18+ | My certified ego sideblog | Here for the gays and the slays | genderfluid
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SYNOPSIS: Their partner can't cook, septic edition 😼 (gonna post more soon but my laziness is astounding)
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Genuinely doesn't care, especially if he gets to force other people to eat it 💀 he has the excuse of not being able to eat, meaning that your bad cooking doesn't affect him at all. Will probably just leave you to your business.
Chase Brody
I honestly think he could be a pretty decent chef if he put the effort in, he just doesn't have a whole lot of experience. If you cooked together then he could probably balance the dish out so it isn't totally inedible. Tries to be as nice as possible when you serve him literal garbage.
Marvin the Magnificent
You guys can just order food lmao, because he can't cook either. After a certain point you both just stop trying, the kitchen is a place exclusively for making cereal and dishing food out of delivery boxes.
Dr Schneeplestein
Legally I don't think this man can cook, he has the skills, yes, but he's usually way too tired to put effort into a meal. Depending on just how bad you are though he'll either suck it up, or he'll make a new schedule where he cooks instead.
Jameson Jackson
He can cook, but I don't think he'd be interested in cooking every night. Solution to this? He teaches you. By the time he's done you'll be alternating who makes dinner, and even more surprisingly, you'll actually be decent at it. Just a very patient lad.
#antisepticeye x reader#chase brody x reader#marvin the magnificent x reader#dr schneeplestein x reader#jameson jackson x reader#tufts septic egos
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SYNOPSIS: I tried to cook bagels earlier, and when I say those things came out black, they came out black. I've realised that I can't cook lmao 😍✌ So here's that basically for my favourite guys.
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
His reaction entirely depends on just how bad at cooking you are, is the kitchen at risk of burning? Or does your food just taste horrible? He'll either leave you to it and just not eat what you make, or he'll put you on a kitchen ban 💀💀 He's a strong believer of you doing whatever you want as long as you don't hurt yourself (and actor isn't involved obvs)
He can't cook either lmao, but he doesn't really try in the first place. him + kitchen = food on the walls. I hope you're self aware of your own skills because he can't help you, also he will end up offending you by accidentally insulting your meals and he will be confused when you get upset about it.
He let's you cook for him once and then never again, and he will be insulting about it. Not that he really means to make you upset, he's just super pretentious. Pretty sure he still has a chef though so you probably don't need to cook in the first place.
He's eaten prison food for about half of his life, and you think some burnt toast is gonna bother him??? Like okay, if your food is genuinely inedible he might say something about it, but otherwise I can't see him being too picky. Though, if he's already been introduced to good food then he might be a lil disappointed.
I'm sorry but he definitely eats like 90% of his food out of a can, does he even have tastebuds at this point?? He compromises this issue by going to cafes/diners whenever you're in a new place. He'll absolutely tease you for your lacking skills.
Engineer Mark
The minute he finds out about your cooking he'll do everything he can to dodge it, you want to sit down and have dinner with him? He has to work, sorry, maybe next time. Whenever he does eat your stuff though he just sucks it up, tries to convince you that it's good but his face tells all.
Yikes, he so obviously doesn't like it, but he's also so polite about it because he doesn't want to offend you. He can't really cook either, it just isn't something he learned, so he just suggests that you both go out to eat when you have the time.
#darkiplier x reader#wilford warfstache x reader#actor mark x reader#yancy x reader#illinois x reader#engineer mark x reader#actor mark x y/n#darkiplier x y/n#wilford warfstache x y/n#yancy x y/n#illinois x y/n#engineer mark x y/n#tufts iplier egos
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SYNOPSIS: Nicknames they call you, duh (and while I'm here I might aswell say that I'm working on a Yancy x Reader which I should hopefully have done relatively soon 😼)
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
The type to give you a nickname based off of a feature of yours, for example: if you're short he might call you duckling. However his staple is darling, if he doesn't have a unique name for you yet? you're darling or beloved.
ALL the sweet/food based names, sugarplum, honey, sweetpea, all in that variety. It honestly might get a little cringy at times, but in a very endearing way.
Most of the time he won't call you nicknames at all, isn't really his thing, is more likely to just put a 'my' at the start of your name to make it more personal. If he's feeling dramatic then he'll call you the most horrendous names, mi amore, juliet, romeo, casanova. Stop this man.
I don't think he's really a nickname person either, mainly just because he has a reputation to keep up. I can see him calling you toots or something like that because he heard it in a movie once, and apparently it's tougher than other nicknames.
We all know he's a sweetheart guy, from the day he meets you onwards you'll be sweetheart and then maybe later he'll call you cinnamon/pumpkin (because those are weirdly southern names)
Engineer Mark
Baby, absolutely calls you baby, he just thinks it's the best pet name. Also gives you space related names, star, space girl/boy, sunshine, things like that.
Does calling you a little monster count? He's also a fan of the classics, darling etc, but he does lean towards more 'original' names, jewel, precious, little heart, snowflake. Much like Dark his names can change depending on the type of person you are/your interests.
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SYNOPSIS: Nicknames they call you
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
I genuinely cannot imagine this man calling you by a nickname, he doesn't strike me as the type, maybe he would teasingly use some of the more classic ones, but that's all it is, teasing. He has his own ways of affection, pet names aren't really one.
Chase Brody
He calls you bro, buddy and dude, he's just a little bit insecure ngl and doesn't want to say anything that would make you uncomfortable, he calls you babe or baby once tho and never lets it go again.
Marvin the Magnificent
His nicknames are actually pretty cool, at the beginning of your relationship he calls you bunny or rabbit because obviously, magician, but once he starts to understand you more he'll call you either clover, spade, diamond or dearheart, based on cards (different cards have different personalities)
Dr. Schneeplstein
His nicknames are all German, they just slip easier for him, liebling and schatz are his basic two (darling, treasure) but will eventually start calling you maus and perle (mouse, pearl) though it can depend on your personality.
Jameson Jackson
JJ can't verbally give you nicknames, but he's uses names like dove, poppet, love. Is he English? Who knows, probably not, but he gives pet names like a victorian anyway.
#antisepticeye x reader#chase brody x reader#marvin the magnificent x reader#dr schneeplestein x reader#jameson jackson x reader#tufts septic egos
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SYNOPSIS: The septic egos and their love languages
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Giving: Physical Touch
This might come as a surprise, but yeah, he shows his love through touch. Sure, he isn't a cuddler, but hands on your shoulders, making sure that if he's beside you your arms are touching, running his fingers through your hair - this is all affection to him. It's pretty subtle stuff though, so you might not realise at first how deep it is for him.
Receiving: Quality Time
In this instance, Quality Time just means attention, talk to him, put your full attention into him, he's constantly throwing hissy fits about not being noticed, so notice him. At first he'll gloat about it, but over time it'll just be something he expects from you, and only you.
Chase Brody
Giving: Physical Affection
He enjoys hugs, high fives, halfhugs, handshakes, and he projects that onto his partners too. He always wants to be touching you in some way or another, whether that be an arm around you or just holding your hand as you both go about your days.
Receiving: Words of Affirmation
Is this surprising? I think not. He's got self esteem issues, he's got depression, and hearing your reassurance and love out loud helps alot with those things. There isn't really much more to say about this, words speak louder than actions to him.
Marvin the Magnificent
Giving: Gifts
Being our favourite magician, of course he has to make you watch as he waves whatever you want out of thin air. It's actually pretty cool, until he starts gloating about it after. He's probably just happy that the trick even worked (if it didn't then that'd just be embarrassing)
Receiving: Words of Affirmation
Tell him how amazing his tricks are and how he's an amazing performer, boost his ego, it's what he needs. He often doubts his skills, so hearing those words gets his confidence rolling again.
Dr. Schneeplstein
Giving: Acts of Service
He is a very very busy man, but he does his best to reciprocate your affections, if he's up earlier than you then he'll make you food before he gets to work, if you want him to help you with chores then he'll try and get as much done as possible. He excels in helping when you're sick though, obviously.
Receiving: Acts of Service
Yeah, he likes to receive back what he gives, make him coffee while he's working, clean up after him when he's on the verge of passing out, things like that. He'll feel guilty for you having to do it, but he could never deny the appreciation that goes through him.
Jameson Jackson
Giving: Quality Time
There's nothing he loves more than spending time with you, especially if you're doing something that you both enjoy. The time doesn't have to interesting or adventurous, as long as you're both comfortable and having fun he's happy.
Receiving: Acts of Service
His preferred acts of service are a little different though, fix his suit before he leaves the house, remind him of things he might've forgotten, if you don't know sign language and you're out of paper/post it notes? Buy some more. Those tiny things mean a hell of a lot to him.
#antisepticeye x reader#chase brody x reader#marvin the magnificent x reader#dr schneeplestein x reader#jameson jackson x reader#tufts septic egos
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SYNOPSIS: Their love languages, simple enough
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Giving: Acts of Service
He has no time at all, like ever, he wants to have time, but always finds him caught up in other things. Depending on how affectionate of a person you are, he might feel guilty for this - but either way he likes to make up for his distractions. You were going to clean your room? Whoops, it's already done. You have to pick up that delivery you missed last week? It's on the kitchen counter.
Receiving: Quality Time
He might not have the time for extravagant dates and escapades all of the time, but he doesn't need that. Just sit and talk to him, even if it's useless chatter, he'll appreciate it immensely.
Wilford Warfstache
Giving: Quality Time
Our certified wild card, he loves nothing more than taking you on whacky dates and outings, disco themed clubs are a favourite of his (of course) but he's open for suggestions as long as they aren't boring. You might go home confused out of your mind most nights, but you can never say that you didn't have a good time.
Receiving: Physical Affection
Despite this being the love language he enjoys receiving, he never actually expects it, if you give him affection then he will get unimaginably shocked, not flustered, just shocked. Give him a second to reboot and he'll either tease you or reciprocate tenfold
Actor! Mark
Giving: Gifts
This man is stacked, insanely stacked, like to the point I wouldn't be surprised if some of it was stolen (cough cough). His gifts sometimes lack substance and are purely materialistic, but over time he'll learn more about what you like and what you don't. You probably need a small corner dedicated to all of his gifts, because there's a lot.
Receiving: Words of Affirmation
Since he has the biggest ego of all egos, he will always get a boost out of praise and compliments. I'd recommend that you limit the amount of this you give him, or he'll get overconfident and do something stupid. Just plain old affirmation is nice for him too though, lets him know you aren't planning on leaving.
Giving: Quality Time
In many ways, all he can give you is quality time, there aren't many other ways to show love in prisons. Even on parole, this is his preferred method, partially out of habit and partially because he loves going out to see new things with you. You probably have to plan the dates, but he'll make them worthwhile with how curious he is.
Receiving: Words of Affirmation
Sometimes all he needs is your praise and validation that yes, he is a good guy and no, he doesn't deserve to rot in a cell his entire life. I've said it once and I'll say it again, he's a big puppy.
Giving: Physical Affection
A sneaky arm wrapped around your shoulder and/or waist, holding your hand when you reach a dangerous impasse in a cave, holding you at night to keep warm. He finds showing love with his actions easier than showing love with his words. He'll find other ways of affection if you don't like being touched, but it'll be hard for him.
Receiving: Acts of Service
It doesn't have to be big stuff, make him coffee in the morning, pack up the tents while he's getting the rest of your stuff ready, little things like that. He's so used to doing everything himself that it's a nice change of pace.
Engineer Mark
Giving: Acts of Service
Assuming you're the captain of the invincible II, or even just a regular crew member, he'll always be trying to take some of your burden off of you. To the point that he'll do your duties as well as his own, you might actually need to stop him before he burns himself out.
Receiving: Words of Affirmation
Tell him how good of an engineer he is, how hard he works, that you love his ship, that you love him, it'll get him super flustered, but also super cocky depending on his mood. He enjoys a lot of different types of affection though, this is just one of them.
Giving: Words of Affirmation
I wouldn't be surprised if his favourite thing to do is compliment you, because that's all he does. He passes by you in the hallway? Gotta get a compliment or tease in. He just likes to remind you how much you mean to him, and finds this the easiest way.
Receiving: Gifts
Not big or expensive gifts, he doesn't need those, but if you see something that reminds you of him and then proceed to give that thing to him? Or god forbid you make him something? He'll keep it for as long as he possibly can, maybe even forever - has a whole locked drawer dedicated to things you've gave him.
#actor mark x reader#darkiplier x reader#wilford warfstache x reader#illinois x reader#yancy x reader#engineer mark x reader#actor mark x y/n#darkiplier x y/n#engineer mark x y/n#illinois x y/n#wilford warfstache x y/n#tufts iplier egos
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SYNOPSIS: How the septic boys like to snuggle, GN reader
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Doesn't sleep, won't sleep, find it annoying actually, he only lets you sleep because you need it. If you want bed cuddles, you'll quite literally have to drag him, and he WILL complain the whole time. Doesn't really care about the position, but I'd recommend keeping his hands away from your face since they have a tendency to zap. He won't be there when you wake up, but he'll stick around to watch you sleep for surprisingly longer than you'd think.
Daytime cuddles are comprised of him randomly showing up in your lap, full on *poof* there he is. He prefers to speak to you than to stay silent, or else he'll just get bored and leave.
Chase Brody
Oh, he's a kicker for cuddles, loves them really. Normal daytime cuddles can go from anything to his head in your lap to being curled around you, but he doesn't really care as long as he gets to be touching you in one way or another. A simple arm wrapped around your shoulders is a common move of his.
At night? Chase is a sprawl sleeper, he takes up like half of the bed, the best position for you both is for him to push himself lower on the bed and just kind of lie on your chest, saves you the pain of getting elbowed during the night.
Marvin the Magnificent
He runs hot, like very hot, heater hot. It's uncomfortable for him, and probably uncomfortable for you too, so sleep cuddles dont happen. He's more likely to either go back to back with you, or hold your hand - the only exception to this is on really cold nights, if you want to share warmth then he won't stop you.
He's more okay with daytime cuddles, as long as there's no blankets involved. He's a fan of you leaning on his shoulder with his arm wrapped around you, if you fall asleep then he'll give you his cape as a cover.
Dr. Schneeplestein
Managing to catch him during the day for cuddles isn't going to happen, he'll never let himself stop and rest long enough, at most you'll get a few warm hugs before he's distracted again.
At night isn't any better, you might even have to persuade him to come to bed sometimes - though as soon as he lays down he's out like a light. Due to this, how you fall asleep is entirely up to you, but you'll almost always wake up with his head buried in your neck, that's just his default state.
Jameson Jackson
I bet you thought I was going to say he's shy, huh? He isn't, he learns your boundaries once and then he's quite confident in repeating the same routine by night, trusting in you to tell him when you're uncomfortable. When sleeping he prefers you to face eachother while holding hands inbetween your bodies, mainly because he doesn't feel comfortable having his hands restrained or crushed in any way.
During the day he likes the classics, leans, spooning etc, but he'll almost always have to be little spoon due to the hand thing. Really likes you having your head in his lap while he's doing other tasks, just talk to him, he won't have many replies but it's nice company anyway.
#antisepticeye x reader#chase brody x reader#marvin the magnificent x reader#dr schneeplestein x reader#jameson jackson x reader#tufts septic egos
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SYNOPSIS: Just basic relationship headcanons, but this time for the septic lads, GN reader
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Chaotic, very very chaotic, in the literal sense - he enjoys causing chaos, and not the playful happy type. I'm not sure how you would've ended up with him, but you must be either super calm or super wild to be able to keep up with him. When he isn't being an annoying/bullying little shit, he's actually pretty fun to be around, is affectionate in a roundabout way, but is also tone deaf since he's so focused on his own bs. Just offer to do something with him if you want his attention.
Chase Brody
He has absolutely nothing to be doing, no family, no real job, no major aspirations, you're probably about the one good thing in his life. I like to assume that having you around helps him be a better person, gives him a bit more hope for the future since not everything is all bad in the world. He shows you his new nerf tricks he's learned, and will happily go along with whatever you want to do - affectionate boy.
Marvin the Magnificent
Undoubtedly the most average of the septic egos, and that's saying alot, he just enjoys spending time with you, probably showing you a few magic tricks if you're interested. He's the only one that's kinda normal while also not being depressed, so you're not gonna have too much drama with him. He'd definitely take you to circuses and stage shows though, he's just quirky like that. Is a very good listener, he might not have solutions, but you can vent if you'd like.
Dr. Schneeplstein
Busy, busy, busy, he's trying to prove himself as a worthy doctor constantly, so you don't get much time with him other than at the end of the day when he's exhausted. This is easily solved though, by talking to him, he's been through a divorce once, he's not planning on messing up too badly again. He's very attentive, and will notice every habit and routine you have, including when you're under the weather - just trust the good doctor to take care of you.
Jameson Jackson
Our sweet boy, JJ can't actually speak with you, so unless you know sign language, communication might be a bit harder, but he's the most respectful guy. He just wants wholesome dates and time with you, usually along the lines of puppet shows and movies (when a certain glitch doesn't interfere). He doesn't do technology, so you'll have to send him like letters to get in touch if you aren't living with him.
#antisepticeye x reader#chase brody x reader#marvin the magnificent x reader#dr schneeplestein x reader#jameson jackson x reader#tufts septic egos
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SYNOPSIS: While we're on the talk of cuddles, are they a big or a little spoon? (Most of the guys are happy with both, so I'm just going to put their preference)
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Big spoon
Wilford Warfstache
Little spoon
Actor! Mark
Either (Changes by the day)
Little spoon
Big spoon
Engineer Mark
No preference
Big spoon
Big spoon (Dislikes cuddling though)
Chase Brody
Little spoon
Marvin the Magnificent
Big spoon
Dr. Schneeplestein
No preference
Jameson Jackson
Little spoon
#darkiplier x reader#wilford warfstache x reader#actor mark x reader#yancy x reader#illinois x reader#antisepticeye x reader#chase brody x reader#marvin the magnificent x reader#dr schneeplestein x reader#jameson jackson x reader#tufts septic egos#tufts iplier egos
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SYNOPSIS: Just how the lads would cuddle, GN reader
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Doesn't really sleep, just doesn't have the urge for it or need for it, meaning that bed cuddles are rare. You're more likely to catch him in his office, where he'll keep you on his lap with an arm around you while the other continues with his business. He doesn't really move much, so he's a comfortable seat, fall asleep on him if you want, he won't let you fall.
On the rare occasion he does go into bed with you, he's more likely to just watch you than he is to rest. Is happy to go in whatever position you prefer, he isn't that picky, but does enjoy being able to see your face. Is eerily cold, so stock up on the blankets.
Wilford Warfstache
Another one who doesn't really have the urge or need to sleep, time just doesn't work the same for him so he never gets that tired. Though unlike our resident emo he does actually knock out if you get him down. Is basically a human heater, and will fall asleep tangled up with you, and wake up the same way. It's as if he wants to be touching as much of you as he can.
He's always down for some snuggling, even during the day, but be aware that he'll get bored really easily - give him 10 minutes max and he'll be on the run again. Is absolutely a little spoon but he isn't that picky all around.
Actor Mark
Now this man, this man is picky, one day he'll want you right beside him, the next he'll want you as far away as possible. Don't take it personally, you'll always wake up with him touching you in some way or another, but sometimes he just isn't in the mood when he's actually drifting off. He has a preference for the sweetheart cradle (head on chest)
During the day he can definitely be the lazy type, assuming that he isn't working on something. Isn't one for extremely close contact, at most he'll have you on his lap, but usually he's more for draping an arm across your shoulders.
Can you and him even sleep together? Assuming he's in prison, though I wouldn't put it past him to sneak into your cell. Cots are small, so you'd have to be on top of him or just extremely close to him, definitely helps with the cold. You dont have many options on positions, but he enjoys being held.
If he's on parole, he's probably a fan of the honeymoon hug (facing eachother while being tangled together) since he isn't used to even having the choice. He's pretty strong, and is a squeezer, just push him away if he starts to hold too tight.
He's a classic spooner, big spoon to be specific, not only is it the easiest position to maintain in a tent, it's also warm enough for both of you to not freeze during the night. Is also a fan of the half-spoon if it's a hot day, less claustrophobic, same concept.
Another classic, he's the type to slide an arm around your waist or shoulder and just pull you to him. Usually at the end of the night around a campfire or something similar.
Engineer Mark
A mover, no doubt, there is no position with him that'll last more than 15 minutes without him switching it up. Has no real preference on any of it, he enjoys being close to you, but he just can't stay still long. Most nights you'll probably just settle for the back to back.
You two dont get many opportunities to cuddle during the day, too much work. At most you'll get a quick hug or a side hug before you're both back to your duties.
Is the type to constantly ask if you're okay with a new position, even if he knows from past experience that you like it. His personal favourite is the simple arm drape where you both face eachother, but he doesn't mind - won't really do any cuddling positions where his leg is crushed, mainly just because it'll come back to bite him the next day.
You two won't be getting many opportunities in during the day, he's incredibly busy, and even in his office there's no guarantee that you won't be walked in on. You're gonna have to wait until night to get your Damien hugs in.
#cuddle cuddle cuddle#darkiplier x reader#darkiplier x y/n#wilford warfstache x y/n#wilford warfstache x reader#actor mark x y/n#actor mark x reader#yancy x y/n#yancy x reader#illinois x y/n#illinois x reader#engineer mark x y/n#engineer mark x reader#tufts iplier egos
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SYNOPSIS: Just your basic headcanons for how each ego would be as a partner, GN reader.
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Extremely busy, like inhumanely busy, what is he busy with? You tell me. Probably writing about Actor in his burn book or something. Don't worry though, he's also extremely attentive, so if you want or need anything that isn't him, it'll just kind of conveniently show up without you asking. If you want time with him individually then just go bother him for a while, eventually he'll give in, he has a soft spot for you.
In conclusion, busy sugar daddy.
Wilford Warfstache
The most eccentric man, you will not get a day of peace with him as your partner - the minute you agree to be with him is the minute you've bought your ticket to the 'wtf is going on' train. I mean, he's sweet, undeniably, there's nothing he wants more than having you there with him, but you might have to stop him from going to prison more than once. He'll never really slow down, but atleast you'll get some good memories out of him.
In conclusion, florida man gone wild.
Actor! Mark
Whoo boy, here we go. How did you even start dating this man? His ego is so substantially high that I can't imagine him dating anyone outside of a set - but let's assume he did end up loving you somehow, he wouldn't be the worst partner. For him to even want to be with you then you'd have to be perfect, so he'd probably think the world of you if you fit his standards. Whiny man, attention seeking man, man who's going through it, but also man who actually cares about you despite how he may seem outwardly?? He would probably use you as a safe haven for a while, but inevitably would end up dragging you on his adventures.
In conclusion, annoying rich man in love.
Prison Yancy
Very affectionate, but usually in private, since he has a reputation to keep up. Though, his whole gang have already found out about you two anyway, he's pretty obvious when he has a soft spot apparently. Will try to entertain you with musical numbers and dances, and will probably even let you help him with writing it all down or giving him ideas. Actively tries to stop you from leaving, unless he can see how much it's hurting you to stay.
In conclusion, theatre kid trying to be scary.
Parole Yancy
I assume you would've started dating when you were in prison yourself, but if you got out and had a few visitation dates where you convinced him how nice the outside world was, I could see him going on parole. I mean, yes, it's hard for him, extremely hard, but he also is a very affectionate guy, and he wants you around. There's always going to be a period of adjustment, even when he's been out for years there's always going to be something he hasn't done or seen - lucky that he has you there to help him through it. PLEASE, take him to a Broadway show, I'm begging.
In conclusion, you're raising a puppy.
Would it be bad if I said he's kind of like those travel moms? He's constantly on the go of course, but he's also making sure you're on the go too, making sure you're alright etc etc. Has some commitment issues, and often treats you more like a fellow adventurer that he can flirt with than a partner. Talk to him about it, he's all about communication and he will listen to you. Will take you on some bang ass adventures, I just hope you aren't afraid of bugs.
In conclusion, rip off indiana jones.
Engineer Mark
Oh all he wants is your attention and affection, nothing makes him happier than that (other than maybe the Invincible II being in working order). Is also a very busy guy, being the head engineer after all, but you're probably busy too if you're the captain. You'll make time for eachother, no doubt. The point I really need to drive here is that if you say 'jump' he'll go 'how high' - the only exception being if he's really passionate about something opposing you, but a little communication never hurt anyone.
In conclusion, another puppy but smart.
This man is literally perfect, you could not have picked a better guy. Is actually a lot like Dark in his dating style, busy, but attentive. The only real difference is that our beloved mayor is also extremely easily flustered, and will never not be extremely respectful to your boundaries and wants. His business is a bit more important, so it can be hard to get alone time with him, but he really does try to make as much space for you as he can.
In conclusion, how did you bag this man??
#darkiplier x reader#wilford warfstache x reader#actor mark x reader#yancy x reader#illinois x reader#engineer mark x reader#darkiplier x y/n#wilford warfstache x y/n#actor mark x y/n#yancy x y/n#illinois x y/n#engineer mark x y/n#tufts iplier egos
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Hello! You can just call me Tufts, and welcome to my certified ego sideblog. This is an 18+ blog, mainly because I myself am over 18. I'm genderfluid, but go by all pronouns, so don't worry about misgendering me etc!
Onto the actual important stuff ↓
Note: you can use "tufts iplier egos" to see any of my iplier content, you can use "tufts septic egos" to see my septiceye content.
I write for 12 characters altogether, which will be listed later.
Addition to this, the Septic egos are written primarily based on HCs since there isn't much canon for them, bare this in mind when requesting.
The more characters you ask for, the longer it will take me to get around to your ask!
Whereas asks with less characters will get done quicker.
I'm currently not doing full on NSFW 18+, due to my laptop being broken and not being able to add a cut.
However, I am fine with suggestive undertones!
On this topic, I'm fine with angst/darker themes, especially if it's a discussion because mm-
I do write fics, and drabbles on request, but naturally those will take me longer.
Feel free to ask any of the guys individual questions.
Should be common sense but absolutely no discrimination, It will get you an automatic block if possible.
Markiplier Egos
Wilford Warfstache
Actor! Mark
Head Engineer! Mark
Chase Brody
Marvin the Magnificent
Dr. Schneeplestein
Jameson Jackson
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