dunchsquad · 5 years
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a set of icons for aesop carl from identity v for anon!
free to use with credit!
- mod static
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dunchsquad · 5 years
hey!! could i get some grey icons for Aesop from Identity V?? I’d also like stars if possible- thanks in advance
you’re very welcome! i’ve never personally heard of the source, but the character seems cool!posting now, let us know if you’d like anything different!
- mod static
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dunchsquad · 5 years
hey!! quick question, do any of the mods do requests for Identity V kin?
Hey Anon! I'm not sure about the other mods, but even if I personally don't know the source, as long as there's a decent-ish amount of information I can find (and as long as it doesn't violate our blacklist), I'm willing to pretty much do requests for whatever.
Yes, as long as it respects our rules + there's enough info about it/you're willing to be specific.
Mod Echo
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dunchsquad · 5 years
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✨ aesthetic for a lonely (stoner) karkat who feels like hes drowning in his anxiety right now and cant stop rubbing his knuckles ✨ - mod static
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dunchsquad · 5 years
Aesthetic for a lonely (stoner) karkat who feels like hes drowning in his anxiety right now and cant stop rubbing his knuckles?? Aaaa I'm on mobile and cant find the rules so I hope this is cool. If not feel free to delete!! If you can, please tag me @kinnie-city-bitch . Thank you so much!!
this is definitely cool! for future reference, our rules are linked in our bio posting now darlin’!- mod static
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dunchsquad · 5 years
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🍰 Fashion set for a Stocking from PASWG with dessert themes 🍰
Prices + links under the cut!!
Earrings 1 $12.00 // Socks $16.00 // Earrings 2 $14.79
Top 1 $37.00 // Skirt $64.00+ // Top 2 $55.00
Bow $11.47 // Garters $25.00 // Necklace $7.31
Bonus Item: Sock Glue! If you aren’t a fan of garters, I would really recommend this. It’s a skin safe, roll on adhesive, and it’s sold through @sockdreams, who have lots of pride socks and donate proceeds of certain items to charity, if I’m remembering right. You can but it here for $10.00!!
Mod Echo
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dunchsquad · 5 years
fashion set for Stocking Anarchy from PASWG? I prefer feminine clothes and I’m fine with basically anything. I would like it if there was dessert related things though. thanks in advance 🍰
Hey Stocking! Your request will be up in just in a moment, keep a look out! I wasn’t sure how hard you wanted to lean into the gothic lolita/canon design, so I tried to keep it at least sorta casual?
Hope you enjoy, and thank you so much for requesting!
Mod Echo
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dunchsquad · 5 years
hey y’all! just letting you know the three mods are discussing each of the three requests we have right now and we’ll be working on them soon! apologies for our continued absence, school really just Be That Way sometimes - mod static
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dunchsquad · 5 years
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an aesthetic for mod echo of jane crocker including pride, baking, vintage themes and carnivals :)) - mod static
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dunchsquad · 5 years
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another self indulgent aesthetic for my main ID, trans boy john egbert! :B - mod static
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dunchsquad · 5 years
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self indulgent aesthetic for a gamzee pyrope >:o) - mod static
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dunchsquad · 5 years
feminine pikachu fashion
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hoodie ($7.95) // tights ($14.99) // boots ($24.95) // skirt ($12)
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dunchsquad · 5 years
DunchSquad- A Kin Blog
hello everybody! we’re mods static, echo and void looking to support our fellow kinnies with content requests! as a squad, it is our collective goal to be as inclusive of all kintypes and sources as we can be. we are not bound to a specific source, and we are willing to broaden our horizons to your sources if we’re unfamiliar. - what does “dunch” mean? you haven’t missed any new kin terminology. dunch (a combo of dinner/lunch) is a running gag between the three mods from our first excursion together as a squad. - what can you do? all sorts of things! every mod can make aesthetics/moodboards, some can make edits, some can draw (digitally and traditionally), some can design fashion boards- it’s all listed in our Mod Info page! here are some examples:
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- what requests won’t you fill? because our goal is to make this blog as accessible as possible, we’ll take pretty much anyone and everyone! we will love and respect your request regardless of how silly your kintype may feel. we even except non-canon, no wiki page, possibly questionable (villainkin anyone?) absolutely WILD peeps here! we will not deny your request unless it violates one of our three blacklists. this can be found in our Mod Info page as well. we welcome and celebrate all people, identities, systems/fictives and so on.
TAGS: (if you don’t accept promos, we apologize for the ping!) @kintypes-r-us @kincalling @kinnies-n-cupcakes @kin---aesthetics @comfort-kinnies @just-kin-thing @allyourkinneeds @fick1nsthetics
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dunchsquad · 5 years
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not requested, but here's an edit of john!! 💙
please fill up the inbox!! we're begging for asks lmao
-mod static
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dunchsquad · 5 years
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makeup board for jane crocker, who likes mattes and shimmers. all vegan and cruelty-free!
Juvia’s Place The Saharan Eyeshadow Palette $20.00 | Juvia’s Place Matte Lipstick $12.00
Colourpop Plain Jane Supernova Shadow $7.50 | e.l.f. Baked Highlighter in Pink Diamond $4.00
e.l.f. Liquid Matte Lipstick in Red Vixen $6.00 | Colourpop Glitterally Obsessed Hopeless Romantic $8.00
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dunchsquad · 5 years
Hello! May I request a makeup board for a Jane Crocker from Homestuck? I would prefer to keep it vegan and relatively low budget. I really love shimmers and warm colors, with a preference for mattes over glosses, as far as lips go. Thank you so much!
posting soon! stay on the lookout!
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dunchsquad · 5 years
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board for a john egbert with themes of blue, cloudy skies, and sparkles 💨
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