drquwack · 5 years
My imagine of favorite celebritys chapter 2
(Continued) Tom looks at me and sighs "we cant except your gift of gucci flip flops".
Jeffree starts glowing neon pink "you passed the test" the intense neon lights nearly blinded us "you are now immune to the canceled virus" jeffree preached. Tom Holland taped me on the shoulder to alert me that jeffrees starr has now began to cry.
"I created the virus..*sobs* i need to defeat it" he paused as his fuzzy tiny hamster dog speeds in with what looks like katvond, laura lee, and manny mua's snatched wigs. "No no!" Screeches jeffree as his fluffy hamster dog snatched his wig and turns him to neon pink smoke. I began to panic as beyonce swoops in and saves us ridding a winged mammoth. We began to flee the battle as we not yet possessed to strength to defeat that fuffy hamster dog and its atomic aura. Beyonce hands me a shield and and sword. Then a giant kanye west grabs her and she tells me to go to cochella and find the spider bitch.......(Continued) kanye west roars as he slashes his claws at us I look at tom hollow beautiful face and hair and i get distracted from the mess im in. His everything about him is perfect just perfect i love him so much Just as a feel like nothing could ruin this moment a bunch a furrys start attacking us “I must protect them i say” swinging my sword blindly and activating ko on everone of them “no” tom holland yells from his beautiful face as i turn around and see katvon d and her anti vaxx army of polio victims tom is now in his spider man costume fending off them as i eliminate the furrys I now feel myself leveling up i glow a green aura and send all enemys in a 500 mile radius into paralysis as i notice that only took down a quarter of katvon d health bar. I began slashing my sword and tom holland joins me in the battle. I did the skinny legend salute (my most op move) i scream like i do when i play Minecraft and she is defeated her. She beggins to inflate untill she explodes and pewdiepie a fairy comes out. He was so dummy thicc. He upgraded our weapons and decided to join us on our mission. My armor now covered with the tears of my enemys makes me realize its to late to turn back now (to be continued) *tommorw will be a new chapter
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drquwack · 5 years
Can tom holland tie me to a back of a blimp that he rides off into the sunset and my unconscious body gets hit by tree branches and skyscrapers as I awake to the image of him driving a blimp as he remembers that im probably going to die he lands. We landed in a weed farm field “(your name), is that kush” he says while dragging my dummy thick ass around because my legs have no feeling. “Hi! How are ya!” I here in a high pitched voice. “Thats ether my 3rd grade teacher, a drag queen, or jeffree starr” I exclamation loudly. THIS WASNT ANY WEED FARM IT WAS JEFFREE STARRS! Me and tom Holland are gifted gucci flip flops and offered weed but we say no because we are good eggs.... to be continued
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drquwack · 6 years
I have super powers. I cant breathe under water. I cant fly. I can scare away boys by just looking at them. I could have defeated thanos. Thats the tea!
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drquwack · 6 years
My babysitters a vampire
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drquwack · 6 years
A dream come true
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tingle from the legend of zelda: majora’s mask has been found dead in miami
requested by @drquwack
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drquwack · 6 years
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drquwack · 6 years
Are those acrylics???
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Big Handsum Boy Is In The House
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drquwack · 6 years
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Me listening to Ramin Karimloo sing “till i hear you sing” from love never dies
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drquwack · 6 years
North in east
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drquwack · 6 years
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He single handily saved us all.
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drquwack · 6 years
Glad i asked this question my answer would have just been: fortnite is a creation from satan himself
Serious question here.. minecraft is better then fortnite?
Minecraft inspired pretty much every game that came after it in some shape or form, and completely revolutionized the market with indie game investment strategies with early access titles/green-lighting projects. Fortnite is a shooter game inspired off another shooter game inspired off another shooter game inspired off another shooter game - fortnite is huge right now, but its lasting power and actual impact on future game-development is pretty much nothing in comparison to the mechanics minecraft popularized in the industry as a whole.
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drquwack · 6 years
True story
Once these two girls in my school got in a fight and the fight ended because they were out of breath and i made the mistake of saying “that fight was just natural selection, picking off the week” and to my suprise both girls found out and now they want to kill me soo....
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drquwack · 6 years
This works too well
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Summoned by @alwaysaprice. Original idea from @gwennovynne.
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drquwack · 6 years
This moved me into tears, damn!
Here’s a shortened version of the classic song, for those who don’t have the time to listen to the whole thing.
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drquwack · 6 years
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One of my favorite scenes of all time
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drquwack · 6 years
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drquwack · 6 years
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