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Healthy eating habits can help you have a healthy and safe pregnancy and a baby.

1. Don't skip breakfast:
Try having a wholesome foods
If you are feeling sick, start with whole something light. Eat more food later in the morning.
2. Eat foods with fiber:
Choose from a variety of fruits and vegetables, like carrots, cooked greens, bananas, and melon.
Eat plenty of whole grains and beans. Try brown rice or oatmeal.
3. Choose healthy snacks:
Choose low-fat or fat-free foods
Limit your salt intake
4. Take a prenatal vitamin with iron and folic acid every day:
Iron keeps your blood healthy and Folic acid helps prevent birth defects.
5. Be considerate of your seafood:
Avoid fish and shellfish with high levels of mercury. Don't eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish.
Common fish that are low in mercury include shrimp, salmon, and catfish.
6. Stay away from soft cheeses and lunch meat:
Some foods may have bacteria that can hurt your baby. Don't eat:
Soft cheeses like feta, Brie, and goat cheese
Uncooked or undercooked meats or fish (like sushi)
7. Limit caffeine and avoid alcohol:
Drink decaffeinated coffee or tea.
Drink water instead of soda.
Don't drink alcohol.
Dr. Madhuri Laha - best gynaecologist in pune mentions that all these healthy eating habits can help you have a health and safe pregnancy.
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Is breastfeeding beneficial to newborn & mother?
We celebrate World Breastfeeding Week per annum from 1st to 7th August. Breast milk for a baby is like golden drops that's mother’s gift to her newborn for a healthier future. We are here to market, protect and support breastfeeding practices. Breastfeeding benefits both mother & newborn. Let's mention the benefits they receive from one another. Observing benefits to a newborn:
It is a perfect nutrition for them which is quite more than just food with adequate quantity of proteins (whey and casein), fats, lactose & vitamins.
Easily digestible
Protects against bacterial & viral infections thanks to its antibodies
Also reduces the chance of ear infections, respiratory infections & diarrhea
Reduces risk of allergy & asthma
Skin to skin contact i.e. Kangaroo care also promotes bonding with one another.
breastfed infants are also found to possess a better IQ score
They have fewer chances of developing obesity, diabetes & cancers within the coming years
Fewer chances of SIDS (Sudden infant death Syndrome)
Benefits to mother are not any less. They’re as follows:
Helps to reduce weight post pregnancy delivery; burns calories
Helps in the involution of the uterus, as it returns to pre-pregnancy size
Reduces risk of ovarian & breast cancer
Reduces risk of osteoporosis
Saves money and time
Contraception effects
Our advice to expecting parents is that:
Initiate breastfeeding within an hour of birth
Continue till 6 months exclusively
That breast milk is an elixir tailored to infant growth & developmental needs.
The only one that can ensure this is often the mother apart from the support of family, community, ASHA & ANGANWADI workers
Government has also undertaken initiatives: First is that of Health & Family Welfare Department’s Mother’s Absolute Affection (MAA) Program & second is Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojna implemented by Women & Child Development Ministry. This is often a cash transfer scheme for mothers of 19 or more years to own a secure delivery for his or her first childbirth. BPNI (Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India & WABA (World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action) are working to beat barriers to optimal breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding Trends in India on exclusive breastfeeding for six months has overall increased from 46.4% to 54.9% and considerably in Haryana & Bihar.
The NFHS survey showed that breastfeeding within an hour of birth increased from 22.3% in 2005-06 to 42.4% in 2015-16. The advice by healthcare professionals is 10 to 12 feeds per day or 2000 feeds during a rolling period of 6 months. If we work together, we will reduce 20,000 breast cancer deaths and 800000 childhood deaths annually.
We as Gynecologists are working hard to empower not only the mother but father and family too Dr. Madhuri B Laha Believes in this and makes all her patients aware of the various advantages of #breastfeeding.
I will conclude by saying that infant nutrition must be a Jan Andolan with specific plans; then only we will ensure our future generations to be healthy.
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Dr. Madhuri Burande Laha is one of the best gynaecologist in pune and a reputed normal deliver specialist in pune who opts for c-section surgery only if medically indicated.
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Dr. Madhuri Burande Laha is a normal delivery specialist in pune and an expert in handling high risk pregnancy with 20 years of experience.
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Dr. Madhuri Burande Laha specializes in handing high risk pregnancy in pune and has hands on experience in laparoscopy surgeries like ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cysts, fibroids, Hysterectomies, chocolate cyst, endometriosis etc.
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Dr. Madhuri Laha has an untarnished reputation of 20 years in the field of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. She has worked with high volume hospitals like CAMA Women's and Child Hospital, Mumbai and Bhagirathi Neotia Hospital, Kolkata and Wadia Maternity Hospital, Mumbai. Her was also associations with hospitals like Columbia Asia Hospital Pune, Apollo Hospital, Bilaspur, Warad Hospital, Latur and Uppal Hospital, Faridabad. She is considered as a high risk pregnancy specialist as she has an vast experience of handling pregnancy with complications like gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, Preterm labour pains (early labour pains), oligohydramnios (less water level), placenta previa, IUGR (less growth of baby) PROM (early water leakage).
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Things To Expect While Visiting A Gynaecologist For The First Time
General checkups are prescribed by all doctors in regular interval of time for assessing the condition of the individual like that of the reproductive system of females and identify any possible infections or diseases. Thus it is a good idea to consult the best gynaecologist in Pune.

As it is very correctly said prevention is better than cure. As one is not completely aware of what is happening in their body internally. a gynaecologist practices medicine on the male and female reproductive system, while the obstetrician deals with aspects of pregnancy from prenatal care to postnatal care. A gynaecologist and obstetrician can work together in taking care of the patient.
Females who want to conceive a child can also work intimately with gynaecologists, especially to certain conditions can create infertility.
These include the occurrence of immature eggs, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and endometriosis. If the woman is previously pregnant, an OB-GYN can provide the necessary maternal care to help the mother-to-be prepare for childbirth, carry the baby to full term, and ultimately deliver a healthy baby.
How Does the Consultation Work?
Women's can visit a gynaecologist for a general checkup, but the majority of the people only visit a gynaecologist when they are complaining about vaginal discharge, pain during urination, irregular bleeding, and pain in the lower abdomen or lower back or urinary tract infection.
The gynaecologist begins his diagnosis by conduction an in detail study of the patient's situation by performing various tests like a pap smear, pelvic examination, abdominal and breast examination will also be carried out if needed and depending on the findings the patients are treated for the same. During the consultation, the patient’s medical records, previously diagnosed, will also be discussed.
Possible Risks and Complications
Majority of the tests performed during the consultation are routine or standard and are normally safe. If there are any complications, they are mostly minor. The most often complaints are discomfort when a speculum is inserted into the vagina or when breasts and abdomen are pressed. In a rectal exam, the patient may feel as if she’s about to have a bowel movement, although the sensation doesn’t last for very long. There may also be slight bleeding and discharge.
What one should expect from a consultation with the gynaecologist?
What happens with the gynaecologist depends completely upon the reason for the visit in the first place. If it is a teenager visit for the first time post her 1st periods, she might just have a conversation with the doctor apart from a physical examination, get some common health information, and what she can expect in the future.
things worth remembring while visiting a gynaecologist:
A true scenario of your health and lifestyle gives the gynaecologist a clearer idea of your situation allowing them for further course of treatment.
It is not mandatory to wax or shaves while visiting the gynaecologist
The bodily odour is normal, unstill and unless it points to a problem, the gynaecologist must know.
Dr. Madhuri Laha is one of the best Gynaecologist in Pune and also a Normal Delivery Specialist in Pune. She has experience of over 20 years. Dr. Madhuri Burande Laha is known as a Highrisk pregnancy specialist in Pune as she has an excellent track record of handling highrisk pregnancy.
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Menstruation Problems in Women
If women were to estimate the time they spend puzzling over their menstrual period, the duration would amount to around ten days per month. That’s around 2,880 hours every year! Menstruation is that period of the month when a woman’s body undergoes numerous changes and requires care and patience. In Addition, some women might encounter menstruation difficulties that require the care of a gynaecologist. Read on to understand more about these problems that need immediate medical attention Contact Dr Madhuri Laha – Best Gynaecologist in Pune.
Amenorrhea: Loss of periods or amenorrhea happens when there’s an extended gap within the cycle or when a woman doesn't get her first menstrual period by the time she turns 16. This is often normally caused by hormonal imbalance, unhealthy lifestyle, incorrect medication, anorexia, sudden weight loss/gain, or ovarian cysts. Dysmenorrhea: Although cramps are a standard incident before the beginning of a period, excruciating or unendurable pain could be indicative of a dangerous problem. Often associated with as painful menstruation, dysmenorrhea may be a condition during which pain within the lower abdomen or back persists beyond the menstrual week. It’s also often amid an upset belly, vomiting, and loose motion. Menorrhagia: In some cases, women bleed beyond seven days. It’s usually caused by fibroids, uterine-related infections, hormonal changes, inflammation, or perhaps changes in diet. Preventive Measures: Executing some lifestyle modifications like the decrease consumption in alcohol and smoking will definitely help. Additionally exercising daily also helps in preparing your body to endure menstrual pain while the long run. When on your period, taking proper rest, using heating bag for relaxing the pain in your back and stomach, eating proper meals, and drinking warm beverages also are recommended. While most difficulties concerning menstruation aren't life-threatening, it could lead on to further complications if left unattended. For those of you trying to find a reputed gynaecologist in Pune, Dr Madhuri Laha is best at it and also she is a High Risk Pregnancy Specialist in Pune. She is always happy to assist you in time of need.
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