eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
Her Aunt... To see her getting killed just like that-- It’s not right...
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She didn’t approve of this but... She couldn’t say anything against the Snakes... She was too scared of getting hurt next.
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
It’s her birthday today and even if she’s in the haze... She won’t skip out on celebrating it! Except... Her plan was to bake a cake! Her ability to smell was gone so how was she to know that the sugar was actual salt? Or that her cake was burning?
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“Today can’t go wrong~!”
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
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[[Like for a Eden no Hebi starter--]]
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
[[OKAY KANO MY SETO HAS WORDS FOR YOU!!! @nolongerpartofthedan]]
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
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❛ my, what a face! perhaps terrified is a better word? ❜
another sneer slips past his ever-growing grin, feet guiding him to stalk closer.
❛you should be, you know  ❜
Ayano sucked in a deep breath. She couldn’t afford to be scared now. She had to be strong...!
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
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she has big bitch energy potential
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
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Sort of quick thing for the new song!
Kagerou Daze © Jin
Art: Kuredo164
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
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❛ me. ❜
a snicker floats in the air briefly.
❛ are you so petrified that you’re at a loss for words, favoring eyes? ❜
Ayano gritted her teeth. This couldn’t be good.
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“No... I am...” Scared...
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
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NEVER  FORGET  THIS  TRAGEDY .  do  you  like  monsters  ? disgusting  &.  ugly  things  –  vile  as  they  are  cruel  ,  undeserving  of  even  the  most  fleeting  human  pity  ?  what  about  a  monster  so  selfishly  absorbed  in  her  trite  &.  nauseating  wish  to  have  friends  that  she’d  unwittingly  doom  each  &.  every  who  extends  sympathy  her  way  ?  with  the  face  of  an  angel  &.  the  beauty  of  a  fairytale  princess   -   a  beast  as  sweet  as  the  sugar  in  her  tea  &.  as  pure  as  the  whitest  snows  falls  deeper  &.  deeper  into  despair  each  time  she  wakes  from  a  'nightmare’  of  bloodshed  &.  catastrophe  .  she’s  resetting  &  repeating  timelines  ,  turning  back  the  pages  in  their  story  &.  putting  the  actors  back  on  their  stage  in  her  imaginary  world  until  the  sadness  becomes  too  much  —  &.  SOMETHING AWAKENS  .   
 indie marry kozakura / snake of combining eyes from kagerou project written by kitsu  !  manga / anime / anthology based but contains verses for the novels &. other various timelines or AUs too  ! crossover  friendly  ,  private  ,  &.  semi-selective  — drop  a  ❤  or  a   ↻  if  interested  in  interacting  !
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
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THOSE WAVERING DAYS ARE BEGINNING TO BREAK ; MATCHING PACE & HEADING TO THE「 FIRST TRAGEDY !! 」 do you like snakes? treacherous & deceiving as they are, slick & slithering in their darkened ways? do you often dream of ones of mythology, who will grant you a wish — & at any means, finding loopholes & holding no regard for the brutal means of which they are carried out, purposefully dragging it throughout the years so that he can get as he desires ; eternal existence? what are your thoughts on ones who breathe reminiscence of eden ; his words are the fruit born of a garden not of his own, & many who stand before him are prey to his trap? one with so much ego that it’s sickening, maddening — akin to that of an old God, bored of this world that he deems disgusting & disappointing? do you care for the ones who will rob a boy with a fragile heart of his life, transform him into his eventual vessel, & tear apart his livelihood once more? what of the one who snickers to himself, coated in blood, overseeing the events of the world & deeming it nothing more than a stupid story? he, who watches as his queen sets up actors on a stage, & fiddles with their strings from the shadows, as they all live in the palm of his hand? would you wonder, perhaps, if his vessel’s consciousness only exists briefly — & exists only to be crushed beneath his nature? THE DEVIL HAS NEVER REFRAINED FROM TAKING THE FORM OF A SERPENT.
indie kuroha / snake of clearing eyes ( along with side muses consisting of kokonose haruka & konoha ! ) from kagerou project written by kita  !  manga / anime / anthology based but contains verses for the novels &. other various timelines or AUs too  ! crossover  friendly  ,  private  ,  &.  semi-selective  — drop  a  ❤  or  a   ↻  if  interested  in  interacting  –  &.
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
@meosaeru liked for a starter!
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
@meogattaisareru liked for a starter!
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“Aah! Marry! I need to ask you something--”
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
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[[So I’m getting back to roleplaying. So like for a starter!!]]
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
 reblog & fill in with the handles & usernames you’re comfortable giving out , cross out what you don’t have/won’t give out at all , and label what you’re uncomfortable posting but are willing to hand out privately !  feel free to add other platforms !
SKYPE :  goldeneyedmaster TWITTER :   INSTAGRAM: nolongerpartofthedan SNAPCHAT : FACEBOOK :  Alexander Ifukube KIK :   TELEGRAM :   PHONE NUMBER :  PERSONAL TUMBLR : @kingofangstandfeels​ PINTEREST :  DISCORD :    kingofangst#0201 STEAM :   BATTLENET :  
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
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eccedentesiasthero · 6 years
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[[I’m back on this account!!! I know I haven’t been too active at all lately. But I’m starting up this blog again!!! I also have a Discord now!  kingofangst#0201]]
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eccedentesiasthero · 7 years
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[[Got bored and made Mary’s necklace. Y’know the chain with the keys? Yep. It was easier than I thought it’d be. But I had to ‘borrow’ a different necklace’s chain for now.]]
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