dr-lamb · 9 years
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“She’s not yours,” she said, and she couldn’t help but wonder for whose benefit she spoke. He knew, he had                 to know, that she had won. But she was right. The  bond  between  the  little sister and the big daddy  was not real,  it was not natural.   It was man made,   fabricated from nothing more than habit and chemicals.   Love   was-- well,   she wasn’t sure if she was ready to  admit  that  love might be more than chemicals. But to say otherwise would mean that this monster could feel his heart  aching  the way               that she could. And that was simply unacceptable.  “None of it is real,” she continued, her stature tall and proud. “These feelings you think that you have,  they’re no different than I might feel for a puppy..   or a toaster.    You don’t know what it means to love, to be a parent. All you know is property.                                     And Eleanor,” she concluded, “is mine.”
       @dr-lamb || starter call [x]
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     “…” His silence was, as always, overpowering; somehow managing to communicate more for him than his voice ever had. Breathing heavier- posture slouched- the very image of a man struggling and in an excruciating amount of pain. And yet, he remained recalcitrant; the way he fought to hold his head up in mute defiance was the only way he could say ‘I’m still here. I’m still here for her- and I’m not leaving again.’
         While there was a number of things Subject Delta felt when seeing Sofia again (face-to-face, and not via a television monitor or through glass), surprisingly, rage was not one of them. Anger, yes. Horror, even - but the Protector wasn’t filled with  the homicidal rage he’d once felt towards anyone who dared so much as touch his bonded Gatherer. Perhaps he was so tired that his own anger decided to rest, too. Or, perhaps Eleanor held an even greater influence over him than he’d thought; his fury quelled by her calming aura.
       Whatever the case may have been, Delta waited in a nearly eerily patient manner for Sofia to speak- only giving a quiet groan to announce his presence, though there was no doubt she was already aware of that. He was already expecting another ambush. Let Sofia send her ‘family’, Delta thought; he was here for his own.
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dr-lamb · 9 years
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dr-lamb · 9 years
"It will not let me sleep."
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“No, I-- imagine not.” Though it was her job, she was reluctant to prescribe a sedative. The girl had been sedated her whole life, it seemed a cruel solution to a much larger problem. “Is there anyone who takes care of you?”
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dr-lamb · 9 years
Twenty One Pilots {Sentence Starters}
"Who would you live for? Who would you die for?"
"Sometimes, you gotta bleed to know that you're alive and have a soul."
"We'll make pretend that you and me lived ever after happily."
"I don't know why they always seem so dismal."
"There's no hiding for me. I'm forced to deal with what I feel."
"It will not let me sleep."
"And I know that I can fight, or I can let the ____ win."
"I guess I'll sleep when I'm dead."
"I will make you queen of everything you see."
"'Sometimes to stay alive, you gotta kill your mind."
"I probably should've stayed inside my house."
"You should take my life, you should take my soul."
"Yeah, I think about the end just way too much."
"I wish I had a better voice that sang some better words."
"I must've forgot, you can't trust me."
"It's just, right now, I got a really crazy mind to clean."
"Oh dear, I don't know if we know why we're here."
"You waste all of this time trying to get to me."
"I see a whole world better off without me in it, trying to transform it."
"But now I'm insecure and I care what people think!"
"No, you are all that I've got!"
"I know who I truly am. I truly do have a chance."
"I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep."
"Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days."
"No, I didn't understand the thing you said."
"My friends and I, we got a lot of problems."
"How come I'm never able to identify where it's coming from?"
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dr-lamb · 9 years
[steps on my own emotions and grinds them into the dirt with my heel] anyways
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dr-lamb · 9 years
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Dr Lamb would love to hurt Ryan, but she wanted to do it fairly. As easy as it would be to take advantage of the obviously distressed young woman, there would be no humanity in it. She bowed her head, nodding to the woman to sit.  ”If Mr Ryan had his way, I don’t think we would be afforded doctor-patient confidentiality.” She said dryly. “However, though it cannot be enforced by law, I do practise it, of course. It would be unprofessional not to.”  “If one of you is guilty, I highly doubt it’s you.” Or at least, it shouldn’t be.
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“There’s still that- that doctor patient confidentiality, isn’t there? You won’t tell anyone what I say?” Especially not Ryan. Especially not at one of his rallies, where he would be humiliated. Sofia Lamb had been brought down here to help people, and from what everyone was saying, she did. 
“I just want- want to talk away my guilt, but not if it means hurting him.”
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dr-lamb · 9 years
“I have a secret and I can’t tell anyone else!”
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“Of course you do,” Sofia looked up from her paperwork, a slight smile on her lips. No one ever came into her office to tell her the obvious. She was busy, very busy, but she managed to keep herself from asking if the woman had an appointment. After all, even she knew who this was. “Have a seat, my dear. Tell me all about it.”
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dr-lamb · 9 years
"I used to have fun."
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“Mmm,” she mused, disinterestedly. “I’m sure you did.” There was nothing to name it as an implication except her look of absolute distaste. She was sure that the sentiment had been meant to humanize him, but all it did was force her to picture the sea of monstrosities he may have committed in the name of ‘fun’
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dr-lamb · 9 years
Mamma Mia! Sentence Meme
"I missed you!"
"And we're gonna rock this place!"
"I want one!"
"I have a secret and I can't tell anyone else!"
"It's the diary she kept the year she was pregnant with me."
"We danced on the beach and we kissed on the beach and dot, dot, dot."
"Dot, dot, dot, that's what they did in the olden days."
"God! Stop growing!"
"I used to have fun."
"So, who is your dad?"
"What would you write to a total stranger 'please come to my wedding, you might be my father?'"
"Bride or groom?"
"I'm getting married tomorrow!"
"If we had it your way, it'd be a three minute wedding in jeans and t-shirts, washed down with a bottle of beer."
"Look at ____, they've gotten so beautiful!"
"I'm getting married, I'm not joining a convent!"
"If they were more like me, they wouldn't be getting married at twenty."
"We're here for the wedding."
"You're not _____'s daughter/son?"
"The last time I saw your mother, she said she never wanted to see me again."
"You have a boat? Good, get on it."
"You promised you'd come to my wedding!"
"It cost me ten quid, plus my Johnny Rotten T-shirt."
"Are you the hero of my dreams?"
"For me, it's the last night before the greatest adventure of my life!"
"And you'll never leave me, right?"
"Somebody up there has got it in for me. I bet it's my mother."
"I'd have loved to have a daughter, I would have spoiled her rotten!"
"I don't know who my father is."
"How old are you?"
"Are you my father?"
"Will you give me away tomorrow?"
"No! Our secret until the wedding!"
"How long have you known I'm your father?"
"Who's giving you away tomorrow?"
"So that's why you sent the invite! You wanted your old dad to walk you down the aisle! I won't let you down, I'll be there!"
"It's not too late, I can call off the wedding. Everyone will understand."
"You never did the wedding-and-baby thing, you just did the baby thing!"
"God! I love _____ and I want to be with them!"
"I don't want my children growing up, not knowing who their father is! Because it's just...it's crap!"
"You know, I'm free and single and it's great."
"He's/She's all mouth but no trousers."
"You just can't ignore the chemistry between us."
"I put everything on hold for you."
"You don't know if you love me?"
"Of course I love you, I just wish you would've told me!"
"I've done the big, white wedding and, believe me, it doesn't always end in happily ever after."
"Did you feel that way before you got married?"
"Do you think I'm letting you down?"
"You were the first person I've ever loved."
"Let's not get married just yet."
"Let's just get out of here and see the world, okay?"
"You love me. And you know it."
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dr-lamb · 9 years
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Based on this
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dr-lamb · 9 years
*takes a few notes* hmmmm hmm hm hm. hmmm? hm. hm! hm. *kisses your nose* hm!!!!!!!!!! hm. hm. *kisses you* science.
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dr-lamb · 9 years
peeks in
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dr-lamb · 9 years
dream, delusion, or the pain of a phantom limb – to one man, they are as real as rain. reality is consensus… and the people are losing faith. take a walk, andrew. it is raining in rapture… and you have simply chosen not to notice.
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dr-lamb · 9 years
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“Mother,” Eleanor still found it difficult to speak to the woman, “if it’s not a bother I have been wanting to speak to you.” Somehow, she always felt she was bothering her mother. 
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“Of course it isn’t a bother,”  Sofia said, putting aside her paperwork and looking at the girl over her dark frames. “Please, have a seat.                     What is it that you need, my darling?”
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dr-lamb · 9 years
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“Ah--” she hadn’t been expecting anyone but that was no reason to turn them away.                               “What can I do for you?”
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dr-lamb · 9 years
 looking for some new threads, so let me know if...
-crawls at-
-medicates u-
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dr-lamb · 9 years
There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed
Albert Schweitzer
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