drakenazario · 3 months
both sides now masterlist
premise: a sudden illness brings Teddy back to Edenbrook, back to the halls that haunt her, and back to the man she left behind.
warnings: this series will contain NSFW content and possible character death. If you choose to read, you acknowledge that you are 18 or older.
pairing: Ethan x f!MC
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chapter one - all you do is let me down
chapter two - chains around my demons
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drakenazario · 5 years
I’m somehow ready but also not ready for this!
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Sequel to
The Other Side of Fairytale
Prologue will post on Sunday!
My taglist on this series is YEARS old, so I will use my permatags and add a few people from the old list, but please let me know if you still want a tag so I can revamp the list.
Permatag: @ao719 @cocomaxley @leelee10898 @moneyfordiamonds @gibbles82 @annekebbphotography @jovialyouthmusic @tornbetween2loves @romanticatheart-posts @drakesensworld @mfackenthal @the-soot-sprite @texaskitten30 @pedudley @gardeningourmet @emichelle @kate-mckenzie @stopforamoment @bbrandy2002 @jared2612 @zaffrenotes @lodberg @rainbowsinthestorm @sweetest-marbear @moonlightgem7 @desiree---1986 @wannabemc2 @be-still-my-aching-heart @cgd03 @liamxs-world @hopefulmoonobject @lynne1993 @notoriouscs @jemrmax2love @gnatbrain @janezillow @addictedtodrakefanfic @dcbbw @walkerswhiskeygirl @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @kingliam2019 @mskaneko @burnsoslow @merridithsmiscellany-blog @blackcoffee85 @loveellamae
@bobasheebaby @ooo-barff-ooo @indiacater @nikkis1983
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drakenazario · 5 years
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Lovers of Applewood, Part 2
Little three part creepy miniseries, just in time for Halloween
Part 1 Here
This is loosely based off a prior drabble called Unrequited
It’s not necessary you read it, but it is referenced.
Words: 1500
Rating: 18+ please, not for the faint hearted
Disclaimer: I do not own TRR characters they belong to Pixelberry
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Liam paced the halls of Applewood Manor, his fingers running along the scruff of his chin.  He was filled with trepidation, not knowing what the night would bring, if it would bring anything at all.  A part of him was longing to hear his voice, the familiar sound filling his soul. The other part was terrified of the pain he knew would follow, as it always did.  
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drakenazario · 5 years
I will say there are more than two people enjoying that story! Queen of My Heart was one of the first stories I read in this fandom last year.
I asked you about queen of hearts weeks ago and am still waiting finish it please?!
Well that's at least two people who will read it, lol. I finished another series so I could write Stripped Bare so I think i need to make a promise that i will finish QOMH before starting any other new series.
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drakenazario · 5 years
I can’t wait for this! Such a great start! But oh no! If Liam is a decent guy in this series, it’s going to be hard to root for him and Jenna to end their engagement.
Reversed Circumstances
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This is my very first attempt at fan fiction. The idea struck me just a couple of hours ago and I started writing. I have no clue if I’m formatting this the right way. Please reply with any tips or criticisms- just be kind! I don’t know yet if this is a stand-alone or a series or what.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to PB.
Also a quick word of thanks to the fiercely talented writers who inspired me to put this out there. @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @drakewalkerwhipped @burnsoslow @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria and so many others.
Reverse Circumstances
The Royal Palace
Drake Walker was sitting at his second favorite place in the world - the counter of a well-stocked bar. His most favorite place was next to the woman he... he loved — Jenna York, Crowned Princess of Cordonia.
“Love,” he thought. “It’s still so unbelievable that after knowing her her whole life, I can now admit that I love her.”
The thought was one that would typically bring joy to even the grumpiest of men. For Drake, who was in fact the grumpiest of men, joy was one of a million emotions the thought of loving Jenna triggered. There was joy. Fear. A familiar feeling of unworthiness that had plagued Drake for most of his life. And there was another feeling that had worked it’s way in to his stoic, brooding heart: Hope. Hope that she would follow her heart, not her crown. That she wouldn’t choose one of the dozen suitors vying for her heart. That she would choose him.
Before he could let himself truly enjoy the possibility of a future with her, the pleasant chattering of the hundreds of nobles around him grew into a cacophony of “oohs” and “aaahs” and he knew — Jenna was there.
He took one last sip of whiskey, closed his eyes, and took a steadying breath. But the second he turned around that breath, every breath in his body, came whooshing out as he saw her. She was stunning. “Fuck that,” he thought, “she’s always been stunning.”
Tonight she was extraordinary. Her gown was something beyond gold - miners could spend centuries digging and never find anything as brilliant as she was in this dress: a creation almost as beautiful as she. It was a soul-stirring blend of sparkling sequins and soft feathers. The perfect representation of its wearer — a glittery brilliance from afar, but when you have the chance to get close all you can see is a soft, delicate beauty.
Drake had been one of the chosen few who had seen the real Jenna. Truth told, he’d seen more of her than anyone. Not in THAT way (though the thought of being able to see her in that way made him reach for another swig of whiskey). But after twenty-three years of knowing Jenna and twelve months (years, decades, lifetimes) of loving her, he’d seen things others didn’t.
Where others saw a regal sense of confidence, he saw vulnerability. Where others saw power, he saw fragility. Where others saw composure and poise, he had seen passion and a desire to break the mold that centuries of royal blood had constructed for her.
Knowing the moment he’d been dreading and hoping for was coming near, Drake left the safety of the bar and joined the other men vying for Jenna’s hand:
Neville Vancouer, Future Earl of Cormery Isle and the slimiest and most entitled man Drake had ever met. Unfortunately Neville was considered a favorite because his home bordered two countries that had shaky diplomatic relationships with Cordonia. King Constantine, Jenna’s father, hoped a York-Vancouer marriage would strengthen those relationships.
Lord Rashad, Heir to Duchy Domvallier. Drake was never able to figure out the future duke. Rashad was a hard worker, and one of the few members of the court who didn’t rely on his title to get ahead. Another favorite according to the bookies (yes, bookies!) to win Jenna. Thankfully he seemed to have his eye on Hana Lee, Jenna’s college roommate and best friend.
Tariq Abadi, the foreigner. The son of an Saudi billionaire, Tariq was being sponsored by Duke Godfrey of Karlington. Godfrey had no sons. His daughter, Countess Madeleine of Fydelia, was a member of Jenna’s court. Godfrey had spent years trying to get close to the throne. He hoped Tariq’s money and status could tempt the King and his daughter.
Then there was Liam. Liam Richmond came into the competition as the dark horse. He was American, a distant cousin to Bertrand and Maxwell Beaumont. Bertrand was too old to court Jenna, and Maxwell was too... well, Maxwell. So they brought in a ringer - a distant American cousin that Jenna had met during a trip to New York City the year prior. The Beaumonts hoped that that one meeting and Liam’s “Hollywood good looks” would appeal to Jenna’s adventurous side. They weren’t wrong.
Jenna liked Liam, Drake knew that. Drake had grown to like him as well. The two became surprisingly fast friends. Among the things they had in common was that they’d both fallen for Jenna. But Drake prayed that the events of the past two months would induce her to make the one choice no one expected. That she would choose him.
Drake wasn’t a noble. His father was King Constantine’s protector - head of the King’s Guard. Jackson Walker had died years earlier, protecting Constantine from an attack on the throne. After Jackson’s death, Drake’s mother left Cordonia for her family’s ranch in Texas. With Jackson’s sacrifice in mind, King Constantine agreed to take Drake and his younger sister Savannah in as his wards. Through the years, Drake had looked at Jenna as another sister. But when Jenna came back from college in England, everything changed.
Now here he stood, vying for a chance at her hand and her heart. When his... well, when Olivia Nevrakis came to him and offered to sponsor him in the competition, his distaste for all things court-related went out the window and the possibility of a life at Jenna’s side prompted him to agree. He was the dark-horse and a late-comer to the competition, but he’d given it his all.
He often wondered what Olivia’s reason for sponsoring him was, but with all his efforts spent on courting Jenna he decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. “Heh, if Olivia ever heard me refer to her as a horse, she’d probably skewer me with her stiletto and roast me over an open flame,” thought Drake.
So here they all were. And there stood Jenna. More beautiful than he’d ever seen her. There was also a new kind of confidence about her. He wondered if this confidence came with knowing who she was going to choose. Who she would spend her life with.
Jenna, along with the King and Queen, made their way to the center of the ballroom. As the conversation came to an excited halt, Constantine made his way to the microphone.
“On behalf of my lovely wife, Queen Regina, let me please welcome you to the Coronation Ball.” Constantine’s words were met with a cheerful applause. He gave a little cough and the crowd once again became still. “You know why we are all here. The time has come for me to step down from the throne. It is now time for my daughter, the incredible Princess Jenna, to take her place as Jenna, Queen of Cordonia. As our forefathers dictated centuries ago, before Jenna can become Queen, she must choose a King. My darling Jenna, the choice is yours.”
“Here it is,” Drake thought. “This is the moment where my life begins or ends.”
Jenna stepped to the microphone, stopping only to kiss her father on the cheek. And then she spoke. “Thank you all for being here tonight. My life is about to change in so many ways. I love Cordonia more than I can express. I pray that I grow to become the fiercely loyal ruler that my father was before me.” Jenna blushed under her father’s adoring gaze, then continued. “My father could not have ruled over Cordonia as well as he did without my mother by his side. Their love is what kept them going when times were rough, and their love for each other only made their victories more sweet.”
With that, Jenna paused to look each of her suitors in the eye. “Woah,” thought Drake, “was it me, or did she throw me a smile?! Could she really be about to choose me!?”
Drake’s question was about to be answered. “The time has come for me to decide who will stand with me during my reign,” Jenna continued. “I have chosen someone who has not only won my hand, but had won my heart.”
Drake took a look at the other men. Neville looked like he’d already won and was ready for his own coronation. Drake’s fists clenched as he saw that Tariq was very obviously undressing Jenna with his eyes.
Then he saw Liam. Liam had a smile on his face that he recognized all too well. He’d seen it in photos taken of himself with Jenna. He’d felt it on his own face every time Jenna touched him. “He loves her,” thought Drake. “Does she....” Before Drake could finish his thought, Jenna was speaking again.
“So, with no further ado, I choose, for my hand and my heart....”
All at once phones started beeping and buzzing. The blue electric glow of hundreds of screens began to cast an eerie glow on the room. Bastien, Jackson Walker’s protégée and friend, passed his own phone to Constantine and to Jenna.
“No way!!” “He wouldn’t” “The bastard!” Drake heard exclamations bursting out all around him. “There’s no way this is going to end well,” he thought. He began to make his way through the crowd. As everyone turned to look at him, Drake was searching for the only face that mattered.
Jenna looked broken. She faced Drake and his heart shattered. Where just a minute ago there was joy, he only saw anger, betrayal, and heartbreak.
He felt someone grab him and turned to see Bastien. “Drake Walker, you are hear-by banned from the Royal Court. You have twenty minutes to pack your belongings. You will then be taken to the airport where a ticket will be waiting for you. It will take you anywhere you’d like to go.”
“What!?! Bas, NO! The only place I want to go is to see Jenna! I don’t know what this is all about, but I’ve done nothing wrong. I love her!” Bastien stood calmly as Drake yelled and tried to pull away. Without a word, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed Drake what everyone else had already seen — a grainy photo of him and... Kiara!!
Kiara was a member of Jenna’s court and claimed to be her friend. A few weeks earlier, during a visit to Applewood Manor, Kiara and snuck into Drake’s room. When he entered later, she jumped out clad only in lingerie and tried to kiss Drake. Disgusted, Drake had tossed her out on her lace-covered ass. “Bas, I can explain! This isn’t what it looks like!”
“I’m sure it isn’t,” Bastien said. “But that doesn’t change the fact that I have orders to follow. I love you like a son, Drake, and I know you love Princess Jenna. The best thing you can do is go willingly. If it’s meant to be, you and Jenna will find your way back to each other.”
“Bullshit, Bastien. I’m going back in. I have to see her.”
Bastien reluctantly loosens his grip and Drake took a step towards the ballroom. Just then he heard Jenna begin to speak again. He picked up his pace and walked through the door just in time to hear Jenna’s voice, smaller than he’d ever heard it, say three words that broke his heart forever:
“I choose Liam.”
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drakenazario · 5 years
This is literally how I introduced my husband to my mom’s best friend.
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Hi, it's your resident guinea pig, checking in! If you choose the third option, these are the reactions. (I did it so you won't have to.)
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drakenazario · 5 years
Another amazing story!
I have no words yet because I’m trying to figure out the mystery you’ve created! The gears in my head are turning.
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Vengeance - Fire Meets Fate (Chapter 4)
Title Inspiration: Fire Meets Fate - Ruelle
Characters belong to Pixelberry
Summary: Colette had a childhood that dreams were made of, but in the blink of an eye everything was stolen from her. Years later she returns home, attempting to blend in and not letting on the truth of her true identity. In an effort to right some of the past wrongs, she plans vengeance against those who wronged her family.
Warning: This series will contain NSFW material and violence. If you read, you acknowledge you are 18 or over.
Catch Up Here
Tags: @bobasheebaby @leelee10898 @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @zaffrenotes @cocomaxley @gardeningourmet @blackcoffee85 @gibbles82 @annekebbphotography @sweetest-marbear @wannabemc2 @indiacater @liamxs-world @smalltalk88 @damienswhore @aworldoffandoms @classylady1234 @kazdog75-blog @lodberg @umccall71 @explorer-of-gems @carabeth @elbenmond @thequeenofcronuts @romanticatheart-posts @jared2612 @custaroonie @drakesensworld @ownworldresident @perfectprofessorherokid @blznbaby @iplaydrake @be-still-my-aching-heart @moneyfordiamonds @the-soot-sprite @ladyangel70 @lynne1993 @kate-mckenzie @ruka-uchiha @traeumerinwitzhelden @emichelle @zilch3 @princess-andromeda-nazario @sashatrr @dcbbw @cgd03 @alieciadwyer @elles-choices @mfackenthal
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drakenazario · 5 years
Slowly catching up on all the fics I’m behind but @ao719 never disappoints. I’m not a Liam stan but she’s slowly turning me.
I can’t wait for the confrontation between the two. The characters are realistic. And I’m so proud of how strong Daniella is for not running back to Liam and taking time to decide what she wants. She’s an actual role model even though she’s fictional!
Epiphany - Hopeful Heart (Part 11)
Title Inspiration: Hopeful Heart - Jason Walker
Characters belong to Pixelberry
Summary: Nobody told Daniella what to do when the story turned out wrong.
Warning: This series will contain NSFW material. If you read, you acknowledge you are 18 or over.
Catch Up Here
Tags: @bobasheebaby @leelee10898 @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @zaffrenotes @cocomaxley @gardeningourmet @blackcoffee85 @gibbles82 @annekebbphotography @sweetest-marbear @wannabemc2 @indiacater @liamxs-world @smalltalk88 @damienswhore @aworldoffandoms @classylady1234 @kazdog75-blog @lodberg @umccall71 @explorer-of-gems @carabeth @elbenmond @thequeenofcronuts @romanticatheart-posts @jared2612 @custaroonie @drakesensworld @ownworldresident @perfectprofessorherokid @blznbaby @iplaydrake @be-still-my-aching-heart @moneyfordiamonds @the-soot-sprite @ladyangel70 @lynne1993 @kate-mckenzie @ruka-uchiha @traeumerinwitzhelden @emichelle @zilch3 @princess-andromeda-nazario @sashatrr @dcbbw @cgd03 @alieciadwyer @elles-choices @mfackenthal
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drakenazario · 5 years
I was following the fire of Notre Dame since it started and had no clue about this.
Thank you for sharing!
Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, built 1035 C.E (the first recorded holy building on the site built in 705 C.E) has also been a victim of fire today as the Notre Dame in Paris burns. 
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drakenazario · 5 years
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BOOK 3!! We are getting one!
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drakenazario · 6 years
I’m gunna need the next chapter like RIGHT NOW! I haven’t played the last two chapters because of the heartbreak so I need some fluff for when I do!!
Sneak Peek.
It won’t be up today. I am hardly functioning and I keep forgetting to do things that I meant to do fifty times today so here’s a little Diagnoses and Dalliances sneak peek. 
‘I can’t believe you’re making me do this.’ He raises his phone and snaps a picture of himself before sending it along, he still looked flushed enough he supposed.
‘Ok, we can’t talk anymore.’
Ernest didn’t know what to say, he tilts his head watching the three dots that indicate she was typing before another message appears.
‘You run without headphones? Psycho.’
He chuckles, she was always so observant, noticing little parts of any image he sent her. ‘You know my secret. What about you?’
In a matter of moments a picture appears from her. She’s surrounded by a halo of white sheets, a pillow musses her hair, and the covers are pulled to her nose. Two dark, makeup smudged eyes stare back at him and he’s entirely lost at this bus stop that he ran by every single morning. There’s a noticeable warming of his cheeks in the chilly morning air. As Ernest’s head falls back, he rolls his shoulders up, feeling a satisfying crack between his shoulder blades. His gaze searches aimlessly around his phone, popping back to see her looking back at him every so often, as he tries to think of what to say.
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drakenazario · 6 years
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Coming soon...
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It has been SOOOOO long, I don’t even know who is still interested, but I have started the final chapters of The Other Side of Fairytale…AKA Evil Max.  This is my old taglist, please let me know if you still want to be tagged.                                                       
@bobasheebaby @choiceswreckedme @katurrade @scarlettedragon@stopforamoment @blackwidow2721 @blackcoffee85 @leelee10898 @hopefulmoonobject @alicars @furiousherringoperatortoad@nazariobae @viktoriapetit @lynn1214 @queenodysseia @nekkidmolerat @debramcg1106 @boneandfur @riseandshinelittleblossom @notoriouscs@tornbetween2loves@ao719@cocomaxley @itsstillnotwhatyouthink@traeumerinwitzhelden@bella-ca @sleepwalkingelite@jlouise88 @alesana45 @ooo-barff-ooo@zaffrenotes @coldcollectornight08 Â  Â  @simsvetements @carabeth @andy-loves-corgis @annekebbphotography @alesana45 @akenrich @agent-bossypants @drakesensworld
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drakenazario · 6 years
One of my favorite Sinclaire x Mc writers and her new amazing AU!
Even if Sinclaire isn’t your favorite LI, her depiction of Annabelle and Luke are true to character. Not to forget Mr. Chambers and his bird enthusiasm!
Diagnoses and Dalliances - Part 4
A/N: Part 4 is here! And we get introduced to the resident (pun intended kind of) badass of our cast. I hope you love them as much as I do. Thank you five million times over to my friend @shwarmi who called me tf out in a post earlier this week that I’m still floored by. She’s a great friend and I love sharing bits of this as a write it to see what she thinks since she’s the fucking mastermind of AUs.
Catch up here: Prologue - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Summary: While she’s at the hospital for her father’s last treatment of this cycle, Alex overhears some more Doctor Richard’s drama. Her dad has a request for her.
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Her father woke on the third day of his treatment even more sluggish and hurting than the day before. This was the last day of the cycle and surely things would be getting better after it. He joins Alex and Briar, who would be keeping the two of them company for the day, in the foyer in the morning looking pallid and a little weak. Worse than Alex had ever seen him. It worried and concerned her and she resolved to ask Ernest about it when she had a moment to herself, perhaps later tonight. Luke drives them to the hospital, as usual, he and Briar making silly conversation in an attempt to lift the veil of worry that surrounded Alex as she fiddled with the zipper on her bag. He father was quiet, small flickers of a smile touching his features from time to time as the conversation flowed.
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drakenazario · 6 years
I don’t think PB will kill of our LI because imagine all the people that will stop playing.
For example, they have a lot of issues with paywalling the female LI that if you were romancing Annabelle that you no long have interest in the game.
Y’all what if PB asked us to choose a primary LI because we’d be fucking mourning them before potentially moving on and marrying another?
I don’t know why the angst is jumping out so hard tonight.
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PS Emmeline marries Chambers then, with no secondary LI, because Ernest was the only person on earth who was made for her.
PPS I still don’t think they’d do it, and they locked us into an LI for duel purposes plus potentially needing to clear their name in the aftermath.
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drakenazario · 6 years
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reblog if you want more interaction w your lovely followers
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drakenazario · 6 years
your ability to incorporate the characters and their personalities from the app to this AU is amazing! From Mr. Chambers and his love of birds to Sinclaire still being formal as ever and downloading the app just for her!!
I’m hoping the lawyer is Mr. Konevi because then Chanevi will be a thing in this AU too!
Diagnoses and Dalliances - Part 2
A/N: I CAN’T STOP. @shwarmi has KILLED ME with this AU idea. I am writing from the grave. Part 2 is here, probably Part 3 by Friday. I love them. Do you all have any idea how much easier it is to write something where artificial light, refrigeration, and instant communication exist?
Catch up here: Prologue - Part 1
Summary: Alex reaches out to sinclaire1788 and gets much more intimate of a conversation than she bargained for.
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‘I am an oncologist who did a lot of lymphoma research in my schooling years. Your father sounds like he has gotten a lot of valuable, and some less valuable, advice and is lucky to have a daughter so eager to help him in his corner. You’re in for a tough road, but, his outcome should be positive. He has the odds on his side.’
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drakenazario · 6 years
I am shaking as I type this!! I can’t form the words to describe my feelings other than: here is another amazing chapter! I hope the next one comes quickly because I need to know what’s happening.
... See You in Another Life (A TRR AU Story): Chapter 29
Title: What if You Weren’t Cursed? What if You Were Blessed?
Catch up: Visit my Masterlist (link in bio) for the first 28 chapters + my other stuff. This will absolutely not make sense without reading what came before.
Rating: M? I think? 
Pairing: King Drake Walker  X Jaime Baker (Walker)
Word Count: 5400
Summary:  The Coronation: Part 1
Author’s note: Im really sorry about the delay with this chapter… and it’s a lot of filler, but everything included needed to happen. This is (as I’m sure you’ll see) a set-up chapter… but what’s coming? 
Most characters and settings belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them for a little while and using them for my own pleasure.
If you want to be added to or removed from the tag list, please let me know.
Tag list: @stopforamoment @dancetothestoriesinyoursoul @zaffrenotes@nekkidmolerat @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @furiousherringoperatortoad@mrsdrakewalkerblog @notoriouscs @wannabemc2 @ooo-barff-ooo @drakenazario @alesana45 @andy-loves-corgis @littleeeepeach @debramcg1106 @likethetailofacomet @traeumerinwitzhelden @agent-bossypants @speedyoperarascalparty @cgd03 @simsvetements @choicesmacmakes @blubutterflyy @boneandfur @jovialyouthmusic @romancehereicome @jlouise88 @walkerinfolkvangr @drakewalkerfics @akrenich @ritachacha @drakewalkerrosenberg @butindeed @blackcoffee85 @client-327 @gardeningourmet @drakewalkerxmcxzigortega @thequeenofcronuts @gibbles82 @romancehereicome @moneyfordiamonds
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Drake’s POV
He woke up with his arms around Jaime, hand pressed against her chest. Her back was pressed solidly against his body, their legs tangled together in the sheets of her bed. My wife. He felt a smile spreading across his face as he nuzzled his face into her hair, inhaling deeply. Everyone gets to know it today, too. “Good morning.” He whispered the words into her ear and Jaime shifted in bed, somehow moving even closer to Drake.
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