dreamingofr5 · 11 years
We have 100 followers!!!!! The writers
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
can I have an imagine with riker where we have been married for like 2 years and his mom wants us to have kids, but I am already pregnant and haven't told anybody p.s. my name is hannah
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
Sorry starting this Tuesday I won't be on until I get home from school I'm so sorry I know but it's my last year. -Taryn
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
Hello all R5 Family out there!
Sorry if we haven;t been posting much. We've been all be really busy, with school/uni and what not. Your imagines are coming soon! I promise!
Btw, how is everyone liking R5's new song Pass Me By? I think its kinda cool, a kind of new genre for them to explore, since the song wasn't really pop or rock.
Anyways, in the mean time, keep sending in imagines/prompts, etc.
Love you all!
-Scarlet x.
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
Ross Imagine for Alicia
It’s been two years, you’re kind of best friends, and you’re friends with all his friends and family. You’re at his house more times than not. The way he smiles when he sees you, the way the world just lights up when you see him. It’s hard to ignore, you don’ want to believe it, but everyone says it’s true. “he’s besotted and in love with Alicia” and yet, you and him are still just friends. He hasn’t asked you, and you haven’t asked him. It’s just kind of unspoken, but it’s there. But this ‘unspoken’ is what frustrates you. You want more from him, but you’re afraid to ask. He’s a mega super star, you’re just a quiet small town girl. He shouldn’t even notice you. Yet he does.
One day, after school, you walk out of chemistry. With all your friends by your side, a few girls and a few boys. Both laughing at an inside joke, and one boy picks you up and spins you around. You’re all giggling and you completely miss that mop of blonde hair staring at you from the left.
Unbeknownst to you, Ross decided to come and surprise you after school today and he saw the whole exchange. He had planned to take you out after school and maybe perhaps finally ask you out. It has been two years and is currently the ‘hot topic’ within the family of when will he pluck up the courage. He sees you guys all laughing and can’t help but get a little defensive. Your friends are not supposed to be able to touch you like that. It should only be him. It should only be him that makes you laugh that like, and smile that biggest smile. He can’t help it and starts to walk towards your group. A little frown on his face.
You and your friends stop and turn to see who made that sound. You turn and is star struck. A little surprise, why is Ross here. He didn’t tell you he’d be here today. You finally register his face. That little frown that forced smile.
‘Hey’ you say to him, ‘What are you doing here?’
‘Hey, I came here to surprise you, but I didn’t know that you had other plans.’ He replies, staring at the friend who had picked you up previously.
‘Oh well, we don’t actually have a plan. I was just going to go home.”
‘Well, great! Let’s go! Mum and Rydel want to see you later too.’ Really leaving no time for you to answer, he grabs your hand and pulls you away and towards his car. You turn back to see your friends, smirking and laughing at just happened. You mouth to them ‘sorry, I’ll see you tomorrow’ before you turn back to Ross.
You’ve never seen Ross act this oddly before. It’s different from all the other times, and then it hits you. He must have seen what you and your friends were doing, ‘Ross, are you jealous’ laughing after you say it.
He stiffens and blushes ‘urh no, what are you talking about’ trying to defend him self
‘You know that was nothing right? We were just being idiots’
‘But, but I don’t. No don’t worry about it.’
‘Ross. You can’t tell me what to do.’ He try to interrupt that he wasn’t going to say that but you give him that look and continue ‘they are my friends. They are nothing more, I don’t feel that way about them’ and you start blushing as you realise what you were about you say.
You quieten and he blushes more. It’s silent for a while and you decide to break it. It’s now or never. What the heck. He was totally jealous. And if he doesn’t ask, you might as well. ‘Ross, I really like you’
At the same time, he also says ‘Alicia, go out with me?’
You both blushing and looking away again, you can’t help but smile that he finally asked you. He FINALLY asked you. If it wasn’t for this slightly awkward situation, you would’ve probably jumped up and danced. Well you do that in your head anyway. With a deep breath, you finally say…
‘Yes’ your voice coming out softer than you expect. But he hears it. His face lights up ‘Really?’ he questions, eyes full of hope.
‘Yes really. I’ve been waiting for so long!’ you laugh, and he laughs.
Ross pulls you into a hug and pull him in tight. Savouring the moment.
‘Hey! What was with this surprise?’ You ask him,
‘Well I was planning to take you out to eat after your class, and well, I kind of planned to ask you then, then well, I saw you with him’ he slowly and shyly answers.
‘aww, Ross’ you smile a comforting smile at him, holding his hand, ‘they’re just my friends Ross. I like you. There’s a difference.’
‘I like you very much too Alicia’
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
Can my friend Jennifer get a prompt or something with Ross. Pls. Pls. I beg you.
Sure you can since you've been asking for one
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
Taylor and a Rocky imagine
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
Taylor and riker imagine
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
Hi my name is Katie and I was wondering if I could have a rocky imagine?
Sure I'm on it!
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
Can i have a ross imagine?my name is alicia can you make it about he gets jealous? You can choose the end please and thank you my name is alicia
Absolutely!! :D
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
Hi my name is Blaize and I would like an imagine with ross please(: thanks and I love your other stories!
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
Rocky imagine for Cassie
I sat next best friend Riker. We were watching tv and after a while I noticed he kept looking at me. Fed up, I turned to him. “Why do you keep looking at me?” You interrogate him. “Well, I have a theory about you, Cassie, my dear friend,” you raised your eyebrows as he continued, “I believe that you may just have a Bit of a crush on my little brother.” Your mind was going crazy. How could he possibly know? “W-what? I don’t know what you mean. You seem to be delusional, must be the old age.” You joked with him, hoping he wouldn’t see through the front you were putting up. “Look, Cassie, I know you have a crush on Ross.” His words His words shocked you; he thought you liked Ross. You burst out laughing at the mere thought of it. “What’s so funny Cassie?” Poor Riker was so confused ” You think I have a crush on Ross?” Riker looked at you suspiciously, “yes” you wanted to tell him that you had a crush on Rocky. *While outside of Riker’s and Rocky’s room* Ross and Rocky were listening to their conversation. “Dude Cassie has a crush on you Ross!” Rocky pointed out in a whisper. *Back inside the room* “So you don’t have a crush on Ross?” Riker said with a weird look on his face. “No I don’t have a crush on Ross but I do have a crush on one of your brothers though,” you thought “oh no Riker’s going to think it’s him but it’s Rocky did I just say that out loud.” Riker was shocked that you had a crush on Rocky and not Ross. Then you hear the door knock. “Who is it” you ask. “It’s Rocky can I talk to you in my room in private?” You were hoping that he wasn’t behind the door listening to yours and Riker’s conversation. “Sure” you leave to grab Rocky. “I’ll let you two be alone tell me how it turns out okay?” Being the reassuring best friend that he his. “I will text you okay Riker?” Then you do your handshake. ”So Rocky what did you want to talk about?” You asked as he sat on the bed next to you. “I was wondering if you have a crush on Ross?” You thought he was asking the same question as Riker was! You shook your head “no Rocky, I don’t have a crush on Ross or Riker, or Ryland, not even Ratliff!” Rocky was shocked so he started to lean close into you and you started to lean in also. Then you’re lips touched and things started to get heated so you pulled back. “Rocky, you loved me this whole time?” You were shocked that he also had a crush on you also. “Yes I did Cassie shall we tell my family?” You were now thinking of the bad possibilities with telling them but you would keep the fan one a secret. “Yeah we will” so you go outside and you saw his family cheering cause you two got together. Sorry it took so long I had too many things going on. So now send more requests Taryn
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
I cant remember if I already asked, but if not could I have a Riker imagine? My name is Saidee, or Saide as my nickname. I want it to be like a cute relationship type of imagine :) Thanks!
Absolutely :)
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
imagine with rocky for anna? sorry if i already asked, i barely remember anything lol.
Don't worry, I don't think you've already asked :)
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
Hii Do you Do Any imagines If So could Please have one 😊✌ with Riker And My names jacquie :) !! Ur awesome
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
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Every fairytale would just be that much more epic and magical when the Prince is really a Lynch
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dreamingofr5 · 11 years
Well if everyone's doing it...
I'm Megan, I'm from England (no, I don't have a 'cute' accent) and I'm only 15, 16 in a couple of months (I didn't realise you two were so old ;P )
My favourite is Ross... and Rydel... and Riker and Rocky and Ratliff (and Ryland)
If a request is taking a while, it's probably my fault and I've probably got caught up on youtube watching band videos so I apologise in advance and I also apologise for the english spellings in my writing, I'll try to do the american ones if I remember...
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