drunkstarscream · 5 years
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
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this gives off an unspeakable energy and i’m scared to unleash it to the world
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
so like… do other Decepticons use Soundwave as a diary or is it just Starscream?
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
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Thanks to Jessicatheshark for pointing that out
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
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the positioning in this shot makes it look like megatron strapped an even BIGGER fusion cannon on top of his first fusion cannon, and to be honest, when i glanced at it at first i didn’t even question it because that’s exactly the sort of shit tfp megatron would do
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
Knock Out: Lord Megatron, sir! You’ll be pleased to know I’ve arranged your voice mails into categories! Megatron: Ah, and what is that? Knock Out: Death threats, calls from Starscream, and calls that are death threats from Starscream
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
TFP Soundwave is so overpowered like he's a computer hacking techno genius with the fighting skills of a champion gladiator who can track you down and record everything you do without ever revealing his presence, and he has a helpful little Murder Bird for instant backup whenever he needs it.
Literally the only thing that keeps him from dominating everything is the fact that he just doesn't give a fuck unless ordered to, or Megatron's wellbeing is directly involved.
I absolutely adore him.
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
Megatron being a super famous gladiator before starting the war makes me laugh. Like imagine if John Cena started a revolution that eventually destroyed the world.
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
Optimus finally tells a joke
Optimus Prime: Knock knock,
Jack Darby: Who’s there?
Optimus Prime: Optimus.
Jack Darby: Optimus who?
Optimus Prime: Optimus Prime.
Jack Darby:
Optimus Prime:
Jack Darby:
Optimus Prime:
Jack Darby: That’s… that’s true, Optimus.
Optimus Prime: Thank you, Jack.
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
i open the trunglr. i look at the transforber.
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ In this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we love ▔▏┗┛▕▔ & appreciate ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ thundercracker ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
[ratchet voice] auuooahghptimus
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
Most people on dating sites:“Dont even TALK to me if you’re not 6ft tall, green eyes and perfect hair.”
Me:“Dont even TALK to me if you you’re not a 20 ft robot with weapons.”
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
imagine if the Dinobots were like cats/dogs, where sometimes in dino mode their tongues stick/hang out of their mouths and they forget they’re hangin’ there
like this:
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
Soundwave doesn’t get paid enough for this shit
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
ok so like… If things were reversed (kinda like Shattered Glass) where the Decepticons were good I think Soundwave would be Raf’s guardian and Breakdown would be Miko’s
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drunkstarscream · 5 years
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An idea where an accident makes soundwave and shockwave swap bodies 
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