Ind. Semi-Sel. Pri. Pokemon RP Blog for an Umbreon without her rings and a spirit born from tears in reality.
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Starter Call
[⚡] Starter call time to kick off the blog!
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Let hopes pass, Let 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓼 pass, Let them DIE.
Without you, what are they for?
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[ This blog is participating in Kissday, a SFW alternative to Sinday. Feel free to send romantic or fluffy asks. ]
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[Sentence Starters] Detective Pikachu
Feel free to add context, change pronouns, names, jobs, and anything else you need to change to make these work for you! Have fun! ^-^
❝ We can’t just stand here while these ladies are in trouble! ❞
❝ If there’s some place you need to stop off later, I can show you the way. ❞
❝ That’s a lot of ketchup. ❞
❝ Don’t get in the way while I’m playing. ❞
❝ Thanks for breaking my fall, you’re a good cushion. ❞
❝ A bolt of brilliance! ❞
❝ Genius cannot be rushed. ❞
❝ What are you doing? Invite her out for tea or something! ❞
❝ The last time I saw you, you seemed cuter and a bit more docile. ❞
❝ My brain could really use a sugar boost! ❞
❝ I’m guessing you don’t plan on giving up the search? ❞
❝ It’s gonna be a dangerous journey, so prepare yourself. ❞
❝ … How in the world did I get myself talked into this. ❞
❝ Hey, don’t boss me around! ❞
❝ Now, it’s time to get moving, huh? So no more dawdling! ❞
❝ Let me see your notes. ❞
❝ Where are you trying to take me!? Put me down! ❞
❝ You know you could’ve just told me you wanted to be up on my shoulders. ❞
❝ Mmm… This coffee smells so goooood!!! ❞
❝ Well… if it isn’t the girl everybody comes to see! You’re looking well today. ❞
❝ Tell your buddy to be the very best, like no one ever was! ❞
❝ I’d say he’s got plenty of ‘unique’ going on himself. ❞
❝ This room is freezing cold! ❞
❝ Are they drinking coffee out of these? I guess that makes two here that couldn’t care less about the container they drink it from. ❞
❝ Do you think he would be willing to soak in a tank for about a month or so? ❞
❝ Couldn’t you have come up with a better alias for yourself? ❞
❝ My negotiation skills didn’t work at all! ❞
❝ Hey, wait for me! You can’t abandon your partner! ❞
❝ This room is way too dark… let’s give it some light! ❞
❝ This is like some kind of secret passageway. ❞
❝ Ugh! Foiled again! ❞
❝ Always smile! Because a scowling face could be the sign of a small heart. ❞
❝ Somehow that performance doesn’t quiiiite sell it for me. ❞
❝ I think I just need to feel solid ground… ❞
❝ You found the entrance to the secret path? You gotta take me with you! ❞
❝ Am I being self conscious or is (Name) glaring at me? ❞
❝ You know, anyone can change… I mean, if they really want to. ❞
❝ The only person you thought about was yourself. ❞
❝ You’ve inspired me to believe in people one more time. ❞
❝ Takes more than your driving to scare me. ❞
❝ A (detective)’s gotta be quick on his feet! ❞
❝ You must bring good luck! ❞
❝ Any (detective) worth his salt knows how to dance. ❞
❝ Oh, (Name)! Are you going to sing for us? ❞
❝ You’re nicer than you look, you know! ❞
❝ I can feel my ears ringing, that’s quite a voice you got there! ❞
❝ I need a cup of hot coffee! ❞
❝ How could you not notice my absolute brilliance and shining talent… ❞
❝ Seriously? Shooting me out of a cannon is what you call a brilliant idea? ❞
❝ I knew I could count on you (Name)! YouOweMeThatMuch. ❞
❝ Oh, you don’t have to be nervous around me. Just ignore the fact that I’m a celebrity. ❞
❝ Has anyone ever told you you’re hard to impress? ❞
❝ (Name)’s just plain gorgeous! You gotta introduce me. ❞
❝ Sorry to bother you, your Highness. ❞
❝ You’ve got to be more confident, otherwise nobody will care. ❞
❝ You’ve still got that rapier wit of yours! ❞
❝ You must have a heart made of stone! ❞
❝ Your music was so beautiful… ❞
❝ You know? Maybe you should take a break… Take it from me, you won’t get any good ideas if you’re tired. ❞
❝ Oh come on, you’re a (detective)! Don’t let her intimidate you! ❞
❝ Hey, were you eating chocolate on the desk again? ❞
❝ Oh brother. I hope he doesn’t start with that whole 'it’s too dangerous’ spiel again. ❞
❝ Come one (Name), I’ll teach you the basics of (detective) work. ❞
❝ Coffee is practically a (detective)’s trademark! ❞
❝ Go on, you can tell me how dashing you think I am. ❞
❝ This should be easy… movies always have scenes like this. ❞
❝ If you’re not quiet, we’ll get caught! ❞
❝ Knock them out? That’s our last resort. ❞
❝ Mmm… this infiltration thing is hard work! ❞
❝ Hmm… I’m getting really close to remembering something. ❞
❝ I somehow didn’t think you’d know much about romance, (Name). ❞
❝ Come on, don’t act so nonchalant! You’re enjoying this, I know. ❞
❝ A strange thing was in my bag… I’m sorry to make a scene, but it frightened me… ❞
❝ I’m sorry, okay? Believe it or not, I DO feel bad. ❞
❝ Hey… what’s this… Mythical coffee!? I bet it’s good… I bet it’s REALLY good! ❞
❝ You spilled your juice? You’re clumsier than I thought! ❞
❝ Wow, looking good (Name)! ❞
❝ What do you mean, I 'look’ classy? I AM classy! ❞
❝ When you’re all tired out from your (detective) work… that means it’s coffee time! ❞
❝ You shouldn’t be so reckless… you scared me! ❞
❝ Are you all right? Not much further to go. ❞
❝ No time for a break. Let’s go! ❞
❝ You were pretty reckless again, (Name). ❞
❝ You’ve done well. ❞
❝ Coffee is a complex topic, (Name). But I’ll share what I know with you! ❞
❝ I’ve staked out my spot already. ❞
❝ There’s more to enjoy than just the parade. Check out all the different shops! ❞
❝ This path leads to a great hidden spot. ❞
❝ All great (detective)s have this kind of skill. ❞
❝ It is because… you pushed yourself too hard yesterday to save me…? ❞
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The 9th icon in your folder is your muse's "I fucked up" face
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Sienna gave a nod. "Yea. Really, these tears on reality are just headache inducing," the Umbreoff explained, letting out a sigh of annoyance. "Lost count of how many times I've nearly died trying to close em."
(umbrexff) A ring-less Umbreon stepped out of the shadows, a little dizzy from her teleportation. "Ugh.." She leaned against the outside wall of a building, holding her stomach. "Heckin..." She looked around. "Ugh... I'm not gonna be going anywhere that way again anytime soon..."
Shinobi: The Froakie boy was walking by, arguing with a Chespin. “I keep telling you that you’re way too impulsive, Chess!”
Chess: “Like you’re one to talk, mister-flashy-moves.”
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She looked at it and gave a shrug. "Hey, better than a pile of leaves for shelter." She turned to look at the kitsu and gave a small smile.
"Thanks again for doing this, by the way."
Sienna just stood there for a few seconds before she slowly nodded. “A.. alright.” She looked around, seemingly looking for his home.

[🍑] Teles chuckled lightly, giving her a somewhat sheepish smile at the action he had done. He was glad to know that she wasn’t upset with him for what he had done. The house was close by by this point. Only a few feet away. The little fox nodded towards it, making his way to the hut he called home.
“Here we are. It’s not much, but it’s home.”
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She looked up at Teles and gave a gentle smile, her ears folded back against her head before she looked down.
"Eheh... Thanks. Not many say that about me.."
“Yep. It’s a bit of a stigma against ringless Umbreons,” Sienna explained. “Really, I was able to keep my lack of markings a secret until I evolved sometime in the afternoon.”
[🔥] Teles gave a nod.He felt bad that she was considered bad luck just because she didn’t have any rings. He didn’t think she was bad luck. She certainly didn’t seem like it. She actually was a nice Pokemon, just from the little bit they had chatted.
“I’m sorry that happened to you. I don’t think you’re bad luck though. I think you’re pretty cool.”
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"Well, Kei kinda saved me from being flung outside of time," she said, scratching the back of her head. "Heheh..."
"Honestly. She isn't lying. She was almost pulled into a rift that had the same properties as a black hole," Kei explained.
(umbrexff) A ring-less Umbreon stepped out of the shadows, a little dizzy from her teleportation. "Ugh.." She leaned against the outside wall of a building, holding her stomach. "Heckin..." She looked around. "Ugh... I'm not gonna be going anywhere that way again anytime soon..."
Shinobi: The Froakie boy was walking by, arguing with a Chespin. “I keep telling you that you’re way too impulsive, Chess!”
Chess: “Like you’re one to talk, mister-flashy-moves.”
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Kei quickly devoured the doughnut, smiling at her. “Thanks, it tasted really good,” they said, tail wagging.
“Yea... Really, just about everyone turned on me after I evolved into an Umbreon,” Sienna explained, looking at the Slurpuff. “Really, after I was pretty much booted from the forest, before I met Kei, I...” Her ear twitched as she looked down. “Y’know, probably better if I don’t talk about that.”
(umbrexff) A ring-less Umbreon stepped out of the shadows, a little dizzy from her teleportation. "Ugh.." She leaned against the outside wall of a building, holding her stomach. "Heckin..." She looked around. "Ugh... I'm not gonna be going anywhere that way again anytime soon..."
Shinobi: The Froakie boy was walking by, arguing with a Chespin. “I keep telling you that you’re way too impulsive, Chess!”
Chess: “Like you’re one to talk, mister-flashy-moves.”
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Someone please kiss me softly and tell me I’m good enough.
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She took a bite of it and quickly scarfed down the entire confectionery, her tail wagging. "Thanks! It tastes great," she complimented. "Really, I haven't had sweets since I was an Eevee." Immediately after she said that, Kei burst in, tripping and falling onto the ground immediately.
"I heard sweets," was all they said, looking up at the ringless Umbreon.
(umbrexff) A ring-less Umbreon stepped out of the shadows, a little dizzy from her teleportation. "Ugh.." She leaned against the outside wall of a building, holding her stomach. "Heckin..." She looked around. "Ugh... I'm not gonna be going anywhere that way again anytime soon..."
Shinobi: The Froakie boy was walking by, arguing with a Chespin. “I keep telling you that you’re way too impulsive, Chess!”
Chess: “Like you’re one to talk, mister-flashy-moves.”
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Sienna just stood there for a few seconds before she slowly nodded. "A.. alright." She looked around, seemingly looking for his home.
She looked up at Teles, her eyes shining a bit before she gave a gentle smile, her ear twitching once again. “Heh… Thanks Teles,” she said quietly. “Honestly, I’m still trying to get used to being shown kindness again. Only one that’s really shown me kindness like you is my friend, Kei.”
[🍑] The vulpine gave a nod as he gently pat her on the head before he withdrew his hand. “You deserve kindness after all that you’ve went through. It might not seem like it, but there are nice people out there in the world, like myself and Kei. You just gotta know where to look.”
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"Yep. It's a bit of a stigma against ringless Umbreons," Sienna explained. "Really, I was able to keep my lack of markings a secret until I evolved sometime in the afternoon."
She let out a sigh, relieved that he wasn’t mad about her little mishap. “Well, thanks. My name’s Sienna, also known as the Umbreon that was dragged out of Nightshade Forest by the tail for being bad luck the instant she evolved.”
… She definitely wasn’t bitter.
[🔥] “It’s nice to meet you, Sienna. I’m Teles.” He smiled brightly up at the Umbreon as they introduced themselves to each other. His tails wagged slightly behind him, almost like that of a dogs. “You were dragged out of your forest for being bad luck?”
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She smiled and nodded. "That'd be appreciated. Thank you." Her tail wagged a bit, looking at the pastries she had. If she was being honest, she hadn't had sweets since she was an Eevee.
(umbrexff) A ring-less Umbreon stepped out of the shadows, a little dizzy from her teleportation. "Ugh.." She leaned against the outside wall of a building, holding her stomach. "Heckin..." She looked around. "Ugh... I'm not gonna be going anywhere that way again anytime soon..."
Shinobi: The Froakie boy was walking by, arguing with a Chespin. “I keep telling you that you’re way too impulsive, Chess!”
Chess: “Like you’re one to talk, mister-flashy-moves.”
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She giggled a bit as well. “Well, seems like it,” she said, booping Chess on the nose with her paw, grinning, before she looked at Cream. “Anyway, you must be Cream. My name is Sienna.”
(umbrexff) A ring-less Umbreon stepped out of the shadows, a little dizzy from her teleportation. "Ugh.." She leaned against the outside wall of a building, holding her stomach. "Heckin..." She looked around. "Ugh... I'm not gonna be going anywhere that way again anytime soon..."
Shinobi: The Froakie boy was walking by, arguing with a Chespin. “I keep telling you that you’re way too impulsive, Chess!”
Chess: “Like you’re one to talk, mister-flashy-moves.”
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“Yea. Honestly, still a little woozy from the teleport mishap, but doing fine otherwise.” She gave him a small smile, her ear twitching. “Thanks, by the way, Chess.”
(umbrexff) A ring-less Umbreon stepped out of the shadows, a little dizzy from her teleportation. "Ugh.." She leaned against the outside wall of a building, holding her stomach. "Heckin..." She looked around. "Ugh... I'm not gonna be going anywhere that way again anytime soon..."
Shinobi: The Froakie boy was walking by, arguing with a Chespin. “I keep telling you that you’re way too impulsive, Chess!”
Chess: “Like you’re one to talk, mister-flashy-moves.”
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