dubiouslynamed · 30 minutes
Today it came to Crowley’s attention that Aziraphale had got so caught up organizing the books in his study that he forgot to eat. The demon was so concerned that he whipped up a batch of cherry scones. While they were baking, Aziraphale sheepishly made his way to the kitchen, drawn by the smell wafting through the cottage. When the scones had finished, they took a few outside and shared them on the front porch.
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dubiouslynamed · 8 hours
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dubiouslynamed · 8 hours
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Go on... this apple will give you...
...my contribution to week 7 of the Ineffable Prompt-A-Thon by @ineffablyruined.
Edited to add: I thought of a lil limerick to go along with it lol
There once was a Garden of Eden where an apple ought not to be eaten. "Taste it, my dear", into her ear whispered Crawly the slithering demon.
Anyways! This was my first time using halftone brushes, and there was definitely a learning curve, but I really love how it turned out!
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Reference image
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Source: quiteunlikely.net/screencaps/displayimage.php?album=652&pid=410863
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dubiouslynamed · 8 hours
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dubiouslynamed · 8 hours
Me: man, I can't believe there's only a couple fics of this fic trope! It's just so fun! :( I wish there were more!
Narrator: what this loser failed to remember was the fifteen mile long block list of popular ship tags plugged into every ao3 search without fail, limiting every ao3 return result list to slim pickings by default.
Narrator: (watches said ao3 user complete the same search ten times in a single week)
Narrator: this was inevitable. Anyway, it's me, Rod Serling. Join me next time for horrible tales of the ao3 search function working exactly as intended
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dubiouslynamed · 9 hours
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dubiouslynamed · 9 hours
Tunic embroidered with old Norse runes around the bottom that read “I joined the SCA and all I got was this stupid t-tunic”
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dubiouslynamed · 9 hours
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Demon Daddyziraphale.
I have such a weak spot for Reverse!Omens.
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dubiouslynamed · 9 hours
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1920 Harvest time lunch break taken by John Lorang. from White Springs Ranch Museum, FB.
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dubiouslynamed · 9 hours
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dubiouslynamed · 9 hours
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The Metropolitan Museum of Art
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dubiouslynamed · 9 hours
...I had a guy come in today asking about how to get his kids library cards. I told him. He asked me how hard it would be for them to get them, and I said that all it took was their presence and his government ID.
He told me about how nice the system was here, where it was so easy to get a card; he said that there was a beautiful public library in Beijing that was top of the line and everything, but that the only way to access it was if you were a high ranking government official or a top professor or something. Instead, our library "serves the reader." His kids will be able to take chapter books home at no cost. He'll even be able to get books in Chinese here so that his native language skills don't atrophy.
I didn't even really know what to say, so I told him how to ask us to buy books for him that we don't already have so that he can still read them at no extra cost. I don't know how to shore up what it must feel like to know that there are books out there you can't read; I've always grown up with a good library nearby. It reminded me of working in my old library, though, where families who spoke Spanish were startled to find out we took any government ID with a formal address in town— even foreign IDs— so that their kids could get access to all of our titles in all the languages we offered.
Ah. Anyway, I hope you check out a library book with this thought in mind. I checked out the first volume of YJ98 today with that thought in mind. I didn't have to pay anything. I put it on hold, and there it was.
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dubiouslynamed · 1 day
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Reread it twice but it’s still not sinking in. What?
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dubiouslynamed · 1 day
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1926 Senior year photo of pretty Miss Hildur Richardson by Edgar Bowman. From History Defined, FB.
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dubiouslynamed · 2 days
New David content 🗣
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...I see a little 14 👀
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dubiouslynamed · 2 days
The horrors persist but so do I.
After a 12 hour nap.
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dubiouslynamed · 2 days
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You're a mess, angel.
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