dusollstdiesirae · 3 months
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dusollstdiesirae · 3 months
Embrace your own style. Swim against the current of popularity and transcend the normalized mundanity. Surf the Kali Yuga.
whats the consensus on writing in pov other than third person on Tumblr RP?
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dusollstdiesirae · 3 months
BOLD any fears which apply to your muse. Italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
Reinhard Heydrich
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circa 1939
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the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. suffocation. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. heights. death. dying. intimacy. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. sex. chains. inner demons. hallucinations. staring. going berserk. betrayal.
Tagged by: @schxdenfreude
Tagging: everyone and all
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dusollstdiesirae · 3 months
Once I set up my multimuse I'll add a special hidden character unrelated to anything, just to see who picks up on it
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dusollstdiesirae · 4 months
“acting a little silly” event (5 DEAD, 40 INJURED)
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dusollstdiesirae · 4 months
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dusollstdiesirae · 4 months
i hope you all appreciate my yapping, i do not plan to stop
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dusollstdiesirae · 4 months
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" Do you believe them to? Have you experienced enough of humanity to know of their sins and how they manifest? It is not something you view by just living day to day. It is something one must seek out, must desire to embrace. If sin is presented to you, you must have open eyes to receive the understanding, and not merely meander your way through the encounter.
" You ask if those words have significance? The mere fact you can recite them proves they do. They are significant enough to elicit a reaction and a question; and they are significant enough for you to seek an answer. Any words hold significance so long as they linger in the hearts of man. What is left to be seen is what you will do with them. Will you embrace chaos and seek out the well of mankind's sins? Or will you drift away from the premise, in fear of your ordinary life shattering? Alas, wilt thou again drag thy body thyself? "
@dusollstdiesirae || ii one liners
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"'The well of mankinds sins' runs deep.' At least, that's what I read once. Whether it's true or untrue, do those words have significance?"
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dusollstdiesirae · 4 months
“Perhaps we are cursed to crave something which does not exist.”
The Beast's golden gaze turned towards the speaker, an amused grin forming as he observed.
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" It seems you are aware of this grand joke as well. Indeed; within every being is a craving they may not be aware of, yet is fated to paint over their reality and themselves with its gnawing desires. When one knows such Craving, what is one to do but chase it with all their soul? Perhaps the might of the soul determines the might of how one's Craving may manifest.
" Allow me to share with you a truth: what you see before you is the highest point of the soul's ability. The emanation of Craving upon the outward world, crafted solely for the Dies Irae to come. For my love is destruction, I shall love everything and all.
" Will you strive to ascend? To know the truest form of your own Craving? Or will you remain ignorant, fighting to keep your ordinary life and push away those whose Cravings have been quenched? "
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dusollstdiesirae · 4 months
warhammer 40k  …  sentence starters
“Peace is a vain wish.”
“Cowards die in shame.“
“Blood for the Blood God!“
“Only in death does duty end.”
“You know nothing of courage!“
“Peace is not in my vocabulary.”
“Who are you to order me, fool?“
“He thought I was joking, I wasn’t.“
“Happiness is a delusion of the weak.“
“Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.”
“What does not kill me… is not trying hard enough.”
“Never take a gamble you’re not prepared to lose.“
“Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life.”
“Warriors always seek the brotherhood of their kind.“
“Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.”
“Glory is for cowards, too afraid to let their names die.”
“Being underestimated is one of my greatest weapons.”
“Success is measured in blood; yours or your enemy´s.“
“When did they become the enemy? They are men like us.“
“Life’s so much easier when you’ve got someone to blame.“
“There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.”
“Perhaps we are cursed to crave something which does not exist.”
“One thing you can say for enemies; they make life more interesting.”
“Freedom is the only thing worth fighting for. It is why tyrants always fall.”
“People are more ready to fight and die for a word than for anything else.“
“It is too hard. It is too much. Why did you leave me to do this on my own?“
“This city was supposed to last forever, but we broke it and laid it in tatters.“
“Watching us die while they still get to live, it’s all the power they’ll ever have.“
“I know that words cannot move mountains, but they can move the multitude.”
“For those who seek perfection, there can be no rest on this side of the grave.”
“I will own up to ignorance and embrace illumination, but I will not be laughed at.“
“’My truth is better than your truth’ is a school yard squabble, not the basis of culture.“
“There are no gods, no spirits, no daemons. So we make them up, to comfort ourselves.”
“You don’t know of the things I dream. No one does. No one ever cared enough to find out.“
“Words shape thought, stir feeling, and force action. They kill and revive, corrupt and cure.“
“The difference between gods and daemons largely depends upon where one is standing at the time.“
“I defend an empire that never wanted me against an army that would have taken me in a heartbeat.“
“The true purpose of mankind is to bear the torch of truth aloft and shine it, even into the darkest places.“
“All we can do, all we can strive for, is to recognize its menace and keep it at bay, for as long as we persist.“
“There can be no bystanders in the battle for survival. Anyone who will not fight by your side is an enemy you must crush.“
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dusollstdiesirae · 4 months
i love you too darling :)
tagging my partners major accounts in my pin bc i love them so much
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dusollstdiesirae · 4 months
tagging my partners major accounts in my pin bc i love them so much
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dusollstdiesirae · 4 months
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Pie Jesu Domine, dona eis requiem. Amen.
an independent rp blog for Reinhard Heydrich of the visual novel Dies Irae.
carrd wip.
affiliated with: @omegaewigkeit, @seaofkakera.
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dusollstdiesirae · 4 months
" Ah, to make a new companion from beyond the known. It is exceedingly rare to find one such as herself. "
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dusollstdiesirae · 4 months
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dusollstdiesirae · 4 months
reblog if it's okay for people to mention your muse(s) in their threads!
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dusollstdiesirae · 4 months
Ngl DI!Beato was so real for telling her bestie Eleonore she needs better taste in men. Said man she's referring to was none other Reinhard.
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DI!Beato was also bi as hell in this scene.
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