dovew1ngs · 2 months
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
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Boba Fett stimboard for an anon! [sources]
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
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Blues clues + kidcore stimboard
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This was a request!
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
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thinking about cuddling with my fictional caregivers while they tell me that they love me so much and that they will do anything to protect me 🥺💞
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
Imagine your caregiver F/O reading you a bedtime story.
Proshippers/variants DNI. DNI DDLG/ABDL/if you sexualize littlespace in any capacity.
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
i think it would be really important for littles who use babytalk/littlespeak to provide translations. a lot of people who are neurodivergent, have learning disabilities that involve reading, or use screenreaders find baby talk hard to read. i find myself often having to reread littlespeak posts upwards of 10 times to figure out what they are saying.
i mean, you’re allowed not to, it’s your blog and you can do whatever you want. but accessibility is always nice.
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
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From my Instagram !! [ same user ]
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
This channel has a lot of wonderful lullaby/ambiance content aimed towards babies and children, but my favorites are the ones that replicate baby mobiles, so here's a list of all of the baby mobile videos I could find :) enjoy!
Airplanes ✈️
Owl Star Umbrella + Rain ☂️
Bees 🐝
Hot Air Balloons 🎈
Space Shapes ⭐
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
Dealing with guilt and shame around age regression
I've been dealing with some guilt towards my regression the past couple days. I have been feeling self conscious and embarrassed about my regression and it's been making it harder to relax and let myself get into little space. I took some time this afternoon to brain storm a few things I can do and I wanted to share!!
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🐸 Write it out! I have a "worry" journal. I set a 15 minute timer for myself and just let myself write whatever has been bothering me. After the 15 minutes is over I close the journal and throw it across my room.
🐌 You could also write a letter to someone talking about your feelings. This doesn't mean you have to give them that letter!! Sometimes it is soothing to write to someone who hurt you and then rip it up into tiny little pieces afterwards. Another option is to write a letter to your CG about how much you appreciate them and their support :)
🐸 Positive affirmations! I keep a sticky note on my chore chart of a few affirmations I can say to myself when I am worked up.
🐌 Meditation/Mindfulness. You can do ones that are made for kids if it helps! There are also kids toys that are geared at helping little ones slow down and take some deep breaths. My Furby has a relax mode where he guides me to do some breathing. It is both silly and relaxing enough to distract my brain for a little bit.
🐸 Ask your CG to write you a letter you can read when you are dealing with tough emotions. If you have a fictional CG you can write yourself a note pretending to be them! There are also people out there who will write you letters from your CG. Even if you don't have a CG, you can write a letter to yourself. When you are feeling big, write a letter of all the kind things you wish you could say to little you.
🐌 Age regression can be part of a healthy coping toolbox. You are not doing anything wrong by regressing. It is okay to regress. It is okay to take time for you. It is okay to do something that is just for your own happiness.
🐸 You are allowed to take up space. You are allowed to be messy and noisy and playful. You deserve love and care. You deserve to have your needs met. I'm sorry others in your life let you down and made you feel this way. But it will be okay, and we can heal together, I promi.
🐌 Remember; it is okay to take a break from voluntary regression for any reason. Your stuffies and dollies will understand and they will be there for you when you return. ♥️
Feel free to add your own!
If you are continually dealing with feelings of guilt and shame, don't be afraid to reach out to someone. It can hard to unlearn these sorts of things on your own. You aren't weak for needing extra support.
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
♡ the regressors who are no contact with their parents/whole family
♡ the regressors who don't know how to regulate their emotions without their cg/mommy/daddy/partner
♡ to the regressors who can't afford gear
♡ to the regressors who go through life alone
♡ to the regressors who feel like they're a burden to others
♡ to the regressors who need help with things that are really simple for other littles
♡ to the regressors who regress when things are hard or uncomfortable for them
♡ to the regressors who are having to hide themselves and their regression
- you are all so loved and cherished and my account is a safe space for all of you 🫂💕
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
Shoutout to all the crybaby regressors!!!
It's okay to cry!!!
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
Asks about your fictional caregiver!
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This is for everyone who has any type of fictional caregiver, regardless of if that's platonic, romantic, ect! Be respectful when asking and remember to send an ask to the person who you reblog this from!
I will be making a fictional regressor version soon as well!
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🐶. Who are your fictional caregivers? Do you have a 'main' one?
🐳. Is there an age and/or animal you find yourself regressing to around your caregiver? Alternatively if you have multiple fictional caregivers is there a different age and/or animal you regress to around each one?
🐇. Talk about your relationship! Is it platonic, romantic, ect, what is your dynamic like?
🦖. What can your fictional caregiver do to get you into your regression headspace?
🐙. Do they have any nicknames for you? Is there meaning behind them?
🐛. Does your fictional caregiver a specific type of caregiver? (Ie a parental caregiver, a doctor caregiver, an angel caregiver, ect)
🐧. Is there anything your caregiver helps you with while you're regressed?
🦝. What are they like as a caregiver? Feel free to talk about as many as you want.
🐏. What would your fictional caregiver do if you were upset? How would they comfort you?
🐄. If you had a nursery how would you decorate it? Would your caregiver(s) be allowed to decorate it too?
🐘. If you had a play date with another fictional regressor or fictional caregiver who would they be? Would you like to do anything specific with them?
🐯. What would your ideal day with your fictional caregiver look like?
🐭. What meals and/or treats would they make you? Is there something they only really make you when you're regressed?
🦉. Do you have any regression gear that you use around them?
🦄. Do they have any particular activities they like doing while you're regressed?
🐈. Do they have any toys they like to play with you while you're regressed?
🦇. Do you have any TV shows you'd watch together? Are they 'typical' regression shows?
🐼. Do you have any video games that you would play with your fictional caregiver?
🐍. If you want to make an edit based around your relationship with your caregiver(s)
🐝. Talk about your fictional caregiver! It can be any information you want to share about them- It doesn't need to be caregiver or regression related!
🐤. Free space for any question I missed!
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
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~ bedtime ~
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
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Care Bears agere mood board
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
Clingy tiny x clingy cg.. 💭
“Hey kid, why don’t you come over here and snuggle with me on the couch! We can watch any cartoon you like sweetheart.”
“Dada.. can you hold my hand?”
“Baby, can I rock you to sleep tonight? I want some time with my little darling.”
“Can I have a bottle tonight please..? I want you to hold me.”
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
lets show some love to the regressors who...
note: slight mentions of trauma/mental health issues - can only do/feel comfortable with non-physical punishments - feel uncomfortable with calling carers daddy, having a masc presenting one - feel uncomfortable using parental names - are very sensitive in their headspace and need constant reassurance - have impure regression, or use regression to cope with mental health problems - have trauma is linked to their regressing - have age regression blocks or periods that there's a lot of regressing, and then none (you're still a regressor -fellow one who does this) - when tiny, struggle to self-regulate and feel a lot of big feelings intensely - have a lot, or mostly involuntary regression that's really bumpy- switching from little age to little age - regress so tiny, that they also get frustrated with the effects (ex: upset it's hard to use your words, or can't walk around without stumbling/bumping into things -also me) - have big or intrusive thoughts while tiny - are flips (you don't have to be big, let alone a caregiver all the time) - feel tiny, but not tiny enough for most activities (like too big for coloring, dolls, cartoon, etc)
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As someone who also struggles with most of these things, I think it's important to talk about them. Yes, they don't fit the "cutesy pinterest tiktok agere" people are used to, but regression is different for everyone. I just wanna say, you're not alone.
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dovew1ngs · 2 months
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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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