Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
there was a good chance he was out of his mind for allowing their interaction to escalate as it did. though that thought was far from his mind, ENTRANCED by the very presence of this girl on her knees before him. a SATISFIED hum, reverberating from his throat, the warmth of her petals pressing against his skin caused a slight shiver to run up his spine. digits firmly gripped her waist, sealing any distance between the two. klassik laid her down onto the bed, pulling the last article of clothing off of her. the blond pressed his harden length against her bundle of nerves, his hips rocking back and forth in a TEASINGLY slow motion, his lips just hovering over her’s. ‘ i like the sound of that. ’ he responded, going in to steal a kiss.
as he lays her on the bed, she bites at her bottom lip, lustful gaze as she watches him remove the last of her clothing. femme rests her arms over his shoulders, as he presses himself against her, eyelids fluttering, digits entangling in his hair. ivory had never been a particularly loving person, kisses and affection made her uncomfortable and usually had her running for the hills, but there’s something about the way he hovers over her that leaves her longing for him. as he presses his lips to hers she moans softly, equal passion as she reciprocates. “ please, i want you so bad. ” red head pleads softly against him.
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the sound she made against his length made him IMPATIENT, wanting desperately to touch her, to reciprocate the pleasure she was giving him. digits released long tendrils, pulling his shirt up and over his head and a quick motion, his sight never leaving ivory but for a quick moment, thinking that if he looked away long enough, she would disappear as fast as she appeared in his life. klassik leaned in closer, back hunching slightly as hands descended down her curves, ‘ you’re driving me crazy. ’ he muttered as a hand slipped past her skirt, the palm of his hand lightly glided over her heat momentarily, his patience slowly disappearing. ‘ i WANT you, ivory. now. ’
klassik is fueling her ego in ways deranged femme could only dream of --- had dreamt of. she’d held this man on a pedestal for so long and now here he was the one begging for her. eager eyes survey his body as he removes his shirt, forever in awe of him. soft grip replaces petals as she offers a devilish smirk in reciprocation, leaning up as he closes the gap between them. “ i’m all yours to take, klassik. ” ivory offers herself completely, voice soft as lips brush against his throat, her hips moving involuntarily in an attempt to pursue his teasing touch.
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his head fell back, basking in the PLEASURE as she continued on with her advances. the stressors of his workday melting away, a low moan left his lips, lowering his gaze enjoying the fact that he was on the receiving end. his fingers gently raked through her hair, pushing stray tendrils back not wanting his view of her to be obstructed in the least. klassik’s hips would roll forward, craving, DESIRING her touch more and more. ‘ fucking hell, keep going. ’ his voice was low, digits curling into her hair, urging her to continue on with whatever she wished. the questions and hesitancy disappearing while feelings of LUST overwhelmed.
the moan falling from his lips --- knowing it’s because of her, is enough to leave ivory weak. soft moan eliciting from herself in reciprocation as he wraps her hair around his digits, humming against him. at his demand, nails dig into his thighs eagerly, as much as she wants more, his desire turns her on and she wants to prolong it, lips moving up and down his length gently, tongue wandering. femme readjusts herself on her knees, hands moving to undo the buttons on her shirt, allowing it to fall from petite shoulders as she continues.
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Matteo flipped open his menu and browsed the selections. There weren’t many options, but a couple was pretty dog friendly. Checking his wallet he sighed at his lack of bills. A couple tens and a five. No matter, Matteo will be living in lavish soon enough. “Charlie will have a steak. Medium rare, no seasoning, please, and two eggs cooked well. As for me, I’ll have hashbrowns with onion, cheese, and mushrooms. As well as two eggs, sunny side, and a slice of toast. With coffee.” He closed his menu and handed it over to his waitress. Ivory, her name tag read. Before she walked off Matteo raised a hand to her, “Ivory, before I forget, chi ti ha dato quelle ferite?”
drawn back to matteo ivory writes his order in her pad, attention occasionally flickering to her bosses rantings from the kitchen. the few regulars that the diner had were used to his attitude problem but it was still embarrassing for ivory nonetheless --- and the thought of having to go out back to give him an order in a moment had her nerves on edge. “ okay, cool. no problem. coming right up. ” femme flashes the other a small, tight smile, avoiding eye contact as she places the note in her apron pocket, ready to retreat as he motions towards her. “ --- yeah ? ” she reciprocates, eyes unwillingly wandering to his, there’s something alluring about him and it only further contributes towards her anxious nature, soft laugh passing petals. “ ‘m sorry ? what was that ? ”
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the question caught him off guard, no one had ever asked such a thing to him, if anything, klassik was always expected to act a certain way or provide some sort of service. she was truly an ENIGMA of sorts and the male couldn’t quite pinpoint the reason as to how she was able to gently tear back those walls he puts up to shield from the world around him. the sentence that soon followed surprised him and he was absolutely sure no one had REASSURED him like such. he watched the smirk make way to her visage, TRANSFIXED by the very person she was. ‘ i can do that. ’ he breathed out, relishing her soft touch against him, hips slightly moving forwards, wanting more.
head leans in as he tilts his hips, bottom lip running along his length slowly, before mouth wraps around his tip. eyes flutter up towards his, intoxicated by him --- by his every movement, his every reaction to her touch. digits grip at his hips eagerly, her only interest being in gaining his approval, months of watching him only via the media, as negative as it could be, ivory worships him nonetheless. pursed lips as she takes him longingly, wanting nothing more than to taste him, free hand now massaging him.femme’s unhinged mind willing to offer herself to him completely for his approval, her only aspiration being to be enough for him.
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cooperation had never been a soft skill taren found himself capable of —– or at least it was not in the face of authority or genuine kindness. he didn’t really like either; despising the idea of someone standing above him, wanting to constrain or control him, even if said control was merely a plea to remain in bed as doctors tended his wounds. “ i am being cooperative, “ he points out, his hand lifting carefully to nod his head towards where the cannula connects the iv bag’s tube to him, “ i let them shove a needle inside of me. “ perhaps not without a threat or two, empty words of someone who knew he needed help – at least, this time he admits he did – but who wouldn’t stop the reflex of fighting it, anyway. his hand falls back to lay besides him and he has to breathe out a laugh; a quick flash of good looks shining through the bruises marking his skin as a smile tugs on his lips. she seemed to be their trump card every time – when he acted up, esme was right there – and for reasons unbeknownst to him, he allowed it, even now concentrating to ignore the iv pierced into him. “ the pain’s not half bad, “ he lies. it comes and goes in waves, muscles and jaw clenching each time it does, trembling with the strength of it. “ ‘m pretty sure i already told you —– i slipped. “ another lie and he’s getting less and less creative with it. “ can’t you just…. sit? please. for a minute, at least..? otherwise, i’m gonna go mental being here on my own any longer. “
as the newest nurse to the team it could be argued the others took advantage of her willingess --- but it didn’t bother esme. her entire life had been a series of challenges and obstacles almost preventing her from achieving her dream, but she’d persevered. and though taren could be a nuisance, she’d dealt with much worse in and outside of the work environment. “ i’d hardly call it co-operating, you’ve been quite the talk of the nurse’s station with your colourful vocabulary. ” eyebrow quirked, though a small smile tugs at the corners of her mouth as he laughs --- he was incredibly good looking, and when he laughed it warmed her heart just a touch. in an alternate reality, he’d be the kind of man that esme found herself attracted to, but professional position has her cautious to keep her distance. digits rub at the back of her neck, sighing softly at his request. after a shift from hell all she wants to do is rest herself, but she finds herself unable to refuse him, even if he refused her every attempt at helping. “ i --- okay, i can spare a few minutes --- but i’m not taking any more of your bullshit. i’m technically off duty for now, so if you tell me any more lies i’m off on a romantic date with my red bull and my pack of Marlboros out the back. now back to my original question --- pain meds, yes or no ? ”
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no longer confined to laws of logic and rationality, klassik welcomed ivory’s advances, CRAVING for her touch. icy depths took in her beauty, transfixed by her very presence and image. guided by her touch, he comfortably sat of the edge of the bed, his gaze never leaving her’s, darkened orbs watched as she pulls down his jeans, her touch against him elicited a rough breath to push past his lips. ‘ mhm and what do you EXPECT out of this moment ? ’ he questioned.
ivory pauses briefly at his question, head quirked to the side, almost proud of herself. “ i’m guessing you’re used to people expecting something from you, huh ? ” she reciprocates curiously, biting at her lip, digits toying with the hem of his boxers now as she moves to remove them now too. smirk undeniable as she exhales, gaze now distracted from his intoxicating stare, a soft hold as she slowly begins to relieve him. “ i don’t expect nothing at all. i just wanna make you feel real good --- hear you moan my name. ”
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tell me why i got so bored i dyed my hair HALF RED HALF BLACK self isolation is really getting 2 me

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ivory hated her job, she hated her boss, she hated her life. but with bills to pay and the chance at eight hours a day away from her tragic home life, femme plastered a perfect beam on her face to greet each and every boring customer that entered the diner day in day out. this evening appeared no different, greeting the young man as instructed and leading him to his table. offering her name and a menu. though as she sees curious glances toward her marked skin she crosses her arms, fingers laying over petite biceps in an attempt to disguise her bruises, smile twitching momentarily. “ i like ya dog. ” femme eventually remarks distracted, look of fondness as she wonders whether or not it would be acceptable to stroke the strangers dog. but before she can ask, her boss screaming for her causes her to wince, nerves evident. “ i - uhm - you just give me a shout when you’re ready to order m’kay ? ”
plot based on this!
The deep growl from Matteo’s stomach alarmed him. How could he have forgotten to feed himself for so long. In the back seat Charlie barked towards his owner, showing he was hungry as well. “Sorry bud, Troverò un posto dove mangiare a.” Pulling off of the interstate and into a very tiny town, he came across a dimly lit diner just off the main road. Pets allowed, convenient. He leashed up charlie and entered the building, a tiny bell ringing above him. His wattress introduced herself and immediately he was concerned. Several bruises freckled her arms, legs, even her chest (or, whatever appeared out from her uniform). For a moment, he ignored it and followed her to his table. Charlie laid on the floor beside him.
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gimme some tough guy nuisance patient who can’t be reasoned with for my soft student nurse to fall in love with !
barely five minutes into her long awaited break, just having taken a seat, her pager buzzes. esme can easily warrant a guess as to which patient she was being summoned for. stretching aching muscles, she sighs softly as she heads to their room, gathering their notes from the end of their bed. “ listen, i know you’re fed up. but perhaps if you were just a little more co-operative with staff, you’d be out of here a hell of a lot faster. ” femme offers probably unwelcome advice, gaze drifting from the paper work up to the other. “ and for god sake, stop fiddling with your IV cannula. you are not a child. ” he’d become a regular in the ER and quite the talk of the students nurses — though this had been his longest stay to date. no stranger to his charm and rugged good looks, esme can’t help but soften expression as she sees his evident discomfort. “ can i get you anything for the pain ? or maybe you’re finally ready to tell me what happened exactly ? ”
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it was too easy to get wrapped up in her whims, to agree to what she wanted and finding himself outside. still at the party but no longer inside. it was better outdoors. the noise was less and there wasn’t many others out there, other than the expected group of smokers, who barely looked up to register their presence anyway. although he wondered where they were going, he didn’t have to wonder too long. bexley situated herself on the swing and he barely needed the prompt from her before he was sitting next to her, close to her. it was a little on the colder side. he wondered if he should offer her his jacket.
hesitantly, danny took the bottle from her, though he didn’t open it, mostly because he was distracted by her voice, the words she spoke to him. “i don’t think you’re a shitty friend, bex,” he told her, truthfully. “i think it’s cool that you can have so much fun when we go out. i like seeing you dance, it’s nice to see you enjoying yourself…” he hoped he hadn’t said too much then and even though he’d been reluctant to open the bottle and start drinking, he did so anyway. a few moments after he’d popped the cap, he let the cool liquid settle in his stomach, not quite firing straight to his brain yet. it gave him a little more confidence. “i guess i just… i want you to be safe, or whatever. it’s part of the reason why i come with you so much, i want you to have fun and y’know, not end up getting hurt.” a brief pause while he thought on his words. “i’m sorry i was gonna bail on you tonight, that was a shitty thing to do.”
head absentmindedly lays on his shoulder, arm wrapping through his as she pulls him a little closer for a combination of warmth and for comfort. danny always seemed to know the right thing to say to cheer bexley up, the way he seemed to hold her on a pedastal and knew nothing of her upbringing or her past warms her heart to know she has a second chance at life now she’s away at college. “ you’re too good to me, danny. ” bex mumbles, smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “ sometimes i wonder why i waste my time with assholes, when there’s genuine good guys like you out here. ” liquor is obviously blurring the lines for femme as to what she should say aloud and what she should keep in her head, but as always she focused on whatever would make her happy in the moment --- convinced that danny wouldn’t take it to heart.
she briefly lifts her head to look at him, tipsy eyes flickering curiously towards his lip before she meets his gaze again. “ you don’t have to apologise, i was the one who wondered off --- thank you for looking after me, i guess i’m just not used to people doing that. ”
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“i’m going to hold you to that,” he tells her, smiling again before pulling back to look at her. remy has always appeared to be tough, maybe it’s the tattoos or the job. but he has never been as hard as he appears. he’s soft, especially around the people he loves. even if he tries to come across as always been tough. “okay. a nice relaxing night,” he squeezes her hand softly in his, “tomorrow. you can rant at me all day tomorrow, i’m taking it off.” he informs her, and as they get to the car he opens her door for her, smiling softly. “i know you do, darling, and…i know i can get bad about this. that i get stuck doing it…punishing myself. but i know where you stand on it. and i know why you stand there. i know that it’s because you care.”
esme tries not to appear too eager or excited as he informs her he’s taking the day off tomorrow, it was a very minuscule victory for her but considering the spats they’d had previously regarding his training schedule --- she’d take it. “ you are ? ” femme questions, biting back an obvious beam as she raises an eyebrow. “ yeah, that’s a good idea. you need time to heal --- oh, your poor face. ” getting into the car she waits for him, keys turning ignition. their relationship probably came across as odd to others, how soft she was with remy, considering his tough exterior, but she knew deep down he needed someone to love him and care for him, and she had plans to do that for the rest of her life.
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undeniably so, klassik felt that he was losing some grip he had on his SANITY simply allowing this moment to continue on as far as it did. any sane person would have called the cops, at least their security team to effectively deal with the problem, but lord, did this beauty make it difficult to act within his NORMS. just before he could say anything, soft, luscious lips were pressed against his, his hold around her waist tightening as he returned it with equal fervor. ‘ show me so i can return the favor. ’ he murmured, leaning towards her, CRAVING more as her touch moved lower and lower down his body.
digits undo his buckle, pulling his belt off excruciatingly slowly, gaze stuck him. as much as she wants to savor every moment of this insane meeting, ivory wants to see him long for her the way she has longed for him for so long first. the intensity of the kiss only further affirmation to her that this was meant to be. hands rest against his chest, pushing him lightly to sit on the edge of his bed, kneeling down before him. “ you have no idea how many times i’ve dreamt of this moment. ” femme mumbles, eyes lustful as she undoes his jeans and begins to pull them down his thighs, moving one hand to palm him through his boxers.
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was he just as crazy and she was ? questions sounded through his head, but the ability to register them and clearly reflect and answer was nonexistent. in some ways, he was INTOXICATED by her presence. he allowed himself to be pulled closer, wanting nothing more than to feel her against him. how she described the love for danger, the adrenaline, the thrill, it was what klassik enjoyed chasing and for her to speak so highly of him, to want him at this level, it was quite reassuring for his ego. ‘ wouldn’t anyone enjoy a little praise ? ’ he inquired, an arm snaking around her waist to bring her closer, ENCOURAGING her to do whatever she pleased. a smirk danced across his features, leaning in closer to her, lips just millimeters away from each other
as he finally succumbs to her movements, ivory offers a confident smirk, digits tracing his lower back as hands surpass his shirt impatiently. nails digging into his skin as she yearns for him, though she wants to appreciate every moment of the experience, months of dreaming of this exact scenario finally becoming a reality. “ i’ll give you all the praise you like, you deserve it baby. ” ivory offers blinking up at him innocence replaced with a devilish tint, exhaling before she closes the gap between their mouths momentarily, lips meeting his eagerly before she pulls back after the briefest of moments, despite her longing for more. “ would you like me to show you how much you mean to me ? ” touch advances slowly to his front, toying with the buckle of his belt, waiting for him to permit her.
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havin a bit of a weird day n have 0 energy at all for any of my muses or p much anything at all, i’m gonna go chill for a bit n i’ll try get replies done before i sleep xx
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okay, he had to admit that bringing up the gun was an outrageously fair point, but in his defense, he thought someone had broken into his house and went after his valuables or the safe. t’was quite a feat to successfully breaking and entering his dwelling space. klassik watches her expression light up at his truthful omission of her BEAUTY, noticing the the distance between them was slowly getting closer and closer. ‘ fair point. didn’t expect company like you is all. ’ he shrugged his shoulders, listening to the words falling from her petals. once again, her words continued to pull him closer, wanting to know why she placed him on such a high pedestal, even more so, he wanted to know why he enjoyed being praised like this so much. ‘ what have I done to make you say something like that ? ’ his feet carrying him closer and closer to ivory until there was no longer distance between them.
as he closes the gap between them, ivory considers this him offering her a further opportunity --- though she’s unsure still his certainty about her she’s sure she’s grasped his curiosity at least for now. index fingers hastily tangle in the loops of his jeans pulling him closer, pressing her body closer to his. “ i wasn’t scared. ” she mumbles, smirk tugging at lips. “ i actually thought it was kind of hot. ” small laugh exudes at what seems like a ridiculous question to her regarding why the man she worshiped stood before her was so special. “ i love the rush, the danger, the thrill --- what can i say, i’m a sucker for a bad boy. but you --- there’s just something i can’t put my finger on. and i love that. ” daring digits now toy with the hem of his shirt, testing waters with how willing he is to let her have her way. “ you like that don’t you ? me praising you ? ”
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