dragonsaints · 4 years
starters/ask meme from when i watched buzzfeed unsolved for the first time — episode 1.4-7
“you know...she’s screaming, she’s giving it 110%.”
“your unrelenting skepticism is exhausting.”
“I guess I’m demons!”
“I think we’re done here.”
“no we’re not, I’m gonna crush this.”
“don’t cite ‘the internet.’“
“mmm, this goes all the way to the top.”
“I don’t know that we should be looking into this.”
“you just shut your mouth, I’m done.”
“I thought you were like, on the level with this one.”
“you do the honors.”
“peak ghost time. 90% of ghosts are from that era.”
“it seems like they’re followed by doom.”
“yeah, they’re really just getting boned by fate right now.”
“I’d be a pleasant ghost, I’d like pour people tea and stuff like that.”
“or i’d do chores around the house.”
“you sound fun.”
“doesn’t that sound great? wouldn’t you like to be haunted by me?”
“this is the sorrowful room, do you feel sorrowful here?”
“I don’t feel particularly strange. it’s not a great chair.”
“now that’s just rude!”
“it’s kind of just a dick thing to do.”
“you were ahead of your time, Yankee Jim.”
“I myself would love a boat.”
“I’m gonna be quiet now, and just embrace the darkness.”
“a bit rude, to call it the creepiest boat in the world.”
“that’s not an unfair statement, would you say?”
“it’s a marvel, a marvel!”
“you’re not a man of your word.”
“she might be a little bit enchanted.”
“what do you find unsettling about this?”
“it is a pretty badass name.”
“who’s storing that in a gin bottle though?”
“it’s not an easy life, boat life.”
“you’ve somehow tricked me into not being upset that you are still talking.”
“you’re a beautiful lady, I love your bones.”
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dragonsaints · 4 years
starters/ask meme from when i watched buzzfeed unsolved for the first time — episode 1.3
“we better stock up on some knowledge here, otherwise we’re gonna get murdered by ghosts.”
“I promise you, I promise you, you will regret that statement.”
“jesus said, ‘chill.’“
“got our holy water, got our tips - our demon tips.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve got cotton candy in there.”
“people have probably died in the chipotle we just ate at.”
“I think I know the end of this story.”
“she found a loophole!”
“I won’t argue that your logic is flawed. I just hate it because it’s detrimental to my argument.”
“yeah, I agree with your calling of bullshit.”
“good! I’m glad we agree on something for once.”
(sarcastically) “this is highly unusual, I’ve never seen it do this before.”
“I’m just going to ignore you and fix the issue.”
“you almost scared me to death, I’m never going to forgive you for this.”
“I hope you’re fuckin’ proud of yourself.”
“if I have to spend one more moment, sitting in this chair, looking at that silly face... I think I may murder you myself.”
“we’re on our way to a nightmare.”
“you’re on your way to a nightmare, I’m on my way to a nice retreat.”
“no, it’s fine, just go with the flow.”
“that’s what people usually say before their death.”
“he looks fine, look at him, the kid’s fine.”
“so I’m sure they’d be thrilled with what it’s become.”
“you think this is what they had in mind?”
“should we poke it with a stick?”
(sarcastically) “I believe all of this, put it on wikipedia, and let’s leave.”
“oh shit, what up, I’m takin’ a selfie with some demons yoooo!”
“you’re insufferable.”
“I’ve lived my life by one adage, and that’s ‘don’t fuck with demons.’“
“it’s an adventure!”
“if you slit my throat tonight, I’m gonna have a hard time forgiving you for that.”
“will you haunt me for the rest of my life?”
“no, cause I’ll be dead, ghosts aren’t real.”
“oh, okay, fair enough.”
“that demon’s racist!”
“...fuck that demon.”
“...I don’t respect this demon.”
“I think this demon’s a wimp!”
“He’s lost his mind!”
“you’re out of your mind.”
“rock’n’roll buckaroos!”
“stop putting me in your shit!”
“peace out, bitch!”
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dragonsaints · 4 years
starters/ask meme from when i watched buzzfeed unsolved for the first time — episode 1.1 & 1.2
“how much black do they actually wear?”
“they had donuts in 1947? how old are donuts?”
“his fucking dog died!”
“why didn’t he go to the police?”
“I think he may have gone to the police.”
“there’s no internet by the way.”
“if you tll the story, no one’s gonna believe you, first off... and second off, you’re gonna look like a crazy person.”
“can I be 100% honest?”
“I’m really trying here.”
“they literally just look like business men.”
“Not everything can be explained by logic, or science in my opinion.”
“yeah, yeah, you can walk away like you always do.”
“but one day, it’s gonna happen, and trust me sir, I will be there.”
“well I don’t have any scientific polls for that so...”
“I’m just saying, people are dumb!”
“he did have a weird little smile when he said it.”
“that didn’t make your spine tingle a little bit?”
“oh I can’t wait for the parade of other... ‘experts’ you’ve got lined up.”
“you know what, I don’t know if I need to know that.”
“BUT, it’s a secret club.”
“you can’t tell anyone about it.”
“but it’s fuckin’ dope that I’m in this club, right?”
“so, let me just give a little ‘wink wink’ to let people know what’s up.”
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dragonsaints · 5 years
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❝ death   is  not  a   𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣  ❞                                                                            ❝ Oh,  𝔂𝓮𝓼  he is !  ❞ 
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dragonsaints · 5 years
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Barris laughs.  “No,  I don’t think  it is. Except  in this instance,”  he says, as he offers up a pastry swiped from the kitchens.   “It’s good to see you again,                                            my friend.”
@dragonsaints​ said:
❛ My crimes and sins are beyond counting. ❜
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          “You know what they say– one            person’s crime is another person’s            treasure… oh, wait. That’s not how             the saying goes, is it?” 
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dragonsaints · 5 years
Sentence Starters
“I’ve never seen one of these completely to my taste so i decided to make my own!
“I can’t do anything right.”
“Please don’t cry.”
“Why are you awake right now?”
“Why are you lying to me?”
“Wake up! Please wake up.”
“Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Is that blood?” “…..No?”
“Please don’t lie to me again, I can’t take it.”
“Do you even still love me?”
“Nobody’s seen you in days.”
“Why are you awake?”
“I’m worried about you.”
“Can you shut up for once in your life?”
“Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know.”
“Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face?”
“If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.”
“Leave! Me! Alone!”
“Go with me?” “As long as you hold my hand.”
“Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” 
“Have you seen my hoodie?” “Nooo.” “You’re wearing it, aren’t you?”
“Have you always been this beautiful?”
“OH you’re jealous!”
“Can we stay like this forever?”
“Please just kiss me already.”
“I think you might be my soulmate.”
“Sleep over? Please?”
“Are we on a date right now?”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“He’s so pretty I think I’m gonna faint.”
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
“Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
“I missed you so much.”
“Do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are?”
“I’m here for you.”
“I wish we could live together already.”
“All I do is drink coffee and say bad words.”
“Quit touching me, your feet are cold!”
“I think I just ripped my pants.”
“Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!”
“Can I pet your dog?” “Do I know you?”
“Did you seriously just get your foot stuck in a toilet?” “Maybe.”
“If I die, I’m haunting you first.”
“But I’ve never told you that before.” 
“Stop being grumpy, it’s lame.”
“So, uh, I locked the keys in the car.”
“Is the cat in a onesie?” “Uh, no?
“Can we please stop running? I think I’m dying.”
“You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”
“Aren’t we supposed to be working?”
“Give me attention.”
“Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming.”
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.”
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dragonsaints · 5 years
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“Please!” Ser Barris’ voice was hoarse, his body battered. He and a few companions had dragged themselves across Ferelden to Skyhold. They needed shelter, healing, but he knew there was a more pressing issue. “If you won’t let us in, at least give a message to the Inquisitor!”
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dragonsaints · 5 years
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Halcyon smiles at her phone, and when she’s satisfied with the selfie she looks up. “Oh hey, I didn’t see you there! Do you like my outfit? I feel ready to kick ass & I’m gonna look cute doing it!”
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dragonsaints · 5 years
I joined @lumoshq with Rodolphus and interactions just opened and I’m so fuckin hyped !   and also in the writing mood so i’m probably gonna post some open starters soon :)
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dragonsaints · 5 years
(flight attendant: "now boarding flight the 1975")
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dragonsaints · 5 years
Yes hello I can't get the exact emoji but the favorite clothes question for elf dottir and bear dottir please (and anyone else you want)
character development at a health fair!
Daevhinn's favorite thing to wear is an earring she found once, a small gold dagger with a teardrop shaped ruby dangling from it. She only has the one.
Nymh doesn't have many clothes of her own (when she's in her human skin she usually borrows clothes from other people). She likes lightweight clothes and hates shoes.
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dragonsaints · 5 years
♀ how long does your muse usually need for a shower/bath? - for Ziva!
character development at the hotel!
Ziva takes her time in the water. Baths are one of the things she does to feel normal, and if she's got eternity ahead of her she may as well enjoy it. Showers are for cleaning up after a messy feed, so she doesn't enjoy them as much but she is thorough and that can take time.
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dragonsaints · 5 years
⦂ what clothes do they sleep in?
character development at the airport!
I'm not gonna do every muse but: Daev, Barris and Tamae all wear simple tunic/trouser combos made of soft, thin fabric; Mercedes and Halcyon wear oversized t-shirts; Gaspard and Rodolphus sleep shirtless in their boxers or sweatpants; & Marcella wears silk slips.
Nymh doesn't wear anything (she's a bear).
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dragonsaints · 5 years
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dragonsaints · 5 years
for the record, nothing makes less sense to me than fereldans using "bitch" as a derogatory term in the games. at least as casually as it is done.
from a writing perspective it's so damn lazy. if you've established "fereldans love dogs" and "it's a matriarchy" (whether or not the latter is actually demonstrated in canon), how do you let someone from that country call someone else a female dog with a negative tone?? same goes for "son of a bitch". sure let the orlesians use it, let them revel in the wordplay of it, but unless that "fereldan dog" is making fun of those orlesians, they shouldnt be calling anyone "bitch"!
thanks for coming to my ted talk i guess
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dragonsaints · 5 years
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This adoptable from @laskulls reminded me of my V:TM character so I had to have her! Now this is official art of Marcella :)
I love love love the blinking animation, on top of the gorgeous art style and incredible fashion 💜
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dragonsaints · 5 years
Useless Details Ask Meme II
Send one of the following symbols to find out more about my muse! Part I: (X)
Getting closer:
× what does your muse smell like? what perfume/cologne are they using? � do they shower often? every day or just every couple of days? ♻ how about brushing teeth? three times a day, or just in the morning? ⌘ do they rather shower or take a bath? ♀ how long does your muse usually need for a shower/bath? ⚣ how long does your muse need to shave? (this is also for the ladies!) ♂ does your muse put on make-up? how long do they need for it every day?  ⚢ what kind of make-up does your muse use? favourite colours? how much do they use?
Exploring their body:
♤ does your muse have any scars? where? what do they look like? how did they get them? ♧ any freckles/moles/birth marks? where? ♡ are their fingernails dirty or clean? cut/long? ♢ how much do they weigh? ♠ any ‘weird’ characteristics on their body? one leg/arm longer than the other? ♣ are their veins particularly visible when they’re angry/upset/sad? ♥ do they have more muscles or more fat on their body? ♦ any tattoos? where? what’s the story behind them?
Open your closet:
⦂ what clothes do they sleep in? ♚ do they have a favourite piece of clothing? ❅ what do they usually wear when they’re not working? ☏ what do they wear when they’re at work? ₤ how many shoes do they have? what kind? Σ how many purses do they have? ⌚ how long do they need to decide what to wear in the morning? ⌛ do they go shopping for clothes often? how long do they usually need? $ how much money do they spend on clothes every month?
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