My Sim Nation
32 posts
Welcome to my Simblr! I'm Jay, and this is your gateway to the captivating tales from my Sim Nation legacy file. Dive into a world of narratives, emotions, and adventures as I share the intricate stories that unfold within my Simiverse. Join me on this journey through generations, where the lives of my Sims come to life in vivid and unexpected ways. Explore the drama, love, and humor that make up the tapestry of my Sim Nation legacy.
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jayletrill · 1 year ago
Winterfest 2023
Windenburg - Labeau House
Alexa - Play "This Christmas" by Donny Hathaway
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"Hang all the mistletoe I'm going to get to know you better..."
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"And as we trim the tree, how much fun it's going to be together...."
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"The fireside is blazing bright..."
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"We're caroling through the night!"
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"Parents and cards are here. My world is filled with cheer and you..."
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"And as I look around your eyes outshine the town, they do..."
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"The fireside is blazing bright, and we're caroling through the night..."
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"So special for you and me. Yes, it will be."
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"Shake a hand y'all"
"Family, hey, we'll be together to make this Winterfest bright."
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"Yes, we will."
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jayletrill · 1 year ago
Windenburg - Winter 2023
Shawn Labeau (68), Siobhan Labeau (69)
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The Labeau home underwent a transformation with Irvin's departure for college, leaving Shawn and Siobhan as empty nesters. This shift in dynamics opened up a new chapter in their lives, marked by the exploration of newfound freedom and shared moments.
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Shawn, always an early riser, took up the responsibility of preparing breakfast for Siobhan. He quietly slipped from the bed making sure not to disturb her as she slept soundlessly.
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For many years Siobhan had taken the time to wake up early and feed the family before going to work. This role reversal was something that they both found fulfilling.
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The quiet mornings allowed them to focus on each other and rekindle the passion that defined their earlier years.
With the house to themselves, their days unfolded with diverse activities.
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Shawn, with a familial green thumb, tended to his garden. It may not have been as large as his sisters, but he was proud of it all the same.
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Meanwhile Siobhan discovered a new interest in video games, realizing the allure that had captivated their son, Irvin.
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Every once and a while Jaqueline would visit for a game of chess with her Siobhan. On one of these days she had her cousin Vanessa in tow.
Siobhan was delighted to see her niece, but wondered what brought her all the way from Oasis Springs to visit.
After all, Winterfest was still a few weeks away.
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"It would be nice if your sister would make the time to visit." Siobhan said as she studied the board.
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"To be fair, she is all the way in Newcrest. It's not exactly next door, mom." Jaqueline replied.
"Well your cousin managed to pop in. New Crest is not that far away from Oasis Springs" she reasoned.
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"She's hear to celebrate your fourth grandchild" Jaqueline said motioning to herself.
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"Oh honey how wonderful!" Siobhan exclaimed popping out of her seat to gather her daughter in her arms. "Winterfest will be so much brighter this year!"
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After the hugs and celebrations Siobhan took a moment to privately address her concerns with Vanessa.
"I heard you and your mother spoke." Siobhan began. "Are you okay? There won't be a repeat of last years Winterfest will there?"
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"Of course she spoke to you about it" Vanessa huffed. She was annoyed at the way news was spread in the family. She and her mom still hadn't spoken since their last conversation, but Vanessa promised herself that she would not make another scene during the holidays for Talia's sake.
"There won't be any trouble this year Auntie. I'll speak to mom at a later time."
"Good" Siobhan replied immune to Vanessa's attitude.
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After Jaqueline's visit the rest of their days buzzed by with anticipation.
Shawn and Siobhan increased their visits to Jaqueline's home in an effort to spend as much time as they could with their grandchildren, before their new sibling arrived.
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Shawn made sure to stay as active as he could in their new home gym, which Siobhan greatly appreciated.
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And before they knew it Winterfest was a few days way and once again the house would be filled with the laughter and spirit of the whole Labeau - Augustin clan once again.
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jayletrill · 1 year ago
Foxbury Institute - Fall 2023
Irvin Labeau (20), Tamara Scott (20), and Maximilliano Andrade (20)
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The crew embarked on their freshman year, where they were confronted with demanding coursework, offering them a firsthand lesson on the delicate art of balancing academics and life.
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Tamara continued to forge a connection with Brendan, though unbeknownst to her, Brendan was keeping his options open as well.
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Recognizing Brendan's true intentions rather swiftly, Irvin felt compelled to convey his sentiments. Over a game of pong, he confided, "Tamara's not your run-of-the-mill girl. She's something extraordinary. Extraordinary enough that I'd go to great lengths for her, if you catch my drift." With that, he knocked the ball emphatically across the room, conveying his message to Brendan quite effectively.
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Max, on the other hand, discovered a unique connection of his own. Cassandra, the local librarian, intrigued him like no other Sim before.
Towards the semester's end, he mustered the courage to invite her to spend time at the commons. They spent the night engrossed in conversation over a game of chess, speaking so extensively that they completely lost track of time.
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The cafeteria had already closed, prompting them to move to the pub, where Max decided to confess his attraction.
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"How did it go?" Tamara inquired after his return to the dorm that night.
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"I think I've developed a sudden aversion to crowded places," Max replied, his dejection palpable.
"That bad?!" Tamara winced in sympathy.
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Amid their academic endeavors, an unfortunate incident occurred in the dorm: one of their roommates perished when their cereal bowl spontaneously burst into flames. On the bright side, the deceased's poltergeist now roamed the dorm, diligently taking care of any neglected dishes in the common area.
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As the semester drew to a close, the trio eagerly anticipated a break from their relentless studies. Before leaving the dorm, Tamara decided it was time to make her affections known to Brendan, who warmly reciprocated her feelings.
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Meanwhile, Irvin indulged himself by spending quality time with Sophie.
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jayletrill · 1 year ago
Foxbury Institute - Fall 2023
Irvin Labeau (20) , Tamara Scott (20), Maximilliano Andrade (20)
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After careful deliberation, Irvin Labeau made the choice to enroll at Foxbury Institute, differing from his sister's path at Britechester.
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A significant factor in his decision was the knowledge that his two friends, Tamara and Maximilliano, would also be starting their academic journey there in the fall.
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While exploring the campus grounds, Irvin happened upon an extraordinary Sim, the enchanting Sophie Dishman.
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"A fine arts major at Foxbury?" he teased playfully after introducing himself.
"I know," she replied with a smile, "I probably should have opted for Britechester."
"Nah," Irvin responded confidently, "I think you're exactly where you belong."
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Tamara didn't appear to be bothered by Irvin's wandering attentions. She was well aware of Irvin's penchant for romance and found herself fully engrossed in the demanding workload of college.
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She also found herself interested in Brendan Swan. He made her forget all about her high school sweetheart and helped her open up to new options.
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Despite Shawn's warnings, Siobhan successfully navigated her way to Irvin's dorm.
"Mom? What brings you here?" Irvin asked, offering her a polite hug. Her presence was an unwelcome source of tension, and he had to muster a significant amount of charm to persuade her to leave.
"I just wanted to ensure you're adjusting well," Siobhan explained, scanning the room. "We have high expectations for your success here."
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Siobhan's unexpected visit achieved its intended outcome. Irvin concluded that it would be wiser to temporarily pause his dating endeavors and redirect his full attention toward his academic pursuits. He felt a growing concern that even a single F could jeopardize his inheritance.
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"Hey, have you even showered today, bro?" Maximiliano inquired one evening at the commons.
"It's been a never-ending day," Irvin muttered as he wrapped up his dinner. "And I've got a pile of homework waiting for me."
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"You really do smell pretty bad, Irvin," Tamara remarked. Irvin chose to disregard her and pulled out his homework book, preparing to tackle his assignments. However, when Sophie joined them at the table, he sensed it was time to call it quits and head for a shower.
"I'll catch you all later," he mumbled, hastily stowing his books and making a beeline for the dormitory.
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jayletrill · 2 years ago
Newcrest- Summer 2023
Marshawna Augustin (68), Talia Augustin (10), Vanessa Power (29)
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"Nessa agreed to stop by for a chat," Marshawna informed Talia one evening. "She should be here shortly."
"Okay," Talia replied, her focus returning to her art table. Marshawna couldn't help but notice a slight improvement in her mood since their conversation the previous night.
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The doorbell chimed, prompting Marshawna to head downstairs to greet her daughter, Vanessa. They settled on the living room couch, and Vanessa patiently waited for her mother to begin.
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"I asked you to come over because I want to discuss our disagreement at Winterfest," Marshawna started. "Your sister overheard part of our conversation, and it bothered her to see us at odds. I'd like us to find a way to understand each other better."
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"I'm sorry she overheard us, but I didn't feel right keeping something so significant from her. Especially since you've chosen to forgive Anthony for what he did," Vanessa replied.
"Vanessa, there comes a point in life where holding onto grudges doesn't serve you anymore. I understand the pain the affair caused you, but both your father and Anthony are no longer with us. Don't you think you might be overreacting?"
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"Overreacting?" Vanessa retorted, irritation in her voice. "That's not why I came here," she said, standing up and heading for the front door.
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"I'm not the one who had the affair, Vanessa, and it's not fair that you're trying to punish me for wanting to move on with my life," Marshawna replied, growing irritated by her daughter's behavior.
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"Excuse me?!" Vanessa snapped, turning to face her mom.
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"I'm not upset with you for moving on, Mom. I'm upset because you never bothered to include me in what was happening. Even now, you want to exclude Talia just to make it easier for you. Something terrible happened in our family, and I never even saw you and Dad argue about it. He passed away, and that was it. Then you forgave Anthony too. Talia may not remember, but I do, Mom. I was upset too, but we never talked about it. We just carried on like everything was normal."
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"I didn't realize you felt that way," Marshawna said, taken aback by her daughter's words.
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"Yeah, well, you never asked," Vanessa countered.
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Meanwhile, upstairs, Talia was awakened by the yelling coming from the living room. Concerned for her sister and mom, she made her way downstairs.
"Is everything okay?" Talia called from the top of the stairs.
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Marshawna motioned for Vanessa to follow her to the couch while she took a seat. Guilt washed over Vanessa as she realized that she had once again worried her little sister.
"We're okay, T," Vanessa reassured her. "You can come down if you want."
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Talia descended the stairs and sat next to her mom on the couch. "Why do you keep fighting?" she asked, looking up at her sister.
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"Sometimes, as you get older, you get frustrated about things you wish were different when you were younger," Vanessa began as she took a seat beside her. "I guess there was a lot I needed to say to Mom, and I didn't know how to say it in a way that would help."
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"We're family," Talia said with wisdom beyond her years. "We stick together even when we're angry."
Vanessa nodded, acknowledging her little sister's insight. "You're right, T," she said. "It's getting late. I should head home," Vanessa added, glancing at her mom, who was wiping the countertop in the kitchen.
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"I can walk you out!" Talia offered, hopping up from the couch to accompany her sister to the door.
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"I'm really sorry, T," Vanessa began. "My behavior toward Mom was unacceptable, and I don't like that I upset you. I love you and Mom more than anything in the world, and I don't know what I'd do if I lost either of you."
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"It's okay, Nessa," Talia reassured her. "We forgive you because you're family, and that's what families do."
As Vanessa left her mother's house that evening, she carried with her a profound realization. She understood that her approach had been unfair and hurtful, and she resolved to have a sincere conversation with her mom to make amends. But as she watched her little sister, Talia, walk her to the door, Vanessa couldn't help but feel grateful for the unbreakable bond they shared. In that moment, she knew that their dad, wherever he may be, would have been proud of the strength and unity that had always defined their family.
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jayletrill · 2 years ago
Newcrest- Summer 2023
Marshawna Augustin (68), Talia Augustin (10)
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Marshawna decided to follow the advice of Jaqueline and Siobhan, carefully considering their words. Anxious anticipation filled her as she waited for Talia's return from school. She positioned herself on the patio, a spot she knew Talia favored for completing her homework.
"Hi there, T. How was your day at school?" she inquired, hoping to gauge her daughter's current mood.
"Eh, it was alright, I guess," Talia replied, her disconnection lingering since Winterfest.
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"I think I'll do my homework inside today," Talia stated, picking up her journal and making her way indoors.
A sigh of both resignation and determination escaped Marshawna's lips. This wouldn't be a simple conversation, but she had resolved to confront the truth.
"Talia, can we have a chat?" Marshawna asked, settling into a seat beside her daughter at the kitchen island.
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"Fine," Talia responded with a hint of reluctance.
"I want to discuss the Winterfest dinner," Marshawna began, opting for directness. "I'd like to know if you caught wind of the conversation between your sister and me."
Talia paused, collecting her thoughts before speaking. "I heard some of it," she admitted.
"I'm curious, T. You've seemed distant ever since then, and I'm genuinely concerned," Marshawna conveyed gently.
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Talia took a moment before responding. "I overheard you two arguing about Daddy," she revealed. "It bothers me when you fight. We're a family."
Marshawna nodded in agreement, acknowledging Talia's perspective. "Absolutely, we are a family, and disagreements aren't ideal. Is that why you've been keeping your distance? Because of the argument?"
Talia nodded slowly. "Yeah, it's just… it's hard when you guys are upset."
"I understand. I'm not upset with your sister, Talia, but we're having a bit of a rough patch," Marshawna clarified.
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"Do you think you could make things right?" Talia inquired, her innocence shining through.
"I believe I can," Marshawna responded, a small smile forming. "Perhaps I'll invite her over to talk about it. Would that be a good step?"
"I think that's a good idea," Talia agreed, a smile matching her mother's. "I'm going to go take a shower now," she added, seeming eager for a temporary escape.
"Of course, dear. Go ahead. I'll reach out to your sister," Marshawna assured.
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As Talia retreated, Marshawna nodded to herself, determined to mend the bond between them. She walked outside to dial her eldest daughters phone number.
The past couldn't be changed, but nurturing their family's connections moving forward was within her control.
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jayletrill · 2 years ago
Newcrest- Summer 2023
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Marshawna Augustin (68), Talia Augustin (10)
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Following the tense Winterfest dinner at Vanessa's, Jaqueline decided to visit her aunt for some much-needed damage control before work.
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"I've got to apologize to you Auntie M." Jaqueline began as they took a seat on the sofa. "I was the one who told Vanessa about your meeting with Antony and she did not take it well. Had I known she would bring it up at Winterfest, I would have stayed out of it."
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"You're not responsible for your cousin's actions. She has a right to be upset, the affair affected her too." Marshawn replied. "Let's have some tea," she suggested making her way to the kitchen.
As the tea brewed the doorbell rang. Siobhan Labeau greeted her sister-in-law with a hug. "Just in time for tea," Marshawna said returning to her kettle.
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"Good because we need to talk about Winterfest dinner," Siobhan said following Marshawna to the kitchen.
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"Talia's been distant since Winterfest and I'm concerned that she knows more than she's sharing," Marshawnna said as she offered the mugs of tea to the ladies.
"She doesn't know about the affair?" Jaqueline winced.
"She was so young at the time. I couldn't bear the thought of tarnishing her father's image for her. Especially not after he passed away so suddenly.
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"She's 10 now," Siobhan said. "Maybe it's time to talk to her about the truth. If she did overhear the conversation, it's better to address it than to let her grow up wondering."
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"I've got to head to work, but I agree with Mom, Auntie M. It's better to get it out now than to let it fester. The last thing you want is for her to start acting out when she's a teenager."
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"Watcher help me!" Marshawna lamented. She knew her sister-in-law and niece were right, but she wasn't sure if she could have this conversation alone. She thought she had made her peace with her husband's affair, but now she felt a little twinge of irritation with him for leaving her with a mess to still clean up.
Jaqueline said goodbye to her mother and aunt leaving Siobhan and Marshawna to further discuss.
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"I'm already facing the disappointment of one upset daughter. The idea of losing Talia too, is devastating," Marshawna confessed. "I find it incredibly difficult to bear the thought of either of them having such a diminished opinion of me."
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"Vanessa won't hold onto her anger indefinitely. Sooner or later, she'll have to release that pain. Just take a deep breath. Once you have that conversation with Talia, things will naturally fall into place," Siobhan reassured, offering solace to her sister-in-law.
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"You're not to blame for any of this. Your efforts are truly commendable. I have complete faith that everything will turn out alright," Siobhan added.
"You think so?" Marshawna asked.
"I do," Siobhan replied.
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"I am so thankful that my brother made you his wife," Marshawna expressed. "Your support has always meant the world to me. It brings me joy to consider you not just a sister-in-law, but a true sister."
"I'm always here for you," Siobhan responded. Unbeknownst to Marshawna, she was the sister that Siobhan had always yearned for.
Having finished her tea, Siobhan made her way back to Windenburg, extending her best wishes to her sister-in-law for the upcoming conversation with her daughters.
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jayletrill · 2 years ago
Pinning this for later. ☺️ Ty
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Master List for Maxis Match Black Hairs
Hey guys! Welcome to my page!! As mentioned before I have been enjoying my time as a new simblr. I created a master list of my go to & specific black mm hairs. This list for all simmers who are looking to find mm for black sims. As a black woman myself, I create sims who look like me, head to toe! Shoutout to all the creators on this list! Some are named more than once because they're that good!!! Without them it really isn’t possible🫶🏾
Happy simming
Xoxo, Bria (gallery ID: sullivanbria)
*note: I am linking to either full download pages or specific hairs I use in my game*
green llamas
Candy sims
Textured hair
Straight hair
Sim trouble
Candy sims
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jayletrill · 2 years ago
Windenburg - Spring 2023
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Jacqueline Thurston (29) Jamie Thurston (30) Darrin Thurston (2) Shawn Thurston (8 mo)
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It’s hard having 2 sims under 3 in the household. Both Jamie and Jaqueline have been struggling to keep up with it all. Even with the help of Jaqueline's parents.
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Jacqueline, who loved the idea of having a big family, soon found herself exhausted from keeping up with two babies and her career as a judge.
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Jamie was happy to be a father but struggled with adjusting to his new life in Windenburg. The countryside was a vastly different landscape from the bustling city that he was used to.
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He found himself caught in a cycle of anxiety and anger. He felt like he was on a roller coaster of emotions, and he didn't know how to get off. He knew he needed to do something to cope, so he reached out to his best bro, Clifton Power.
"The best way to work it out is to work it out," Clifton said, leaning over the chessboard. "Join Powerhouse! It'll help you get your groove back. I'll start a meeting right now."
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One meeting was all it took. Jamie was hooked! The energy he experienced from working out with his bros was unmatched.
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He felt stronger, more confident, and more positive than he had in a long time. The problems he had weren't gone, but he now felt like he could handle them one by one.
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Jamie's newfound confidence did not go unnoticed or unappreciated.
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By the end of Spring, things at the Thurston household were heating up rapidly for the summer.
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Some might say it was heating up even faster than expected.
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jayletrill · 2 years ago
Winter 2022 - Willow Creek
Clifton Power (30), Vanessa Power (29), Vance Power (6), Jean Power (3)
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The morning began with Vance blowing out his candles and welcoming his first year of childhood.
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He was turning 6 years old, and his parents were so proud of him. They had spent a lot of time nurturing their little tike, and they were excited to see him grow into such a well-mannered young Sim.
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Vance, now a six-year-old Sim, was excited to join the older Sims this year and meet his other cousins. His parents had always spoken about the good time they had the year before.
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Vance thought his Grand Uncle Shawn was funny and loud. His laugh tended to fill the room. "The turkey is a little dry, though," he mumbled into the phone. "But the house looks nice, real nice," he continued on.
"Go on and grab a plate, Grand nephew," he said looking at Vance. "It's good. Real good." he smiled.
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Vance tried to tell him that he had already eaten, but it was no use. He wondered over to the kitchen bar to say hello to his cousins.
Vance noticed that his cousin Jamie's eyes were weird and he spoke funny. "College, man. It's da best. It really is." he said
"Mmhmm," Irvin replied dryly as he shoveled turkey into his mouth.
"Trust me, lil dude, you don't want to be in this conversation," Irvin said nodding to a now-slumping cousin Jamie.
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Vance noticed his mom speaking to his Grandma at the dinner table.
"Honestly, I don't understand how you can be so forgiving to someone who ruined our family. Does Talia even know?" his mom said. He'd seen that scary look before.
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"This is no conversation to have at Winterfest, Vanessa. What is wrong with you?" Grandma Shawna replied.
Cousin Jaqui looked down at her food while Great Aunt Siobhan spoke up.
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"There will be plenty of time to discuss this later. Let's enjoy this wonderful party," she said patting his mom's leg. "Vance, dear, go sit with your cousins. This is grown-up business."
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Vance did as he was told and took a seat at the designated kid's table. He noticed his Aunt Talia's sad face as he passed. She was grabbing her own plate of food and must have heard what his mom and grandma were talking about.
Vance wondered if grown-ups' business was always sad and if it always happened during Winterfest. He couldn't be sure yet, but he wanted to learn more.
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jayletrill · 2 years ago
Winter 2022 - Willow Creek
Clifton Power (30), Vanessa Power (29), Vance Power (6), Jean Power (3)
------ Winterfest Planning ------
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The snow fell heavily outside, but Clifton was determined to get the Christmas tree up. He had promised Vanessa that he would do it and he refused to let her down.
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He dragged the tree into the living room and set it up in the corner. It was a beautiful tree, with thick, green branches and a perfect conical shape.
Clifton took a step back to snap a picture and admire his work.
He knew that Vanessa would be pleased. She loved Winterfest, and she always went all out with the decorations. Clifton didn't mind helping out, but he knew that an attempt to start decorating without her would be a recipe for a fight.
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·Vanessa wasted no time setting the ornaments on the tree. She smiled as she meticulously placed each bulb, creating a balanced and symmetrical display.
A few hours later, she stood back to admire her work. The tree was beautiful, with a festive glow that lit up the living room.
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"The tree is beautiful, babe!" Clifton offered, coming up behind her.
"Thank you, honey," she cooed. "We finished just in time for Vance's birthday and Winterfest dinner."
Vanessa was excited to show off the tree and celebrate with their family and friends.
"I can't wait to see Vance's face when he sees it," she said.
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"Me too," Clifton said. "He's going to love it."
They stood in silence for a moment, admiring the tree.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?" he asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be," Vanessa replied.
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jayletrill · 2 years ago
Winter 2022 - Willow Creek
Clifton Power (30), Vanessa Power (29), Vance Power (6), Jean Power (3)
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Clifton poured his drink with a sour look on his face. The tension in his shoulders was becoming unbearable. He stared sourly across the room while he recapped the day.
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The morning with the boys started fine. He woke them up with a warm smile and hugs. He told his office he'd be working from home and figured it couldn't be so hard. Vanessa had been doing it for years at the old house.
The day quickly began to run off the rails as noon hit.
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Jean was the first to interrupt Clifton's work. He burst into the office asking for cookies and would not stop until his demand was answered.
While Clifton was distracted with Jean. Vance poured paint all over the living room floor.
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"Clifton reprimands him." whie pulling out the mop and bucket to clean up. "Mom will be home soon and she will not be happy if she finds paint on the floor."
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He swirls his cup and downs the rest of its contents. Berates himself for losing composure.
He gets a craving for something sweet and decides to raid the fridge. On his way over, Vanessa arrives home.
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"Hey Honey" she says. She kisses him on the cheek and notices her husband seems stiff. "How did everything go while I was gone?"
"Great." he says as he moves towards the kitchen.
"They were great." he replies shortly.
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He sees the cake she made a week ago and grabs for it closing the refrigerator door as he does.
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Vanessa watches Clifton as he eats his cake and makes his way to the dining table.
"Hey, you okay?" she asks looking him in the eye.
Clifton pauses to meet her eyes.
"It's been a rough few days without you here. I don't know how you worked from home with the kids."
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"That's exactly why I decided to hire the nanny and get back in the office but is that all that's going on?" After watching what her parents went through Vanessa wanted to make sure that there was honesty in her marriage.
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Vanessa smiled knowing exactly what her husband needed. "Remember in college how we promised to go on that fishing trip? It is time that we finally take it. Just you and me. We can leave the boys with my mom. No more excuses."'
Clifton looked up at her with the smile she fell in love with. "That's not the only thing I remember from our college days," he said suggestively.
Vanessa blushed. "I remember," she said.
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"Are you sure you can pull yourself away from all this party planning to go to Granite Falls?" he asked.
Vanessa's mind wandered to the Winterfest party and Vance's upcoming birthday.
"I'm sure we can make something work." she offered.
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Clifton shook his head and made his way into the kitchen to clean his bowl. Vanessa followed him.
"I don't know," he said. "I'm also swamped with work right now."
"Come on, we'll probably be ready for a vacation after Winterfest dinner."
"Hmm. That's true." Clifton agreed. "Okay," he said "We'll go."
"Great!" Vanessa exclaimed. "Now, do you mind picking up the Winterfest tree tomorrow?"
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jayletrill · 2 years ago
Winter 2022 - Willow Creek
Clifton Power (30), Vanessa Power (29), Vance Power (5), Jean Power (3)
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Vanessa pulled her cousin into a warm embrace.
"I needed this mini shopping trip, Jackie."
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"I'm glad you could get away," Jaqueline replied returning her cousin's affection.
She was happy that she followed her instinct to invite Vanessa on the last leg of her business trip. Her plan was to enjoy some bubbles and quality time with her favorite cousin.
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"So, we've decided to host Winterfest in Willow Creek this year. " Vanessa said as they took two seats by the bubble blower.
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"Wow, really?!" Jackie coughed. She began to recall Clifton's recent birthday party and how stressed Vanessa had been.
"What? you don't think we should?" Vanessa asked.
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"Uhh.. if you are determined to host I will be there," Jackie said. "But we have to talk about your mom first," she added.
"Okay, what about my mom?"
"So you know Tiffani is traveling for gigs, right?" Jackie began. "Well she booked a show at The Blue Velvet and your mom asked to tag along."
"What?!" It was unusual for her mom to be in town and not drop in.
"Oh, that's not the issue. My dad has convinced her that it's time to start living a little now that Talia is getting older, but it's what happened at The Blue Velvet that's so crazy!"
Vanessa was on the edge of her seat.
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"Anthony was there!" she exclaimed angrily. Her energy garnered the attention of nearby sims.
Vanessa could relate to her cousin's anger. Anthony Williams had destroyed both of their lives. His affair ruined her parent's marriage and his divorce from Jackie sent her to San Myshuno for six months.
"She forgave him," Jackie said before Vanessa could respond.
The news shocked Vanessa. How could her mom be so forgiving of someone who had so little regard for their family? How could she not say anything about it either? Why did Vanessa have to hear this from Jackie?
Vanessa discarded the bubble blower and rose from her seat as tension came over her.
Noticing her shift in mood Jackie followed suit.
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"I'm fine," Vanessa said turning to face her.
"Cousin, it's okay if you aren't because I'm not. Our family has got skeletons and it's okay to have feelings about them."
"I guess I'm not quite ready to forgive Anthony yet," Vanessa admitted.
"I struggle with forgiveness myself sometimes," Jackie replied. "He passed away a few months ago and it's brought up so many emotions. Acceptance has been a real key."
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"Wow, how did you become so profound?" Vanessa said with a teasing smile.
"Hazard of the job, I'm afraid." she snapped back with a smile of her own.
Jackie paused for a moment, noticing the empty court across from them.
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"Hey, let's shoot hoops! " she said with a smile "It'll make us both feel better".
Noticing Vanessa's hesitancy, Jackie smiled intentionally.
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"Trust me it'll totally change your mood. I promise. "
-------------45 mins later--------
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"I can't believe you asked me all the way to San Myshuno to play ball." Vanessa laughed as she launched the ball toward the basketball hoop.
"But how do you feel, playing ball in San Myshuno?" Jackie called, throwing her ball back at her.
The air was crisp and the music from the nearby guitarist was filling the night air.
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"Happy," Vanessa said as she made her shot.
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Jackie picked up her own ball and began to dribble it. "I told you it would make you feel better.
"This used to be my go-to activity on some of those lonely nights here."
It was rare for Jackie to display such vulnerability. The nurturer in Vanessa had her dropping her ball and moving toward her cousin.
"Well," Vanessa began, "if you hadn't moved to San Myshuno. You never would have met Jamie, and I like him better for you. "
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"Nor would I have had Darrin or Shawn. I love those boys. " Jackie said making her own shot.
She watched as the ball sunk into the hoop.
"I'm happy to see mom living her life and that you've been able to move on, " Vanessa said.
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"My dad and Anthony's affair really changed the dynamic of our family unit and even though they are gone, the memory of what they've done is still here."
"Yeah." Jackie agreed, turning to face her cousin. "You're grown now. You don't have to do things on Aunt 'Shawna's time anymore."
"I think it's going to take me a little more time to forgive it," Vanessa admitted.
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"Take all the time you need," Jackie said gathering Vanessa into a hug.
"Thank you, cousin. " Vanessa replied leaning into Jackies embrace.
"Mmhmm. Just one thing Van..."
"I need you to take a shower first when we get back to the hotel. "
"Fair enough. " Vanessa said getting a whiff of herself as she pulled away.
"Fair enough."
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jayletrill · 2 years ago
Windenburg - Winter 2022
Shawn LaBeau (68), Siobhan LaBeau (67), Irvin LaBeau (18)
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In a tragic turn of events last season, Kathleen Beck passed away, and her passing has left Irvin in shambles.
This was the first time that death hit so close to home for Irvin and he wasn't sure how to deal with it.
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Shawn also lost a close friend last season and both deaths left a cloud of heaviness on the entire family.
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Siobhan wasn't sure what the Universe had in store for her family this winter season, but she refused to let grief win.
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In an attempt to distract the family, Siobhan booked a trip to El Selvadorada. Unfortunately, in her haste to take action, she neglected to account for the rainy season in the winter there.
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The first day got off to a rocky start, but by the second night, things had taken a turn for the best.
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Shawn and Irvin found time to speak to each other about the grief they experienced. Irvin poured his heart out to his father.
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"I really liked her," Shawn said.
"I'm sorry son. Sometimes life isn't fair, but we have to hold the line anyway." Shawn struggled to tell his son how only time can mend such things. "I'll be here to support you however I can."
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Eventually, Siobhan and Shawn found themselves enjoying the local bar while Irvin made a new friend.
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After 3 days the novelty of the jungle began to fade and Siobhan began to miss home.
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She decided it would be a good idea to end the trip after a visit to the archaeology museum. She knew Irvin was searching for his path in college and wondered if this trip might unlock a new interest for him.
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It was unclear whether or not the relics of El Salvodorada inspired Irvin enough to declare his major, but they did at least give him a distraction from his grief.
By the time they returned home, he was back to his social self.
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Shawn had turned over an entirely new leaf, beginning to open himself up to more wellness activities.
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Even Siobhan gained a second wind.
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With their last child going to college soon eventually it would only be her and Shawn left in the house.
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What would they do as empty nesters? she wondered.
Only time will tell...
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jayletrill · 2 years ago
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The Grimalldis - Storytelling Poses #1 
Couple Poolside Conversation 
Basic Info:
You need Pose Player
Teleport Any Sim Mod
You can find pose #thegrimalldis
Custom Thumbnails
I did make poses with custom rigs, so clipping may happen!
Don’t claim as your own.
Don’t re-upload.
Download: Patreon/SFS 
@ts4-poses @emilyccfinds @itsjessicaccfinds @softpinefinds @tisimtasticposefinds
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jayletrill · 2 years ago
Newcrest - Summer / Fall 2022
Marshawna Augustin (67), Talia Augustin (9) Feat. Sam Fletcher (6)
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Talia spent her last days of summer enjoying the garden and getting to know her younger cousin Sam.
She found him fun to be around. It was nice to finally have a kid in the family that Talia could hang out with. Her older sister, Vanessa, was closer in age to Sam's mother, Tiffani, and her sister Jaqueline. By the time Talia came around, there was no one her age to play with.
The best part of it all was that Sam lived right next door. So they could play together as much as they wanted to.
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"I see Talia and Sam are hitting it off nicely," Shawn mentioned over breakfast one morning.
"Yes." Marshawna agreed. "It's good for her to have someone her age to play with."
"Talia shouldn't be the only one with a friend her age to play with," Shawn replied.
"Oh, come on now, " he said, noticing her side-eye glance. "It's been 2 years. I'm not saying you gotta jump the broom again, but you should at least get out some and make new friends."
"I'll think about it," Marshawna said.
She could admit that she found her days beginning to run together when Talia was in school. Despite her husband's infidelity, she missed him greatly. His subsequent death was so sudden that she never got the opportunity to find closure, and she kept the affair a secret from Talia. Marshawna didn't want Talia's last memories of her father to be tarnished.
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After a few days of thinking about her twin's words, Marshawna decided to take him up on his advice.
She turned her phone camera on to herself and began to film.
"Hey Shawn, I decided to get out and live a little. Do you think Mt. Komorebi is 'out' enough? I decided to take the kids on a little end-of-summer trip before school starts again. See you in a few days!"
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"I love it here!" Sam exclaimed as he and Talia began to build a snowman together.
They spent their time keeping each other company and riding the bunny slopes.
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While enjoying some spa time, Marshawna took the advice of her hairdresser and died her hair black. It made her feel like a brand-new woman, brave enough to try her own skills on the slopes.
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After a fall that left her sorer than she would have liked, Marshawna decided that she felt a lot more comfortable in the forests of Granite Falls than on the slopes of Mt. Komorebi.
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Back home, Marshawna continued to heed Shawn's advice.
When her niece Tiffani asked her to come out and support her performance at The Blue Velvet, she happily agreed.
While at the bar, Marshawna noticed a familiar face across the room. Determined, she grabbed her drink from the bartender and made her way to the table.
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"Hello, Anthony." Marshawna smiled as she took the seat next to him.
Anthony's eyes grew wide at the sight of her. "Oh, Marshawna! I'm surprised to see you here," he said growing noticeably uncomfortable at her appearance.
Marshawna felt a twinge of satisfaction at his visible discomfort.
Anthony was her niece, Jacqueline's ex-husband. She divorced him for sleeping with Jean, Marshawna's deceased husband.
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"I heard about Jean," he said solemnly. "I am truly sorry for your loss."
Marshawna could have chosen that moment to tell Anthony all of the hateful things she thought about as she processed the betrayal, but after two years and Jean's passing, it seemed pointless.
"I'm sorry for your loss too, Anthony," she said with a shrug.
It was time to let go of the past. Holding on so tightly wasn't what Jean would have wanted; more importantly, it wasn't what she wanted.
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jayletrill · 3 years ago
Newcrest - Summer 2022
Tiffani Fletcher (28), Cameron Fletcher (40), Sam Fletcher (5)
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Sam Fletcher turned 5 this Summer!
The family celebrated with a small party of close family and friends.
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Tiffani was sad to see her baby growing up, but couldn’t wait to meet her new niece or nephew.
“I can’t wait to meet you.” She sung as she gingerly rubbed Jacqueline’s belly.
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Cameron was excited to be done with the toddler phase. They didn’t have the capacity to understand his pranks. Now that Sam was older Cameron was excited to show his son a good time.
He laughed mischievously as he set his trap in Sam’s bathroom.
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Tiffani spoke to Cameron about taking a family trip this summer.
Lucky for her Mt. Komorebi was hosting their Festival of Youth and Tiffani thought it would be an amazing experience for Sam.
“What do you think kiddo? How does a family vacation sound?”
“Yeah!” Sam screamed.
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Summer in Mt. Komorebi came with a chill.
“I’m headed inside. “ Tiffani called to the guys as she walked by.
She was happy to let Sam and Cameron get settled at the festival while she enjoyed a drink.
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“Sam!” Cameron called “Why are you doing that? Don’t do that, go play with Yamachan.”
Sam did as he was told and made his way over to the festival.
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Sam did the Mountain dance with Yamachan and learned about voidcritters for the first time.
He enjoyed himself, but meeting knew friends was difficult. Everyone at the youth festival seemed to be so sad.
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Once Cameron began to nod off in the lounge it was time for the family to head back home.
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The next morning Sam woke up tense. He needed to use the restroom and he needed it now! He inched his way towards the toilet careful not to have an accident.
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Sam reached the toilet and sighed with relief as he turned to flush the toilet, just like he was taught by his mom.
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“Wha-?!” the toilet made a lurching noise and suddenly spit water right back at him. “Ewww gross!” he screamed.
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Sam ran downstairs to see his dad at the counter on his phone.
“Dad the toilet!” Sam screamed.
“Got ya!” Cameron chuckled.
Sam laughed too.
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After a moment of laughter Sam asked, “How are we going to fix the toilet before mommy wakes up?”
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Cameron paused to think for a second. “Go take a shower, Sam.” When he planned the prank he hadn't thought that far ahead.
Tiffani would kill him if she found out about the broken toilet. Cameron sighed heavily as he made his way up the stairs, wrench in hand.
"Jokes on me, I guess." He said begrudgingly as he cleaned up his own mess.
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