Welcome to the Shop!
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A bittybones AU blog specializing in the spookier types of bitties. Also, we rescue and rehome bitties of all types! (icon by @eribiri)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
dumplingsspookysweeties · 2 months ago
"I love that idea! It's usually so cold here that we don't get out a lot and the little ones are all stir crazy." She giggles softly and helps the bitties get organized so everybody can get some treats.
"I'll bring a little blow up pool for the mers, so they don't feel left out."
A vaguely familiar mushroom witch entered the shop with a basket on her hip, only instead of a frog on her hat like the last time she was here, a Forge bitty was lazily draped over her shoulders as he seemed to sleep. "Hello! Hopefully I'm not interrupting. The boys and I wanted to bring some goodies for the littl'ins if that's alright. It's just Spess with me though, Zircon and Wulf are back at the cabin with Henry." She carefully shut the door behind her and looked around, hoping to spot Dumpling somewhere.
OH hello! *dumpling dusts off her apron and comes forward* Welcome back!
*the shop is decked out for valentines day, all the pumpkins and candles have either turned pink or are dotted with hearts somewhere*
And no, you aren't interrupting at all. *she giggles*
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 2 months ago
Giggling softly, Dumpling opens all the little doors for the bitties to mingle and come out, "Thank you, hon. It's my birthday month, so I always go all out. It's just a shame I can't do this and then get mardi gras up in time because of how close together they always are."
the crowd of little faces teleport or shuffle over, the horror sans' first on the table and peeking into the basket eagerly. The mers in the tank are swiming through new tubes attached to the ceiling so they can look around the shop easier, all gathering by the new tank by the reception desk and gawking at the basket.
"We're a bit bigger now since some of the original monsters came to make their little doppelgangers homes more comfy. Same selection but more space."
A vaguely familiar mushroom witch entered the shop with a basket on her hip, only instead of a frog on her hat like the last time she was here, a Forge bitty was lazily draped over her shoulders as he seemed to sleep. "Hello! Hopefully I'm not interrupting. The boys and I wanted to bring some goodies for the littl'ins if that's alright. It's just Spess with me though, Zircon and Wulf are back at the cabin with Henry." She carefully shut the door behind her and looked around, hoping to spot Dumpling somewhere.
OH hello! *dumpling dusts off her apron and comes forward* Welcome back!
*the shop is decked out for valentines day, all the pumpkins and candles have either turned pink or are dotted with hearts somewhere*
And no, you aren't interrupting at all. *she giggles*
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 2 months ago
A vaguely familiar mushroom witch entered the shop with a basket on her hip, only instead of a frog on her hat like the last time she was here, a Forge bitty was lazily draped over her shoulders as he seemed to sleep. "Hello! Hopefully I'm not interrupting. The boys and I wanted to bring some goodies for the littl'ins if that's alright. It's just Spess with me though, Zircon and Wulf are back at the cabin with Henry." She carefully shut the door behind her and looked around, hoping to spot Dumpling somewhere.
OH hello! *dumpling dusts off her apron and comes forward* Welcome back!
*the shop is decked out for valentines day, all the pumpkins and candles have either turned pink or are dotted with hearts somewhere*
And no, you aren't interrupting at all. *she giggles*
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 2 months ago
Welcome To Still Here Rescue Center and Sanctuary!
My name is Cell (she/they), and this is KeyLargo (he/him). Say hi Key!
Thank you for visiting our little non-profit! Please feel free to have a look around, have something to drink, socialize with the Residents, whatever takes your fancy. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me or any of the rest of the Still Here Crew, we're all happy to help out.
Don't go past the blue doors.
Oh, yes, thank you for that reminder, Key. Blue means Stop, that's Crew and Resident territory only!
Still Here Rescue Center and Sanctuary (SHRCS) is a forever home for bitty bones in need, who have been hurt or lost or just need an extra helping hand, specializing in abandoned, unadoptable and special needs. This means some instances of mature and triggering topics, a listing of which is available and constantly updating in both the Visitor Info and the Tags list.
Anonymous asks are currently Open, submissions are Closed.
Visitor Information Residents Crew Where To Adopt Profiles Tags
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 5 months ago
Tahoma chuckles, "Nothing more on our end besides the starter kit," He hands you a small paper bag with a booklet and a blue salt shaker inside, "We do have curtains for sale that fit the apartment boxes, but I think settling in can be done without them for the moment."
"I prefer not having them until I'm used to the noises in the house," Grant said gently, "I want to be able to see what's out there for a while before I can trust it's safe. I know it's a bit silly at this point, but there you are. I won't require anything else besides what is already in the drawers of my room, and bitties like myself can eat anything a human can so long as it has magic powder on it and a week's supply is included with our orientation kit."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 5 months ago
Tahoma explains, "The box has a stabilizing magic in it to keep everything inside stable for long travel or permanent stays. As for the lamp, that is also of monster make and thus won't need a power outlet."
Grant has a bit of a smug smile, "Only the best for my quarters, after all. If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing correctly."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 5 months ago
The box is a reinforced glass one with slotted in metal sides with a handle at the top. inside was a small bedroom, perfectly Grant sized, with a bed, nightstand, set of drawers, and small lamp.
Grant smiled, "This is my room, friend. I have my supplies in the drawers under my bed, so you won't have things bouncing around while we move."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 5 months ago
Tahoma nodded, "That or we can come to you, whichever you prefer. Just so long as we can catch up with how the placement is going and make sure everybody's happy and healthy."
Grant explains, "It's mostly a formality since they've had a perfect record at this shop for having healthy adoptions."
"it helps that our staff are all monsters, as it lets us gauge intent easily," Tahoma explained gently. "And being an independent shop, we can refuse service at any point."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 5 months ago
Grant looks it over and smiles, "Nothing like that. Just that you agree to a one month check in from Tahoma and Dumpling to ensure the safety of your adoptee, also known as me. That's standard for this shop. They don't want anyone to be stuck like I was."
Tahoma comes back with a fair sized box, "All your things are in there, Grant. We just need the signature, and contact information."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 5 months ago
*the fine print is just citations of laws about caring properly for bitties, as the rest of the papers held only contact information lines and basic notifications of 'this is a living person' "this is not a toy" "this is now your responsibility to feed" sort of thing*
Grant hummed and looked over the page with you, "I can help you with it if you have trouble. I don't mind; my eyes are quite sharp."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 5 months ago
"Wine types are very patient, especially with people they've chosen as family," Tahoma gets out papers and slides them across the counter, "Sign these, and I'll get his cube from the back. We give our bitties little 'apartments' here, and they can take them along when they head home so there's no chance of them having no proper sleeping place the first night or two."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 5 months ago
Grant got settled, holding on tight, then said quietly, "I'm ready. Go ahead."
Tahoma was at the counter, entering numbers into the computer, and the skeleton looked up when they approach, "Ah, it seems a match has been found."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 5 months ago
((ah okay, I haven't read back through the thread so I didn't know)) "That would be best. That way I can hold on to your shirt and leave your hands free to sign things or pick up items."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 5 months ago
He nods, "I do have a few things, yes, but my apartment is in the back and I'll have to ask for help with it. Let's go to the front and we'll get that seen to."
Grant blushed a little, a bit shy now, "Ah, would you mind picking me up? I'd rather not swing all the way to the counter myself."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 6 months ago
He chuckles, "Kathrine is a lovely name. I think the full name is perfectly usable, but I will definitely avoid the nickname you dislike." Thinking a bit, he looks at you, "All the questions I have are very minor things that wouldn't affect my decision. I think we're ready to go ahead."
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 6 months ago
Grant sighs, "I'm quite alone, I'm afraid. While I know quite a few of the bitties here, I have never found any sort of match. Perhaps I am lucky in that, never having had a brother or partner. I'd be a mother hen, I know it, it's in my magic to be a caretaker."
Shaking his head with a smile, he looks up at you, "Let's go inform the management that we've come to an accord, shall we?"
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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dumplingsspookysweeties · 6 months ago
"Oh i'd have to come with you, of course," He leaves one eye closed and the other holds his bright starry eye light, a playful grin curling onto his face, "with all the commotion and audience here, there's no way we could properly concentrate."
He was more than happy to give this a try, a quiet life of simple pleasures sounding wonderful to him.
The woman turns sharply at his voice, but then smiles, a bit nervous. "Ah yeah! I mean, if anyone clicks with me...". She shoves the glasses onto her head, sharp grey eyes anxiously meeting his eyelights. "I do wanna state up front that I have a couple kitties, though, if that's a problem...?"
((let me know if you prefer that I use notes or reblogs or something to reply.))
(i prefer reblogs if possible, it helps keep things together)
"Cats are no trouble if bitties are large enough to stand fairly equal to them. so i'd recommend some of the larger birds, nagas, or blasters in that case." Dr. Tahoma adjusted his own glasses and gave a small smile, "We even have one blaster bitty type that is feline in nature, if you'd prefer as well."
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