. Just know this means im profoundly moved
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eiluned · 6 hours ago
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Pink Calcite from chenzhou prefecture Hunan province China
Photo: Future Mineral
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eiluned · 6 hours ago
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The Watcher and The Crow.
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eiluned · 6 hours ago
i feel like nobody has NOTPs anymore. like if you hate a ship now it has to be for some deep moral reason and you have to justify it to everyone what happened to just not liking stuff that isnt inherently bad but just because you personally think it sucks
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eiluned · 7 hours ago
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Lucanis’s Logbook, 4
Nearing Midnight:
- Reading
If I have lost an hour this night, it is only to Rook. But lost is wrong. It is an hour found. An hour more clear than any other.
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eiluned · 9 hours ago
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Freeing him from languishing forever in my WIP folder…. Be free you beautiful messy bastard
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eiluned · 9 hours ago
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The Demon of Vyrantium (my dearest, Lucanis)
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eiluned · 11 hours ago
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murderers are hobbyists
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eiluned · 13 hours ago
It's just so narratively crunchy that Spite writes poetry as his chosen form of self expression. Especially given that he clearly struggles to communicate with the people around him, the fact that he writes poetry in the scant moments he has command of Lucanis's hands really cements other textual indicators that Spite is frustrated by his difficulty with communicating. Over and over again he asks to talk to Rook, to be heard, but when he does get the chance to talk, he isn't understood, which must be unbelievably frustrating for the poor guy. So he practices! In writing! And that writing gives such a neat look into Spite's mind and how he conceptualizes himself and his situation. So I'm gonna dust off my English degree and yell about his poetry.
cut from the ALL
golden stranded weaves
keep them OUT
keep me IN
As with all poetry, there's a lot of room to interpretation, and I think that's especially intentional for Spite's worldview as a spirit. He's from the Fade, which operates on perception and emotion instead of concrete immutabilities like the material world. That being said, I think this first poem is Spite trying to process and talk about a.) his own violent summoning from the Fade and b.) Lucanis's mental Ossuary.
Spite was ripped from the Fade against his will, a piece of a larger infinity cut and captured. Likewise, Lucanis creates the Ossuary in his mind as a (poor) coping mechanism for dealing with what happened. Spite recognizes this as an attempt to create peace in emotional turmoil.
The golden stranded weaves evoke the imagery used in the narration explaining how the dagger cuts through the Veil. It's visually represented as gold geometric lines separating the Fade from the material world, which may be a hint to how spirits see the Veil: a barrier made of gold strands that has also stranded Spite from the world he knew. Given that Lucanis's mind Ossuary is also a part of the Fade, this same barrier applies here as well, stranding him and Spite from the freedom they seek.
The Veil and the mental Ossuary therefore function as what Spite calls a "protection cage," designed both to keep its occupants safe and keep them contained. Arguably, Spite could also be talking about the magic that keeps him bonded to Lucanis, magic that is likely similar in nature to how the Veil works given that blood magic is what sustains both. Protecting Spite and Lucanis from being hurt further by the Venatori but also keeping Spite from going home. He's stuck in Lucanis whether he likes it or not. This is further complicated by the mental Ossuary, which Lucanis has unconsciously constructed to keep the people he loves out of harm's way (protecting them) while also keeping Spite trapped.
This is Spite's first cry for help. He recognizes that he is trapped in multiple ways: he is forced to share a body that aggressively does not want to share with him, and the part of the Fade that Lucanis is connected to mentally is also a prison, one that does not respond like Spite would normally expect the Fade to respond. Lucanis mentions in Sea of Blood that "The Fade does whatever a spirit wants. Real walls and chains, not so much," but Spite tells Rook in Inner Demons that he can't touch the locks in Lucanis's mind despite it technically being a part of the Fade. My personal theory is it has something to do with the blood magic that bound them together in the first place, but regardless of why, it's understandably extremely frustrating for Spite to feel trapped both in the material world and the Fade, neither of which respond to him as he expects. To Spite, it must feel like the very laws of physics have stopped working as they should.
scentsing the BEYOND
rememburnings from before
when one was infinity
not a small shade
not a SHARP hooked claw
in a gut
Here we get to see how Spite has been learning to use language to artistically express complex abstract ideas, which speaks to him having mature, adult intelligence, given that abstract thought is a marker of higher-order cognition. In this poem, Spite is no longer simply describing his situation as he is in the first poem, he is self-reflecting and forming his own identity.
It's clear in this first line and in several points throughout the game that Spite's favorite sense is smell, possibly because it is a sense that he can unintrusively access and therefore isn't barred by Lucanis. So he is not just sensing, he is specifically "scentsing" what he calls "the BEYOND," likely the Fade, referencing his ability to pull things from it (especially considering that the little icon on an accessible spot says "a sense of something").
But he's not just talking about the Fade as a place, he's reminiscing of the Fade as a time. But the portmanteau he uses here, "rememburnings" suggests an attempt to explain the emotion he associates with this remembrance. The memory is painful. It burns. It hurts him. He remembers being a part of the Fade, being part of "infinity," and now he is only a "small shade" of what he once was.
But that's not all. He's also demonstrating that he understands how Lucanis perceives him, sees that he is hurting Lucanis. He knows that he was force-fed to Lucanis (quite literally according to his banter with Bellara where he says it happened when "They fed me something. Like he was a parasite in uncooked meat."), which explains why Spite conceptualizes himself as being a foreign, damaging object "in a gut." And, importantly, he doesn't take satisfaction from that. The tone he is using here suggests grief and desperation, especially the "takemeouttakemeoutletmeout." He wants to be free, yes, but he also wants to stop being an object of pain. And yet the last line suggests that Spite knows that separation would also be painful. It would be another ripping, because he is a claw now. As much as he is trapped by Lucanis, he is embedded in him as well, and extraction would tear them both apart.
toes wiggle
when he drinks the brew
a small shade
and a wounded spirit
there is STILL
we are still
there is an INFINITE
there is a SHELTER
there is a STORM outside the center
UGH Spite your MIND!!! This poem makes me want to cry fr. It's so much more concrete than the other two, showing how he's becoming more familiar and comfortable with Lucanis's body and the material world. The tone is gentle, like a relieved sigh, with none of the urgency and desperation of the others. This is the first time we see Spite describe a physical sense other than smell. He notes that Lucanis wiggles his toes when he drinks his favorite coffee, suggesting that this is something Spite feels as an occupant of the same body, though he likes to manifest himself as separate. It confirms that he feels what Lucanis feels through shared senses, though has his own interpretations of sensory input.
Spite still conceptualizes himself as a "small shade," but no longer is he a "SHARP hooked claw." He is still hurt, still affected by what he and Lucanis went through, but he now sees Lucanis as more than the body he's trapped in. He sees Lucanis as a fellow "wounded spirit," hurting and healing in the same way that he is. They are sitting together, feeling together, and they have found stillness. They've finally made peace.
While he may no longer be a part of the Fade as he once was, Spite has found that being and living with Lucanis is another "INFINITE" that he gets to experience. He is safe, sheltered in their bond. It's no longer a cage. It's just protection now. And while Spite can feel the absolute mess that's going on with the world and the Fade and everything they're dealing with, he is centered now with Lucanis, which makes it all manageable.
All this leads me to believe that after Inner Demons and their little coffee date with Rook, Spite and Lucanis are at a point in their relationship where Lucanis is much more accommodating of Spite and where Spite is able to explore and experience the material world with a certain level of patience. He no longer feels like he has to bully Lucanis into letting him pilot because he understands physical space now and can experience things alongside Lucanis as he experiences them. Lucanis is more confident letting Spite speak through him because he's no longer worried Spite will wrest complete control from him and/or do something to hurt them. As Lucanis says in the final romance scene, they're no longer afraid. Lucanis now trusts Spite's reports about what happened and how much time has passed while he was asleep, which suggests that Spite has earned that trust.
At this point, the line between demon of Spite and spirit of Determination seems extremely blurry at best, and it really makes me wonder if gaining a physical body through means other than normal possession allows spirits to develop more complex cognition and emotional versatility beyond just their purpose.
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eiluned · 13 hours ago
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A Linda Belcher mood board
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eiluned · 13 hours ago
Yknow, we all love to laugh about Spite asking if he can eat candles (and we're correct it's very funny) but also if you think about it, the question makes logical sense. Of course Spite, a creature who uses smell to gain information about the world, would think candles are good to eat.
Spite's Collected Facts:
Fact 1. Lucanis makes stuff that smells good (food)
Fact 2. Lucanis's friends eat that stuff and talk about how it tastes good (smells good=tastes good)
Fact 3. Candles smell good (food?)
Conclusion: If things that smell good also taste good, then therefore candles should also taste good.
He's a little scientist making hypotheses about the world! Poor Spite just doesn't know that candles are lies.
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eiluned · 13 hours ago
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Veilguard Appreciation Week 2025 Prompts
For every day of the event, we've put together three prompts for you to choose from!! There's a location, a spirit, and a quote. Feel free to use one, two, or all three- we hope you have fun with them! Each day's prompts are inspired by a member of the Veilguard and their faction, but you don't have to use them for that companion-- if you're inspired to apply them to somebody else, feel free!! All we ask is that your work is Veilguard-focused! Faction leaders, NPCs, villains, Rooks-- all are welcome here!! We can't wait to see what you create!
Find our rules HERE !!
Prompts below the cut
Mar 31st: The Grand Necropolis, curiosity, "Close your eyes. Take a breath."
Apr 1st: Rivain, Compassion, "I like to listen to the waves crash."
Apr 2nd: Hossberg Wetlands, Hope, "But if you say you're an expert? Show me some expertise."
Apr 3rd: Treviso, Determination, "Bitter and sweet, like a kiss goodbye."
Apr 4th: Arlathan Forest, Wisdom, "Sorry! Just breaking things!"
Apr 5th: Minrathous, Justice, "You know, I think you might be trouble."
Apr 6th: The Lighthouse, Valour, "We could continue this in the morning?"
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eiluned · 13 hours ago
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Behind the deadly exterior lies a complex character that may just surprise you. Artwork of Lucanis by Thobias Daneluz, sponsored by EA.
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eiluned · 14 hours ago
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the demon of vyrantium
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eiluned · 16 hours ago
Fun Fact:
Into the West Makes a great lullaby.
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eiluned · 1 day ago
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I'm back. 👀
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eiluned · 1 day ago
Seven Sentence Sunday
Thanks for the tag, @baar-ur!
Let him wait, she thought, easing her stance and flipping her practice dagger around her hand again. He was clearly stronger than her, so taking him down in a purely physical fight just wasn’t going to happen. Time to try a different tactic.
His wariness took on an amused edge, but he took the bait and lunged at her again, just as she expected. Eight years of tweaking Viago with feigned nonchalance had trained her well. When he got close enough, she grabbed his arm and deflected him to her right, spinning to plant her left elbow in his ribs, and for the coup de grace, as they would say in Orlais, she tugged a strand of magic from the Fade to yank his feet out from under him.
Except he somehow anticipated the magic. 
Tagging: @chezamanda @kindlyfeline @thefrostyshepard @issilya @antivan-sprig
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