grief-theory · 9 years
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The water was beautiful today. He didn’t even know where he was, or really even how he’d come to be here - the only thing he could remember in recent history was stumbling across the place.
Long, white beach, crystal clear water as far as the eye could see…. that had been enough for him. Sometimes it was nice to take a break - to let another’s passions take over and distract from the dreariness at hand - and right now, the boy was finding just that to be the case. Swimming was a nice distraction, and after the initial four or five hours in the water, he allowed himself to just sink to the bottom. He laid eagle-spread on the ocean floor for another half hour, just staring up at the sky through the waves. The way the sun rippled through the water was stunning, and so relaxing…. he could’ve stayed for hours more. But of course, he would have to dry off eventually, and when the sun ducked behind a cloud he reluctantly made his way back to the shore.
Dripping, he lowered himself to the ground the moment he reached land, lying back in the sand and closing his eyes. He would lie here for a little while - just long enough to dry, but not to burn - and then he would remove his mask and be on his way. It had been a nice break, but he couldn’t stay here forever. One afternoon had been plenty enough.
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$ [sure, why not]
[text] Hey so I know I sort of tried to kill you last week but we need to talk about some very important stuff so please dont try to remove my head 
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