Effortlessly Chic
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 6 years ago
🍋 When Life Gives You Lemons 🍋
     What they say for you to do when Life gives you lemons can range from the classic “Make Lemonade”, to a slight plot twist of “male orange juice and let everyone wonder how you did it”; also “be Beyoncé and drop a bomb-@$$ album”. Sure, lemons tends to suggest sourness or difficulty in life, but making Lemonade (or anything else out of them) is turning them into something positive or desirable. But,  really you can do whatever your heart desires with them. 
   It may be just us at ECL, but recently there have been lemons all over the place (no, not just in your spritzer or cocktail), but if you walk into majority of stores there’s a “Lemon” vibe going on. It can be more rustic, cutesy, art, or just plain ol’ quirky. 
 Some Things To Do When You’re Given Lemons:   
  Whatever your style, or vibe that you’re rolling with the week, throw some lemons back at Life and tell that B;$# what you’re gonna do 😉 - What?You were thinking it, we just said it...
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 6 years ago
Breathe In. Breathe Out
We all want to be “experts”, because not being an “expert” would be confessing that we might not know everything. 
Here’s the truth - no body knows everything. They just act like they do and hide behind it. When they end up being right about something they feel validated. When they end up wrong, then they get defensive.  
 When this happens the BEST thing to do is to Let it Go!
That’s right, Elsa, you let that go and you trust the Process. Let. It. Go. 
 As  cliché as it sounds, everything happens for a reason. But you won’t know that reason until it happens, but also as soon as you Let Go and Trust the Process 
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 6 years ago
"Baby Steps, Are Still Steps, Baby"
It seems that a lot of us are getting run down and discouraged nowadays. This means it would be THE best time to take a breather, or even a step back to recharge our batteries. If you run on empty -you’re just running on fumes. Do you know what happens when a car runs out of fuel? It. Breaks. Down.
And so will you!
You have to take time for yourself. To recharge, relax, and reconnect with yourself. If you feel overwhelmed, stressed, over worked, burned out, run down, or even just a bit “lost” take some time for yourself. Even if it is just for five minutes a day - you will feel a thousand times better!
Five minutes a day is 35 minutes a week. That’s a little over a half an hour where you can just quiet your mind and be able to reconnect and recharge. But you are the one who has to do it. No one can force you or make you do it. Sure a friend, or group can help, but ultimately it’s you and yourself who have to do it. You’re in your own head, and it’s only you who can sort them. - Sorry, Bubs.
Five minutes can be for a short meditation, or just to close your eyes and quite your mind, and just breathe. If you do five minutes a day for a week, you will begin to see a difference in yourself and be able to have that mental space you need in order to gain insight, and “see” your next step. Even science has proven that recharging and having five minutes to “gather yourself” you are able to refocus, reorganize, and destress.
Sometimes we tend to be blinded by stress, relationships, work, or just the curve balls Life throws at us, that we burn ourselves out and run on empty. Read a book, watch some “mindless” tv/movie, meditate, journal, paint/draw, or just sit in a quite lace and do nothing for a minute or five.
A baby step in the right direction is better than ten in the wrong. something as small as five minutes a day you can be able to breathe, refocus, or just gather ourselves will save us in the long run. You will find that you are able to focus better or even see a silver lining. They say that it takes 21 days to create a habit or a new routine, but it takes five minutes a day to start off.
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 6 years ago
‘Mystic’ Monday
Mondays are hard, we get it, but Mondays at the start of a new month? Well, that can be a tad bit hopeful... “New Month, New Me”  - that’s what the kids are saying these days, right?
 We came across a post from @instagram’s Mystic Mamma that changes our perspective on this first Monday of the month, and with only three words: TRUTH. CHOICE. ACTION. 
In the post Lena Steven (of The Power Path) says “the themes of Truth, Choice, and Action create a channel of transformation” for this new month. As Truth may come in the form of an “inner knowing” or an introspection of sorts. Lena states that “Truth will from an intuitive reaction that proceeds understanding and will have to be trusted as authentic.” Hopefully that won’t be too much of a challenge, since everyone has their own version of the truth and personal perspectives....Wait.... oh, damn. But Lena does make an excellent point because “...if you require others to agree with your truth, there is likely a motive and attachment fed by Ego”. (Ah, there’s the introspection we’ve been waiting for 😁)
​Which means, Choice, falls nicely into place as do you follow what your gut is saying, or is that just your Ego whispering sweet nothings to you...? Lena would join us in saying: Joke’s on You! “Choice will follow an insight or inner knowing as the commitment of the heart to make a change, or to proceed in a certain direction...” Choice needs no reason or explanation, you just have to trust your personal “truth” is the one in the driver’s seat! As long as you keep in mind that though you will never please everyone (and may disappoint others), ultimately your longest and best relationship should be with Yourself (yes, even the nasty and mushy bits). Your “inner knowing” is your personal truth and it is only you who can make yourself happy. 
PSA: IF IT DOESN'T MAKE YOU HAPPY THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STILL DOING IT?! (be it jobs, realtionships, friendships, some kind of workout class that you dread going to every. damn. week/weekend.) 
Many might disagree with your Action, but we’re not here to please everyone, huh? Though your actions may run people the wrong way, and even disappoint a few, this is where Lena says that “this is where you need to stay neutral and true to yourself...” that if they disagree with you “... it is because of their own fear of change and Theo own attachment to their comfort.” Babe, if you’re their comfort, that means you too. 
​There’s an old Cherokee teaching about two wolves. It is said that there’s a battle going on inside each of us, every day, like a fight between two wolves. One, typically described as The Black Wolf, is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other, The White Wolf, is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.
Which wolf will win.....?​
​The one you feed.
In Summary:
- Know Your Truth
- Listen to Your true-self to make the right Choices 
- Be strong in sticking to your choices by your Actions 
   Read more from Mystic Mama at MysticMama.com and follow @mysticmama on Instagram.  
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 6 years ago
🎶 Monday Monday 🎶
A friendly Monday Reminder.... 
Ain’t that the truth!  
Forget the haters, babes. You just keep doing you! What’s meant for you won’t pass you 😉 
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 6 years ago
Rollin With the Waves
Is Mercury in Gatorade, again?! 
 is it us, or is everything just spazzing out? Misscommunications, delays, technology and social media freaking out (we see you Instagram 😉), people are overly stressed and extra edgy.... It do be like that sometimes. 
 BUT, we don’t have to get pulled in that riptide. A wise person once said “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf”. 
Well, our Fantastic Marketing Team, here at ECL thought it would be a grand idea to put together some inspirational (and at times funny) quotes that can help us all Ride The Wave out of this crazy time. 
 The Lineup: 
🌊 “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf”
🌊  “Sometimes, you’ve just got to Ride the wave”
🌊 “Rollin with the homies” (okay, so what if it’s Clueless. You got the reference)  
🌊  “Of all of the paths you take, male sure a few of them are sand”
🌊 “Before you say anything; take in the view”
🌊  “Happiness comes in waves”
Do you have more quotes?Questions? Comments? Send them over! We’d love to hear them! 
Hey, they might show up here or on our Instagram account. Ya never know 😉 
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 6 years ago
MUSTARD is the New Black
Screw Orange. Forget it. Block it from your memory and listen UP!  
Mustard is the “it” colour at the moment. It’s not overwhelming and if you find a few key pieces they can transition you from this seemingly mild-Winter into what we can only assume as a rainy/weathery Spring! (Plus if you get decent quality stuff and store it properly you can use them in the Fall too! - 3 seasons kinda pieces. 
The colour also can be casual, edgy, or chic  it’s all about the pieces and what you pair them with!
For a more Edgy-Feminine look, pair a mustard coloured silk skirt with a leather motorcycle jacket and heels. (Our Editor in Chief {E.I.C.} chose some studded black patten leather heels from @payless)
For a Chic look, our E.I.C. paired a tunic coat from @marshalls with a white-T, red swade flats, & navy-blue slacks. 
Here she swapped in a loose-knit crewneck white sweater, ripped jeans, and riding boots with a faux fur - hooded 😉 - vest from @marshalls for a more Casual look. 
We don’t know about you, but we are kind of obsessed with this colour at the moment and you will be too! 
(We also canNot Wait for Spring and Summer also - but that’s a story for another time!)  
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 6 years ago
YOU’RE a Badass!
Yeah. That’s right. You heard us.  
You. Y-O-U are a badass. Period.  
Even  @jensincero agrees, your friends agree, heck your family agrees, but now it’s time for you to see it for yourself. Time to get your head out of your ass and for you to realize how Truly Awesome you are. 
We can’t tell you how many times we’ve read Jen Sincero’s “You Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life” ....because -honestly - we lost count! It’s an amazing read every. damn. time. (And twice on Audible 😉) 
​In Chapter 18 (one of our all time favourite chapters) Jen gives us some much needed GREAT news (and slight introspection):
​   1. We all know way more than we give ourselves credit for knowing.
   2. We are drawn to things we’re naturally good at (which counts more than having a graduate degree in the subject, BTW).
   3. There’s no better teacher than necessity.
​   4. Passion trumps fear.
​“Because so often when we say we’re unqualified for something, what we’re really saying is that we’re too scared to try it, not that we can’t do it.” (Chapter 18) 
It’s a pep talk in every chapter. You can skip chapters or read from cover to cover, what’s absolutly Amazing is that no matter how many times you read it or which part/chapter you are drawn to you get out of it different things every time. And soon you will come to realise how much of a badass you truly are. 
 Like Jen said “There’s nothing more unstoppable than a freight train of ‘Fuck Yeah!’” @jensincero
  PS - Jen, if you read this, we canNot thank you enough. Honestly. Deeply. Truly. Thank you. Xoxo
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 6 years ago
Where The Margs Are Cold...
 FRIDAY: (Fri·day)
/ˈfrīdā,’🍟Yeay’, ˈfrīdē/
           1. where happy hour last for hours & the good times roll
            2. Shirts & shoes are optional at the tiki bar - but a margarita is not
          3. See “Working for the Weekend”; “TGIF”, or that song by Carly Rae Jepsen
  Enjoy & Happy National Margarita Day! 🍹 
Bikini from Bright Swimwear, for more from Bright Swim check out: https://www.brightswimwear.com/ 
(free worldwide shipping | free exchanges) 
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 6 years ago
Don’t Hate Monday - Make Monday Hate You
Make Monday your Bitch! 
 Yeah, we said it.....sorry not really sorry.
    If you’ve ever had a Monday that felt like an entire week happened in one day, then you get us and we love you for it. (For those you don’t know what we’re talking about.....umm who are you? What do you do? Can we do it too? And do you have cookies...? - asking for a “friend”).
for the rest of us Monday-loathing individuals, here’s some helpful tips to get you through another Manic Monday:
   - Drink Your Coffee (or tea - whatever gets you going) 
  -  Stay Focused and Positive (GOOD VIBES ONLY)
  -  Try not to Freak Out (breathe by having another sip of coffee) 
  - Kick Ass and Take Names (just not the other way around - could be confusing)
  - Worse Case: Just Wing It. Life. Eyeliner. Everything. 
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 6 years ago
When Unmotivation Hits - HARD and brings its Negiative Friends Negativity & Self-Doubt
It is so hard to stay motivated in general, throw something in the mix that you’re just “over” and don’t “want to deal with any more” and you get …that’s right - Unmotivation.
Be it a dead-end job, unhappy/unfulfilled relationship (romantic or otherwise), or just the same routine day-in-and-day-out. Motivation could be the key to sticking with a diet, fitness plan, or just going out and trying to find what genuinely makes you happy. If you’re not happy, then what the H-E-double-hockey-sticks is the point?!
Procrastination may set in, or the “I’ll do it laters”, or” I’m too tireds”, and “I’ll just start it tomorrows” come around. well, “tomorrow” tends to become the next day and then the day after that and so on until the end of time. Until you wake up one day and you hit yourself upside the head and wonder where all the time went, and why did you wait so long?
Well, that’s why we at Effortlessly Chic are here.
You’re welcome.
No, we are not going to start singing like The Rock did in Moana. (We at ECL are talented…just not burst-out in Disney song talented…yet. Hey the year just started and the world if FULL of oh-so-many possibilities! The world is our oyster…err….boat…erm that necklace Moana carries around from grandma. [Yeah we went there. You enjoyed it. Can’t deny it ;)]).
So how do you know if something is Negative? or that you’re not in “the right place”? A few things might help to figure out what is wrong, then come the process of “fixing” it…
“Good Vibes Only” isn’t just a saying…
If it doesn’t feel right - get rid of it. Period.
This could mean:
“Itchy” Sweater/Clothes - we don’t care if Aunt Sally made it herself -red. itchy. raches are NEVER okay! Donate it. Someone out there will love it, use it, and most likely not have an allergic reaction - which you clearly have.
“Uncomfortable Shoes” - there are very few things you should have to deal with, painful shoes that are beyond unbearable isn’t one of them. Sure, ‘Beauty is pain’, but if your little piggies are -in fact- crying all the way home (or changing colours) - Get. Rid. of. Them. (the shoes not the toes…you might still need those. Maybe. Verdict’s still out.).
Go to a shoe store and get measured! The attendants are there for a reason and there to help!
this also goes for underware as well (NEVER again let underwire rule you!)
This can go with people and situations in your life as well. If it doesn’t feel right and gives you the “scratches” STOP forcing it and get rid of it,
Toxic is Toxic (Unless you’re Brittany)
it doesn’t matter if they are “the love of your life” of your “best friend since kindergarten”, or your [insert here] realtive/associate/coworker/boss/etc. - if they are treating - or really mistreating you - then why the hell are you sticking around?
Toxic IS Toxic - shit is shit, no matter how much Fabreze you spray, it still stinks and needs to vacate your life. Like yesterday.
Social Media - have you ever unfollowed or “muted” an account or some one on social media and you feel infinitely better? You need your space or “me time”, or you just need to distance yourself from someone or something that just feels toxic - that “icky” feeling you get.
Note to Self: you can also do this with texts and emails as well it’s called “Do not Disturb” or “mute” ( just try not to miss the memo that the Themed Party is no longer happening and you don’t show up in a bunny out fit (think more Bugs than PlayBoy). You can always unmute any time you’d like.
Yes, these things are Easier said then done - completely understandable. But, trust us - it is TOTALLY worth it in the end!
Negative Thoughts
What are “negative Thoughts”? How can you tell if it’s really something bad, or is it your past sneaking up trying to scare you and steer you away form something that might actually make you happy for once?
When you think negatively, you start to see negatively. What you put out in the Universe will return ten fold. If you think something bad is going to happen because you’ve “been through this all before” - then maybe it’s a test the Universe is setting out before you? If you fail a test - or a level in a video game- don’t you have to keep doing it until you pass? Maybe the “it always happens to me” is really a test for you to pass to the next level & eliminate that “trigger”.
If you don’t like something - change it. Or, you’ll just find an excuse. Now you don’t have to go to the extremes and get surgery or whatever - go for a walk/run, read a book, take that new [insert here] class - Do What Sets Your Soul On Fire
Negativity breeds Negativity - have you ever heard of “misery loves company”? well, negativity thrives on negativity. Cut it off at it’s source.
Change your thought process from “Why is this happening to be” to “what is this teaching me”.
Being positive and positive thinking is very hard. It’s almost like you are rewiring your brain. Reworking that little voice inside your head that can easily be confused with your “gut feeling”. You need to not only re-word your thoughts for a positive perspective, but you also have to pull back each painful layer -one. by. one - to find the root of the negative thought or feeling.
Read that again.
This does NOT happen overnight. if someone says it did for them - They. Are. Lying. Period. Look at the Dalai Lama, this guy a source of infinite Positive Vibes - dude has also been reincarnated 13 times so we hope at this point he has good vibes (14th time’s the charm, right?) But even if you don’t believe in reincarnation, the Dalai Lama is currently in his 80s and has great wisdom & even better vibes!
Getting rid of negative thinking and toxicity takes months - even years of focus, hard-work and dedication. You might be able to do some, if not most, on your own, but it is never a bad thing or something to frown upon if you have help! Never be afraid to ask for help!
Once you find the root of the negativity/toxicity then you can potentially determine if it is acting out of your fears/self-doubt, or if it is what you truly feel.
Happiness is a Choice. Choose to be happy.
Learn how to walk away if someone or something keeps putting you down , or doesn’t feel right - walk away
Learn how to say “No” - if it doesn’t feel right, or you get that “icky” feeling - don’t do it
Know the difference between being truthful and honest, and being down-right-mean
Your future is in your hands. No one else. So claim it.
Don’t say, “Oh, I’ll just start tomorrow.” - we know how that will end (see above for a refresher).
It is not easy, friend, it is very hard and at time painful, but it is possible. It is also completely worth it. All you need to do is to decide to start - TODAY.
You’ve got this. We believe in you! We love you, yes, even for all of your faults and those deep-dark-corners you don’t let anyone into. We d, and we love you for it. But we don’t want you to suffer. We are here for you - Forever and Always.
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 6 years ago
La Vita Bella
For those of you who don’t know, traditionally, Italians have an easy-going and positive outlook on how to go about daily life. Italians live “la vita bella” (the beautiful life). They enjoy all aspects of life and live in the moments....5 course meals that take hours and enjoy each others company and talk about any/all things.
1)  You should indulge a little every now and then
2) Stop hurrying, start relaxing
3)  Eat slowly, locally and with others
4)  Drink a little bit, but not too much
5) Don’t take life so seriously, no one gets out of it alive 
6) Never lose your Childish Innocence
7) Live sparingly & with Passion
Wine not? 🍷 
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 7 years ago
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Anna Karenina (2012) dir. Joe Wright
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 7 years ago
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 7 years ago
“Invest in yourself. Meditate. Read. Eat healthy food. Drink water. Move your body. Spend time in nature. Rest up. You are worthy.”
— https://www.facebook.com/thegoodquote/
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 7 years ago
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2011 // 2018
“If you find someone you love in life, you must hang onto it, and look after it, and if you were lucky enough to find someone who loved you, then you must protect it.”
― Diana, Princess of Wales
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effortlesslychiclifestyle · 7 years ago
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