duskheir-blog · 7 years
Carry On - @chiisaichiizu
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『 ♞ 』The Nohrian prince did not expect the other to suddenly pick him up like that, not to mention the spin around as well given Siegbert's immense height compared to Shinonome's. This is evident by the expression that crossed the young man's features, as he gave a soft laugh and smile after. It felt nice to be held again a feeling he had missed quite a bit, it was always relaxing to be in this type of hold with Shino and that won't change. 
❛Entergetic as ever I see.❜
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duskheir-blog · 7 years
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Slowly I’m getting back on all my blogs, hello guys over here been a while!
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
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⇠ G ⇢  I glance away for half a second, are you okay there, Tumblr?
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
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⇠ G ⇢  I need to do a lot of draft work here hoo, thank you guys for being patient with me.
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
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⇠ G ⇢  Now that it’s not some ungodly hour Genesis here I wanted to put this up again, if you would like to interact with an indp multi-muse blog please reblog this post!
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
♞ emblian-remnant
“Refusing to answer? Or is it you simply cannot?”
Most who dared to ignore her would meet a hefty punishment. She did not like to be ignored. To be cast aside and treated as if her questions were invalid. The boy before her had not even tried to speak which gave some impression that it was a lost ability. Something he knew he couldn’t do.
“A conqueror without a voice? Such a pity. What can you command without the weight of your words governing your soldiers actions?”
Veronica’s eyes fell upon the sword at his side. The way he gripped the hilt. He was wary of her, as he should be. Smart boy.
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“Lower your hand. You needn’t fear me.” She moved to step into his line of sight. To remain focused on his eyes and so he would remain focused on hers “What is there for you here besides a kingdom bound to fail?”
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『 ♞ 』A shake of the man's head followed the first statement of refusing to answer her, it was not that he did not want to answer when the fact was... Sirius could not answer her with words even if he had wanted to, the ability had left him long ago during a certain incident he refused to think about currently. If the women before him could understand sign language then he could try to tell her that way, but not many people he came across knew of such a way of speaking it almost seemed to be hopeless in those situations. 
Yet, hearing her speak of how he did not have a voice was clear that she might have understood his plight a little, she was right through how could he call himself a general if he could not speak to those he commanded? Yet, it seemed to work out in his favor regardless after becoming Walhart's heir, his movement was enough to convey what he wanted in battle even if the men had to look in his direction to understand. Once the women spoke of lowering his hand and that there was no need to fear her he was not quite so sure, if someone was a stranger it was unwise to trust their words first hand what if they were only trying to lie?
Wine-stained hues remained trained upon her even if it meant Sirius had to crane his neck down to do so, with his immense height of six foot three most people found it hard to gaze upon him and vice versa. The question of what was here besides a kingdom that was destined to fail... Sirius could not answer that, he merely found himself here after stepping on a weird transportation plate in Valla there was nothing really here for him and his expression fell to show it.
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
♞ northfaire
— Arum watched as the stranger’s countenance told the tale that he would not be able to hear, and the dread fighter’s lips tightened into a frown, uncertain of what to do. Alone, the jurisdiction came to himself and he couldn’t fall back on any of his peers to give him sound advice, but he couldn’t just abandon the youth.
    ❝ Don’t wanna go home ? Well, I can’t leave you        meandering out here. I’ll check you into an inn        and you can take refuge there for a night at        least. ❞
Leaving little room for discussion, he beckoned the other to follow him as he checked how much personal funds he held in his wallet. His eyes fell upon the other’s sword, the sheath hiding the blade but its very existence was still intriguing enough to catch the man’s attention.
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    ❝ … You can fight, huh ? Were you hurt ? ❞
Though the expression and gait of the other didn’t hint towards so, he could never be sure when measuring the severity of a situation.
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『 ♞ 』 Before Sirius could even hope to try and display some form of communication with the other, he had started to walk off to find an inn for the night. Gods, now he started to feel like a freeloader forcing someone else to use their gold on him, with a silent sigh the Conqueror did not take long to catch up walking by the other's side. The heavy armor he wore made some type of sound with each movement they took, it did not help that Siegfried was positioned in such a way that the blade's sheath would not drag across the ground without Vita it nearly touched the dirt. 
To be a Paladin only to lose his most trusted friend felt a little strange to think about, walking around everywhere was a pain that Sirius took some time to get used to that was for sure. Hearing the question caused wine-stained irises to fall upon the other with an emotionless mask, only to shake his head in response it was rare he received an injury now-a-says hardly anyone could get through his armor. As a matter of fact. those who have faced him received more injury that he ever could, this caused the man to frown at the thought things... Did not used to be this way.
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
♞ garconelle
                FOLEO HAD NEVER BEEN FOND of lying in wait while others risked their lives. It was the unknown that he feared—not knowing whether his dear allies would survive, not knowing how far they’d marched or what terrors they were witnessing—it was all agonizing. Thankfully for his sanity, he was never the only one left behind. Many others were, one of which being his elder cousin, Siegbert, and he could take solace in that fact. He was grateful for the chance to speak with Siegbert in particular, and had sought him out as an attempt to bond with him.
“I was, indeed.” Despite the apparent break, Foleo was still alert, ready to provide his services as a healer, should the others return and require them. However, there was no use dwelling on possibilities of what could happen - it was best for him to busy himself elsewhere, and so he was. With a kind smile tugging at his lips, he regarded his cousin, hands folded neatly at his front.
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“Are you busy, Siegbert? I’m not intruding, am I?” He looked to be occupied, at least, but Foleo hoped he wasn’t interrupting anything important. “Perhaps you and I could spend some time together.” / ( @duskheir )
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『 ♞ 』 A smile rested upon pale lips while regarding his dear cousin if there was one person he loved to see it was always Foleo he had such a bright disposition that Siegbert could not help but relax a little. It was good to take his own mind off the possibility that those off in battle would be injured or harmed in some way, while they were still children and should not be involved in this bloody war it was something that never sat right with Siegbert. 
Even more so after he had spent so long defending his own deeprealm from those strange transparent enemies, long before the day his father showed up for a visit after so many years it had become a habit. Now to be sitting here and doing nothing but wait in anticipation? At least there were distractions around the castle that could keep them busy, Siegbert almost always found himself studying or doing some type of training outside. 
❛I always have time for you Foleo, is there something you need of me?❜ 
Yet, hearing the last part of the sentence brought an even brighter smile to his features, it was not often that he got to spend time with family members everyone was always so busy. Siegbert also found himself quite guilty of missing out on these opportunity's too, considering the boy nearly worked himself into the ground with studying and training every waking hour. 
​❛Of course, I would love to spend sometime with you.❜
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
♞ wildcardkinshi
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The increase of pressure on his hand causes the prince to blink, staring down at the child in a curious manner. What had promoted this squeeze? Was he nervous about not being able to find his dad? Or was something else at play that the Hoshidan didn’t understand? “He was. I wasn’t involved with the meeting, but I do know it had something to do with taxes.”
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『 ♞ 』 While taxes sounded like the least appealing thing in the world that was the last of the young boy's problems, the fact that Takumi stared down at him after the squeeze made him realize his mistake. In the presence of a Hoshidian royal, such an act was senseless, he ought to be more respectful than that and not just squeeze Takumi's hand. As a small bead formed upon the young boy's cheek with a muttered apology, Siegbert tried to appear regal even if it was very ineffective given his small height of three foot nine.
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
♞ tortureddarkprince
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Xander followed along side his son. He was starting to think if he didn’t get better after some rest he should see a healer. He really didn’t want to fall ill in a time like this. Once they reached the library, Xander took a seat in his favorite spot by a large window. “You are welcome to join me, if you want.” He offered, looking up at the younger Paladin.
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『 ♞ 』 While the Nohrian did not expect his father to enter the same place as he did, the boy would not complain it was a little strange to have company but that was fine. Once Xander took a seat at a large window Siegbert was about to walk off to a table when he heard the other speak, this was when he felt as if the offer was wasted on a person like him. After all, he did not want to bother or annoy his father in any shape or forum, especially when he was going to start studying it felt as if he were being judged. So with a light smile after the surprised expression, the Paladin merely nodded before walking into the shelves to pull out some martial for study. Perhaps... There was one too many books in the pile Siegbert returned with, setting them on a table he picked one out before starting to read with what appeared to be reading glasses for better concentration.
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
♞ sonofawar
”My, aren’t you the spitting image                          of your father?”
{There was a spring to his step and a dying ember of naivete he was crushing to remove. A soldier in the making - but most of all a crown prince in the works. He had  a hidden desire to please, Lisandro could see that much. }
      {oh he was truly like his father…}
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              ”A true Nohrian prince… You surely won’t be one to disappoint.”  
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『 ♞ 』 The sound of a voice easily caught the Nohrian's attention, even more so when it mentioned he was the spitting image of his father. While Siegbert knew he bore a striking resemblance to Xander it was something he could not help but doubt, while he may look like his father he was nothing compared to such a great man, lackluster if you will. Siegbert aspired to be a kind of son who made their father proud, but all the pressure of being a Crown Prince did not come without its difficulties so many people looked upon him with expectations so high... Yet, there was a part of Siegbert that wondered what this man was trying to get at with these words, was there something he needed of the young Paladin? 
❛Excuse me, do you have need of me in some way sir?❜
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
♞ kaikhosrow
S&S STARTER  ||  @duskheir  ||  sᴇʟᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇʟʏ ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛɪɴɢ—!!
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               “Prince—.  .  .Siegbert, yes? They say you                 are the heir apparent to the throne of Nohr!                 Well, I am humbly known as Prince Arslan.” 
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『 ♞ 』 A look of intrigue crossed pale features where an expressionless mask usually took its place, it was not long until a light smile showed itself to be polite to the stranger who introduced himself as a prince. ❛You are correct, I am the Crown Prince Of Nohr it is a pleasure to meet you Prince Arslan, from where do you happen to hail?❜ In a way, he felt as if that was wrong, as the prince he should know where everyone hailed from especially if they were royalty.
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
♞ moonbreakerdeity
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A newcomer, one who was lost, and in need of help. Link understood that, and ignored the whispers from the mask that told him he needed to be cautious. The boy liked to think that he was a better judge of character than that. Still… well, the middle of a swamp was not the best place to be in heavy armor, with an obvious warhorse. 
You are in T-E-R-M-I-N-A. Technically the Woodfall Swamp, but eh. I can help you. Follow.
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『 ♞ 』 Termina... That was a new name that the Crown Prince had never heard before, then again this was a world within the Dragon's Gate so it would be shocking if he had heard of it in some way before thinking about it. The fact that they were in a swamp did not help the settle any sort of worry either, for all he knew Vita could get stuck and then they were both in trouble with such heavy armor placed upon them both. 
Yet, seeing that the boy could help it brought a bright smile to Siegbert's features, he was grateful for any sort of help in this new world seeing how most people he came across avoided him (for good reason too considering Siegfried by his side and rather intimidating appearance). With a soft movement of gauntlet-clad hands, he signed a 'thank you for your help' to convey his feelings, in way, there was a little excitement in learning about this place it was so new.
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
♞ brightsmile
@duskheir from  ❤
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          “ well i have something that WILL boost your mood, regardless of how it is now. ”
          the girl excitedly plopped down next to siegbert, a bundle wrapped in cloths held carefully in her arms. pressing herself shoulder to shoulder with the boy, she produced the bundle with the CARE of a mother holding a child. unfolding the tops, she revealed a sandy colored rabbit. 
          “ look at him !! isn’t he cute ?? i thought he looked a LOT like you, && i wanted to show you your twin !! ”
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『 ♞ 』 A rather curious expression presented itself upon pale features hearing Soliel's words, what would boost his mood regardless of how it was? Many possibilities ran through the Paladin's mind even if his expression did not change with each possible solution, it was not until she sat down next to him and pressed both their shoulder's togeather that Siegbert glanced over. 
The sight he saw was something he would have never expected to see, as if she were caring for a child Soliel showed him a little bunny with a sand like coloring. At first, it took the Crown Prince a moment to think about what she said, a bunny looking like him? Eventually, a low bearing chuckle escaped pale lips as a small smiled appeared, he did bear a striking resemblance to his hair color thinking about it but for him to be his twin? 
❛Where did you find him Soliel?❜
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
♞ chiisaichiizu
Shinonome had forgotten about the blanket. He typically brought one for rides to and from Krakenberg. While he didn’t using it outside of the carriage…they might be here for a while. 
Knowing better than to just stand there and take this, Shinonome sighed before grabbing the blanket and wrapping it around himself. Once that was done, he once again pressed close to Siegbert. He probably looked ridiculous, and the Gods knew that anyone who recognized him (which would be most people) might talk badly about him, but Shinonome would rather stave off the cold than a few rude comments. He got those every day; a few more wouldn’t kill him. The weather, on the other hand, could do just that. 
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「If we’re stuck here for the night,」 he said, his voice slightly muffled by the fabric around his nose and mouth, 「I might kill someone.」 He wouldn’t really, as anyone who was familiar with him would know, but Shinonome tended to get grouchy when cold weather was involved.
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『 ♞ 』 Once the blanket was securely wrapped around the other a soft chuckle left the Nohrian's pale lips, leave it to Shinonome to be exactly like a reptile and desire much more heat than any normal human being required. Then again Siegbert supposed he was just like Ryouma in that regard, many times he heard Xander tell stories of how the Hoshidan would adamantly refuse any form of warmth that was offered freely. 
To an extent that his son was a little better at accepting the offer, even going so far as to seek it out at any given opportunity wither they were inside one of the castles or out in the snow itself. Upon hearing the mention of if they were stuck here for the entire night it would lead to possibly killing someone it caused the Nohrian to chuckle lightly, even going so far as to give the other a smile as he knew there was no way that Shinonome would be serious about that matter. In fact, Siegbert found himself used to the other's antics and playful form of speech when he was grouchy, warping both arms softly around the Hoshidan led to him merely providing all the warmth he could offer. 
❛Come now Shinonome, that may be the worst outcome but there is no need to think about it we could start moving the very next minute.❜ In a way, the king did not mind spending more time out here in the snow, the longer they took it meant he could spend more time with Shinonome something they rarely experienced ever since he took over the throne of Nohr for his father.
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
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⇠ G ⇢  I do not feel well today at all, so I am going to be rather quiet and try to dual muse today to get some drafts out. If you would like my Skype or Discord feel free to IM or Ask box me for it.
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duskheir-blog · 8 years
Hey man, I just want to let you know that um... I'm shy to rp with you! >_
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⇠ G ⇢  Aww there’s no need to be shy my friend I do not bite, I’m just a slow as a snail roleplayer when it comes to responses and I have way too many blogs ahah;;; But thank you it makes me happy to know that you enjoy my roleplays, they’re so a joy to write and all of my partners are beautiful people who deserve all the love in the world!
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