"Yes indeed," Grant gingerly crosses his legs, sitting up straight as a board, "the leader is getting twenty to life, and his accomplices at least five each. A little too generous in my opinion, but I am not a man of the law."
"But enough about me. I heard you talking to Miss Dumpling earlier and listened a bit as you talked to the others. I'm just a bit curious why they didn't spark anything with you."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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"No, dear," he chuckles and sits on your palm. "I'm a rescue. was sold in bulk with others to a fight ring, managed to keep my life even if my legs healed incorrectly." His immaculately tailored pants are lifted a bit to show metal securing his bones into the proper place, "Hence the need of the crutches."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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"Ah good. Well, maybe if you talk with me a bit i can gauge your proclivities. Here, put your hand down if you don't mind, I'd feel more comfortable doing this while sitting." Grant gestures with his head of where to put your hand.
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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He smiled up at you and bowed his head slightly, "I see you scurrying about, but not seeming to connect. I apologize if this is an intrusion, but I thought I might be able to help. I'm quite good at reading people. I go by Grant, but feel free to call me anything that suits you."
Grant clacks his way forward on his crutches adeptly and asks, "I'm supposing the basic types and surface level conversation hasn't made an impression yet."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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By now, a decision has been made, and while Dumpling is getting the fishes ready to go in their little travel containers, the naga who remains is curled up eagerly with a rather small fellswap sans naga in his coils. This one's young, but the big snake easily holds the energetic child as he babbles about "big house" and "catch all tha buggies" and various other ideas about their new home to be.
(this is the one who likes chickens, and since he was chosen, he fetched his adopted brother to come with him)
(It's @himesbittycenter / @himesbitties with an oc ask, this is my first time doing an rp like bitty thing so bear with me and correct me if I do things wrong)
A white-haired teen with cat ears and a tail walks into the shop, looking around at everything in curiosity. He spots the shopkeeper and goes up to them, hoping they aren't too busy. "Ah, sorry, excuse me? Are you busy? I can come back later, if you are." While the approach had seemed timid, his smile is bright and friendly. "I was interested in getting a couple of bitties, but I don't want to bother you if you're busy."
*a pink bird monster smiles at him*
"Oh, hello there. No trouble at all, I'm Dumpling, the owner of this shop. What kind of bitties are you looking for? We have several different varieties here."
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(this gave me an idea and i have the motivation after some back and forth elsewhere so here we go)
One of the tanks held several of the 'rescues' from other shops that didn't have a matching category in this shop.
A sans of one of the swapfell varieties was sitting on a small chair, sipping tea from an appropriately sized teacup and observing the others play. He was taller than your average fellswap red sans, and seemed to only have one eye light on that was a golden star in his eye. This marked him as a fellswap Gold sans instead, which was not a variety at this shop at the moment.
He noticed you looking around and called softly, "My dear, might we speak a moment?" He had a mature air about him and was well dressed in sleek black clothes, using his braced crutches to stand up. While his legs were a bit weak from injury, his spirit was intact and a cheeky smile was on his face, showing his sharper teeth.
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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hiya! im Hime's friend :] and hime didnt wanna bother ya but it's been likeee 3 weeks since you responded to the rp with her? just wanna make sure ya didnt forget lol, if ya didnt then no harm it's just been a bit, i hope you're doin well!! :D
((mod here, I've been super busy IRL moving houses and getting thing done. I'm so sorry! I just haven't had the spoons ;o;))
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May I have a bitty matchup~? 💛
My household is very large, it can hold both land and water species without problem with plenty of food and supplies, but I also have an extremely large and extremely wide verity of bitties as well that is only growing over time.
Im rather experienced in handling bitties and do not at all mind more challenging or difficult types, my characteristic is naturally sweet, empathetic, lazy, and caring, I have a justice soul, I’m extremely physically affectionate, and gift affectionate, but I can understand and back off wherever needed, I love reading, Cooking, drawing, music, swimming and art in general.
My character is incompatible with bitties made of iron or that have iron parts, but can interact normally should the iron be substituted without harming the bitty, with another metal.
I’m extremely durable with a high pain tolerance but also have a high constant magic intake, that may need attention right away should it overflow, meaning I may have to leave in emergencies and I don’t want them to be upset especially if we’re in the middle of something.
ah, well, you'd fit well with any of our bitties since none of them have iron, just gold teeth if any metal at all.
Blaster bitties would be perfect for a large property like you describe, and our Undertomb variety are our largest, so I'd recommend that pair for you. The brothers will happily keep any other bitties safe, and guard your property from any hostile wildlife or people.
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The classic chuckles, "We don't have names, but I'd love some kind of little cave or something to nap in. and a plant. don't care what kind, just something to drift through."
The Frogfish says softly, "I'd like colorful gravel on the bottom. I like how pretty it is. and a bubble chest. 's fun."
(It's @himesbittycenter / @himesbitties with an oc ask, this is my first time doing an rp like bitty thing so bear with me and correct me if I do things wrong)
A white-haired teen with cat ears and a tail walks into the shop, looking around at everything in curiosity. He spots the shopkeeper and goes up to them, hoping they aren't too busy. "Ah, sorry, excuse me? Are you busy? I can come back later, if you are." While the approach had seemed timid, his smile is bright and friendly. "I was interested in getting a couple of bitties, but I don't want to bother you if you're busy."
*a pink bird monster smiles at him*
"Oh, hello there. No trouble at all, I'm Dumpling, the owner of this shop. What kind of bitties are you looking for? We have several different varieties here."
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"Yeah, got one," he goes under the surface and pulls up a Frogfish, with the big bulldog underbite, "This's my best bud. Say hi."
"Hey," the big guy's voice is deep and scratchy, but he's clearly very shy from how he keeps tight hold of his friend and can't seem to keep his eyes on you for long.
(It's @himesbittycenter / @himesbitties with an oc ask, this is my first time doing an rp like bitty thing so bear with me and correct me if I do things wrong)
A white-haired teen with cat ears and a tail walks into the shop, looking around at everything in curiosity. He spots the shopkeeper and goes up to them, hoping they aren't too busy. "Ah, sorry, excuse me? Are you busy? I can come back later, if you are." While the approach had seemed timid, his smile is bright and friendly. "I was interested in getting a couple of bitties, but I don't want to bother you if you're busy."
*a pink bird monster smiles at him*
"Oh, hello there. No trouble at all, I'm Dumpling, the owner of this shop. What kind of bitties are you looking for? We have several different varieties here."
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((i honestly don't know where to go from here. i need clues as to who you're looking for specifically or I can't continue the rp))
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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Hello~! I’m glad to see how active your blog is now ^^ unfortunately I joined the fandom later after the bitty boom died down and was sad to see how many shops faded slowly, I’m very happy to get to greet you 💛
hello dear! yes, it's nice to get back to the bitties after a long vacation.
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"Yes, once they feel they're ready to socialize and try being adopted," Tahoma sees where you're looking and gives a small smile, "I'll leave you to it, though. it's best for bitties to get to know their new family on their own. Just ask for me if you need me, and the shop bitties are around as well."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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"Yes, that's what Dumpling named the classic sans snakes since she loves jellyfish," Tahoma gestures to the pile of deep blue coils with small round skulls sticking out in various places. "And their brother type is of course a Sunjelly, due to their differing magic colors."
the Sunjellies are zipping about, energetic as most classic Papyrus types are.
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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"That's alright," Tahoma gave the bitty a pat on the shoulder and put him back, "That just means we can cross our sign only bitties off your list. The bitty waves at you before returning to a large blue lump that is actually his snoozing brother.
"Let's see if you click with any of the Moonjellies," he headed to the naga tank, which also held the legged bitties of the same types, and gestured, "These are our classic sans' and papyrus types, both naga and legged. Birds are in the aviary," he points to a large green birdcage, "and mers are in the aquarium."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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The more temper-prone bitties nod and float away to their own business again, but a classic Sans mer leans on his hand, "Hard to fluster me, kid. Sounds fun to be part of a big family, honestly. I'm a singleton, so feel free to pick another if you want. But I'm up for it."
(It's @himesbittycenter / @himesbitties with an oc ask, this is my first time doing an rp like bitty thing so bear with me and correct me if I do things wrong)
A white-haired teen with cat ears and a tail walks into the shop, looking around at everything in curiosity. He spots the shopkeeper and goes up to them, hoping they aren't too busy. "Ah, sorry, excuse me? Are you busy? I can come back later, if you are." While the approach had seemed timid, his smile is bright and friendly. "I was interested in getting a couple of bitties, but I don't want to bother you if you're busy."
*a pink bird monster smiles at him*
"Oh, hello there. No trouble at all, I'm Dumpling, the owner of this shop. What kind of bitties are you looking for? We have several different varieties here."
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The bitty starts signing using magically summoned hands since his own arms end in pointy bits.
Tahoma smiles a bit, "all our bitties are made from magic donated by residents of a given universe. This is how they are born, just as the horrors are born with their various 'injuries' and fells are born with sharp teeth. He's saying he can hear and taste perfectly well, he just cannot see.
we do have a few rescues from other shops, so I cannot speak for them, but ours are all as pain free as possible. Though, the brother lines for this little fellow's type tend to have joint issues similar to arthritis."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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