doukyuusei-mp3 · 2 years
“Say ‘Ahhhh’”
“(WHA?! WHOA! He ate it…)”
“What…? You’re staring…”
“Oh, uh… just really emotional.”
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“Do it for me.”
“What’s with you…?”
“(I can’t say it with a straight face.)”
“………………… SOOOO GOOD!”
“It’s the same as from your spoon.”
“No, no… Heheheh….Yum!………[opens mouth] Seconds, please.”
“No. Each of us present can just…”
“Come on, just a bit more…”
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 2 years
Could you please post that scene where kusakabe asks out sajou from the drama cd ver
Thank you ~
Hello! I've already posted this one, you can find it here! ^^
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 2 years
do you know why when they get together they don't call each other by their first name? Is this normal in Japan? Because I find it a bit frustrating
It is the norm in Japan to address each other by family name as a formality, and progressing to first name basis without honorifics indicates a level of closeness or intimacy. Though how comfortable one feels with going first name basis depends on the person and also the type of relationship in question. (There are even some married couples with children that don't often call each other by first name, instead referring to each other as "okaa-san" or "otou-san." You can see this with Kusakabe's parents!)
If you refer to the Sotsugyousei side chapters, Kusakabe calls Sajou by his given name briefly, which makes Sajou blush. It seems he's not quite ready to take things there yet, as well as just being embarrassed by his name.
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Kusakabe and Sajou deciding to call each other by their given names in O.B. indicates how close they've become, and shows them moving on to the next stage of their relationship.
Keep in mind that I am not Japanese myself and thus am not at all an expert or authority on the subject, and I would instead recommend looking into sources written by people who live in Japan! ^^
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 2 years
*Phone buzzing*
“Oh! …‘Lo? Hey! How you been? Yup. ….Seriously? For real? Whoa. Holy crap. Double congrats! Wow. That’s great! …Yeah. Mm-hmm. See ya!”
*Hangs up*
“Tani, Tani! The guy I was in that band with.”
“He’s getting married.”
“Shotgun wedding.”
“WHAT?! …..Really?”
“Incredible, huh? Freaked me right out. Tani, a dad! I can’t picture it.”
“You’re thinking something weird.”
“Kids. Giving your parents grandkids. Passing on your genes. Preservation of the species. Evolutionary dead end.”
“Huh? No. Not quite that far.”
“…But I do think about…”
“How you… would be such a good dad. That stuff.”
“[[Hurry up! Come on, Dad!]]”
“You could… have… that future, honestly.”
“Listen, okay? You can’t have everything.”
*Kusakabe pinches Sajou’s cheek*
“You’re a greedy one, Sajou. I’m making the best choices for me at every turn. And… I know I’m going to be happy. And… I…”
“…I know I’m going to… make… you happy.”
“? Is that funny?”
“*Laughs* O-oh, no.”
*Sajou rests his head on Kusakabe’s shoulder*
“2 more years, huh? …..When we turn twenty… please marry me.”
“…I… I just kind of wanted to say it, too, so I did!”
*Kusakabe tackle-hugs Sajou and spins him around*
“AAH! HEY! Watch out! We’ll get hurt!”
*They collapse*
“Aaah….. I love you.”
*Sajou embraces Kusakabe*
“I love you, too.”
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 2 years
“Okay. I’ll text when I’m on my way home.”
“What about supper?”
“Right… can we decide when I get back? We could go out somewhere.”
“Oh. I was just… thinking we’re like newlyweds.”
“Come on. Where’s my goodbye kiss?”
“No. You’ll just drag it out. I’ll be late.
“Whaaat? You’re so mean!”
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 2 years
“D-… Did you say boyfriend?”
“Huh? Oh.”
“You were all “Someone asked if my boyfriend was here.””
“Oh… um. My…. my friend.”
“Your friend?”
“From school. A guy. And a girl. They… asked me. Sorry, I should have talked to you first.”
“Oh, no, that’s totally fine. Friends?
“Uh. Uh-huh”
“Friends… You’ve made friends?! That’s great!”
“Am I that…? Do I… really seem like such an introvert?”
“Nah. I mean, well, there’s that. Hunh. I’m so happy to hear that!”
“…You’re weird.”
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 2 years
Hello! I’ve updated all the O.B. audio transcripts to match the official English release! (*´꒳`*)
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 3 years
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 3 years
*Phone buzzing*
“Oh! ...‘Lo? Hey! How you been? Yup. ....Seriously? For real? Whoa. Holy crap. Double congrats! Wow. That’s great! ...Yeah. Mm-hmm. See ya!”
*Hangs up*
“Tani, Tani! The guy I was in that band with.”
“He’s getting married.”
"Shotgun wedding.”
“WHAT?! .....Really?”
“Incredible, huh? Freaked me right out. Tani, a dad! I can’t picture it.”
“You’re thinking something weird.”
“Kids. Giving your parents grandkids. Passing on your genes. Preservation of the species. Evolutionary dead end."
"Huh? No. Not quite that far.”
“...But I do think about...”
“How you... would be such a good dad. That stuff.”
“[[Hurry up! Come on, Dad!]]”
“You could... have... that future, honestly.”
“Listen, okay? You can’t have everything.”
*Kusakabe pinches Sajou’s cheek*
“You’re a greedy one, Sajou. I’m making the best choices for me at every turn. And... I know I’m going to be happy. And... I...”
“...I know I’m going to... make... you happy."
“? Is that funny?”
“*Laughs* O-oh, no.”
*Sajou rests his head on Kusakabe’s shoulder*
“2 more years, huh? .....When we turn twenty... please marry me.”
“...I... I just kind of wanted to say it, too, so I did!”
*Kusakabe tackle-hugs Sajou and spins him around*
“AAH! HEY! Watch out! We’ll get hurt!”
*They collapse*
“Aaah..... I love you.”
*Sajou embraces Kusakabe*
“I love you, too.”
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 3 years
“Ahh, we’re finally home! I’m pooped! Ahhh, yeah, that was so good! But I’m so exhausted! The weather was great, and everyone looked like they had a good time too! Oh yeah, we even got congratulatory money! I was really sweatin’ buckets for a second there! Seriously-”
*Sajou embraces Kusakabe from behind*
“.....I didn’t want to apologize. I really, really didn’t want to apologize. But then I... I’m sorry.....”
*Kusakabe cups Sajou’s face*
“...Even so, I’m kind of happy.”
“(Cutie...) Well, it’s like... hmm, what I’m saying is... like, you apologized on my behalf too. And it just made me think, “He and I are really together now. Ahh... we’ve really become one.””
“.....You’re so positive...”
“Haha, yup.”
*Kusakabe embraces Sajou*
“Because today is the happiest day of my life.”
*Sajou wakes up in the middle of the night, tucks in and kisses a sleeping Kusakabe on the cheek. He begins texting his father*
“(I was happy you came today. I wish we’d talked earlier. If we had, maybe Mom could have come with you. I’m sorry I couldn’t thank you earlier. But I’m not going to apologize anymore. Thank you. I’m...”
“(I am happy.)”
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 3 years
“Sajou-kun! Um, just now, someone from the ceremony hall gave this to me. They said it came from some old guy who said he was your relative. Apparently he just left the congratulatory gift and went on home. They asked if he’d at least like to give ya a greeting, but he declined saying that was enough.”
“When? When did they say he came?”
“J-Just a moment ago. Oh, and, he also left this with it for Kusakabe-kun... Sajou-kun!”
*Sajou takes off running until he catches up*
“DAD!! .......You... you actually came.....”
*Kusakabe catches up*
“Rihito! ....Oh, um... about this...”
“...My wife made a list of songs for the present she wanted to give you. I found it on the day your wedding invitation arrived. ...She was very grateful for the CD.“
“...Dad!! .....I’m sorry.....”
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 3 years
“Welcome. It’s the perfect day for a wedding. Fittingly, the young couple is starting their new life under a clear blue sky, where the brilliant sunlight is pouring down...”
“...Sorry. About earlier.”
“Huh? Ah, no, I’m the one who should be sorry...”
“When the officiant gives the signal, I’ll open the door. At that point, please proceed into the hall.”
“...Can I kiss you?”
“Do you even have to ask?”
“Everyone, please welcome them with warm applause. Go ahead.”
*The doors open, everyone claps*
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 3 years
Koma: “Geez, what’s this? You came back to the waiting room? I’ve been looking everywhere for you!!”
Sajou: “Oh, we’re sorry...”
Koma: “Anyway, that aside, look at this! SURPRISE~! Aren’t they cute~? They’re flower crown veils~! I coordinated them to match your boutonnieres~! They’re a present from me~! Come now, try them!”
*Sajou and Kusakabe put the veils on*
Sajou & Kusakabe: “...”
Sajou: “Uh... thank you very much...”
Miyamura: “It’s about time to stop welcoming guests! HUH?! WHAT’S THIS?! HOW LOVELY!! WOW!!!”
Koma: “I know, right~?”
Miyamura: “Ohhh, it’s almost like, you’re already...!”
Sajou: “Miyamura-san...”
Kawanishi: “It’s too early to cry.”
Miyamura: “Waaah, but, when they’re already like this, I can’t help it!!”
Kawanishi: “Oh... that’s right, Sajou-kun... um, your father is the only one who hasn’t come yet...”
Sajou: “...Okay. ...It’s alright. We can start. Thank you.”
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 3 years
“Okay, I’m going to attach the flowers.”
“Thank you very much.”
“Oh yeah, Kusakabe. I saw it. That soda commercial. With your song.”
“Ah, I’m very sorry, but please try to keep still!”
“Ahhh, err...”
“I just happened to turn on the TV, and your name appeared in the corner. Pretty impressive.”
“WHAT soda commercial?”
“Well, it’s, uhhhh...”
“They’re using your song? In a commercial?”
“Yeah, but, ummm, really... just, like, since yesterday... it was only super recently... that they started playing it...”
“Didn’t I tell you to tell me about things like this right away?”
“Uh, well, yeah! You did say that...”
“This is so typical of you. Even though I’ve said it so many times.”
“Err, yeah, you really have... but I like your angry face...”
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 3 years
 Miyamura: Welcomeee~!
Kawanishi: Hey, don’t say “welcome” like that. What are ya, a saleswoman?
Miyamura: Oh! You’re right! I shouldn’t be like that! Uhhh, I’m just kinda nervous, is all...!
Tani: Congratulations!
Miyamura: Ah, th-thank you for making time in your busy schedule to come today!
Tani: No problem, I’m happy to be here. Here you go.
*Tani hands Miyamura the wedding gift*
Miyamura: Thank you very much. I will take care of this.
Kawanishi: Now, please write your name here...
Tani: Okay.
Mayumi: Hey, Papa! Look! It’s so cuteee!!
Tani: Oh, a welcome board made out of cookies! Awesome!
Kusakabe: I know, right?
Kusakabe: Hey there!
Kusakabe: (Oh, that’s right... Tani’s wife was one of the original Z’GOK fans.) Ahh, well, you know...
Tani’s Wife: AHHH, IN THE FLESH!!! Um! I-If you don’t mind, c-could I shake your hand...
Tani: Hey, now! This isn’t the kind of day for that.
Sajou: Hikaru.
Kusakabe: Rihito!
Sajou: Excuse me for interrupting. The flower coordinator wants to fasten the boutonnieres on us.
Kusakabe: Boutonnieres?
Sajou: It’s a flower attached to the lapel.
Kusakabe: ‘Kay.
Tani: Ohh, Sajou-kun! Congrats!
Sajou: Oh, thank you.
Tani: Sorry about my wife.
Sajou: Uh, it’s... it’s no problem...
Kusakabe: Let’s go, Rihito! Well then, we’ll see you later!
Tani: See ya!
Endou: .....You know...
Tani: Hm?
Endou: Er, I thought something like this... how do I put it... I thought it would feel really weird. But like... it’s not like that at all. I feel like I get it. Yeah, I’m glad I came. Thank you for inviting me, Tani.
Tani: Yeah...
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 3 years
“That sure was exhausting. My family’s pretty loud. Or like, it’s only my mom who’s loud. But she makes about as much noise as 100 people all by herself.”
“No, it was fine. But, well, I was nervous.”
“I’m proud of you. ...My dad’s pretty old, right? You know, this is his second marriage.”
“His previous wife passed away... and he was my mom’s boss. That’s why remarriage was pretty difficult. People said all sorts of stuff about it too. Even so, they got married.”
“My condolences on the loss of your mother.”
“Oh, yes, sorry. Thank you...”
“They gave us something to take home! I wonder what’s inside?”
“Whaaat? That’s awesome.”
“I heard about your father.”
“...My dad hardly ever lived with us. So, I think it really was a shock for him to find out about all this so suddenly. It’s futile asking him to understand, even though I think it would be better if he understood... I wonder if it’s selfish to think that...”
“It might be more so that you want him to understand... regardless of whether or not you want to ask him to do so... don’t you think?”
“...You have a wonderful father.”
“He’s also... so similar to you.”
“What?? Hahaha, seriously? But that makes me happy. Because I love my dad a whole lot.”
“Well, it’s not like I don’t...”
“It’s not like I hate my dad...”
*Sajou pulls Kusakabe in for a kiss*
“...We’ll make it a good ceremony.”
*They hold hands*
“(Hara-sensei... Miyamura-san... Kinosaki... Tani-kun... and everyone who’s been kind to us... we sent out invitations to our wedding to them, addressed from the two of us. And... we also sent one to my dad. He should be getting it any day now...”)
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 3 years
“You didn’t have to wear a tie, y’know? I mean, I’m not wearing one.”
“I have to when I’m... wearing a suit.”
“But you didn’t have to wear a suit.”
“I have to when I’m...”
“You know, I know it’s pointless to say don’t be nervous, but... “
*Kusakabe takes Sajou’s hand*
“I’m here with you.”
“It’s right this way.”
“Shall we head in?”
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