#;;{Caught In The Haze (QUEUE)
spreta-invidia · 9 months
Do you have a daemyra fic rec list please? I’m desperately searching but they don’t live up to what you write I love your writing so much !! ❤️
Thank you so much!!! <3 That means so much to me! Thank you for reading and loving my writing.
I didn't have an actual Daemyra rec list, but I put a short one together today! There's so much fic in this fandom that I love, and so much that I have in my tbr queue also!
One Shots (canon or canon AU)
Those Happy Golden Years by SeveDeChampagne: This is actually a series of one shots set between episodes 7 and 9 that I think are just lovely. This is also maybe my favorite subgenre of Daemyra fic?
girls have their secrets by ginvael: This fits the subgenre above also! This is more focused on Rhaenyra, Baela, and Rhaena, and their relationships as the girls grow up. I really love ginvael's writing.
watching, always from the outskirts by vintagemocha: This is Alicent POV, but hear me out- it's great. The outsider POV works so well here to show Daemyra through the years.
burn for me by luthien_under_bough: Dark young queen Rhaenyra demands a special declaration of fealty from Daemon. Luthien's writing is so, so good basically always, and in this piece what got me was her use of detail. Also. Hot.
Multi-chapter (canon or canon AU)
Lavender Haze by madgirlslovesong: I think this is my favorite take on the idea of a disinherited Rhaenyra. This fic pairs really wonderful emotion with really interesting plotting/politics, and some excellent Daemyra content.
Bigger than the Whole Sky by CharlieLeau: Would you like your heart to be broken and broken and then mended? Then this is the fic for you! Instead of bearing her three sons during the ten year separation, in this fic Rhaenyra suffers a series of miscarriages, so the Rhaenyra Daemon reunites with is very different than in canon.
WIPs (canon or canon AU)
Threads of Black, Threads of Green by madgirlslovesong: I described this the other day as "if HotD was actually like ASOIAF" which is probably the highest compliment I can give. The hunt for the white hart inspires Rhaenyra to step up her political game. I caught up with this over two nights and I was so tired at work. Worth it.
Battlefields by calenlily: I'm a sucker for warrior Rhaenyra, but especially in the way calenlily does it here: very much a young woman in a new arena, with missteps and moments of glory both. Super excited for the rest of this. (Calenlily is another writer whose work I enjoy very much!)
Maternal Love by ginvael: An Aemma fix-it! I LOVE time travel fix-its, and this is one of my favs. There are some excellent moments between Aemma and Rhaenyra here.
Speaking of time travel fix-its... I think these two are abandoned, but I love what's there: Beyond the Black Door and five seconds later.
Modern AUs
Petrichor by sweetestsorrows: Really great Rhaenyra POV that takes the reader on a seven-year roller coaster through her relationship with Daemon.
entropy by firecollide (WIP): One of the first modern AUs I read in this fandom! In addition to being super fun, this fic also reignited my love for Arctic Monkeys.
This is definitely incomplete as lists go. I am perpetually behind on things and sort of a sloppy bookmarker (and also not a great comment leaver, though I am trying so hard to get better at that- it means SO much to me when people leave comments that it's almost talked me out of the incessant "oh god why does anyone care what you have to say, ugh you're probably sounding like an idiot" that goes through my head often/always tbh). There are gaps in here I should fill, and some fics are not available right now that any list of my favs feels naked without (High Hopes, I'm looking at you).
Let me know if you love any of these in particular! <3
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Rapture Part 1: Monica's Induction
Originally published Sep 7, 2015
Monica met the strange man that night at the club. He wasn't dressed like anyone else in the crowd and Monica could tell that he didn't belong there, no matter how hard he tried to play the part. He betrayed his cover in the way he wore his shirt buttoned up to the top of the collar, like his propriety would be in danger if he showed even a bit of his neck. She might have even taken him for Amish if he wasn't clean shaven. Normally Monica would laugh at someone so out of place, but there was something else about the young man that simply drew her in. All she could remember now were the shimmer of his eyes as they made contact. The following compulsion that carried her unconsciously from the bar to the man's booth.
She wasn't stupid, and Monica knew even as she stumbled over that this man was playing some serious mind games with her. But she was already pretty drunk, and her friends were boring her. At least this mystery mind-fucker seemed interesting.
"Who are you?" Monica asked, tough she was still caught in her daze. It was an exciting feeling, like nothing else she'd ever experienced. How was he doing this to her?
The man introduced himself as Todd, a missionary. She laughed and asked what kind of mission would bring him to the club scene, to which Todd replied, "Why go on vacation when I find plenty of lost souls here, in my own backyard?" At this point, Monica felt like she was starting to understand Todd's shtick. There were a lot of girls who would fall over themselves to get with a humanitarian-type like Todd, but Monica wasn't that kind of girl. Anyway, he was definitely overdoing the nice guy act. He was playing it way to puritan to be anywhere near appealing.
When Todd mentioned Rapture, Monica thought he was talking about another club. The last place she expected to end up that night was an abandoned church, but there she was, sitting in the front row of a dark sanctuary wondering how she had gotten there and why her head was pounding so hard. Monica's eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness before a faint light at the altar began to glow. She looked up to see Todd's face flickering from the candlelight.
"I hope you'll forgive the lighting, dear," Todd said. "The power isn't on yet, but what do you think?" "W-where am I?" Monica stammered, not out of fear, but because she had genuinely forgotten how to talk in her haze. "My church," Todd smiled. "Rapture."
Monica had never felt this depleted in her life. She had so many questions for Todd, and there was a voice in the back of her mind telling her to run, but seeing the reflection of the candlelight in Todd's eyes was disarming. She felt paralyzed there on the bench, waiting for Todd to answer the questions she hadn't asked.
"We're going to build a congregation together, Monica." They were? Monica didn't even know Todd's last name, let alone the doctrine of his church. Why was he offering her such an important place in his church? "Todd," Monica tried to protest, but she couldn't find it in her heart to deny him. But why? Why was she feeling this desire to make him happy? She was too deep now to realize that Todd had been conditioning her all night. "Why...why do I feel so...strange...what are you...what are you doing to me...?"
Todd leaned down in front of her, and with a gentle "shush," he placed a single finger on her lips. His touch was electric, and it sent a shock through Monica's body that made her fall limp. Monica didn't know how much time passed as she lay there, but when Todd commanded her to awaken, her eyes snapped open, now shining as bright as her master's.
"You belong to me now, Monica," Todd said. "Do you understand?" "Yes," Monica replied on queue. "I belong to you." "You will be my loyal and obedient wife, and together we will deliver this world from its vices." "Yes, my lord. If it is your will, I must obey you."
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iheart-nana · 3 months
ii. start afresh
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆。° ✮
CHAPTER TWO ─ start afresh.
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❛ i hate it here so i will go to secret gardens in my mind ❜
Narrator's Perspective
"Oy! You over there!" hollered the girl standing in line behind Yumi, "You're holding up the entire line. Hurry up, we don't have all day!"
Yumi's head swung to look at the girl who spoke, "Sorry," she murmured an apology as she caught up with the rest of the queue. Eunyoung stood in front of her, just as confused.
They both were clad in their high school uniforms, bringing back nostalgia which couldn't erase the feeling that they had gotten lost in time. Was this a hallucination? A flashback? Neither of them were able to figure it out. As they spotted an empty table and took a seat, Eunyoung looked around the massive hall, attempting to recognize it. A wave of deja vu came over her, "Where are we? Is this-" Her voice trailed off as she made sense of the familiarity.
"What? What is it?" asked Yumi in anticipation.
"This is our cafeteria from high school" she whispered, unable to believe it herself.
"This is Jagam High School?!" she shrieked, not realizing how much attention she had drawn to herself as a result. Heads turned to look at her and students began to whisper.
"What's wrong with her?"
"What a weirdo..."
"She's realizing this now?"
"Isn't that our senior?"
"Keep your voice down," Eunyoung shushed her, slapping her shoulder.
"I don't understand," Yumi's embarrassment never surfaced due to her desire to clear the foggy haze of confusion in her head.
"Beats me," Eunyoung sympathized, taking a bite of bibimbap from her plate. As the taste hit her tastebuds, a feeling of deja vu swept over her, "The nostalgia is crazy. What happened to us? How did we end up here?"
"It's almost as if we teleported between times."
After gulping down their lunch as fast as humanly possible, Yumi and Eunyoung rushed to their old- or current- classrooms. They dashed through the hallways, which were almost empty during the lunch break and sprinted up the stairs.
On entering the classroom, Eunyoung went straight to the calendar hung on a softboard at the back of the room. "2008," she whispered.
"What?" gasped Yumi.
"We've time travelled to 2008," Eunyoung couldn't believe it herself. She reached for her desk, which was in the exact place it used to be fifteen years ago. Rummaging through her bag, she looked for the Sonaki CD. To her surprise, she found it in the front pocket, exactly as she had kept it after the concert. 
"Does this have anything to do with it?" Yumi queried.
"That's what I was thinking," she suddenly realized that Sunjae attended the adjoining school, which would mean...
A frantic Eunyoung tore down the hallway, each pounding step echoing her mounting worry. The stairs became a blur as she took them two at a time, the need to reach a certain destination gnawing at her. Her legs burned with exertion, but she pushed on, driven by an unseen force until finally, she burst through the school doors and sprinted towards the pool.
Just as she reached the gate, a gruff voice stopped her in her tracks. The stern watchman, his weathered face etched with disapproval, barred her entry. "This area is off-limits, child," he boomed. "Go back inside."
Undeterred, Eunyoung's determination only intensified. Skirting the perimeter of the building, her eyes scanned for a way to see what transpired within the forbidden zone. Finally, a glimmer of hope – a small, forgotten window offered a peek into the forbidden aquatic world. Relief washed over her as she peered through the dusty pane.
Inside, a scene unfolded before her eyes. The pool, usually a serene oasis, had transformed into a battlefield of friendly competition. Half a dozen boys, sleek figures cutting through the water, participated in what appeared to be a mock race. As they finished, their bodies erupted from the surface, a symphony of droplets and triumphant cheers.
Eunyoung's gaze darted across the pool deck, searching with frantic intensity. Then, amidst the jubilant chaos, she spotted him – Sunjae. Her heart, a heavy stone in her chest moments ago, began to lighten. There he was, clad in a swimming costume, a  blue towel slung casually over his bare torso. A genuine smile stretched across his face, a stark contrast to the dark premonition that had been haunting her. In that moment, the weight of the future, the knowledge of a terrible fate that awaited him, seemed to recede for a glorious, fleeting moment. All that mattered was the sight of him, alive and happy.
Eunyoung's little rendezvous to the swimming pool of the neighboring school had cost her one entire History lecture. Lost in  worry and the subsequent relief of seeing Sunjae safe, she completely lost track of time. By the time she sheepishly crept back to her classroom door, a full hour had elapsed. The stern face of her History teacher greeted her, with surprise (given Eunyoung's usual punctuality), but with a hint of disapproval that quickly morphed into exasperation. 
The lecture was in full swing, and Eunyoung, red-faced and stammering apologies, was banished to the hallway. There she stood, for what felt like an eternity, the closed classroom door a barrier not just to the ongoing lesson but also a symbol of her own lapse in judgment. The droning murmur of lecture notes from within only amplified the emptiness in her stomach  from the gnawing guilt of disrupting class. 
Finally, after what seemed like an age, the dreaded hour ended, and a new teacher arrived. This one, perhaps sensing Eunyoung's remorse in her slumped posture and downcast eyes, took pity on her. With a curt nod and a muttered warning, the teacher unlocked the door, allowing Eunyoung to slink back in, vowing to never again let her emotions override her common sense.
Yumi greeted her with a teasing smile and gestured for her to sit down beside her. Attempting to shake off the embarrassment from her punishment, she took her seat and looked straight forward at the blackboard.
"What the hell did you do?" asked Yumi in whispers.
"I paid a visit to the swimming pool," she whispered back, her unwavering eyes glued to the backboard.
"Swimming pool? Why?" as she pondered over the possible reasons Eunyoung would go there, all of a sudden, the realization hit her. She smirked at Eunyoung, "Oh, I see how it is."
This time, Eunyoung turned to look at Yumi, understanding her implications, "Oh, shut up, You know it's not like that. I went so I could see Sunjae."
"In a swimming costume, that is," Yumi added cheekily.
"Stop putting words in my mouth and focus on the class."
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆。° ✮
nayoung's notes: i had a lot of internal conflict (marcus brutus core 🎀) about how to start this scene. what i originally decided with delphi was that they wake up at home, but i thought it would be more fun if they ended up somewhere abruptly, and what better place to embarrass my (our) characters than in school? hope u liked it!
delphi's notes: i love the last dialogue between our characters ajnakds. nana and i would definitely have that kind of conversation lmfao.  eunyoung i know what you are ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
next chapter: friday! (out now) list of chapters here!
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twostepstyless · 2 years
how are our ARLTY lovies doing? :(( miss them!!! 🥹
Oh my god!!  the fact that you miss them??? Ouch I miss them SO much too, shall we have a little check in with them? 
Read the original one shot here :))
2.3k words
The rest of the trip flew by. Well, it would do when the pair were surrounded by a pink, glittery haze of their newly professed love. After Harry had gone back into the villa to lock the balcony doors and they left Amalfi, they cut across Italy, through Salerno and Potenza before arriving in Bari where they spent a few days traipsing round the maze of narrow, cobbled streets of the old town and walking through galleries and museums while nudging hips and the brushes of hands against one another’s. The pair took turns on the drive alongside the Adriatic coast, stopping for day trips and overnights. They had no plan so pulled in wherever they fancied, or when something caught their eye. Funnily enough, the weird, dodgy sound coming from the engine had disappeared and was now a distant memory as they made their way to Venice. Venice was… well… bloody Venice. They wandered down paved streets hand in hand, and they took a gondola ride as night fell on their first evening. As the sun set around them their gondolier told them the romantic legend of the Bridge of Sighs and urged the young couple to share a kiss as they floated under the bridge so they could bask in eternal love. 
“What a load of old shit,” Y/N had snorted quietly to Harry as they approached the bridge as she was cuddled up to his side. 
“Oi, it’s romantic,” Harry jabbed her side playfully before looping his arm around her shoulders and playing with the ends of her hair that fell there. 
“It’s the gondola companies capitalist wet dream is what it is, look at all the boats lined up,” she giggled thinking about how many young couples must pay a premium to come to this spot every day. 
Harry laughed as he noticed the queue of boats himself, “hm, so no kiss then?” he asked just as they were about to sail under. 
“Well, I never said that” Y/N whispered turning her neck to face him as he was already leaning in. She planted her lips on his and indulged in the feel of his lips moving against her own, honouring the legend even if it was used as a ploy to make money nowadays. 
Venice continued to be perfect. Harry held his clumsy girl steady on the landings that bobbed in the water of the Vaporetto water taxis, taking her hand in his, helping her to board. They spent a day and two entire reels of film in Burano taking in the brightly coloured houses that were even brighter and even more sweet-like than the ones they saw in Naples. The colours paired with the sun shining above them made for beautifully hazy pictures of the two of them with the houses at bright backdrops. Harry had Y/N posing for him every few metres that left him overwhelmed with options for his phones new home screen. He settled on one with her hand raised to stop him a faux glare gracing her face as he stopped her again to take her photo. 
The toured a lacemakers on Burano and Y/N went back with scraps of the handmade lace in her hands that she knew was going straight into the scrapbook she planned to make of this trip. Harry couldn’t take his eyes off her as her fingers toyed with the lace and ran delicately over the top of it appreciating the floral designs and the craftmanship that went into making even the little pieces she was going away with. Their favourite stop was at the Libreria Acqua Alta, the most beautiful bookshop the pair had ever seen, the Waterstones on the high street near both their houses paled in comparison to this. Stacks of books littered the place, but what really sold it to the pair was that the slew of books were displayed in buckets, boats and bathtubs to save them from flooding when the canals overflow into the shop. They spent a while looking at all the books with Harry buying a few of his favourites in Italian so he could get better at learning the language. She watched him from an aisle over, his brow furrowed as he read over the blurb on the back of a particular book in his hand, eyes flitting over the words before deciding to buy it and depositing it on the growing pile of books he had accumulated. He looked up to find her, but seeing her gaze already on him as they smiled to each other before Harry went over to grab her own pile of books to carry for her.
It was November now, and the stack of books with worn edges and pretty leatherbound spines Y/N had bought from the little shop in Venice sat pride of place in the bookshelves of her flats living room. She was sat criss-cross on the floor in front of her coffee table with her supplies spilling over the edges of the small table and onto the floor, a large square book opened onto a blank page in front of her. She rifled through the bundle of freshly developed photographs trying to find a specific shot of her and her best friend. It was a photo from a few months ago on a road trip they had taken. It was a photo of them on a walk one evening in Positano, they were walking side by side down the middle of the road watching the sunset when a stranger stopped the pair and asked if she could take a photo of them as they looked like such a beautiful couple and they should remember their evening with a picture. How little the stranger knew that the beautiful couple had only became a couple a short 12 hours before that. But as the setting sun burnt the sky a rich orange that faded to pink then into blue behind them, Harry and Y/N were photographed leaning against the railing that looked over the water, arms wrapped around one another with radiant smiles plastered on their faces as the stranger took the first official photo of the pair as a couple. Y/N looked fondly down as she pasted the photo into her scrapbook with the glue stick that she had to peel a layer of crust off as she had left the lid off for too long. She wrote the date under the photograph before flipping through the book again, seeing the U.K sticker they peeled off the car when they arrived back next to the photo of them outside the car before they left, the photo of an unsuspecting Harry getting to drive through the big tunnel he was so desperate to do, the two of them standing in front of the candy-coloured houses in both Naples and Burano caught on film and glued into her book, a strip cut off from the silk scarf Harry had tied round her neck, to live out her best Audrey Hepburn fantasy, was in the book next to one of the numerous photos of Y/N that Harry had taken that evening. She was just starting a new page with the scraps of lace from Burano getting pasted in when she heard a key jiggle in the lock of her front door. Now, only Y/N’s mum and one other person had a key to the flat and her mum was currently in her hometown to that left the latter as who it could be. 
“Girlfriend, where are you?” he sang from the entryway as he shed his coat from his shoulders before putting it in her coat cupboard in the hallway. She heard his shoes get kicked off his feet in a clatter against the wooden floor. 
“I’m in the living room, boyfriend,” Y/N called back not looking up from her task at hand as she heard his socked feet pad up the hall towards her. 
“Evening, my love, wha’s all this?” Harry asked standing next to her, peering down at her covered coffee table and the opened scrapbook.
“Went to the craft shop today, went a bit mental, here I am, finally making the scrapbook from our trip,” she spoke as she pressed down on the piece of lace to stick it in place before looking up at him, “hi pretty,” she sighed out smiling up at him from her place on the floor. 
“‘Went a bit mental,’ yeah I can see that,” Harry laughed leaning down to peel a letter H sticker from her forehead before showing it to her on the pad of his index finger. 
“Oh! I was looking for that,” she carefully peeled the sticker from his fingertip and flicked to the front page of the book to complete the sentence that formerly read as ‘Arry and Y/N’s Roadtrip.’ “There we go,” she stuck it in place, even if it was a little squint on the page. “Help me up?” Y/N pouted up at him raising her hands up in front of him. Harry popped the plastic bag for life onto her couch to grip both her hands in his pulling her up from her spot. 
“Hmm, finally,” Harry groaned as he finally got to kiss her hello. A deep, slow kiss as his tongue licked into her mouth just a little bit before he pulled back with three short pecks, muttering a ‘hi,’ against her kiss softened lips. 
“Hm, what’s with the bag,” she glanced down to her couch as if to remind him. 
“My turn to cook tonight, isn’t it?” Harry asked lifting the bag and walking towards her kitchen setting it on the side before helping Y/N pop herself up to sit on the countertop when she followed him in. “Did y’know they charge 30 bloody pence for a bag for life nowadays,” Harry sighed as he stood between her legs wanting to be close to her after a long day and last night without her. 
“It’s so we stop using plastic H, where were your reusable ones?” asking as she rest her forearms on his shoulders pulling him in closely and letting her hand card through the back of his hair. 
“Left them in the car and couldn’t carry everything without one,” he muttered before holding back a moan at the satisfaction of her nails scraping lightly against his scalp. 
“How was the studio?” Y/N questioned him as he untangled himself from her for a second to unpack his shopping bag so he could start preparing dinner. 
“Hm, was good I think, felt like a good day today,” he mused, sniffing his fresh produce quickly, still didn’t smell as good or as fresh as what they bought in Italy.
“Write anything good?” Y/N reached behind her to grab the two cutting boards he would need. 
“Yeah, think so,” Harry smiled, remembering what he got out today and thinking about what inspired it. 
“Let me hear some?” she asked playfully, knowing already she had absolutely no chance until Harry was ready to share it with her. 
“Nice try, baby, not yet” Harry came back to stand between her legs, reaching forward to quickly push her hair back off her face. 
Y/N scrunched her nose and grumbled, “tell me what it’s about at least,” batting her eyelashes flirtatiously to try and convince him.
Kissing the pout from her lips, tasting the balm she was using to fight off the chapping the ever-increasing winter wind was causing as London grew colder and colder.
“Hmm, I’m not sure,” Harry teased. 
“Oh H, please,” she whined hopping down from the counter, standing on her tiptoes she brushed her nose against his, the tip of his own still tinged pink and a little cold from being outside, before resting her chin on his chest to gaze up at him. 
Harry breathed out a huff of laughter his hands cupping her face, thumbs brushing across the tops of her cheeks as she leant into his touch
“Driving,” he stated
“Driving?” she puzzled head tilting to the side. 
“The songs about driving,” he said softly. Memories of the road trip that changed it all for the flourishing couple rushed through both their minds simultaneously, Harry’s like a movie in his mind and Y/N’s all the pasted pages of her scrapbook that she had worked on all day. Smiles graced both of their faces, knowingly, but not one of the two saying it aloud. Harry let out a hum of laughter, almost bashful sounding before he pulled her into a kiss. His lips nipping her bottom lip between them. 
Harry was cooking dinner when Y/N spoke up again as she watched him stir the sauce with a tea towel draped across his shoulder. 
“My wish came true by the way,” she spoke from behind him as he turned to face her, closing the distance by pulling her into his chest. 
“Wish?” Harry puzzled, resting his forehead on hers, the innate need to be close to her waving its flag. 
“My wish I wouldn’t tell y’about at the Trevi, it came true,” she whispered the sound of food bubbling away on the stove almost drowning her out.
“Mine too,” Harry pulled back to look into her eyes before leaning down to kiss his love. 
“Now feed me, Styles,” Y/N proclaimed as they broke apart. Harry laughed as he turned round grabbing the spoon from the sauce and holding it up for her to taste. As she leant to taste it, the sauce fell from the spoon and down her shirt that was partly covered by the soft cotton dungarees she wore. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, that was your fault this time,” she whined as she began to shimmy out of the t-shirt from under her overalls, and to Harry this all felt a bit too much like déjà vu. 
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silentmagi · 1 year
Monday Blues
More musical mayhem from Class 1-A, with special effects provided by some helpful classmates.
Having narrowly spared Momo from a violent riot from the classmates that were upset over the kiss denial, Ochako and Tsuyu stepped onto the stage. The brunette smiled as she leaned in to kiss Tsu on the cheek and smiled hopefully. As the greenette gave her a fond smile, and a nod, Ochako let out a little giggle and hugged her tightly.
“We do not have as much production value as them, kero, but this is a fun song for something we have all gone through,” Tsuyu explained as Ochako went to get the other microphone from behind the curtain where the previous singers hadn’t emerged from, “Yaomomo, could you queue up Monday Blues?”
Whatever response that the hostess of the show was going to make was cut off by a squeak from backstage, and a blushing Ochako emerging from the curtains, microphone in hand. At Tsuyu’s look, she turned even redder, and seemed on the edge of floating away. 
Recognizing the expression, Tsuyu stepped up and hugged her close. Stroking her hair softly, the music began playing, a light and peppy beat underscored with the sound of rain against a metal roof. “Wake up in the mornin’ and I pull the covers over our heads,” she teased, getting a cheer from the audience that she ignored in favor of Ochako’s blush continuing to grow. “Hey- OH!”
The poor frog girl was now floating away while the cheeky gravity manipulator taunted “Week is starting, week is starting.”
“We gotta get it movin’,” she continued pushing off the ceiling to drift towards her girlfriend. “But I’d rather stay here instead.”
“Hey, HEY!” she cheered as Ochako took pity and let her drop down, catching her in her arms as she teased again.
“School is calling, school is calling.”
Once Tsuyu was back on her feet, Ochako seemed to fret over the tied ponytail. “Your hair’s a disaster, don’t know what to do,” there were some chuckles from the audience, remembering the few times that Tsuyu had arrived with a new hairstyle… if you could call it that. “But we need to move faster to make it through. These crazy mornings have got me confused.”
Tsu took up the teasing this time, softly singing as she popped up over Ochako’s shoulders, getting her to look at her back and forth a couple times. “Clock is racing, kero. Time is wasting. Minds in circles, brains are spacing.”
While the music swelled, Ochako gave Tsu a playful peck on the lips before pushing away and dancing around the stage randomly, while Tsuyu raced off stage, the two voices joining harmoniously. “Everywhere that we go, Everything that we do. We can’t shake these Monday blues.”
Tsu returned to the stage with a map in hand, a pith helmet on her head, and a compass in her other hand, while a faint glow came from offstage and another helmet flew towards Ochako, who caught it and placed it on her head. “Cause some days, we can’t find a way out of this haze… Hope we’ll be okay,” the two continued, coming together to clutch to each other and Ochako pointing to a random point on the map.
Ochako pulled away, shaking her head as she clutched the helmet and the music faded slightly to bring up the sound of the rain. “Just can’t seem to get it right, a cloud is hanging over me, HEY!” she cried out as Shoto was recruited to make an actual cloud form over her and the cold rain fell down. “Rain is falling! Rain is falling!”
Putting the helmet back on, she seemed to gaze off into the distance, subtly telling Shoto to knock it off. Thankfully, for his continued existence his partner took the cue. “I wish it was the weekend,” she continued, turning towards Tsu, who seemed to be lost in staring at the wet gravity girl, “Cause you know that’s where I’d rather be… Hey… Hey!”
“Friday’s calling, Friday’s calling,” she chanted while tapping the froggy girl on the nose, seemingly getting her brain to successfully reboot itself.
From the audience there was a cry of “WOO! DATE NIGHT!” but the singers decided to ignore Mina in favor of continuing their song and getting vengeance later. For they knew what was to come.
“I wonder what things won’t go our way,” Tsu sang, her face looking darker as she lowered her head, shadows falling over her eyes. “Or if we’ll make it through the day.”
Sniffing as she looked up to Ochako, tears shimmering in on her cheeks as she let her real feelings echo into the words. “I hope that these feelings won’t lead me astray.
Ochako took her hand, and gently kissed it before singing again. “We’ll get through it, we can do it. With our class, we can pull through it.”
The heartfelt smile shining back between the faces brightened even more as the lights dimmed down, revealing the two of them lifting up off the ground as pinpricks of lights formed as a starfield behind them. “Everywhere that we go, and everything that we do, we can’t shake these Monday blues,” the pair sang, drifting over a pile of pillows that flew out of the backstage at a rapid pace.
“Cause some days, we can’t find a way out of this haze,” the pair sang, gazing into each other’s eyes as if they had forgotten entirely about the audience watching them. “Hope we’ll be okay…”
Ochako released them over the pillows, with Tsuyu scooping her into a bridal carry as they fell down. The gravity girl’s line of “Just when I feel like it might come crashing down,” being very fitting.
However, Tsuyu lifting her chin to look her in the eyes was adorable just before they vanished into the pillow pile. “We can count on our friends to help bring our mood around!”
The pair laughed as they sang, lost in the sea of comfortable cushions, “With our class, we’ll pull through it.”
“Everything that we learn,” the pair continued singing, flinging the pillows into the audience, completely not like they were starting a pillow fight or anything, “And everyone that we save. We’ll say goodbye to the Monday blues. Cause we’ve got our class you see, and heroes are what we’ll be!”
“Everywhere that we go, with everything that we do,” the pair continued leaning so that their foreheads were lightly touching, and they shared a microphone between them. “The world feels fresh and new. Cause we’ve got our friends with us. And those blues can bite our dust!”
The pair bowed to the audience, getting cheers as the lights came up. After the clapping died down, they noticed that the audience were armed with pillows and smiling evilly. Mina’s voice rose from the middle of the chaos. “We will spare you, if you tell us what you saw backstage.”
The pair seemed to consider their options, holding a quick council before they nodded. Taking a deep breath before lifting up the mic and singing together again. “Izu and Kyo hugging backstage K-I-S-”
The lights and their mics went out on them, as Momo walked out centered in a spotlight. “Wasn’t that a great song from the adorable couple? Tsuyu and Ochako have really kept the momentum of this show going. But we should keep moving! Who would like to go next?”
“Excuse me, Yayorozu,” Shoto asked as he came on stage wearing a blue silk salwar pants that puffed out from his ankles to hips, with a matching bedlah top that revealed his midriff and navel, with the sewn-in off-the-shoulder straps revealing his developing biceps. “I believe it is our turn next. Shall we prepare?
Momo looked at the boy, then the audience, then the boy again. “We will start the next song in a moment, for now, please feel free to use the facilities, or get yourself a drink. Uraraka-san, could I have some assistance from you backstage?”
She didn’t wait for an answer before grabbing the gravity girl by the shirt collar and dragging her behind the curtain, Tsuyu hopping along before pausing at the threshold and waving the audience goodbye.
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sequencefairy · 2 years
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I posted 1,990 times in 2022
That's 815 more posts than 2021!
143 posts created (7%)
1,847 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,990 of my posts in 2022
#the witcher - 297 posts
#story of my life - 165 posts
#watcher - 130 posts
#the whole queue and nothing but the queue - 121 posts
#home is where the fandom is - 110 posts
#shane madej - 79 posts
#writerly things - 77 posts
#ryan bergara - 76 posts
#jess answers - 72 posts
#yennefer of vengerberg - 70 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the usual urban vs rural divide remains but it's interesting to see what urban centres come to the top of the list vs other ones that do no
(Top posts under the cut)
My Top Posts in 2022:
shyan prompt: “quiet. they can hear us.”
"Quiet," Shane says, looking down at Ryan. Ryan looks up, eyes wide and shining in the half-light. "They can hear us," he continues, reaching up to draw his thumb along the line of Ryan's jaw. Ryan swallows, Shane hears it, in the close silence between them.
Ryan breathes, chest expanding as he inhales, and Shane feels that, too. They're toe to toe, lined up all the way from chests to hips, though with Shane's height, it means it's more like the top of Ryan's head to the base of Shane's chin, but Shane's tilted back so he can look down at Ryan and Ryan can look up at him, so it doesn't matter.
"Who can hear us?" Ryan wants to know, voice barely a whisper.
Shane smiles, and takes the point of Ryan's chin between his thumb and forefinger, holding Ryan still as he gazes into Ryan's eyes. Ryan looks back, eternally trusting. Shane loves him best like this, just before the thrall takes for real, just before the Ryan of him sinks under Shane's will and his eyes go vacant.
"The ghosts," Shane answers, and bends forward, pressing his mouth to Ryan's, drawing his teeth against Ryan's bottom lip. Ryan shudders, mouth falling open. Shane licks in, clutching at Ryan around the bicep of one arm, his other hand sliding back into Ryan's hair. Ryan opens for him, yielding with ease, even without the suggestion of it from Shane.
Ryan surges up into the kiss, pushing up onto his toes and twining his hands around Shane's neck, pulling in him, like Ryan's the one who will devour him. Shane lets him, lets the heat of Ryan pressed up against him awaken the heat in his own blood, slow moving syrup that it is.
There's a wall at Ryan's back, and Shane backs him up against it, making Ryan arch up into him, straining to hold onto the kiss. Their mouths come together and apart, together and apart, Ryan panting for breath every time they separate and Shane not even remotely winded.
When the itch under Shane's gums can no longer be denied, he eases back out of the kiss, biting at Ryan's lower lip as he goes, and opening his eyes to look down at Ryan again. Ryan, whose eyes have gone glassy and whose lips are still parted and flushed. Ryan, whose heart is thundering, pulse thumping in his neck, and fluttering in the wrist Shane has pinned to the wall with one of his own hands.
"Shane," Ryan sighs, looking up at him, and Shane nuzzles down the side of Ryan's throat, smelling the warmth of his skin, the iron rush of blood just under the surface, close enough to taste, but not quite. Ryan's hand clutches at Shane's shoulder, fingers digging into the muscle, but they glow slack, Ryan's hand falling away entirely as Shane's fangs ease against Ryan's skin, parting it like a hot knife through butter.
Coppery rich, the taste of Ryan's blood blooms in all of Shane's senses, and when he swallows the first mouthful, it hits the pit of his stomach like a bump of cocaine, racing through his nerves in a flash of heat and lightning. Shane would laugh with the euphoric joy of it if his mouth wasn't already full.
Ryan sighs, and tilts his head back further, offering himself to Shane, caught in the tranquil haze of the thrall. It's wonderfully addictive, Shane can see why so many of his brothers and sisters go too far, too fast when they're new. Shane hasn't killed anyone accidently in years, and he's not about to start, not even with Ryan, whose blood tastes like lightning and home.
He sips from Ryan, worrying his teeth deeper into the gash he's dragged open on Ryan's neck, the blood spilling down over his chin and probably all over the front of Ryan's shirt. Ryan'll hate that, when he comes back to himself, Shane knows. He withdraws his fangs, and licks up the blood still seeping, sluggish, from the wound. It'll heal over in a matter of minutes.
Lifting his head, skin warmed through from the drinking he looks down at Ryan again. Ryan's eyes flutter open, and he blinks. Shane pulls back the thrall, licking his lips. Ryan blinks again, gaze sharpening and catching on the edge of Shane's teeth, not quite returned to their usual configuration. His breath catches and Shane's close enough to catch the spike of Ryan's heartbeat, and the flush of warmth that spreads through Ryan's body.
Ryan lifts his hand from where it fell to rest against Shane's wrist, and brings it up to thumb at the mess on Shane's chin. He keeps his eyes on Shane's, dark and hot and lovely, and sucks his thumb into his own mouth, cleaning his own blood off.
"Fuck, Ryan," Shane mutters, carding a hand through Ryan's hair. "Fuck."
"You owe me another shirt," Ryan says, wiping his hand on his chest before pushing Shane back. Shane steps back and the spell of their closeness breaks as they step back out from the wall and into the open nave of the old mausoleum that is the subject of tonight's investigation.
"Let me make it up to you," Shane suggests, winking and letting his mouth curve into enough of a smile that Ryan can see that he still hasn't put his fangs all the way away.
"You better," Ryan says. "I can't believe you forgot your cooler at the hotel. What kind of vampire forgets their snacks?"
94 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
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- Noragami, Ch 75 - And With That, He...
"I didn’t make you that shrine because I wanted you to reincarnate...”
116 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
Okay, so I had a thought on twitter earlier tonight while chatting with some friends, so this is me putting it here, too, in order to keep myself accountable. 
For the month of November, I am going to commit to writing (at least) one comment a day on a fic I am reading. I read fic most days, so this will not be a difficult challenge for me. 
I am not holding myself to any standards for the comments, I’m just going to make the effort to comment on at least thirty fics. Join me?
263 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
With the influx of spam comments on ao3, I think we should all go leave an actual comment on a fic for someone cause I dunno about y'all, but I get so excited when a comment email comes in and lately they're all spam links and the disappointment is sort of crushing.
657 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tonight I'm thinking about how they went back to Waverly, how they knew it was going to be the first episode of Ghost Files and how much fucking better the investigation was this time with complete creative and financial and production control.
This is their show and it really, really shows.
708 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mockiery · 2 years
fair warning, my queue has finally caught up to my haze of dincobb rb'ing the other day so be ready for that
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revengeisourlullaby · 3 years
Everything Happens For a Reason
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Warnings: 18+, smut, Cheating/mentions of cheating, “revenge” sex, arguing, dealings of breaking up, ex-partner being shitty, dom themes, hair pulling, dumbification, degradation, feelings of worthlessness, Thor being an asshole, Loki being an asshole sexually, sensual themes, some angst, some softness but mostly tough love vibes, this will take place around the time of Ragnarok for visual reference, kinda domestic but not really 
a/n: This is my first time writing for marvel characters! I previously was writing for mha, which I still do if you’re interested. Apologies to the Thor lovers, he’s an ass in this. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it and that I do a good job of representing characters that we all enjoy. :)  
Word count: 6.7k
Main: Loki x female!Reader Ex: Thor x female!Reader
You were on your way back home after ending a grueling shift at work. Everything around you left you in a sensory overload. The sound of your feet pattering on the sidewalk, the aggressive car horns of New York’s taxis, conversations you passed by all created a stinging buzz that roared in your head. Finally reaching the station, you walked down a flight of stairs, the horrific New York air filling your nose. A stench that made you feel at home but somehow could never get used to. Sighing you thought to yourself.
I just wanna get home.
The idea of having to mush yourself into the train in desperate hopes of not only being able to find a seat but to not be bombarded with the evening nonsense made the buzz in your head turn into an unfortunate headache. Waiting for the train to rush through the tunnel, you grabbed your phone and frowned, seeing that your boyfriend had yet to answer the text you sent earlier. He said he was free from any heroic duties for the next month so it was peculiar to not hear from him. You began to grow worried. 
Picking at your nails, you were thinking about all the possible “what ifs” that could have happened with Thor. You guys had been dating for some time now, almost two years. It had become common to be met with all the craziness that his job title of hero held. Truly anything could happen. So, of course, your brain was constructing all of the terrible things that could’ve possibly happened with him. 
You couldn’t fuss about it too long, the train came bustling through the tunnel, the air from up underneath it blasting you in the face with the trademarked scent of burnt rubber tires and gasoline smoke. You trudged your way into the train, squeezing your way to a spot closest to the door so you could make your way out quickly. Holding on to the railing beside you, you popped your AirPods in and dissociated. Trying your best to drown out the noise and the perpetual thoughts of what was going on with your boyfriend. You couldn’t help the aggressiveness of your worries so you pulled out your phone and gave Thor’s phone a ring.
You waited, and waited, and waited and the line went to voicemail. Your mind was running a mile a minute. It felt like you couldn’t breathe. You tried composing yourself, you were almost at your stop. When the PA system announced your stop, you rushed through the automatic doors and ran to your apartment. The sky, now overcast, and the slight smell of rain tainting the air, only adding to the tension. Running up the outside set of stairs, you headed to the elevator preparing yourself for the worst. Once the elevator dinged, you rushed down the hallway to your apartment. 
Fumbling with your keys at the door, you began to hear a slew of moans. Stopping in your tracks, you moved your head closer to the door to make sure that you were hearing the moans slip from the other side of your apartment door. Placing your ear against the door your suspicions were confirmed with a groan that seemed to billow from none other than Thor’s throat. Your heart began to shatter and become blanketed with the bitterness of winter, you slowly turned the key into your apartment. 
Conscious of your steps you tried your best to not cause creaks to squeak from the floorboards. The air wreaked of sex and was starting to become seasoned with rotten jealousy. Turning the corner to head down to your shared bedroom, you were acquainted with Thor pile driving into your best friend. 
She caught you in the doorway and to your dismay, she called out
“Y/N! Oh my god. Thor stop!”
With the mention of your name, Thor whipped his head around but you were already making your way towards the front door. He threw on his pants that were thrown on the floor and rushed his way over to you.
You turned around with a quickness and landed your hand right across his cheek. Leaving him with a scarlet mark to brand his betrayal upon him. You looked up at him through your eyebrows because you didn't have the strength to look at him in the eyes for the tears that were welling up would threaten to spill over. 
“Thor...why don’t you go finish your business with her. Since clearly, she’s the priority.”
“Y/N, it’s not what you think it is. She brought herself upon me.”
“Oh! And you just couldn’t resist right. Cause she was just so overbearing against yourself?”
His silence solidified your suspicions and you wanted nothing more than to just get out of that apartment. Not waiting for him to come up with another response you grabbed your bag that you dropped on the floor and turned on your heel to leave.
   “And when you release yourself of whatever leftovers you’re straining to hold, I want you to get your shit and leave. There’s nothing here to be salvaged and honestly, the last thing I wanna do is attempt to fix this.”
You slammed your apartment door and took the stair exit, not wanting to chance to have to confront him again while waiting for the elevator. Coming up on the last flight of stairs you held yourself up against the railing and felt the emotion in your throat bubble up and release itself. 
It hurt. A strangled whine erupted from your throat and you hid your face in your hands. Hoping that it would muffle your cries enough so that no one would hear you in the stairwell. All of your insecurities began to settle in and resurface. Why weren’t you good enough for him? What made your best friend better? It's not like she was otherworldly or something. You could maybe understand if it was Valkyrie, but this was some regular bitch. This was someone you knew and felt undeniably close with. It felt sour, like residual vomit on the tongue. 
You pushed yourself up from the stairs and slowly walked to the main door of your building. You were brought out of your haze with cold droplets of water that began to roll down your face.
“This is just comedic now.” 
You laughed to yourself. Not only did you just spoil your eyes by seeing your now ex-boyfriend inside of your best friend but now you're stuck out in the exordium of New York rain with no real place to settle. Not at least until Thor packed his things and left. You put your bag over your head and searched for the nearest station to just catch a ride on. Walking down the steps, you again waited in the queue for the next train. Leaning on the wall you were suddenly overwhelmed with the stench of your wet outside clothes and wanted nothing more than to curl up and go to sleep.
With the roar of the train coming through the tunnel, you got on. Unaware of where you were going just desperately wanting to get away from the drama currently suffocating your mind. Trying to forget about the world around you, were brought back into reality by the buzzing of your phone in your pocket.
Of course, you had a list of missed calls from Thor as well as your best friend. Lists of texts from Thor, but the notification that stood out the most was a text message from Loki. It was unlikely for you to hear from him and coupled with today’s events it felt like salt being rubbed in a wound. 
It can’t get any worse, honestly. Just open it. Fuck it.
Going against your brain and entrusting your gut, you opened his message.
Would you happen to be in the Manhattan area? 
You looked up at the sign above the train doors, flashing the streets of the next stop. Luckily for you, you were getting ready to be dropped off right in the heart of Manhattan. Sighing you swallowed the lump in your throat and straightened your shoulders. Replacing your previous weight of mourning with now a sudden spark of pride and revenge running through your veins.
Yeah, I’m actually on my way there now, why?
You rolled your head back and bounced your leg, sudden nervousness striking your body. You didn’t fear Loki, it was nothing like that. But rather you were intimidated by him. His presence demanded attention and you were one to give it to him. You couldn’t deny that he was incredibly handsome. Despite his condescending nature, you found him all too alluring. Yet, here you were awaiting a response from him to come through. 
Interested in some company while visiting your planet for personal business. Care to be that company? 
Your heart started to thump behind its ribcage, beating a rhythm that you hadn’t been familiar with. You were excited. Quickly you typed back, not wanting to wait too long. 
Sounds like a plan. The train is getting ready to stop, probably will be in central Manhattan in about 10. Where should I meet you?
I’ll be waiting outside the Baccarat.
The train doors dinged and you rose from your seat and maneuvered your way through the 5th Avenue-53 St. station. Climbing the stairs, you were met with the unfortunate luck of it still raining and now with nightfall completely draped over the sky, you were beginning to regret accepting the invitation of meeting Loki. Looking ahead you noticed a store on the corner. You bolted in there, desperate to find something to change your soaking top out for. You walked in and saw yourself in the mirror. Your hair was still okay somehow, not too damaged by the wetness in the air. Just a tad more frizz. Fluffing your hair, you walked away from the mirror and searched for the men's section. 
Wanting an oversized hoodie you felt you had your best chance to find what you wanted there. Coming across a graphic hoodie, you pulled it off the rack and walked to the checkout. 
You got into a fitting room before you left, taking off your soaked shirt and now bra, and slipped into the hoodie. Stuffing your hair under the hood, you placed your clothes into your bag, sprayed some perfume on, and walked back outside to head to the hotel. The rain had let up some but you weren’t trying to risk it considering today had been littered with bad luck. You quickly walked up the street and finally made it out to the front of the hotel. 
You went to pull out your phone from your pocket, but when you did you were tapped on the shoulder. You whipped your head around, an instant attitude flooding your body. You were about to mouth off until you looked up and realized it was Loki who had grabbed your attention.
“Tense, are we?”
You rolled your eyes, wondering why you showed up. His tone worming through your ear and rattling your brain with contempt. He seemed to be a bitter reminder of his brother and you questioned why you thought this was a good idea. Looking up towards his face, you remembered why you came. His features, absolutely tantalizing, and the cadence of his speech almost always put you in a trance. The suit he was in only added to your inner desire. This was a moment of revenge, a moment of sheer pride that you needed to take advantage of. Finally, you opened your mouth and looked up at him. 
“A little, the day has been quite rough, but I don’t think you’d want to hear about all that.”
You looked toward the entrance of the hotel silently wondering why you two were still waiting outside. 
“Shall we go in? Standing in the rain like this is quite puerile.”
You looked up at him incredulously, 
“I swear you can read minds.”
You both shared a chuckle while he guided you in the hotel, his hand resting upon your lower back. Once you were in, you were struck in awe of the decor of the building you were in. It’s not that you had never been anywhere nice before but compared to your day-to-day lifestyle this was something very unexpected. You soaked it all in, not wanting to ever leave the luxury. 
“Y/N? You in there?”
You finally came to and gingerly shook your head to settle back in your body realizing you were now standing in front of the elevators.
“Yeah, I just got distracted, my bad.”
The door dinged and you two stepped into the elevator. He pressed the last set of numbers on the pad and you waited to be dropped on the floor of what you assumed where his room was. Your stomach dropped when the elevator arrived on the floor, almost adding to the anxiety you were feeling being so close to Loki. Walking down the hallway you reached his room and he pulled out his room key. Wanting to cut through the silence you broke the ice by asking Loki a question. 
“So what are you doing back on Earth? Here to cause some trouble or just for leisure.”
“Leisure, more or less. I came back for my brother but he has yet to inform me of his whereabouts.”
Dropping your bag down at the door you felt your body become heavy. Like someone had just dumped an anvil on your shoulders and expected you to be fully prepared. It stung. You couldn’t escape the sour taste that lingered from the day's earlier events. You sat down on the bed and had become unusually short. You had spit back at Loki.
“Yeah, he failed to let me know as well. Had to stumble in on him.”
“What do you mean “stumble in on him”? Where was he?”
Expelling air, you puffed out your cheeks slightly. Silently expressing your disdain for the question asked. You suddenly became aware of your hair still being tucked under your hood when you went to trail your hands across the top of your head. Removing the hood and fluffing your hair, you stood and walked up to the mirror to fix yourself before sighing again. Tears of frustration began to well in the corners of your eyes. You pursed your lips into a tight pucker and had to look up toward the ceiling to prevent them from spilling. 
“I’d prefer to skip over the antics, darling-”
“-Your wonderful brother was fucking somebody I was once close with, but now that relationship is undoubtedly severed, and quite honestly thinking about the event makes me want to cry and vomit.”
You finally let your voice shake and a fat tear rolled down the left side of your cheek. Hot and stinging your lash line before it fell. Exhaling more air, you shook your hands in a feeble attempt to calm yourself down. You heard the springs of the bed squeak as Loki situated himself on the bed.
“No one ever listens to me about that brute. He may be my brother but he lacks the capacity of decent intelligence.”
Turning around to face Loki, your eyebrows furrowed wondering how in the hell you thought sitting in a room with the smuggest piece of shit to ever exist would be a good idea after being cheated on by none other than his brother. Sniffling you brought yourself together and smiled at him.
“You know, for someone to be baggin on someone else about decent intelligence, you sure are lacking in the emotional department.”
“Never said I was perfect sweetheart, just alluded to being better.” 
You laughed. You had to. It was all too much to bear. Your ex-boyfriend sleeping with your ex-best friend and now you’re stuck in a hotel room with his shit-eating brother. You wanted to peel off your skin and remove your brain from its confinements. You needed to leave, you could find somewhere else to loiter around until tomorrow. 
“Ya know, I’m still trying to figure out why I thought having you for some company would be a good idea. Think I’m gonna leave you and your better than average intelligence to fuck off together.”
You couldn’t even look at Loki because inside you didn’t really wanna walk away. You were just projecting because all day everything that could go wrong, went wrong. It felt like your legs and heart were going to buckle at any moment and it was becoming too much to lug around silently. You wanted to scream for hours on end. Walking towards the door, you picked up your bag. Too engrossed in your thoughts to hear the bed creek signaling Loki’s movement. 
“Y/N, wait.”
Loki grabbed your wrist and your heart stopped beating for a moment, almost forgetting what it was you were upset about because you had someone else’s warmth heating your tainted soul. You looked up at Loki, creases in between your eyebrows beginning to form from you trying to hold back the tears that were welling up once again. 
“What? Look, Loki. I don’t want to be the downer of the evening and I’ve surely already done that. The last thing I want to do is burden you fully with what’s going on. I’m not gonna dump it all on you.”
“Will you sit down, please. Don’t leave.”
Sighing you dropped your bag and flopped onto the bed. Leaning over and burying your face in your hands. 
“Let me apologize. I was not thinking about the severity of what you were dealing with, that was foolish of me.”
He sat next to you on the bed and once again placed his hand on your back but this time it was rubbing back and forth. An action that seemed to calm you down instantly. Taking a deep breath you looked at him and couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of lust pool in the pit of your stomach. It felt wrong but, so right. You hoped he wasn't looking too deep into your eyes because you could almost predict how blown your pupils must’ve looked. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap and be so dramatic.”
Loki chuckled to himself, a small smile dancing across his face as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and laid it on the bed.
“No need for an apology, I was being insensitive. As for your dramatics, I’ve grown used to them.”
Your face folded and your lips pursed, annoyance clear on your face. 
“Yeah, you would be used to dramatics, Mr. “I need to rule over Earth cause I can’t back home.”.”
Your eyes lidded, you had your lips rolled around your teeth trying your best to hold a snicker in. 
“You Midgardians never know how to let things go, do you?”
“Well considering you were demolishing half of New York with an alien army it’s kinda hard to forget....I forgive you though.”
“Do you now?” Loki raised his eyebrow smirking at your remark.
“Yup, kinda hard to stay mad at someone so easy on the eyes.”
It wasn’t until after you said your words, did you realize what just rolled off your tongue. Your eyes grew wide and heat rushed to your face. You breathed heavily out your nose and brought your gaze to his. 
“Easy on the eyes huh?”
“I-” you couldn't even get any words out you were so embarrassed. All you could do was laugh to yourself and decide to be a little bit bold. 
“There’s no reason for me to be shy about it. You’re obviously the more attractive one.” 
Grazing your hand across his knee, you trailed your hand up to the meatier portion of his thigh.
“Are you planning on plowing through every Asgardian you meet?” 
Mouth agape you couldn’t believe what he just said to you. But you realized quickly this was your time to go in and plant the seed.
  “Not exactly. You’re the one I really want. Your brother just happened to fall in my lap first. It’s always been you though. Honestly, I was just too afraid to say anything. I couldn’t fathom the thought that you’d look my way.”
In the moment of your ramble, you hadn’t realized Loki rolling up his sleeves, using his nimble fingers to expose his veiny forearms. Once you had looked down you noticed his now exposed arms and your eyes met Loki’s again, the tension between you two becoming so thick it created a fog. 
“Honestly, I have yet to meet someone as dense as you are. The verity of my liking for you I thought was terribly noticeable. Yet you still somehow ended up with my oaf of a brother. It’s quite amazing actually.”
You were astonished, to say the least. While Loki was sarcastic with you, he had confessed his liking for you. Not just an inkling for you but a liking for you in a romantic aspect. You were over the moon. You stood up not being able to contain your excitement. Walking towards the desk you stared in the mirror and composed yourself. Looking in the bottom right-hand side of the mirror you caught Loki’s blue eyes in the corner. He stood up and walked behind you, almost stalking you like a predator does prey. 
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
“Truly I thought you were happy darling, it wasn’t my business to interfere. Although, if I knew your deepest feelings sooner, I would’ve acted with more haste.”
Hearing “darling” come from his mouth so freely made butterflies fly hoops in your stomach. It did something to you that you had yet to describe outwardly. Turning around to face him, you hooked your fingers into the loops of his pants and pulled him closer to you, all so nonchalant. 
“Shall we make up for lost time then, Loki?”
Lust dripped off your tongue when saying his name. Your tone penetrating through the fog of sexual tension and your eyes undressing him before the affair would begin. You heard his breath hitch while you looked back up at him, his blue eyes were now almost black. His breath heavy and waiting for the go-ahead to indulge in each other's desires. For a moment you saw his eyes flicker to portray something of uncertainty. Dare you say something of insecurity.
“Only if it’s true. I want you to want me in the purest form of carnal desire. Not as a pawn to veil what you want to erase from your mind.” 
You moved your hands from his belt loops and traced your hands up his arms and planted them upon his neck, playing with the hair at the nape. 
“ Don’t stop now, we’ve already started. I’m begging for you Loki. Always have, always will.”
With the quick reassurance, his lips found yours in a heartbeat. Intertwining with each other like flies in a spider’s web. It was intoxicating you couldn’t breathe properly and still you pressed yourself closer against his body. Your leg inching up on his side and grinding into his now hardening dick. Your hand that was resting at the nape of his neck, crawled its way into his hair and grabbed a fistful of it, fully giving into the moment of you and Loki getting lost in each other. Your fistful of his hair would soon be gone, being replaced with his hand buried in your mass of hair and craning your neck back to look up at him.
“I control things around here, Pet. Don’t forget your place.”
His voice seemed to drop in pitch. Your eyes glossed over fully with lust and the sheer need to be ruined. Dominance enveloped his being which instantly quelled the brat in you. The reality of sleeping with Loki made you dive headfirst into a subservient space. You wanted him, you needed him. In being completely lost in submissive thought you almost forgot who was in front of you. That was until he spoke again.
He grabbed your hips and pressed your body against his, eliciting a slight whimper from you while nodding your head.
“Yes, Loki, I understand.”
Your voice was so meager, a complete 180 from your previous behavior in the night. You wanted as much of him as you could get so you shoved your lips against his again. A fiery kiss that made you dizzy and warm all at once. He moved with such fluidity, it made you feel like you were floating. His hands snaked down your back and his large hands landed on the cush platform of your ass. Squeezing, you moaned into his mouth and he picked you up. Turning around and laying you down on the bed. Your lips dislodged from one another and you felt empty and needy without him on you. He preyed over you, his stygian locks falling down his face.
“If you don’t want this, tell me now and we’ll never speak of this aga-” 
“-Loki, there has been nothing I want more than you…I need you. Please.”
With that, Loki attacked your lips again, his hands wandering up your hoodie. You had forgotten you ditched your bra earlier until Loki’s hands found your pert nipples. 
“Expecting this, weren’t you.”
You went to respond, but Loki rolled them between his fingers and a breathy moan was all you could muster up. Your hips rolled upwards, aching for some type of friction to your core that was more than soaked. 
“Maybe I was. Have to be prepared for anything.”
To emphasize your tease you moved your hand down to the tent in his black pants and applied a bit of pressure. Loki sucked in air through his teeth and released a light laugh. 
“Careful, Pet. Make sure you can hold up this front you’re putting on for me. Not sure you can handle it all.”
It was a challenge and a challenge you’d be more than happy to oblige in. Smirking up at him you began fiddling with his belt and undid his pants. Fishing your hand into them you lightly stroked his cock. 
“Try me.”
The restraint in him broke and a sardonic smile adorned his face. You knew you were in for it and were entirely ready for everything he had to offer.
“Darling I hope you’re ready to feel what it’s like to be fucked by a real god.”
Your hoodie came off with one swift motion of his hand and they wandered over your body egregiously. He was taking his time with you and was determined on making you fall apart. You messed with his dress shirt buttons but couldn’t get them off fast enough for your liking. Catching onto your frustration Loki mocked you,
“Aw, look at you, Little one. Having some trouble there?”
You huffed, the attitude in you not wanting to fully give in just yet. You finally got the top button undone and slid your hand back down to his pants in a feeble attempt to take the heat off of you.
“Ah ah, it doesn’t work like that. Let me help you out since you’re in such need of relief.” 
Finishing off the rest of his buttons, he pulled off his shirt and threw it somewhere in the room. Snaking his way down your body he undid your jeans button and peeled off the zipper with his teeth. Looking down at him you shuddered, excitement coursing through your veins.
“Easy now Y/N, I’ve barely even started.”
Removing your pants and underwear completely, you were now fully exposed to him and almost felt a bit of shyness envelop you. And of course, he noticed your legs attempt to cover yourself,
“Don’t hide from me darling, I want to see every bit of you crumble before me and show you how it feels to have your concupiscence satiated.” 
You let your anxieties fade away once his tongue placed a swipe across your aching cunt. A moan louder than you expected emitted from your throat, catching you off guard and a chuckle to release from Loki. The vibrations only added to the pleasure you were already feeling. Losing yourself in the silver tongue of the god between your legs, your hand found itself in his stark black locks. Your moans became more frequent and you were beginning to feel the coil tighten in the bottom of your stomach, heat spreading to your core. 
“Loki, please I-”
You hadn’t enough time to finish your sentence for Loki had wrapped his arms around your hips pulling you closer to him and making your back arch off the bed. Your moans becoming higher in pitch you could feel yourself coming to the precipice of your orgasm. Lifting his head for a moment he caught your eyes as you moved your head to look down at him.
“Cum for me Y/N, I can feel that you’re there.”
As Loki went back to devouring your pussy, you threw your head back into the pillow behind you, your orgasm finally washing over you. It was like none other you had before. Your legs caved in around his head and your body began to shake. Coming down from your high you reached for his neck to guide him up to your face, sharing a sloppy yet intimate kiss. The taste of yourself evident on his tongue and glistening on his chin. You felt the need to return the favor. Turning you two over you were now on top and you slid your way down to his basal regions. Undoing his pants you felt his hand upon your wrist.
“Not tonight, this is about you Y/N”
You shook your head, surprised by his actions. But, it wasn’t in your nature yet to fully comply. You went back to the hem of his slacks and went to pull them down. While Loki let you slip them off with ease, egging you on with a few hitched breaths, it wasn’t until you came back up and lined your mouth up with the head of his painfully erect cock that he took control again. You placed a kitten lick on the tip of his head, looking up at him while doing so. Loki then grabbed a fistful of hair, forcing you to stay stuck on his face and giving him full leverage of where he wanted you.
You crawled up his body because you had no other choice unless you wanted to continue to feel the slightly painful pull on your hair. Obeying his silent command you were brought face to face with him once again.
“You just don’t know how to listen, do you?” he chided
“Neither do you, but you don’t see me complaining.”
In an instant you were flipped over again, being towered by Loki’s body. Your breath quickened and you watched his blue eyes dilate once again. A lascivious smirk and energy cast across his body. Wanting nothing more than to feel him, you raked your hands down his back and dragged them across the sides of his ribs, only to let one of them begin stroking him again. 
“Ah~ Y/N”
It was at this moment that the last bit of power you had completely dissipated. Loki’s hand moved with such a quickness that it took you a moment to realize that his hand was now wrapped around your throat. Sending your eyes to roll to the back of your head in absolute euphoria.
“Such a dumb little girl you are. Can’t follow simple instructions yet here you are begging, for me to ruin you. Fortunately, you’re pretty. Otherwise this would be quite pathetic of you.”
Your walls clenched around nothing. It was becoming painful to not have some form of release. You just kept being pushed towards your edge with his words bringing you closer every time he spoke. He was dragging it out on purpose, you could see the sadism glint behind his eyes. Strangled you spoke, tears of desperation falling lightly from the side of your eyes.
“L-Loki, please. I need you so bad. I can’t take it anymore, please.”
“You may need me, but do you deserve it is the question at hand.”
“I promise no more games, I’ll be good for you” 
Removing his hand from your neck, he traveled them down the valley between your breasts bringing one hand to massage one while the other traveled further, landing on your soaking clit. 
“All this, from a little degradation...I expected more from you, darling”
Jutting your hips toward the hand currently nestled between your folds you begged,
“Loki, please I need you inside me, I need to feel you.”
He finally lined himself up with your entrance, teasing you with just his cockhead, reveling in your juices. You couldn’t help but whine the teasing was getting to a point of something almost unbearable. Your voice breathy and hot you whimpered one last plea,
When he fully sheathed himself inside you, your head rolled back, moans coming out of you at a pace you couldn’t control. He made you feel so full. You had yet to feel something so reminiscent of rapture. It almost made you dizzy. When you looked up at him there was a softness in his eyes that contrasted his tone of dominance a moment ago. It caught you off guard, but you were soon brought back to reality when his head brushed against the inflamed spongy spot within. 
“Oh! My god”
“Yes darling, I am your god-”
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his comment. His cockiness always finding a way to rear its head. But in your moment of ecstasy, you didn’t think he’d be able to catch it. Wrong. In a second, his length left you, flipped you on your hands and knees, and slipped back into your drenching cunt. You settled into the position, propping your ass out even more so to give him better access. You heard him growl behind you, his hand coming across your ass check and without a doubt leaving a mark. You yelped, startled by the sudden action. His pace became unrelenting, pounding into you with a ferocity that would make angels weep. His hand slid down your back and rested and the bottom of your hairline, once again grabbing your hair and pulling you back so your back met his chest. Directing your head to the side to face his own, he got in your ear,
“Roll your eyes at me again and there will be more than just a simple punishment awaiting you.”
Your walls clenched around his cock, eliciting a loud groan to come from Loki. You couldn’t help it, the noises he made were beyond divine and each one had you one contraction away from being sent over the edge one more time. 
“Fuck, Loki, you feel, so good~fuck, please.”
You weren’t quite sure what you were pleading for; it just felt right leaving your mouth. 
“Yeah, you like it when I fuck you like this. Like the little whore you are.”
“Fuck! Loki, oh my god~”
You were in so much pleasure you couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down your face. It felt so good to have this instinctual release. Loki released his grip from your hair and pressed your face down into the mattress. Unable to truly control the noises that flew from your mouth, you were now whimpering in the mattress. The ravaging of your body sending you into a full-blown frenzy that you never wanted to be free from. Loki’s thrusts became more erratic and his moans and groans flew more freely from his mouth. Enjoying the moment of approaching his climax.
“You’re going to cum with me and I’m going to paint your pretty little insides my color. Wanna know why?”
You tried your best to be attentive, flipping your hair out from your face, you looked behind you facing the god above you.
“Why, L-Loki?”
Bringing his hand around your body to massage your clit, he gave you an answer that you weren’t prepared for. 
“Because you’re mine now. There’s no leaving after this. You belong to me.”
With one final clench, you tightened around his cock. Both of you reaching your peak at the same time, milking him of his seed. Both of your breathing was heavy, bodies sticky with sweat. Loki pulled out of you, his seed spilling out of you like donut filling. You rolled over on your back as he did the same and there was a comfortable silence that filled the room. 
With the distraction of reaching a climax now faded, you felt violently vulnerable under his gaze. You found your courage and looked back at him, his eyes still dilated but now with a different emotion swimming through them. Adoration? Wonder? Regret perhaps? Before you could let one more intrusive thought in Loki brought you out of your head.
“Stop worrying, you’ll make the wrinkle between your brow permanent.” 
Your mouth opened slowly in disbelief, slightly offended by his comment but also at a loss for words for him figuring you out so quickly.
“Is it that easy to figure me out.” you chuckled.
“Yes, in fact, you wear every single emotion on your sleeve. You couldn’t hide what you feel even if you wanted to.” 
You sighed, a smile stretching across your face as you exhaled. 
“Can’t fool you, can I?”
���It’s quite hard to fool someone who is the master of fooling others. I’m the creator of the ins and outs of mischief.”
You shared a light laugh but you couldn’t ignore the overwhelming feeling of guilt and disquiet swirl in your head. Did he honestly feel for you, or did he perhaps just indulge your desires because he had wants of his own. You were in the perfect state to be taken advantage of, heartbroken and needing something else to fill the hole in your heart. You rolled on your side, your hand resting on his chest, beginning to draw feather-light patterns on his skin. Your hand created a path up to his neck, your fingers guiding his face forcing him to have nothing else to focus on but you. You needed to quell the noise in your head, you didn’t want this to eat you alive as well. 
Worst he can say is no and we just move on Y/N. That’s all that can be done. Just ask him.
“I know you’re not one for sentiment, but did you mean what you said to me? About your liking for me.”
Moving a few coils of your hair away from your face he gazed into your eyes with an intensity you were unsure how to read.
“One thing about me darling is that through all my moments of deception, dealing with such intimacy is not something I take lightly. While not sentimental, I meant every word. I assure you of that. Now, dry your eyes.”
You hadn’t even realized the petal-soft tears slowly rolling down your cheek. You were too engrossed in Loki’s words of affirmation that you felt you left your physical body for a moment. Loki’s hand came up and wiped the tear streaks away from the bridge of your nose and under your eye. He made you feel at home. Warm and comforted even if he had his instances of sharpness, you didn’t want this moment to end. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
You chuckled and the light was restored in your face.
“I don’t care what you say to me, you can read minds. Now stop reading mine, you’re freaking me out.”
Your laughs echoed through the room, any remnant of tension long gone from the space. You stared at the ceiling thinking about how the rest of your days would pan out. You felt the waters would be rocky but they would calm eventually. The thrashing of emotional waves turning into gentle swells. You felt at peace for the first time in a while. Pulling you once again from your thoughts, Loki’s voice filled your ears. 
“Now, I am aware that we have done this quite backward, but would you care to join me for dinner tomorrow night? And do this the right way?”
Rolling back over onto his chest you smiled against him
“I’d love to”
Amiable silence fell over the room as your body began to rest. The beating of Loki’s heart created a rhythm that seemed tailored specifically to put you to sleep. Eyes growing heavy, you fell asleep, ultimately feeling secure within his arms. 
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chrysalispen · 2 years
Prompt #24 - Vicissitudes
Fill under cut.
The skies over Mor Dhona had threatened rain for the last two days. That in itself was not out of the ordinary; Revenant's Toll lay very near a large rainforest and the humidity in the air blanketed the camp in a haze. On the far side of the lake the scars from the ill-fated journey of the HRS Agrius weren't visible, but on a clear day the wreckage of the hull and the corse wrapped about it could be seen for malms in any direction.
Today though all L'sazha Tia could see was the outline of the great wyrm's wings, and that only vaguely.
Night had fallen a bell past and the fire in front of him illuminated only a ring of pavilions. Beyond that, other figures in uniform like himself, huddled in circles as if to guard each other. 
All of them, like himself, waiting for word.
Sazha sighed, chestnut-colored tail lashing with poorly concealed restlessness against the crate upon which he sat. He'd slept ill the night before and had only managed about half the food from his mess-tin. His crew had given him a worried glance but had taken the opportunity to go find coffee, giving him a moment to himself.
The small and simply carved wooden box in his hand was neither from his homeland nor anywhere in Eorzea. He knew it was made of red pine lumber, cured and treated in Corvos and a rare sight in Eorzea. Red pine lumber sold for a princely sum, as hulls made from the stuff could withstand extremes in weather -- far beyond the pockets of most privateers like himself.
Regardless, the little box wasn't as important as its contents. The notched lid was meant not to lift but to slide open and shut, which he did now with a swipe of his fingertip. Silver caught the nearby firelight until the bauble within seemed to wink at him. He lifted it up; it was actually rather good-sized, dangling with some weight from its chain.
Sazha caught the pendant in his palm and let the chain drop, then ran his nail gently along the seam until the catch popped open and the contents were visible. The small braided lock of hair inside was somewhat the worse for time, its green ribbon having frayed and faded a shade or two, but the little pressed purple flower and its seeds appeared intact-- as did the picture on the opposite side. The woman in it was not one he knew, but the face was similar to one he did.
Immediately he snapped the locket shut, dropped it back in the box, and closed the lid.
His first mate stood on the other side of the campfire with two steaming mugs, one in each hand. Her normally bright smile was muted - she was as worried as he was. "I saw you stay behind," she said, circling the pit to perch upon a nearby stool, "so I told Sparrow I'd get you a mug while I was in the queue. Save you some trouble."
It wasn't a cold night, but it was damp enough that he accepted the drink gratefully. "Thanks, Bryn."
"Anytime. What was it you were looking at just now?"
Sazha considered concealing it for a moment before he shrugged. What was the harm in telling her, he thought.
"It was a parting gift," he handed her the box, "from a childhood friend of mine when I went away with the imperial army. About... oh, seven years ago? Give or take? You can open it if you want, just be very careful. It's an antique, I think."
"I will. How does it open?"
"It's a Corvosi puzzle box. Use your finger to slide the top right."
Sazha looked down into the fire and took a sip from the mug as she peered into the locket. He had promised Bryn a long time ago he would always be honest with her when she asked questions about his past - a rare concession from most adventurers - but one that was important to him. And it wasn't as if the box's owner would likely be able to claim it from him now. Or ever, depending on how things went at Rivenroad.
A tiny pang of guilt tightened his chest, but Sazha pushed it away as best he could. There was naught to be done about it, after all.
"She's very beautiful," Bryn said after a moment. "Is this her? Your friend?"
"Bit odd to carry around a locket with a picture of someone you don't know." There was a tiny click as she closed the locket; Sazha's right ear twitched at the sound.
"It's a picture of her mother."
"Was your friend?"
"Was she..."
"Beautiful. Like that."
Sazha grinned at her. "Why? Are you jealous?"
"Wh- don't be daft," Bryn sputtered, and Sazha grinned, face peering into his coffee where she couldn't see it. "Why should I be jealous of a bloody painting?"
"Daguerreotype," he corrected.
"Dag... what?"
"A daguerreotype," he said. "The Garlean Empire have these... boxes, I guess? With glass lenses in them and lights and other things. It lets them capture a likeness of you with the press of a button. No painting needed."
She wrinkled her nose at him. "Are you having me on?"
"Not at all."
"So do they not have paintings at all?"
"According to Master Garlond they do."
"Then what's the point?"
Sazha shrugged. "What's the point of ten-gil novels?"
They sat in companionable silence for a moment. The fire crackled, the wind whispered at their cheeks, smelling like phantom rainwater. He took a long sip of the coffee. It wasn't the best he'd ever had, but it was warm.
"Her mum was beautiful. She wasn't," he said after a moment. "Not the way people really think about 'beauty,' anyway. Not that I mean she was plain or anything, but..."
"Go on."
"...There was always something about her that just... drew me? She was my first friend. She wasn't a saint, mind you - she was the most stubborn girl I’ve ever met.”
“Worse than Lu?”
“Far worse. She used to get us both into the most ridiculous kinds of trouble." He smiled into the flickering flames. "But she would do anything to help the people she cared about. Even if it meant suffering their punishments for them."
A glance revealed the pinched purse of Bryn's lips; Sazha supposed she wasn't particularly happy to hear him talk about another woman this way. But she didn't seem angry or upset about it, either.
"I suppose you were an absolute angel and never did aught to encourage her."
"Oh, I had my share of schemes, aye. But for some reason, whenever it was time to get our just desserts her da and my foster mum always assumed she was the mastermind. She broke a boy's nose at a dinner party once on my behalf." His smile faded. "I lost contact with her after... you know. I hope she's faring well, wherever she is."
She gave him a quizzical look. "I thought you said she was in Ala Mhigo."
"She went north for school not long after I was conscripted, to learn how to be a chirurgeon. I imagine she's practicing her trade somewhere these days." Sazha shrugged again and reached for the box. "She made me promise to give this back to her when we saw each other again. Don't suppose it matters much now, but I’ve held onto it for her anyway. Just in case."
Bryn reached for his hand with a grin. "You have me, you know."
"Oh, it's not that sort of relationship, not now. We'd made a pact to run away and become adventurers when we were done giving the Empire our pound of flesh, but we were children then. Neither of us knew the ways of the world, and I'm sure the years have changed us both."
"That's life for you. Taking the bad with the good." She paused. "I hope you don't regret this, at least."
After a moment, Sazha squeezed her hand.
"Not even for a minute, Bryngeim," he said, with a quiet conviction. "I won't pretend I don't miss my friend, especially on a night like this. Not knowing where we’ll be this time tomorrow is...”
He trailed off. Bryn nodded.
“I know.”
“But life rarely goes the way you plan or expect. And even with all that I lost I don't regret coming to Eorzea. I certainly don't regret this. Us."
They looked up at the sky, as one. Dalamud hung as low and bloated as Menphina during the harvest month, a vermilion harbinger menacing the land below. Cloud cover did naught to obscure the corona of sickly violet that ringed the sphere; it nearly blotted out the surrounding stars.
Sazha shut his eyes.
"Bryn," he said in a low voice, "I want you to promise me something. If I don't come back-"
It was a flat, angry denial, but he could hear something almost frantic in it. "I will. You’re my second and we have to talk about it. We need a plan in case something happens to me."
"I'll not hear it. It's doomcrying, Sazha, that's all it is."
"Bryn. Please."
She heaved a sigh and withdrew her hand. He folded his back in his lap.
"If I don't come back," he continued, "I want you to take this box and hold onto it for me. For safekeeping."
"Because I'm a sentimental fool." He set down his mug. "Because for all I know she might somehow find out where I was and come looking for it, and even if she never does at least you’ll have something of mine. I know you think it’s foolish but I don't break my promises to people I care about. Not my friends, and not the woman I love."
Her brow creased and her lips trembled, but after a moment she nodded.
"For what it's worth," Sazha said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood, "I've no intention of dying out there. We've far too much to do." And too many imperials to cull. Poor bastards. I’d wager most of them don’t even know where they are let alone what they’re truly about to die for.
"Aye. A great deal to do."
Sazha heard approaching footsteps followed with a friendly shout from his bosun. The others had returned, bearing mugs of coffee and a set of playing cards.
He tucked the box back into the folds of his uniform; he would put it in his bags for safekeeping before seeking his bed. His parting words weighed heavy on his first mate's shoulders for some time afterward, but good company and good fortune in the cards brought her a measure of her old cheer.
As her melancholy lifted, Bryn shunted Sazha's request to the back of her mind. The battle was not started and Dalamud had not yet fallen. There was still a chance that all might remain as it was. Go as the two of them had planned.
Thus night upon the Carteneau Flats fell, into the next morning and whatever lay beyond, as threads gathered into the unpredictable weave of history.
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byulsgrease · 3 years
as you wish
some good ol’ party fun.
(moonbyul x fem reader, ~1.2k words, original req here)
a/n: been a while since I last wrote/posted an nsfw (just checked and it’s been almost a month exactly), I feel very rusty 💀 fun to write after that break tho!
cw: smut (fingering, choking mention, exhibitionism), dubcon (alcohol) - consent is key, you can’t really consent under the influence, etc. you get my drift. minors dni as always
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This may as well be college all over again. But maybe with better beer. The room lights are out, save for a couple color-cycling LED strips on the walls. Soju bottles of every flavor imaginable cover nearly every open table surface at varying degrees of fullness, interspersed with empty Yakult bottles and discarded red foil wrappers. The blasting music oscillates between American top 40 and latest comeback releases, you have no clue who's managing the Spotify queue.
You're chilling out with Byulyi, sitting with your back up against the arm of the sofa as she sits facing forward with beer can in hand, her thighs covered by your knees. Both of you are relatively laid back drinkers, choosing to sit out from the random play dance that ensues every time a song comes on. You laugh together, thankful both of you have high tolerance while watching Yongsun stumble over herself on one side of the room (with Chorong at her side to steady her), Wheein and Hyejin breaking it down on the make-shift carpeted dance floor. There are others here you recognize too, although names and faces have begun muddling together in your mind, trying to think through your tipsy haze.
Byul intermittently sips her beer while lazily tracing circles over your kneecaps with her free hand, fingers trailing through the fallen condensation droplets atop them. It’s a bit of relief from the heat of the room and deep warmth from the alcohol. You’re probably a little farther gone than her, but not by much.
You lean onto her, cheek squishing into her shoulder. Her lips bump the top of your head for a kiss and she watches you instinctively turn your chin up to her, eyes pleading for a real one. Byul happily obliges, smirking against your lips when you recoil at the shock at the temperature differential created by the can. Normally you'd be the one reeling in her pda, but you’re just feeling a bit more forward tonight than usual.
Everyone at this party knows the both of you to some degree, and at minimum knows you’re together. The coolness of her lips on yours have you chasing after them, sitting up for real to press your body in closer. Normally you’d be the last person to want to kiss in public, and even less so in front of her friends, but something tonight makes you absolutely not care, whether for the alcohol or just the atmosphere. Or maybe just her?
Your fingertips approach the collar of her shirt and press in, earning you all but a groan as tingles shoot up Byul’s back, wishing your hands were just a little higher to press in a little harder. Too bad public choking's considered indecent. Setting her beer can on the arm of the couch behind you, her hands find your thighs, fingers slowly but surely working their way up. You've got a long cardigan on that drapes over your sides, thankfully long enough to more or less block out the fact that she's well on her way to passing beneath the hem of your pleated skirt.
"What are you doing?" you murmur with a smile against her lips, encircling one of her wrists with the fingers of your free hand. There's a cautionary urgency in your voice, but not enough to actually make her stop— you don't want her to.
She moves her head to the side, pressing cold-lipped kisses up your jawline. The air she blows across your ear when she gets to it sends a shiver throughout your entire body as she replies to your question—“Just having my own fun.” Good enough for you, so you bend a knee to slide your leg behind her back, now basically straddling her body from the side. You go back to kissing her again and truly, you could probably just do this all night.
Her hands continue their original task, teasingly working their way up your thighs. It’s already hot amidst the dancing people and poor apartment ventilation, but the room suddenly feels 10 degrees warmer at the prospect of being caught, but at minimum her members probably already knew what was going on if they’d taken the chance to look over.
Byul hooks her pointer finger into where your panties meet the crease of your leg, tugging the now-wet fabric away from your body and brushing the skin underneath with her knuckle.
“If you’re really doing this here, don’t you wanna go a little faster?” you hiss. There’s already sweat beading on the back of your neck in anticipation.
“Be careful what you wish for,” she warns cunningly before surprisingly obliging your request, pushing your underwear aside with her ring and pinky fingers to press her thumb to your clit. You press your lips together to avoid the audible moan that’s about to escape you, instead letting a forced breath out of your nose. “Oh c’mon, you can open your mouth for me, can’t you?” she coos.
It’s almost easier to forget there are other people around and just lose yourself in her hands, but even your tipsy mind knows better than to make a total fool of yourself. You just press your lips into her ear and whimper quietly under her touch, the sound deafening to her. It affects her more than she’d ever willingly admit, but hey, this is about you.
When she finally sinks a couple fingers into you with absolute ease, your teeth dig into her lower lip. She chuckles gloatingly through her nose at how obviously worked up you are, taunting you sweetly with a whisper. As much as you want to, you resist throwing your head back in pleasure to mitigate the risk of someone catching onto what’s happening. Instead you just focus on keeping your lips connected and bodies close, your sounds drowned out by the music but just loud enough for her. She presses a thumb to your clit, stroking down while simultaneously curling the fingers she already has inside of you.
She continues like this for a while, knowing full well what makes you absolutely fall apart at her touch. Your pants pitching higher and more ragged in her ear signal how close you are, and just before you’re about to cum she pulls her hand out from under you completely, drying her finger on the underside of your skirt’s folds.
“Ww–what? Why?” you stammer at the sudden loss of contact.
“You just asked me to go faster. Who said that meant you had to finish?” she responds with that sarcastic questioning look. “Good luck with the mess you’ve got going on down there,” waving her hand in the general vicinity of your skirt with a smirk on her face, prepping to get up off the couch.
She’s not leaving you in this state. Or rather, you’re not going to let her. You aggressively clutch her hand in yours and drag her by the arm, leading her toward the nearest empty bedroom to finish what she started.
“Get a room!” Hyejin shouts slurred as you march by. Wheein nods aggressively in agreement beside her and you can’t help but laugh in the face of your nervousness and play along, wondering if they’re just poking their usual fun or if they know what you were actually up to that entire time.
“Your wish is our command!” you holler back in her direction with a wink, whisking Byul into the open bedroom and swinging the door shut to make her finish what she started.
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spxllcxstxr · 3 years
I’ve Set My Sights On You • R.L + S.B
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(Gifs are not mine)
Request: Hi, I love your work! I was wondering if you could do a wolfstar x muggle!reader. Where Sirius convinces Remus to go to a muggle nightclub (lightening era) and they see the reader in the club, the guys and the reader get on to the point that she admits she’s uncomfortable with this guy on the other side of the bar. Queue protective wolfstar over reader and queue protective reader when the guy starts taking it out on wolfstar?—anon
Summary: A guy’s been watching you from the other side of the bar for far too long. Thankfully you meet two other guys that decide to help you out
Warnings: Creepy guy, like stalkerish behavior (but nothing bad comes of it), feeling anxious and uncomfortable, drinking, smoking, mentioned weed, a smidge homophobia? (It’s like one line and it isn’t like a slur or anything, but still be careful!)
Word Count: 1.2k
A.N: I know you said lightning era, but I felt like it just didn’t fit right? So I set it more post hogwarts...like the 80s? So like No Azkaban!AU I guess. This was written from 11-1am, so it’s kinda iffy? I do hope you enjoy, and I love you all ❤️
Title: Dead or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)
The man in the orange blazer with the permanent scowl on his face and red tinted glasses sitting across from you at the bar makes you realize you should’ve left the club after your friends had gone.
The two of them had stumbled out with equally drunk partners, probably taking a cab back to their own flats for a bit of action.
You could’ve left after them, in fact, you should’ve, but your favorite songs had just started playing over the speakers and after the hellish week at work you’ve had, you deserved a longer night out.
But after a lot of dancing and a couple more drinks, the man that was always in the corner of your eye snuck in closer to center stage.
Sure he was scowling, but he continuously tried to mask it with winks and silent toasts from across the bar.
His very presence had anxiety coursing through your veins and pooling at the bottom of your stomach. You danced more around crowds and sat closer to the bartender for some sort of protection, but you did have to go home at some point.
But who’s to say he won’t just get up and follow you out? He might even try to follow you all the way back to your flat.
So you continue to dance and attempt to sober yourself up, never quite taking your eyes off of your little stalker.
The smell of cigarette smoke and the highest percentage of alcohol clings to your senses as you take a breather at the bar. Your feet throb in your shoes after hours of dancing and numerous encounters with people with two left feet. You’re hot and sweaty, which the ice water in front of you takes care of.
The entire room is caught in a haze, with brightly colored flashing lights cutting through.
You try not to glance at the guy in the orange blazer, instead opting to keep your head angled downwards at your glass.
“You alright there?”
You almost jump at the deep voice, afraid he’s finally caught up to you, but when you look up, you see two men who are certainly not your stalker.
The source of the voice had raven hair that stopped just above his shoulders and dark grey eyes that somehow both pierced into yours and offered you a sense of comfort.
The man next to him is taller with sandy hair and scars adorning almost every inch of his skin. His eyes were kind and adopted a red hue to where the usual whites should be.
A part of you screams that you shouldn’t trust these two strangers, especially not after noticing the first guy, but there’s something about these two. You can’t exactly place your finger on it, but you get the feeling they’re not going to kill you.
Still, you’re a bit wary.
“I’m quite fine.” You reply, offering them a tight lipped smile.
Before either of them are able to respond, the introduction to some rock song you barely recognize screeches over the speakers.
Grey eyes brighten and a smile grows across his face.
“Remus, it’s my song!” He cheers, you watch as his eyes rip away from you and instead settle on Remus.
“Sirius love, don’t you dare drag me out there—“ But it’s too late, Sirius takes his hands and excitedly drags him to the dance floor. You quickly lose sight of the two men in the crowd, though there are a few shouts that are louder than the rest.
Quickly you weigh out your options. You could stay seated at the bar drowning in anxiety as your stalker peers at you through his lenses, or you could have a bit more fun.
You lift yourself up from your seat, feet leading you to the center of the room, eyes searching for these Remus and Sirius characters.
After Sirius’ favorite song is over, the three of you are able to properly introduce yourselves.
You find that while high, Remus likes to spout some nonsense about magic and wizards, which you and Sirius laugh off. Sirius, while definitely not completely drunk, has enough energy to keep the three of you dancing to even more songs.
Eventually you glance back over to your seat, where you spot the man in the orange blazer a little too close for comfort. Sure it wasn’t exactly your seat, but it was like he was waiting for you to turn back up.
Your laughter dies and your smile falls, all the fun being sucked out of you.
“Hey, what’s wrong, (Y/n)?” Remus asks over the booming music.
You bite your bottom lip in contemplation. “Just that guy at the bar. Don’t look, you idiot! The one with the orange blazer.” Remus takes a glance over your shoulder. “He’s been eyeing me like a piece of meat for hours now.”
“Is he making you uncomfortable?” Sirius questions, brows knit together in frustration.
“I mean...I’m a little afraid to leave the club.” You mutter, just loud enough for your two new friends to hear.
You watch Sirius tie his hair up into a sweaty bun as he slowly approaches the man at the bar.
Remus guides you to follow him.
“Oi! Knobhead!” You hear Sirius call out. The man looks startled behind his glasses. “Yeah I’m talking to you, you prick. Why don’t you just piss off, yeah?”
Sirius adopts this threatening tone that you never would’ve thought he would have. If he wasn’t helping you out, you might’ve been a bit afraid of him.
“I don’t even know who you are, mate.” The man scoffs in a deep and baritone rumble. He stands up, though Sirius is almost a full head taller than he is.
“I’m the bloke telling you that you’re making birds here nervous and that you should leave before I make you.”
“Oh yeah?” The man takes a step closer to Sirius, puffing out his chest.
Remus scrambles between them, presumably trying to keep all hell from breaking loose. You have a feeling this is somewhat of a common occurrence for the two of them.
“And who’s this, eh?” He sneers. “Your boyfriend?”
You watch Sirius scowl and tighten his hands up into fists.
“Just get the fuck outta here!” You shout back, trying to come to their defense.
The man opens his mouth to speak, but somehow not even a peep makes its way out.
You stare at him, how he claws angrily at his throat, trying to scream. You’re too mesmerized by his sudden muteness to witness the smirks on Sirius and Remus’ faces.
A muscular guy in a tight fitting shirt practically drags him out by the back of his blazer, still silently screaming.
With him long gone you feel a weight being lifted from your chest and for the first time you can actually take a deep breath.
“I guess you guys are my heroes.” You chuckle over to your drink.
“Bloke was a creep. It was my pleasure.” Sirius smirks, sipping on his whiskey.
“Though I do wonder why he couldn’t speak towards the end. It was really abrupt.” You shrug, still puzzled about that one part.
“Guess it’ll just have to be left a mystery.” Remus replies. “Nothing we can do about it now.”
All Character Taglist: @aspiringsloth20 @amourtentiaa @cherie-draco @mullthingsoverinthehotwater
Sirius Black Taglist: @fific7 @quindolyn @msmb
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alstublieft · 3 years
Circle of Love - Sobbe
30th July 2021
“Robin, look!” 
“No, there’s no way..”
“Please...pretty please.”
Robbe let out a deep sigh and eyed his boyfriend’s large green eyes and adorable pouty lips, he couldn’t say no when Sander looked at him like that - it was near impossible. 
The couple had decided to spend their Friday afternoon at a Funfair that was set up in their local park, to celebrate their 20 month anniversary which was technically yesterday, but they were both too busy to really celebrate. Walking around each attraction their hands clasped tight, they laughed in sync, bodies buzzing with alcohol in their veins. 
Striped red and yellow tents were dotted around the park, each one containing a different amusement, the park was filled to the brim with friends and family, the sun shone bright and it really was the perfect day.
Sander had fed Robbe pink clouds of candy floss and with each bite he’d watch his lover lick the sugary confection from the sides of his mouth, missing a crystal or two.
Later on, Robbe had spent more money than he’d like to admit on ‘Hook a Duck’ but eventually won a plush shark toy which he gifted to his Bowie-loving boyfriend, earning him a sweet kiss to his cheek. Robbe watched lovingly as Sander immediately took the toy, hugging it close to his chest. 
But now, as Robbe looked up at the Ferris Wheel that Sander so eagerly pointed out, it’s circumference alone sent shivers down his spine. It had bright neon lights that glowed at the entrance and the seats looked way too unstable to sit on. Nevertheless, one look at Sander’s pleading eyes and he was a goner.
“Okay, let’s go then.” Robbe gives in, trying to hide his nerves with a dimpled smile. 
Sander let out a high-pitched squeal and dragged the smaller boy to the queue, he babbled on and on about how he’d love sitting right at the top watching the rest of the world below and how he loved how the air’s density decreased the higher the ride took him and how he felt ‘on top of the world.’ Robbe loved listening to Sander, he would often rewatch the lockdown walk videos he had sent him when they were unable to see each other, getting lost in his deep voice; it was like a lullaby. 
Finally they paid for their tickets and stepped onto the metal platform and made their way to their seats, Robbe’s nerves increasing as the seat rocked slightly, he reached out and gripped Sander’s light denim jacket, fingers curling into the material like a lifeline. 
Sander, who had stepped on with ease, chuckles and helps Robbe to his seat, a steady arm wrapped around his waist.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you, you’re fine Robbe.” Sander reassures, his warm breath hitting the side of Robbe’s face and travelling down the length of his neck.
“Dank je” Robbe whispers, as they sit side by side in their cosy carriage. Robbe’s eyes wandered along the ride, ensuring each screw was tight and the bar to hold them in went all the way down and locked into place. 
On the other hand, Sander was bouncing with excitement as a worker came and checked they were buckled in securely, wishing the conductor would pull the lever and start the ride.
As if his mind had been read, the carriage swings back squeaking, evoking an endearing yelp from Robbe who has somehow gotten closer to Sander in their tiny seating area. 
“Sander, oh my god, oh my god, we’re moving!” Robbe shrieks.
“I know! Isn’t this sick?” Sander places his large hand on Robbe’s thigh, squeezing from sheer joy, his toothy grin could be seen from miles away.
Slowly they drift through the air, catching sight of their friends below who waved and cheered in excitement. Robbe looks up at Sander, analysing his facial expressions, the way his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, the mole on the side of his face which Robbe would always kiss twice because ‘it’s extra special’ a thin layer of sweat shone from the tops of his cheeks, glowing like embers of gold; truly magnificent. 
He loves him. He loves him wholeheartedly. Robbe would gladly step onto a million ferris wheels if it meant seeing Sander like this, so carefree, so joyous, so alive. 
Sander turns to face Robbe, catching his stare, a radiant smile makes its way to his face, brighter than the stars. They had glided higher, still not at the highest point, but significantly higher, butterflies erupting in their bellies and Robbe had to stop himself from looking down.
“Baby, look out there, you can see the mural.” Sander points with his arm, his voice getting caught in his throat, emotion getting the better of him.
“I still can’t believe you did that.” Robbe says in awe, squinting a bit, seeing himself across the park on a big wall in intense colours. Sander’s declaration of love really was for all to see.
“Why? You’re so beautiful, everyone had to know.” 
Robbe moves his eyes away from the mural to look at Sander, his chest filled with warmth, he reaches down and takes Sander's hand on his lap, slotting his fingers between the gaps - a perfect fit. 
Their eyes don’t leave one another’s, green melting into brown, brown melting into green. It’s as if the rest of the world went on mute, and it’s just them two alone, on a ferris wheel, sharing the same love. 
They don’t need words to communicate, they have longing looks, and the softest of touch; their souls are so intertwined, it would be paradoxical to try and tell them apart. 
In the midst of their love-struck haze, their carriage had reached the very top of the wheel, halting to a stop, lightly swinging back and forth, the sudden momentum breaking their adoration. 
“Happy 20 Month Anniversary, My Love.” Sander says, voice like melted honey, words ooze out of his mouth effortlessly, drawing Robbe in completely.
Robbe fixes his eyes on Sander’s mouth, the sides curling up into a grin, pearly teeth just peeking through. “Happy 20 Month Anniversary, My King.” 
Sander uses his free hand to cup behind Robbe’s neck, fingers tangling in his auburn curls, bringing his love in for a heated kiss, head tilting, breathing out through his nose. Robbe kisses back with just as much passion, wrapping his lone arm round to hold onto Sander’s shoulder. 
He's starting to understand why Sander loves being so high up, the atmosphere up here instantly eliminates the noise around them. A dingy carriage, on a rusty ferris wheel, at a funfair in the late afternoon. A haven for two.
This is dedicated to my favourite person @debussyatmidnight
Millie, my light, my love, where would I be without you? I love you so much and wish you the happiest birthday...<3 
I know this is nowhere as good as the gifset you made me, but i promise, as soon as i learn how to create gifs - i’ll make you as many as you want xxx
love, aamana
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
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pleasure and pain | void!stiles
word count; 6880
summary; void has a soft spot for you, and you just want to look after him, and keep him healthy, a little compromise benefits you both.
notes; weirdly soft void smut, but still totally in character. 
warnings; smut, unprotected sex, very light pain play.
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The cold air of the morning was what woke you, the cool breeze from the open window, your skin covered in a layer of goosebumps from the sheets that had fallen away, and now you wished you’d worn more to bed than a large t-shirt and some cotton panties. With a groan, you rolled over, stretching your arms above your head, groaning a little as you let your almost closed eyes adjust to the morning light, before opening them fully.
You screamed slightly, jumping in your bed as you caught sight of the pale figure standing at the end of your bed, his hands clasped behind his back lightly as dark eyes peered out at you from behind sunken and purple-ringed eyes. He held the stare on you, walking around the side of the bed toward you and chuckling darkly as your hand reached out, a fistful of his shirt being used against him as you tugged him down toward you.
“So, you’re the reason it’s so cold in here.” You mumbled, yawning through your words before fluffing your pillows and sitting them up a little, and he uncurled each of your fingers from his shirt before slinking across the room, sliding the window shut and closing the curtains again to dim the morning sunlight a little.
“Guilty as charged.” He toed off his shoes, knees hitting the edge of the bed as he crawled over the covers slowly, settling beside you and huffing as you tucked the blankets around him carefully, your head landing on his chest, his heart beating slowly against your cheek. “You know I don’t do romantic things like cuddle, dove.”
Despite his words, his arms wrapped around you delicately and you hummed in rebellion of his words, snuggling down further into his chest as your eyes fluttered shut again, a small yawn pulling on your lips.
“You don’t do ‘romantic’ things? So, you weren’t just watching me sleep, then?”
He grumbled under his breath, the word ‘touché’ spilling from his lips as he pinched at your arm, a small ‘ow’ falling from you as you squirmed in his grasp, flicking at his chest in retaliation. “If you don’t cuddle, though, I guess I could just-” You made to roll away from him, a low growl sounding out as he halted your movements, his arms tightening around you, not loosening, even when you settled back against him. “Why are you here, then?”
He sighed, fingers running along your skin in delicate patterns as you drifted lightly between being asleep and being awake, simply letting the dark-souled man hold you. “I’m not too sure, dove. Perhaps I was just lonely, but I wanted to be with you.”
You simply hummed, tucking your nose into his neck and taking in the fresh scent of soap that was still lingering on his cold skin, his body barely warming up from the covers that surrounded you both, your body shivering as the air in the room continued to linger at a cool temperature, and all the warmth you’d accumulated during the night seemed to slip away.
Taking his hand, you pushed yourself up a little to balance on your elbow, you offered him your hand, shrugging your free shoulder and offering him a smile that didn’t reach your eyes.
“You haven’t fed for a while, so help yourself.”
He accepted your offering, placing your hand over his cheek, but you felt no sting, and the black veins never crawled over his face as he continued to stare at you, his eyes searching yours and his frown only deepened. “I don’t need to feed yet, and I know what it does to you.” His fingers absentmindedly trailed down to rub over the scar on your hip, the gash that had been bleeding so badly when he’d met you, causing you so much pain that he’d sniffed you out from miles away and found you.
Turning his head, he placed a kiss to the palm of your hand, your fingers twitching against his cheek and you withdrew it from touching him, choosing to sit up instead and swing a leg over his lap. A smirk tugged on his features, twisting his lips darkly as he adjusted himself to sit among the pillows, large hands closing over your hips in a tight grip, and you shivered when they slipped under your shirt to sit on your waist without the material barrier, his cool skin contrasting your warm flesh.
You lifted a cautious hand, closing your palms over his jaw and running your fingers under his eyes carefully, his gaze locked on you as your features scanned over his face.
“You have rings under your eyes again, and you’re getting colder.” The cheeky look in his dark eyes flickered for a second, a slight warmth to the dark whisky seeping in, the shades you only ever saw when the sunlight happened to catch him, before they were darkening once again as he dragged his hands around to your front and over your shirt, brushing his thumbs across your nipples as he cupped your tits, a toothy smirk on his face as he did.
“I must be cold. Look at how perky your nipples are for me, kitten.” Leaning in, he fanned hot breath over your neck, placing a kiss to your neck before dipping his head and sucking one of your nipples into his mouth, your back arching at the warm feeling as he lapped at your breast through your shirt. One of his arms snaked around your waist to pull you to him tightly as the other moved up to grope at the other, pinching and tugging on the taut bud as you cried out in his grasp.
Your head was tipped back, broken moans of his name falling from your lips as your hips shook, rolling down into his lap loosely, and your mind hazed over as you tried to remember what you had been talking about. A single thought managed to break through the fog, and you gasped, a hand tightening into a fist in the man’s hair as you tugged his head back, a predatory grunt sounding out as his eyes flashed up to look at you in a dark stare. You panted, regaining your breath and shaking your head a little as the wet circle over one tit brushed your skin arousingly. “I-I’m serious. You need to feed, I can see it on you. Just feed from me.”
He growled, shaking his head at you and licking at his lips, his eyes hardening as he glared at you, lips twisted into a snarl as his jaw tightened, and you simply ran a finger along his sharp jaw, feeling it twitch under your touch as he tried to hold his defence. “You can’t scare me with your evil little murder look. You don’t want to hurt me.”
“You can’t prove that. It’s my nature to kill, I could murder you in an instant. You know it.” He spoke with a low and threatening voice, his brows furrowed and your own raised up in surprise, prying one of his hands from your hips as you lifted it up to your throat, challenging him lightly. His fingers flexed on your neck, applying the slightest bit of pressure, before loosening to simply sit on your skin.
“So, do it.”
His hand once again tightened on your neck, minutely as he glared at you, the hand on your waist tightening and his lips formed a thin line, before he let out a deep and ragged sigh, shooting you a glare. “Fuck!” He moved quickly, flipping you over with such speed that your mind spun as your head landed in the pillows, a squeak sounding from you as he attached his lips to your neck, dragging the hand that had lay there down to sit on your thigh.
Hitching your leg up onto his waist, he settled snugly between your thighs, rolling his hips down into your covered core and smirking as you moaned out at his actions. Burying his face in your neck, he nipped and sucking lightly at your skin, littering wet and red trails along your flesh as you whimpered in his hold. “You’re warming up a bit.” Your hands slid around to his back, slipping under his shirt and pulling it up a little as the muscles in his arms flexed from where he was supporting himself above you, your fingers slipping around to play with the hairs between the defined pecs of his chest. “You’re not as cold to the touch as you were when you arrived.”
“Because I’m proud of the noises I can get you to make.” He teased, and you moaned loudly, as if on queue, the second he bit down at the juncture between your neck and shoulder, lapping at the spot with his tongue to soothe it. “You know how important a nogitsune’s pride is, my dear. I know you did your research on me when we first met.”
“I also know, you need to feed. Specifically, on my pain and chaos, and that you’re trying to distract me!” You gasped, and he pulled away from where he was working his way down your skin, his movements stilling as his head lifted, stern gaze meeting yours as his teasing smile dropped back down into a scowl.
With rapid movements, he was tugging on your shirt, and you lifted your arms above your head, letting him peel the garment from you and toss it away as he left hot kisses along your stomach, trailing over the supple and soft flesh to cover it, before he raised back up to catch your lips with his.
A slightly warmer palm found your cheek, thumb running over your skin softly as your lips worked together in slow movements, and he pulled away, his forehead resting against yours as he grunted.
“Why won’t you just let this go? I’m not going to hurt you, just to feed off of it.” You paused, jaw dropping as your brows arched, a gasp sounding on you at the accidental sting you got when he adjusted himself above you, his palm catching on your hair and tugging sharply. The action resulted in your mind lighting up with an idea, your eyes sparkling at you grinned up at him, rubbing the patch where he had unintentionally tugged so roughly on your hair.
“Give me a little pain with my pleasure, then.”
He glanced at you, squinting as he tried to work out what you were saying, his lips parted but no words came out, and your legs locked on either side of his hips, using all your power to roll the two of you over and he grunted in discontent at the action. Taking his hands, your fingers wrapped loosely around his wrists as you pinned them to the bed and his look spoke volumes, questioning you as to whether you really thought that was a good idea. Only seconds later, he was ripping his hands out from under yours, attempting to lift one to tuck your hair back behind your ear as you tried to grab at him once again, and he smacked your hands away from his.
Taking his hand, you guided it down to your ass, nodding as you leaned over him, breasts pushed up against his chest as your ass stuck out for him, fingers squeezing and dipping under the lace of your panties. “Do that again, but harder.”
He repeated the slap, a small sound making itself known and you shook your head, rolling back into his hand.
He did, his eyebrows raised as a moan slipped past your lips, your skin stinging as he did and you bit down on your lip, your nose brushing his as you dragged your lips together so lightly he barely felt it.
Pain blossomed over your ass as the loud cracking of his palm on your ass sounded out, a cry falling from you and you leaned back into his hand, shaking as you whimpered above him and licked at your lips. “Now try feeding.”
He hesitated for a split second, before you felt the slight pin-prick of him taking your pain from you, his eyes lips parting as a delicious gasp sounded from him. He repeated the action, your hips rolling into his as he fed on the pain and you could feel yourself soaking through your panties already. “Does that work? Does it help?”
“The pain you have when I make you moan is the sweetest fucking thing I have ever tasted, little dove. You taste fucking exquisite, it’s practically addictive.” His voice was gravelly and choked, his hips bucking up into yours and you leaned in, nibbling on his bottom lip carefully before he tore it from his grasp, once again pinning you under him as he took back his control.
He was nipping and sucking on your neck, nails digging into your hips as you squirmed and writhed under him, tiny pains appearing all over your body in split-second bursts before disappearing and being replaced with warm pleasure as he took your pain and fed on it. His filthy groans were muffled as he licked and marked your skin, sucking on your nipples before lowering himself lower and lower, until his tongue was trailing along the waistband of your panties, his teeth hooking into the elastic.
“Fuck me hard, and rough, and hurt me just enough to enjoy it. Then you can feed on it.” You whispered, and he moaned, dragging your underwear away with his teeth until he could spit them out onto your floor. Parting your legs with large hands on your knees, he bit his way along your shaking thighs, his lips pressing to each bite as he kissed the pain away, before finally reaching your sodden core, arousal dripping from you and out onto the sheets, your hips jolting upwards as he blew a stream of cold air onto your throbbing clit.
You whined out, your fingers tightening in the bedsheets and he cooed darkly at you, taking pity as he leaned in to swipe his tongue from your dripping hole to your throbbing clit, lips sealing around it as he sucked harshly and your back arched up off of the bed. With one large hand, he spread his fingers out over your hips and pushed you back down into the mattress, feeling you squirm under his hold as he kept up his relentless ministrations on your core.
Lapping at every drop you had to give, his tongue circled around your entrance, dipping inside you just barely and retracting as he left you clenching around nothing, the teasing driving you insane as tears lined your eyes, and you let out a frustrated cry, and Void merely chuckled against your core.
“Please stop teasing me?”
“Hm, alright. Since you asked so nicely, my little dove.” He nipped one final time at your clit, before plunging his tongue deep into you, your eyes rolling back as you let out something between a moan and a sigh, your head pushing back into the pillows as your hands found his messy hair. Weaving your fingers into his hair, you tugged sharply on the roots, and he grunted as you did, flashing his eyes up to glare at you for your actions and he slipped his free hand up to press down on your clit with force.
He rubbed the digit in rapid circles, lapping at your core before sliding his fingers down to plunge to into you, stretching you out with a delicious burn and scissoring them widely, gaping your hole open for him as you gasped and writhed, pinpricks of pain shooting along your core and you propped yourself up on shaky elbows to peer down at him as he ate you like a final meal, warmth flooding you as he began to take every bit of pain you may feel.
The fire curling up from your cire was travelling along your body, your nerves buzzing with the feeling of pure bliss as you found yourself hurtling closer and closer to the edge. The moment he crooked his fingers, the pads of them brushing against that special spot within you, before scraping his nails against your walls gently, you snapped. His name fell from your lips on a loud plea, your shoulders shaking as you practically sobbed at the feeling and his pace never let up. He finger-fucked you through your orgasm, black veins curling up along his cheeks and he winked at you from his position between your thighs as he caught you watching.
Your legs calmed around his head, shouts falling from your lips each time a wave of overstimulation crashed over you, his tongue soothing you as he lapped up every drop, until you were quivering and pushing his head away from you. The second he moved, your legs snapped shut with a relieved sigh, and he grinned down at you, wiping a hand across the back of his mouth before peeling his shirt up and over his head.
Popping the button on his jeans, he dropped them too, his boxers following and his stiff cock bounced up, twitching in the cool air of the room. Red and angry, precum was dribbling from his head and your mouth went dry at the sight. Kicking the rest of his clothing away from himself, his hands found your hips, fingers tugging on the material of your shirt to lift it up over your head, his lips catching yours in a softer kiss than you had expected, before he was pulling away, tossing the garment to the floor.
With a cheeky smirk, he flipped you over, your stomach flat on the mattress, cheek pressed to the sheets as he dipped his fingers back down between your legs, nudging them against your swollen clit and chuckling when you jerked away from him with a cry. “You’re always so sensitive and responsive to my touch. It’s truly a sight to see.”
“Only for you.” You mumbled, words muffled by the bedsheets and you gasped as a hand came down in a harsh slap over your ass, palm soon rubbing the pain away as he took it, and he repeated the action, quiet sounds of need falling from you each time.
“It better only be for me. Nobody else can fuck you like I can, nobody else can please you like I can. You’re all mine, little dove. Nobody else gets to touch you or be near you. You’re all mine, understood?” You nodded, pushing yourself up on weak arms and wiggling your ass in his direction, flipping your hair away to look at him over your shoulder, your bright eyes connecting with his dark ones in a powerful stare.
“I don’t want anyone else, anyway. I only want you.”
With a growl, he lined himself up with your entrance, snapping forward in a rapid thrust and your body jumped with the movement, his fingers skimming along your spine until his chest was almost pressed to your back. His hot breaths were fanning over your earlobe as he circled his arms around you, pulling you up until you were pressed flush together, with his cock buried snuggly within your walls. “And I only want you, darling.”
His hips pulled back as he spoke, snapping up into yours once he finished and he pressed a wet kiss to your cheek, before allowing your head to roll back onto his shoulder as one of his hands came up to clutch around your neck. His rhythm was bruising from the beginning, his hips slamming into yours as his lips brushed the shell of your ear, panting beside you as he grunted.
Your own hands came down, one hand sitting over his and without slowing his pace he spread his fingers from where they were sitting on your hip, his fingers lacing with yours and your other slid up your front to play with your own tits. His cock was stretching you, tapping continuously against your g-spot with every thrust he made and your arm tingled with heat as black veins crawled along his. Numb bliss covered your body, leaving you with nothing but unadulterated bliss as every pain and ache in your body slipped away, your eyes rolling back and raw screams left you.
“Think you can handle one more for me, honey? C’mon, give me one more. You can take it.” His words were choked out and strained as he punctuated each pause with a hard thrust, and you could barely nod, merely squeezing your hand around his in response, before he slipped his fingers away from yours.
Squeezing with more force at your neck, he chuckled darkly, bringing his rough fingers down to tease at your pulsing clit, taking the bead in a harsh pinch, and you jolted at the stimulation. He bit down on your shoulder, masking his own shouts of joy and his slippery palm fell away from your neck, your body falling forward the moment he was no longer supporting you and you bit at the covers beneath you once the feelings all became too much.
“Holy shit, dove, you’re so fuckin’ tight right now.” His hands were so tight on your hips that his nails were digging into your flesh, scratching trails into your soft skin as he left fingerprints up and down your body, holding onto you as he fucked into you with such fervour that you could feel it ricochetting through you. “Ready? Cum with me.”
His hand came down harshly on your ass, the sting feeling like it was travelling across your body you came, stars exploding behind your eyes as your arousal gushed, flowing out of you in streams and he let out a deep groan, his cock twitching before ribbons of hot and sticky cum were flowing from him and coating your walls. His hand slid up, twisting in your hair and tugging harshly, the final added jolt of pain prolonging both of your orgasms as he fucked you through it, until neither of you could take it anymore, and he pulled out of you carefully.
He collapsed down beside you on the bed, panting heavily as he sucked in ragged breaths and a thin and shiny layer of sweat covered his chest, one arm propped under his head as he started up at the ceiling above him. You grinned, your eyes closed for a second before you sat up far enough to run a hand through your matted hair, wrapping your arms around your legs as you looked down at the man.
Colour had flooded back into his body, enough so that his skin had taken on a warm colour to replace the unnatural paleness it had been before, a slight pink on his chest and cheeks from the exertion. His eyes were open, blinking as he avoided your lingering observations, but the soft honey-colour had drained back into them, making them seem lighter as he finally turned to look at you.
Pride swelled on your chest as seeing him so healthy, when neither of you had to make a sacrifice, and you gave him a cheesy grin before standing from the bed on wobbly legs and making your way to your dresser. Swiping a fresh pair of cotton panties, you tugged them up your legs, and watched in the mirror as he leaned over the bed long enough to grab his boxers and do the same.
“You look so healthy!” You eventually broke, and he sat up in the pillows, his eyebrows raising as he found your gaze in the mirror, questioning your statement as you combed out your knotty hair. “The colour has come back to you! Even that nice whiskey colour your eyes get that I think is just so pretty! You look so good, and I think that’s just awesome, because we got you a way to feed, and we both get something out of it. I think that is a real accomp- why are you looking at me like that?”
He was quick to wipe the small smile from his lips, not being sure when it had arrived and he returned his face to the normal blank look he held, shrugging his shoulders as you padded across the room toward him. Dipping down to snatch his shirt from the floor, you crawled into his space, settling comfortably across his lap as his hands came down to hold onto your hips, his thumbs soothing over the patches the scratches had been before he’d healed them, only leaving red nail marks on your skin that were rapidly fading after he’d taken the pain from them.
“Are you.. y’know, are you leaving?”
He sighed out, shaking his head slowly and letting his lips curl up at the corners in a barely present gesture of a smile, but your eyes dropped down to his lips for just a second and he knew you had noticed. “No, I think I want to stay. I suppose we could.. cuddle.” He intended to spit out the word, not enjoying the feel of it in his mouth or the way he sounded when saying it, but he did enjoy the pure joy that lit up on your features as he did, and he watched as you toyed with the material of his shirt in your hands, before tugging it over your own head.
He rolled his eyes at your enthusiasm, leaning in to place a quick peck to your lips and you grinned in response, returning the sweet gesture as your arms swung around his neck. You shuffled forward, your cheek coming down to rest on his shoulder and one of his hands moved further around your body. Tracing his fingers up and down your spine, you shivered on the occasional brush over his fingers over certain spots, and for a while, the two of you merely sat and held one another, the room warming up as the morning sun rose higher into the sky.
“Nobody has ever.. tried to think about other ways to help me before.” He spoke the words quietly, his movements of tracing patterns on your skin stilling as you leaned back to look at him, your fingers sliding up to scratch in the shorter hairs at the base of his neck soothingly.
“You saved my life when you found me, and then you spared my life instead of leaving me to die or killing me yourself.” Your words sounded more like a question, and he scoffed at you, his gaze dropping down from yours and you watched him, licking over your lips as you waited for him to speak.
“I saved you because I fed on you and you healed when your pain was taken. I saved your life for the sole purpose of using you to feed on. You were a source of food.”
“And now?” You prompted, he leaned up, pressing his lips to yours in delay as he tried to focus his mind into forming sentences so he knew who to express what he felt.
“Now, I find myself feeling. It’s disgusting. I have this, like, warmth, right here in my chest-” He motioned his hand to wave over the left side of his body, scowling as he stared off over your shoulder and you felt heat crawl up your cheeks, blushing as you grinned at him. He looked somewhere between mortified, angry and nauseated by the concept of having emotions, and you nuzzled your nose at his cheek while pressing kisses to his skin as he huffed out in exasperation. “It’s as if nothing else matters when I see you, I actually want to touch you and spend time with you. I find myself thinking about you when I’m going about my day or when I see things that I think you would like, and I want to be with you when I’m not with you.”
“Like this morning?”
“Exactly like this morning. Mmh, and the anger. The pure anger and rage I get when I think about anyone else coming near you, or worse, hurting you. My urges to kill are even stronger than when I need to feed, just because someone might one day want to harm y-” You cupped his cheek, taking his lips with yours softly and he let out a content moan at the connection, immediately pushing into it just as much as his tongue traced the seam of your lips.
You parted your lips for him, his arms wrapping tighter around you as he pulled your chest flush up against his, a groan slipping from him as your tongue dragged against his in slow and languid patterns. Your thumbs stroked along his thumbs, and you pulled away long enough to press kisses along his jaw, giggling as you did. “What you’re feeling? That’s how it feels to care about someone. To lo-”
“No. Absolutely not. I don’t love. I kill. I’m an evil demon, I cause chaos and strife and pain, I make people suffer and I ruin their lives. I don’t ‘love’ anyone.” You trailed your kisses along his neck, his head tipping to the side to allow you more access and he growled out in a futile warning as you laughed at his speech.
“You don’t love anyone? At all?”
If you didn’t know any better, you would say the demon of whom you were currently straddling was pouting at your teasing, and it only further your amusement as you beamed at him cheekily. His moody expression remained, and the two of you found yourself in a heated stand-off over the debate as the tension crackled and fizzed in the air.
You adjusted yourself in his lap, raising your eyebrows at him questioningly and he let out a grumble under his breath, shaking his head and never taking his eyes off of you as he squeezed your hips in a warning fashion of your antics.
“I’m not saying it out loud, no matter how much you stare at me.”
“I didn’t ask you to! I didn't even say anything!” You were too proud of yourself for his liking, a snarl on his lips as he frowned at you.
“Stop playing games with me, dove. That’s my thing.”
“I’m not playing games with you. I’m just sitting in your lap and talking to you.” He saw his opportunity and took it, bucking his hips up under you and wiggling you against him as he forced your hips to grind down into his, a low whine leaving you at the feeling of his cock dragging against you, even through the layers of material.
“You are, but I think that mouth could be making better sounds for me.” His finger tugged at the collar of his shirt that was hanging on your body, pulling it far enough aside to allow him space to lick and bite at your collarbones, your head falling back and stretching the space out for him as you began to roll your hips into his of your own volition.
He sucked a deep bruise into the flesh, in a place only he would get to see when you took off your clothes for him and he blew air across the wet patch, watching you shudder under him at the feeling, before he was taking your chin between two fingers, tilting your head up so that your eyes found his.
“I’m not saying it, but I will show you it another way.”
Your fingers soothed across his cheeks as you held his face, bumping the tip of your nose against his before brushing your lips against his, your lips moulding together in slow and sensual movements, his own fingers coming up to brush loose strands of hair behind your ears. With one hand sliding around to tangle in your hair, his other slid along your body slowly, before gripping tightly at your hip.
Shuffling beneath you, he inched the two of you down until his head was propped up among the pillows, your hips grinding down into his slowly as his hardening cock twitched in his boxers, jutting up occasionally to push up into you with more force, moans slipping from your lips each time he did, and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue between your lips, tangling it with your own and gripping onto you with more force.
His tongue played with yours, the kisses becoming rougher and faster, until the two of you were panting into the other’s mouths, rutting against one another with frantic need as the temperature rose around you both once again. His hand slid around from your hip, dipping under the hem of the shirt you were wearing to palm at your ass, groping the cheeks between rough fingers and taking each drop of pain when his nails scraped at your supple skin.
“Get up and take your panties off, dove. Leave the shirt on, I like how it looks on you. I want to fuck you while you’re wearing my clothes.” Your eyes were still closed when he pulled back, your lips red and swollen, and he pressed a light kiss to your forehead, before holding your hands for support as you tried to stand, your mind still hazy. Hooking your thumbs into the sides of the lace, you wiggled them down your hips, the man groaning as you did and they slid down your thighs, dropping to the floor. “Change my mind, honey. I want you to suck my cock, first.”
“I can do that.” You grin, rolling on the balls of your feet before kneeling on either side of his legs, his hands folding behind his head cheekily as he lifts his hips, allowing you to pull the boxers from his legs for him, pushing them from his ankles. Taking his member in your hand, you moved your fist along him slowly, dragging up to the top and watching as his jaw hung slack a little, his brows furrowing as his eyes closed, and you dipped down to take his tip between your lips.
Licking along the slit, you gathered up the arousal beading along his shaft, before sucking tightly around the head tracing your tongue along him, before giving in and dipping down further along his chest. Your nails dug into his thighs, the muscles clenching and shaking under your fingers as you left red streaks along his pale skin. Slurping at his stiffened erection, you pulled away, licking from his base to his tip, tracing each vein and paying special attention to the throbbing and prominent one running along the side.
The moment you pushed the tip of your tongue down on it, he groaned loudly, hips bucking up and a single, large palm came down and wove into your hair, tugging tightly an eliciting a cry from you, that was quickly muffled as he stuffed his cock back between your cheeks until you were gagging around him, tears lining your eyes as he let out continual sounds of pure satisfaction and pleasure.
When his hand loosened, you pulled away, strings of saliva hanging from your lips and connecting to his tip, his hand smoothing under your chin to wipe them away as he smirked down at you, chest flushed the same colour as your cheeks as you both panted. Pulling you up to him, he gripped your thighs as they locked on either side of his hips, but the rolling over that you expected never came. Instead, you flipped your hair over to one side and peered down at him, your lover chewing his lower lip as he looked at you.
“I’m.. making love to you. I think I should let you.. be on top.” He seemed to have to force the words out, choked and stuttered and your eyes widened, but the lust in his eyes shone reflected in your own, you were sure, and you nodded nervously.
“Uh.. okay.” You watched him for a moment longer, before he was reaching between the two of you, stroking himself a few times before dragging his head through your slick folds, lining up and waiting as you sunk yourself down onto him. His thick girth stretched you wide, your eyes rolling back as you placed your hands on his chest, your hips sitting together snuggly and he pulsed within you, a squeak leaving you as you moved your body in your first roll.
The feeling was different, he had never let you be on top before, and you were taking your time to enjoy it. You both knew he would snap, he was barely holding his control, together now, his teeth biting down on his lip so strongly you thought it might tear and bleed, and his hands were gripping your hips so tight that his knuckles were white and you knew there would be familiar purple bruises littering your skin tomorrow.
Taking your hands to his, you bounced on him as you began to find your rhythm, and the soft clapping of skin against skin filled the room as you took his hands in yours, pushing them back into the bed until the backs of his hands were flat against the sheet, an involuntary growl slipping from him as you pinned him down. You brushed your fingers over his clenched knuckles, and he opened his hands for you, eyebrows raised as you slipped your fingers between his, lacing them together and holding onto him for leverage.
With a smirk, you leaned over him, adjusting yourself on your knees to make your movements faster and rougher, bouncing on his cock as you took your pleasure for yourself, your jaw hanging open. You heard him let out a quiet whimper under you, before you felt him move, his head lifting from the pillows to catch your lips in a heated kiss, and you whined into his mouth, letting him nip at your lips and tug on your lower one before he grunted.
“I can’t take it. I really tried.”
Bucking his hips under you, a scream left you as he pressed right up against all your special spots, his legs crooking as he bounced you in his lap, finding his footing under you and squeezing his fingers around yours before winking at you. Repeating the action, you felt your arms shake, a tremor running along your entire body as he set a rapid and aggressive pace, the slapping of skin and pornographically wet sounds echoed from the walls.
His cock would slide from you for only a second before he was filling you up once again, the pair of you sharing sloppy kisses as you clenched around him, trying to pull each other toward your climaxes as your overstimulation from the previous round sent you catapulting straight to the verge of pure bliss. “Oh, God!” Your eyes were screwed up, lips parted as screams left your body, sobs of ecstasy following as he let out his own shouts of joy at the feeling of you squeezing around him.
“You’re so good for me, dove. So perfect. A perfect fit, made for me.” He mumbled, and you cracked open your eyes to look at him, your connected gaze, swimming with emotions on both ends dropped you over the edge and into your finish. Electricity shot through your body, and you leaned down, swallowing his final moan of your name before he was fucking you both through your highs, your shaking bodies clinging to one another in a sweaty and foggy mess of post-orgasmic bliss.
Pumping himself empty, he didn’t slip from you until he had nothing left to give you, and you were whimpering from the overstimulation. Sucking the pain straight from you, he rolled you over and onto your back, laying you beside himself as you looked at him sleepily, your body still twitching from the activities you had partaken in.
“That was the best we ever had.” You whispered, yawning loudly before covering it with your hand, and he barked out a laugh at your action, your hand swatting him away as he let out a snarky comment about fucking you senseless and wearing you out.
“Come here, little dove.” He muttered, scooping up your form and settling you over his chest, his arm curling around your waist to hold you to him as you nuzzled sleepily into him, your hands tracing slow and soft patterns onto your skin. He dipped down, letting a small smile pull on his lips as he caught sight of the one on yours, and he pressed kisses along your hairline, tracing them with the tip of his nose. “All mine. I might have saved you but it would seem you also saved me.”
“There are always options if you look hard enough.”
“I’m glad you looked. A little pleasure and pain is all we need.” He grinned, and you nodded against him, snoozing on his chest in the late morning and his fingers weaved through the ends of your hair as he lifted the blankets over you both, exhaustion beginning to nip at his own senses.
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seamsterspell · 3 years
Do You Have a Membership?
Levi went to a convenience store, and he was welcomed by a dazzling cashier. [LH Modern AU]
Words: 2081
A/N: A Oneshot that was Inspired by a real life event that my friend had experienced. It was so funny and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Hence, I want to immortalized their story by turning it into a Levihan fanfiction.
DISCLAIMER: Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan belongs to Hajime Isayama.
Levi had visited this gas station a few times before, but he had never bought something from the convenience store. However, one day, when he was driving Isabel to her university, he found himself in needed for gas. At the same time, he had also promised Isabel to buy her snacks for her faculty camping trip. Hence, to save some time, they decided to go to the convenience store after filling his car with gas.
Well, at least, that was the plan. But he should have known that Isabel is far too rebellious for his plan, no matter how simple it is. Because, in a quick motion, Isabel unfastened her seatbelt and went straight to the store, leaving Levi to queue for the gas alone.
Few minutes later, after he got what he needed, he parked the car in front of the small store. From the look of it, the store seemed to be vacant. Levi opened the glass door and heard a bell ring.
"Welcome to Rose Mini Mart!"
Additional voice was heard alongside the ringing of the bell. Levi was quite taken aback by a cheerful greeting that he got, which was a bit jarring from the usual greeting that he got from tired and underpaid retail workers.
Levi threw a quick glance at the cashier and glanced away. However, soon enough he found himself glancing back at the cashier. It was proven to be a bad decision because he locked eyes with the person. In an instant, he glanced away and walked further inside the store, focusing on his task to find a teenager with bright red hair. Fortunately, the store was small, so it was not hard for him to find her. She was standing in an alley that was filled with snacks and candies.
"Jesus, Isabel. Do you want to rob the entire shop?" Levi commented as soon as he saw Isabel—who was trying to fit various selection of potato chips into her hands.
"What do you mean? I just want to be prepared. What if I got lost in a forest?" Isabel replied nonchalantly as she grabbed another bag of potato chips.
"Don't be over dramatic. It's a fake forest, a playground for adults. You have to be stupid enough to get lost in there." Levi took two pairs of potato chip bags from her before putting it back on the rack. "It's only three days, Isa. Just buy what you need."
Isabel pouted and reluctantly put back most of her snacks, muttering under her breath as she did that. Levi insisted that he would not pay if she bought a lot, but Isabel kept persuading him to let her to buy another package. After throwing arguments back and forth, in the end, Isabel's haul consisted of a bag of chips, a bar of chocolate, two cartons of strawberry juice, and a package of dry toasted almond.
"Wow, you got a lot in there." The cashier remarked with a chuckle when Isabel put her snacks on the counter. "You're going somewhere?" She asked Isabel.
Isabel then proceeded to tell the cashier about her faculty camping trip. The cashier nodded to Isabel's story as she took each item and scanned it.
Now that Levi stood near the cashier, he was able to scan her appearance. She was wearing a long black sleeves shirt and a green apron. Her hair was knotted into a messy updo from which a few baby hairs could be seen coming out. She also wore rectangular glasses that sat on top of her roman nose.
There was nothing special with the way she dressed or styled herself. Nevertheless, Levi was somehow captivated by her, and he did not know why or how it happened. Was it because she looked so genuine when she smiled? Was it because the way her auburn hair shines from the sun that peeked through the store window? Was it because her genial attitude toward Isabel? Or was it because she looked—
"Alright, that will be $20.50, sir."
Levi was brought back from his stupor to meet a pair of sweet chocolate eyes. He blinked once as he muttered, "Ah."
"Will that be cash or charge?" She asked.
Levi took his wallet from his pocket and grabbed two pair of 10 dollars bill and a coin. "Cash." He said as he gave her the money.
"Do you have Rose membership?" She inquired when she took the money and count it.
"Do you have coupons?"
She nodded, "alright, you paid exactly $20.50 so there will be no change." The cashier clicked a few keys on the keyboard, put the money on the register, and gave him the receipt. "Thank you!" She said with the same smile that never falter since the beginning.
After making sure the receipt was right, Levi took Isabel—who had already put the snacks inside her canvas bag—by the elbow and led her outside.
"See you again." She told them before they left.
Levi started his car and drove his car away from the gas station. However, he found himself lost in a haze of his own mind. He could not even focus to hear Isabel's rambling because his thought was filled with a certain someone. It was strange, because he did not even know her name, but she had caught him by surprised.
Levi thought that maybe it was because he did not expect someone like her to work as a cashier in a gas station convenience store. Granted, nothing is wrong with the job, but Levi had never met a cashier that… that is… that is so…
Levi jolted in his seat from the sudden loud voice that came from the girl that seated next to her. He looked on the road, expecting the worst, but luckily nothing happened. For a second, he was scared that they would die or something. After regaining his composure, Levi furrowed his brows at her and exclaimed, "What the fuck, Isabel?"
"I had to scream because you didn't respond!" She said in her usual high voice. However, Levi noticed a hint of urgency on her voice.
Levi sighed and clicked his tongue. "Sorry."
"Yeah, yeah, apology accepted. Now that we have made our peace, I want us to go back to the store."
"Huh?" Levi could not believe her request. He was barely driving for ten minutes, and she already want to go back? Well, it is not like he did not like that idea…
"We need to go back." She repeated as she sat awkwardly on the seat. Her countenance was nothing out of ordinary, but there was a sign on her forehead that said, 'something is definitely not right'.
He narrowed his eyes, scanning her suspiciously. "What do you mean we need—"
"I HEARD YOU!" He replied in an equally loud manner before lowering it again as he asked, "Why? You forget something?"
"Not really..." Isabel muttered before finally looking at Levi with much seriousness in her face. It was rare for her to make that face, so whatever this thing is, it must be so important. "Okay, listen Levi. I need to buy a tampon."
Levi raised one of his brows. "What? How could you forget something as important as that?"
"Well, I didn't know I got it until now." The words easily flew from her mouth, almost like she just told him about the weather today.
Levi paused before his face finally turned horror as he glanced at Isabel with bewildered eyes. He opened his mouth and asked in a low voice, "… Are you freaking serious?"
"No, it’s a prank."
"OF COURSE, IT’S NOT. I'M SERIOUS, LEVI." Isabel grabbed his shoulder to shake him. "That's why we have to go back! Do you want me to—"
"Fuck no!" Levi shook his head in disbelief before looking at her again. "Are you even sure about it?"
Levi grunted before finally taking a turn to go back to the gas station. They parted away as soon as they arrived at the gas station. Isabel went to the toilet, walking in slow and painstaking steps. Meanwhile, Levi sprinted and barged into the store, making the bell rang loudly as he did.
"Welcome—Oh, it's you again."
Levi gave her a nod before walking to the personal care aisle and grabbed Isabel's usual choice of brand. He went to the cashier in hurry and immediately pocket his wallet from his pocket.
"You came back." The cashier remarked in a voice that was buoyant and tender.
She grabbed the package and scanned it. "Oh, seems like your sister forgot this, huh?"
"Yeah—" He answered before furrowing his brows at her. "Wait, how did you know?"
"Deduction, I guess." She chuckled as she took a glance at the monitor. "From the way you two argued over potato chips and dry toasted almond, I knew immediately that you two are siblings."
On one hand, Levi was taken aback, and a little bit impressed by her observation. He and Isabel do not look exactly alike, so there had been some awkward instances where people would mistake them as any other but siblings. Although, on the other hand, Levi was kind of embarrassed by the fact that he and Isabel quarrelled loudly in public.
"Alright, that will be $6.68." She looked back at him with gleam in her eyes. "Will that be cash or charge?"
"Cash" Levi opened his wallet, grabbed two bills, and put it on the casher table before opening the small compartment where he put his coins. Levi then grabbed a few coins and started to count it.
"Do you have Rose membership?"
"Do you have coupons?"
"Do you have a partner?"
"No— What?!"
Series of metal sound hitting ceramic was heard loudly on the quiet store. Levi stared blankly at his coins that scattered all over the floor. Then, he heard a feminine laughter coming from the cashier. Levi's started to feel his cheek burning from the event. He immediately crouched down and started to collect his coins.
"I'm sorry." She said before leaving the register and went to kneel in front of him. She helped him to grab some of the coins, she even willing to grab the coin that got stuck under the table. He was grateful for her help, but she just could not stop laughing while doing so, and it made him even more self-conscious.
Oddly enough, he was able to let it slide. He just could not find himself angry at her, not when she laughed like that. Her laughter was so sweet, so enchanting, and so addicting. So much so that he let the corners of his mouth lifted for a second.
After making sure that she did not miss any coins, she stood up and returned to her post. A few coins on her hand and she counted it. Then she grabbed the money that he had left on the counter and said, "six dollars…" before showing him the coins that she had on her hand, "…and sixty-eight cents."
“Ah, yeah—" He muttered in a croaky voice, a clear sign that he was being betrayed by his body. He cleared his throat and repeat his sentence in a clearer voice. "Yeah, thank you."
"You're welcome." She giggled and gave him the receipt.
Levi nodded as he took the receipt and the item. He glanced at her and at the door, contemplating on what he should do. In the end, his pathetic self decided to nod at her again before turning his body to the door.
"I'm Hange, by the way." She suddenly told him in a soft voice, almost like she was hesitating to speak it.
Levi halted on his step and returned to look back at her. A subtle flush could be seen on her cheek and Levi had to mentally stopped himself from staring at her like an idiot. He rubbed his nape and said, "Levi."
She was beaming with joy at his response. "Then, see you again…?"
Unlike the one that she said to him and Isabel, this time she voiced it more like a question than a statement. Levi smirked before he walked to the exit and answered, "only if my sister forgot something again."
Well, if there is one thing he knew about Isabel, she tends to forget things.
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brunos-beloved · 4 years
Before I request, I would really like to say that I absolutely love your writing so far. Looking forward to more of your work. ♡
I was wondering if I could request a scenario with Abbacchio and his crush on a mission together, and they are close to being spotted by their enemy, so one of them decides to pull the other into a make-out session to avoid being caught, the enemy assuming their just a rowdy couple and leaves the two alone.
I hope this is alright! Wasn’t quite sure what you were comfortable with writing. Apologies if I over-stepped any boundaries!
cover: abbacchio leone x reader
summary: you get yourself spotted and have to come up with a convincing cover.
word count: 1.7k
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You totally blew it. 
You utterly, and totally, blew it.
That instinct of yours had sworn he’d round the corner with his partner, but the bastard you were tailing with Abbacchio had turned around to double-check, making direct eye-contact with you no less. He’d just caught the sliver of you peeking from around the wall your body was pressed to. An action that made you flip away as your blood run cold in shock. The tall, lean man crouched beside you caught your face drop, but before painted lips, jet black from the  lighting, could part to question it, they were pulled up into an annoyed snarl by the noise. 
“Over there!” The shorter man shouted, his brawnier partner reappearing from the brick corner, “I told you someone was following us!”
You swore under your breath, practically launching your legs from the ground and into a sprint. Abbacchio followed, aura as deadly as ever, you’d really done it this time, hadn’t you? Shoes pummeled the mud and guns shots rang in the air. You were used to running by now, trying to survive in the streets of Italy, but if your clumsiness hadn’t come with speed you definitely wouldn’t have made it this far. For that you were grateful. You turned on your heels at the closest corner, yanking Abbacchio by the wrist in the pitch black. You’re sure he didn’t appreciate the handling, but he’d thank you later for it. You’d use the twists and turns of the alleyways to help you, taking the switches in direction as cover and hopefully losing the unwanted company. Your brain tried desperately to form some sort of escape plan, the two of you’d gotten most of the information you needed, you just had to mess it all up at the very end. You could feel the annoyance of your partner’s pale amber eyes burn into you, guilt filled the bottom of your stomach. You may have slipped up but you had no plan of getting the either of you shot.
You turned to him for a brief second, meeting his eyes, “I’ll fix this.” You muttered through the muddle of sounds chasing you, unsure if he could really even hear you. The determination in your face made his breath hitch, you were clumsy but always so fast to recover. For that, as a person who lacked the ability, Abbacchio truly envied you. He envied you for having the power to try after defeat so quickly, and though he’d never admit it, he admired you for it greatly.
The shouts of your pursuers bouncing around the alleyway walls made your head spin and heart race, but you could tell it’d be over soon, or at least that’s what your oh-so great instinct had told you. Your frantic swiftness carried you to the end of the shrouded alley, but you were met with the bright lights of the street you’d feared coming this way. A well-lit area was not what you had hoped to hide in. Before you could hardly process your position, the wind from cars whipping by ran across your cheeks as you flew out between the brick walls and into the blaring street. 
Abbacchio followed, letting out what sounded like half a sigh half a groan, silver hair sticking to his face. “What the hell now ragazza matta?” Your head turned looking for an out, on your left was a lively bar, and at your heels your rowdy pursuers struggling in the alley. The stretch of city was too long to run through without being spotted, it forced you to go straight ahead, leaving your backs to your enemies for far too long to be comforting. There was another alley to dip into on the other side of the street, but the traffic tonight was ruthless, and unless you planned to alert the cars of your presence too, sounding horns and brakes, and make it even more obvious, you’d rather not. As your mind frenzied for footing, you focused in on a drunk couple stumbling and squishing themselves into a cab, an idea rising to the surface. You were near a bar...with a man you‘d come with...so a fitting position with Abbacchio that would be waved off and left alone easily would be...would be... Whether your mind was completely in the gutter or that was a strike of absolute genius you truly didn’t know.
“Make out with me.” You stated bluntly, more to yourself hardly thinking. Abbacchio’s face was one of utter confusion, a brow twitching up and his dark lips parting in awe, overtaking the usual irritation that rested underneath most of his expressions.
“Pardon me?” His deep voice was like venom, challenging your statement like one would a sick joke. “Che cazzo are you talking about-” Time was of the essence, and though you weren’t usually this bold, you had to act. You squared your shoulders to the nearest a wall and grabbed handfuls of black fabric, tugging his lithe form to nearly loom over your own. You’d always found his height intimidating, but eventually getting used to his presence made him feel more mysterious and somber, something you didn’t usually find in anyone else you’d encountered, at least not to this degree.
“Trust me.” You beckoned with a face that was anything but joking, holding onto golden eyes firmly with your own. They looked haunting with the shadows cast on his face. Before Abbacchio could look away to the noise growing closer from the alley your palms steadied his head, you swallowed your pride, and you brought his pale face to yours. 
Yes, maybe you had been hoping for this certain event to occur eventually, daydreaming about it for quite some time now, but these circumstances were nearly laughable. You figured beggars couldn’t be choosers though, at least after tonight if it turned out Abbacchio wasn’t nearly as fond of you as you were him, which was your prediction, you had an excuse to finally know what it felt like to kiss the gorgeous man at least once in your life. In this moment you pondered, nearly sure his pessimism had rubbed off on you. No, you weren’t the closest personally, you weren’t one to pry, and you knew what you needed to, but with Abbacchio’s nature you figured it surely wasn’t an easy task. Yet, sometimes you wondered if there was something more between the sarcastic banter or the nights you’d shared a bottle of wine or two, passing out into his shoulder later on in the night, drowsy on the strong fumes of alcohol. Were you just someone to drink with? Or would he enjoy someone else’s company less than your own? You’d thought of these things quite often, but the fact that tonight’s mission might either make these daydreams reach fruition or have you completely rejected put a slight weight over your heart. 
To your surprise, when you brought his lush lips to your own, you weren’t shoved away or scolded. You swiped your thumb across his cheekbone, the silver hair cascading down that brushed your knuckles was soft, the encouragement waking him from his hesitance. The action felt relieving with a twinge of selfishness for him. Violet lips danced on your own as he slowly let himself ease his weight closer to the wall, soon enough your were feverish and pressed together like rowdy teenagers. Not unlike you, he’d thought of treating you this way before, often actually. Despite his self-deprecating tendencies, even Abbacchio realized this was no opportunity to be dismissed, even for someone he despised as much as himself. You pulled apart but not too far, and surprisingly careful hands brushed your hips, amber eyes in a haze. You took it as a queue to latch your legs around his waist, pulling Abbacchio even closer. You brought him back into you with a needy hand on the back of his neck, the other still softly gliding against his cheek. If your heart hadn’t been beating out of your chest before, your plan was about to be proven, hasty footsteps hammering down the street somewhere nearby, yet the squeezing hands beneath your thighs drove your attention elsewhere.
When the pattering feet had finally retreated out of earshot, dashing across the busy street according to the horns you’d heard blaring and swore to avoid, the both of you pulled away, breathless and panting. Abbacchio wasn’t an easy individual to read, yet you swore he seemed torn between continuing and setting you down. Unfortunately, he willed himself to do the latter. After an awkward pause, you broke the silence. 
“We should head back to Bucciarati.” You forced out, trying your best not to sound at all flustered. Abbacchio let out a delayed sound of agreement. 
The walk back to Libeccio was silent so far, you were nearly halfway back and not a word. Maybe it hadn’t been your place after all. You went to apologize, but thanked him for trusting you. Abbacchio’s golden eyes cut into you like daggers, as they usually did when he was irritated, but you couldn’t tell if it was due to what you’d done or what you’d said. 
“Whatever, I don’t give una merda, it was just a distraction.” The frown potent in his face made your tired eyes droop. Had you really screwed up again today? 
“Abbacchio, I’m so-”
“Shut it.” The words that cut you off hurt, but when you looked up their meaning was flipped entirely. Before it was jerked away to the street, you’d caught his expression, flustered with the faintest blush. Even though it wasn’t an exact answer to your worries, it brought a grin onto your face.
“Abbacchio-” You called out, his gaze turning back to you. Before he could interrupt with a snark retort you made a proposition, heart once again hopeful. “let’s talk about it tonight,” you stated bluntly like you had your plan by the bar earlier, spitting the words out before you could stop yourself out of worry. “over a drink?“ Surprise softened his porcelain face for second time today, his tight expression falling. Abbacchio didn’t answer, leaving you with a ‘tch’ and the slight smirk that climbed onto his lips before it was gone as fast as it came. 
But for you, that was answer enough.
this took me a lil while, abbacchio’s hard to write for me 0.o but i hope you enjoy this :)
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dindooku · 4 years
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As a young student studying Criminology, Gotham was the perfect place to study the thoery of crime. But, that didnt come without it’s own risks. Without your intention, your life becomes intertwined with another’s; a life you had so vehemently tried to repress - and now it was within your grasp; the opportunity held upon a golden pedestal, just waiting for you to take it. In your own desperation to fend off the demons tormenting your soul, can you overcome the very thing your swore against? Or will you succumb to the darkness? When had being bad ever felt so good?
Rating: M/E (swearing, triggers, panic attack (not explicitly said) - alcohol abuse (OC isn’t an addict but doesn’t display healthy relationships with alcohol) - please read the tags. this fic is going to be very dark and twisted so please be warned in regards to further chapters
word count: ~5k
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You needed this.
By fucking god you needed this.
You could blame it on your studies, your recent move to Gotham city to study your Masters in Criminology; the perfect setting really. And you could blame it on your stressful move; the house that you're renting not being anything like the photos you viewed online - the water-damaged walls and the odd-looking array of bullet holes in the front room, and maybe even the questionable red stain spotting along the cream-turned-brown carpet towards the bathroom.
But most of all it was this.
Moving to Gotham was the worst-best thing you have ever done. It'd do leaps and bounds for your research and personal evolution, but it was also becoming more and more apparent by the day as to why the little flat you lived in was so cheap; having an address with anything to do with Hell on it was probably a good indication.
Flat 221B, 36th, Hell's Kitchen, Gotham.
Yeah. That's why you fucking needed this.
It was an absolute shithole. You'd only been here for a week and you had experienced more crime than you had been privy to when studying at home. It was a catch 22, move to the most dangerous city you can think of and get 1-1 experience in crime, collecting data for your dissertation; or stay at home, go to a safe city and become some pansy police officer who refused to get their hands dirty.
You were always one for taking risks.
So, as you downed your last home-made margarita and stuffed your bits and pieces into your shoulder bag, you were off out the door.
Tonight was a field day; an excuse to go out and get absolutely trollied all in the name of science. It was just getting late, the sun had set a few hours ago and the Gotham nightlife brought the streets to life; ironically, considering the insanely high murder rates. Some would call you mad, a single, young, attractive woman walking unfamiliar streets at this time of night, in Gotham. And you supposed you were. See, the only reason you were studying crime was out of pure fascination. Fascination, yes. The theory of it, really - how the human mind comprehended such decisions and why you lived in such a society - who branded these rules? Desperation was a word you liked to play with. Its meaning subjective depending on your own reality, really. You had always seen the world differently... criminals weren't inherently bad people to you, they were just often misunderstood, brandished, acting out of desperation at someone else's greed. Obviously, you had the complete and utter fucking mentalists, but even then you could find an argument in their favour - like the Joker; he was misunderstood, torn and thrown around like a rag doll until he made a stand, a particularly violent one, but a stand nonetheless; a stand out of desperation to be heard, to be understood. And deep down you resonated with his actions, being driven to the extremes to be listened to.
You knew exactly how he felt. You had the scars to prove it.
Enough on that, though; you're here for a good time, right? Right. You're going out to forget about the stingy shithole you'll be returning to once the night bleeds into morning, to forget about the mountain of case studies you've yet to work through. It was all a bit overwhelming; thus solidifying your burning need to procrastinate and forget about it all, and what better way to do it than get black-out drunk in a bar you've never been to before?
You weren't an alcoholic by any means, you didn't rely on the sweet burn to see you through the days, but that didn't mean you couldn't revel in the double-ended spear of its toxicity - drinking so much to forget, but its effects only temporary. You were a student, after all, you had to live up to the stereotype?
You scoffed at the thought, murmuring out loud, "Fucking hell." Ok maybe you needed to slow down a little bit... you put the hipflask back in its pouch whilst you continued to walk to your third bar of the night.
You were on a pub crawl of sorts, embarking on your own little quest to scout out the best club in town for further investigation. You were just balancing on that fuzzy tightrope between bliss and blindness, the perfect haze to blur out the dangers of the night and warm your skin despite the bitter cold. You were in your own little world it seemed, and as a bright neon sign for a secluded back alley club came into view, you knew you had to investigate.
"Card." Came the burly voice in front of you. You had to crane your neck up to meet their eyeline, trying your best to pull a serious face and not laugh at the imaginary comedy sketch playing out in your mind.
"Card, you mean ID?" You ask, one eyebrow furrowing in question. You had all the relevant stuff, and deep down you'd be offended if they didn't ask, you'd only just turned 21, a few months ago in fact.
"No, Entry Card, VIP." He reiterates, crossing his hands in front of his chest. You scoff at the idea that a place like this required VIP cards to get in. 'Really? They'd have to pay me to not go in, ha' you humour to yourself, finding the joke a little too funny in your drunken state.
"What's so funny?" The man asks again, a bit more aggressively this time, like he knew you were mocking him in your head. And you were. You knew you shouldn't push your luck, his size easily outmatching yours. But fuck it.
"Nothin sweetheart, just surprised 'tis all," You tease, rolling your eyes as you put your ID away and prepare to leave the queue.
The bouncer can't help himself, "Surprised?"
"Mmm, yes, surprised, or disappointed? You choose." You smirk as you turn away, hips swaying in a drunken swagger that you would never normally possess. Something about you tonight just screamed fucking goddess - and 'don't fuck with me else it will be the last thing you do' - you didn't know why; you were in no state to start a bar fight and win. Maybe it was the tight, black faux leather flares and wrap around corset that filled you with a placebo pill of confidence; but by god did you have a stunning poker face, one that seemed to have caught the eyes of someone other than the bouncer you were antagonising.
A whistle stopped you in your tracks.
You stood on the edge of the pavement, back to the club, your hair flowing slightly in the wind. You tilted your head slightly towards the sound, your minimal movement the only sign of your acknowledgement. You really hated catcallers. It was one of the few things that would really wind you up, your short and temperate anger fizzing and popping under the surface.
"Let her in." Came a new voice. You turned around, eyes landing on an unfamiliar face. He was a tall guy, with an ice-white buzzcut and a sculpted face sporting scars; new and old - his brows knit into a harsh line and his piercing gaze instructing you with just his silent intention. You decide to play along, smirking back at him as you turn and saunter your way back to the entryway. As you walk past the bouncer you position yourself against him, slighting a faint touch of your body to his, sure to leave a whisper of your perfume lingering in the air as a sort of poisonous parting gift - a nicely packaged fuck you.
Your pupils instantly dilated to the sight laid before you. Ok, you take it back. This was no dingey club. Your skin was coated in an inciting shade of red; the coloured theme of the club. It was stimulating, the atmosphere - reigniting that previous cockiness you had been secretly harbouring through the night and twisting it into something still unfamiliar to you, the inner thrumming residing behind your naval indistinguishable from the music reverberating around the club.
The man who had whistled at you had disappeared, so you took this as your opportunity to grab a couple more drinks, to scout the club, of course...
You sauntered over to the bar and after a moment of getting yourself comfortable on the stool, locked eyes with the bartender. They didn't hold the same ferocity as the man before, and you felt your outer guard falling slightly at the soft tones lacing their eyes, their general aura giving off nothing inherently dangerous. They walk over, one hand wiping away at a newly washed pint glass with a rag.
"What can I get you?" They ask politely. They seemed young, too young in fact to be working behind the bar, but now wasn't the time for serious investigating - you highly doubted he was underage, just in fact sporting an inherent babyface. You smile sweetly back at the bartender as you purr your reply, "Whiskey on the rocks, please."
"Oh? Honey that's strong?" He questions, an eyebrow furrowing at your request. You giggle at his innocence.
"Mhm, make it a double." You smirk, and he only reciprocated, pouring a double and a little extra.
"You're new 'round here, aren't you?" He states as he passes over your drink, and you nod as you take a sip, soon following up with a further reply, "That obvious?"
"No, I just would've remembered a pretty face like yours if you'd been here before." He flirts, leaning down onto the bar, elbows sitting comfortably on the dark mahogany surface - it was a tactical move, you knew it, he was getting closer to you by the minute and you noticed his blatant interest the moment he locked eyes with you. You'd play along for a little while, it was good practice anyway, investigating.
You smile before replying, a brief pause between sips to sell your contemplation, "I can tell you're not one for wasting time..." You pause, implying silently for his name.
"Alex." He smirks, holding his hand out to you. You shake it, surprised by the dexterity. But as you thought things were going well, he pulls away sharply, his gaze dropping from you as he scurries back to the other side of the bar nervously. Your face scrunches in confusion, wondering exactly what you'd done wrong.
A firm hand around your waist answers your question.
The presence of another behind you makes you tense momentarily, their forward nature catching you off guard. A hand swirls around the small of your back, stopping at the natural curve of your waist, their palm sitting comfortably in the dip as their fingers latched into your exposed skin. The grip is tight, possessive - possessive for someone you didn't even know the face of. Your nervousness quickly turns into a tizzy, frustrated at the being behind you and their audacity to hold you so. You twist, turning your head to meet the side of their face, eyes rough with your bubbling anger.
The sharp-edged, stubbly profile of a man greets you, a little too close for comfort.
"Alex, two of whatever she's ordered on me, 'kay?" The man says. You roll your eyes at his cockiness, picking up your whiskey glass and downing the rest of the hot honey, burning your throat in the process - but you invited the pain, it's scorch momentarily masking the uninvited heat that was building elsewhere.
"I can order my own drinks, thank you." You scoff, sliding off of the barstool and away from his grasp, picking up your bag so that you can leave.
The man scoffs, using one hand to bring the red-tinted shades sitting on his nose sliding down, tilting his head to give you a better look. You turn and face him at the wrong time it seems, interrupting his very blatant scan of your form. You scoff at his actions, turning harshly to go, muttering to him as you walk past him and towards the exit, "In your fucking dreams."
Yeah - you tell him, girl. Too fucking right, that's what he gets for...that. Maybe you were overreacting, but the way your skin heated like wildfire at his unexpected touch, the way the previously dormant thrumming deep within your stomach tinged with a spark of something you hadn't felt in a long time, a feeling that was unfortunately not one of pleasure to you - you panicked. You'd never reacted like this, but something about his presence was just dominating your senses and you had to get away, to clear your head; maybe it was the alcohol, you didn't know - you didn't care, you just wanted fresh air and five minutes to get whatever the fuck has come over you out of your system.
"I see manners are not your chosen language," The man jokes, but he doesn't bother hiding the icy bitter frustration at your rejection. But you carry on, moving away from his ensuing footsteps.
"Neither are they yours," You retort, turning the corner towards the back exit. But you don't make it to the back exit. The scarred man from before moves from the shadows and grips your upper arm, swivelling you in one motion to face your incessant assailant. You don't give him the privilege of your attention, instead choosing to stare wide-eyed at the ground. Your bubbling anger evolves into something more pertinent, more feral, "What the fuck is it with you guys?" You spit, trying your best to yank your arm free. It was no good, every time you moved his grip on you tightened.
"That's no way to speak to a kind gentleman, is it darling?" The stubble-haired man chides, waving a hand in a dramatic swish as he talks.
"You and gentlemen is a bit of a reach, don't you think? And kind too, don't flatter yourself sweetheart -- hey! Let me go!" You scorn, yanking away harder. Your heart was starting to race now, the phantom ghost of familiar brutish hands that had hurt you before were blurring with your present reality. You couldn't go through that again, no. You'd moved away for a reason, even if it were disguised by your University Degree, the real reason was to get away from him.
Your change in body language seemed to shock both men, and soon the bearded man orders the other to let you go.
"Zsasz, let her go." He says sternly. As soon as his grip is off of you, you practically run to the bathroom, locking yourself in the stall. You close your eyes. You were trying so, so hard to help yourself, but it was just not to be. The last 12 months come crashing down on you, and you were helpless against the murderous gravity of it all. Your panic quickly turned into terror, and no matter how hard you tried to suppress the overbearing feelings blistering your heart, their clutch was now embedded into your conscious and they were working their way out, ripping and tearing, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake. It was brutish, the power of it all; how after all this time those short few moments held such a crippling power over you, a power no matter how hard you tried to overrule, decimated you each and every time. You're so caught up in your emotions that you don't hear the lock on the bathroom click, nor do you hear the faint rustling of a velvet suit making its way towards your stall.
However, you do hear the tap-tap of leather-coated knuckles against the door.
"Fuck off," You spit, not even attempting to mask the raspy panic between each word. The other person didn't say anything, and silence engulfed the room momentarily, only the occasional piercing sounds of your choked panic ripping the hazy-yellow neon light animating the bathroom. The clink of glass to wood brought your head up, your attention distracted and now upon the glass of whiskey being slid underneath the door.
"A peace offering," A familiar voice clarifies. You snatch up the drink and down it in one, desperate for a distraction; a controllable discomfort. You cough roughly at the strength, the new soreness from your rasped panic mixing distastefully with the burn from the alcohol - note taken; don't ever do that again.
You take a second to let the burn cool before speaking, "Thanks...for the drink." 
He doesn't bother with a reply.
Another few moments pass and you feel you have yourself under control. You take in a deep breath and straighten your clothes out as you stand, brushing the stray hairs from your face and trying your best to look presentable despite the absence of a mirror. You unlock the door and move to step out, hand holding the empty glass out aimlessly for the other man to take.
He doesn't take it.
You furrow your brows and pause in your movements, and it is only now you chance a look into his eyes for the first time. The moment your eyes meet his, you regret it. Not because you're scared or frightened, no; you regret it because you know those are eyes you will forever see in your dreams. This man's eyes told you similar tales of the navy shores from home that you had often resided to in search of peace, the lighter hues telling tales of the midwinter sky you would doze under; and the occasional slash of cobalt reflected the darker depths of his soul, mirroring the light of unnamed stars. His eyes painted your soul in a colour you'd yet to see, a colour only he could grace you with, and it made you weak.
You were transfixed, held stationary by his unspoken authority. He raised an eyebrow at you, his understanding all too clear. You broke from your haze and scuffed, a hot blush creeping over your tear-stained cheeks.
Embarrassed couldn't even cover it.
"Fuck," you whispered, wiping away once again at the drying streaks of once warm tears on your cheeks. "FUCK!" You shout louder this time, chastising yourself as you come back to reality. What the fuck are you doing? You're stronger than this?
"How about we fix you another drink, hmm?" He says. You chuckle as you pinch the bridge of your nose, the heavy daze from the whiskey starting to mount its assault on your senses. Fuck it, you came here to get blackout drunk, so you're going to get fucking blackout drunk - for free by the looks of it.
You roll your shoulders and pick your head up, holding it high. "Sure, ugh--?" You say, holding out your hand to shake his as you hint for his name.
He replies with a smirk before turning you towards the door, catching himself before he places a hand at the small of your back, "Roman, Roman Sionis."
"Well, Roman, how about a pitcher or two?" You challenge, "Ever drunk with a student before?"
He didn't reply instantly, but you didn't let him, storming confidently out of the bathrooms and to the bar. You honed in on Alex, and at first he looked excited to see you, but as you approached he saw the darkness in your eyes and instantly knew you were'nt to be messed with. He poured a double shot of Vodka and Coke as quick as he could; it didn't even reach the counter before its contents were emptied by yours truly and slammed back onto the mahogany.
"Another." You growl, and Alex doesn't hesitate, the next drink landing in your hands within moments. You sink this one like the last, face maintaining the deadly glare it had held since you entered the room. Roman was soon at your side, marvelling at your drinking abilities; it was scary actually, how you managed to down your alcohol with such ease, expressionless. His grin faltered on your fourth shot and he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, breaking your anamatronic trance and stealing your attention to him; that's better - Roman always got what he wanted, and he wanted you. He raised an eyebrow at your anger, wondering how he could capitalise on this and turn the situation in his favour. But for some reason, he hesitates; the thought of being cruel to you made his skin shiver in an unpleasent way - oddly. See, Mr Sionis was a criminal, a violent, feral monster who, if he did not get his own way, or was undermined or disrespected, made sure that those were the last things said person would inflict - for disrespecting the King of Gotham's underground was a penalty punishable by death. A slow, torturous death, courtesy of his own cynical ministrations. He was the Black Mask, and the Black Mask felt no mercy. Why should he sympathise when he could not receive such pleasures? Others can't have what he cannot, that simply is not fair, its preposterous. And like the narcissistic bastard he was, he reasoned with this part of himself, convincing the little golden figure sat perched on his right shoulder that he was doing the nice thing by not kidnapping you right now and keeping you for himself. Something about you was different, he could sense it - he recognised the brutal blaze swirling in the depths of your eyes. They reflected his own - murderous. And that's when the little red devil on his left shoulder made their attendance known, reinforcing Romans suspicions. This girl had the devil in her, the same devil within him.
"What?" You asked, incredulously. Roman had been staring at you for longer than was comfortable, and you knew he was deep in thought over something. His eyes flicked like an old VHS tape, his physical thoughts and their direction reflecting in the depths of his scrutiny over you.
Roman grinned at his plan. He had to have you, but he knew now that forcing himself was not an option - he had to wait for you to come to him. And what better way than to get someones attention by no longer wanting it? It was the ultimate power play he thought, his excitement at the idea of you being his under your own intention ignited a blistering fire of self admiration within him - Roman Sionis was a fucking genius he thought, no, he knew.
"Nothing Darling, ciao." He replied smugly, his lips stressing a shit-eating grin at his own devious plan. He waltzed away from you to find Zsazs, desperate to let him in on his incredible plan.
You scoff at your dismissal. The fuck was all that about?
Rolling your eyes, your turn to Alex. You take a second to allow the room to catch up with you, "Did you see that?" You ask Alex, moving your head slightly to the side in a nod towards the now retreated Roman. Alex scoffs, placing a pint of water on the bar in front of you. You cut him a look of displeasure but knew you should probably slow down if you wanted to get back safe tonight.
"That guy, my dear, is Mr Sionis." Alex said, lifting his brows as at your confused look.
"Mr Sionis...right, and he is...?" You say, waving your hands in a confused manner.
Alex looked stunted, but continued to serve a few orders before continuing his conversation with you, "Well, Mr Sionis is the owner of this club."
Your eyes widen at the realisation, "The owner?" You mutter.
"Mhm." Alex hummed, amused.
But the conversation took a new direction, a direction Alex was not expecting.
"Tell me about this Mr Sionis, Alex." You murmur, gliding into your soft, convincing voice you used to get information about men.
"Well, he's the owner of this club, and my boss. He pays well." Alex starts, trying his best to close of the conversation.
"Hmm, yes; but what about him? What type of person is he?"
"I don't think--,"
"Alex," you growl, darkly. Your face dropped the sweet smile it had held before and Alex visibly winced. He knew he couldn't say too much, and he didn't know much either, but he also didn't know you, and if living in Gotham had any perks; he knew those eyes - they were the eyes of someone you did not fuck with if you wanted to keep breathing. So, Alex moved across the bar, leaning in on his elbows so he could whisper to you over the loud music; where only the two of you could be heard.
"He, he has a particular personality - colourful, bold,-" Alex starts, his eyes shifting past your figure a few times to make sure he wasnt being watched, "-Possessive. He gets what he wants - always. And he will do anything to do so, there's no limits with the guy. You fuck up, you're done."
"Done?" You whisper back, leaning in closer to Alex, only a hairs breath away.
Alex stalls, trying to find a way to answer your question without sinking himself to that fate. But he doesn't get the chance to, as you're pulling away and turning towards an unknown figure behind you.
The next few moments were a blur.
The next thing Alex knew, there was a face being buried into the hard mahogany of the bar, and the loud crack of the mans nose being broken shook Alex from his trance.
You moved so effortlessly, your movements only so perfect through hours of repetition. You didn't even stumble, and with the effectiveness of your ruminations, practically no attention was drawn to the now escalating scene at the bar.
"On what fucking planet is it ok to grab anyone like the way you just groped me, huh?" You whispered into your assailants ear. They whined and coughed, shifting under the mounting pressure you were placing at their shoulder. You had grabbed them by the arm the moment you felt their hand sliding across your ass, and the quick pinch had you seeing red - moving through muscle memory and destabilising the man by using his own weight against him. He was now bent over the bar, head buried in broken glass, his shoulder ready to pop at any moment. He was at your mercy and your blood turned primitive. You'd had enough of creepy perverts tonight.
"The fuck is wrong with you lady? It wasn't anythin' bad," The man groans, blood pouring from his nose and staining the white shirt he was wearing.
You pressed harder, muffling the pop of his shoulder joint and his cry of pain with a loud laugh, "Say, Frank - how bout you walk out this club now under your own premise before I have you wheeled out in a bodybag?" You sigh.
"The fuck, how'd you know my name was Frank?" he growled, grunting at the pain.
"Not only are you incredibly rude, but you're also rather obnoxious too, you fucking loser." You sneer, shifting his dislocated shoulder further round. He screamed, but only briefly, as you soon shut him up with a face full of glass.
"Fuck off, Frank, and don't come back."
You release him and he instantly turns and scampers away like the injured hyena he was. Rolling your eyes you turn back to Alex, who's eyes are wide with shock.
"Alex..." You mumble, and he gulps, his eyes searching yours out of panic over what you'll do next, "Just fix me a drink and I’ll be off. Sorry for the mess." You say calmly as if nothing happened. And that's the way it seemed, as no one even batted an eyelid to the violent display from moments ago. Alex says nothing but does as he's told, making you up an extra strong rum and coke. You down the drink and place the glass down.
"Where's the emergency exit?" You ask Alex, and he points to the door behind the bar. You smile, sliding him a small tip - hush money - and exit the building.
You made it about five minutes down the road before things began to get weird - real weird. This wasnt the same type of blurry you got from alcohol, this was colourful, dazy.
"Fuck - that fucker drugged me!" You sneer, words merging together as you propped yourself up against a brick wall. You tried to run over the events in your head, wondering where you tripped up. And then it hit you, the pint glass - when you leaned in to talk to Alex, he’d slipped something in the drink.
"Fu-cckk" You mumble, eyes incredibly droopy now.
You needed to get back to your flat, safety - yes.
But you didn't, as when you tried to move your legs they gave out from under you. This was an incredibly dangerous situation for anyone to be in, especially a young woman on the streets of Gotham. But the drugs worked quickly against your system, and before you had any time to prepare yourself for your inevitable demise, you blacked out
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