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I’m obsessed with the idea that Rio was the only one who ever thought Agatha was good
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Let Me Read To You ~ Chapter 8 (Agatha x Rio Bookstore AU)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Agatha and Rio finally get married!
HI I'M NOT DEAD! Sorry for the wait y'all but school has been kicking my ass, hope y'all enjoy!
Rio was going through the mail just a couple days before her wedding and found a letter addressed to Agatha that seemed suspicious. “Honey? There's a letter here for you” Rio exclaimed as she entered the living room. “I wasn't expecting any mail, how weird” Agatha said as she got up from the couch to take the envelope from her. As Agatha looked at it, she recognized the writing immediately, it was Wanda. “Rio I can't open this, you open it. It's Wanda” Agatha said with irritation, tired of dealing with her ex wife. Rio opened it immediately, eager to see what she had sent. “She said good luck with the wedding, that's it?!” Rio semi yelled out, looking and flipping the letter to see if there was anything else. “God she loves making my life a living fucking hell” Agatha groaned, pacing around the living room. “She's fucking lying, she's making us anxious on purpose. There's no way she would show up, especially not after I kicked her ass” Rio told Agatha, holding her shoulders to stop her from pacing. “But what if she shows up Rio?” Agatha said, holding on to Rio's wrists. “How will she know what day we're getting married. She won't know. And if she shows up, I'll kick her ass again “ Rio told her, grabbing Agatha's chin to force her to look at her. “True, I just don't want to deal with her,” Agatha said, sighing. “Just get a restraining order, I know it won't happen till after the wedding but still. I hate how annoyed she gets you” Rio told her as she caressed her cheek. “You're right, I don't know why I didn't do it before” Agatha said, sighing once again. “Now come on, let's go back to picking out flowers” Rio said, dragging Agatha to her office.
The next couple days were a whirlwind but finally the day of the wedding came. Rio actually did stay at the house and had slept in the upstairs apartment of the bookstore. They wanted their looks and everything to be a surprise so they agreed to not see each other the whole day. That doesn't mean they didn't text each other though. Honestly being away from Agatha and Nicholas made Rio’s anxiety go sky high. Alice was in charge of helping Rio get ready and wasn't prepared for what she would walk in on when she went upstairs. “Rio?” Alice yelled out as she entered the apartment, noticing 3 empty wine bottles and a couple broken glasses in the sink. “Rio! Where the fuck are you!” Alice yelled as she looked around. Finally, when she got near the bathroom, she heard sobs and understood what was happening. Slowly Alice opened the door, seeing Rio in the bathtub, tears streaming down her face. “Hey” Alice said quietly as she stood at the door. “Hey” Rio said, putting her head against the wall. “Alice, I'm scared,” Rio said, holding her knees to her chest. “Scared of what?* Alice asked as she kneeled next to the bathtub. “What if I fuck this up, what if I mess everything up like I always do Alice? I can't put Agatha through that” Rio whispered, practically whimpering. “Rio, in all this time you never left Agatha. You never ran from her or Nicholas.In all the years I've known you, I've never seen you as happy as you are with them. You won't fuck or mess it up because you haven't and you won't. Agatha loves you and you love her, deeply. Trust me, we all heard you two at the beach house” Alice told Rio, giggling at the end. Rio couldn't help but chuckle and groan as well. “Ugh you're right. Also I can't help it that me and Agatha have a healthy sex life” she said as she wiped her tears. “Now come on, we gotta get you ready for the wedding,” Alice said, getting up and closing the bathroom door to give her some privacy.
As the two spent their time getting Rio ready, Agatha on the other hand was at her house with Jen helping her. “Oh my God Jen, this is really happening!” Agatha exclaimed as finished putting on her suit. “I know, I'm so happy for you two!” Jen told her as she helped Agatha smooth out any wrinkles. “I'm just happy we're finally making it official, I just love her so much” Agatha said as she turned to hug Jen. Jen was a bit shocked by the hug but she came around and hugged Agatha back. “Thanks for everything Jen. You and Alice are the best” she told her barely above a whisper. “Of course, what are friends for?” Jen told her. After they got Agatha all dressed and ready they helped get Nicholas ready. Normally to get him in a suit would be a pain but once they told him he would get to see Rio once he was dressed he finally cooperated. Once the two were set Jen drove them both over to the book store where Lilia and William were already there, finishing the decorations and everything. Once Agatha and Nicholas got there with Jen they set them at their places. Jen made sure she had the rings and put them on the holder they gave Nicholas to hold. William brought out his violin and began to play once Lilia told him to. Upstairs Alice heard the music and told Rio it was time. Slowly Alice opened the door and helped Rio walk downstairs. The moment Rio saw Agatha, she couldn't help but gasp at how beautiful she was. The feeling was mutual since Agatha had almost instantly had tears streaming down her face the minute she saw Rio. Nicholas couldn't help himself and ran to Rio, luckily not dropping the rings. Rio gave him a small hug before holding his hand so they could walk to Agatha. As the two stood face to face Lilia gave the wedding officiant speech but honestly, both Rio and Agatha were waiting for when they could speak. “I, Rio Vidal, want nothing more than to be your wife Agatha. I want to be there for you everyday and come home to raise our beautiful son. I wanna be a mother to Nicky and watch him grow up. I wanna get old with you and deal with Nicky as he becomes an annoying teen. I wanna be there when the going gets tough and when you need a shoulder to lie on. I love you Agatha, I want nothing more than to be your wife” Rio told Agatha as she held her hands. “Rio, I love you. I love you and I know Nicky loves you too. I would love to be your wife and a mother to our son. I know I don't have the best track record when it comes to relationships but I know that you're my forever. I want us to be a family and for us to be together.” Agatha told her, trying not to start crying again. The two didn't even wait for Lilia to tell them to kiss and instantly kissed after each other's speeches. “Well I guess I promise you two wife and wife” Lilia told them with her hand on her hip. “Sorry, couldn't help myself” Agatha told her as he separated from Rio. “Yeah, yeah ,yeah” Lilia said walking away. The group all cheered and laughed as Nicholas ran up to his two mothers. Agatha made sure to pick him up and put him in-between the two of them, kissing him on his cheeks. Jen made sure to grab a photo before the moment was gone.
As the reception went on Agatha was a bit on edge, she felt at any moment Wanda could show up and ruin everything. Rio had noticed but didn't say anything to not let the group know. “Agatha, you ok?” Rio asked as the two were finally alone. “Just nervous, I feel at any moment Wanda can barge in” Agatha told her, taking a sip of her wine. “Baby, if she wanted to ruin this, she would have been here already. She wanted to make you on edge and too nervous to enjoy our wedding” Rio told her, taking her hand in her’s. “I guess you’re right. She always used to do this too. Make me think she would show me things but leave me out high and dry.” Agatha said, caressing Rio’s hand with her thumb. “Now come on, I wanna dance with my wife” Rio said, dragging Agatha out to dance. The two danced for a while until Nicholas wanted to join the two in which they immediately picked him up and swayed him. Rio couldn’t think of the last time she was this happy or felt so loved. She had everyone around her that mattered to her and for once in her life she felt at peace. Agatha on the other hand was thinking the exact same thing, she never thought she would find love after Wanda. She felt traumatized after dealing with her divorce but everything came so easy and nicely with Rio. She never had to ask for anything, Rio just somehow always knew. Agatha never thought she would find someone who loved Nicky as much as she did but she had no doubt in her mind that Rio loved him as much as she did. For once in her life she felt relaxed but more importantly, she felt loved. The two danced the night away with their beloved son as their friends joined in and celebrated the most important thing to all of them, love.
#agatha x rio#agatha harkness#lesbian#agatha all along#rio vidal#sapphic#agathario#fanfic#jen x alice
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Let Me Read To You ~ Chapter 7 (Agatha x Rio Bookstore AU)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Agatha and Rio plan for their wedding!
So uh season depression anyone? Jkjk well not really but trust I'm still working on this! more chapters to come trust! Warning: Smut! Strap!!!
“Are you sure you want to get married in the store?” Rio asked, sitting on the couch with her beer in hand. “I'm sure my love. It'll be romantic, plus it's already half decorated” Agatha told her, kissing her cheek. “Hmm, I guess. I just wanna make sure you're ok with it. I want this to be special for you” Rio told her, taking her hands and kissing them. “Baby, I don't need something extravagant, I love how simple and easy everything is with you. I just want to do a small ceremony, invite the gays and then go on our honeymoon.”Agatha told her. “Well if that's what my future wife wants , my future wife shall get” Rio said before kissing Agatha's lips. As they were kissing Agatha heard a knock at the door so she got up to answer it. “Alright ladies, I got four cakes. Tell me which one is the one” Jen said, bursting through with Alice following behind. “Oh perfect, let me wake Nicky from his nap, he was so excited for the cakes” Rio said, going upstairs to get Nicholas. “Thanks again for doing all this Jen” Agatha told them, helping Jen put the cakes down on the kitchen island. “Oh course, I’m happy that you two would let me bake a cake for the wedding” Jen told her, making sure all the cakes were perfect. “CAKE TIME!” Nicholas screamed as he walked down the stairs with Rio. “Nicky, inside voice” Agatha told him, scolding her son. “Sorry mommy” Nicholas said, looking up at Agatha. “It’s ok buddy, you’re just excited” Rio said, picking Nicky up and kissing his head. “I swear you spoil him” Agatha said, kissing Rio on her cheek. “I can't help it, he's too cute” Rio said, smiling at their son. “So what flavors do we have” Agatha asked, looking over at Jen and Alice. “We have red velvet, carrot, tiramisu, and yellow cake” Jen said, pointing out each cake. “Yellow cake?” Agatha questioned, unsure of the cake flavor. “It's vanilla cake with chocolate frosting, I asked Jenn to make it” Rio said, showing Agatha when she cut into the cake.
As trying each cake it was impossible for Nicholas not to get a stomach ache.“Mama, tummy hurt,” Nicky said to Rio, holding his stomach. “Aw poor baby, you ate too much? You wanna lay on the couch?” Rio asked, kissing his cheek. Nicholas shook his head up and down before Rio took him over to the couch, laying a blanket on him. Agatha gave him a mini lecture on why he shouldn’t eat too many sweets before kissing his head and making sure his blanket was tucked in. “You two are such good moms, he's lucky to have both of you” Alice said, looking over at Agatha with Nicholas. “I try my best, I never know if I'm doing the right thing but Agatha assures me that I'm doing good” Rio said, rubbing her arm. She was always nervous that she wasn't nurturing enough for Nicholas and worried that she wasn't being a good mother to him. However, Agatha always made sure to tell her that she was doing an amazing job. She was already better than Wanda had ever been. “I have to agree with Agatha, you two work so perfectly as mom's for him” Jen said, finishing the rest of her cake slice. Rio couldn't help but giggle a bit, “Nicky, what cake did you like the most!” Rio yelled so he could hear her. “Carrot!” Nicholas yelled back before groaning from his tummy ache. “Welp, you heard the boy. We're doing carrot for the wedding” Rio said, throwing away her paper plate. “So me and Jen were thinking about maybe doing a party at our place for a bachelorette party? Teen agreed to babysit Nicholas too” Alice said, hoping the couple would agree to it. “That sounds perfect, when is it?” Agatha asked, running her hand through Nicholas's hair. “ We were thinking next weekend if that's ok” Jen said, looking over to Agatha. “Sounds good, we should be free,” Rio said, finishing her beer from before. “Awesome, we'll let William and Lilia know, me and Alice have to head back now, I have a client coming over later” Jen said as she packed some of the cake. “Perfect, thank you guys for everything” Agatha told them while walking them out. “I can’t believe those guys, I feel they’re more excited about the wedding than us” Rio said, coming behind Agatha and hugging her. “I mean, the extra help works out,” Agatha said, turning and kissing Rio on the cheek. “True, they’ve been making everything so much easier, I didn’t even know Lilia could be our officiant till she offered” Rio told Agatha, going to the couch to check on Nicholas. “How are you feeling baby?” Rio asked her son, ruffling up his hair. “Ok, my tummy no hurt no more. Can I watch TV?” Nicky asked, looking up at Rio with a smile. “Of course baby, let me turn it on” Rio said as she got the remote. “Do you want a movie Nicky?” Agatha asked, coming by and threading her hands through her son’s hair. “Can we mommy?” Nicholas asked, looking up at his mom. “Do you want Shrek?” Rio asked, scrolling through movies. “Yes please” Nicholas said, sitting up from where he was lying on the couch. They all started the movie while sitting on the couch, Nicholas in between the two people he loved the most.
After a week Agatha and Rio were getting ready when they heard a knock. “Coming!” Agatha yelled, hurrying downstairs. “Hey Agatha! I'm all ready to look after Nicholas” William said, smiling at her. “Perfect, Rio set everything up so if he needs anything it should all be written out on the kitchen table”Agatha explained to him, showing him where everything was. While Agatha was distracted, Rio had put their luggage in Jen's minivan outside. What Agatha didn't know was that the bachelorette party wasn't just a party. It was a girl's trip to a beach house for the next three days. Rio secretly packed luggage for the two whenever Agatha was looking over Nicholas or work. “Come on baby, we're gonna be late” Rio yelled by the door. “Ok coming, bye teen! Bye Nicky!” Agatha said before walking over to the door. “Bye Nicky, be a good bye” Rio yelled before closing the door.
As soon as Agatha went outside Jen put a bag over her head so she couldn't see the surprise. “What the fuck! Rio!” Agatha yelled, throwing her hands everywhere to see if she could hit anyone. “Just go with it my love!” Rio exclaimed as she started pushing Agatha into the car. Agatha started to grunt and whine the minute they started pushing her. “I swear to god you guys!” Agatha said as she fell into the car. Jen closed the door immediately so Agatha couldn't attack her. Rio entered the car on the other side and pulled the bag off of Agatha before getting punched or scratched by her lover. “Surprise!” Rio told her, hugging her to calm her down. “What the fuck” Agatha said with a huff, “what is wrong with you people?” Agatha yelled before realizing she was in a car. “It was my idea, don't get mad at them,” Rio told her, fixing Agatha's hair. “You better calm her down, we have a two hour drive ahead of us” Jen said as she started the car. “Two hours?!?” Agatha asked, still confused about everything. “We're going to a beach house! Alice booked it and everything” Rio told her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “So we left William to look over Nicholas for three days?! Rio, we need to go back!” Agatha yelled, taking off her seatbelt. “Agatha, it'll be fine. I gave him a talk already and he knows where everything is. I made sure he had everything he needed for three days. Nicky will be fine my love” Rio told her, putting back on the seatbelt. “Ugh fine, I can't believe you were able to do all this behind my back” Agatha said with a groan, crossing her arms. “It was actually super hard if I'm being honest” Rio said, putting her head on Rio's shoulder. “If you two are done fighting, help us pick a place to stop for food on the way there!” Alice told them, handing her phone to Rio.
After a long two hours the group finally made it to the beach house that was absolutely breathtaking for the group. “Alice, how were you able to afford this?!” Agatha asked, mouth still a gap. “Friend owed me a favor, working in law enforcement has its benefits sometimes” Alice said as she went to pull out wine from their bags. “Now come on! Let's celebrate!” Alice yelled as she uncorked the wine. The group got reasonably drunk and we're now sitting in the hot tub outside the house. Honestly it was taking Agatha everything not to stare at her soon to be wife in her bikini. “I can feel your stares baby” Rio whispered to Agatha. “No,” Agatha whispered back. “I feel like causing some damage,” Rio told her, her hand going to Agatha's thigh. “Hey love birds if you're gonna flirt do it outside of the hot tub” Lilia said while the rest of the group stared at them with disgust. “Alice don't even look at us like that, we've seen how you and Jen can get” Agatha said as Rio hissed at the rest of them. “Come on baby, they obviously don't want us here” Rio said jokingly as she got out and gave Agatha a towel. Finally when the two were back in the house Jen spoke out, “So… They're totally gonna fuck ya?” “Oh definitely” Lilia and Alice almost said at the same time.
When Rio and Agatha finally got to their room Agatha couldn't hold back and more and practically pounced on top of Rio. “Mm Agatha, I brought something for us” Rio said in between losses. “What did you bring baby” Agatha said as she started kissing Rio's neck instead. “Check the black bag in your suitcase” Rio said, gasping. Agatha got off of Agatha and looked in her luggage to find a black bag, when she found it she was greeted by a brand new strap, one bigger than the one she usually used. “Oh baby, you shouldn't have” Agatha said as she started to put it on. “I couldn't help myself” Rio said as she bit her finger, laying and waiting for Agatha. “No I mean you shouldn't have, cause I won't be able to stop myself” Agatha said as she got back in the bed and started straddling her. “What if I don't want you to stop,” Rio whispered into Agatha's ear. As soon as Rio uttered that to her, Agatha couldn't help herself and plunged the strap into Rio. Rio practically screamed the minute Agatha went inside her. “Oh god, Agatha, oh god” Rio moaned out, practically scratching up Agatha's back. “No god my love, just me” Agatha grunted as she thrusted even harder. She was on the verge of collapsing but she held herself up, practically grunting into Rio's chest. “Oh god baby, I'm close, I'm so close Agatha!” Rio yelled, putting her hands through Agatha's hair. “Come on my love, cum for me. Give it to me baby” Agatha moaned while pounding Rio. Rio's hands moved to Agatha's hips and helped her pump into Rio harder while she was still wildly moaning. “Oh god Agatha, I'm cumming my love!” Rio screamed and she scratched Agatha's back. “Yes! Perfect! You're so perfect my love!” Agatha yelled as she started nipping and sucking on Rio's neck. Agatha started to slow her pace as she was gasping for air while Rio ran her fingers through Agatha's hair. “Thank you my love” Agatha said, kissing Rio's sternum. “For what?” Rio asked as she continued to scratch Agatha's scalp. “For everything sweetheart” Agatha said looking up at Rio from her chest. “I could say the same to you” Rio told her, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “I love you” Agatha said, leaning up to kiss Rio. “I love you too” Rio told her as they separated from the kiss. Meanwhile the rest of the group was still at the hot tub having their own fun. “Ok, I think they're done fucking” Jen said to the group as she poured herself another glass of wine. “Thank god this is a private estate or else they would be kicked out by now” Lilia told them as she sipped her own wine. “Tell me about it” Alice said, also finishing her own glass of wine.
#agatha x rio#agatha harkness#lesbian#agatha all along#rio vidal#sapphic#agathario#fanfic#nsft#jen x alice#jennifer kale#alice wu gulliver#lilia calderu#billy kaplan#ao3 fanfic#ao3 writer
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Let Me Read To You ~ Chapter 6 (Agatha x Rio Bookstore AU)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Rio's book is finally finished! Which means now she can focus now on how she can ask Agatha Harkness to be her wife <3
School burnout is so real, warning chapter uploads might be not as frequent but I'm trying my best to keep it daily!
“Rio! This book is going to be a hit!” Agatha said, finishing the final draft of Rio’s book. “You really think so, my love?” Rio said, coming into the living room with two glasses of wine. “I swear Rio, I love your other books but this one is amazing. I’m not just saying that because it’s about us” Agatha told her, taking a sip of wine. “What? Us? I have no idea what you’re talking about” Rio said, side-eyeing Agatha. “Uh huh, and I guess then you have no wants of marrying me then” Agatha said, putting down the final draft of the coffee table. “I wouldn’t say that exactly” Rio said, cuddling into Agatha’s arm. Agatha put her arm around Rio so she could cuddle her better. “Well atleast I have a hint” Agatha told her, kissing her head. “I think you would look so pretty with a wedding ring on your hand” Rio told her, kissing her hand. “I think you’d look gorgeous with another ring on your hand baby” Agatha said, taking Rio’s hand and kissing it.
The next day Rio decided to pay Lilia a visit without telling Agatha about what she needed to talk to Lilia about. “Lilia I don’t know, I really love her” Rio told her while Lilia was finishing her tarot reading. “Rio, the cards do not lie. Just propose to her, it’ll be fine.” Lilia told her, taking her hands. “I know but I want it to be special” Rio complained, still not sure how to propose to Agatha. “Listen, take it from an old crone. It doesn’t matter as long as you feel it’s the right time. When my wife proposed I was the happiest woman and it didn’t matter where she did it. It mattered when and how loved I felt” Lilia told her, looking at her wedding ring. “I guess you’re right, I don’t know, I guess I’m just scared. What if she doesn’t want to get married again. What if she’s just pretending because I hinted it in the book” Rio told her, still groaning and complaining. “Hey auntie where do you - Oh, hi Rio!” The teen came in with a box full of candles. “Just leave them over there William” Lilia told him, letting go of Rio’s hands.
While Rio was dealing with the teen and Lilia, Agatha was over at Jen and Alice’s. “Guys please, I’ve already been married once but I need this to be special for Rio” Agatha whined, practically gulping down her beer. “It’ll be fine Agatha, trust, we know Rio. She likes the simple things in life, she doesn’t need a grand gesture” Alice said, rubbing Agatha’s back. “I know but I still want it to be special” Agatha groaned, heading towards the fridge for another beer. “Listen, an at home proposal can be special, why not just do it in the backyard? Rio practically has turned it into a full on garden at this point” Jen suggested, grabbing the beer out of Agatha’s hand. “Hmm I guess you’re right, I could hang lights and stuff. I have the ring already so I could just do it tonight” Agatha said with a sigh, putting her hands in her hair. “You have the ring and haven’t shown us!!!!” Alice yelled, upset Agatha had been talking the whole time and hadn’t shown them. “Oh ya, it’s in my pocket” Agatha said with a laugh, pulling out the black box. Agatha opened it to show a silver ring detailed with a black obsidian rock in the center. “I know how much Rio loves the color black so I chose this one to match her aesthetic, what do you guys think?” Agatha asked, pulling the ring out. “Oh my god, she’s going to love this” Alice said, examining the ring. “She’s so going to say yes” Jen said, in awe of how pretty the ring was. “Thanks guys I really need the encouragement” Agatha said, putting the ring back in the box.
It was later at night when the two had put Nicholas to bed that Agatha brought out Rio to their backyard. She had put on a fire and brought wine and chocolates for both of them to enjoy. Agatha had set up two chairs for the both of them but she should have guessed that instead it would end up with Rio on her lap. “So what’s the occasion of all of this” Rio asked as she fed Agatha some chocolate. “I’m not allowed to spoil my lover?” Agatha asked, licking Rio’s fingers. “No but now I might aspect this more often” Rio giggled, kissing Agatha’s neck. “Wait, Rio” Agatha told her, pushing her off a bit. She knew once Rio started, she wouldn’t stop and then get carried away and not let Agatha have their moment. “What is it my love?” Rio asked, perplexed since Agatha usually lets her go all the way. Agatha took her hands and looked at her solemnly. “I need you to close your eyes” Agatha said, waiting for Rio to do as she said. “Ok” Rio said with a giggle, waiting to see what Agatha would do. Once Rio had her eyes closed Agatha pulled out the box in her pocket, opening it to show Rio the ring. “You can open them now” Agatha whispered, praying Rio would say yes. As Rio opened her eyes, she was speechless. “Agatha…”Rio whispered as tears formed in her eyes. Agatha remained silent with her mouth agape, waiting for Rio’s response. Instead Rio didn’t reply and instead kissed Agatha, pushing her face closer to Agatha’s to feel her whole being. “I’m taking that as a yes?” Agatha questioned as she let go of the kiss. “Of course it’s a yes, I can’t believe you beat me, I’m still waiting on the ring to be made” Rio said, kissing Agatha’s hands. “Made?!? You’re giving me a custom made ring?!” Agatha asked, flabbergasted that anyone would do that for her. “Of course, only the best for my future wife” Rio said, kissing Agatha’s cheek. Agatha was too shocked to say anything so instead she kissed Rio as passionately as she did earlier.
It was about a month later as Rio and Agatha were getting ready to head out with Nicholas they heard a knock on the door. As Agatha went to open it she was greeted with streamers and screamed, not ready for all the noise. “Congrats!” yelled her lesbian book club plus the teen. “Holy shit, you guys almost gave me a heart attack” Agatha said, grabbing at her chest. “You can’t die before the wedding” yelled William. “I swear to god teen im shocked you even brought the right type of popper” Agatha said, looking over at him. The whole group laughed and when Rio came to see what all the commotion was, a smile came to her face. “Also this isn’t just a congratulations on just you two but also to Rio” Jen said, bringing out a cake. Rio’s book not only was a massive hit but was winning awards in best LGBTQ+ fiction. “Aw thanks guys but we need to get going, I have an interview I need to go do” Rio said, making sure she had everything. “We’ll be over at our place then, join us when you can later” Alice said, giving the couple space to walk out. “We’ll be over later tonight” Agatha said before they all left, waving them all goodbye. “Are you sure you wanted to bring Nicky to this? I don’t mind but we might be there for a while and I know how he is about wanting you” Agatha said, double checking she had everything in her purse. “Trust me baby, I want you all to be there. I need them to see how much my family matters, especially since half the book is about that” Rio told her, taking her hand and kissing every knuckle. “Alright but don’t get upset if mid interview he starts crying for his mama” Agatha told her, taking Rio’s hand and repeating her action. The two giggled and laughed for a bit until they made it to the bookstore in which Rio would be interviewed for her newest book.
“Mama!” Nicholas screamed after about thirty minutes of waiting and not being able to be held by Rio. “What did I tell you” Agatha said as Nicky interrupted the interview. “It’s fine, we can keep it in!” said the interviewer who found the entire interaction cute. “Nicky, do you wanna tell something to the people?” Rio asked as she picked him up. “Hi!” Nicholas said as he waved to the camera which had the whole camera crew giggling and aweing at how cute they found the kid. “Is it ok if we do the rest of the interview with him? He won’t say anything, he just wants cuddles” Rio said as she let Nicholas hold onto her neck. “Of course! Now where were we, oh right! So I think it’s no shocker to everyone that family is important to you and especially now with the story within this book. Many have been speculating and wondering if you have gotten married yet and if so if that caused this big shift in your writing?” asked the interviewer who also couldn’t help but look over to Agatha as well. “Well, it’s true that my latest relationship has changed my views on many things but unfortunately we are not married. We are, however, engaged!” Rio exclaimed as she showed her ring. “Congrats! I hope you two have a wonderful wedding!” the interviewer said as she also looked over to Agatha. “Baby do you wanna add anything to this?” Rio asked, looking over to Agatha as well. The crew made sure to make fast work and grab a mic and chair for Agatha as well. “I, oh, uh. Well, we only recently got engaged. It was actually me who asked Rio to become my wife. We’ve only been together for a short period of time but it feels right. I love her so much and can’t see a future without her” Agatha said, looking over at Rio and kissing her on the cheek. “Honestly I haven’t felt so at peace with someone until I met Agatha. Honestly I never even thought of having kids until I met Agatha and now here we are raising a three year old together.” Rio said as she also made sure to kiss Nicholas’s head. “Many are praising your book for finally not doing a kill your gays trope for your two lesbian characters, do you have anything you want to add or tell the people about this?” the interviewer asked, looking at her notebook. “I think nowadays the message of dying lesbians and unhappy sapphic endings aren't exactly the best message to send out, especially to the youth. While this book focuses more on forming a family, I think it shows young sapphics that they can have a happy ending. That we can find happiness despite all our hardships” Rio said, looking over at Agatha and holding her hand. “Truly such a genius at your craft. Well that's all the questions we have here as we talk to Rio Vidal, author of the amazing new lesbian romance fiction, Coven of Chaos” the interviewer said, looking straight into the camera. The camera crew made quick work of tearing everything down and thanked Rio for letting them film in her store. Finally the couple were able to go back home and celebrate with their friends.
“Took you three long enough!” Alice shouted as she came to the door, already shoving a wine glass in Rio’s hand. “Perfect, now we can cut the cake!” Jen said, getting the cake out of the fridge. “Sorry, the interview took longer than we thought” Agatha said, picking up Nicholas. “Its fine, Jen and Alice are just upset because they didn't like the reading Lilia gave them” William said, going to greet the couple. “Alice we talked about this, you can’t blame Lilia for your results! Only yourself” Rio told them, hugging William. “She’s the one dealing the cards!” Alice yelled back at Rio, obviously semi drunk at this point. “Yes but it’s your reading not mine, I can’t control what they say” Lilia fought back, sipping her own wine glass. “Ok how about we just cut the cake?” Jen asked, placing the cake on the table. “I call dibs on cutting!” Rio said, reaching out for the knife. “Of course you want the knife,” Agatha said with a groan, bringing Nicholas closer to her. “Don’t complain, I know you find me hot with a knife” Rio told her with a wink, making the whole group groan. “Really? In front of your kid” William said jokingly, putting out the plates.
After the small party was over Agatha and Rio were laying in bed, cuddling and telling each other words of affirmation. “My love?” Rio asked, kissing Agatha's shoulder. “Hmm?” Agatha questioned, propping herself up on her elbow. “Marry me?”Rio questioned, looking up at her. “We're already getting married” Agatha told her, giggling and kissing her lips. “I know but I wanna hurry up and be your wife already” Rio told her, putting her arms around her tighter. “Mmm we have so much to plan” Agatha said with a huff, threading a hand in her hair. “I know, once I'm done with all the press from the book we can plan everything we need” Rio told her, leaning up to kiss her lips. “I'm still so proud of you. I'm so happy you're getting the recognition you deserve, “ Agatha said, kissing Rio’s crown. “Thank you baby. I couldn't do it without you” Rio replied, smiling up at Agatha. “I was thinking too,” Agatha said, looking away from Rio. “What is it my love?” Rio asked, propping herself up to really look at Agatha. “Well I was thinking, how would you feel about adopting Nicky?” Agatha asked, still avoiding eye contact. Rio had tears form almost immediately, she reached out for Agatha’s hands and basically made Agatha look at her. “I would love nothing more. I want nothing more but for that boy to be considered my son” Rio told her, trying not to full on cry. “And I would love nothing more than to see you be his mother” Agatha replied, tears forming in her eyes as well. “Thank you, thank you for letting me be in your family. I love you Agatha” Rio told her, hugging her as hard as she could. “I want nothing more than for you to be a part of us. I love you too, Rio. Now hurry up and marry me already” Agatha said with a teary chuckle. “God I hope the press tour ends soon” Rio said, giggling and kissing Agatha's cheeks.
#agatha x rio#agatha all along#agatha harkness#lesbian#rio vidal#sapphic#agathario#fanfic#jen x alice#jennifer kale#alice wu gulliver#lilia calderu
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God I Hate You ~NSFW (Agatha x Rio) Detective AU
Detective Agatha Harkness fucked up, she forgot her and Rio's anniversary. Now Rio's at home waiting at home to confront Agatha.
I really needed some smutty hate fucking. I love these two so much, Warning: NSFW, Hate fucking
Agatha had been a detective for a while now but one thing she never had was a good self to work relationship. Tonight was no exception, Agatha had worked herself late into the night, not thinking at all of the time or day. One person did though, Rio Vidal. It was their three year anniversary and Rio had reminded Agatha for the past week about their reservation plans. However, Agatha being Agatha, didn't remember. Leaving Rio sitting at the restaurant alone for an hour. She sat there fuming, after being 3 wine glasses in, she left. Now she's in their house, sitting on the couch waiting for Agatha to come back home. It was about two am when Rio finally heard the door open. Agatha walked in not thinking about what day it could have been. She put all her files on the kitchen table before seeing Rio standing in their living room. At first she was breath taken by how beautiful Rio was before realizing why she was dressed like that.
“Fuck me” Agatha said, groaning. “Yeah Agatha, fuck you. I sat waiting for you and you never fucking showed. Do I not matter to you anymore?” Rio asked, fuming and ready to year Agatha a part. “No Rio, you matter. It's just- look, work is a lot right now this case can't -" "Agatha I talked to your chief, even he says you're doing too much” Rio interrupted her, not wanting to deal with Agatha's bullshit. “But baby-” “No don't baby me, you fucked up Agatha, bad. I don't want you in my bed tonight “ Rio told her sternly, interrupting her again. “Rio just let me-” “No, I don't care,” Rio said, interrupting her a third time. At this point Agatha was over it and fully pissed. Rio wasn't letting her have a single word. She knew she fucked up but she atleast wanted to explain to Rio why she was fucking up. “Are you fucking done interrupting me” Agatha said in a sarcastic tone. “I don't know, am I Agatha?” Rio asked in a calm tone. “Rio, I get it you're pissed. I fucked up but that doesn't -” “ oh here we go aga-” “ WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME FINISH” Agatha screaming in her low growly voice, interrupting Rio. The both went silent while Agatha walked closer to her. “My love-” “oh don't you-” before Rio could even finish after interrupting Agatha, she was tackled on the couch.
Agatha was over talking and threw Rio on the couch, putting her hands on her wrists so she couldn't try and get the upper hand on Agatha. “Are you gonna be a good slut and listen or do you wanna keep being a brat” Agatha told her sternly. “Why are you acting like you don't love it when I'm a brat” Rio told her, smiling. Agatha wasn't having it and started nipping and licking Rio’s neck. She didn't want to start moaning but Rio couldn't hold it. Rio was a moaning mess, trying to move her arms to touch Agatha but she couldn't. “Stop moving whore” Agatha said in-between kisses, putting her legs near Rio's crotch. “A-Agatha” Rio started to plead, trying her best to get out of Agatha's grip. “What did I say earlier?” Agatha said, taking herself off of Rio's neck. Agatha didn't like how overdressed Rio was and full on ripped Rio’s dress. “I fucking like that dress” Rio exclaimed after Agatha fully shredded it. “I'll buy you a new one, shut up” Agatha told her, taking off Rios bra. If Rio was already marked up on her neck and chest, it was only getting worse. Agatha marked and kissed all skin she could have possible get her mouth on. “Agatha, please “ Rio pleaded, wanting Agatha to finally fuck her. “Please what, I need words Rio “ Agatha said, getting lower. At this point Agatha was licking and nipping Rio's stomach. She loved how soft her stomach was and the small pooch she had. Since Rio's hands were finally free, she threaded her hands in Agatha's hair and started pushing her down to where she wanted her. Agatha didn't care at this point and was met with Rio's clothed cunt. She started licking and sucking, not removing Rio's panties.
She wanted to torture her and tease her more. Rio was crying at this point, not having direct contact was killing her. “Agatha please, I need you” Rio pleaded once more, hoping this time Agatha would give her what she wanted. Agatha too was at her limit and moved her panties to the side and plunged three fingers into Rio's pussy. Even then, she wanted Rio to full on have an orgasm so she started sucking her clit as hard as possible. Rio couldn't moan anymore and basically did a silent scream. No sound came out but her mouth was agape, her eyes rolling back. She almost had an instant orgasm from how rough Agatha fucked her. Once Agatha felt Rio jerking under her, she started to slow down her pace, kissing her way back up to Rio. When she reached Rio's face, she brought her fingers up and let Rio suck them. Rio licked and sucked Agatha's fingers until letting go with a pop and passionately kissing Agatha. When they finally separated, Agatha was the first one to break the silence. “I'm sorry” she whispered, not looking at Rio. “Pull this shit again and I might actually leave you” Rio told her, still trying to catch her breath. “I know, I love you. I'm so sorry my love” Agatha told her with full sincerity in her voice. “You're lucky I love it when we hate fuck” Rio said, giving Agatha a quick kiss on the lips before she got up and went to their bedroom. “You get bed privileges, for now” Rio said once she realized Agatha wasn't following her. “Thank you my love” Agatha said before getting up and following Rio.
#lesbian#wlw#sapphic#agatha harkness#agatha x rio#lesbian struggle#nsft#nsft fanfic#fanfic#agathario#top agatha#bottom rio#bratty rio#rio vidal
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goodbye hot halloween lesbian ex-girlfriend character played by aubrey plaza
hello hot christmas lesbian ex-girlfriend character played by aubrey plaza
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Let Me Read To You ~ Chapter 5 (Agatha x Rio Bookstore AU)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Agatha gets a call from her ex wife, Wanda wanting to see her but Agatha wants nothing to do with her. What will happen when Wanda finds out she's with Rio.
DRAMA ALERT!!!!!!!! also some smut tbh.
Agatha was working at the shop while Rio was upstairs writing her new story, sorting and organizing the new shipment of books. All of a sudden she felt her phone vibrate and saw an unfamiliar number. With hesitation she answered it, unsure of who it could be. “Hello?” Agatha questioned, still organizing the books. “Hi Agatha” Wanda said in a loving tone. “What do you want Wanda” Agatha told her in a deadpan expression, already aggravated by the call. “What? I can’t call you? Don’t you miss me?” Wanda questioned, trying to press Agatha’s buttons. “No, I don’t” Agatha told her, still working. “Oh c’mon, don’t you want to see me?” Wanda said, trying to press further. “No and I don’t need you trying to find out where I am either. I don’t want Nicholas to see you. He’s happy and I don’t want to ruin that” Agatha almost yelled into the phone. She was over this conversation already but didn’t have the heart to end it. “He doesn’t have to see me, I just want to see you baby” Wanda told her in a sickly sweet tone again. “Wanda, you have a husband and two kids. Before me there was Natasha who I should have listened to. Go back to your life Wanda and I’ll go back to mine. Goodbye.” Agatha told her, groaning as she hung up the phone. She got a bottle of wine and some snacks while heading upstairs, she needed Rio.
Rio heard the door open and she instantly looked up from her computer. “Hi my love, everything ok?” Rio asked as she noticed Agatha’s expression. Agatha said nothing but put all the stuff she had brought on Rio’s desk and instantly took Rio’s chair out and sat on her lap. She hugged Rio and hid her face in her neck. Rio instinctually held Agatha and started rubbing up and down her back. “Sweetheart? What’s wrong?” Rio asked again, giving Agatha’s shoulder a kiss. “She called me. My ex wife” Agatha said, holding Rio closer. “What did she say?” Rio questioned, holding onto Agatha tighter. “She wants to see me but I told her no, that I don’t want to see her” Agatha told her above a whisper. “Mmm, well as long as you didn’t tell her where you moved to I don’t see how she’d find you. Plus if you want we can change your phone number so she doesn’t call you again” Rio said calmly, looking down at Agatha. “Yeah that’s probably a good idea. I just don’t want to deal with her anymore and I definitely don’t want Nicky to see her.” Agatha said with a groan, getting a headache just thinking about the situation. “And she won’t, I won’t let any of that happen my love” Rio told Agatha, caressing her cheek. “Thank you Rio, I love you” Agatha said to Rio, kissing her on the cheek. Rio took the wine and poured a glass for the both of them. “So besides that, how’s the organizing going?” Rio asked, taking a sip. “It’s going, I got through about half of the new books before Wanda called,” Agatha said, practically gulping down the wine. “That’s good, thank you for doing all that baby.” Rio told her, taking one of her cigarettes and lighting it. “I still find it funny you don’t like organizing books but yet you decorate so well” Agatha said to her, laughing and taking her cigarette. “Because it’s work, if it wasn’t work I would probably enjoy it” Rio told her, blowing her smoke in her face as punishment for taking her cigarette. “God I hate you sometimes” Agatha told Rio, blowing smoke back into her face. “Mmm I think you love me” Rio said in a teasing tone to Agatha. “Maybe” Agatha said, side eyeing Rio. “Do you wanna go get lunch? I wanted to take a break soon anyways” Rio asked, kissing Agatha as she finished Rio’s cigarette. “Yeah, that sounds good,” Agatha told Rio, getting off her lap.
It was two days later when Agatha had already changed her phone number and everything when Wanda showed up at her front door. She wasn’t home which Wanda thought was odd since she knew Agatha worked from home. She knew if she went looking into the town she would have to find her eventually, especially since it was such a small town. As she went into the more main area of the town she saw the bookstore and decided to check it out. Agatha did always enjoy reading so there was a good fifty fifty chance she would be in there. It was then when Wanda entered that she spotted the couple, flirting behind the register. Agatha had her hands on Rio’s hips and Rio had her hands around Agatha’s neck. “Well well well, no wonder you didn’t want to see me” Wanda told them, her arms crossed against her chest. “Wanda?!? How did you find me?” Agatha exclaimed, still holding onto her lover. “Don’t worry about it, who’s the side chick?” Wanda questioned, getting closer. “Actually I’m anything but the side chick. Also as far as I’m aware you divorced Agatha so why don’t you go ahead and leave like you left her” Rio told her, going around the register. Agatha was too shocked to speak, never expecting Rio to defend her like this. “Just because she’s divorced doesn’t mean we can’t see each other. Also what are you gonna do? Kick me out?” Wanda told Rio, agitated and getting closer to her. “Actually yeah, I will. This is my shop bitch and if you don't leave my girlfriend alone I'll make you fucking regret it.” Rio told Wanda in a dead serious tone, getting closer to her. “ I’d like to see you try,” Wanda said with a scoff but as soon as the words came out, Rio tackled her to the floor. “Rio!” Agatha exclaimed, trying to break up the two. Agatha tried her best but she could break them up. Rio eventually got up from tackling Wanda and scratching her a bit and grabbed her hair. She dragged Wanda out of the store and kicked her to the sidewalk. “And if I ever see you here again I swear to god I'll kill you myself!” Rio exclaimed, wiping her mouth and shutting the door to her shop.
She made sure to lock it before looking back at Agatha. “Rio, what the fuck!” Agatha yelled, getting closer to Rio. “Look I know that was stupid but I couldn’t let her-” Rio told her before getting interpreted by Agatha kissing her. “That was so fucking hot” she told Rio after she broke the kiss. “Y-you’re not mad?” Rio asked, taken a back from the whole ordeal. “At first but then I saw the way you took that bitch down and I've never been so attracted to someone in my whole life” Agatha told her, hugging her but letting go once Rio winced. “Aw my poor baby, let me go get some ice while you lay on the sofa” Agatha told her while walking away. “Tell me where you need the ice pack” Agatha asked her, laying down next to her on the sofa. “Just my knee baby, thank you” Rio said while putting the ice pack on her left knee. “Thank you for all that,” Agatha said, kissing Rio’s cheek. “Of course, I'd do it again. Fuck that bitch, she doesn't deserve you” Rio told her, giving her a quick kiss. “I still can't believe she found me somehow” Agatha told her with a scoff. “I'm more pissed about the fact she thought she could have you” Rio told Agatha, placing kisses on her neck. “Mmm, baby you're injured” Agatha said, trying to shift away from Rio. “Don't care, need you” Rio said, getting lower and nuzzling Agatha's stomach.
She slowly lifted up Agatha's shirt and started kissing her stomach before unzipping her pants. “God you're so perfect my love” Rio told her, nuzzling her thigh and looking up at her. Agatha couldn't help but thread her hand through Rio's scalp. “Mmm not as perfect as you my love” Agatha said almost as a whisper as she slightly pushed Rio to where she wanted her. Rio propped herself up a bit to be able to shimmy down Agatha's pants and panties. She started licking and napping at Agatha's thighs. Agatha couldn't help but whimper and moan, she was practically puddy in Rio's hands. Rio stopped for a moment and started to kiss and nuzzle her bush. “Rio please, I need you” Agatha said, rubbing her hands on Rio's scalp. “What do you need my love? Rio asked, looking up at Agatha. “I need you, need you in me please sweetheart” Agatha told her, moaning at the mess she made her be. “ I'll think about it” Rio told her as she continued to spread and mark up her thighs. “Rio, please!” Agatha exclaimed, trying to grind for any friction but Rio wasn't having any of it. “Who do you belong to?” Rio asked, her breath heavy on Agatha’s pussy. “What?” Agatha questioned, never been asked this before by Rio. “Who do you belong to?” Rio asked again, looking up at Agatha. “You, you! I only belong to you Rio” Agatha began to exclaim, pushing Rio's head closer to her. Rio stopped teasing her and began to suck on her clit. Agatha couldn't help but practically scream from all the teasing Rio had done. “I'm only yours. Only yours Rio. Please don't stop, please!” Agatha plead, practically riding Rio’s face at this point. Rio was eating her out like it was her last meal and began to even pump two fingers into her. Agatha gasped as was shuddering from pleasure at this point. “That's right baby, all mine.” Rio murmured into Agatha's cunt. “Oh god baby! I'm gonna cum!” Agatha started yelling, gripping her hands into Rio's hair. Rio was going to tell her to stop but she was loving the pain. “Oh god Rio! My love, I'm cumming!” Agatha screamed, riding herself out on Rio's face. As soon as Agatha had caught her breath, Rio went back up to kiss her passionately. Agatha couldn't help herself and started licking off her own slick off of Rio's chin. “Mmm maybe I should get you jealous more often, I haven't orgasmed like that in a minute” Agatha told Rio, kissing her. “We can change that if you want” Rio told her snarkily, putting her hand down to Agatha crouch. “Not right now my love, let me take a breather” Agatha told Rio, putting her hand and her wrist. “Also I'm not letting anyone else have you. You're mine, sweetheart” Rio told her, entangling her hand with Agatha's. “Oh trust me, I've been well aware since night one. I've never been so badly marked before” Agatha said with a huff. “Need to let people know” Rio told her, bringing her hand to her face and kissing it. “How's your knee now?” Agatha asked, caressing Rio's face. “Better, especially now that I have you in my arms” Rio told her, giggling and giving Agatha Eskimo kisses. “Come on, let's go home. Nicky's probably waiting for us” Agatha told her, raking her hands through Rio’s hair. “Yes ma'am” Rio told her, giving a fake salute and a kiss on the cheek. Rio got up and went into her upstairs apartment which was now a glorified office when she wasn't home. She read over the last of what she wrote and smiled. She had left off on lady death, admitting her love for the witch and asking for a marriage ceremony. It had Rio thinking if it was finally time to ask Agatha Harkness for her hand in marriage.
#agatha x rio#agatha all along#lesbian#agatha harkness#sapphic#agathario#fanfic#rio vidal#bookstore au#modern au#ao3 writer#ao3 fanfic
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Let Me Read To You ~ Chapter 4 (Agatha x Rio Bookstore AU)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
It's been about four months since Rio and Agatha started their relationship and both of them want to move in with one another. However, neither of them know how to bring up the topic
Hey everyone! I got a fluff chapter for y'all cause lowkey too many of these chapters have had smut in them so here's some good ol' wholesome fluff lol
“Do you want another round my love?” Rio asked, getting up and taking the two empty beer bottles in front of them. They had been together for four months now and they decided to go out with the lesbian book club to a gay bar. “Yes please, thank you baby” Agatha said, reaching up to kiss her girlfriend on the cheek. “Wow,my love? You two are getting serious” Jen said as Rio was walking away. “What can I say, can't help the lesbian urges” Agath said, giggling. “So when are you two gonna actually lesbian it and get a U-Haul?” Alice asked, taking a sip of her drink. “Hopefully soon, it doesn't make sense anymore now that Rio is practically at my house almost everyday, I even quit my job to help her out with the bookstore” Agatha said with a huff. “No wonder I never see you home anymore before three, hopefully she's not working you too hard” Jen said while picking up her own drink. “Actually it's the opposite, I feel Rio doesn't let me do enough but I get it. It's her store after all” Agatha said, playing with her hair. “ Here you go baby,” Rio said, setting down a beer in front of Agatha. “Thank you sweetheart” Agatha said in return, caressing Rio's hand. “So do you guys think Lilia is actually gonna come or?” Alice said, looking around for their friend. “She said she was bringing the teen so you know how long it takes for him to get ready” Jen said with a huff. “Teen?” Agatha questioned, taking a sip of her beer. “Lilia’s nephew, William. He likes hanging out with us plus I think of him almost like a gay adopted son to our lesbian coven” Rio told her with a giggle. “We’re here! Sorry someone here took forever” Lilia said, taking a seat at the table where all the ladies were. “Finally, I’m assuming the teen was taking his sweet time,” Jen said, looking next to Lilia to see him taking a seat as well. “No, Eddie kept texting me and distracting me” he said, checking his phone to see if his boyfriend was still sending him texts. “Oh also, this is Agatha, she’s not that new to the group but you’ve been too busy with school to visit your lesbians moms” Alice pointed out, laughing as Jen nudged her to behave. “Oh hi! I’m William!” the teen exclaimed, putting out his hand to shake. “Oh god you really are gay” Agatha said as she shook his hand. The entire group laughed as William was shocked by Agatha’s joke.
It was after a good while that the group called it and all went their own ways. Rio and Agatha carpooled with Alice and Jen so that way they didn’t have to take so many cars. “So, it seems like you and William got along,” Jen said, looking back at Agatha. “He’s a good kid, good to see he has a lot of female role models in his life” Agatha replied, still a little tipsy from all the beers she drank. Rio couldn’t help but laugh at Agatha’s state as she rolled down the window to smoke a cigarette. Agatha rolled down her own window and nudged Rio to let her smoke a bit. “So any other plans for you two for the rest of the weekend?” Alice asked, changing the song on the radio. “Walk Nicholas in the park, I was thinking of letting him stay in the store for a bit. I know how much he loves running around and looking through the bookshelves” Rio said, looking over at Agatha, looking for her approval. “Mmm that sounds good, just make sure to keep an eye on him, he’s been into trying to climb things lately” Agatha said with a groan. “Oh god he’s a climber?” Jen exclaimed. “Yup, he tried to get on top of the tv the other day” Agatha said, pinching the bridge of her nose thinking about it. “My dad always said boys are either climbers, runners or diggers,” Rio said, looking over to Agatha and rubbing her back. “I guess it’s not that bad then, at least he isn’t a runner” Agatha told her giggling. As Jen parked the car they all bid their goodbyes, leaving Agatha and Rio to go back to their house. Well technically just Agatha’s house, for now. As Rio opened the door she greeted the babysitter and paid her since Agatha was still a bit too tipsy to argue with her. Rio helped Nicholas to bed, leaving Agatha to lie down on the couch for a minute. As Rio returned she sat next to Agatha, laying her head on her shoulder and playing with her fingers. “Rio?” Agatha asked, turning her head to look at her. “Yes my love?” Rio replied, looking up to meet her eyes. “Move in with us” Agatha said, staring into her eyes. “Sure,” Rio told her with a giggle. “I’m serious, you basically live here. Let’s just uhaul already” Agatha said to her with a pout. “I know you are, I’m just giggling because Jen and Alice have been pushing me to ask you” Rio told her, kissing away her pout. “They were pushing me to ask you too today,” Agatha said, kissing Rio’s head. “You sure you don’t want to run it by Nicky first though?” Rio asked, brushing away Agatha’s hair from her face. “Nah, he likes you too much, if anything he’s sad everytime you leave. Oh wait! Actually, there’s something I wanted to show you” Agatha said, getting up and going to the kitchen.
When Agatha came back, she had a piece of paper and showed it to Rio. At first she was confused by it but then looked at it to see it was a drawing. It was a drawing of her, Agatha and Nicholas all together holding hands. However, when Rio saw what was written above them, tears came instantly to her eyes. Above the two of them he wrote “mommies”, which just made Rio emotional. She was never really one to think about having a family but with Agatha it all came so easily. “Aw baby, this is adorable” Rio told Agatha, giving Agatha a bear hug. “There’s no way Nicholas wouldn’t want you living here with us” Agatha told her, cradling her head.
It took a full day but they were able to move all of Rio’s belongings over to Agatha’s. She even gave Rio her office since there was no point of having it anymore now that she was working at the bookstore. Rio made it her writing and indoor plants space, she always loved having a witchy vibe when it came to her spaces. “God you’re such a good decorator my love” Agatha said, breath taken from how beautiful the office had become. “What can I say, it’s a passion of mine” Rio said giggling, kissing Agatha on the cheek. “Mommy why boxes?” Nicholas asked, running into the room. “Well baby, Rio is going to be living with us from now on. She won’t have to leave as often” Agatha told him while picking him up. “Mama staying with us? YAY!!!” He screamed a bit too close to Agatha’s ear as she moved him slightly away from her body. Rio came closer and grabbed the boy from her. “Mhmm, I get to stay here with you and your mommy, are you ok with that Nicky?” She questioned, making sure the boy was stable in her arms. Nicholas didn’t say anything but nodded his head and put his arms around Rio’s neck, hugging her closely. Agatha couldn’t help herself and snuck a picture since she knew how much Rio hated taking pictures. “Hey Nicky, how do you feel about getting ready for bed” Agatha said, caressing her son’s back. “Can I sleep with you and mama tonight?” he asked, looking up at Agatha. “Sure buddy, whatever you want” Rio told him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you,” Agatha whispered. As Agatha got Nicholas tucked in she went into the bathroom where Rio was getting ready for bed herself. “Thank you for everything Rio, I love you” Agatha told her, coming from behind and hugging her. “Of course baby, I love you too” Rio told her after spitting out her toothpaste into the sink. “Now com’on, I’m tired from packing and unpacking all day” Rio said while turning and giving Agatha a quick kiss. The both of them got in bed, hugging Nicholas who was already asleep between the two of them. They drifted off to sleep with the thoughts of them finally becoming a family. Rio hadn’t written in a while but now she dreamt of ideas for her next book of fiction. A witch who falls in love with death despite all odds. A world in which A covenless witch and lady death herself form a coven but most important of all, a family.
#agatha x rio#agatha all along#agatha harkness#lesbian#rio vidal#sapphic#agathario#fanfic#jen x alice#lilia calderu#william kaplan#ao3 fanfic
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Let Me Read To You ~ Chapter 3 (Agatha x Rio Bookstore AU)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Time moves on and Rio wants to say I love you to Agatha. However, she doesn't want to rush or ruin their relationship.
Hey y'all! Here's another chapter with a bit of smut at the end lol. Lowkey might slow down with updates just cause im in university n the work load is picking up again Warnings: SMUT! Strap ;)
Weeks went by for the two and next thing they knew it had already been a month and a half since that night. Rio had already met Nicholas and the two got along wonderfully, she even would help him learn how to read. It was on another one of their dates where Rio couldn't help but yearn, she wasn't sure if the time was right but she had been holding herself back. She wanted to tell Agatha so badly that she loved her but she wasn't sure if the timing was right. They were both at Agatha's house this time, watching Treasure Island while Nicholas sat in-between them asking a million questions. “Hey Nicky, do you want some popcorn?” Agatha asked to get him to stop asking so many questions. “Please mommy!” He said, looking up at his mother. “Alright, I'll be back,” Agatha said, heading over to the kitchen. “Rio! Rio! Why is the ship in space? I thought ships go in water?” Nicholas asked, looking up at Rio. “You're right Nicky! Ships do go in water but they have special ships that go in space” Rio told him, ruffling his hair and pinching one of his cheeks. Nicholas couldn't help but giggle and hug Rio. She was shocked for a minute but then returned the hug. “Mmm you're warm like mommy” Nicholas said, cuddling into Rio. Agatha came back and couldn't help but smile at the scene before her. “Someone seems to like Rio,” Agatha said, kissing Nicholas's head. “She's warm like you Mommy!” He said, going to hug his mother. Rio couldn't help but smile and look up at Agatha. “I've been told I'm good to cuddle ” Rio told Agatha with a wink. “I can testify to that” she said, leaning in to kiss Rio on the cheek.
After the movie Nicholas was already getting sleepy and so Agatha was about to put him to bed but before she could do that he demanded Rio read his bedtime story. Rio went ahead and read him his story, leaving once he fell asleep and made sure to leave his nightlight on. “Thank you for doing all that,” Agatha said as Rio entered her bedroom. “Oh course baby, anything for you” Rio said, getting into bed. “ Anything?” Agatha asked, looking over after Rio. “Anything, name it” Rio told her, straddling her. “If I said there's a strap in the dresser and want you bent over the bed?” Agatha asked, biting her lips and holding Rio’s hips. “I'd say, your wish is my command” Rio said before getting off of Agatha and giving her a quick kiss. They both quickly undressed while Agatha grabbed the harness from her dresser and went into the bathroom to grab the lube and spread it on her purple strap. As she reentered the room she saw Rio all ready and spread for her. “God you're so perfect” she said, lining up her strap to Rio’s hole. She slowly pushed it in and leaned down on Rio, pressing her into the mattress. “Mm Rio, you're so perfect, so good for me” Agatha told her, kissing her shoulder as she slowly started to pump Rio. “Oh god Agatha , faster, faster please!” Rio exclaimed, loving the feeling of Agatha on top of her. Agatha began to pump Rio fully, thrusting hard and fast into her. “Oh god! Agatha! I'm close, I'm so close baby!” Rio exclaimed, white knuckling the sheets. “You're being so good for me baby, come on. Give it to me, cum for me my love” Agatha said, not realizing she had let the l word slip. It wasn't much longer till Rio was on the verge of screaming and was shuddering under Agatha. Once Agatha realized Rio had came, she started to slow down her pace to help Rio ride out her climax. Agatha let her weight lay on top of Rio for a bit longer until she finally removed the strap out of her which only caused Rio to whine. Agatha was about to take off the harness but Rio turned around when she heard Agatha about to take it down. She instantly got down on her knees and started sucking the strap and cleaning her juices off of it. Agatha was a bit shocked by the action but soon kneaded her fingers into Rio's hair. Rio let go of the strap from her mouth and had a saliva string hanging off her lips as she leaned back. Agatha helped Rio get off of her knees and instantly had her back on the bed to kiss her. After a good minute Agatha took off the harness and let it lay on the floor.
They laid in bed, cuddling and sharing soft touches here and there. Rio couldn't hold it back anymore, she had to say it. “I love you Agatha” Rio said above a whisper. Agatha sat up on her elbow to look at Rio and saw her with a serious solemn expression. She caressed her cheek before saying “I love you too”. Rio looked up in shock but saw that Agatha was as serious as she was. She couldn't help but giggle and kiss her passionately. After a minute of kissing Agatha felt something wet and leaned back, only to see that Rio was crying. “Rio? What's wrong?” Agatha asked, whipping away Rio’s tears. “I was so scared” she said in between sniffles. “Scared of what sweetheart?” Agatha asked, holding onto Rio a bit more closer. “ I'm usually not good with relationships and I run. I always run instead of facing the problems but I don't want to do that to you. I love you Agatha and this is the first times in years I've felt this that I'm scared. I'm scared I'm going to mess this up and for whatever reason you won't want me” Rio told her, full on hugging Agatha at this point. “Rio, you're not the only one who's scared. I don't have the best past either, heck I'm divorced. But the past is the past and well, all that matters is now. Sure we might fight later on but what couple doesn't? Do you know how many dates I've brought to Nicky and he doesn't even acknowledge them? You're different Rio, we're going to be fine, ok?” Agatha asked, rubbing Rio’s back. “Ok” Rio responded as a whisper, her head buried into Agatha’s neck. They held each for a minute before Rio leaned back and looked at Agatha. “Thank you, for uh, all that” she said, brushing a bit of Agatha's hair out of her face. “Of course, anything for you my love” Agatha said, caressing Rio's cheek once again. “I love you” Rio said, looking into Agatha's eyes
“I love you” Agatha repeated, leaning in closer to Rio. They shared a quick kiss until Agatha broke it. “Baby, it's getting late and I'm getting tired,” Agatha told her, giving her a peck on the cheek. “That's ok, I'm tired too honestly” Rio told her, taking Agatha's hand and kissing it. As the two got ready for bed, Rio couldn't help but nuzzle more into her. Agatha giggled a bit as she felt Rio’s breath tickle her neck. Slowly they both fell asleep in each other's arms. Knowing for a fact, they were both loved.
#agatha x rio#agatha all along#agatha harkness#lesbian#fanfic#rio vidal#sapphic#agathario#nsft#students au#ao3 writer#ao3 fanfic
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Idk if anyone cares but I do have an AgathaRio playlist if anyone's interested <3
#agatha x rio#agatha all along#agatha harkness#lesbian#rio vidal#sapphic#agathario#sapphic yearning#Spotify
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They say your muscles have memory. The heart is a muscle, too. And I've been training mine since I was a kid to fall in love with one particular person.
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Let Me Read To You ~ Chapter 2 (Agatha x Rio Bookstore AU)
Chapter 1
Rio and Agatha go on their second date! What's the worst that could happen?
I couldn't help myself so there's some SMUT in this chapter lol
Rio awoke the next day with a killer headache, she drank way too much once she got back home from her date with Agatha. She needed something to cut the edge off from everything so she may have gotten a bit carried away with some wine and a rose toy. Once she got up and dunked her face into some cold water, she went to go check her phone for any drunk calls or texts she did. Rio let out a sigh of relief once she realized she hadn't sent out any. She went to her coffee machine and made herself some much needed coffee. As she was waiting for her machine to finish, she decided to send a text to Agatha
Good morning gorgeous, hope you had some good sleep 😘
Agatha was still asleep when she got Rio’s text and was awoken by phone vibrating, she looked at the time and was shocked Nicholas hadn't woken up yet. She rubbed her eyes and checked her phone to see who was messaging her. She couldn't help but smile down at her phone.
Well hello there beautiful ❤️, I slept well, hoping you did as well 💖😘
Agatha had Rio giggling at her phone like a schoolgirl . She was falling for a woman who she just met but she wasn't about to deny the u haul lesbian allegations. What Agatha didn't know was that Rio had a group chat with the book club where they gossiped and told each other news constantly
Rio: Jen, Alice. You guys have to watch her son today pleaseeeeeee. I need to see her again, she's so perfect 😭😭😭
Jen: Fine, only cause we like you Rio
Alice: SIMP
Lilia: You better not break her heart like your other dates. I actually liked her this time and I would like to have a new member we could keep
Rio: She's different Lilia, if anything I'm the one genuinely falling here. I don't even know if she feels the same as I do 😭
Alice: Like I said earlier, SIMP
Rio: Alice I swear to god
Alice: You swear to god what? That me n Jen rnt going to watch her son now cause ur being mean now?
Rio: Don't you dare
Jen: She's kidding, we'll watch him don't worry. Have fun tonight
Rio: Thank you two 💚
Alice and Jen decided to head on over to Agatha's after seeing the texts, they already planned on going on over since Jen made a pie and wanted to share it with Agatha. “Hey Agatha! We brought on over a pie that Jen made last night, it's apple so we hope Nicholas will like it too” Alice said as Agatha opened the door. “Aw,thanks you too! Nicholas loves apple pie so I'm sure he'll love it. Come on in, do you two want coffee?” Agatha asked, taking the pie into the kitchen. “I'll take a coffee!” Alice said, following Agatha. “Oh actually I have a favor to ask of you two” Agatha asked the couple while pressing down her French press. “Of course, anything for our favorite neighbor,” Jen told her with a wink. “Rio wants to go on another date tonight and I need a babysitter for Nicky” she told them, giving Alice a mug of coffee. “Also any creamer or sugar?” She asked, walking over to the fridge. “ Yes please, also we'd love to look after Nicholas, where is he anyways?” Alice asked, noticing the absence of the child. “He's still sleeping, didn't have the heart to wake him up when I saw him asleep” Agatha said, handing Alice a creamer and some sugar packets. “Sooo, how was your date with Rio yesterday?” Jen asked, smirking. “It was something,” Agatha said nonchalantly. “What's that supposed to mean?” she asked in return. “If you wanted straight answers you should have asked a straight lady” Agatha retorted with a laugh. “I'm taking that as a it went really well” Alice said, taking a sip of her coffee. “I mean, you're not wrong. Also I hope you don't mind, I'm going to go wake up Nicky and give him some breakfast” Agatha said, looking at the two. “Yeah of course, do what you gotta do” Alice said, waving her off. While Agatha went up stairs to get her son , Jen decided to text the group chat
Jen: Update, Agatha really likes Rio
Alice: She tried to play it off but it's so obvi she's into u dude
Rio: Oh thank God. I got scared I fucked up some how
Lilia: The only reason you “fuck up” is because you leave women without saying anything
Rio: Lilia I swear to fucking god
Jen: She's not wrong, you do have a ghosting problem
Alice: If u ghost this one, ur dead to me
Rio: I'm not!!! I told you guys I genuinely really like her 😭
Lilia: We'll see
Jen and Alice put their phones away once they heard the footsteps coming down. “Hewwo Miss Jen and Alice” Nicholas greeted them, running over to the kitchen. “Nicholas! What did I tell you about running!” Agatha yelled from the last step. “Sorry mommy!” Nicholas said as he went up to the couple. “Hi Nicholas, how are you buddy?” Alice asked, ruffling his hair. “I'm good, I had a dream that I was an astronaut and went to the moon and it was made of chalk so I could draw with it and then I took a piece but it poofed when I got back to earth so then i had to go to my big big rocket and-” “Nicky I don't think they need to hear the whole dream. How does banana and waffles sound for breakfast, hm?” Agatha interrupted her son from yapping to the two. “He's so cute,” Alice said, finishing her coffee. “Thanks, I'm just dreading the day where I blink and he becomes a teenager” Agatha said, putting eggo waffles in the toaster. “Well I think we'll get going, text me when we should come over and watch him” Jen said getting up from her seat. “Sounds good! Thanks again!” Agatha told them, getting the door for them. She went back to finish giving Nicholas his breakfast and decided to text Rio once she finished.
Hi sweetheart, good news! Jen and Alice agreed to watching Nicholas so we can go out today!
Sounds great, gorgeous. How does 5 sound? We could stay at the bookstore and watch a movie. I have a projector and everything ;)
That sounds wonderful. Can't wait to see you 💖
Te veo 💚
Rio couldn't help but giggle after texting Agatha. That woman did things to her that she hadn't felt in years. Even though it was only the morning still, Rio had decided to already start cleaning the shop and set it up for their date. She even made sure that her pillows and seating nook looked perfect and just right for the two of them. As Rio continued to ready the place for their date the time went by and eventually five o’clock came quicker than she thought.
Agatha had parked behind the bookstore where Rio showed her yesterday and walked to the front of the store and knocked on the door. Rio heard the knock and looked at herself one final time on her phone, making sure her makeup looked fine. “Why hello beautiful” Rio said, opening the door to her shop to Agatha. “Hi sweetheart” Agatha said giggling. “Wow you really decked the place out for little ol’ me” Agatha told Rio as she walked in. “What can I say, I wanted to impress a certain lady” Rio told her, kissing her on the cheek. “Mmm well you definitely are” Agatha said, grabbing Rio’s chin and giving her a peck. “C’mon let’s pick out a movie, I already have the popcorn and everything ready” Rio told her, showing her to the couch and a million throw pillows. “Ooooh, quite the collection. Why don’t we go with something classic. I’m thinking Carol?” Agatha asked, looking at Rio’s blu-ray collection. “Anything you want gorgeous” Rio said, taking the disc out and putting it in.
At first Agatha was a bit nervous to cuddle with her but as soon as Rio sat down she put her arms around Agatha and put her head on her shoulder. As the movie progressed Rio had begun to tease Agatha a little bit here and there. She would feed Agatha chocolate and distract her, putting her hand on and off her leg. Agatha couldn't help herself any more and turned her head to kiss Rio. As the two progressed Rio put her hands around Agatha's neck but Agatha started to let her hands wander. She unconsciously put her hand on one of Rio's breasts and started to knead. Rio could hold back anymore and moaned loudly. “Oh I'm so sorry” Agatha said, backing away from the kiss. “Don't be, I loved it” Rio said, leaning into Agatha “oh, okay” Agatha told Rio, leaning back into the kiss. Rio couldn't stop herself anymore and bit Agatha's bottom lip, only then to dominate the kiss with her tongue. Agatha was taken aback at first but was happy to let Rio dominate her. As the two continued, Agatha let her hands wander Rio’s body and slowly she started lifting her shirt. Rio started grinding more on Agatha and started pulling her shirt off. “God you're so beautiful” Agatha said after helping Rio unclip her bra. “I could say the same thing about you, come on, you’re wearing too much, gorgeous” Rio told Agatha, unbuttoning Agatha’s shirt. Once Agatha’s shirt was removed, she instantly latched herself on Rio’s neck and jaw. She kissed any and all skin she could seek out. Rio moaned and let Agatha continue on before unzipping Agatha’s pants. Rio couldn’t hold back and slowly brought her finger down to tease Agatha’s waistband. “Please, please I need you” Agatha whined. Under regular circumstances Rio would have teased Agatha more but she was equally as needed right now. She plunged her fingers into Agatha’s underwear and put two fingers into her. “Mmmm thank you, thank you Rio” Agatha started to chant, holding herself closer to Rio.
After Rio started to get a good rhythm going she started to mark Agatha. She started biting and licking at Agatha’s breasts and chest. Agatha was about to tell her not to mark her too badly but she caved into it. Agatha was a shivering and moaning mess for Rio at this point. “I’m so close Rio, I-I’m close” Agatha said with a shudder. Rio responded by putting a third finger into her and started making circles on her clit with her thumb. “Come on baby, give it to me. Be a good girl and let it all go” Rio said, kissing on her jawline. “Oh god! I’m cumming! Rio I’m cumming!” Agatha exclaimed, moaning and practically holding onto Rio for dear life. Rio slowly started to take her fingers out. She leaned back from Agatha, licking and sucking her fingers for Agatha to see. Rio let go of her fingers with a pop from her mouth. To which Agatha could only respond by kissing her passionately. She loved tasting herself in the kiss and started to practically put her tongue down Rio’s throat. As she started to dominate Rio, she started pulling down Rio’s pants. As Rio’s pants and underwear got pulled down, Agatha let go of the kiss and started kissing down Rio’s body. She made sure to stop at Rio’s breasts for a minute and let them get the attention they deserved. She sucked and tugged on them with her teeth while teasing Rio’s other nipple by pinching it and rubbing them with her fingers. After Rio had given Agatha the moans she wanted to hear, she continued to kiss further down until stopping at her bush. She nuzzled against Rio’s pussy, looking up at Rio’s eyes. Rio’s face was the most flustered Agatha had ever seen but her eyes were the most important part to her. Rio’s eyes were almost completely dark with desire. Slowly Rio brought her hand onto Agatha’s head and pushed her down. Agatha started teasing Rio by just licking down her slit but made sure to surprise Rio. She started sucking on Rio’s clit which made her thrust like crazy, practically grinding her pussy onto Agatha’s face. She moaned and rocked more onto Agatha. “Oh god Agatha! I’m cumming!” Rio exclaimed, digging her fingers into Agatha’s scalp. As Agatha brought her to her climax she made sure to hold Rio by her hips. Rio was stuck shuddering on to the couch and slowly released her grip on Agatha’s head. Agatha started to lick slower, letting Rio ride it out. Once Rio was able to catch her breath Agatha started to come back up and sat next to Rio on the couch. Rio instantly put her arms around Agatha and hugged her, hiding her face into the crook of Agatha’s neck. She breathed in the scent of Agatha’s perfume with the mix of the smell of sex. She never wanted to move again if she could stay like this with Agatha forever.
“If I knew you would fuck me this hard I would have let you fuck me sooner” Agatha said, playing with Rio’s hair. “If I knew you’d eat me out like that I would have suggested myself for dinner yesterday” Rio told her, leaning back from the hug to kiss Agatha. Rio let go of the hug for a minute to bend down and get her pack of cigarettes from her jeans. “Want one?” Rio asked, holding out the pack. “Sure, why not” Agatha said, taking one. Instead of lighting Agatha’s with her lighter, she brought their cigarettes to kiss. Rio looked at Agatha during it and once they locked eyes, she winked, making Agatha blush insanely. After a moment of silence of smoking and enjoying each other’s presences Agatha couldn’t help but ask a question. “So what exactly are we? I don’t exactly let just anyone fuck me” Agatha said, looking over at Rio. “I don’t either, honestly. Look, I really like you Agatha and I don’t want this to be just a one time thing or just fucking. I wanna be in a relationship with you, I wanna see what happens with us together” Rio said, staring into Agatha’s eyes. “I do too. I wanna be with you, I wanna be your girlfriend” Agatha said, giggling like a highschooler when she said girlfriend. “Mmm I like that, Agatha my girlfriend Harkness.” Rio said, giggling with Agatha. They stayed there giggling and kissing each other every few minutes. Once Agatha saw how late it was she shot Alice and Jen texts that she would be staying at Rio’s for the night, receiving a thumbs up and congratulations from the both. She told Rio that she was set to stay at her place for the night to which Rio excitedly took Agatha upstairs. Rio unlocked the door to her apartment and showed Agatha the way to her bedroom. “I have a sweatshirt and some shorts you could sleep in,” Rio said, looking back at Agatha. “That’s perfect, thank you sweetheart” Agatha said, taking the clothes from Rio and giving her a kiss on the cheek. “It’s the least I can do, don’t want you sleeping naked. Unless you want to?” Rio asked with a smirk. “Mmm maybe not tonight” Agatha said, winking back at Rio as she started putting on the clothes Rio gave her. As they went to bed Rio just like before instantly had her hands on Agatha. Before drifting off to sleep Agatha took Rio’s hands and kissed them, wishing her a good night. Rio smiled and kissed Agatha’s head before also wishing her a good night as well. As Agatha was falling asleep in her arms she thought how she could get used to this. What she didn’t know was that Rio was thinking the exact same thing.
#lesbian#wlw#sapphic#wlw post#agatha harkness#agatha x rio#agathario#nicholas scratch#agatha and rio#lady death#jen x alice#alice wu gulliver#rio vidal#agatha all along#jennifer kale#lilia calderu#fanfic#ao3 writer
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