crazed game enjoyer
54 posts
they/them | 22 | potentially alive! also sometimes known as frogs_atrium I like games and tend to draw fanart for them but I also really like to draw my ocs on occasionother than that you can call me frog or bog
Last active 4 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
dwellerofbogs · 11 days ago
In regards of the Trump government scraping all trans inclusion in its queer information portion of its websites I have made this thing. Spread the word. Don't let them pretend we never existed.
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P.S: Don't like! Reblog! <3
EDIT: Well this got a lot of attention! I got a few users asking to print or repost my art and I am unimaginably grateful to everyone's interest, especially since it's a really simple drawing I made on a whim haha! Anyone who is looking to print these out to hang or hand out or repost on another platform is free to do so, although I ask you to credit me and let people know it's from my Tumblr profile! If anyone wishes to do anything else with my art or post and wants to clarify what I consent to then they can message me privately and I'll explain! <333 all my love to my queer siblings
EDIT: I made an LGBTQIA+ version with a focus on trans and intersex folks, it's on my pinned if you prefer this version of the acronym.
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dwellerofbogs · 16 days ago
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drew over something i wrote for a class and liked :] sorry the cars are lowkey ugly, its because I fucking hate cars and cant be bothered to learn what they look like beyond ominous hunks of metal
edit: transcript of the poem by itself under the cut
6 Tips for Crossing the Road
Look both ways
The road is for cars. 
Make sure to look for them before crossing. Even when you have the right of way, cars have a lot of safety features and you have none. 
Use designated crosswalks 
The road is for cars. 
So is the crosswalk but, under brief and temporary conditions, you can use it too! Never jaywalk, never walk in the road, just hope there is a clear and functional sidewalk. 
Cross at the light
The road is for cars. 
There are rules and signs for them, but that can only go so far. Walk quickly and hold your breath and hope that the light doesn't turn. Make eye contact with drivers as their cars teem with potential energy, rumbling with disdain at the inconvenience of your crossing. Try to ignore the cloud of exhaust that you are in and they are above. 
Leash your pets
The road is for cars. 
To you, it may be natural to sacrifice so much space to them but to your dog, it is not. His instinct is to explore freely. You must curb it. Modern US car models have such high hoods that the average child, let alone dog, is obscured. Even on the sidewalk, hold the leash tight because the sidewalk (if you are so blessed) is next to the street and the threat still looms.
Look out for road kill
The road is for cars. 
And no one was there to leash the deer. 
Or the raccoon. 
Or the cat. 
Did you know that the most reliable sample method for wildlife in an area is looking at the roadkill? 
Remember these tips
The road is for cars. 
Cars are everywhere. In the city. In the suburbs. In the country. In the woods (the US Forest Service manages more roads than the entire Ministry of Transit in China.) Cars are everywhere because there are roads to bring them there, which is great if you are a car and want to get from place to place fast without worrying about the in-between. 
Unfortunately, you are not a car. 
You are an animal. 
You are in-between. 
So remember to look both ways. 
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dwellerofbogs · 20 days ago
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Mother's Golden Child
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dwellerofbogs · 2 months ago
hiiii haven't posted here in a while i have more oc stuff heeerrrreeee the big lady - her name is Phylo and she's attempting to create a God to prove her strength :) She already is a God but Gods that can make others are seen as vastly stronger than those that cannot
the silly little guy she's talking to there is Blake :)
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dwellerofbogs · 2 months ago
I've seen people talk about how they think the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC does or doesn't completely butt heads with the lore of the base game and one example of it doing so is Marika being from the Numen in the base game and the Shaman in the DLC... I've also seen someone mention they think maybe the Numen are descendants of the Shaman but honestly? What if Marika just lied? Like she very well could have - she clearly doesn't want anybody knowing about the Shadowlands, and admitting that she hails from there would definitely hint to it's existence. So maybe she lied, and the base game just lies with her, never even bothering to hint that it might be false.
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dwellerofbogs · 2 months ago
guy in the frozen food aisle walking around with his hands behind his back like he's at a museum
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dwellerofbogs · 3 months ago
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Surprise! Another Elden Ring travel poster! I've been wanting to do this one for ages now. Such a melancholy place... with some of the best music in the game imo 💛 
Also I think the Shaman Village is actually one of the places in Elden Ring I'd most like to visit for real. 
Which area should I do next??? 
You can get prints of all my Elden Ring travel posters here!
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dwellerofbogs · 3 months ago
America be like "you cant have free healthcare or easy access to disability but you can have a gun"
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dwellerofbogs · 3 months ago
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Mohg, Lord of Blood Anatomy Reference Masterpost
The newest part of my reference post series, this time it's about Mohg for @omenfailure ! Please feel free to show this to your artist friends by either reblogging or sharing it, as it took a good while to make.
There are many photos below, all of them 2k-3k in size, so open them up separately if needed (especially on mobile, as big photos tend to show up blurry unless tapped individually).
Posts like this: Morgott, Godrick, Fallingstar Beast, Rennala
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Hope you like it!
If you find my reference posts useful, you can support me on Kofi if you'd like to.
And you can always support me by reblogging and sharing instead of just liking, that way people will actually see the post.
Thank you for your attention.
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dwellerofbogs · 3 months ago
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Grasshopper (1987) by Peter Blegvad from Imagine, Observe, Remember
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dwellerofbogs · 3 months ago
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let's get ✨vulnerable✨
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dwellerofbogs · 4 months ago
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I love speed runners
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dwellerofbogs · 4 months ago
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*doom music starts to play* I actually kindof like scheduling these kinds of appointments now...
but seriously Fellas, don't forget to schedule a pap smear every couple of years just in case. If you still have a cervix you can still get cervical cancer. ilu
this has been a psa
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dwellerofbogs · 4 months ago
If it makes any of you feel better, Donald Trump will have an uphill battle to change the constitution. He will need:
-2/3 of Senators (60)
-2/3 of the House of Representatives (290)
-3/4 of the states (38)
In 2026, 33 senate seats will be up for grabs, and we’ll be able to vote for people who are against Trump and his ideals.
Breathe and remain hopeful because it’s not over. We can still fight and make Trump’s last four years hell.
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dwellerofbogs · 4 months ago
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dwellerofbogs · 4 months ago
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Some Godwyn sketches that were living in my head rent free after reading a lore theory on reddit. It theorized that Godwyn was ascending to godhood by becoming a true dragon, in alignment with the myth of the koi fish swimming up stream until it became a dragon.
So I played around with that design as if it were a phase shift in his boss fight, with his weird oyster face opening up and revealing his true form, a rancid deathblight dragon.
Also playing around that the oyster face isn't Godwyns real face, but rather just like a real oyster, with Godwyns head is being reformed within it much like like what happens in real oysters when they make pearls (instead of calcium it's deathblight, and the "outside particle" is Godwyns corpse being covered and changed to create the Prince of Death.) (This is also like... visually could be compared to Griffith being rebirthed through the red behelit into Femto, since I know Miyazaki loves that Berserk stuff)
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dwellerofbogs · 4 months ago
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Marzena Ablewska Lech
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