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doyoungzwrld · 11 months ago
I forgot all about my fanfic, I have been so busy with school sorryyyy😭😭😭
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doyoungzwrld · 2 years ago
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Chapter 1.
More Chapters
3rd Person???
“Hyung, where are we going?” Sunoo asked Heeseung as the others boarded the private plane.
Heeseung kept quiet, that was unusual of him as he was usually nagged the younger ones. But today–today he felt off…
“Listen here you little piece of- oh hey Heeseung, aren’t you excited for the surprise?” Jay paused before he hit niki to smile at his older member, excited for what lays in store for them when they make it to their surprise.
After the members boarded the plane, everyone were still finding their seats. Heeseung, Jake, and Jay sat on the left of the plane, while Niki, Jungwon, Sunoo, and Sunghoon sat on the right. All doing what they usually do. Be chaotic, bully each other and what-not.
“Hey guys, is it just me or all this playing around has gotten me hungry” Niki yawned while throwing himself onto the soft chair.
The other members collectively agreed with him while Heeseung stayed silent, keeping his eyes outside staring at the shimmering ocean.
Niki went to the back of the plane and brought back some snacks and a couple drinks and gave each member their own food.
“Hey hyung, you don’t look too well, do you want some snacks too?” Niki held the bag of chips up at Heeseungs face but he declines. “What about you Sunoo, are you hungry?”
“Nah, I don’t really have an appetite right now but thanks” Sunoo flashes a smile kind of scared to ride a plane over such a big ocean for a long time.
“Hahaha- Sunoo’s just scared because he’s on a plane” Jungwon teased.
“Hey–that’s not funny!” Sunoo frowned and turned his head back to his own corner.
Two hours later, almost everyone was sound asleep, the sun just now setting and the only one awake, Sunoo was doodling in his small journal. He felt restless for some reason, something didn’t feel right about today. Like they weren’t meant to be here…
“Hey (pilots name), are we almost there yet?” Sunoo asks the pilot but to his surprise, the pilot doesn’t answer.
His eyes squint, glaring at the pilot. “Okay… I’ll take that as a no” and he goes back to his journal.
Suddenly the plane jerks back, making everyone’s body lift out of their seats just by an inch.
“Woah, guys I feel a little scared now…” Sunoo whines to look back his members but everyone is still asleep. Nobody seems to move, or even react to commotion. The silence is loud but the shaking plane turns Sunoo’s attention to the pilot’s seat.
“Hey, (pilots name), are you okay?”
No answer…
Sunoo walks up to the pilot, “Hey, whats your prob–“ His feet stopped, his body is paralyzed with fear as he stares at the pale corpse infront of him. “W–What, oh no, the pilot…” Sunoo trips over his words in a panicked state, his stomach does backflips and he breaks into a cold sweat, hands clammy.
The pilot is dead…
Soon, the plane looses its balance in the air and starts to head downwards into the ocean.
Sunoo’s POV
There has to be an autopilot button somewhere like in the movies, right? I touch everybutton I see on the dashboard, hoping it’ll get this plane up again.
Urgh- Slam!
What is wrong with me? I have never flown a plane before so how will me pressing every button solve this deadly situation…
I sprint towards my sleeping members, hoping they��ll be able to help.
“Guys- wake up,”I shake their bodies but to no avail, they don’t wake up, “Wait– wheres Heeseung Hyung?” I run around the plane looking for him but its like he disappeared…
I don’t have time to be looking for him, I run back up to the pilots corpse and I push his dead body out of the seat and I sit down.
Chills run down my spine, I feel disgusted and contaminated after touching his body but I have to find a way stabilize this plane again.
I look at the handles of the wheel and I try to move it up and then suddenly …
(sorry for any mistakes in the story)
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doyoungzwrld · 2 years ago
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HOME - Enhypen Fanfic
“Have you no memories?”
“I am made of memories..”
-The Song of Achilles
TW: Angst, de*th, su*cide, some mature themes, 13+
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
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