edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
@okedmond: I ain't got nothing to say except that I am purely bored out of my mind. Zombies wouldn't eat my brain because it's so bland.
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
Alright, maybe that's because you're not really using the right app. You use the Calender, right? Try using the Reminders; it actually goes off a million times before the date you set.
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Okay, fine, I believe you. Look. —- It’s not fucking working, Edmond. How am I supposed to remember anything? Nobody uses calenders anymore!
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
Date. To be fair, Edmond had never really been panicked when it came to dates, nor had he really had any real feeling when it came to them. Though this.. this was remarkably different. Not only was he the one who was being asked on the date, it was by another male. In truth, Edmond's nerves and panic were palpable; evident.  Standing before the mirror, making sure he at least looked presentable among other things, the youngster couldn't seem to master the inner conflict he was having within himself. He had never been on a date with a guy before and honestly, he had no idea what to expect. Heart thumping against his already fragile chest, Edmond grabbed his things and eventually gained the courage to get in the car and head to Drew's place. Sitting in his ute, fingers clasping the steering wheel in a manner that if it were a person, their breathing would have been disregarded, Edmond attempted to contain those nerves consuming his body. What was there to be nervous about? It was only a dinner and a movie... right?  Pulling up in front of Drew's house seemed to lead him to slight ease, not feeling so panicked right at that moment. Gradually, he made his way to the front door, giving off a confident and his usual presence as he knocked on the door. Would they even be going to the movie theatre? If they were.. why didn't he just meet Drew there? Either way, Edmond was snapped out of his own thoughts at the sight of Drew. It was completely unexpected, but his heart fluttered a little at the sight of the male before him. Swallowing the lump of nerves that seemed to collide in the depths of his throat, the sportsman gave off a genuine and endearing grin. "Hey.." began the lad, absentmindedly pulling his casual black shirt down a tad. ".. I'm a little late, sorry about that."
First Date ♥ Drewmond
Delicate pinpricks of nervous sweat sprouted across Drew’s forehead as he paced back and forth down the hallway. Everything was ready for tonight, but he just could not shake the feeling that he’d forgotten something. To the beat of the ticking clock, Drew listed off all that he’d done for the seventh time.      ”There has to be something else,” Drew muttered under his breath, his fingers tapping his shoulder as he hugged himself.       To say Drew was nervous was an understatement. Forget butterflies in his stomach. He had a full-blown rave raging inside him. The fact that the boy he had spent hours ogling over, under the cover of late night pizza cravings and sore eyes, had agreed to go on a date with him was mind-blowing enough. But add that with the fond friendship that had bloomed between the pair in a matter of weeks, had Drew desperately hoping that tonight was nothing short of perfect. Everything had to be perfect.      Drew wiped his brow with the sleeve of his navy blue shirt, and forced himself to calm down. A deep breath in… And exhale. In… Out. He’d barely begun to resemble a human being again, as appose to a frantic headless chicken, when there was a sudden knock at the door.      ”Fuck,” he mouthed, slowly shuffling towards the looming entrance. Was the front door always this intimidating? Drew wiped down his clammy hands on his jeans before wrapping his fingers around the cold, golden handle. With one more quick inhale, he opened the door and was greeted with someone beautiful.
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
I would never do that; that's just plain rude.
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Or you could be making fun of me.
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
If i laugh it means you're entertaining me; don't you think that's a positive?
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'Cause what if I'm doing it wrong and you laugh at me?
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
You think? Why don't you show me what you do, and then I correct you if need be?
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No, I think I do it correctly. —- Wait, you tell me. Here.
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
Are you sure you put in the right date? Or are you one of those people that puts an event in a year later than its meant to be?
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I forgot to turn in my books at the end of the semester and Mrs. Fleming just ripped my head off. —- Clearly, my iPhone is not doing a good job at reminding me of things. 
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
So I don't get any hints?
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
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I think I should be able to handle that. 
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You don’t have to worry about a thing. Just bring yourself and that cute butt of yours. Everything else I’ll have under control.
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
Around seven? Alright then, do I bring dinner or will that be catered for? Oh right, no more questions, gotcha. 
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No more questions! Just come to mine around seven. Alright?
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
Friday night is fine by me. What did you have in mind to see?
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Friday night?
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
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Okay, if... if you say so. It's a movie.. date. If something happens.. it happens. Alright. When did you want to go? I think I have work tomorrow night.
It does.
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But you don’t have to worry about me. Don’t worry about that right now. We’ll figure it out when we get there, yeah? Just- Just keep me updated… I suppose. Let me know where you’re at, and if whatever this is starts to feel wrong… in any way… just tell me. We’ll work this out together. Whatever happens, or doesn’t happen… We’ll survive. I mean, right now, it’s just a movie date. Let’s just focus on that much.
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
The thing is though Drew... I also don't... want.. to hurt you in the process. Not only am I trying to find myself and that in itself is... really nerve-wracking for me... I don't want to drag you along for the ride if it's just going to hurt you in the end. Does.. that make sense?
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No, no. I get it. I do. It’s absolutely okay, Edmond. Take all the time in the world. Sexuality is scary and messy and sometimes really hard, especially when you have no idea where to start. And that’s okay. Whatever happens, I’ll be your friend before anything else. It’s no ones business but your own. No one has to know, if you don’t want them to. Seriously, there is absolutely no rush. No pressure. You make the rules.
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
Don't give me that look, please. Just.. for now, okay?
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…You want me to keep it on the down low?
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
I have to tell you, if you asked me when we first met I probably would have said no if I'm completely honest with you. And I think you know why I would of.. but.. I mean      can you do just one thing for me though?
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To be completely honest, I’ve been wanting to ask you that since… since I saw you for the first time, really.
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I honestly didn’t expect you to say yes. I didn’t think that- I- Yeah.
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edmondjacobs-blog · 10 years
You look like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders.
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