drachcnblut Ā· 15 days
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Tiernanā€™s breath caught in his throat as Vikaā€™s question hung in the air, the creak of the door reverberating through the silent hallway. His gaze shifted towards the sound, narrowing in on the darkened shape of a doorway that seemed to have moved on its own. The house had felt alive from the moment they entered, and now it was making its presence known in a way that sent a chill racing down his spine. He could hear Vikaā€™s heartbeat in the tense silence between them, the pulse of her fear almost tangible. ā€œNo.ā€ Tiernan whispered, his voice low but steady. ā€œThat wasnā€™t me.ā€
He took a step forward, his eyes following the soft beam of light from Vikaā€™s phone as it illuminated the wooden floor and cast long shadows against the walls. The door, now slightly ajar, seemed to beckon them closer, as if daring them to cross its threshold. He felt his pulse quicken, but curiosity got the better of him. He wasnā€™t the type to turn back, not when they were this far in.
Tiernan glanced at Vika, her face partially obscured by the dim light, but he could see the resolve etched in her expression. Despite the fear, she wasnā€™t going to back down either. ā€œWe should check it outā€ Tiernan said, keeping his voice calm, though his heart raced with a mixture of excitement and unease. He moved cautiously, stepping towards the door as the old wood groaned beneath his boots. The cool draft that seeped through the narrow opening carried with it the scent of old wood and something faintly metallic, like rusted iron.
Pushing the door open with a gentle nudge, Tiernan held his breath. The darkness beyond seemed to swallow the light from Vikaā€™s phone, revealing little more than the shadowy outlines of what might have been a study or sitting room long ago. The air felt heavy, charged with something ancient and unseen, and yet, he felt compelled to go further. As the door swung fully into the shadowed room, a sudden, soft whisper seemed to drift through the air, so faint it was almost lost in the creaking of the floorboards beneath their feet. Tiernan froze, his body going rigid as the barely audible sound brushed against his ears. It wasnā€™t the wind, nor the settling of the old house... it was something else, something otherworldly.
The whisper came again, this time clearer, like a breath of wind carrying words too low to understand. His heart hammered in his chest as he exchanged a wide-eyed glance with Vika. It wasnā€™t just him who had heard it - her eyes darted to the darkened corners of the room, searching for the source of the voice. The air around them felt suddenly colder, as though the house itself had drawn closer, eager to share its secrets. Tiernan swallowed, his mouth dry. ā€œDid you hear that?ā€ he asked quietly, his voice barely above a whisper, not wanting to disturb the fragile silence any more than necessary.
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Tiernan chuckled softly as Vika's hand found his, her grip surprisingly firm for someone so small. He could feel her tension through the delicate touch, a blend of excitement and fear that mirrored his own. The mansion loomed above them, its once-grand facade now marred by time and neglect. Ivy crawled up the stone walls, and the broken windows gaped like hollow eyes, staring out into the misty scottish landscape. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying wood, and the distant cry of a raven added to the eerie atmosphere.
He glanced down at Vika, her green eyes wide with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Despite her bravado, Tiernan could see the nervous energy bubbling beneath the surface. He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, though he knew all too well that the unknown they were about to face could not be so easily calmed.
Tiernan felt the weight of the mansion settle over them like a thick fog as they stepped into the dimly lit entrance hall. The walls seemed to close in, the once-grand space now a decaying relic of a forgotten past. Dust motes floated lazily in the air, disturbed by their intrusion, while the creak of the floorboards beneath their feet echoed through the silent halls. The mansion's cold breath sent a shiver down his spine, and Tiernan couldnā€™t shake the feeling that they were being watched by unseen eyes.
"Well, Vika" he began, his voice low and steady, "it seems we've already crossed the threshold. No turning back now."
He let her pull him deeper into the entrance hall, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a cautious gaze. The portraits on the walls seemed to follow them, the eyes of long-dead inhabitants staring out with a mixture of melancholy and malice. The faded faces were trapped in time, their stories lost to the ages, but the weight of their presence lingered in the air like a heavy shroud. Tiernan couldnā€™t help but wonder what stories these silent watchers could tell ā€” tales of love, loss, and perhaps even tragedy that had unfolded within these walls.
His boots scuffed against the rotting rug, kicking up a small cloud of dust that danced in the pale light filtering through the cracked windows. The table, with its brittle flowers, looked as though it had been untouched for decades, a forgotten relic of a past life. He knelt down briefly, inspecting the dusty footsteps that had caught Vika's attention earlier. They were faint, almost imperceptible now, but there was something about them that unsettled him. They seemed too fresh for a place abandoned for so long.
"These footsteps..." Tiernan muttered, more to himself than to her. "They're recent." He stood up, his hand still holding hers as he led them towards the staircase. Each step they took seemed to echo throughout the house, the creaking floorboards groaning under their weight. The house felt alive, as though it was watching them, waiting to reveal its secrets.
"You know" Tiernan said, trying to keep his tone light despite the growing unease in his chest, "the fairā€™s haunted house sounds like a much safer option. But whereā€™s the fun in that?" He paused at the foot of the stairs, looking up at the darkness that swallowed the upper floors. The shadows seemed to move on their own, shifting and twisting as if the house itself was breathing. He could feel the cold draft coming from above, carrying with it the whispers of forgotten souls.
"Letā€™s delve deeper" Tiernan decided, his voice firm. "If there are spirits here, perhaps they have a story to tell. And maybe, just maybe, theyā€™ve been waiting for someone to listen." He looked down at Vika, offering her a small, reassuring smile. "Besides, we wouldnā€™t want to disappoint them, would we?"
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drachcnblut Ā· 15 days
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Tiernan watched Harriet closely, sensing a shift in her mood that she tried to mask behind her smile. He saw the flicker of doubt in her eyes, a quick shadow that passed like a cloud across the sun, and his own heart squeezed with a quiet concern. He wasnā€™t sure what demons haunted her, but he knew the look of someone wrestling with their own mind. Heā€™d seen it before, felt it before, often enough in himself.
Her suggestion of the park, with its blooming flowers and changing leaves, brought a light to her eyes that he wanted to keep there. A walk sounded perfect, peaceful and grounding, a place where the world could slow down just a little.
When she mentioned the rowboats, his smile grew a little wider. Heā€™d never been in a rowboat before. He was more familiar with flying above lakes than being on them, but the thought of sharing that with Harriet seemedā€¦ nice. He noticed her searching his face, as if looking for reassurance, and he wanted to give it to her in any way he could.
ā€œI think that sounds like a great ideaā€ he said, his voice steady and warm. ā€œIā€™ve never been in a rowboat before, so you might have to teach me a bit.ā€ He leaned in just slightly, his expression open and encouraging, hoping to draw her further away from whatever shadows haunted her thoughts.
Tiernan hoped his words would help anchor her, even if just a little. He didnā€™t know her well enough to pry, but he could sense the turmoil beneath her composed exterior. It wasnā€™t his place to ask, but he could offer her something simpler: the comfort of not being alone.
As they stood to leave, he caught the slight tremor in her hands before she tucked them away. Without thinking, he reached out gently, hesitating just a moment before his fingers brushed her arm, a light, grounding touch. ā€œWe donā€™t have to rushā€ he said, his blue-green eyes meeting hers with a quiet steadiness. ā€œWhatever pace feels right. Weā€™re in no hurry.ā€
There was something in his gaze, something calm and unwavering, like the deep waters of a still lake. He wanted her to know she didnā€™t have to pretend to be okay, not with him. They were both wandering, after all, both trying to find something, even if they werenā€™t quite sure what that was yet.
The breeze carried another swirl of fallen leaves through the open door, and Tiernan took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and tranquility settle over him. He wanted this - this moment, this walk, this quiet adventure with someone who felt like she might understand a little of what he couldnā€™t always put into words.
ā€œLetā€™s go find that parkā€ he said, his voice taking on a hint of playful determination. ā€œAnd who knows? Maybe weā€™ll stumble upon more than just a lucky rock.ā€
He offered her a reassuring smile, one that he hoped would remind her that, at least for now, they could face whatever came their way together. And as they stepped back out into the city, Tiernan felt a sense of quiet hope growing inside him.
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A soft breeze drifted through the open door as they finished their cinnamon rolls, teasing goosebumps across Harriet's skin and carrying with it the faint scent of fallen leaves. It was a perfect setting for their encounter, she thought, smiling ever so slightly.
Harriet looked across the table at Tiernan, his eyes warm and his gaze open, and felt a flutter of happiness inside. It had been so long since she'd shared such a simple, pleasant moment with someone. The spontaneity of their meeting, the ease of their conversation, it all felt wonderfully ordinary in a life that had been anything but.
But as quickly as the warmth filled her, a familiar chill crept into her mind. A low, insidious voice whispered from the shadows of her thoughts, sowing seeds of doubt and unease.
You shouldn't be doing this. You know how it ends. People get hurt. You get hurt.
Harriet's fingers tightened slightly, her knuckles paling as she fought to keep her composure. She took a slow breath, focusing on the rest of sweetness on her tongue and the soft hum of conversation around them, trying to drown out the voice that had haunted her for so long.
Tiernan saying he had no specific plans brought her attention back, his genuine smile easing some of the tension knotting in her chest. There was such sincerity in his words, such open kindness, that for a moment the voice retreated, leaving her with a small sense of hope.
She returned his smile, though a bit more hesitantly. "I'm glad you ended up here too," she said softly, her voice steady despite the turmoil beneath the surface. "Wandering without a plan can lead to the best kinds of adventures."
Or the worst kinds of trouble. Remember last time? Remember what happened when you let someone get close?
The voice pressed harder, images flashing unbidden through her mind, fragments of memories she'd tried so hard to bury. Her heartbeat quickened, and she felt a tremor start in her hands.
Not now. Please, not now.
She shifted in her seat, subtly tucking her hands into her lap to hide the slight shaking. Determined not to let the darkness steal this moment from her, she fixed her gaze back on Tiernan, focusing on the kindness in his eyes, the comforting tone of his voice.
When he asked where they should go next, Harriet allowed herself a moment to think, glancing out the window at the busy streets bathed in late afternoon light. The city was alive with possibilities, and despite the whispering doubts, she found herself longing to explore them ā€¦.. with him.
"There's a park not too far from here," she suggested, her voice gaining a bit more strength. "It's beautiful this time of year, with all the flowers still in bloom and the leaves just starting to change. We could take a walk, maybe find that lucky rock."
A hint of playfulness crept into her tone, and she felt a spark of excitement flicker to life, pushing back against the shadows.
Are you really going to drag him into your mess? He deserves better. You should walk away now before it's too late.
She clenched her jaw slightly, refusing to let the voice dictate her actions. For once, she wanted to choose happiness, to choose connection, even if just for an afternoon.
"And there's a little lake in the middle," she continued, her eyes lighting up at the thought. "Sometimes they rent out rowboats. It could be fun, don't you think?"
Certainly could be fun. Lakes are meant for drowning people. Why donā€™t we try?
She looked back at Tiernan, searching his face for approval, hoping he couldn't see the battle going on behind her eyes. She wouldn't let the voice destroy this for her.
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4 notes Ā· View notes
drachcnblut Ā· 15 days
Thank you for all the kind messages! I will get to answering everything that I missed the past days. I honestly lost track by now, so bear with me while I try to figure everything out.
I am quite overwhelmed with the heat and some mental struggles at the moment. I'll be back to answer all dms and open threads/novels in 2-3 days. Hope the first of september finds you all well! I can't wait for the days to cool of and longer nights again.
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drachcnblut Ā· 20 days
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Tiernan felt the warmth of the bakery wrap around him like a comforting blanket, though the cool autumn breeze outside hinted at the change in seasons. It wasnā€™t just the weather that felt different, there was something in the air between them, a connection that had formed almost effortlessly, like the natural shift from summer to fall. Harrietā€™s curiosity, her quiet openness, was both disarming and inviting, and he found himself wanting to linger in this moment a little longer.
He watched as she tasted the cinnamon roll, her eyes closing briefly in delight, and he couldnā€™t help but smile. There was something genuine about the way she reacted, as if the simple pleasure of a sweet treat could make everything else fade away, even if just for a moment.
Her question brought him back to the present, and he met her gaze, noticing the flicker of interest in her eyes. ā€œI came to the city on a bit of a whim, actuallyā€ he admitted. ā€œI donā€™t get away from home often, so when I do, I like to wander, see where the day takes me.ā€ He hesitated, careful not to reveal too much, but also wanting to be honest. ā€œI didnā€™t have any specific plans, butā€¦ Iā€™m glad I ended up here.ā€
There was a sincerity in his words that he hoped she could sense. Being a dragonrider meant living a life full of secrets and responsibilities, always careful to stay hidden from the rest of the world. Yet here, in this small bakery with Harriet, he felt a rare sense of ease, as if he could let down his guard, even if just a little.
Her suggestion to explore more together made his heart lift slightly, a quiet thrill that he hadnā€™t expected. The city was vast and unfamiliar to him, but the idea of wandering through it with Harriet by his side was surprisingly appealing. ā€œIā€™d like thatā€ he replied, his voice carrying a hint of the same hopefulness she had tried to hide. ā€œItā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve explored a place like this with someone else.ā€
Tiernan could see the uncertainty in her eyes, the way she seemed to grapple with her own thoughts, and it made him want to reassure her. ā€œIā€™m not in any rushā€ he added softly, the words meant to ease her concerns. ā€œIn fact, Iā€™d be happy to spend more time with you. Thereā€™s something about today that feelsā€¦ different, in a good way. Iā€™m not quite ready for it to end either.ā€
He didnā€™t know exactly what he was hoping for, just that this connection felt important, like a rare chance to experience something genuine and unguarded. As they sat together, the bustle of the city outside seemed distant, almost irrelevant. What mattered was this moment, and the possibility that there was still more to discoverā€”about the city, about each other, and perhaps even about themselves.
ā€œSo, where should we go next?ā€ he asked with a soft smile, feeling a quiet excitement at the thought of continuing their day together. ā€œIā€™m open to whatever you feel like doing. After all, itā€™s always nicer with company.ā€
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continued from h e r e with @drachcnblut
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The air outside the small bakery carried a coolness that whispered of autumnā€™s approach, though summerā€™s warmth lingered, reluctant to release its hold. Harriet noticed the shift, both in the seasons and in the quiet connection forming between them. The possibilities excited her and made her nervous at the same time.
When she tasted the cinnamon roll, she had to close her eyes for a split second and suppress a sigh of delight. The treat was delicious, just what she had needed today. She looked up at Tiernan, curiosity flickering in her eyes. ā€œSo, what brought you to the city today?ā€ Her voice was soft but tinged with genuine interest. ā€œDo you have any plans, or were you just wandering?ā€
She tried to keep her tone light, but there was a subtle hopefulness in her question, one she couldnā€™t quite hide. The city was vast and full of distractions, yet here they were, sharing a quiet moment that felt more meaningful than any grand plan could be. She found herself wanting to know more about him. What had drawn him away from wherever he called home and into this busy, unfamiliar place? Was he running away from something as well, like she had?
As she studied his face, the way his eyes seemed to reflect the warmth of the bakeryā€™s light, she couldnā€™t help but feel a small tug of something deeper. There was a comfort in his presence, a sense that this was more than just a chance encounter. ā€œIf youā€™re not in a rush,ā€ she added, almost tentatively, ā€œmaybe we could explore a bit more together? Itā€™s always nicer with company.ā€
Harriet bit her tongue and didnā€™t know what she was hoping for, exactly ... just that she wasnā€™t ready for this moment to end. The idea of parting ways too soon left her with a sense of unfinished potential, like there was still more to discover, both in the city and in the person sitting across from her. And maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way. Or maybe ... she was being selfish, because she didn't want him to leave, as his presence seemed to quiet not only the city's noises, but also the very noise inside herself, the one she was afraid of most.
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4 notes Ā· View notes
drachcnblut Ā· 20 days
I am quite overwhelmed with the heat and some mental struggles at the moment. I'll be back to answer all dms and open threads/novels in 2-3 days. Hope the first of september finds you all well! I can't wait for the days to cool of and longer nights again.
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drachcnblut Ā· 22 days
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Tiernan chuckled softly as Vika's hand found his, her grip surprisingly firm for someone so small. He could feel her tension through the delicate touch, a blend of excitement and fear that mirrored his own. The mansion loomed above them, its once-grand facade now marred by time and neglect. Ivy crawled up the stone walls, and the broken windows gaped like hollow eyes, staring out into the misty scottish landscape. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying wood, and the distant cry of a raven added to the eerie atmosphere.
He glanced down at Vika, her green eyes wide with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Despite her bravado, Tiernan could see the nervous energy bubbling beneath the surface. He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, though he knew all too well that the unknown they were about to face could not be so easily calmed.
Tiernan felt the weight of the mansion settle over them like a thick fog as they stepped into the dimly lit entrance hall. The walls seemed to close in, the once-grand space now a decaying relic of a forgotten past. Dust motes floated lazily in the air, disturbed by their intrusion, while the creak of the floorboards beneath their feet echoed through the silent halls. The mansion's cold breath sent a shiver down his spine, and Tiernan couldnā€™t shake the feeling that they were being watched by unseen eyes.
"Well, Vika" he began, his voice low and steady, "it seems we've already crossed the threshold. No turning back now."
He let her pull him deeper into the entrance hall, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a cautious gaze. The portraits on the walls seemed to follow them, the eyes of long-dead inhabitants staring out with a mixture of melancholy and malice. The faded faces were trapped in time, their stories lost to the ages, but the weight of their presence lingered in the air like a heavy shroud. Tiernan couldnā€™t help but wonder what stories these silent watchers could tell ā€” tales of love, loss, and perhaps even tragedy that had unfolded within these walls.
His boots scuffed against the rotting rug, kicking up a small cloud of dust that danced in the pale light filtering through the cracked windows. The table, with its brittle flowers, looked as though it had been untouched for decades, a forgotten relic of a past life. He knelt down briefly, inspecting the dusty footsteps that had caught Vika's attention earlier. They were faint, almost imperceptible now, but there was something about them that unsettled him. They seemed too fresh for a place abandoned for so long.
"These footsteps..." Tiernan muttered, more to himself than to her. "They're recent." He stood up, his hand still holding hers as he led them towards the staircase. Each step they took seemed to echo throughout the house, the creaking floorboards groaning under their weight. The house felt alive, as though it was watching them, waiting to reveal its secrets.
"You know" Tiernan said, trying to keep his tone light despite the growing unease in his chest, "the fairā€™s haunted house sounds like a much safer option. But whereā€™s the fun in that?" He paused at the foot of the stairs, looking up at the darkness that swallowed the upper floors. The shadows seemed to move on their own, shifting and twisting as if the house itself was breathing. He could feel the cold draft coming from above, carrying with it the whispers of forgotten souls.
"Letā€™s delve deeper" Tiernan decided, his voice firm. "If there are spirits here, perhaps they have a story to tell. And maybe, just maybe, theyā€™ve been waiting for someone to listen." He looked down at Vika, offering her a small, reassuring smile. "Besides, we wouldnā€™t want to disappoint them, would we?"
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āœ¶ āø» @drachcnblut continued from here
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All bouncy and full of excitement, Vika followed Tiernan. Just the thought of going into a real haunted house had already caused goose bumps to form on her forearms. Vika had seen one once before, when she was all alone in the highlands, but she had never gotten closer than 5 meters and had only looked at the broken windows and the partially destroyed facade from her safe spot. Now, standing right in front of one, she felt something she had never experienced before. ā€œYeah, we tell the ghost to clean more often when we see one,ā€ she commented on his words with a small laugh, looking at him out of the corner of her eye.Ā 
Then her attention turned fully to the house. She tried to catch a glimpse of the entrance hall and could see stairs, some leftover furniture and doors leading into the depths of the house. Now that she was confronted with the fact that it was a real haunted house and not one run by actors, something like fear settled in her stomach. Her eyes caught some footsteps on the dusty floor and a shiver ran down her spine. Were those footsteps from people like them? Or had a ghost recently passed by? Vika's hand immediately found Tiernan's. A slight blush rose to her cheeks, but perhaps he thought it was excitement. Because now that she was holding his hand, it was almost easy to step over the threshold and pull him with her.
The floorboards creaked as the unfamiliar weight of people hit them. No one had seen this place in a long time, and the fact that her shoes left her senses in the dust, Vika tried to fool herself into thinking that the footsteps she saw but couldn't perceive now were imprints of previous visitors. This made her feel safe, even though a small voice in the back of her head tried to tell her otherwise.
ā€œThis place is ... wow.ā€ Her light green eyes looked at the walls and furniture in the entrance hall. A half-rotted rug filled most of the area in the center of the room and a cute little wooden table sat on top of it. All over the table and rug, dried flowers had lost their petals, and when Vika touched one of them, they crumbled to dust.Ā 
ā€œSeems like the owners left in a hurryā€ she mused as she looked at the portraits and pictures that lined the walls next to the staircase. Stains of different colors showed that some of the pictures had disappeared over the years. Had someone taken them? Vika could well imagine it. Adventurers, crooks and people who were simply curious took the odd souvenir with them when they left the house. But the furniture was too heavy to move easily, and Vika suspected there were many more to be found in the other rooms. If they ventured deeper into the house. ā€œHow is it? Have you had enough already? Do we want to go back to the haunted house at the fair? Or do we want to delve deeper into the history and spirits of the house?ā€ Vika asked, with the faint thought in the back of her mind, to get out of here immediately. Just the fact that they were going through this together didn't make her want to leave instantly.
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drachcnblut Ā· 22 days
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Tiernan listened intently as Harriet spoke, her voice gentle and tinged with vulnerability. He could sense the weight of her words, the way she hesitated before revealing pieces of herself that seemed long hidden away. There was something about her quiet strength, the way she cautiously let him in, that stirred a protective instinct within him. It wasnā€™t often he felt this way around someone he had just met, but with Harriet, there was a sense of ease that surprised him.
As she shared her childhood story about collecting rocks, a soft smile curved on his lips. He could almost picture a younger Harriet, carefully tucking away her treasures, each stone a small beacon of hope or a symbol of a dream. There was a purity in the simplicity of it that resonated with him.
He nodded as she spoke, offering her a reassuring smile. ā€œI donā€™t think itā€™s silly at allā€ he said, his tone gentle and sincere. ā€œSometimes the simplest things hold the most meaning. Itā€™s likeā€¦ a way to carry a piece of where youā€™ve been with you, even when youā€™re somewhere else.ā€ His eyes softened as he added ā€œI think thatā€™s a kind of magic in itself.ā€
The word ā€œmagicā€ slipped out before he could stop it, but he didnā€™t dwell on it, hoping she wouldnā€™t pick up on the deeper truth hidden within. Instead, he turned his attention to the comforting atmosphere of the bakery, letting the warm scents of cinnamon and sugar fill the space between them.
With a quiet resolve, Tiernan stood and approached the counter, where an assortment of freshly baked goods was displayed. The cinnamon rolls, perfectly golden and generously drizzled with icing, caught his eye immediately. They looked warm and inviting, much like the connection he felt growing between him and Harriet.
ā€œTwo cinnamon rolls, pleaseā€ he said to the baker, his shy nature making the simple task feel a bit more daunting than it should. But as he glanced back at Harriet, who was seated by the window with that small, hopeful smile on her lips, he felt a wave of calm wash over him.
As the baker placed the rolls in a small box, Tiernan couldnā€™t help but think about how different his life was compared to hers. Draigh, the hidden village near Ben Nevis, was a world apart from the life Harriet knew. It was a place shrouded in mystery and guarded secrets, where dragonriders like him lived in the shadows of the mountains, their existence unknown to the outside world. It was a life that demanded silence and caution, and though he had grown accustomed to it, there were moments ā€” like this one ā€” where he wished he could share more of himself with someone who seemed to understand him so well.
Tiernan returned to the table with the cinnamon rolls in hand, placing the box between them. ā€œI hope these are as good as they smellā€ he said with a smile, his green-blue eyes catching the light as they met hers. ā€œI thought we could share them while weā€¦ continue our conversation.ā€
He hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of all the things he couldnā€™t say. But then he remembered Harrietā€™s words, her willingness to try opening up, and it gave him the courage to do the same ā€” at least in the ways he could.
ā€œIā€™ve always believed that places like this, moments like this, are worth rememberingā€ Tiernan said, carefully choosing his words. ā€œMaybe itā€™s not about finding the right place or the right time, but about being open to the possibility that something special can happen anywhere, with anyone.ā€
He offered her a piece of the cinnamon roll, the sweet aroma filling the small space between them. ā€œAnd maybe,ā€ he added with a shy smile, ā€œweā€™ll find that lucky rock on our way back. A little piece of today to keep with us, no matter where we go.ā€
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She felt a warmth blossom in her chest at Tiernanā€™s words, his sincerity disarming her in a way she wasnā€™t used to. It was strange, this connection with someone she had only just met, and it made her feel both comforted and uneasy at the same time. She liked the way he looked at her, like she was someone worth getting to know, but thatā€™s what scared her, too.
As they stepped into the bakery, the comforting scent of cinnamon and sugar wrapped around her, and for a moment, she allowed herself to just be. She watched Tiernanā€™s eyes light up with that grin that made him look much younger, and it made her want to smile, too. Really smile, the kind she hadnā€™t let herself in a long time.
His question hung in the air, and she found herself pondering it, turning it over in her mind. Did they end up where they needed to be? Harriet wasnā€™t sure. Sheā€™d stopped believing in things like fate a while ago, but there was something about this moment, about Tiernan, that made her wonder.
ā€œMaybe,ā€ she said softly, her voice almost lost in the warmth of the bakery. ā€œMaybe we do end up where we need to be, even if we donā€™t understand why at first.ā€ She met his gaze, feeling that flutter of something in her chest again, and quickly looked away. ā€œOr maybe itā€™s just that we find the good things when we stop trying so hard to find them.ā€
The table by the window looked inviting, and she nodded when he gestured to it, her heart doing that strange little flip as he pulled out a chair for her. She hadnā€™t let herself get close to anyone in a long time, not since ā€¦ well, since things had gone wrong. But there was a softness in Tiernan, a gentleness that made her want to believe that maybe, just maybe, it was okay to let someone in.
She sat down, folding her hands in her lap to keep them from trembling. ā€œI think youā€™re right,ā€ she said, her voice barely above a whisper. ā€œThereā€™s something special about this place ā€¦ about today.ā€ She hesitated, then added, ā€œItā€™s been a long time since I felt ā€¦ like this.ā€
There was so much she wasnā€™t saying, so much she was holding back, but she hoped he could understand that it wasnā€™t because she didnā€™t want to shareā€”it was because she wasnā€™t sure how. ā€œIā€™m not very good at ā€¦ uhm ... opening up,ā€ she admitted, her gaze fixed on the table. ā€œBut Iā€™d like to try, if thatā€™s okay.ā€
The words felt heavy, vulnerable, but she meant them. There was a part of her that wanted to keep him at armā€™s length, to protect herself from whatever pain might come, but another part - a quieter, softer part - wanted to see where this could go, even if she didnā€™t know where it would lead.
Quietly sighing, Harriet looked up from the table, a small, shy smile tugging at her lips as she searched for something to share, something light to ease the tension she felt inside. ā€œYou know,ā€ she began, her voice a bit stronger now, ā€œwhen I was little, I used to collect rocks. Not gemstones or anything special, just ā€¦ ordinary rocks I found on walks. Iā€™d keep them in a little box under my bed, and each one had a story. Iā€™d pretend they were tiny pieces of places Iā€™d never been, like bits of a faraway mountain or the shore of a hidden beach.ā€
She glanced at Tiernan, feeling a little silly but also oddly comforted by the memory. ā€œI guess it was my way of dreaming about places beyond where I was. Even now, I still find myself picking up a rock every now and then, just to see if it feels ā€¦ right.ā€
Harriet chuckled softly, her cheeks flushing with the confession. ā€œItā€™s silly, I know, but Iā€™ve always thought that if you find the right one, it might bring you a little luck.ā€ She paused, then added with a gentle smile, ā€œMaybe weā€™ll find one today, on our way back. A little piece of this place to remember it by.ā€
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drachcnblut Ā· 22 days
"I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself."
ā€“ Franz Kafka
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drachcnblut Ā· 22 days
"The day was beautiful, warm and clear. It was the end of August."
ā€“ Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
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drachcnblut Ā· 22 days
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Tiernan felt his cheeks warm at Harrietā€™s words, her softness reflecting his own tentative steps into this unfamiliar connection. His lips curved into a shy smile, the kind that barely tugged at the corners but softened his whole face. ā€œIā€™m glad, tooā€ he murmured, his voice barely rising above the hum of the city around them. ā€œItā€™s... nice, not being alone in a place like this.ā€
He wasnā€™t sure why he said it, but he meant it. The city was overwhelming, its towering buildings and crowded streets so different from the wide, open skies he was used to. He had always been more at ease in the saddle of his dragons, soaring over mountains and valleys where the air was clear and the noise was far away. Here, everything pressed in on him: sounds, smells, the sheer mass of people, but Harrietā€™s presence made it bearable. Maybe even pleasant.
As they neared the bakery, Tiernanā€™s eyes darted to her again, catching the way her smile seemed to grow brighter with every step. It was like the sun breaking through the clouds, and it gave him a strange, fluttery feeling in his chest. Heā€™d seen that look before on people who found themselves where they were meant to be.
ā€œDo you thinkā€¦ā€ he began, his voice a little hesitant, ā€œthat sometimesā€¦ we end up exactly where we need to be even if we donā€™t know why?ā€ Tiernan glanced at her, then quickly looked away, feeling his nerves spike. It was a silly question, perhaps too deep for someone heā€™d just met, but it had been on his mind since theyā€™d stumbled upon each other. ā€œI mean, a city this big, and yetā€¦ we found this little bakery.ā€ He laughed softly, the sound awkward but genuine. ā€œMaybe itā€™s just the cinnamon rolls, orā€¦ I donā€™t know.ā€
He shrugged, trying to brush off his own awkwardness, but there was a sincerity in his eyes when he looked at her again.
The bell above the bakery door chimed as they stepped inside, and the warm, sweet scent of cinnamon and sugar wrapped around them like a cozy blanket. Tiernanā€™s eyes widened in quiet awe, and he breathed in deeply, letting the comforting aroma ground him. ā€œWowā€¦ this smells amazing,ā€ he said, his face lighting up with a boyish grin. ā€œI think we really did find something special here.ā€
He gestured to a small table by the window, his heart racing just a bit faster than before. ā€œShall we?ā€ he asked, his voice softer now, almost tentative. ā€œIā€™d like to hear more aboutā€¦ well, whatever youā€™d like to share.ā€
As he pulled out a chair for her, he felt a quiet resolve settle in his chest. Maybe he didnā€™t know where this path would lead them, but for the first time in a long while, he was willing to find out. And with Harriet by his side, it felt like the journey was already worth it.
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continued from h e r e with @drachcnblut
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Harriet felt a warmth spread through her as Tiernan spoke, his shyness mirroring her own in a way that made her feel less alone. It was strange how just a short time ago, they were strangers lost in a crowd, and now they were wandering together, like old friends on a small adventure.
She followed him as he led the way down a quieter side street, grateful for the space where she could hear herself think. His question made her pause, though, and she smiled softly before answering. "Iā€™m from a small town, nothing like this," she admitted, glancing up at him. "Itā€™s quiet, almost too quiet sometimes. But itā€™s ... home." That was stretching the truth, but she didn't feel like admitting where exactly she was from. It sometimes was intimidating when she exposed her heritage, and she wanted to pretend she was just normal for once.
As they walked, she noticed how Tiernan kept looking back at her, as if to make sure she was still there. It was a small gesture, but it made her heart flutter. No one had ever really cared to look out for her like that before. It felt ā€¦ kinda nice.
When he pointed out the sign for the bakery, Harrietā€™s eyes lit up. "Fate, indeed!" she giggled, her nervousness melting away just a little more. "I guess we were meant to find those cinnamon rolls after all."
She found herself relaxing in his company, the cityā€™s noise fading into the background as they shared this simple, unexpected moment. "Iā€™m really glad we met, Tiernan," she said softly, glancing over at him. "Today feels ā€¦ different. In a good way."
As they approached the bakery, she couldnā€™t help but smile to herself. It wasnā€™t just the cinnamon rolls she was looking forward to.
It was the fact that, for the first time in a long while, she wasnā€™t facing the world alone. And the voice .. was silent.
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drachcnblut Ā· 22 days
this is a reminder that i literally do not careĀ if you reply in five minutes, five months, five years.Ā  still owe me something and want to start something new? go for it.Ā  still owe me something and want to answer memes or send memes instead? go for it.Ā  just not jiving with it and want to do something with a different character? go for it.Ā  need to disappear into the wilderness and scream at the sky for a few years? no problem.Ā  you take any and all the time you need.Ā  this is a hobby, it is for fun, it should not ever cause you stress.Ā  you do what you want to do when you want to do it.Ā  i will never be mad bc you drop something or it takes a year for you to answer it.Ā  this is a collaborative hobby that we do for enjoyment and if it isnā€™t fun, if it isnā€™t sparking joy, do something else. you take care of you.Ā Ā 
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drachcnblut Ā· 23 days
ā letā€™s go to the haunted house! oh, please, please, please, please?! āž
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How could he say no when Vika was showing such excitement? Tiernan was sure she meant the haunted house at the funfair but had a much better idea. "Sure thing, but let's go to the real deal." He cocked an eyebrow with a promising smile on his lips. It was easy to find an actually haunted house in Scotland and Tiernan had a few on his hands to choose from - one of them happened to be just a few minutes nearby.
"I hope you're ready for some ghosts and spooky stuff!" The house was huge, moreso a mansion and he recalled the stories his mother used to tell him about the property. Tiernan believed in ghosts and anything supernatural or paranormal, how could he not? His sister was somewhat of a witch and he had dragons as companions, so the existence of ghosts wasn't something to rule out. Plus, there was a fairy standing right next to him, so things couldn't get any crazier.
His voice dropped and he tried to sound tempting and mysterious at the same time but he couldn't help but grin sheepishly. "Beware of the ghosts that wander through the house and condemn anyone to madness who dares to disturb them." Obviously, he was joking and tried to create an amusing, yet pleasent atmosphere.
He pushed open the heavy wooden door, only to be greeted with a cloud of dust and musty smell. "God, someone hasn't cleaned their house in a long time." In an attempt to cover up his own growing fear, he nudged her with his elbow. Believing in ghosts led to a fear of the unseen and he wasn't very fond of anything horror related. Tiernan enjoyed to watch a thriller or horror movie from time to time (especially during the autumn and halloween season), but encountering real ghosts wasn't necessarily a need he wanted to fulfil.
"The honor is yours, ma'am." In a sweeping gesture he pointed to the open door of the haunted house, waiting for Vika's reaction. He wondered if she would actually be brave enough to enter the haunted house.
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drachcnblut Ā· 23 days
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Ā [Ā  .Ā  .Ā  .Ā  ]Ā  #DOPPLGAENGERĀ āø»Ā  independent and mutually exclusive writing blog, telling the story of the doppelganger CAMILLE LAFAYETTE, an original character set in cw's the vampire diaries universe; crossover friendly and sired by autumn (21+) | Ā©
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drachcnblut Ā· 23 days
āœ° āø» Ā  Ā š’š‡šˆššš˜ Ā  š€š”š“š”šŒš Ā  šš‘šŽšŒšš“š’Ā  Ā  ! Ā ą¼„
someĀ  reallyĀ  cute ,Ā  shippyĀ  autumnĀ  themedĀ  promptsĀ  forĀ  theĀ  cosyĀ  autumnĀ  feels !Ā  feelĀ  freeĀ  toĀ  editĀ  asĀ  youĀ  seeĀ  fit .Ā  addĀ  [Ā  +Ā  ]Ā  toĀ  reverseĀ  theĀ  rolesĀ  forĀ  theĀ  wordĀ  prompts .Ā  haveĀ  fun !
šš€š‘š“ šŽšš„.
[ TACKLE ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  toĀ  tackleĀ  receiverĀ  intoĀ  aĀ  freshlyĀ  accumulatedĀ  pileĀ  ofĀ  leaves.
[ PUMPKIN SPICE ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  shareĀ  aĀ  pumpkinĀ  spiceĀ  latte.
[ COLD ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  toĀ  giveĀ  receiverĀ  theirĀ  glovesĀ  orĀ  scarfĀ  becauseĀ  itā€™sĀ  chilly.
[ FOREST ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  goĀ  onĀ  aĀ  walkĀ  inĀ  theĀ  forest.
[ LOST ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  toĀ  comfortĀ  receiverĀ  afterĀ  bothĀ  getĀ  lostĀ  togetherĀ  inĀ  aĀ  cornĀ  maze.
[ FACE PAINT ]Ā  forĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  doĀ  sendersĀ  halloweenĀ  makeup.
[ FIRE PLACE ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  getĀ  cosyĀ  byĀ  aĀ  woodĀ  burningĀ  fireĀ  place.
[ HAUNTED HOUSE ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  toĀ  guideĀ  theĀ  scaredĀ  receiverĀ  throughĀ  aĀ  hauntedĀ  house.
[ CONKERS ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  collectĀ  conkersĀ  together.
[ SHOP ]Ā  forĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  helpĀ  senderĀ  outĀ  withĀ  buyingĀ  appropriateĀ  autumnĀ  attire.
[ CHESTNUTS ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  roastĀ  someĀ  chestnutsĀ  andĀ  eatĀ  together.
[ GHOST TOUR ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  goĀ  onĀ  aĀ  ghostĀ  tourĀ  together.
[ ORCHARD ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  visitĀ  anĀ  orchardĀ  together.
[ DECORATE ]Ā  forĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  walkĀ  inĀ  andĀ  seeĀ  senderĀ  hasĀ  decoratedĀ  theirĀ  houseĀ  forĀ  halloween.
[ JACK Oā€™ LANTERN ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  carveĀ  pumpkinsĀ  together.
[ HORSE RIDING ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  rideĀ  togetherĀ  throughĀ  theĀ  woods.
[ COCKTAILS ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  makeĀ  &Ā  drinkĀ  DIYĀ  autumnĀ  /Ā  halloweenĀ  cocktails.
[ MONSTER MASH ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  danceĀ  togetherĀ  toĀ  funĀ  halloweenĀ  music.
[ SCARED ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  toĀ  buryĀ  theirĀ  faceĀ  inĀ  receiversĀ  shoulderĀ  atĀ  aĀ  scaryĀ  sceneĀ  inĀ  aĀ  horrorĀ  movie.
[ COSTUME ]Ā  forĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  revealĀ  theirĀ  halloweenĀ  costumeĀ  toĀ  sender.Ā Ā (Ā  writeĀ  whatĀ  theirĀ  costumeĀ  isĀ  ifĀ  reversed !Ā  )
[ FANGS ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  toĀ  playfullyĀ  biteĀ  receiverĀ  withĀ  plasticĀ  fangs.
[ STICKY ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  toĀ  wipeĀ  stickyĀ  candyĀ  fromĀ  receiversĀ  faceĀ  afterĀ  theyā€™veĀ  eatenĀ  aĀ  candyĀ  apple.
šš€š‘š“ š“š–šŽ.
ā€œĀ  ohĀ  myĀ  ā€¦Ā  Ā howĀ  scaryĀ  ā€¦ ā€
ā€œĀ  yourĀ  handsĀ  freezing ,Ā  hereĀ  holdĀ  ontoĀ  mine.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  ouch -Ā  ouch ,Ā  helpĀ Ā !Ā  iĀ  canā€™tĀ  getĀ  myĀ  costumeĀ  offĀ Ā !Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  shallĀ  iĀ  biteĀ  youĀ  andĀ  turnĀ  youĀ  immortalĀ  soĀ  weĀ  canĀ  liveĀ  togetherĀ  foreverĀ Ā ? ā€
ā€œĀ  youĀ  haveĀ  whippedĀ  creamĀ  onĀ  yourĀ  topĀ  lip.Ā  here ,Ā  letĀ  meĀ  just ā€¦Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  youĀ  lookĀ  reallyĀ  cuteĀ  inĀ  warmĀ  clothes.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  thisĀ  pumpkinĀ  kindaĀ  looksĀ  likeĀ  you. ā€
ā€œĀ  didĀ  youĀ  justĀ  biteĀ  meĀ  inĀ  theĀ  neckĀ Ā ?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  theĀ  ghostĀ  isnā€™tĀ  real ,Ā  heā€™sĀ  anĀ  actor.Ā  iā€™llĀ  stillĀ  punchĀ  himĀ  ifĀ  youĀ  want -Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  no ,Ā  itĀ  looksĀ  fineĀ Ā !Ā  weĀ  canĀ  carveĀ  anotherĀ  oneĀ Ā !Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  rainyĀ  morningsĀ  makeĀ  itĀ  impossibleĀ  toĀ  getĀ  up ā€¦Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  letĀ  meĀ  practiceĀ  myĀ  halloweenĀ  make - upĀ  onĀ  youĀ Ā ?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  youā€™veĀ  beenĀ  paintingĀ  myĀ  faceĀ  forĀ  hours,Ā  canĀ  iĀ  seeĀ Ā ?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  itĀ  getsĀ  darkĀ  soĀ  earlyĀ  nowadays.Ā  wannaĀ  goĀ  forĀ  aĀ  walkĀ Ā ?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  itā€™sĀ  soĀ  romanticĀ  whenĀ  itā€™sĀ  darkĀ  likeĀ  thisĀ  inĀ  theĀ  evening ,Ā  donā€™tĀ  youĀ  thinkĀ Ā ?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  ifĀ  weĀ  getĀ  anyĀ  moreĀ  pumpkinsĀ  theyā€™llĀ  needĀ  toĀ  closeĀ  theĀ  pumpkinĀ  patch.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  mmm ā€¦Ā  iā€™mĀ  tryingĀ  toĀ  watchĀ  theĀ  movieĀ Ā !Ā Ā ā€
ā€œĀ  weĀ  totallyĀ  matchĀ Ā !Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  oh ,Ā  aĀ  leafĀ  justĀ  fellĀ  inĀ  yourĀ  hair.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  iĀ  wantĀ  youĀ  allĀ  toĀ  myselfĀ  thisĀ  halloween.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  iĀ  toldĀ  youĀ  toĀ  wearĀ  moreĀ  layers.Ā  here ,Ā  wearĀ  myĀ  jacket -Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  heh ā€¦Ā  yourĀ  noseĀ  isĀ  red.Ā  ā€
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drachcnblut Ā· 23 days
additions: ā€• answer all dms ā€• give the dragons the credit they deserve via a carrd side ā€• eat an unhealthy amount of ice cream
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on todays to-do list: ā€• tackle the open threads & inbox memes/starter ā€• post some of the headcanons/funfacts I am excited to share with my mutuals ā€• find a way to survive in this heat without collapsing ā€• edit the pinned post ā€• finally post the open starter that's been sitting in my drafts for days ā€• reach out to some new mutuals so they don't think I am not interested
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drachcnblut Ā· 23 days
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šˆšš“š‘šŽšƒš”š‚š“šˆšŽš ššŽš’š“ š…šŽš‘ šš–š•š˜š‘š„ & š„šŒšš„š‘š’ Let me introduce you to my dearest companions. I've been working on a carrd side for them for a few hours now and am happy to announce it is published as of now! I'd be very happy if you'd check it out. The carrd isn't finished by all means but I wanted to make a little appreciation/introduction post for the dragons nevertheless. Click the link, if you're interested to get to know both of these wonderful ladies. It's worth it, I promise. There is also a little on lore and dragons in general, if you are interested in that!
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drachcnblut Ā· 23 days
he is like a mirage i cant šŸ˜©
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