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i am trying to learn how to lucid dream, so i record my dreams here.
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dreaming-about-things · 6 years ago
16th of july
I am running. My driver went the wrong way and we crashed, so now I am in a large town. I don't know where I am. Though I am running from a boy. He isn't chasing me like a stalker following his target. It is a king pursuing a traitor.
They have statues in this city. One of the childking, and one of a hanged girl. I don't know who she is, but appearently, she sacrificed herself for her education. I don't know what that means.
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dreaming-about-things · 6 years ago
12th of June
I dream that I am starting in my new job in retail. It starts off very nicely. I meet and greet eveeyone and we havebgenerally fun at work. I like everyone there and we even hang a little after work. I have this app for the job in which I am sent workhours and the likes.
The next day, I am going to work, even thougg I dont need to. I am going to ask my boss for more hours but the store si closrd. I try to open the door, but instead it gives me a quiz to answer. It contains impossible questions that i do not have the answers to. Eventually, it shuts me out and i go home.
The next day I come back, but everything is different. The store is dark and they are throwing bottles everywhere. It looks like a bar now. Ghe bittles are glass.
I dont quite remember what happened after this, but I remember thah my boss got hold of some uncomfortable information and noe wanted to hurt me out of malice. Idk what information it was.
Im the end of the dream, i was sitting, chatting with two friends about what to do, while writing online with a friend from that work. Eventually, she starts sending me creepy messages about how she too knows. And then it knocks on the door. I look at my friends, but they tell me not to open.
The other person continues to threaten me, getting more and more serious. My friends tell me that the other person have lost her children four times. Two times as children and two times as stillborn. They have now fused woth her personality, so now she is the children as well.
I woke up then. I explain it poorly because I forgot the part midway through, but it was terrible.
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dreaming-about-things · 6 years ago
9th of june
I have had troubles sleeping today so I fell asleep for a brief second and then awoke because of the dream.
I dreamt I was in a forest. There were quite a few men carrying these masive logs. It aeemed like a medival setting. I, or the man I was, was standing with one of the guards in the group. He bore power and a giant crossbow. I was telling him a story about something. I don't quite remember why and what it started with, but when I was present, I talked about a ship I had seen. The ship was vivid blue at the bottom. When it was no clouds, its color mixed with that of the sky. It was a very large ship. Seemed like it had in the past been a battleship, but now, it seemed far too beautiful and official. The decorations were astounding, patterns followed the ships forms in all different colors and shaped. The sails were flowing like silk in all kinds of wonderful colors.
The ship also carried a fair deal of people. Many people. Looking monotone and beautiful. With masklike faces. I was talking about perfection. What is perfection?
My point of view change. I am a nobleman now. Or, i think so at least. I am lesser a man than the man I am meeting.
I am in the town where the boat stopped. It is a wonderful town. Equally beautiful to the ship, and the building I am going to, is no less so. The man greeting me holds a cane. He has grey hair and a pale complexion. And eyes I could see but never remember. He bore a grey suit with a hint of blue, with a lighter shirt underneath. I believe his pants were also lighter. It is simple, summerly, but with small beautiful golden and silver decorations on his cuffs and his chest by the buttons.
I, on the other hand, have quite a few contrasts. My clothes are dark and baggy in contrast to his formfitted suit. Though, it seems to be ment that way. I don't remember my face, but I remember my huge, unnatural smile. I am wearing this large, loose hat with a light blue feather in it. I also seem to be having a golden pocketwatch because of the chain, but I never did check.
I talk about perfection as I come in. The man is patient and lets me speak. As a matter of fact, he never speaks throughtout the entire dream. I talk about perfection, what is perfection. What makes us perfect. I rant about this. I speak with dramatical gestures and an aristocratic, yet ignorant philosophy. But the more I speak, the more I grin. And the more I shiver.
I turn to him. Seeing myself from a third person view. I am holding onto a stick with something on the end. I tell him: «The only way to perfection, my dear friend, is to have an unbreakable facade.» On the end of the stick was a mask which I brought up to my face. «A beautiful mask.»
I was implying I knew something about this man, but I do not know what. The man's demeanor changed immidiately. It went from friendly and quiet, to hostile and cold. It went darker around us, and I could see screens from the walls and the ceiling, flashing a picture of an eye. Sometimes an icon, sometimes a real one. As well as news clippings of my words.
I could hear my manical laughter as I wore the mask.
Suddenly, I was in the corner of the room. On the floor. He was over me, started beating me. Tearing at my clothes and flesh. It hurt, but not in the traditional way. It felt like he was punishing me rather than beating me. I am having troubles to describe it. When I looked up at him, I screamed. I tried to scream so loud that I would break the dream, and I think I was aware for a split second before I awoke. However, as I did so, he changed shape to something inhumane I cannot describe.
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dreaming-about-things · 6 years ago
5th of June
I have had multiple dreams tonight that i havent written down. This may be the last one. I dreamt about me and my brother playing a skyrim like videogame. The objectoce was to «get to the void». We tried searching up what that ment, but we found no answers. However, as my brother was playing, he came to this cave of sorts, and went in. The surroundings was sandy and brown and we went further in. Eventually, he came to this little ritual site where five humanlike monsters started to kill the avatar in a very grusome fashion. It took a long time and im the middle of the death animation, a little popup said «love aquired». And then the avatar died.
My brother handed the controller over to me and I played. I ran past the monsters as quick as I could and I tried to run outside. There was a large amount of monsters and ot was like I couldnt fight them, i just ran.
Even when i came outside of the cave I ran. I had very low health left and had no healing items. I remember a new voice talking, that was not me nor my brother, but a third person i didnt see, say: «I think you need to start a new game file.»
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dreaming-about-things · 6 years ago
5th of june
There was something more to this dream before, but I don't remember. I was in an apartment, whicg was mine. It was a good apartment, but I was somehow scared about break ins. And lo and behold, it does. By this woman who is stuck in the kitxhen. Appearebtkh she is a maneater and she has made herself «stuck» in my room. So i help her. She thanks me and we start to tslk. She starts to flirt with me and she kept commentkng on my neck for some reason.
It was weird also because my girlfriend was there and this woman was dtf, but i was everything but dtf her. She told me she was never boring, but nah, she was.
I installed automatic and electrical locks after she left.
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