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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
Even though Edward had moved into much cheaper accommodation than what he was used to back home, he liked to keep everything inside a little less cheap. It helped that Leon was fairly easy with what he ley Edward do with the place and with Eddy footing the bill for most things, it was only fair he had some creative control.
Edward laughed, remembering the last time him and Navier got drunk together after a few too many glasses of wine. He had seen a lot worse kinds of drunk, be he knew how it was not wanting to lose control so easily. "No, you're right. No alcohol is smart." he nodded.
"What sort of movie you feeling?" he asked, hoping she would completely avoid anything too dramatic, Eddy felt like he had enough of that in his own life.
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his assumption was correct. navier would have tore into edward had he greeted her in his dirty pajamas and cockatoo like hair. the voice actress in no mood to enable this pity party of the tour guide's any longer. it never did any good to stew in such negativity. and there would be none of that toxicity in her presence. the only room available is that of growth. navier like a heavy shower of rain, watering and giving life to those that needed it.
she smiled as edward ushered his way into the kitchen. scones already plated on the most expensive pieces of fine china she ever saw. once again reminded of how truly wealthy edward was. not that it mattered to navier. the person inside was what she judged, not the net worth.
❝movie and takeout sounds fun. no alcohol, though. you khow I am when drunk. clingy as fuck. do you really want these lips all over you?❞ she teased, refusing his offer. eddy could use a few hours of detox and wholesome fun.
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
Even when he was dating Chayce, Edward had never liked flying. He had spent much of his childhood on his dad's private jet, flying to New York, London, Milan, all sorts of places, and he hated the experience. It wasn't that he had a fear of flying, not fully anyway, he just hated the feeling of not having control, and being stuck inside a big metal box for hours on end.
"That's good, that you're still doing it. I half expected you to have a more normal job by now." he laughed, knowing that was never Chayce's style.
"Thank you" he nodded toward Chayce, still a little sad about his grandfather, but starting to come to peace with it. "It's a nice place." he said, swiftly changing the subject. "I'm fairly new but I can see myself really staying here." he had no plans of ever going back to Florida, so for now this was where he was at.
"Do you have a lot of friends down here?" Eddy asked, wanting to learn more about Chayce's life in the Cape "Maybe even a boyfriend or something like that?" It was probably a risky question, and a bit out of the blue, but he'd probably feel at peach knowing Chayce had moved on.
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Chayce didnt have it bad growing up at all. He had a good life, a good home, and everything he ever wanted. But still, it wasn't like he was always that happy. Pushed to be what his parents wanted to be this great smart child they could show off was what Chayce was not. He loved planes and wanted to fly and that was it. He didn't go to college he didn't do anything like that.
He nodded as he looked at Eddy they always had that in common them both giving tours. They always did enjoy working that job around the public with each other. He nodded "I thought you still do it" Eddy did really love it too. "I have my jet I fly people around with ... and plane for the tours" because the jet wasnt as good for short flights like tours.
Hearing about Eddy's grandfather Chayce looked away a second then back at Eddy. He knew the other did care for his grandparents a lot "Sorry..." he said for the loss of the others grandfather. "I been here a couple years... just came here for a flight and really liked it...."
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
In all honesty Edward was already feeling a little better. Navier's energy filled the room and it's exactly what the mopey little tour guide needed. It was also a bonus that she had brought food and he had practically only eaten some basic ramen since midday and was almost starving at this point. Either way he was glad that she had come over, and not in the least surprised that she had clocked onto him putting in some effort with his appearance. She likely would have ripped him a new one if he had answered the door in his dressing gown and the bed head he had been sporting the last couple of days.
He followed the smell of baked treats into the kitchen with Navier, glad that he had put extra effort into making the kitchen area presentable, and for somebody who had never had to do any cleaning himself before, he wasn't too bad at it.
"Leon's out for the night, so we can do whatever you want, we could watch a movie, order takeout, open a bottle of wine..." he smiled as he looked around the quiet house "...It's five o'clock somewhere right?" he joked, as if he hadn't been drinking a little already.
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for as long as she could remember, food had been somewhat of a love language for navier. childhood memories spent in a steamy kitchen while she watched her grandmother lovingly prepare sunday diners for the rest of their family. immersed in conversation as aunts and older cousins flocked to the sacred space for thanksgiving and christmas holidays. any major event the calhouns deemed special, really. and soon enough, navier was indoctrinated into the tradition; recipes passed down from one generation to another, navier soaking up all that knowledge like a sponge, becoming a culinary genius in her own right. a talent not many knew existed. close friends and family only.
and naturally, navier would cross edward's threshold with fresh baked scones, believing nothing would heal his heart like the delicious goodies made from scratch. and if memory served her well ( like it always had ) he should still have some vanilla bean ice cream to accompany the warm pastries. that is, if edward didn't eat it all in his melancholy. fingers crossed!
❝ of course, there's no place I rather be. glad to see you spruced yourself up, which is always a good sign.❞ she then teased with a girlish laugh, marching into his home as if it were her own. navier had stayed there long enough to make this statement true. the heels of her boots clicking against the floors of his well decorated abode as she rushed to the kitchen to plate their heavenly made desserts. navier determined to mend eddy's wounded heart with love and affection.
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
"Me too." He nodded. His story sounded similar to Chayce's. Though they dated for some time neither one knew all that much about each other's family. Maybe that's why they worked so well, there was a sense of privacy there and to be honest Eddy wasn't sure how well his father would approve anyway, even if they did meet. Not that there was anything wrong with Chayce, because there really wasn't. He just knows his father would rather him settle down with some nice little house wife type, and Chayce was no homemaker.
"Tours?" Of course it was what they had always done, but it still felt strange how similar Chayce and Edward were, right down to their career paths. Flying a plane was miles cooler than what Eddy did, but it was similar enough. "I do tours too. Still have the boat, though it's probably seen better days." he shrugged.
Edward lifted the iced coffee he often order with his food and took a long swig of it, trying to distract himself a little from the situation at hand, and give him time to think. "Not long." he stated plainly. "My grandfather passed a few months back, and Florida didn't quite feel the same anymore, so now I'm here." he nodded. Looking to Chayce to try and catch any idea of what he thought of that answer.
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He looked over at Eddy to see how looked now it was as good as it always was. Chayce sighed as he looked away and at a all ahead of them as Eddy spoke about what had been going on. He knew that the man left to care for his grandparents but after that was when it ended with them.
"Thought I was in this small town states away...." so he never saw him or anyone he knew from his past again. He just wanted to leave his past, in his past forever. "I just left since I was tired of that life" he didn't like his family much and the stuck-up rich people that they were.
"I am based out of here now..." he said as he looked at Eddy "I fly from here and give tours..." he said knowing it was what he did in Florida before. He placed his order and soon took a drink of the coffee that he had requested. "When did you move here..." he had wondered if it was new or if had he just been midding Eddy for a few years.
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
|| closed starter || Eddy & Navier || Eddy's House | @ladiesncght
In short, Eddy was having a bit of a meltdown. He was usually the cool, calm and relaxed type but unfortunately that just didn't apply when it came to his love life. His ex was in town and even though it had been years since they last spoke and Edward had been the one to end things, it still hurt seeing him again.
With Leon out of the house for the night Eddy decided to give Navier a call. He didn't have many friends here yet but out of the ones he did have, she was definitely the most likely to be able to get him out of his slump without it involving copious amounts of alcohol.
He tidied up a little before she came and got dressed into something a little more appropriate than what he had been moping around the house in for the past couple of days and soon heard a knock at the door. He swung it open and smiled when he saw her stood there "Hey, thanks for coming..." he nodded, trying to ignore what looked like baked goods in her hand as he moved out of the way of the door "Come in."
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
Edward was sort of in the same mind set as Chayce too. He didn't think he'd see anybody he used to know around the Cove, let alone his ex. It was tough to see him again, but he was trying his best not to show that. He was always goo at remaining calm in these sort of situations, not letting his face show how he really felt.
"I didn't think I'd see you either." he admitted "Family drama. After taking care of my grandparents, I kind of got into some shit with my family and now I'm here." he nodded. Knowing it really wasn't that simple, but he wasn't sure how much Chayce wanted to hear. "Here to stay I guess." he added on, assuming that was what Chayce was really asking.
Chayce always was more of a traveller than Edward was. So it was difficult to tell if the Cape was his home now, or if he was just visiting, but he guessed he would soon find out, depending on Chayce's reaction to him staying here too.
"Sure sure..." Edward sighed, flagging down a waitress and ordering his usual plate of greasy breakfast food and turned to Chayce for him to order his.
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He let out a breath trying to look over the menu over think of who was sitting next to him right now. It was hard since Chayce was still hurt over what had happened. He eyed over at Eddy for a second then sat down the menu he had been holding. But he knew it was best for them to talk in public, that it would hold Chayce back a bit for sure.
"Fine," he said being blunt about it as he looked at a waitress who walked by them. "I just.... he looked at Eddy "Didn't think I'd see you again" he had in his mind he never run into his ex again. "But what are you doing here?" he hoped that Eddy was just visiting or something not living here like Chayce was now.
"I just got off working a flight so I just need to eat" he said as he placed his order then looked toward Eddy so he could himself.
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
Eddy followed on to the diner, trying to ignore the harshness in Chayce's tone as they walked. Luckily it wasn't long before they reached the place, at least if they were around people there was no chance of either of them making a scene. No matter how badly this chat went. He sat down next to Chayce. Grabbing the menu as if he wasn't just going to order the same thing he always did. A part of him wishing this was a bar, cause he could really use a stiff whiskey right about now. "So, how have you been, Chayce?" he asked, deciding to take the lead in this conversation, wondering if there was really any point to it all.
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Chayce was still mad at Eddy even years later it was still there how hurt he was with how things went with them. But he let out a breath trying to relax for now. He didn't know if Eddy lived in town or now if he had to worry about seeing him again. So he thought eating with each other was way one to figure it all out.
Chayce didnt really want to eat with him but he was going to try and be okay with it for now. "Clearly" he said just still annoyed at it all. He knew Eddy didnt mean it as Chayce didnt know where the diner was but in Chayce's mind right now that's what Eddy was doing. He followed after and walked into the diner soon getting sat at the bar top table. "Thanks" he said to the host who had them sit down.
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
Eddy couldn't resist rolling his eyes when Chayce continued to be so blunt and bitchy. He hated that seeing him again, something he didn't think was ever likely to happen, was happening like this.
"No it does not." he sighed. Looking around, not quite believing what was happening here. As if he was being pranked or something, but no, sadly this was all real. He felt a little better when Chayce mentioned food though. It wasn't in any way a straight acceptance to his offer of going to the diner to talk, but it wasn't a denial either.,
He nodded, and tried not to smirk "Cool." Eddy muttered under his breath. "Diner's this way..." he gestured, and began to walk, hoping Chayce would follow along.
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Chayce really never thought he see Edydy again. It had been a while he had moved to another state, they both had. So idea they cross paths like this again did shock him. He stood there still like he was frozen taking in the man he once loved and cared about it. But he had snapped back to the real world quickly.
"That does not matter now does it," he said annoyed that Eddy would say something like that to him. But Chayce knew he did bump into the other like he did. He really didnt expect to hear Eddy offer him into get something to eat. So he had take a moment and take a step back to think about it. Part of Chayce wanted to tell the other male to fuck off and leave but part of him wanted to know what Eddy had been up too since they broke up.
"I need to eat I had long ass flight" he said he was going to go and eat so he just was going to try his best and see how it went with Eddy.
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
It would be a lie for Edward to say he hadn't thought about Chayce in the time they've been apart. The breakup was hard for him even if he was the one that initiated it. It wasn't a decision he had made lightly. The six months that they had spent apart after Edward moved away were hard enough and he knew it just wasn't fair on either of them to prolong the situation.
At the same time though he didn't expect Chayce to be so, stand offish. Maybe it was his own delusions of what things would be like if he were to ever set eyes on his ex once again, but this wasn't it.
"You bumped into me." Edward wasn't usually the sassy type. But he was tired and was deciding to match Chayce's energy. "Look, I'm heading to this, diner, place to grab a coffee, If you want to catch up, and talk, we can, but if you want me to fuck off then I guess I can oblige, the choice is yours Chayce." Edward was making the rare decision of choosing to be an adult about all of this, since Chayce clearly wasn't.
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Chayce really didn't think of his past much he didn't like it. He had been hurt more than once so he just packed up and left. How he found the town that he did learn to love and care about. So the last thing he thought was to find one of his ex's in town. That he had two main ones, that he did both care about and love at one point. One hurting him more than the other for sure.
Now Eddy was one he wished he never saw again after what had happened that. Eddy was one he did really love for sure and he just went away without a word. Now years later he didnt think of him much. Besides the the times he fly over boats reminded him of Eddy.
He had to stand there in shock for a moment, just Chayce never thought he saw the man again. But here he was in the town that Chayce did love now. "What I am doing here" he stood back from the other and made a face. "You're the one that's good at leaving remember you shoul do that now" he was starting to get hit with a wave of anger.
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
Edward hadn't been in town long but was already finding everything he liked and disliked about the place fairly fast. One of the things he liked was the food, almost everywhere had impeccable food and drink and one of his favourites to frequent was the diner. He didn't have any tours schedules for the rest of the day so he decided to take his time.
He had his headphones in and was taking a leisurely stroll up from the beach, arranging his schedule in his phone to pass the time on his walk. Eddy had debated getting a car since arriving in town but since everything he usually needed was quite close to the beach, he didn't think it was worth the effort, and he had seen had bad some of the drivers around here were and was not about to get involved in all of that.
As he walked he got caught up in planning the rest of his week on his phone and felt someone bump into him, almost knocking Eddy's headphones off of his head. He looked up as he pulled them away from his ears and down around his neck. Not quite able to believe what he was seeing.
"Chayce." he muttered, still in a mild state of shock. "Wh-What are you doing here?". One of the main reasons he had avoided going back to the Florida after moving back was Chayce. Not because of any bad blood or beef between the two, not that that he could remember anyway, just that the place held too many memories of their time together, and Eddy had always tried to not dwell too hard on the past. Especially when it came to people.
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Chayce was hungry after a long flight he was dying and needed something to eat. He did have a snack on the plane but that was not a lot at all. So here was in a hurry to go to a diner that wasn't too far from the private airport where he was based. He was just dying for a good burger and a shake and knew the diner had the best there was to Chayce. So he drove down the street to the parking lot of the diner parking a bit away from it since he liked to walk as much as he could just because it was good for you. Chayce was walking across the parking lot and soon had to so small jog since someone started to nearly back up into him "Dick!" he called out turning as he saw the car drive away and as he was looking at the car he had walk right into someone taking stumble back but was able to stay standing "Sorry! this guy nearly hit...." he stopped seeing who it was. @eddyxftz
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
ꕀ ᐝ 𖠳 theo james, cis man, he&him 𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ ‷ heads up ; if you hear MY LIFE by BILLY JOEL blaring, it’s most likely EDWARD FITZGERALD making their way down the shore ! they’re 36 years old and celebrate their birthday on 01/01 - i knew they were a CAPRICORN ! especially since they’re very CHARMING and IMPULSIVE. they are from PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, staying in DOWNTOWN and are currently working as a TOUR GUIDE, here at the cape. they always did remind me of long boozy boat rides, late night beach trips, and buying a round for the entire bar |||| tw: death
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Full Name: Edward Alexander Thomas Fitzgerald
Nickname(s): Eddy, Fitz.
Age/Date Of Birth: Thirty Six/1st January
Gender/Pronouns: Cis Man, He/him
Height: 6''
Sexuality: Bisexul
Occupation: Tour Guide
Parents: Alexander & Maria Fitzgerald
Siblings: Alex(39), Margot(26), Phillip(21)
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Positive Traits: Confident, Modest, Generous.
Negative Traits: Impulsive, Impatient, Argumentative.
Hobbies: Sailing, Drinking & Jogging.
Likes: Boats, Classic Movies, Breakfast Food, 70s Music.
Dislikes: Flying, Rude Customers, Show Offs, Loud People.
Edward was born into a wealthy family. His father was the owner of one of the biggest publishing empires in America, a role that had been handed down in the Fitzgerald family for generations.
His family was rich but Edward had always had a very different relationship with money than them. He never made any insanely large purchases, and never told people about his wealth.
Edward always had a very strained relationship with the other members of his immediate family, especially his father. His dad was extremely boastful about his wealth and careless with money. Something that never sat right with Eddy.
Edward always had a much closer bond with his Grandfather, who seemed to have a similar mindset to Eddy, and often told him about how much he regretted spoiling Edward's father as a child.
He spent many summers with his grandparents, choosing to visit them rather than go on lavish holidays with his family.
Edward and his grandfather bonded over their shared love of sailing, and the two would spend hours on his grandad's yacht.
In high school he was popular, well liked by everybody around him, but he was constantly at war with himself about whether people liked him for him, or for how much money his family had.
Eddy went to college to study History, mostly to keep his parents off his back since he still had no clue what he wanted to do in life.
As soon as he graduated he moved to Florida to try and distance himself from his family name and his father's watchful eyes.
When he was around twenty four his grandfather gifted him with his old yacht as an early birthday present and to spite Edward's father who had always wanted it to sell.
Edward loved it and spent months fixing it up and repairing it until it was truly sea worthy again. After he had had some fun sailing around the coast and partying with a few close friends on it, he decided he'd put it to some use and began giving boat tours to local tourists.
A few months into his tour guide gid he met Chayce. Eddy had never been much of a relationship guy since he always struggle to trust people so easily, but Chayce was different. It started off as hook ups and developed into a relationship quite quickly. They dated for a few a year or two and everything was going great, until Eddy had to leave.
His grandfather had gotten sick so Eddy decided to go and take care of him, considering all that man had done for him. Him and Chayce tried to make it work long distance, but eventually Edward decided it was best to break things off.
It wasn't an easy decision for Edward and it did take it's toll, but he knew deep down it was the right choice to make.
After almost four years of caring for his grandfather he unfortunately passed away. Leaving almost his entire fortune exclusively to Edward.
Edward's family was not happy about this at all, especially his father but it was what Eddy's grandfather wanted and there was no way he'd disrespect his grandfather's wishes.
Eddy was practically shunned by his father not long after all of this, and though he had never had much of a relationship or a liking for the man, it did hurt a little how quickly his siblings and even his mother followed suit.
He decided to not dwell on it for too long though and sailed his grandfathers boat around the east coast until he ended up in Cape May.
He now gives guided boat tours to tourists based on a few quick facts he got from google, but it's really Eddy's charm and charisma that keep customers coming back for more.
Other Stuff/Random Shit:
Edward lives in an apartment in Downtown that he shares with Leon Amos. He could easily afford one of the pricier houses in Cape May but likes to keep his living arrangements more simple and modest, and he loves having a room mate.
He hasn't spoken to any of his family members since his grandfathers funeral, but often debates reaching out to his siblings though he's unsure he'd even get a response.
He's extremely generous and giving, especially when he's drunk and has been known to pay an entire bar's tab when he's in a good enough mood.
His music tastes is very 60's & 70's orientated. He loves anything Billy Joel, Presley or Fleetwood Mac related and is known for blasting music off of his boat late at night.
He doesn't just use his boat for tours, he sometimes rents it out to locals who just want a trip around the Cape and anybody who wants to party and doesn't mind paying the damage.
He isn't the greatest driver and has crashed the boat several times in the last couple of months, but will never let anybody else drive it, ever, no matter what.
Wanted Connections
Regular Customers
Ex(Hook Ups, Dates, FWB)
Best Friend
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
me 2 me: anything u want princess
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
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THE WHITE LOTUS Season 2 | Episode 4
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
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eddyxftz · 1 year ago
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˗ˏˋ THE WHITE LOTUS (2023) - Season 2 ˎˊ˗
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