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Civic Action Assessment of Net Neutrality
CWhat do you see as your roles as a citizen of this country in meeting the needs of our community?
As a permanent resident of this country, I believe that it is imperative to be up to date on current events. Not only does this help educate on the changes that the country is going through, but it also allows one to see red flags and issues that must be acted upon. It is also important to vote and represent not only your state but your country.
What have you learned in this class about civic responsibility?
Where to begin! This class has taught me everything from how important it is to vote on everything from presidents to propositions, to how civic responsibility effects each of the three branches of government.
Do you feel it is your civic obligation to help address the problems your civic action issue has created? Explain.
Of course! Now that I am educated I feel that I have developed a responsibility to educate others and act in order to reinstate net neutrality.
Have you volunteered your time to respond to this issue, either by directly volunteering; educating the public about it;  expanding your knowledge of the issue by attending government or non-government meetings, demonstrations, etc.?  If so, explain this experience in detail, provide dates and evidence.
For my civic action, I was planning on visiting the Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals. Unfortunately, due to grim weather conditions and a smoke concentration that puts San Fran on 4/20 to shame, I was unable to visit. Luckily Andersquad leader Mrs Anderson has arranged for the field trip to happen on a later date.
If you have not been civically engaged, what are YOU willing to do in the future to respond to your civic action issue?
Again, unfortunately, due to the conditions the field trip has been moved to a later date. I am thrilled to apply what I learn there, and what I have learned already to my issue. Who knows, I may even get involved publicly speaking or something later in the future!
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Executive Action Assessment of Net Neutrality
“In truth, the U.S. government’s net neutrality rules unofficially died last November, at the moment Trump won the White House. Republicans never liked the utility-style regulations adopted by the Democrat-dominated FCC in 2015, and Pai — then serving as a commissioner — voted against it.
So when Trump tapped Pai to lead the telecom agency at the beginning of his presidency, net neutrality supporters and opponents alike recognized a repeal would follow. The official rulemaking process kicked off at the FCC in May, and it quickly became clear that the telecom agency’s new GOP leader had hoped to limit the FCC’s future role in heavily policing the open internet.” (https://www.recode.net/2017/12/14/16771910/trump-fcc-ajit-pai-net-neutrality-repeal)
I disagree with the position because I believe that without a neural net is crucial if we are to have a fair, unbiased, and free internet experience.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) manages my issue
The Cabinet’s mission statement is “To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.” This relates to freedom and possibly to net neutrality as that relates to freedom.
Matthew G. Whitaker, the attorney general is very well qualified for the position and relates to my issue.
Explore the Cabinet’s Programs and Services.  Which would be suitable for responding to your issue? Briefly identify and explain them.
I am deeply sorry but cannot seem to find their services or programs, I will update if possible.
I am not satisfied with the executive action taken on my issue, it was repealed and nothing much has been done!
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Legislative Action
Congressman Desaulnier
Desaulnier’s view on net neutrality is that of the other two; Desaulnier believes that Net Neutrality is crucial in order to have a safe and free experience on the internet.
They have sponsored 0 bills regarding my legislation
 Senator Harris
Harris’ view on net neutrality is that of the other two; Harris believes that Net Neutrality is crucial in order to have a safe and free experience on the internet.
They have sponsored 0 bills regarding my legislation
Senator Feinstein’s
Feinstein’s view on net neutrality is that of the other two; Feinstein believes that Net Neutrality is crucial in order to have a safe and free experience on the internet.
They have sponsored 0 bills regarding my legislation
There are a few articles that loosely relate to my topic, I would say around 4 or 5
The bill number is S.993
This bill would repeal the FCC’s net neutrality regulations, which classify internet service providers as common carriers and prohibit them from blocking content.
It will allow the FCC to throttle traffic and to block sites and make people pay more.
BIG AND BAD NAY! We cannot have the FCC controlling our internet like this
The website only says that it has not been voted on by the house, senate or signed by the president.
Not satisfied at all! They aren’t up to date and are very behind.
S - The subject is Net Neutrality
A - The author is Nicholas Confessore (Oct. 16, 2018)
C - The context is that it has been repealed and that it is getting out of hand.
A - All internet users are the intended audience.
P - The bias of the author is that of a non-partisan view. There is little to no bias but slightly in favour of going back to a neutral net.
S - Shows just how important net neutrality is and why we need it. I completely agree.
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State Action
Whilst no one asked any questions about Net Neutrality to either of the candidates, I did find some things close to my topic on the candidate's websites:
Catherine Baker - “We must take every step possible to ensure we have the most effective, rigorous protections for digital privacy. I was pleased to support bipartisan legislation, AB 375, which creates the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018. This is the most comprehensive and first of its kind law in the nation. “
I support their stance, I have said it many times now. Net Neutrality is crucial for the freedom of speech and press and religion
.He has not sponsored any bills yet.
Steven Glazer - “Senator Glazer is married to Melba Muscarolas, an AT&T executive. They have two daughters. Senator Glazer earned his bachelor’s degree from San Diego State University where he served as Student Body President.” This most likely means that he is pro Net Neutrality.
I support their stance, I have said it many times now. Net Neutrality is crucial for the freedom of speech and press and religion.
He has not sponsored any bills yet.
The bill number is  SB-822 which means that expanded it is Senate Bill No. 822
The bill was introduced 30th September 2018.
The last major action of the bill was that is was filed, the very same day. 
I feel very strongly about this bill and would definitely support it as prohibits service providers from taking advantage of the customers.
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The 3 Ps Assessment: Parties, Political Interest Groups, and PACs
“While the Republican Party initiated the fight against net neutrality, which eventually led to its repeal, Republican views on net neutrality are actually varied.“
“Democrats support a free and open internet at home and abroad, and will oppose any effort by Republicans to roll back the historic net neutrality rules that the Federal Communications Commission enacted last year.” (https://democrats.org/about/party-platform/)
I agree with this position, It is vital for the internet to be free and not interfered with.
“Libertarians are against any obstruction of business and communication. Since what's going with the FCC and bills like IPA, SOPA, TCPP would most likely obstruct people from doing business and communicating freely, I reckon libertarians would be all for net neutrality.“ (https://www.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/comments/24twuy/what_is_the_libertarian_position_on_net_neutrality/)
I do agree with this, net neutrality is important for accurate communication of news.
“Should internet service providers be allowed to speed up access to popular websites (that pay higher rates) at the expense of slowing down access to less popular websites (that pay lower rates)?
Green’s answer: No”
I agree with this as even less important websites deserve equal speeds.
“New digital technologies are transforming our society and empowering us as speakers, citizens, creators, and consumers. Yet our freedoms in the networked world are under continual attack, and it is necessary to defend free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights in an increasingly digitized world and to protect digital freedom and privacy, and net neutrality.“
Again, I agree with this as it is extremely important to have a neutral internet.
Identify one national interest group that represents your issue. Include:
“The ACLU has no knowledge about the photograph of Marines praying that has circulated on the Internet. The ACLU has also never had a spokesperson — quoted by news organizations as "Lucius Traveler" — by this name.“
“The Second Amendment provides: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Given the reference to "a well regulated Militia" and "the security of a free State," the ACLU has long taken the position that the Second Amendment protects a collective right rather than an individual right.“
“Throughout the organization's history and particularly during the McCarthy era, the ACLU, its members, staff and founders have been accused of being Communists. The ACLU has no political affiliations and makes no test of individuals' ideological leanings a condition of membership or employment.“
“The ACLU believes that the right of each and every American to practice his or her own religion, or no religion at all, is among the most fundamental of the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. “
"The ACLU does NOT want to remove crosses from federal cemeteries.  To the contrary, we have fought to expand the right of veterans and their families to decide for themselves which religious symbols, if any, mark the military graves of those who served and died for our country.”
Identify one state interest group that represents your issue. Include:
ACLUNC (American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California)
See 2. above.
See 3. above.
See 4. above.
California; They have meetings located
Whilst there are opportunities to volunteer at protests, the main advertisement is for job listings in San Francisco, Fresno, and Sacramento.
“The ads prominently feature the name of the ACLU in a way that can be misconstrued as an endorsement. The ACLU of California affiliates neither endorse nor oppose candidates for office. The ACLU did not create these ads.”
Finally, compare the two interest groups.  
I personally think that the national branch of ACLU was more organised as they are more unified and can tackle issues better than the California branch. The target audience is just anyone who can vote or uses the internet. Supporters are well educated internet users cautious of their privacy.
Choose one PAC or Super PAC that pertains to your civic action issue.  Include:
PAC name: Telecom Services
They view net neutrality as very important in order to avoid unnecessary invasion of privacy.
42% to Democrats /58% to Republicans
CFC #93263
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Constitutional Issues
What is the name of the case?
Verizon Communications, Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission
The term it was decided?
ARGUED Oct 10, 2001 DECIDED May 13, 2002
Briefly summarize the facts of the case.
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 gives new companies the right to seek to enter local telephone service markets to rent elements of the carriers' local exchange networks and directs the FCC to prescribe methods for state utility commissions to use in setting rates for the sharing of those elements. In the end, the Court of Appeals decided that the use of the total element long-run incremental cost of the element methodology was foreclosed because the Act plainly required rates based on the actual cost of providing the network element and invalidated certain combination rules.
What is the constitutional question the justices were deciding?
“Does the Telecommunications Act of 1996 authorize the Federal Communications Commission to require state utility commissions to set the rates charged by the incumbents for leased elements on a forward-looking basis untied to the incumbents' investment?“
Which constitutional provisions or amendments are in question?
Amendment 1; freedom of speech, press, and religion.
What was the decision?
yes. In an opinion delivered by Justice David H. Souter, the Court held that the FCC can require state commissions to set the rates charged by incumbents for leased elements on a forward-looking basis untied to the incumbents' investment and that the FCC can require incumbents to combine elements of their networks at the request of entrants.
What precedent does this decision establish?
People now may only look at the sites with faster connection speeds to get their information, causing a misrepresented and uneducated population.
Do you agree or disagree with the court’s decision? Explain.
Not at all, net neutrality is crucial to free and more unbiased press, speech, religion and also paying more to see certain articles stops people being accurately informed.
(S)ubject - New York Attorney General Expands Inquiry Into Net Neutrality Comments (Title)
(A)uthor - Nicholas Confessore 
(C)ontext - Produced in The United States of America, Oct. 16, 2018.
(A)udience - All internet users!
(P)erspective/bias - The New York Times is relatively biased and leans on the liberal side. 
(S)ignificance - This article shows that even though it may be taken for granted, the internet as a public domain is incredibly important!
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Media Assessment of Issue
https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/net-neutrality-good-bad_us_5a396d07e4b0860bf4ab9e6f https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2017/12/15/what-may-happen-to-the-internet-in-america
SACAPS For Each Article
Article By BBC - Objective
Subject - Net Neutrality is something that needs to be protected
Author - Dave Lee, a North America technology reporter
Context - Produced in North America, 14 December 2017
Audience - American population and all internet users
Perspective - Objective; I agree with protecting it not repealing
Significance - Quotes and sources are provided amply.
Article by Huffington Post - Liberal
Subject - Net Neutrality is something that needs to be protected
Author - Paul Blumenthal a Huffington Post writer
Context - Produced in North America, 25 December 2017
Audience - American population and all internet users
Perspective - Objective; I agree with protecting it not repealing
Significance - Quotes and sources are provided amply with context.
Article By The Economist - slightly conservative
Subject - Net Neutrality is something that needs to be protected
Author - Dave Lee, a North America technology reporter
Context - Produced in North America, 14 December 2017
Audience - American population and all internet users
Perspective - Objective; I agree with protecting it not repealing
Significance - Quotes and sources are provided amply.
3. There are not many differences in the three articles, something which is rare when comparing articles that are liberal and conservative. They all took the same standpoint that Net Neutrality must be kept and protected at all costs (unfortunately it has since been repealed).
4. I identify most with the BBC article as it is not only objective - which I always prefer - but also written by an extremely trusted source which I get most of my news from.
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1.     What civic action issue did you choose and why?
         - I chose to write my blog on the issue of Net Neutrality, this has long been an issue that I didn’t quite see the importance to, but now that I see the importance, I feel it necessary to act and enlighten others on the danger it poses.
2.     Why is it an issue?
         - Net Neutrality is a huge issue because the internet has always been neutral and now that that has been revoked, ISP’s may control what we see and watch and make us pay more!
3.     What action do you think needs to be taken to address this issue?
         - For this issue to be resolved congress must do three things:
Separate classification from regulation
Restore a focus on the ‘public interest’
Restore the role of antitrust in telecommunications
4.     Finally, find five people, groups, agencies, or departments to follow on twitter that pertain to your issue.  List the five that you are on following on twitter in your post and explain why.  Are there any tweets that you find interesting? That you agree or disagree with? Why?  Be sure to follow groups that represent multiple perspectives on the issue.
Ajit Pai - The chairman of the FCC is one of the main people who enforced the repeal of Net Neutrality.
The FCC - The Federal Communications Commission is the culprit of repealing Net Neutrality.
Alyssa Milano -  An American actress, activist, producer and former singer who wants to keep Net Neutrality.
Brendan Carr - Wants to repeal.
Mignon Clyburn - Has debunked many of Ajit Pai’s “facts“ about Net Neutrality.
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