dustcomic · 11 months
New DUST designs
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Miles Clark is a super genius scientist who will save the world! Miles is very intelligent, enjoys arguments, and is curious to his own detriment. He will do anything to get what he wants. At first his personality always either clashes or completely melts together with the other person’s, until he mellows out a bit. Although Hannah doesn’t do this on purpose, she makes Miles feel like he is wasting time, and he internalizes this. He frantically searches for any way to rebuild the world.
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Hannah is Miles' best friend from when she first woke up, and she remembers him as a great scientist. Hannah is sweet and caring and always tries to find the middle ground. She gets nervous when people are disagreeing. Hannah is scared of losing her past, and often has bouts of nostalgia in the post-apocalyptic world. As such, she is a bit obsessed with returning to how it was, and frequently pressures Miles to work harder. When they stray from the path to the old world she frequently gets more and more stressed, but as her bonds to the others grow, especially the one with Sengi, she learns to let go a little.
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When Ruuto isn’t daydreaming, he’s dreaming in his sleep. Sengi and Miles frequently call him the laziest person on earth, and with the amount of surviving people, that may well be true. According to him he’s conserving his physical energy, whatever that may mean. Ruuto is spiritual, and a bit superstitious at times. He is relaxed in mind-to-mind connections, but physical contact easily flusters him. Although the others frequently joke about him not contributing, he can randomly have the most brilliant ideas. Ruuto is very observant of people and their emotions when he’s on the outside of a conversation but is very oblivious in actual interactions.
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Sengi grew up in the post-apocalyptic world and as such is well adjusted to its perils. From a young age she was separated from her parents. When she met the others, she was initially hesitant to make connections. Was she cursed? Did she want the others to suffer the same fate her family did? Although Sengi is big and muscular she’s also shy, a bit awkward, and when she tries to quip she can make the corniest jokes.
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Scarecrow is a curious girl, who woke up a few months prior to Miles and Hannah but lives in the wilderness of the apocalypse as if she’s been living it her whole life. Her crow Dexter never leaves her side, and according to her, she can talk to not only him, but all animals. Scarecrow has a bad case of FOMO and as such they will impulsively jump into anything they deem even slightly interesting. The others can frequently get annoyed or even angry with Scarecrow due to her offensive jokes, and she claims she has “no filter”. While she vehemently denies any knowledge of the former world, she makes it obvious that her memories weren’t lost due to her constant references she makes to the old world. For some reason they try to ignore it, as if it never existed.
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Orson is a down-to-earth guy who is often the voice of reason in the group. His logic is unrivalled among a crowd of quite some emotional people, although he doesn't have very strong opinions. He likes it when people get along. Orson doesn't handle change very well, but luckily he does enjoy the serenity of nature very much, so the post-apocalyptic world isn't all bad for him. As an older brother, he tries to make Hannah stress out a bit less. Orson is a bit suspicious of Miles, but seeing as he's Hannah's best friend, he ignores the feelings.
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dustcomic · 1 year
Presenting, the new DUST designs!
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Miles Clark (he/him) is a super genius environmental scientist who will save the world! ... Except, that's what Hannah told him. Several decades of cryostasis (to avoid the apocalypse) messed with his mind, and he can't remember anything of his past. Miles is very intelligent, enjoys arguments, and is curious to his own detriment. He will do anything to get what he wants. At first his personality always either clashes or completely melts together with other people, until he mellows out a bit. Although Hannah doesn’t do this on purpose, she makes Miles feel like his loss of memory is a tragedy, and he internalizes this as if it were his fault. He frantically searches for any clue of his past, and any way to rebuild the world.
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Hannah Mayfield (she/her) is Miles' best friend from when she first woke up. Contrary to Miles, cryostasis didn't affect her much, and she remembers him as a great scientist. Hannah is sweet and caring and always tries to find the middle ground. She gets nervous when people are disagreeing. Hannah is scared of losing her past, and often has bouts of nostalgia. As such, she is a bit obsessed with returning to how it was, and frequently pressures Miles to at least remember something. When they stray from the path to the old world she frequently gets more and more stressed, but as her bonds to the others grow, especially the one with Sengi, she learns to let go a little.
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When Ruuto Valerian (he/they) isn’t dreaming, they're daydreaming. Sengi and Miles frequently call them the laziest person on earth, and with the amount of surviving people, that may well be true. According to him he’s conserving his physical energy, whatever that may mean. He is relaxed in mind-to-mind connections, but physical contact easily flusters them. Although the others frequently joke about him not contributing, he does keep the group relaxed at times when it should, and they can randomly have the most brilliant ideas. Ruuto is spiritual, and a bit superstitious at times. He is very observant of people and their emotions when he’s on the outside of a conversation but is very oblivious in actual interactions.
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Scarecrow (she/they) is a curious girl, who woke up a few months prior to Miles and Hannah but lives in the wilderness of the apocalypse as if she’s been living it her whole life. Her crow Dexter never leaves her side, and according to her, she can talk to not only him, but all animals. Scarecrow has a bad case of FOMO and as such they will impulsively jump into anything they deem even slightly interesting. The others can frequently get annoyed or even angry with Scarecrow due to her offensive jokes, and she claims she has “no filter”. While she vehemently denies any knowledge of the former world, she makes it obvious that her memories weren’t lost due to her constant references she makes to the old world. For some reason they try to ignore it, as if it never existed.
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Sengi (she/her) is a lone wolf, but like all wolves, she would much rather be part of a pack. She grew up in the post-apocalyptic world and as such is well adjusted to its perils. From a young age she was separated from her parents and grandparents. When she met the others, she was initially hesitant to make connections. Although Sengi is big and muscular she’s also shy, a bit awkward, and when she tries to quip she can make the corniest jokes.
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Lantern (he/him) is the nickname Ruuto has given to wandering robot EP-844 with seemingly no purpose. Having wandered for years means that he’s worn down and almost skeletal in structure. He never puts down the lantern he carries everywhere. At some point, Lantern made stalking Miles and the others his objective, but no-one is sure why.
NOA (they/them) is an artificial intelligence, the bellhop and manager of the ARC, the place where humans wake up after the world has ended! NOA is very enthusiastic and will do anything to make humans happy. For now.
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dustcomic · 1 year
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My commission sheet! Keep an eye out for when they're open, if you want to commission me. Find me at https://artistree.io/request/porifebba!
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dustcomic · 2 years
So I'm just gonna put some more detailed bio's for the main characters from Dust here!
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Miles Clark (he/him) is a super genius environmental scientist who will save the world! ... Except, that's what Hannah told him. Several decades of cryostasis (to avoid the apocalypse) messed with his mind, and he can't remember anything of his past. Miles is very intelligent, enjoys arguments, and is curious to his own detriment. He will do anything to get what he wants. At first his personality always either clashes or completely melts together with other people, until he mellows out a bit. Although Hannah doesn’t do this on purpose, she makes Miles feel like his loss of memory is a tragedy, and he internalizes this as if it were his fault. He frantically searches for any clue of his past, and any way to rebuild the world.
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Hannah Mayfield (she/her) is Miles' best friend from when she first woke up. Contrary to Miles, cryostasis didn't affect her much, and she remembers him as a great scientist. Hannah is sweet and caring and always tries to find the middle ground. She gets nervous when people are disagreeing. Hannah is scared of losing her past, and often has bouts of nostalgia. As such, she is a bit obsessed with returning to how it was, and frequently pressures Miles to at least remember something. When they stray from the path to the old world she frequently gets more and more stressed, but as her bonds to the others grow, especially the one with Sengi, she learns to let go a little.
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When Ruuto Valerian (he/they) isn’t dreaming, they're daydreaming. Sengi and Miles frequently call them the laziest person on earth, and with the amount of surviving people, that may well be true. According to him he’s conserving his physical energy, whatever that may mean. He is relaxed in mind-to-mind connections, but physical contact easily flusters them. Although the others frequently joke about him not contributing, he does keep the group relaxed at times when it should, and they can randomly have the most brilliant ideas. Ruuto is spiritual, and a bit superstitious at times. He is very observant of people and their emotions when he’s on the outside of a conversation but is very oblivious in actual interactions.
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Scarecrow (she/they) is a curious girl, who woke up a few months prior to Miles and Hannah but lives in the wilderness of the apocalypse as if she’s been living it her whole life. Her crow Dexter never leaves her side, and according to her, she can talk to not only him, but all animals. Scarecrow has a bad case of FOMO and as such they will impulsively jump into anything they deem even slightly interesting. The others can frequently get annoyed or even angry with Scarecrow due to her offensive jokes, and she claims she has “no filter”. While she vehemently denies any knowledge of the former world, she makes it obvious that her memories weren’t lost due to her constant references she makes to the old world. For some reason they try to ignore it, as if it never existed.
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Sengi (she/her) is a lone wolf, but like all wolves, she would much rather be part of a pack. She grew up in the post-apocalyptic world and as such is well adjusted to its perils. From a young age she was separated from her parents and grandparents. When she met the others, she was initially hesitant to make connections. Although Sengi is big and muscular she’s also shy, a bit awkward, and when she tries to quip she can make the corniest jokes.
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dustcomic · 2 years
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dustcomic · 2 years
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May 2022
Scarecrow and their crow Dexter! They have an unbreakable bond since Scarecrow lost her last Dexter, who was actually a chicken she decided to eat.
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dustcomic · 2 years
Can Sengi please top me (asking for a friend)
As I'm the only one capable enough to build a device to communicate with the past, I feel like it is my duty to answer this question. And the answer is n- HEY! LET GO OF TH
hey sengi here what is top also you look uh cute
Well, there's your answer. Be a bit more careful with asking Sengi questions next time, she can get a bit... excited interacting with girls.
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dustcomic · 2 years
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Introducing the main characters from Dust, from left to right, ending with our main main character! The information here might be outdated in a while, as I'm working on some redesigns! Sengi is a lone wolf, but like all wolves, she would much rather be part of a pack. She grew up in the post-apocalyptic world and as such is well adjusted to its perils. From a young age she was separated from her parents and grandparents. When she met the others, she was initially hesitant to make connections. Although Sengi is big and muscular she’s also shy, a bit awkward, and when she tries to quip she can make the corniest jokes.
When Ruuto Valerian isn’t dreaming, he’s daydreaming. Sengi and Miles frequently call them the laziest person on earth, and with the amount of surviving people, that may well be true. According to him he’s conserving his physical energy. Ruuto is spiritual, and a bit superstitious at times. He is very observant of people and their emotions when he’s on the outside of a conversation but is very oblivious in actual interactions.
Scarecrow is a curious girl, who woke up a few months prior to Miles and Hannah but lives in the wilderness of the apocalypse as if she’s been living it her whole life. Her crow Dexter never leaves her side, and according to her, she can talk to not only him, but all animals. Scarecrow will impulsively jump into anything they deem even slightly interesting. They vehemently deny any knowledge of the former world.
Hannah Mayfield is Miles' best friend from when she first woke up. Contrary to Miles, cryostasis didn't affect her much, and she remembers him as a great scientist. Hannah is sweet and caring and always tries to find the middle ground. She gets nervous when people are disagreeing. Hannah is scared of losing her past, and often has bouts of nostalgia. As such, she is a bit obsessed with returning to how it was, and frequently pressures Miles to at least remember something. When they stray from the path to the old world she frequently gets more and more stressed, but as her bonds to the others grow, especially the one with Sengi, she learns to let go a little.
Miles Clark is a super genius environmental scientist who will save the world! ... Except, that's what Hannah told him. Several decades of cryostasis (to avoid the apocalypse) messed with his mind, and he can't remember anything of his past. Miles is very intelligent, enjoys arguments, and is curious to his own detriment. He will do anything to get what he wants. Although Hannah doesn’t do this on purpose, she makes Miles feel like his loss of memory is a tragedy, and he internalizes this as if it were his fault. He frantically searches for any clue of his past, and any way to rebuild the world.
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