drunkenmasta89 · 4 years
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Mor’s Spell Compendium 5e Version 1 is done. Sections of this compendium are NOT to be used for economic gain or to be sold for money, it is for personal use only. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. It is my first homebrew material for 5e. Please let me know if I’ve messed up with copyright and such. I’m trying to learn.
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drunkenmasta89 · 4 years
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5th page of new spells in Mor (Soon to be included in Mor’s Spell Compendium).
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drunkenmasta89 · 4 years
The Poor Farmer With His First Adventure. Part 2
The winds seemed as if they would never end. Melandrian rode in silence at the end of the line of horses, often almost standing in his saddle to stare ahead at the Serpent Mound. The great canopy of black, furious clouds had spread out to cover the land for as far as he could see, hiding Mount Sedhane entirely from sight. The clouds did not seem to extend beyond the bounds of that region, nor did they threaten to roll out across the surrounding steppes in the way a true storm might. They just hung over that desolate land, brooding or perhaps even challenging, seeming almost to dare them to stop. Lightning flickered across the surface of the clouds, leaping down with quick, sudden flashes in the darkness to strike among the black hills and boulders of the hidden lands below. The winds seemed as if they would never end. Not even the dreary, cloud-covered sky could dampen the mood of Melandrian as they approached Serpent Mound, keeping his excited smile tightly concealed from the others.
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drunkenmasta89 · 5 years
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3rd and 4th page of new spells in Mor (Soon to be included in Mor’s Spell Compendium).
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drunkenmasta89 · 5 years
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Been working on a cover page for my new spells in our homebrew Greyhawk 5e campaign. If you would like to draw my cover background for the book, don’t hesitate to give me a PM.
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drunkenmasta89 · 5 years
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Second page of new spells in Mor.
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drunkenmasta89 · 5 years
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Dragonnels are distantly related to both dragons and pteranodon. Their four legs, huge wings, and long tails give them a dragon-like appearance, and from a distance it is easy to mistake a dragonnel for one of its more fearsome cousins. Nevertheless, dragonnels are a distinct species, not a dragon subspecies. Closer inspection reveals a dragonel’s toothy beak and warty, dinosaurlike hide. At hatching, a dragonnel is glossy black with a red underbelly. As the creature ages, its underbelly fades to gray and its sides become dark red-violet. An adult dragonnel has long, marooncolored spines on its back and white frills on its head. Most dragonnels cannot speak, but 4% of wild adults can speak the tongue common to all evil dragons. Though not very bright, they tend to be evil, cunning, and malicious
Habitat/Society: Unlike their cousins, the dragons, wild dragonnels are mildly social, gathering for mutual defense, cooperative hunting, and to mate. Males in their prime stay away from other males, collecting small, semi-permanent harems of females. Females leave the band to lay eggs secretly, burying them in warm, moist earth. Once the eggs are laid, the females abandons them, often rejoining their old band, but sometimes remaining solitary until they find a new one.
Ecology: Dragonnels are at home in almost any climate except the coldest and driest. Dragonnel eggs are laid in clutches of ld6+2. If incubated under warm, moist conditions, they hatch in 12 weeks. Hatchling dragonnels can fly almost immediately and mature in about three years. Wild dragonnels prefer to hunt and kill large animals, such as cattle, elk, horses, or even an occasional human. However, when necessary they scavenge or hunt nearly anything living-rodents, fish, humanoids, or anything else they can catch. Unlike dragons, they are true carnivores and cannot eat plants or exotic foods lie gems or minerals. Domestic dragonnels thrive only on red meat, usually the equivalent of two horses or cows every month. Although they have no natural enemies, wild dragonnels are hunted by humans, whose herds and flocks they raid, and by all species of dragons. Good dragons abhor their stupidity and evil tendencies. Evil dragons simply resent the competition.
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drunkenmasta89 · 5 years
I like it!
Campaign Building 3 – Let’s Get Dangerous!
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Welcome, Gentle Readers, to our 3rd article about building our Angel of Chaos campaign, set in our Beyond the Borderlands campaign world. Now that we know where our adventurers are going to be setting out on adventure from, it’s time to start looking at building adventures for them to set out on!
Depending on how you want your campaign to work, you have a few choices on how to give out experience points, and the choice of how to do so can inform how you build your adventures. If you want to, you can award experience points per encounter, figuring out exactly how many points the players are earning and letting them level when they hit their appropriate goals. The advantage of this method is that wandering monsters and other such encounters have a real effect on the overall progress of the group.
Other methods include awarding experience points when the hit major milestones in the adventure, letting them level based on a certain number of sessions played, or when they hit various beats in the story. I personally use the last method the vast majority of the time in my games. This means that individual events in the story matter less than actually getting to certain major events, so you have to decide if you prefer this.
Now, even though I use the beats of the story to help me decide when the PCs level, it doesn’t mean that I don’t look at how many experience points a monster or trap is worth when building up encounters. On the contrary, before each level, with an idea of what the players are planning on doing, I sit down with the Dungeon Master’s Guide’s advice on building encounters, work out how many XPs the group needs to go from the current level to the next, and then build combat encounters that will get them to that next level. If they miss some of those encounters, that’s okay. I assume all the roleplay and fun makes up the difference.
With that in mind, I’m going to look at putting together an idea for an encounter to take the characters from level 1 to 2. It’s 300 XP per person to make this jump; if I assume I have 5 players, that means I need to put together some encounters that total around 1,500 XPs. Armed with this knowledge, I decide to come up with a “boss monster” for this adventure. I want the monster to be Challenge Rating 1…tough, but not overwhelming…and I’d like it to be something a bit unusual…not just a goblin chief, or the like. Using D&D Beyond, I play around with some filters and come up with a Harpy. Interesting choice! I also like the idea of the fire snake, but I decide to make that a separate encounter.
With this end goal in mind, I start putting together a story. The harpy, Jetharia, is a servant of the power of Chaos. She is using a goblin tribe to spread her influence, even as she befouls a nest, ready to lay her eggs and bring forth a new generation of progeny to spread the influence of Chaos to the nearby town of Oathford. If I’m feeling feisty, I might link these goblins to the bandits operating out of Jarelwynn Hall. Maybe those bandits sell information to the goblins in order to sell protection to the town? Just a thought for now.
A few encounters are already jumping to mind. We can have groups of goblins. We could have a few goblins with wolves. We could have goblins backing up a bugbear or half-ogre mercenary. We could even give a goblin a bit of magic, boosting them to Challenge Rating ½, and make them a shaman of some kind, then pair them with the fire snake. And, of course, we can have the harpy backed up by 2 goblins. I might put together something like this:
Harpy & 2 Goblins – 300 XP
Fire Snake & Goblin “Shaman” – 300 XP
4 Goblins – 200 XP
2 Goblins & Worg – 200 XP
2 Goblins & Half-Ogre – 300 XP
2 Goblins & 2 Wolves – 200 XP
This makes a total of 1,500 XPs, or enough XPs to bring a group of 5 PCs from level 1 to level 2. Now, they might not encounter every combat, or they might negotiate with the half-ogre to get him to switch sides. They might encounter some traps, and they’ll definitely be doing some exploration. I feel like these elements make a good “skeleton” for the adventure, though I need some elements to flesh it out, still.
Maybe the shaman used to lead the tribe, but now everyone is under Jetharia’s sway, and he wants to overthrow her. Maybe that’s why he did the dangerous ritual that summoned the fire snake, and now he’s trapped in a closet in his own lab. If the PCs can help him by defeating the snake, he might negotiate to help them get rid of Jetharia. He may promise to lead his people away rather than continue to raid Oathford.
On the other hand, maybe the half-ogre mercenary is under Jetharia’s power, and he would rather not fight on her side. If the PCs can hear stories about how this powerful enemy is constantly trying to escape and keeps being charmed by Ketharia, maybe they can help him escape and get him on their side!
Maybe both of these things are true, but, once the goblin shaman gets Jetharia removed, he promises the mercenary a rich reward for killing the PCs in their weakened state. Goblins can be pretty treacherous after all. All in all, I feel like this gives us a start to our adventures. If Jetharia’s final words tell the party that, “The Angel of Chaos will avenge me,” then we’ve tied it in to our overall storyline!
Come back next month, and we’ll start to figure out a big question…what *is* the Angel of Chaos? And can we start the campaign without knowing?
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drunkenmasta89 · 5 years
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First page of new spells in Mor.
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drunkenmasta89 · 5 years
*sigh* “No you can’t have God as a favored enemy”
The dm to our ranger
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drunkenmasta89 · 5 years
The Last Words Of The Most Powerful Warlock Ever On Mor
"Dragons are especially vulnerable to the powers of entropy," the warlock went on. "While dragons are mortal, they are also creatures of magic. At other times, the fusion of different natures isn't a disadvantage but a source of strength. However, the forces of entropy cause a separation between their mortal and magical natures, leaving them weak and ineffective."
- Supreme Warlock Champion Keraptis of Tyranthraxus, the Flamed One
( His last words before Aestrella Shanfarel swallowed him )
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drunkenmasta89 · 5 years
The Poor Farmer With His First Adventure.
The next morning was brisk, with the promise of a clear, cool day to follow. Melandrian rose well before sunrise, excited about his first adventure and eager to be under way. He dressed and was ready to go before the others were out of bed. He made a hot breakfast while the others were getting ready, and he even had time to straighten up the house. Then he helped carry out their gear. Unaccustomed to wearing boots, he fell down the front steps.  They were on their way soon, since he was anxious for them to get through the pass that day. He watched with interest as they moved slowly between the two great walls of mountains. The lower slopes began to climb steeply from the valley floor, sometimes in grassy inclines that spread out like fans onto the plains, yet so steep that he would not have wanted to climb them. Nevertheless, they offerred the easiest access into the mountains, for in other places, the valley was framed by towering peaks and ridges or by great walls of stone almost as sheer as cliffs. The valley rose gradually to a point somewhere near the middle. Melandrian guessed it must descend again on the other side. “The Heartlands were at one time a frozen wasteland," the experienced companion explained. "At one time, great rivers of ice came down from the mountains, cutting all the cliffs and deep valleys into the distinctive shapes you see before you. In this case, the ice formed from heavy snowfalls in the mountains on either side and moved down into this valley in the form of two glaciers, one moving east into the plains and the other west into the Heartlands.
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drunkenmasta89 · 5 years
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There indeed was a tale, told in words to inspire the adventurous heart to overflowing with the glories and the sorrows of the mighty deeds of those elder days. These were the events that echo through the long corridors of history to shake the silent tombs of honored kings and the very foundations of nations, as familiar in the memories of some as their waking lives, to others all but lost and forgotten in the dust of ages.
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drunkenmasta89 · 5 years
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Tenser blamed Mordenkainen for the death of Serten in the Battle of Emridy Meadows. His mind was determined to present the facts to the others of Circle of Eight. Tenser started Investigating the Temple of Elemental Evil and was soon after missing. 30 years later (596 CY), Zuggtmoy the demoness avatar emerged from the depth and began the Fungi War. Read more about the world in my profile description on tumblr. drunkenmasta89.tumblr.com
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drunkenmasta89 · 5 years
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Apprentices of Boccob, what few of them there are, devote themselves to arcane study, divination, and the discovery, exploration, and protection of magical artifacts and locales. In places that the apprentices of Boccob perceive to have moved too far away from the path of balance and neutrality, they will then work to move the land more in the direction of neutrality. Carass, the oldest. Handled with the task to preserve cosmos from the astral plane. To move planets which are out of its orbit. Some say he is the first demigod of Boccob. He has no followers, but will summon the creature who attune to his arcane eye he has left on the material plane to the astral plane for some guidance.
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