duckiesys · 7 months
hey osddid tumblr my feed is getting stale if ur a osddid system rb or like this so I can follow lol (esp if c-did/polyfrag 👍)
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duckiesys · 7 months
Reminder that the term “sysmeds” was made by the endogenic community to make it seem like real systems are bigots. It comes straight from the term “transmeds”.
Sysmeds. Is. Not. A. Real. Term.
If I see a single person say “sysmeds are this sysmeds are that” I will just report you.
Endogenics stop comparing your bullshit to being transgender.
It’s not bigotry to know the basic science of a trauma disorder, it cannot be compared to transphobia.
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duckiesys · 8 months
not necessarily sure if this is a DID thing rather than a trauma thing in general but it sure sucks living your life constantly doubting your own memory and feeling like ur exaggerating or making up your trauma
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duckiesys · 8 months
Sysmed is a very stupid term.
ill never get over how stupid of a term "sysmed" is
its taken from transmed, which is a terrible term within itself as transmeds fucking suck
it makes no sense
transmed means: "Transmed, short for transmedicalist, refers to trans people who believe that dysphoria is required to identify as transgender."
Being transgender and having a mental disorder like DID/OSDD are two very different things. Comparing those two seperate experiences is asinine.
Gender is a complex thing that cant be defined by dysphoric or non dysphoric, it doesn't boil down to gender dysphoria. It's the wonderful euphoria you get from finally understanding yourself, its the euphoria and joy you get from being seen as your true self for the first time. Equating being transgender to suffering is inherently bad, which is why pushing the idea that you NEED to have dysphoria to be trans is bad.
But DID/OSDD are disorders *caused* by suffering. They are nothing even nearly comparable to being transgender.
Being a system cannot be defined by euphoria. Why anyone would be euphoric over dissociation, confusion, amnesia, splitting, etc is beyond me. It just isn't a thing.
Sysmeds are sysmeds because DID and OSDD are clinical disorders proven to be caused by childhood trauma.
Sysmeds are sysmeds because were tired of people using mental disorders as fun little terms.
You don't have to suffer because you CHOOSE this. Plain and simple.
If you don't suffer because you're a system, then you're not a system. It is inherently disabling and causes suffering, or atleast impacts and impairs your daily life.
Sysmedicalists are people with common sense who listen to science. That is all
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duckiesys · 8 months
Endo systems don't exist.
Systems who don't remember their trauma? Valid, but that's not what endo means.
Systems that formed "naturally"? Bullshit.
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duckiesys · 8 months
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duckiesys · 8 months
don't let endo spaces convince you words like dormancy and integration are bad things; for some that will be recovery, and what that system needs.
recovery can be so beautiful and important. If another system expresses this joy and you feel threatened and uncomfortable with just hearing the words to the point of wanting to silence others' stories and recovery, you are only protecting yourself from addressing your own insecurities about those things, and even taking away newly discovered system's ability to understand and talk about these subjects in the community.
These are natural and important parts of systemhood. While you may not be completely prepared to talk about these topics in your own system, having these topics blacklisted and some sort of taboo is a failure on your own end to close the chatroom that is talking about it, or excuse yourself away. You have no right to force your discomfort onto other people.
A healthy system can talk about these topics and how the options can be good for the system, or not what the system needs. THATS good inner system communication. Which will lead to being confident and comfortable with these topics.
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duckiesys · 8 months
Lately the DID been feelin more OVERT than COVERT
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duckiesys · 8 months
This might be controversial, and that's fine with me, but if you are new to discovering your DID/OSDD, please be mindful of how much time you are spending in online DID/OSDD forums and groups. It is very easy for these spaces to become echo chambers, and sociogenic illness does exist.
Talking to other people with DID/OSDD can be helpful for figuring things out, but be careful not to blindly absorb whatever people tell you.
Ultimately, figuring out your condition and the way your system works is between you and a licensed professional, not between you and people in a Discord server.
Some of us learned this lesson the hard way, and I imagine many young systems are still going to be learning it the hard way when they have to untangle real information about their symptoms from what strangers online have told them about their symptoms.
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duckiesys · 8 months
imo system accountability is really important. a goal of healing is system communication and thru that you can try to set boundaries for your system and that includes making sure everyone is accountable for everyone else.
if someone else makes a mistake, i’ll still own up to it for them. we share one body and share our physical actions. we can’t pass off responsibility because it “wasn’t me”
TW basically just general system guilt and such
Can we please stop normalizing taking responsibility for other alters actions? Admittedly there are some alters in a system who enjoy taking on responsibility and it’s literally their job.
But that still doesn’t mean they have full control over any other alter in the system. At the end of the day an alters actions are theirs and theirs only.
I usually apologize on behalf of alters but I’m genuinely just tired of it. Especially when singlets expect that’s it’s some sort of moral duty to take care of other alters or clean up their messes.
I don’t want to. I already have to live with the consequences of someone else’s actions. Actions in which I had no say in or control over. I’m just tired of feeling guilty for something I didn’t even do.
Again all alters are individuals, all alters make different choices good or bad. I’m not gonna apologize for someone else’s mistakes. Sorry if that’s controversial lmfao
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duckiesys · 8 months
when i see people make comments like “oh — you’re making DID your entire personality/i don’t want to make my DID my entire personality!” i always tend to roll my eyes a little bit.
it’s an admirable goal, nobody should ever have their mental disorder take over so much of their life that they can’t focus on anything else, but i think there’s a clear lack of understanding how deep this disorder can truly get.
it’s a trauma disorder that inherently gives you issues with your identity and who you are. for most people, it’s extremely hard to make that distinction. it’s something you live with day in and day out, even if there’s times of alter silence there’s a plethora of other symptoms that are right at the gate. sometimes it can feel like you have no choice but to talk constantly about it.
detachment, dissociation, lack of structured identity, it can be an entire mess for people. your own personal relationship with this disorder is going to be inherently different from others around you. if you choose to never speak about it or if you choose to talk about it daily, that’s your decision and neither should be seen as bad.
this disorder is already terrible for so many reasons, i’m never going to knock people who are just trying to find their own ways to cope with it.
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duckiesys · 8 months
not necessarily sure if this is a DID thing rather than a trauma thing in general but it sure sucks living your life constantly doubting your own memory and feeling like ur exaggerating or making up your trauma
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duckiesys · 8 months
its kind of scary not knowing all the stories your body went through
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duckiesys · 8 months
sorry my family didn’t teach me that i have a place among others so now i’m weird . sorry
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duckiesys · 8 months
Does anyone realize that the "everyone is valid" thing has actual diagnostic implications?
Yes, every case of DID will have differences from another. But all DID cases must meet diagnostic criteria in order to actually be DID. You can't say "everyone is valid" and "DID can look like anything" because really, it can't. At the end of the day, there are still diagnostic criteria that must be met. If anything goes and anything is valid and anything can be DID, then DID is nothing and we might as well not even classify it as a disorder at all.
Same thing as people who say that "everyone has a little bit of DID" or "everyone has parts". Yes, you act differently at work than you do at home. This does not mean that you have dissociated parts of a fragmented self, and if it did, then DID would be a redundant diagnosis and there would be no need to have it in the ICD or DSM if "everyone" had it.
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duckiesys · 8 months
Shout out to the ten year old who just got diagnosed. Shout out to the housebound fourteen year old. Shout out to the eighteen year old who can’t go to the university they wanted. Shout out to the twenty two year old who can’t get a job. Shout out to the twenty six year old with a caretaker. Shout out to the thirty year old who can’t buy their own house.
Shout out to young disabled people. We exist.
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duckiesys · 8 months
we’re similar. three of us kind of rotate around the front but it’s never long enough to say anyone is the host. we’d all kinda be?
If you have OSDD/DID and don't have host, main, or core please follow or interact I'd like to meet more diagnosed systems like us.
I just get a weird vibe from most OSDID resources using "your parts" or "your alters". Basically clearly directing things to a host. It just...makes us feel weird as a system that isn't host-centric despite being medical and traumagenic.
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