#i fail with phones in general tbh i thought i was good but nooo
szopenhauer · 4 years
Have you ever kissed someone who had a tongue piercing? nah Where are you most ticklish? everywhere? I hate that
Is it easy for someone to make you cry? it is How many children can you see yourself having? 0 Do you like green tea? nah
Could you handle living together with the last person who texted you? who knows, could she handle living with me? :P
Were you happy when you woke up today? nooo
Have you ever kissed under fireworks? never
Could you date someone taller than you? I am dating someone taller now
What if you got pregnant by the last person who texted you? not possible
Do you hate the last person you kissed? no
What’s the biggest turn off in the opposite sex? that they’re opposite sex lol
Did you stand on your tippy-toes when you had your last hug? I was sitting (I was hugging my parent)
Does anyone know your password besides you? what for?
Anything weird happen today? nothing good
Would it be more likely of you to fail science or math? math
Last person you kissed calls wanting to hang out, what do you say? in the middle of the night? :o
How often do you catch yourself daydreaming? not as often as I used to
Can you count your serious relationships on one hand? what’s a serious relationship tbh? that’s what we’re talking about rn
Who knows your biggest secret(s)? M. and my father
What happened at 9:00 am today? I was waiting for my doctor’s appointment
Are you in a good mood? pfft
Do you wear a belt with every pair of jeans? I don’t even wear jeans, I don’t own any belts :P
What do you hear right now? nothing <3
What was your first thought when you woke up today? that I’m gonna die or at least puke
For each person you’ve kissed, describe your feelings in one word: but I kissed only one person in my whole life!
How do you react when you trip or stumble? depends
What’s that on your face? fuck off
Are you good at “biting your tongue”? can be but don’t wanna
Do you like the way you look? I have insecurities
Are you good at the game Twister? never played, I don’t feel confident enough for that
What’s the last thing that really had you crying? health issues
Do people get uneasy around you when you talk to their bfs/gfs? Do your friends trust you around their bfs/gfs? I didn’t notice, usually my female friends know I’m not into men so... also I don’t usually talk to boys in general and I never met any lesbian couples besides E.W. and her lover with whom we almost started a physical fight in the school’s hall so maybe that counts as “uneasy” 
Do you have long or short legs? I’m smol
Has a teacher ever flirted with you? I don’t think so?
Do you know a lot of attractive boys personally? even majority of male celebs look ugly
Which two of your friends would have the cutest baby together? babies aren’t cute
What does it take for you to start to hate a person? not much :x
Would you automatically help a friend that you weren’t that close to? help how?
Do you wish you had a bigger family? my family is too big for me even now when it’s so tiny
How often does your family life conflict with your social life? it happens
Have you ever been emotionally abused? I’ve been, still am 
Which was better: your childhood or your teen years? childhood Do you ever blame your moods on PMS? that’s a lame excuse How much weight can you lift at once? I’m weak
Do you like dating one person at a time, or multiple people? I prefer monogamy If you could have one thing, what would it be? good health Do you take criticism well? I can’t handle criticism Have your experiences made you more or less sympathetic to others? less
Do you prefer paper clips or staples? staples
Do you like calling people or have them call you? neither, text  Blank paper or lined paper? checkered Do you shake your batteries to give them a bit more power? (it works!) it does? :o Do you have a flat screen monitor or an old school one? sadly flat, I miss old school ones
Do you live on a busy street, or a side street? side Do you like picture day at school? I had love-hate towards it Do you like having people over or going out? none Do you get ready in the bathroom or your bedroom? depends Does your house have a basement? it does Do you live in a house or apartment? house
Do you like the season your birthday is in, or would you change it? I’d love to change it
Unicorn emoji or heart eyes emoji? heart eyes, sorry If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? I just want to be healthy, ok?
Do you block a lot of people on facebook? no longer Do you have any friends who have had twins? nope, I knew twins tho Do you have a twin? I do not If you had a twin sister, what would she be named? ask my parents Do you have any past mistakes you’ve made that haunt you every day? of course Are you bothered by something someone said to you years ago? sure
Which is harder - walking in the snow or sand? why does it sound like Luke vs Anakin thingy What is the last letter of the title of your favorite song? Y
Have you ever thought about being a pirate? thx to Choices game I became interested in Samuel Bellamy a bit
Does today’s date mean anything to you? day of my death?... Last male you talked to in person? dad Do you use Firefox or Internet Explorer? Opera Does it annoy you when people answer surveys with “idk”? I don’t read other survey takers’ answers besides those who are close to me - they don’t do that What volume is the ringer on your phone? it’s all the way up Have you ever won a contest on the radio? as a kid Do you hear any music right now? family’s asleep so I can’t Overall, how was your day today? awful
Guitarists or lead singers? lead singers & some lyrics to end this survey? We got one, two, three 'til the end of the world We got one, two, three 'til the end of the world We got one 'til we die, 'til we die I'm never gonna learn
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nikatyler · 6 years
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Another week is ending, another replies post is here. Why is it that when there’s a million deadlines waiting for me, time just gets faster? I miss the old days when I had nothing to do. Kinda.
Remember when I rambled a lot in these posts before getting to the actual replies? I have nothing to say this time, other than Roses are coming back (which you’ve probably already noticed). I’m kinda sad to see gen 2 of NSB is truly coming to an end now (in my game, it’s been over for a few months). It was definitely an era and I want to thank everyone who’s been here for this crazy ride. It seems to me like you all enjoyed it way more than I expected. I hope you’ll stay and well, we’ll see them again in a few months. This time, Sunset will be in the spotlight.
I’m talking as if there weren’t a few more days of NSB left in the queue. It’s the FiNaL cOuNtDoWn...idk why I just thought of that song but I’m gonna go listen to it now. If I’m not mistaken, Friday is the last NSB day. Enjoy it.
mysticsheepplant replied to your photoset “Rose, Sammy protect this innocent bean has the voice of an actual...”
I'm exited, I love her
Thanks! ♥ Me too. I didn’t expect to love her so much but then she stole my heart
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Rocket, do you even remember our first meeting? I was beyond pissed...”
Doggos should live forever!
@ whoever runs this planet pls make dogs immortal thank you
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “Ross: “And like…once I become a vampire, the wrinkles will be gone,...”
Aw Ross can almost be sweet
He’s trying
jackssims replied to your photoset “Hey Lilith…why are you here?”
lajsglkdas Is Lilith going to deliver her brother's baby? Iconic
ikr? She showed up there and I was like “Oh no. Oh nooo. Oh yes. This couldn’t have gotten any better.”
jackssims replied to your photoset “Lilith: “Before we start -” Caleb: “Can we do it now? We can talk...”
sljagfdlks I was like "Lilith's really breaking the 4th wall here" before I even got to the tags and honestly? I'm here for it
This couldn’t have happened without me mentioning this let’s be real
Also, if I’m not mistaken, it will soon be the second anniversary of the original Caleb abduction. The abduction that changed pretty much everything for this blog.
simsandthensome replied to your photoset “I’m blue da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa,...”
you say that like I don't willingly have this song on my phone in 2019
To be fair now that you say it, I’m surprised I don’t have it on my phone
It’s kind of an annoying song but in the best way
jackssims replied to your photoset “100 baby challenge but it’s with Caleb Vatore and you have to get him...”
Chsbdjdsjjf an iconic concept
madgnomes replied to your photoset “100 baby challenge but it’s with Caleb Vatore and you have to get him...”
I like this idea haha
mysticsheepplant replied to your photoset “100 baby challenge but it’s with Caleb Vatore and you have to get him...”
TBH I wanna do that with Don Lothario
Imagine if I actually did that. Should I? Also, I love the idea of doing that to Don Lothario instead. Don deserves it because he’s kinda the worst.
cafeheart replied to your photoset “Rose, Lydia wants to fight everyone basically an angry chihuahua ...”
looks like a cinnamon roll but will e a t y o u
As in...oh god I didn’t think of that and I hate it but also you’re not wrong. Good point lmao
Me: I’m an innocent child!!!1!1!11!
Also me: immediately thinks of this
tealiah replied to your photoset “Mid-Century Twin Houses I’ve been inspired by people putting multiple...”
This is SO cool!!
Thank you! I tried.
lilleputtu replied to your photoset “To quote one of my favourite P!ATD songs: you looked at death in a...”
Rocket Breeze - Vampire Dog, coming to a NSB near you very soon
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “To quote one of my favourite P!ATD songs: you looked at death in a...”
Yay, long live the pup!
I wish we could have actual vampire dogs. Kinda weird but kinda cool
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Shhh, Lucian. Shhh…come on. Seriously, would you shut up? Your...”
Nice to see some things about Ross haven't changed. He's terrible with kids.
He might be a better person now but deep down in the core, it’s still our good old buddy Ross :D
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “I used to love this kind of cake…why do I hate it now? Caleb can eat...”
This sounds like a clear case of 'be careful what you wish for'.
Yup. But I guess giving up the cake is worth it
whysimstho replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Give me that ball, Rocket! We’ll buy you an age-down treat if...”
Me everytime there's a rocket post: not to be dramatic but I'd die for you my darling boy
melideesim replied to your post “One of the best Not So Berry Simblrs! ��”
I agree with this. I binge-read the entire legacy from start to now yesterday!
Thank you so much! I don’t feel like I’m doing anything special but really, thanks a lot :’)
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Speaking of cakes, Ross is willing to give it a try again.”
I mean...cake! ����
I’ve only now noticed how obsessed my sims are with it
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “If this ain’t the cutest dark form I’ve ever seen”
aestheicpixels replied to your photoset “If this ain’t the cutest dark form I’ve ever seen”
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “If this ain’t the cutest dark form I’ve ever seen”
Awwwww he's the cutest vampire oml ♥ ♥
It wasn’t really my intention to make him look cute, but then he did this and I knew he was trying to be scary but actually...it was just adorable.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Told you this would be the best thing to do. I’ve always told...”
I'm soft for these two tf
We all are
whysimstho replied to your photoset “Ross: “Told you this would be the best thing to do. I’ve always told...”
Can I just say I LOVE that he still has his lighter hair color
I wanted to keep it to show that he’s different now, or something like that. I can’t think of the right word at the moment. Classic Ronnie
aestheicpixels replied to your photo “you’ll be mine”
He's such a cutie!!
This is where he was supposed to look all evil and scary but he’s already failing lmao
jackssims replied to your photo “you’ll be mine”
I thought of this the other day! Foreshadowing in plain sight, I love it
I was wondering if anyone would see it coming or if it would be more like “oh yeah, Halloween, vampires, of course she did that, no big deal, let’s move on”.
fataleromeo replied to your photo “you’ll be mine”
Oh wow, I love this! I don't think I was following you back when it was originally posted. Glad I am now!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “He’s so cute and I’m dead. Also, I have a headcanon that babies who...”
Aaaawww he's really precious!
In each Form
This was the moment I was suddenly happy Caleb got abducted again
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “This is gay sim twilight I'm living for it”
If twilight was gay I would be into it. Probably. I'm kinda proud that I never had "twilight phase"
I’ve only ever watched the first movie. I don’t remember it too much though. But I remember having like two Twilight posters from teen magazines on my wardrobe when I was about 11 because I wanted to be cool, even though I didn’t really know what it was. I just knew everyone was talking about it.
I also had this idea that “cool kids have posters everywhere” so...yeah. I was a weird kid at that time.
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “Stella: that’s my otp”
Mine too Stella, mine too ♥
They’re everyone’s otp here, aren’t they? :D 
I’ll never forget when I asked who you guys ship Ross with and everyone who replied just said Caleb. There were a few other guesses, but everyone mentioned they were rooting for Caleb. The audience’s love for these two is one of my favourite things about this generation.
is it weird that i just called you guys audience
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