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{Sorry that I haven’t been so active. I’m actually normally on tumblr I just don’t do much RP wise unless I get pinged for it sort of thing so yeah.
With that, like this for a quick starter mutual only?}
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Pit already had a line of food lined up all for himself! He was going to start from his least favorite to favorite, though at times it was a bit hard to choose what was higher and lower! Though when he finally went to reach for a plate of his sweets, he had noticed it was gone?! Looking around him a bit, he noticed that someone was now sitting next to him. And even more...it seemed like they either sat in front of or took his plate...Oh sheesh. “Oh uh...Hello.”
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Lured by the smell of chocolate, the green-clad woman prowled up to the food table and eyed the desserts, licking her lips. She was about to snag a piece of chocolate when a different inviting aroma cut her short. Laura decided to serve herself a big helping of pasta before going for the sweets so she sat herself down in an empty seat beside a winged boy who also seemed to be enjoying the food.
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And here we see a happy pit! Sitting down at a table at the party! To be exact though...the food table, is where he is sitting down at. Eating what ever he felt like eating...Oh boy.
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When he saw his gift, the angel quickly started to shred through the paper. Opening the box that was inside, the angel quickly tilted his head to the side. “Oh? This is a dagger...Huh, well i mean I already have the three legendary weapons back at the the temple...Though I can’t wait to use it!” With that, the angel started to swing it around a bit to see how it felt within his grasp...Of course, he did it with his back towards everyone so they wouldn’t get the wrong idea.
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gift #3 !!
Wrapped in brown packing paper and slightly heavy to lift, this simple-looking gift has an air of mystery to it… it’s only tied with a brown cord, and even the perfect bow can’t hide the fact that there must be something 
What could possibly be inside…..??
Keep reading
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“Oh hey Toad! Happy new years! Also, I’ll be fine really. You’re talking to the Captain of Lady Palutena’s army after all! Plus I’ve eaten ice cream off the floor before too...It gives me health!” It might of not been the best idea to tell someone that he got hp from items he had on the floor...Though Pit didn’t mind, yet Toad was right.
Maybe he should wait out the food a bit, after all it isn’t fair if he did just eat it all for himself.
Party Time = Food Time!
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Party Time = Food Time!
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When Pit saw the invite he had to go! He wanted to mingle and meet new people and stuff like that of course! Though there was one thing that won him over from the second he saw the invite. It was over at Peach’s castle! Now why would he care where it was? Well, if it was over at Peach’s castle then Peach was there! And if Peach was there, so was some of her amazing food! Just thinking about it started to make the angel drool.
He might even break a rule or two in the angel’s handbook for her food at times, it was just that good! Running towards the front door, the angel had a rather big smile on his face. He would say hi to whoever was in his eye, but his eyes were already on the prize.
The food table!
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“It’s not my fault that I hurt myself! Mega man must of gotten a custom or something...That saw hit a lot harder then normal, my natural healing should of been able to handle the cut after the fight...Though I did lose both of my stocks so I guess that did a number on me too..”
A small sigh escaped his lips, holding the cloth onto his cut. Really, how many times has he seen that first aid kit? Most likely more then he could count on one hand. It wasn’t Pit’s fault he got hurt a lot! He just, had some back luck from time to time...Either from being spiked while recovering or getting a reflected bob-omb to the face...
“I would love that cake! And ah yeah, I’ll be fine really. It’s not the first time! Plus if anything, Lady Palutena can take care of anything else if it’s needed of course!” 
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“Well… I can definitely get you some cake,” she nodded after a moment, “but that doesn’t change that you hurt yourself.” A pause. “Again.” The angel seemed to have a knack for this kind of thing - and the princess had to admit to herself that it worried her.
“You need to be more careful,” she reached out to take his other hand and lay it across the cloth covering his injury. “Here, hold that.” Once she was sure he wasn’t going to pull his hand back, she let go and went to dig through the first aid kit that was lying open on her lap.
“It’s definitely going to need a few stitches,” she said, almost too casually as she pulled out the necessary supplies. A needle, disinfectant, a small pair of scissors, and of course the thread she would be using. “…..are you going to be okay with that, Pit? We can get the cake as soon as we’re finished!”
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I somehow hurt myself with a Dorito-- Aka i think i might of cut myself with it? 
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“You know, I think for the new year what I want to work on is eating more healthier food!”
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“But, how would a rock be able to help you? I mean, they don’t even have fingers.” The angel started to think how a rock could actually help? Maybe if he needed blunt force, but then it wouldn’t make sense.
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     “How about you go bother someone else instead? That’s a better idea.” Annoyed grumbling escaped from Dark Pit as he used one arm to try and push his lighter half away. “I’d rather want help from a rock.”
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“Pittoo! Pittoo! I have something for youuuuuu.”
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     “It’s surprisingly quiet for today being the last day of the year.”
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“Oh...Left overs from last night? Even more the dessert?! Oh boy this is mine now!” With that, the hungry angel reached into the fridge to grab the food his eyes had fallen upon. 
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Starter call for mutuals! Just like if you want one!
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Moving away from the wing once more, this time laying on the other angel’s lap he smiles. “What if I help you in whatever you’re doing. Two heads are better then one right!?”
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     “Exactly.” He moved his wing away, only to stuff it in Pit’s face again. “Just knowing you’re there messes me up.”
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With the wing in his face, the angel started to flay a bit until he was finally able to move his head away from the wing. Looking at the other, the angel tilted his head acting like he had no idea what Pittoo was talking about. “What do you mean I’m messing you up? I’m not even talking Pitttoo I’m just sitting here.”
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     The longer Pit remained there, the quicker his patience levels dropped. Eventually the dark angel moved his wing to slap Pit with it, and keep it stuffed in his face. “Go away. You’re messing me up.”
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That was exactly what he wanted, if Pittoo was going to ignore him, he was going to make sure he didn’t from now. So he just sat there, staring at the other’s 3ds. A playful smile on his face.
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     His silence continued, as well as the tapping of the touch screen. Whatever Pit was trying to do was honestly a mystery to him, but nevertheless it was slowly wearing down his patience.
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“Mega man’s Buzz saw. He sadly got me to reflect one of his smash attacks and got me with the buzz saw instead. I normally don’t get hit by that thing in any meaningful way, so it just caught me off guard really.” Which is quite sad seeing that, even without the reflecting item he had with him, he could handle a few projectiles. 
Wincing a bit from the pressing, a sigh escaped the angel. “I told you Peach, all I need is some food and I’ll be fine really!...Even more if it’s some of your delicious cake oh boy.”
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“Pit, I’m literally a nurse.” She wasn’t taking any of his garbage - and she didn’t care if it did hurt. She continued pressing the cloth up against the injury, maybe even a little harder to get him to settle down. 
“I need it to stop bleeding so bad so I can stitch it up, okay?” Her tone was firm, but still gentle, and she lowered her guard to give the angel a look of genuine concern. “….what did you do anyway? How did you even get this…?”
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