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ecl310fa-blog · 7 years ago
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Exploring through different #picturebooks, there were so many to look through and choose from. I came across a lot of posts about people wanting to start up their own #picturebooks and the to see the wide range of different options was great! But one that capture my attention from the first sight was a #picturebook called ‘Goodnight Moon’ written by Margaret Wise Brown, and published in 1947. This post was posted by Harper Collins, and what really captured my attention was, not only the fact that the colours and illustrations made me click on the post but, the fact that this book was published 22 years before Neil Armstrong, the very first man landing on the moon on the 16th of July 1969. It was so fascinating to see the descriptions that the book exhibited about the moon and the statements made about what it could potentially be like.
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ecl310fa-blog · 7 years ago
Prompt 7: Bloom’s Taxonomy
If you could re-name the restaurant to something really capturing, what would it be?
What other things could improve this restaurant?
How can they make delivering flyers more enjoyable?
What do you think about the fact that Lengy’s mum had been chopping and dicing vegetables all afternoon?
Do you think Lengy is happy with his new lifestyle?
If Lengy could open up his very own restaurant, what would it be?
How do we know that Lengy wasn't born in Australia?
How do we know Lengy get’s bullied at school?
Do you think Lengy’s family are wealthy or poor? How do you know?
Give me a comparison of two things you would call same same, but different.
Dad named his restaurant ‘Thai-riffic!’ Why do you think that is?
Can you think of another metaphor to describe Dad’s great memory?
What does the phrase ‘same same, but different’ mean?
What season is it currently during the story?
What does is mean when he says, ‘My parents have gone cashew nuts’?
What is Lengy’s ethnicity?
Where do Lengy’s parents work?
Why are Lengy’s parent’s getting a new sign and menus?
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ecl310fa-blog · 7 years ago
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“Discover the diversity of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages” is an indigenous video I wanted on the website. The way in which I would use this particular video in the front loading of a literate unit based on an Australian and Torres Strait Islander book is by getting the students to watch the video twice. The first time I would get the students to watch and observe and the second time, I would get students to note down ideas and different sorts of information they are getting from the video. This information will assist them with writing up a short and informative video preview script that will educate those that will be watching the video. The students will be able to carefully observe these ideas especially having that second time watching the video, they will be able to catch anything they have possible missed. This, I believe, would be a great front-loading activity for a 5/6 year level group of students. 
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ecl310fa-blog · 7 years ago
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1)    Sentence made from the following words:
Food, silence, transparent, no, strength, died, hollow, cold, night
A cold transparent night, filled with silence, as I sit on the bench watching a mother tweet to her young ones in a hollow nest with no food and no strength to tweet back, little did she know that one of her babies had died from hunger.
2)    Re-writing the following sentence using my own words:
‘The world has shut its ears and moved on’
my sentence: Better to have a long arm with a shallow pocket than a short arm with a deep pocket.
3)    A short ten-to-twenty-minute front-loading lesson with include having the students observe the front and back pages of the book and from that use a Y-Chart to put together what they think these pages, look like, feel like and sound like. It’s a great way for students to put themselves into the book and use their imagination to have a think about what it might be like in this book judging from what we can see on the front and back covers.  
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ecl310fa-blog · 7 years ago
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During my third year placement, there weren't that many opportunities for students to read and write but in saying that, I really enjoyed the reading aspects when they did do it as they were doing a book study on the book Wonder. Everyday they would spend 10 mins before lunch time reading and assessing through the book. I really could see that the students enjoyed reading this book and wanted to do more. my mentor asked me to create an activity for the grade 5 students in relation to the book. It was lots of fun as a came up with the idea to do pen-pals. this required the students to choose a character from the book and write to them, introducing themselves, and asking them questions that they would want answers if they were to meet this character in person. They loved it and wanted to share their letters with their peers. 
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ecl310fa-blog · 7 years ago
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This is a writing sample from a year 1 male student writing about his goal for the lesson and what he wants to achieve by the end of it. Looking at their response and referring to the 6+ 1 traits, it’s clear to identify that the student sounds in letter when it comes to spelling specific words is a little unclear to them. His writing structure is quite well, although he tried to write 2 sentences in one. Overall, he was able to tell the reader exactly what he was going to do, and it was easy to understand what he was trying to explain. 
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ecl310fa-blog · 7 years ago
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On my placement, for one of the lessons I was running, I was teaching the students how to summarise. This group of students seemed to be very visual and so I just had to make something for them to follow in order to understand the process of what is being taught. I make this A2 ‘5-Finger Retell’ poster that is on the classroom board to guide and assist the students with what was taught. I felt this was very beneficial as the students were able to follow step by step what they needed to include as well as a way to ensure they didn't miss anything when completing the task. My mentor really valued and appreciated the visual aide and said that she will continue using it for future lessons. 
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ecl310fa-blog · 7 years ago
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PROMPT ONE: In grade 3/4, I also remember being read books by Roald Dahl. He was definitely one of my favourite authors. But one book that really stood out to me and will forever stay in my memory was, George’s Marvellous Medicine. My teacher used to read this book to us every afternoon after lunch time for 10 minutes as a downtime session. This is book I’d love to read to my own class as well as take ideas from my own childhood that really stuck to my mind. My teacher would let us lay down on cushions, or sit on a seat, basically get as comfortable as we wanted as this was her idea to get us to chill and relax after running around at lunch time and get us prepared for further lessons to come.  I also remember, we got to make our own medicines just like George in the book and we called it “our name” Marvellous Medicine. It really helped us connect with the book, and create a great learning opportunities for many different skills that were taken from this activity. 
I really appreciated this experience, and hope to pass this onto my students one day too. 
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