“As one of the top pathology labs in India, Dr Lal PathLabs has a very strong focus on hiring and retaining top quality manpower to drive our different departments within and outside the labs. Despite our size, we maintain an environment that nurtures some of the top thinkers in India in their respective fields of expertise. Over 3000 individuals work at the Dr Lal PathLabs in India with over 55 percent of the staff in laboratory functions. We have a qualified team of 147 pathology specialists, 8 Radiologists, 13 Microbiologists, 5 Biochemists and 11 specialists with doctorate degrees. Also, there is a growing pool of young leadership from top institutions like AFMC, IIMs, IITs, XLRI, SP JAIN amongst others.”
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Erythrocyte sedimentation rate or sed rate is a test that measures the degree of inflammation present in the body. Let us know more about an ESR test.
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Inflammatory bowel disease or IBD is a chronic condition that leads to swelling in the digestive tract. A CBC with ESR blood test from a pathology lab is recommended for early detection.
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All You Need to Know About Treponema Pallidum Hemagglutination Assay (TPHA)
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease. It is caused by bacteria called Treponema pallidum. There are four stages of this disease namely, primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary. The treatment of this condition depends on the stage of the infection. Early diagnosis can is very important as it can help in preventing further damage to the organs of the body. Treponema Pallidum Hemagglutination Assay (TPHA) is a diagnostic test used to diagnose syphilis. Let us know more about this condition and the TPHA test.

TPHA test is used to detect the dissolved number of antibodies in the serum sample of a patient that fights against the causative agents of syphilis. The palladium antibodies are detected through the hemagglutination method. This process is done by sensitizing the red blood cells with T. palladium fragments. The cells aggregate on the surface of the test dish when they are exposed to the serum sample infected with syphilis.
The symptoms of syphilis depend on the stage of infection. Symptoms can only be observed after a period of 3 to 4 weeks being infected with the bacteria. Some of the symptoms that one may experience are:
Primary Stage
The initial symptoms begin with a rash that is seemingly a painless small round sore. Syphilis can be transmitted to someone who comes in direct contact with the sore.
Secondary Stage
skin rashes
sore throat
weight loss
aching joints
Latent Stage
The latent stage also called the hidden stage may not have any noticeable symptoms. However, the bacteria remain active inside the body.
Tertiary Stage
memory loss
mental illness
It is extremely important to get tested as soon as an individual witness these symptoms as early detection of syphilis can avoid various complications in the long run. You can easily find a new diagnostic centre with hi-tech medical tools and equipment pieces to get your test done.
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A computerized tomography (CT) scan provides a detailed image of organs, bones, or blood vessels. Here are a few things that one can expect during a CT scan. Visit, https://venngage.net/ps/8yKXGBuIdmQ/what-to-expect-during-a-ct-scan
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A CBC test is done to evaluate the overall health of an individual and diagnose different health conditions and diseases. Here is everything you need to know about the CBC blood test.
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The FT3 test measures the amount of free triiodothyronine (FT3) in the blood. Abnormal levels of FT3 may indicate a thyroid disorder.
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Things to Know About the Chikungunya Virus
Chikungunya is a viral disease caused due to ‘genus Alphavirus’. It is a vector-borne disease that results in a sudden onset of fever and severe joint pain. The genus Alphavirus remains in the human system for about a week. Thus, if a mosquito is feeding on an infected person during this time, it can get the Chikungunya virus and become the carrier. Chikungunya shares some clinical symptoms with other viral diseases such as Dengue and Zika virus, thus it is often misdiagnosed. This makes it extremely important to get a proper chikungunya test as soon as the individual starts observing any symptoms.

Some common symptoms of Chikungunya are:
· High fever
· Fatigue
· Nausea
· Muscle pain
· Headache
· Joint pain and swelling
These symptoms are usually observed between 4 and 7 days after the chikungunya virus enters the individual’s system.
Risk Factors
The following factors may increase the risk of an individual of getting infected by the chikungunya virus:
· Age: Individuals older than 65 years of age, infants, and children are at a higher risk.
· Medical History: People who are diagnosed with diabetes or any cardiovascular disease are at a higher risk.
· Location: People living in an area that has had major outbreaks of chikungunya virus are also at a higher risk.
Preventive Methods
It is important to follow some preventive methods to avoid getting infected by the chikungunya virus, especially for people who come in the high-risk category. Here are some preventive methods that can help:
· Stay indoors as much as possible, especially early in the morning and at nights
· Wear full-sleeve clothes
· Use products that contain eucalyptus lemon oil or PMD (p-Menthane-3,8-diol)
· Wear mosquito repellent cream or patch that has DEET (chemical name: N, N-diethyl-meta-
toluamide) or picaridin
· Use mosquito coils and insecticide vaporizers
· Sleep under a mosquito net
· Avoid water stagnation
The only certain way to know if an individual is infected with the virus is through a blood test report. So, it is extremely important for the individual who is witnessing any symptoms to seek medical attention at the earliest. Unfortunately, there is no particular drug to treat chikungunya virus. However, getting proper medical attention can help the patient recover faster. The patients are usually advised to rest and consume plenty of fluids.
Some over-the-counter medications can provide some relief to the patient from symptoms like joint pain and lower body temperature. However, any administration of any medication may only be done after proper consultation from the doctor.
Note: The patient may also get physiotherapy sessions for joint pains afterwards.
There is no yet vaccine or effective antiviral treatment to prevent chikungunya fever. However, there are several types of research going on to come up with a chikungunya virus antidote.
We hope that this information will provide a better idea of the chikungunya virus, its symptoms, risk factors, and treatment. This information can help an individual identify this disease in its early stages and ensure proper diagnosis through a chikungunya test, and get the required treatment for this vector-borne disease.
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A CBC test is used to evaluate an individual’s overall health and detect disorders like anaemia, infection, and leukaemia.
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A patient should be diagnosed for Tuberculosis or TB at a reputed diagnostic and imaging centre with the help of the listed tests.
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The urine protein test is conducted to measure the amount of protein present in the urine. The excretion of excessive proteins occurs when the kidneys are not functioning properly or if there are higher levels of certain proteins in the blood. Visit, https://venngage.net/ps/X7cePWt8sw/essential-things-to-know-about-the-urine-protein-test
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Things to Know About Liver Function Tests
The liver is a vital organ in the body that produces proteins, cleanses the blood, breaks down food, and stores energy. LFT tests are blood tests that assess the number of certain proteins, enzymes, and other substances produced by the liver. These tests screen the general health of the liver by measuring the level of bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase (LD), prothrombin time (PT), albumin, and total protein quantity in the blood. The LFT test may be prescribed when a doctor suspects that their patient has signs and symptoms of liver infection or diseases.
In case the liver is damaged by a certain infection, medication, disease, or alcohol consumption, the patients may feel the following symptoms:
Abdominal pain
Nausea and vomiting
Dark-colored urine
Loss of appetite
Swollen legs and ankles
Also, an individual may need to get an LFT test done if he or she has certain risk factors. They may not experience any particular signs and symptoms of liver damage or injuries, but they are at risks in the following situations:
Alcohol use disorders
A family history of exposures to hepatitis viruses or liver diseases
Have medicines that might harm the liver
Why LFT tests are done?
The doctor may prescribe the test for the following reasons:
To monitor the treatment of liver ailment
To detect liver problems and infections, such as hepatitis
To evaluate the severity of the liver disease, especially in the case of cirrhosis
What do the LFT test results mean?
The test may disclose diverse information about liver function. In case one or more test results are abnormal, it may be the sign of liver infection or certain liver disease. The doctor may use some further tests to investigate the exact issue. Further tests may include:
A liver biopsy
Genetic testing
Tests for viral infections
Autoimmune tests
CT scan or ultrasound
A routine health checkup is important for everyone to have an accurate update of the liver function and overall health. People should choose the most reputed and high ranked lab when searching for the best “blood lab near me” on search engines.
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Complete hemogram test is also known as a complete blood count test. The price of the blood test may vary from lab to lab. Visit, https://bit.ly/3eevoVq
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A creatinine blood test measures the level of creatinine in the blood. The creatinine levels provide information about how well an individual’s kidneys are functioning. Visit, https://create.piktochart.com/output/47635871-things-to-know-about-a-creatinine-blood-test
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Malaria is a serious and, sometimes, fatal disease. It is a parasite that usually infects a certain type of mosquito, Anopheles, which feeds on human blood. Here are a few things that one should know about Malaria. To know more visit https://create.piktochart.com/output/47586996-all-you-need-to-know-about-malaria
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Pulmonary Function Test tells how well your lungs are functioning and also tells if lungs are properly pumping blood to your body. Visit, https://bit.ly/2VxgrYf
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What is Pregnancy Test and When Should One get It Done?
Pregnancy tests, as the name suggests, are done to diagnose if the woman is pregnant or not. When a woman gets pregnant her body produces a hormone named human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Pregnancy tests detect the secretion of this hormone. If the test shows the presence of HCG hormone in the female body, then it is established that the female is about to become a mother.

What are the Two Types of Pregnancy Test?
A female’s pregnancy is diagnosed either by testing the urine sample or the blood sample. So, here are two types of pregnancy tests:
1. Urine Test: In this, the urine sample is used to detect the presence of HCG. It can be done at home or a female can visit a pathology lab to get the urine test done. Urine test can be classified into:
Home Pregnancy Test
These tests are a quick and easy way to diagnose pregnancy as pregnancy sticks are available on every pharmacy store. The female collects her urine in the cup and dips the stick in that cup. If her body is producing HCG, the chemical in the stick will change its colour when it comes in contact with the urine.
Clinical Urine Test
If the home pregnancy test is positive, a female should get it confirmed by getting clinical urine test done. Home Pregnancy tests can go wrong at times. So, to be completely sure, a female needs to get the clinical test done.
2. Blood Test
These are done with clinical pathology tests and uses a blood sample to detect the presence of HCG. Here are two types of blood tests:
Qualitative HCG Test
This test just checks the presence of HCG hormone in blood. It lets a female know whether she is pregnant or not. They affirm the presence of HCG hormone if done 10 days after conception.
Quantitative HCG Test
HCG Test tells the amount of HCG present in the blood. Very low HCG can be easily detected through this test. Doctors usually prescribe this test to track any kind of complication in pregnancy.
When a female should get a pregnancy test done?
The pregnancy test price is not very high. Thus, if a female experiences these signs, she should not wait to get the test done:
1. Missing periods can be a sign of pregnancy. If it is more than a month since a female last had her period, she should consider taking the pregnancy test.
2. Pregnancy cramps are similar to menstrual cramps. So, if a female is having cramps, but her periods have delayed by almost one month, she should get herself checked for pregnancy.
3. Pregnancy leads to the secretion of estrogen and progesterone in a female body. These hormones tend to increase the size of the breast and cause pain. When a female feels this happening, she should undergo a pregnancy test.
4. Some of the other signs of pregnancy are nausea, vomiting, food cravings, food aversion, exhaustion, and frequent urination. Occurrence of these signs call for a pregnancy test.
Taking a home pregnancy test can be a quick way to determine whether a female is pregnant or not. But, a female needs to visit the doctor on the occurrence of the aforementioned signs and get the prescribed tests done from a reliable pathology lab.
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All You Need to Know About Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Test
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) test, also known as sedimentation rate or sed rate is a type of blood test that helps to monitor inflammatory diseases. It can help the doctor in diagnosing autoimmune diseases, certain types of cancers, or infections.

When an individual is experiencing inflammation, the red blood cells (RBCs) join together and form clumps. This clumping impacts the rate at which RBCs sink inside the blood sample tube. An ESR blood test lets the doctor examine how rapidly the cells are sinking. The rate at which the RBCs settle at the bottom of the test tube indicates the inflammation presence.
An ESR test can thus help in the diagnosis of various inflammatory diseases like:
· Infections
· Lupus (an autoimmune disease that damages the skin, joints, and other parts of your body)
· Cancer
· Rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks your joints)
· Inflammatory bowel disease
· Rheumatic fever
· Polymyalgia rheumatic (causes stiff and painful muscles)
· Arteritis (inflammation of the blood vessels)
· Systematic vasculitis (inflammation in your blood vessels)
Following are certain medical conditions or drugs that can affect the results:
· Advanced age
· Kidney problems
· Thyroid
· Pregnancy
· Females on their menstruation cycle
· Obesity
· Consumption of drugs like birth control pills, methyldopa (Aldomet), theophylline (Theo-24, Theolair, Elixophylline), vitamin A, cortisone, and quinine
One should get an ESR test done if the following symptoms are observed:
· Headaches
· Pain in shoulders, neck, or pelvis
· Stiff, swollen, or painful joints
· Unexpected weight loss
· Appetite loss
If an individual is experiencing these symptoms, it is advised to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Also, it is important to understand the test results properly and know the different effects of the treatment and medication prescribed. We hope that this information provides some noteworthy information regarding the ESR test.
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