eddie-diaz-anon · 1 year
  jealous / possessive  meme pt 2
for part one click here.
“i don’t want you hanging out with her/him anymore.”
“you’re mine.”
“did he/she touch you?”
“tell me there’s nothing going on.”
“i see the way you look at him/her.”
“i see the way he/she looks at you.”
“is there something you’re not telling me?”
“were you just flirting with them?”
“is there somewhere else you’d rather be?”
“do they touch you the way i touch you?”
“do they kiss you the way i kiss you?”
“forget about him/her, let me make you forget.”
“you have a thing for him/her don’t you?”
“everyone needs to know that you’re mine.”
“are you texting her/him?”
“what are you doing home so late?”
“i’m going to make it clear to him/her that you’re mine.”
“you can never see him/her again”
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eddie-diaz-anon · 1 year
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Self Reminders
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eddie-diaz-anon · 2 years
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eddie-diaz-anon · 2 years
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Thank you, Natasha It truly means a lot
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eddie-diaz-anon · 2 years
feel free to combine these with dialogue whether it’s something you make up or from other memes your partner has reblogged. 
[ BEND ]  for the shorter muse to tug the taller muse down so they can kiss their forehead. 
[ LEAN ]  for the taller muse to lean down to kiss the shorter muse’s forehead. 
[ LIFT ]  for taller muse to lift up the smaller one and sit them on a surface where they can be eye level. 
[ CLIMB ]  for the shorter muse to find somewhere to perch so they can be eye level with taller muse. 
[ INTERRUPT ]  for shorter muse to stop during the middle of a conversation and stand on a chair/sit on a table so they can be eye level with the taller one. 
[ GIVE ]  for the taller muse to place their jacket around the shorter muse’s shoulders,  the garment essentially ‘swallowing them whole.’
[ TAKE ]  for the taller muse to find the shorter one has ‘borrowed’ a shirt/sweater/jacket etc.  which is oversized on them.  
[ GO ]  for the taller muse to pick up the shorter one and carry them away from a potential/just started fight. 
[ RIDE ]  for the taller muse to give the shorter one a piggyback ride so they don’t have to keep up. 
[ SEE ]  for shorter muse to insist on getting to ride on the taller one’s shoulders.  
[ FIND ]  for the taller muse to lift the shorter one by the waist so they can reach something. 
[ EMBRACE ]  for the taller muse to lift the shorter muse off the ground when they hug. 
[ CATCH ]  for the shorter muse to run and jump into the taller muse’s arms. 
[ CARESS ]  for the taller muse to pick up the shorter one to kiss them. 
[ GIVE ]  for the shorter muse to stand or climb to sit on a higher surface to demand a kiss from the taller one. 
[  PULL  ]  for the shorter muse to tug the taller one down by the collar to kiss them. 
[ URGE ]  for the taller muse to tilt the shorter one’s chin up so they can look at their face. 
[ LOWER ]  for the taller muse to kneel in front of the shorter one so they’re less intimidating. 
[ HELP ]  for the taller muse to use the advantage of their stature to shield the shorter one from something. 
[ AID ]  for the taller muse to pick up the shorter one to lift them over something  (  stairs,  while hiking, a large puddle etc.  ). 
[ INSIST ]  for the shorter muse to guide the taller one to sit so they don’t have to keep looking up. 
[ COMFORT ]  for the taller muse to tuck their chin atop the shorter one’s head while they hug. 
[ MELT ]  for the taller muse to lean down so they can bury their face into the shorter one’s shoulder. 
[ GENTLE ]  for the smaller muse to hug the taller one while they are seated so the taller one can hide their face against them. 
[ BLOCK ]  for the taller muse to stand in front of the shorter one to prevent them from having to see something. 
[ CUDDLE ]  for the taller muse to the big spoon. 
[ HELD ]  for the shorter muse to be the big spoon. 
[ TENDER ]  for the taller muse to kiss the shorter one’s head while they embrace. 
[ GENTLE ]  for the shorter muse to kiss the taller one’s chest while they hug. 
[ REST ]  for the shorter muse to lean forward and press their forehead against the tall one’s chest/shoulder while they stand in front of each other. 
[ TOUCH ]  for the taller muse to lean down and press their forehead to the shorter one’s. 
[ PRESS ]  for the shorter muse to take hold of the taller one’s face to pull them down so they can press their foreheads together. 
[ GAZE ]  taller muse is sitting and the shorter one who is standing in front of them takes their face into their hands while they talk. 
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eddie-diaz-anon · 2 years
If you’re a real human person still using the default tumblr avatar, consider changing it.
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why should you change it?
When you guys pop up in our notifications, most seasoned tumblr users will suspect you’re a bot and block on sight.
why do we block immediately?
tumblr has a history of bots trying to infiltrate and establish a connection to a valid, existing blog in order to populate google searches. Simply liking or reblogging a post, not just adding a scam link to it, establishes this connection. Tumblr users don’t want this to happen, especially if it’s a scammy p*rn bot. So, we often block on sight.
So now I have to reblog stuff AND change my pfp?
Well, of course that’s up to you! I just want to explain why you may have been already blocked by an artist/blogger you may have discovered recently, and how you can avoid it in the future.
Reblogging does help creators more than likes because your reblogs will show up on the dash of those that may follow you. Plus, reblogging puts that post on your own blog, and in case the original gets deleted or edited by the OP, it’ll be on your blog like that–forever (or until you delete your blog). Nice.
Here are some free icons created by catalyststuff on freepik. Highly recommend their art for a simple replacement!
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126K notes · View notes
eddie-diaz-anon · 2 years
reblog this to put a valentines card on the person you reblogged this from desk
55K notes · View notes
eddie-diaz-anon · 3 years
Orange juice is fine
Hello Eddie! You ready for the date?
Hey there, yeah
317 notes · View notes
eddie-diaz-anon · 3 years
*I pop a tater tots into my mouth*
Hello Eddie! You ready for the date?
Hey there, yeah
317 notes · View notes
eddie-diaz-anon · 3 years
*I take a seat as well*
Hello Eddie! You ready for the date?
Hey there, yeah
317 notes · View notes
eddie-diaz-anon · 3 years
Thank you
Hello Eddie! You ready for the date?
Hey there, yeah
317 notes · View notes
eddie-diaz-anon · 3 years
Sounds great
Hello Eddie! You ready for the date?
Hey there, yeah
317 notes · View notes
eddie-diaz-anon · 3 years
That's good, what you making?
Hello Eddie! You ready for the date?
Hey there, yeah
317 notes · View notes
eddie-diaz-anon · 3 years
Good morning, sleep well
Hello Eddie! You ready for the date?
Hey there, yeah
317 notes · View notes
eddie-diaz-anon · 3 years
*I wake up a bit after you*
Hello Eddie! You ready for the date?
Hey there, yeah
317 notes · View notes
eddie-diaz-anon · 3 years
*I fall asleep after you*
Hello Eddie! You ready for the date?
Hey there, yeah
317 notes · View notes
eddie-diaz-anon · 3 years
*I fall asleep after you*
Hello Eddie! You ready for the date?
Hey there, yeah
317 notes · View notes